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“I’ll be honest I didn’t do college”.

Subtitles: No sense to build a bridge ~ Musk fits into all this ~ Better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female ~ God looking over my shoulder
Screenshot 11:37 AM Calif. time, September 25, 2019
Trudeau dressed up as a black Alladin in a Halloween party back in 2001, so he is racist. Does that mean that if I dress up as Super Mario I’m racist? I really don’t get the logic behind the idea that dressing up as someone from a race other than yours is sufficient to qualify you as “racist”. If someone discriminates against someone else because of their race, that’s racist, because it hurts the person of the other race. How is dressing up as someone of another race “racist”? This all seem like a big distraction to me, more than anything else. There are plenty of serious reasons to dislike Trudeau. Like, hell, who is talking about his infrastructure bank? Anyone? There is no discussion at all about his bank. The whole freaking planet is burning down, and we get this shit instead. It seems to me like we are just allowing our emotions to control our beliefs and our actions. I fail to see how we can have any reasonable ethics when it is purely based on emotions.
Jim Van Allen You don’t realize how blackface is racist?


Nelson Guedes Jim Van Allen I would like to hear the logic behind it, do you know?


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes are you serious right now


Andy Wang “As a result, the genre played an important role in shaping perceptions of and prejudices about black people generally and African Americans in particular. Some social commentators have stated that blackface provided an outlet for white peoples’ fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar, and a socially acceptable way of expressing their feelings and fears about race and control. Writes Eric Lott in Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class, “The black mask offered a way to play with the collective fears of a degraded and threatening – and male – Other while at the same time maintaining some symbolic control over them.”

From a Wikipedia article paragraph


Nelson Guedes Andy Wang is that what he intended to do?


Andy Wang I get that Trudeau apologizes immediate after the blackface/brown face fiasco came out, but I still think he should not have done that (he was fucking 29 when that happened) and it further shows that he is either not necessarily what he preach, or his early years are so protected and shielded that he get away with this mostly because of his name and the lineage behind it.

That’s just my two cents.

Nelson Guedes Andy Wang he certainly gets away with a lot because of his name and lineage…


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes if you do not see something wrong, that makes you a racist sympathizer
Nelson Guedes Jim Van Allen it’s not that I don’t see something wrong, it’s that I question whether just dressing up as someone from another race is sufficient to qualify someone as racist.
Andy Wang I understand that context is important, as Nelson said, however given the history it is generally considered that the act of blackface itself has historically racial undertones (and not a good one). I don’t mind people dressing up as other culture if the context is about learning and respect and compassion.
Adam Brennan Was the blackface required for the costume?


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes anyone can change, but this was racist full stop, he is an educated person who made the choice. I assume as he matured he changed his thought process. So to say he is racist now, I’d say no, but when this happened he was


Nelson Guedes So it is the history, not the costume, that is that which qualifies it as racist.
Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes both, read a book man lol, you should know this


Adam Brennan Well it’s insensitive at the least


Nelson Guedes Jim Van Allen I’ve read plenty of them, I’m just questioning the narrative.


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes the fact you are questioning what is and what isn’t racist says you should keep reading, I can’t believe you even had to ask for clarification on this one given the group’s you associate with


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes black face is racist, it has always been, and is very well documented.


Nelson Guedes Jim Van Allen you should always question the narrative and look at the reasons behind everything. The worst that can happen is you get a good discussion going. Or you can reveal there is something flawed with the way we currently understand things.
Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes no, you should not question is something really racist? When it obviously is, and is extensively documented as so. The world knows it’s racist, and if you say you don’t you are either truly ignorant or a sympathizer


Nelson Guedes Jim Van Allen or a philosopher 😏


Jim Van Allen Nelson Guedes I can’t believe we are even having this conversation, see ya later


Stefan Sargent Like, I actually agree that it’s racist, but also, this is why people can get away with painting leftists as using outrage as a substitute for an argument.

Also, I think it’s possible, even likely, that people will act out of prejudice if not racism in their ignorance, at which point there’s really nothing for it other than to apologize and, if need be, make amends somehow.

Legit, if you’re just going to freak out at everyone who wants to better understand why what they’re doing has a problem and scoff at them and tell them to read a book, you’re gunna have a hard time holding on to any claim to be trying to build a working class movement. People are ignorant, and sometimes they want to be sure about their convictions. Deal with it, and try not to get even more offended on behalf of minorities, marginalized groups, or POC than they themselves even are…

Peter Morgan Perhaps you should refresh your understanding of how blacks were treated by whites for hundreds of years, still ongoing, in Canada and the US.


Nelson Guedes Peter Morgan I get that and I acknowledged in the post. But what is the connection between the costume and the actual racist actions in the past, other than our awareness of the racist actions in the past?


Nelson Guedes Let me put it this way… does him or anyone else dressing up as someone black when they are not imply that they agree with the racist actions of others in the past or in the present?



Peter Morgan My understanding is that after centuries of dehumanizing treatment based solely on race, for whites then to present caricatures of black people or other POC, for humorous purposes, is to once again present black people as less than fully human, based again solely on race.


Jaeme Lee Grosvenor If by chance this blackface nonsense wins the day and the fascists return to power they will be handing out life sentences for land defenders and using live rounds please try to see the big picture



Mandy Michelle Just how black face is racist, speaking like Mario is a derogatory action twords Italians. His character only gets away with it because he IS Italian, but even then it’s still kinda iffy in that it represents gross over simplifications of the Italian persona. A lot of people use it in a make fun sort of way, and often don’t realize that’s how they’re saying it, but their lack of knowledge doesn’t make it less racist. Just like how people bastardize native American accents, or African accents, or Asian accents, or any number of accents, for the sake of humor, humor that more often than not belittles and marginalizes them and their struggles. You can dress up as Mario and not be racist, yes, but few do 🤷 you can 100% dress up as certain things from other cultures, but you have to understand their culture, and not use some sacred or meaningful dress in a crass fashion, never fucking black/red/yellow face, and above all don’t do some dumb accent you don’t understand.


Leon Santo Mama Mia Italians are not an oppressed group and literally zero harm is done by making fun of Italian caricatures, especially those in popular culture.


Andy Wang Man this comment section is fun in an educational way.

There’s a YouTube video called racist Mario it’s pretty funny imo


Nelson Guedes Leon Santo but that’s the thing, does dressing up as someone from another race necessarily implies that they are making fun of them?


Leon Santo Italians aren’t a race and haven’t been the victims of race science for a very, very long time. They have been absorbed into the white identity and are not free from caricature because of such. The only way to be truly “racist” towards Italians is to categorize them as Black as was done in the 1800’s and say that they’re genetically inferior, inherently lazy, etc. But nobody has done this since the Nazis. Making jokes about the accent or popular culture is not racist in the slightest.


