No forecasting of future events – Awesome photo
Date: Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 7:24 ~ 8:01 PM
Subject: No forecasting of future events – Awesome photo
To: Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey <>
Cc: rest; Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, charles ivie <>, Michelle Smith – South African journalist and rape victim in longstanding dispute with Mark Gevisser the hypocrite eldest son of David Gevisser, the “male heir” of racist, South African Invader German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] <>, Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company. <>, Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in management friendly; i.e. shareholder hostile takeovers – based in Austin, Texas. <>, Claudia Seibel <>, Alex Davis – female marketing friend of Michael The Thief Grant. <>, Michael Grant <>, shaun attwood <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Jean Figadère <>, Gisela Gala – Non Jewish German whose parents saved Jewish people during The Holocaust <>, Binyamin and Shifra Glickman <>, Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend. <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, Andrew Corser <>, Torah Gemach – Chabad member also having trouble with the 4th Commandment + Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book. <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, Tahri & Umar Nasser – Founders Rational Religion – interviewed David Berlinski in August 2019 <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <>, Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations <>, Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gevisser close cousin Gary Levinsohn co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan. <>, Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989. <>, Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions. <>, pascal nahon <>, tomer tene <>, <>, Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM <>, Elon Musk <>, MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy <>, Charlie Robinson – author of The Octopus of Global Control <>, Ernest Rady <>, Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation. <>, Barry Molk, MD. <>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, Tefo Mohapi <>, Marta Rubau <>
Great photos! South Africa has seen a lot of changes in that time!X is running for school board for … Here’s his website if you have an interest:XXXXYes we remember the Oppenheimer name from our time in SA–diamonds and gold–Anglo American. You could hardly get any bigger than that.Take care,
HI Gary,This is exactly the kind of philosophical question that X likes to dig into–lol, but I will say, I have noticed your observation about densely populated areas, especially now that people are generally stuck at home and the advantages of city living have disappeared.I will pass on your question to X.Are you from Durban? We lived in Johannesburg for a couple of years and our son was born there–a lifetime ago.(the candidate’s wife who must monitor the emails!)
Is progress being accurately gauged?To be perfectly clear, what if progress such as growth measured by the GDP index means the destruction of the natural habitat to make way for more construction to house an increasing human population and businesses?Have you noticed how when people make enough money in densely populated cities they seek escape as far away from the cities as possible?
There are however a couple of small inaccuracies, of which I am sure your father is not aware of.
Mad, fat cousin Mark Gevisser you were outmatched before you got started, at least in this go-around.
From: Mark Gevisser
To: Tefo Mohapi
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Gevisser’s
Thanks Tefo, no hard feelings.
Mark Gevisser
+27 (0)21 7861086 (tel/fax)
+27 (0) 83 2673748 (cell)
—– Original Message —–
From: Tefo Mohapi
To: Mark Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Gevisser’s
Was just asking ’cause I read in one of his e-mails.
Apologies, won’t interfere again.
All the best. Looking forward to the book.
—– Original Message —–
From: Mark Gevisser
To: Tefo Mohapi
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Gevisser’s
Hi Tefo
Not quite sure how to take your question, or why you are asking it. I doubt Mbeki knows –or should know– anything about Moshal Gevisser except that his mother bought her goods wholesale from them for her trading store. If you’re referring to the abusive nonsense my very tragically disturbed cousin spews out, I’m afraid I blocked his email so stopped reading it ages ago
Mark Gevisser
+27 (0)21 7861086 (tel/fax)
+27 (0) 83 2673748(cell)
—– Original Message —–
From: Tefo Mohapi
To: Mark Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:16 PM
Subject: Gevisser’s
Knowing very well that what I’m about to ask you is most probably none of my business, I was just curious as to how much Thabo Mbeki knows about your family and it’s history.
More especially The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies.
As I said, I’m just curious being a South African and knowing you to be quite articulate from reading what you have written.
Kgotso! (Peace)
Tefo Mohapi |
Executive Consultant |
Tel: |
Fax: |
Mobile: |
Email: |
Website: |
April 11th 2005, 9:30 AM
Thanks for your reply once again.
—– Original Message —–
From: Mark Gevisser
To: Tefo Mohapi
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Release Date for book
Yes that’s right
WIlliam Mervin Gumede. It’s more an analysis of Mbeki’s presidency than a full biography
Mark Gevisser
+27 (0)21 7861086(tel/fax)
+27 (0) 83 2673748(cell)
—– Original Message —–
From: Tefo Mohapi
To: Mark Gevisser
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Release Date for book
Thank you.