Adam Brennan Reminding me of a great scene

True Romance - The Sicilian Scene in HD
True Romance – The Sicilian Scene in HD


Dan Leahy Leon Santo I grew up Irish in an Italian Irish neighbourhood. Have you ever heard the term “Mick” or “Wop” ?? While racism towards black and native people has been much worse it still exists for other “nationalities” and can be very harmful.


Adam Brennan The historical opposition of nativism with “blackness” in the USA is very interesting


Mandy Michelle Nelson Guedes dressing up as a race or group doesn’t inherently imply racism, however it’s the context of the specific person’s usage of that costume that DOES make it racist. But unfortunately it’s a fine, and variable line, one sometimes people don’tSee More


Leon Santo Yes, those terms are remnants of 19th century race science that were embraced by nativist movements, and they are not used in modern Italian caricatures because of such.


Steven Morello You should check out my friend’s book. I hope it might help bring some awareness of how such ideas from our colonialist past continues to hurt oppressed minorities – even if we don’t have slaves anymore. Representation matters, and we shouldn’t use different races as one dimensional characters. They are as individual as people from the West are, and they should be able to represent themselves. We in the West are so used to telling other people’s stories and reflecting how we see them – usually in very limited ways. If we want to change this dynamic, we must begin to examine where we are talking over others with more experience – for example those with more experience of racism, sexism, homophobia and so on.…/book-review-white…
BOOK REVIEW: White Tears Brown Scars
BOOK REVIEW: White Tears Brown Scars

BOOK REVIEW: White Tears Brown Scars


Leon Santo Blackface is incredibly racist, both historically and in a modern context. It is used to degrade, caricature, and stereotype an oppressed group. There have been zero positive connotations with blackface and we should move past such entirely. I mean, it’s really easy, all you have to do is anything else besides painting your face to look like you’re black


Nelson Guedes Leon Santo it sounds more like it is the history behind people dressing up with a blackface then just dressing up with a blackface itself.


Leon Santo But you literally cannot ignore the historical connotations. The Nazi flag is just a flag but we don’t use it for historical reasons.


Nelson Guedes Leon Santo yeah, but the swastika used to have a good connotation before the Nazis co-opted it. So there is more to it than just the symbols.

Swastika - Wikipedia
Swastika – Wikipedia

Swastika – Wikipedia


Leon Santo Go ahead and get a swastika tattoo and see what happens, lol, then tell me about the history of such prior to the Nazis who have definitively tarnished the symbol outside of Central Asian religious institutions


Chris Paul Leon Santo it’s not so easy because people will get offended by a bazillion other things

How about, people quit being offended by every little thing 😳
See More



Chris Paul Distractions .. they get you focused on these words they made up and silly photos so you don’t focus on the fact they are covering for a lot of big stuff
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and shoes


Nelson Guedes Leon Santo yeah but it points to the fact that the meaning of symbols can change, and that we could somehow change their meaning.


Leon Santo Nelson Guedes That’s a conversation for another century, the impacts of the racism associated with the swastika and blackface are still very present.


Leon Santo Chris Paul “UwU we humans are incapable of focusing on two things at once and should just sweep bigotry under the rug because we need to focus on other issues.”

We CAN fight for social justice, economic justice, and geopolitical justice simultaneously, these are not monolithic concepts. They have much overlap.


Chris Paul I just think political correctness and social justice are to the point of beating several dead horses and meanwhile the world is a pile o’ shit with a bunch of screaming and hollering and non stop bitchin’ egged on by media and added fuel to the fire by social justice warriors and to talk to most of em they are hateful and ready to be offended by something

It makes for not wanting to be around people because cant even have a conversation without the buzzwords the tv created coming up

‘hate speech’


Sheesh what’s the point in tryin

I just talk to myself

The cat doesn’t care nor does the dog

They banned more than half of YouTube because the world is offended

Meanwhile people are still mean as hell , hateful , flip one another off but at least we don’t appropriate, use the N word or say derogatories to the gays

People are still people and still terrible

PC culture is hateful

The irony of ‘hate speech’ finger waggin’ from some of the most hateful of people

They are as bad as a bunch of Baptists

Political Correctness is a religion

A religion

That has gotten a little too self righteous


Dyllon Brand It was the blackface. Not the aladdin costume.


Why wearing blackface or brownface is considered 'reprehensible' | CBC News
Why wearing blackface or brownface is considered ‘reprehensible’ | CBC News

Why wearing blackface or brownface is considered ‘reprehensible’ | CBC News


Adam Brennan Lots and lots of racism in France…


Nelson Guedes This discussion now reminds me of some old Disney cartoons…



Scarlit Rose AshcraftScarlit Rose Ashcraft replied
Andrew Roderick Also, I try to return to this image at times – to remind myself that racist behaviours exist on a spectrum, and that every racist act is building off something that came before it (which public discourse may not consider to be racist). Stuff like this needs to be called out early and often.
No photo description available.


Art Lowe nelson said, Does that mean that if I dress up as Super Mario I’m racist? well yes Nelson Guedes cause the leftist, commies, will say you are, and they need no other reason or explanation, other then they say you are… funny how that works..




Art LoweArt Lowe replied
Ann Diamond It’s so much easier to pronounce “cultural appropriation” than to analyze what is wrong with this Liberal government and come up with solutions–


Andy Wang If these racial face painting incidents proved the downfall of Trudeau government instead of the failure to deliver true electoral reform (hell, even providing a framework and work towards it so successive governments can hopefully follow) and the SNC-Lavalin scandal, then it truly shows the state of Canadian politics.


Ann Diamond Andy Wang it also shows the decline of public education–


Nelson Guedes Ann Diamond yeah, it’s part of the philosophy of treating society as a machine.


Nelson Guedes Ann Diamond damn that link is great!


Ann Diamond Nelson Guedes sad to say. And there’s the naive inflation of believing that calling out racism and outlawing bits of behavior eliminates it from the world. What it does is drive it deeper undercover while empowering a gang of self-righteous censors –



Gary Gevisser Nelson Guedes that was good.

There is more we can do to stop with the distraction while recognizing that Trudeau is a bully and what he did with his attorney general should have had him long thrown out office.

In due course, I will share what I sent earlier before reading your post to the 2 TIME MAGAZINE reporters who wrote the one article.


Gary Gevisser Title: No sense to build a bridge [Word count 1910]

Nelson Guedes, I last communicated with you earlier today over on my facebook group chat, “Wow, very powerful!” which originated from the reaction of my relatively new facebook friend, Mark Kromer writing those words in reaction to the following:

Does it really make you feel good when you see other idiots talking shit?

Can you really laugh off knowing that those you have liked as well as criticized for their political-economic point of view are as ignorant as you were before running into me?