I was getting confused as I saw one in another bookshop written by someone with a gumede surname if I’m not wrong.
—– Original Message —–
From: Mark Gevisser
To: Tefo Mohapi
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Release Date for book
Hi Tefo.
It’ll only be available towards the end of the year. I’m revising it at present.
Mark Gevisser
+27 (0)21 7861086(tel/fax)
+27 (0) 83 2673748(cell)
—– Original Message —–
From: Tefo Mohapi
To: Mark Gevisser
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:40 PM
Subject: Release Date for book
Hi Mark,
I got your e-mail address from one of the e-mails that your cousin, Gary S. Gevisser, sent.
I have been checking out various bookstores after reading in the Financial Mail that your autobiography of Thabo Mbeki will be published this year. When is it available?
Tefo Mohapi |
Executive Consultant |
Let us now take a look at the SA Oppenheimers-Engelhard response to me 4 days before you and Tefo began your friendlies:
Bell Dewar & Hall Inc • Reg No 1995/004675/21 • SABS ISO 9001 registered
37 West Street Houghton, Johannesburg PO Box 1972 Houghton 2041 South Africa
Telephone + 27 (11) 710 6039 Facsimile + 27 (11) 710 6139 Docex 71 Johannesburg e-mail evb
By E-Mail | |
To: | Mr GS Gevisser |
E-Mail: | gsg |
From: | Eric Van Den Berg/139310 |
Pages: | 1 |
7 April 2005 | |
“Informers wanted” advertisement |
Dear Sir |
We act for Johnnic Media Investments Limited, the proprietors of the Sunday Times.
We have been handed the advertisement you wished to publish in the Sunday Times as well as a number of emails you have directed to employees of the Sunday Times.
We are instructed that our client is not obliged to accept your advertisement. Your advertisement is defamatory of both De Beers and Anglo American Corporation and as such exposes our client to the risk of action being instituted against it. Our client is unable to verify the truth or reasonableness of the material contained in the advertisement. Our client in the absence of a defence to a claim for defamation is not prepared to publish the advertisement.
Your email messages contain a number threats aimed at our client’s holding company and its Board of Directors. Their use is not acceptable to our client. We are instructed accordingly to advise you that our client will not publish your advertisement and by way of this correspondence terminates its correspondence with you. We require you to acknowledge receipt of this letter and to confirm that you will not issue any further threats against our client or any of its employees.
Yours faithfully
Could you ever see yourself ever being removed of the radar screen of the SA Oppenheimers?
When did you realize that Harry Oppenheimer ran the entire show following the death of his partner Engelhard Jr. on March 2, 1971.
Do you feel that sickness and sorrow only comes to those happily married?
Do you think there is any evidence that the bad get their justice in this life just as the good are rewarded?
In the end it is about the health of your body that is determined by how sharp is the mind.
Nothing you nor I can do changes the fact that there is no competition for the money at the very top and therefore all aspects of society that are governed by the money amount to a bunch of nonsense.
You used the word “nonsense” in your dialogue with Tefo Mohapi but of course you couldn’t back up anything.
You have been thinking all these years since knowing the truth about how your father made his money by selling out his brother and cousins and the rest of the South African Jewish community who hadn’t yet capitulated that the most important thing is to save your own skin.
While you are still here and your skin is being stretched to the limit until you get thin again which is when the cancer cells are just doing a mop operation and you have months if not weeks, very possibly days remaining, you must have noticed that as time marches on logic escapes you because you are going mad.
What other choice do you feel you have?
It is most important that it was only your grandmother Janie Moshal Gevisser who showed up for my immediate family’s Passover 1967,
which was quite the slap in the face for all her 4 children including your father as well as all the many grandchildren as well as great grandchildren such as our cousin Gary Lewinsohn who co-produced Saving Private Ryan (1998) with sellout Steven Spielberg.
In due course, but not here, most likely on ITT, I will delve more into what my father Bernie thought of Saving Private Ryan which won’t necessarily result in all those who have seen the movie on the silver screen or rented VHS or DVD or simply downloaded it on Netflix-Amazon-Blue Origin-Whole Foods-Bezo-Washington Post-Kaplan University-Purdue University demanding their money back, but you never know in this increasingly unpredictable world.