How long do you plan to continue playing stupid?

Those 55 odd words didn’t draw the same reaction from all the others who I sent the same message, for these voyeurs spoke the most volume with their deafening silences.

It is worth repeating that when you hear the important truths about the money which you think you know already everything there is to know about the money because that is what you have been mostly thinking about your whole life ever since your parents-grandparents rebuked you, “Money doesn’t grow and trees… we work hard for our money to afford you a this food and a roof over your heard, you ungrateful retard…” and the more upper class the less there is the vulgar talk but its subtleties are that much better understood by the future inheritor who knows not only will there be better mosquito nets but to support their cluster of castles slaves such as butlers, chefs, gardeners, craftsmen, housemaids, closet maintainers who depending upon the size of the clothes closets might involve more than one washing and ironing person who is better trained than anything you will find at the very best dry-cleaner in places like the upper east end of Manhattan etc etc, and this knowledge is coming from someone you have never heard spoken about, it is that much more troubling.

The reason for that is multi-faceted.

First, if say you are over 30 there is a great chance that one or more of your grandparents are dead and therefore you cant have a conversation about what they knew, what they suspected and what they absolutely did not know.

In other words you know that no matter what you felt about your grandparents because you can’t speak to each of them so their meaningfulness to you is greatly diluted, very likely to the point that you don’t even want to think about them being so stupid, and therefore you may have inherited the stupid gene.

Second, if any of them are still alive the same with your parents, siblings, cousins and friends, the less you want to have to do with them, fearful that they like you will go into denial.

Third, you have to deal with the fact that what I present about the money is 100% irrefutable.

Remember you started out here talking about the common used word “bank”.

Not just any bank.

You first asked, “who is talking about his infrastructure bank?”

And to show its importance as well as how important you are with your much more knowledge than most everyone, if not everyone, you followed up with, “Anyone?”

Nor did you stop there.

You went on.

“There is no discussion at all about his bank.”

So you were leading everyone to believe that not only were you so knowledgeable but your knowledge had you sharing with the world that Mr. Trudeau Junior owned not only “a bank” but he was what “conspiracy theorists” would agree with you that Trudeau is “The Bank”.

Now maybe you weren’t going so far as to say that Prime Minister Trudeau was above the top ranking mining-banking cartel De Beers-Oppenheimer-Barclays.

So my question to you is very simple. Where did you get your information about Trudeau being the owner of his bank?

Would you think that by now Mr. Trudeau would have been told about Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention?

As far as I know we have only been communicating since last Thursday, and perhaps you have come across other writings of mine, such as my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which did not win me friends with all the rich Israelis who for the most part are only interested in peace in the Middle East or elsewhere as long as they don’t have to give up their ill-gotten gains.

I also understand the power of these warmonger beasts given what they have allowed to be done to my British citizen mother Zena over in Israel and of course the British authorities consider themselves all in the same boat.

Peace brings to an end all the bullshit of the diplomatic community which is bullshit from start to finish.

Therefore, all these great many people have to feel financially secure that the rug will not be pulled from underneath them.

Hence for Elon Musk to lead the charge and once everyone understands his extraordinary accomplishments, the destruction of the planet ends.




Page 2 No sense to build a bridge

The only reason we don’t currently have communal living is because the banks have everyone believing that there is competition between the banks when nothing can be further from the truth.

In the next instant, the main collateral for banks’ loans can evaporate, become totally worthless and besides for the hyped, inflated value of public corporations whose share price is dependent upon an ever expanding consumer base; i.e. exploding human population which remains ignorant of the rigged pricing of the money which again is not covered in the study of economics-finance at the best universities in the world, is real estate and unlimited amounts of untraceable diamond currency that has never been regulated.

This is why the main beneficiaries of the Diamond Invention Game [DIG], the South African Oppenheimer family have been doing everything within their power to distance themselves from the diamond trade business but they have to be very careful not to trash it because again of how they implicated not only all the world’s banks but all the world’s top politicians and the rest know better than to question.

Wars should have long ended when the western officials decided to hand over their atoms bomb secrets to the Soviet Union while the nutcase, mass murderer Stalin was still very much in power.

These were very wise men who were also very military savvy and nor did they attempt to keep it a secret of their thoughts to share the atomic bomb secrets with the future enemy in the upcoming “Cold War” but knowing it was better to nip the problem in the bud and end all future wars.

But that was not meant to be in part because there were simply too many filthy rich people all over the world who perfectly understood that in a peaceful world and the common man being educated about the truth without fear of being killed in the next instant, they would question how we even got into World War I and WW2 which was simply a continuation of WW1.

The other aspect which I have less knowledge of is the forces of nature which despite the human getting far more rotten as the years have progressed, the world has not blown up.

You know from Wow, very powerful! that I have mentioned quite a bit already about very smart Richard Feynman who greatly underplays his pivotal role in the success of the Manhattan Project which he joined even before he received his Phd degree, he was that bright and everyone knew it.

Despite his great command of quantum mechanics which is all about probabilities and that entails figuring out risks such as a nuclear war which is likely to end this most uncivil civilization, perhaps the most uncivilized in the history of our species, and it is probably fair to say that no one alive at the time or since or for that matter at any time in the future will have a better understanding of quantum mechanics which ingeniously explains the workings of the quantum world, Feynman immediately concluded after the dropping of the two bombs on Japan that it made no sense to build anything, not a road, not a building and not a single bridge.

In 1975, just before the 30th anniversary of the nuking of slave nation Japan who dared to rise up because we allowed Japan to arm, the same with Nazi Germany, Feynman in a filmed interview made the point that so far in the nearly 30 years since making his prediction that the world was going to come to an immediate end, it hadn’t happened.

I have also gone on to share with you that I too know something about “risk assessment” in figuring out whether something is a random event, like most of the time you would expect the cash register at a hole in the wall nickel and dime store to be exact on average; maybe one day, it is a nickel or a dime over and on another day a nickel and dime short.

If the person on the register is simply careless and this problem is a recurrent one then you can safely assume there is shrinkage in other areas without the employee slimming down.

That is not to suggest that skinny people don’t lie, steal or cheat.

I am simply making the point that the other side of the coin is a crook always being say 5 cents short when cashing out; and rarely if ever over.

Now that was my assessment when producing a quantitative algorithm model to figure out if the person responsible for producing the financial statements of a nothing to speak out division of Revlon, known as the Cosmetic Center which was so tiny the question is why even bother looking at it because even if you found something that looked a little fishy it was so minuscule that it would never come close to achieving the threshold of “materiality” resulting in anyone who even bothered to pay attention to this nothing to speak of Revlon Cosmetic Center to the point that they would make their shareholder class action lawsuit complaint center around this nothing to speak of Revlon Cosmetic Center, the laughing stock of Wall Street.

Nor did I tell Mr. Krinsk Esq. or his New York partner Robert Kaplan Esq. to make my “Revlon Findings”


No photo description available.

Page 3, the final page of, “No sense to build a bridge” has “run afoul” of facebook’s “community standards”.

It is all of 261 words.

I am now going to try and find out what has them so disturbed about these words.

It would be nice if they would explain exactly their concern; and perhaps you can all write to facebook and ask them.


Gary Gevisser Page 3 No sense to build a bridge

the “centerpiece” of their complaint because that was not my intention.

My goal was to first of all satisfy myself and then these two gentlemen that I was convinced Revlon was a financial scam from start to finish.

What one simply needs is to always pay attention to the extreme ends of the distribution curve where the most important information resides.

Materiality means nothing when you have the most average rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve because our educational system breeds mediocrity.

It is not genius minds which has us humans singularly focused on making as much money as possible without looking at who sets the value of the money and such crooks guaranteed to reward the most average performer who will always be looking to cut corners.



Gary Gevisser Page 4 No sense to build a bridge

That is where someone like Feynman and Elon Musk differ to the rest of the Wall Street crowd.

Could you see Musk hiring an incompetent as the head of engineering for either TESLA or Space X?

Could you see those who profit from war hiring incompetent engineers and rocket scientists?

If I put you to sleep because I too am a little weary as I did a fair amount of wood sanding after lunch, please return to Wow, very powerful! and share your thoughts.

Also remember to write and include me in the carbon copy section to these two TIME Magazine reporters.

[Go to blog of 2facetruth dot com – A Lot About Nothing]

BTW, how old are you? Have you finished your philosophy degree; and what do you plan to do with it?


Gary Gevisser It appears that the link I first provided to my BLOG is what has caused facebook to become unglued.


Nelson Guedes Gary Gevisser to your first reply, I never said Trudeau was the owner of the infrastructure bank, he is merely a puppet. The whole purpose of his bank is to transfer assets from the public to a small group of corporate oligarchs. As for Musk, I don’t see where he fits into this picture.


Nelson Guedes To your second comment, I doubt the rich would allow the world to come to an ending since they benefit greatly from its continuation. Also, did WW2 really ever end?


Nelson Guedes I’m 35 years old, I’m getting close to finishing my degree but not there yet, I haven’t met the residency requirement. I’m working on building a cooperative based on my research, and I will also be writing a lot about philosophy and how I apply it to the systems I’m going to build.



Gary Gevisser Title: Musk fits into all this [Word count 501]

Nelson, did you read my communication to the 2 TIME MAGAZINE reporters before responding?

Please note that I have now edited page 2 of NO NEED TO BUILD A BRIDGE as in using Siri on a small handheld I left out the important point of the banks’ collateral evaporating in an instant with only one right, honest voice taking to the airwaves.

You can also see that I have tagged my long time economist friend Dr Rodney Smith Phd who clearly has more academic credentials than most including you, and not will you find Rod or for that matter any economist in the world able to make a counter argument to what I have to say on this subject other than good luck in overcoming the ignorance of the masses because once they get the information, their oversized egos will kick in and they will pull out all stops to distract.

Nor does it help build confidence when you are taking so long to get your degree.

A smart person should get their undergraduate degree in the shortest time possible, demonstrate throughout that they could easily obtain without cheating post graduate degrees up the kazoo and then immediately apply for a top position with the world’s most powerful banking-mining consortium where in the first few minutes of orientation you will learn how stupid or corrupt are the world’s top philosophers unless they assumed that the others who chose to study economics had fully investigated the possibility of the price mechanism being interferes with and concluded that was not possible with so many money mad and greedy.

But of course that is the only excuse a philosopher could use for their Poverty of Thought as philosophers are counted on to know the history of humankind’s thinking and that would immediately have them delving deeply into the history of the South African mining houses.

So it was a very stupid decision on the part of modern day philosophers to assume the huge number of economists, MBAs, and political science majors are bright.

Can you name these mysterious oligarchs?

Can you explain who exactly, and how exactly the money is priced?

Where did you learn that the money is price fixed assuming you think it is rigged?

Do you have an undergraduate degree and where is it from?

Is there any leader of a nation or a group like Green Peace or Doctors Without Borders or Amnesty International or Sea Shepherd or the ACLU or the Apartheid Regime of South Africa or their replacement the ANC or those groups opposing nuclear weapons development who you think is not corrupt?

Why do you have difficulty seeing how very accomplished Elon Musk fits into all this?

Do you think you are competent enough and have the experience to lead?

You seem to also miss the point of how Germany was able to rearm after WW1 and since that was never addressed by the incredibly weak philosophers and students of history who followed WW2, it is a distraction at best, to ask if WW2 ended.

Screenshot at 15:19, Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nelson Guedes Gary Gevisser You don’t seem to realize that different people have different circumstances that they must work around in. Life is generally easy and straightforward when you have money and connections, but it is nothing like that when you don’t. I, for one, have far more challenges than the average person. I’m a single dad with a very sick wife and two kids, one of whom is significantly autistic. Most people in my place would have broken down a long time ago and, in fact, I have numerous people who warned me that I would never be able to go to university in m situation, let alone excel in it and complete it within the same amount of time that everyone else does. The only reason why I will not complete it within the same amount of time is due to an arbitrary requirement imposed by the university. That’s it. So you might reconsider judging me on that.

“immediately apply for a top position with the world’s most powerful banking-mining consortium where in the first few minutes of orientation you will learn how stupid or corrupt are the world’s top philosophers”

First of all, I would never do that because I had already figured out the corruption of the systems when I was 11 years old. Second, which “world’s top philosophers”? Who do you have in mind? I’m very curious because we currently have no top philosophers in the world. Philosophers have been largely relegated to obscurity.

“So it was a very stupid decision on the part of modern day philosophers to assume the huge number of economists, MBAs, and political science majors are bright.”

Can you name one of such philosophers? I have never met one who has made that assumption.

“Can you name these mysterious oligarchs?”

Charles Koch.


“Can you explain who exactly, and how exactly the money is priced?”

That’s a complex topic. The price of different currencies is generally relative to one another but, more importantly, to the petrodollar. Money is issued as a loan by private banks, to private banks.

“Where did you learn that the money is price fixed assuming you think it is rigged?”

I’ve read a lot about the subject, followed the news (eg the LIBOR scandal), followed the COMER case, etc. This is not exactly special knowledge, it’s fairly well known by anyone who is paying attention.

“Do you have an undergraduate degree and where is it from?”

No, I have mostly taken a lot of courses in a lot of disciplines. One of my main goals is to unify all the disciplines, so that requires a very wide range of knowledge. Learning them is more important than the piece of paper that supposedly proves I have learnt any of them.