BTW have you started to gift people your inheritance monies via Paypal? Do they take any type of commission?
Notice that you see 4 of Jeff Bezos’ corporations interconnected; i.e. mutually owned with Netflix and Kaplan University the only advertiser on Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which fairly recently got folded into Purdue University with its owner Don Graham receiving $1; and Graham of course sold his inherited Washington Post to Bezos.
Notice also on the extreme ends of the media cash cow, Shaun Attwood and Charlie Robinson in the cc section.
You do know that it is the most important information that resides on the extreme ends of the distribution curve.
The level of thought which went into designing the mental and physical challenges of new recruit fighter pilots who again are the ones most closely watching over their brother Fighter Bomber Pilots from a dizzy distance above, as the fighter pilots weave back and forth to avoid being hit by flak which doesn’t come close to what awaits the Fighter Bomber Pilots as they descend at much more than breakneck speed towards the target area, takes a real thinker.
The best thinker at the time on the planet was not Einstein because it was General Smuts who for good reason gets Einstein’s greatest compliment, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually the Theory of Relativity”.
Nor was Smuts’ 1926 Holism & Evolution the least cerebral book ever written because that is the joint prize you share with my eldest brother Neil.
Both of you produced trash in 2014; his Tyranny of Trust where he picks up the SA Oppenheimers’ war propoganda, “Unproven assertion” in reference to chapter 9 of The D I book, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA; and then your, Lost & Found in Johannesburg where you make a point of calling yourself fat as well as an “intellectual”. Now you are fat like a pig and probably having trouble breathing just thinking about the next breath you have to take in order to stay alive. So that part is true.
It is not possible to call yourself or anyone else an “intellectual” if you or they lack common sense.
The moment you first found out that your father worked for racist, bigot, anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. did you cheer your father on?
How could you consider yourself not an informer of the SA Oppenheimers?
If they haven’t continued to compensate you, why havent you demanded equal pay for equal work?
Could it simply be that you are loaded and like Obama are telling the people piling on the cash to just stop?
Im assuming that because you profess to be so bright that this discussion with your father detailing what drove him to such madness would have occurred no later than when you had your barmitzvah?
These are just questions to prod your mind.
Remember you cannot be found guilty or accused of guilt for writing your father’s so incriminating The Unlikely Forester.
All you did was read it.
That certainly is not sin.
Do you feel though that you have moral grounds not to speak out against your father and yourself for so profiting from Engelhard’s generositiy that you would be incriminating yourself and that in accordance with the law you must plead the 5th?
Did you and your father never talk business or did he simply say, “If you want to receive any inheritance from me, you better do as I say?”
Of course that is the only logical explanation because both he and you are literate.
Your father is flying off all over the place, from one dinner with the Nazi royalty of Europe and the Americas, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor,

(FILES) Picture dated 23 October 1937 of the Duke of Windsor (C), the great great uncle of Prince Harry, and his wife Wallis Simpson meeting the German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Prince Harry has apologised after being pictured in a Nazi uniform at a fancy dress party. The Sun’s front page showed the Prince, with a cigarette and drink in hand, wearing a swastika armband. EPA/STR UK AND IRELAND OUT +++(c) dpa – Bildfunk+++
the most visible and frequent guests of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who did not object to the January 27, 1961 TIME MAGAZINE article, Corporations: South African Invader because he demanded it without having to ask very hard because TIME MAGAZINE like the heads of his Republican and Democratic Party reported to Engelhard, and you think Israel’s Mossad is not tracking closely because its head David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] whose most trusted person in the world before my mother Zena was my mother’s paternal grandmother Nechie Bardash-Ash [1874-1943] born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as was Ben Gurion, was only 4 feet 11 inches tall?
Do you think the person above kibbitzing with the Nazi Duke is Roy Cohn?
Have you ever written a single piece about the Nazis who escaped prosecution at Nuremberg?
Do you feel that IG Farben’s ceo Carl Wurster who was found not guilty didn’t escape prosecution because he was found not guilty?
Of course not. He did not escape prosecution for he was found not guilty because the deck was stacked.
How difficult is it for you with all your high level education not to have figured all this out on your own?
How do you make the decision when to leave one of my facebook group chats and when to ride it out?