“Why do you have difficulty seeing how very accomplished Elon Musk fits into all this?”

Elon has a lot going for him and a lot of good ideas, and he seems to be more driven by purpose than profit, which has grabbed my attention. I know where he fits in my big picture, but I don’t see how you fit him in your big picture. Why are you interested in meeting him? What is your goal? And where do I fit in your big picture?

“Do you think you are competent enough and have the experience to lead?”


“You seem to also miss the point of how Germany was able to rearm after WW1 and since that was never addressed by the incredibly weak philosophers and students of history who followed WW2, it is a distraction at best, to ask if WW2 ended.”

It’s very relevant, actually. People are still thinking in terms of nations, forgetting that nations are merely abstractions and that it is groups of people that really matter. If you really look into history you will realize that certain Americans were behind German fascism and that many of the German fascists moved to America after the war and continued their work in secrecy. The war never really ended.

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019; 11:52 AM Calif. time


Nelson Guedes As a side note, my business mentor, who helps many startups in our multibillion dollar local tech industry, said that my startup is brilliant and would solve many of the world’s problems, but my system would require a lot of money to build. He suggested approaching Musk because the system I have in mind is the sort of multibillion dollar project that captivates Musk. Unfortunately, neither he nor I have a connection with Musk.

12:19 PM · Edited



Nelson Guedes He’s another form of price rigging which I didn’t mention but it’s important. As I said, it’s a very complex topic.…/the-real-hunger-games…



The real hunger games: How banks gamble on food prices –…
The real hunger games: How banks gamble on food prices – and the

September 25, 2019; 1:05 PM


Gary Gevisser Title: Better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female [Word count 1940]

Nelson Guedes, you are wrong about how the money is priced.

That means what you say you figured out at 11 is no less patently wrong.

Also, I don’t think, but I could be wrong, you didn’t seem to answer my question “Is there any leader of a nation or a group like Green Peace or Doctors Without Borders or Amnesty International or Sea Shepherd or the ACLU or the Apartheid Regime of South Africa or their replacement the ANC or those groups opposing nuclear weapons development who you think is not corrupt?”

The reason I could have missed it is because I had trouble staying focused on what you had to say once you wrote that you figured it all out at 11 and you didn’t think it was a smart move to join as I did, in early spring 1979 after a year long orientation, the single, wildly successful drilling monopolist De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC].

That year long critical thinking examination began soon after I immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st birthday, and by which time I had completed my university studies.

Nor could one simply pick up the phone to Harry Oppenheimer.

If you weren’t born into the right family, then the only way to learn about the DAAC who have also owned the banking and weapons development sector of the global economy, essentially from the end of the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902], although absolutely firmly entrenched when Harry’s father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer became chief executive officer of both entities in 1927, is to study at university the anti-Monopolies/anti-Trust laws which is not the first thing you study in the study of economics.

BTW, Charles Koch and I believe there is another brother, are not the right family albeit Charles Koch is not a significant player in the DIG, again the acronym for Diamond Invention, because he is not a decision maker, and knows better, the same with the likes of Warren Buffett than to ever make waves.

When however, it becomes necessary to actively clip someone’s wings then the DAAC don’t think twice. Hence Warren Buffett got fully looped into the DIG back in May 2001 just a few months before Harry Oppenheimer passed away, when Buffett acquired Ben Ridge Jewelers.

You should be able to figure out on your own once you read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention – scroll down – what section of The D I, the DAAC-Barclays would have pointed Buffett to had he balked or attempted to negotiate better terms and conditions.

Universities wait for the student to get too big for their boots, thinking they know everything once learning about the theory of supply and demand which is total bullshit once the price mechanism has been interfered with and that they don’t tell you either in lectures or in the expensive economic brick textbooks, before introducing the Anti-Trust/Anti-Monopolies laws.

This follows common sense.

Too big for their boots economics students have long stopped questioning, and this is again transparent when they nor the text books nor the economics lecturers question the price mechanism which is totally defunct once you have existing for a single day, untraceable, and never inventoried diamond currency which the DAAC-Barclays use in 90% of their transactions and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by those 90%.



Gary Gevisser Page 2 Better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female

BTW, age 11 for boys is about the time we enter abstract age; and then it takes another handful of years, assuming you are bright, to figure out the right questions to ask, such as “Who prices the money?”.

The next big hurdle is to be fortunate to know the right people to ask, such as Mossad head, David Ben Gurion which I did when I was 15 years of age and on a 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at his Kibbutz-Midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert, Israel.

Another item of importance is that it is best to be a “late talker” which I was; and so were other people who were not totally stupid, such as Einstein and Richard Feynman.

BTW, you mentioned something about there not being any philosophers today worth talking about, but there again you are dead wrong.

David Berlinski, the mathematician-philosopher is someone you should have long by now been more than a little familiar with what he has to say; and so wonderfully poised.

Another “top of her class” bright and very quiet person is my exotic, mindful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion who in addition to jumping two classes at high school because of her most excellent command of mathematics-logic, explains rather well the emotional cripple human suffering from Poverty of Thought, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”

My great F-C wife also says, “Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth”.

Another of her observations which Im sure David Berlinski, Elon Musk, Jan Christiaan Smuts, Einstein, Neils Bohr, Richard Feynman, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Cato, and Pythagorus would agree with and wished they too had thought of: “Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient does not make you a good parent”.

Now given how you say that you had all the corruption figured out at 11, why without having nailed exactly who “runs the show” would you be so selfish to bring a defenseless child into this world?

I am also not really giving you a hard time because quite frankly I think it is just your ego coming through that you had it all figured out at 11, wouldn’t you agree?

It is also worth noting, at least I believe, that men are much better listeners than women give us credit for, but even the better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female.

Moreover, as was proven in the death-torture factories of World War II, when the women lose their femininity they are most often more cruel than the men. This of course is not totally scientific but a very important observation by Mossad operatives both during The Jewish Holocaust as well as when debriefing female Jewish survivors.

My own personal experience with my elder sister Kathy and the people she associates with confirm this in my book.

It is also important to know that even if you knew the obvious; namely that one German-South African family controlled the mineral resources of the world, beginning immediately following the death on March 2, 1971 of their “protector” German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. having turned just 54 the month before, one first needed the necessary formal introduction to Harry Oppenheimer from Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir”.

Maybe you are smarter than me and had Engelhard’s “male heir” who was my mother Zena’s closest friend as well as my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser’s first cousin, provided you the “letter of introduction” then no doubt you could have completed what took me a full year of extensive critical thinking from the very start, in a much shorter time period.

When you get around to reading my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER


Gary Gevisser You can find THE UNLIKELY FORESTER in the BIO of David Gevisser on my website 2facetruth dot com.


Gary Gevisser Page 3 Better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female

and remember to scroll down towards the bottom of his BIO on my 2facetruth dot com website, jump if you can to chapter X, THE ENGELHARD EXPERIENCE.

Go to BIO of David Gevisser on 2facetruth dot com and scroll down to Chapter X of THE UNLIKELY FORESTER]

So I suggest that you start, if you haven’t already, reading Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which is available free on The Internet.

I figure that 99.99% of my 10K plus email list have read this page-turner book which was first published by future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster back in 1982.

That rather large number that more importantly is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population includes huge groups running into the hundreds of thousands.

They do not however include the board of directors of DAAC affiliates such as Barclays Bank who helped the DAAC wipe out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 1970s.

[Type in g o o g l e THE DIAMOND INVENTION by Epstein and go to chapter 16 WARRING WITH ISRAEL]

You picked up correctly that I would like to meet with Elon Musk because I included you in the blind copy section of an email I sent earlier to my relatively new facebook friend, David Donde, principal of great name Truth Coffee.


Gary Gevisser That email to David Donde will shortly appear on the 2facetruth dot com BLOG.

Gary Gevisser Page 4 Average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female

As I noted in that rather brief communique, Monde’s ex-wife Jessica Gamsu is related to my Moshal Gevisser family whose Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] was quite formidable given how Engelhard Jr. was our strategic partner and nor did we have a choice if we wanted to survive.

Not to mention, Moshal Gevisser, the largest and most profitable South Africa based multinational trading conglomerate which through our ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES



Gary Gevisser Page 5 Better than average male listeners don’t listen half as well as a healthy female

directly controlled the South African construction and furniture industries, was “asset stripped” by DAAC-Barclays puppet Natie Kirsh now currently number 365 on the Forbes List of billionaires, and that tells you that only fools pay attention to clowns listed on the Forbes list and/or who are spoken about repeatedly in “The News”.

The DAAC tolerate no competition either in the mining sector or the rest of the world economy including weapons development where they back all sides to war and therefore cannot possibly lose.

BTW, both David Donde and his ex Jessica Gamsu are facebook friends with my aunt, Hedda Gevisser, the widow of Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir”, the snake, hypocrite, David Gevisser [1926-2009] who in 1995 offered me the job of managing his investment portfolio whose monetary value did not touch sides with its political clout which I am now sharing with everyone.

You would agree that given the untrustworthy nature of the human, no one should have a competitive edge over the next person when it comes to knowledge?


Screenshot 18:45 PM Calif. Time, Wednesday, September 25, 2019.
Nelson Guedes Gary Gevisser I didn’t say I figured everything out at 11, I said I figured out the systems were corrupt when I was 11. That certainly doesn’t mean I figured out everything. Figuring it out is always a work in progress, much like science. To say that you have all the answers and that you know everything already is a sure sign of ignorance.As for the price system, as I said, it’s a very complex subject. Are you referring to basic microeconomics such as supply and demand curves or are you referring to macroeconomics with bonds issued by governments, or are you referring to finance and the issuing of loans at compound interest, or accounting and the valuation of assets? You said I was wrong but you provided no explanation to in which way I was wrong on a subject that entire books have been written about spanning multiple disciplines. Why don’t you clarify and answer that question?
3hGary Gevisser Title: “I’ll be honest I didn’t do college” [Word count 1942]Nelson Guedes, what you wrote earlier at 11:52 AM Calif. time was the following: “I had already figured out the corruption of the systems when I was 11 years old.”

A philosopher especially has to be very precise.

What I read and understood was that at 11 you had figured out “the corruption of the systems”.

How could you have figured out the corruption of the systems at 11?

You have had 24 years to think about what you say you knew at 11.

What exactly had you figured out? If you figured out the corruption of the systems then of course you had figured out everything that needed fixing.

I also don’t agree with you about the price system being “a very complex subject”.

You don’t even have an undergraduate degree and nor have you said which university you have been studying all these years.

You are making things complicated because you don’t like the very straightforward truth.

All the “items” that you list, “… basic microeconomics … supply and demand curves … macroeconomics with bonds issued by governments, … finance and the issuing of loans at compound interest … accounting and the valuation of assets” are a distraction.

I have already provided you with the answer that you do not want to hear.

I also in giving you the name of an academic economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who following his professorship at Chicago University went to work for the Pentagon’s illustrious THINK TANK, RAND Corporation, a resource.

Nothing prevents you from getting your favorite politicians or least favorite politicians or for that matter other professors of economics to assist you in this debate with me.

I can all but guarantee you that not one of them will show their FOOLS NAME, FOOLS FACE IN PUBLIC PLACES.

You can see that Dr. Smith Phd is very active on facebook, and he and I have known and worked intimately together since 2001.

Dr. Smith Phd has also represented very rich people such as the Texas Bass brothers who made their money in oil and then hired Dr. Smith Phd to accumulate some 42,000 acres of highly prized water rights here in southern California and they in turn sold that acreage to the world’s number 1 water company Veolia-Vivendi whose sister corporation Suez resides opposite the street in Paris, France; much the same “in your face” manner as their parent corporation DAAC who again I officially joined in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age; and my first assignment was simply to sit in an office and observe how the DAAC went about fragrantly violating the anti-Trust laws of the United States when price fixing their gem quality diamonds on US soil, 47th Street New York City when it would have been just as easy to give their surrogate”site holders” in the United States the wholesale price of gem quality diamonds over in London where they occupied the entire Charterhouse Street; with De Beers on the one side and Anglo American Corporation on the other, thus representing their status as sitting on the buy and sell side of every major transaction.

With my knowledge of how the corruption of the price mechanism takes place I can debate any economist or any politician or any philosopher or any physicists who would dare to argue differently and realize immediately what a fool they are; hence they are all very quiet.

Let’s see if you can get Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who remains American’s most knowledgeable economist on water related matters to help you out.

If he remains quiet like everyone else it does not mean he has an opposing viewpoint to me.

I would also be most surprised if Dr. Smith Phd who I last saw back in May 2015 at the Experimental Economics Department of Chapman University where present was their head, Dr. Vernon Smith Phd who won the Nobel prize in economics back in 2002, would choose to follow your path of distraction; but that doesn’t mean he is disinterested in our conversation and the reaction of the sheep.


Page 2 “I’ll be honest I didn’t do college”

It was in fact a very good question raised by my most bright F-C wife Marie Dion which stunned everyone.

Nor is it important her question as it is the fact that the two of us had been invited by Dr. Smith Phd to assist with the beta testing of a computerized exchange to most efficiently distribute water.

In other words, it was not that Dr. Rodney Smith Phd thought that all our business and economic discussions as well as papers the two of us had prepared in the intervening 14 years involved a whole bunch of nonsense.