I was not asking if your sex life has improved as your health has increasingly deteriorated.
I am only wanting answers to figure out what really is the difference between you and a psychopath?
Do you feel that you no longer can tell the difference between right and wrong?
What if it is getting increasingly more difficult, are you hoping it is only dementia rather than your bad conscience tripping you up?
Who would you expect to speak out against your father’s duplicity considering how very quiet is everybody and each person is just one podcast away from being the next Joe Rogan, Matt Drudge, and again lets not forget fixated on the British Royals-Maxwell-Epstein, Shaun Attwood and Charlie Robinson who despite their friendship on camera are of course competing for the grand lifestyle.
It is not how do hypocrites who are corrupt people sleep with themselves at night because quite obviously you all do very well given how you do all wake up the next morning and manage to get on your feet all on your own until the aches and pains have you seeking increasingly higher doses of pain killers which block out the needed sensitivity to alert you to your brain being one great fireworks display and which given your numbness is not as clear to you as an aware observer.
The secret never got out to what Mossad-Ben Gurion were up to because none of their emissaries ever spoke.
They knew the reaction of the common herd to finding out that competition means nothing to a monopolist who never tolerates any competition other than their own.
My mother would ever so often say to her 4 children, “I only debate people who agree with me!” and my 3 elder siblings would smile and the conversation would end right there.
So my mother knew right there that it would only result in further disappointment for her 3 eldest children were my mother to explain that with Engelhard Jr. finally out of the way, all his mineral wealth could only be handed over to Harry Oppenheimer otherwise it would be Harry Oppenheimer competing with another group of people and that would throw all his bought government officials and media into total disarray.
Even you should be able to follow this easily.
It just took ingenious precision timing for Engelhard Jr. before his death on March 2, 1971 having turned just 54 the month before to start having your father who was named the year before, 1970 ceo of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa the year after stooge Natie Kirsh began “asset stripping” Moshal Gevisser in 1969, and then with Oppenheimer singularly in control of the most important of Engelhard’s assets, control of the world supply of platinum to have President Nixon kick off the treason of treason with his August 15, 1971 15 minute speech, 49 years ago tomorrow which should have resulted immediately of Nixon being impeached and a trace placed on the authors of that piece of total nonsense.
Bear in mind that my father’s athleticism and intellect did not prevent him from coming top of his class in Fighter Bomber training, a course designed by General Smuts to first weed the weak headed, and why Hollywood doesn’t come close to portraying what mental as well as physical acumen, the two going hand in hand – Im not promoting only totally naked gay activism in the streets where a complete lockdown has been called for – were required to begin fighter pilot training before the extreme course, Fighter Bomber Pilot training.
Now you know because you cant deny reading your father’s The Unlikely Forester the only training he mentions for going to work for the enemies of us Jewish people was to steal his older brother Leslie Gevisser’s stamp collection. Your father only admits to stealing part of the collection.
In your opinion would that make him only a half a crook?
Yes most everyone, other than those choosing home economics at high school and to just keep feeding their fat talking cells from there on out, wanted to be a fighter pilot and to be admitted into Fighter Bomber training school only 1 out of 50 fighter pilots were chosen and not all of them made it out alive, and there were still those to lose their lives as they moved forward to the front line
Of course you are still not totally stupid so relax, you cannot be pyschopath unless that definition has changed with the arrival of Covid-19.
You knew that my father was so very politely calling you out.
There are however a couple of small inaccuracies, of which I am sure your father is not aware of.
My father did not ask if your father was constantly holding on to your jockstrap just in case you felt you needed to knit yourself a straightjacket but wanted to save time knitting.
Obviously it was your father who fed you the bullshit unless you just made it up?
This has been a very long day and the heat while strong throughout most of the day is just doing its thing no different to the rest of the animal and insect species who respond to direct commands, operating exclusively on instinct and no forecasting of future events.
When they are hungry they have to get out and risk being eaten or staying put and starving to death.
All unless they are too sick choose to live, and they have no sense of the timing of their death because death means nothing to them.
They are all wonderful. They live in the moment. So should we all.
PS – BTW don’t you think that entire photo, the ancient columns, the two lorries, you can smell even now what it was like to sleep in the back of the lorry. Awesome photo.
Let’s talk on Sunday more on group chat IIT.
Sent from my iPhone