In fact our collaboration in the first project we worked together on resulted in us uncovering carefully planned and executed voter fraud in the upcoming November 2002 California Gubernatorial elections which had one very powerful group who was financed by Ron Burkle who also gave Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton his first job when he left the White House on January 20, 2001 and at the 11th hour this DAAC stooge gave terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon – see my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately after – backing both the incumbent, Democratic California Governor, Gray Davis and his Republican opponent, Bill Simon Jr., the son of the billionaire former Treasury of the Secretary.

Did you notice both the connection between President Bill Clinton and my former employer De Beers in the previous paragraph?

Did you also pick up that this repeat of sitting on both sides of a transaction

An election of puppet officials is no different to bribing non-elected government officials which has been the principal business of the DAAC and their banking affiliates such as Barclays and Bank of England to name but one Central Bank ever since the introduction of the heinous, insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index.

Since you don’t seem to have much regard for other philosophers other than yourself, where and when in your writings did you address this atrocity that has been with us since 1934?

The fact that Wall Street refers to earlier times when espousing the GDP index does not mean these are smart or good people.

I had also previously explained to you that the DAAC have understood for a good century now how the people will react to being so horribly fooled.

You in your denial stage of grief and it is a constantly fluctuating mental suicide nevertheless until you finally resign yourself to the truth and that just takes getting used to, just so long as you can grab hold sufficiently tight of your ego, have been trying to complicate matters when avoiding at all cost what it means when the price mechanism has been corrupted

You cannot talk anything about economics, not supply or demand curves or for that matter the fair price of a prostitute when you have one wildly successful drilling monopolist able to fix the price of the money.

The sit on the buy and sell side of every major commodity transaction which includes raw war materials as well as finished goods.

Let me see if I can at least try and overcome your fixation with the economic theory of demand and supply.

We are now only talking government currencies; and let’s keep it simply the US Dollar.

When the DAAC wish to unload part of their unlimited supply of untraceable diamond currency and much of it since the 1950s have been produced at zero cost in machines which most often fool the experts, they do so at their diamond exchanges such as 47th Street, New York City and in the process US Dollars are moved off the street, making life that much more difficult for the poor; and the street being their affiliate banks such as Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Union Bank, National Westminster, Bank of England-London Exchequer, US Federal Reserve etc etc

When they want to promote say the US Dollar and at the say time create the inflation “buzz” they simply buy off the street their unlimited supply of untraceable diamond currency.

If you notice I have not yet mentioned in this series of lectures the more than a quarter century old ban imposed by the DAAC’s Lloyd’s of London who set the price of insurance worldwide, prohibiting American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyds who accept as a money instrument from more “accredited” citizenry such House of Saud, Crown Prince Mr. Bone Saw his diamonds.

The fact that the TV news that you listen to and watch as well as elsewhere that you get your knowledge has yet to also report that the US Government has said nothing about Lloyd’s continuing to sell their insurance products to American corporations and American citizens and American residents, must make you sick, does it not?

You and everyone else reading this know perfectly well that I don’t only write for you.

It is hard for you as well as everyone else to know exactly who is getting this information and when but they do know it is getting out and that it is also irrefutable

So do the DAAC and their stooges know it is irrefutable

I also doubt that you have forgotten my repeated question, “Is there any leader of a nation or a group like Green Peace or Doctors Without Borders or Amnesty International or Sea Shepherd or the ACLU or the Apartheid Regime of South Africa or their replacement the ANC or those groups opposing nuclear weapons development who you think is not corrupt?”

The fact that they expect everyone to react just like you and eventually get so angry that you stop communicating altogether does not mean either you or them can accurately predict the behavior of everyone getting the information.

For example here is the reaction of one of our mutual facebook friends who demonstrated great humility; “I’ll be honest I didn’t do college, my family was very very poor and my mom owed to FAFSA, so I got no assistance, and only qualified for the highest interest loans, so there’s a lot that’s over my head, and I’m not embarrassed to admit so”.

You might or you might not know this person. This person could also be bullshitting me and once she does get her head around the information, she may very well choose denial.

One thing professional people like lawyers and economists cannot do is choose denial of the truth without the fear of suffering great consequences; hence why they are all so quiet.

Of course an accomplished person like Elon Musk who has all of Wall Street as well as the weapons developers opposed to him all the while there are people in his inner circle who are most certainly not on his team and you can see that from all their distraction talk, can rise above it all.

You can help by first admitting that your knowledge of economics-money is zero.

Imagine now if Elon Musk is watching this unfold in real time and is assured that someone such as yourself can be counted on to stand tall without feeling the need to revert back to your old self and to simply spend your time on social media getting all your local politicians to be accountable and then words spreads, then in no time at all you won’t even have to think about where to get knowledge of a healthy nutritious diet because it is delivered right to your door if you are not healthy enough to collect it yourself.Good night.


Screenshot 19:50, Wednesday September 25, 2019

Nelson Guedes Gary Gevisser it’s amazing how many assumptions you can make in a single post. It’s no wonder people end up ignoring you. Also, the entire monetary system doesn’t just simply reduce to untraceable diamond currency, there is a lot more involved, but you seem to be convinced that you know the whole truth and that there is nothing else to learn. The same is true to supply and demand, not all economics reduce simply to supply and demand either. To say that I’m fixated on it because I simply mentioned it makes me wonder about your reading comprehension. You give me the impression that you have discovered part of the truth and that you assume that you know all of it already. That is a mistake that many people make, so it doesn’t really surprise me. There is ancient Chinese lesson that you should know – you can’t fill a cup that is already full. If you keep thinking you already know everything you won’t be able to learn anything new.




Active Now

Nelson Guedes Gary Gevisser also, I’m curious now. Do you actually have any solution to propose?




Gary Gevisser Title: God looking over my shoulder [Word count 679]

Nelson Guedes, more words of wisdom for you from a very wise and beautiful woman, “The truth is disturbing for those busy keeping track of their lies”.

BTW, didn’t you just love, “Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient does not make you a good parent”?

You and I have 21 mutual friends, and all of them will not be the only ones following this because I have already begun broadcasting a backup to my email list as well as posting it up on the 2facetruth dot com blog.

If only one them remains a facebook friend of mine because they want to distance themselves from you, then progress is being made.

Check out on the blog, “Sheep are a bit old and slow”.

You don’t need to wonder about my comprehension because you will remember that only a fool would have written what you said you accomplished at 11.

Also remember I have 1249 odd facebook friends who perfectly understand that they cannot refute either my knowledge or the contents of Epstein’s The D I book.

You will now be living that much more in the past because you are are only going to find comfort in your belief system from another fool.

How easy it would have been for you to write to someone like Dr. Rodney Smith Phd and at least sought some support for your point of view.

Your failure to do so shows that you have a very weak mind and think you can bully your way through with insults.

Im looking forward to tomorrow and to sharing more of my thoughts with Elon Musk.

Don’t you just love his assessment, “Physicists never change their minds, they just die”?

Isn’t the human mind totally great.

Here you are finding comfort in the heard mentality, ” It’s no wonder people end up ignoring you” and yet you think you are the only philosopher we should be paying attention to?

Are you serious or delirious?

Imagine if there is a Creator that the evidence keeps pointing to, with the corrupt religious of all faiths being obviously in for one big surprise given how these “People of the cloth” like you didn’t even see anything wrong with the egregious GDP economic index which you now avoid like the plague, would you see yourself, who I see as very selfish, returning as a shellfish?

Yes, I have provided a clear cut solution. Again, bring your favorite or least favorite politician, cleric, economist, fellow student, fellow coworker, neighbor etc to join the rest of us in support of Elon Musk and then maybe even Mark Zuckerberg will unshackle himself.

But I can no longer continue to just beat a dead horse. You need to read The D I book and catch up to a great many people.

It takes just one other accomplished person, and you are clearly not there, and then the musical chair game ends in the next instant.

The miracle is that it hasn’t already happened since all you people are only united in denying the truth and all you can do is either be quiet or distract.

Again, nothing to be depressed about unless you have already chosen the dark side, and then your health will only deteriorate and the ingenious design of the body can have a poor eater living long after age 100 but their health problems are a constant thought.

So pain is the first of the punishments and then you figure it can’t be happiness that is felt should you return as a stinkbug, don’t you think?

Do not forget, your decision to denounce me so vilely and yet you profess yourself to be a philosopher who is this great critical thinker and yet how can you explain that you haven’t long dug into the transparent disgrace of the GDP economic index?

Again, this is not something that will plague either children or those who admit “I didn’t do college” and now they can look at someone like you and say, “God must have been looking over my shoulder”.

Get humble man!


Screenshot 20:40 Calif. time; September 25, 2019:

Gary Gevisser Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene, economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd, Keisha Whitaker, Harold Schenk, Beth Isaacs, Janice Lipman, Janice Bloom, Janice Levin Krok,

Adam Smith
Sheridan College, Oakville
423 friends

Ana David
3,755 friends

Andrew Gilberds
3,604 friends

Ann Diamond
2,306 friends

Anthony Nutt
4,946 friends

Brandy Gallagher
4,780 friends

Chris Paul

Jaeme Lee Grosvenor
3 mutual friends

Jean Chard
187 friends

Mandy Michelle
116 friends

Manuela Campbell
Uniiversity of Calgary

Michael E. V. Knight
3,001 friends

Musa Joe
5,000 friends

Natalia Carranza
1,088 friends

Nikolaos Gryspolakis
2,061 friends

Peter Morgan
1,570 friends

Stefan Sargent
542 friends

Tommy Simpson
Poet at Self-Employed

Tracy Kelly
6 mutual friends


Frank O’Dell What if anyone else did this? Would the liberals and Trudeau be as magnanimous as you. I highly doubt it. THAT is the whole point; the knee jerk virtue signaller has it back fire on him…. poetic justice.


Ana David you dont find coloring your skin to dark tone on several occasions the least bit weird or distrubing….no matter how is justified



Nelson GuedesNelson Guedes replied

 1 Reply


Nelson GuedesNelson Guedes replied

 1 Reply

Chris Paul I truly feel, in honor of witches who were burned horribly and some who were accused of being witches .. it is too painful and in poor tastes, to have children dress up and blatantly mock the past. It was a sad time in history that witches had to die tSee More



Ann DiamondAnn Diamond replied

 9 Replies

Peter Jensen Perhaps we need to expand on the word “racist”. Is it of equal magnitude to act in a racist manner because of one’s own ignorance, for instance wearing a headdress from another culture simply because you think it looks pretty, as it is to show outrightSee More
Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide, a killing differences explained in less than 5 minutes
Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide, a killing differences explained in less…

Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide, a killing differences explained in less than 5 minutes


Nelson Guedes Stefan Sargent unbeknownst to Jim Van Allen, I myself am a member of multiple minority groups that have been and still are discriminated against. 😁

I have to post the reply here because he appears to have blocked me.



Art LoweArt Lowe replied

 11 Replies

Elise Broughton Nelson – there is a historical reason why white people depicting darker skinned races is considered racist – a quick google will get you up to speed. However I agree with you in the sense that intent matters. There was a little white boy last HalloweenSee More



Elise BroughtonElise Broughton replied

 2 Replies

Robert Schock Just another story to drive more hate to keep people fighting.


Frederic Christie How about it being racist because other people know what it meant historically and can’t afford to separate that out to grant you unlimited charity, so if you do it you’re putting your momentary gratification ahead of other peoples’ needs for no good reason and doing so along explicitly racial grounds?


Brynte Westlund It’s really simple. Black skin isn’t a costume.


Nelson Guedes Brynte Westlund he was dressed as Alladin, though. Did Alladin even have black skin?


Brynte Westlund Nelson Guedes Qustion: Since black-face is the racist costume white people used to exclude black people from acting, being an actor while black, then what does it matter who some one is dressing up as when they use it?

Answer: It doesn’t.


Jean Chard Nelson Guedes I heard he darkened his skin, they called it brown face on the radio. He was younger when the blackface event occurred.
Thea Hinks Put yourself in their shoes and ask them how it makes them feel


Jerry Prager good post, intent is everything, all else is the nature of masque. The Krewe of Zulu paint their faces white on Mardi Gras, before applying black face, because they are firing shots across the bow of racist krewes like Comus and Rex, and the White League that lies behind them. That is great masque. Halloween is masque. Are First nations dressing up like cowboys on a daily basis racist, or only white people dressing up like Indians on Halloween? Masque is the great street theatre of all ages, it once dominated Caribana, now that’s just a tits and ass festival with feathers and beads, and all political statement is gone. Masque has teeth, and takes bites out of issues. Free masquers unite!


Manuela Campbell I agree that this is a distraction. THE SNC Lavalin affair and treatment of Jody WIlson Raibold, an indigenous person in the position of attorney general of Canada, is a much more serious issue. Maybe she was his token indigenous person. Also a form of racist thinking. I suspect he grossly underestimated her strength and integrity. It has been judged a criminal matter and yet in this country it is swept under the carpet.


Jean Chard Token? How many indigenous people were elected? She is the daughter of a man my husband taught first year history at UVic back in the late 60s. He became a lawyer, a trailblazer in his own right.



Manuela Campbell as far as I am aware she was the only indigenous member of cabinet and Trudeau made promises about advancing indigenous issues he did not keep. It was appearances only.


Eduardo Millan Wanna vote for a clown???

