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If not now +

From: Gary2 <>
Subject: If not now + – Re: Message from Laurie Black
Date: December 29, 2022 at 6:55:35 PM PST
To: Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Professor Oliver Lazar <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>
Cc: rest; Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, Edward Lucas – British historian-economist London School of Economics <>, John Malin – British English historian-economist <>, “Christina Moritsch-Krall – “… we were neutral as were all first line nobility. “” <>, “” <bnetanyahu@KNESSET.GOV.IL>, “” <>, Peter van Leeuwen – elder bother of Foreign Affairs & Defence Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands <>, Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor In Chief of Jerusalem Post <>, Def-sec1 <>


From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: If not now + – Re: Message from Laurie Black
Date: December 29, 2022 at 3:15:33 PM PST
To: “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>
Cc: rest; Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko of Durban Movement.” <>, “Actor Sean Penn c/o Lauren Bentley, Donor Relations Manager, CORE Community Organized Relief Effort” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Jo Becker – New York Times – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Julia Ioffe – Russian-born American journalist.” <>, Tucker Carlson – Murdoch employee <>, Gsoros <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Derrick Beare <>,Cameron Barr – Senior Managing Editor of Washington Post owned by Jeff Bezos <>, Eli Symon – Co-executor of Alan Zulman’s and Zena Gevisser Zulman’s estates <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Inspired by Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman, played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to the home of the German-South African Oppenheimer clan whose Lloyds of London Insurance have never once attempted to hide that they are the money launderers or money launderers, and figured the common herd would think themselves too smart to have it all smack in their faces.” <>, “Rep. Maria Salazar” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, Academy of Ideas <>, Incoming Prime Minister Netanyahu <bnetanyahu@KNESSET.GOV.IL>

Laurie – Is this you? I have removed what might not be your content.

Or have [you] been hacked again.

Once you see the order of the universe, it does more than overcome all the ugliness because the world is waking up to how difficult it is for man to destroy the world despite its penchant for destruction, with nuclear weapons buttons at the fingertips of increasingly desperate humans, as well as their desire to coverup the worthless monies used to arm all belligerents, down to the desperate druggie holding up a liquor store to pay for a $25 fix.
Every passing moment increases exponentially the threat of nuclear war, not from accidents, but politicians and media in business suits increasingly fearful of their audience throughout the globe.
Just think if you had amassed a $200 billion fortune thanks to the people being sold on it taking money to get your minerals such as cobalt used for making electric car batteries, platinum for catalytic converters in ICE vehicles, and uranium to feed civilian use nuclear plants as well as [components for] machines to enrich uranium to produce ever more powerful nuclear weapons, and the salaries of the employees of these military industrial complexes adding to the GDP of the region as the little government officials laugh themselves silly 😜 at this pantomime of pure idiocy.  
Mr Zelenskyy seems to have few options remaining to save Ukraine from turning to rubble with his surviving population shellshocked zombies living in spanking new slave quarters to serve the Royals as they spread their influence of an orderly people who don’t tolerate pickpockets, far and wide.
How low can the world’s best English speaking interviewer, Piers Morgan Uncensored go in serving his Royals from Buckingham Palace to Qatar.
He has this misogynist Andrew Tate all tied up in knots in his first interview 
without Morgan, who possibly knows more about Morgan Bank
tied at the hip with mineral monopolist, double-talking German-South African Oppenheimers since the turn of the last century and owning all media-politicians, than he is letting on, feeling the need to call Tate a liar, and Piers Morgan begins the third interview

8 days ago, getting Tate to reverse, right at the beginning, his sick, appalling language position which he was unwilling to change in the first interview; and before you can even begin counting Morgan is agreeing with Tate that the newly reformed Middle East tyrants’ way of dealing with petty crime is to chop heads, the end justifying the means; and these now so agreeable couple, fully rehearsed, their words of admiration for each other going down as smooth as a hot knife going through butter.

Anyone who has anything positive to say about any Royal is either a fool or bought.
Since when did the House of Saud-Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates-Abu Dhabi, and Kuwait become so civilized?
It was not that long ago, summer of 2007, that Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] put out their ingenious report:
Following the 2008 Olympics in Beijing China, Al Qaeda will launch a series of attacks on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar which will immediately paralyze the United States’ economy. 

Why didn’t it happen before is the right question.

How did terrorist State House of Saud who have the most advanced military to subjugate their masses and the surrounding areas’ poor manage to get Al Qaeda, a most unsophisticated ragtag militia, to avoid destroying even 1 oil supertanker and there are at any given time some 280 of these sitting ducks atop the world’s oceans?
What makes us think that fanatics are beyond bribes?
Could Hollywood-Madison Avenue alone be responsible?
Surely, if you give it a moment’s thought you have to be thinking there is something out there that is much smarter than us humans and we all agree collectively that we are really not at all smart?
Doesn’t the notion of two heads is better than one ring a bell?
Let’s though focus on who was most visible at World Cup Final Qatar.
Mr. Bone Saw’s public relations man for buying up land-people Israelis they couldn’t win in war, former President Donald Trump’s son in law, money mad Jared Kushner who played a pivotal role in the Covid 19 lockdowns which drove that much bigger wedge between the rich and the poor who are only poor because they don’t have access to the contrived monies, all the while covering up the increasing lack of jobs in the high technology area.
What in the world is Elon Musk doing anywhere close to the middleman of butcher Mr. Bone Saw-House of Saud who set up Elon in the $420 a share buyout of TESLA and then backed out leaving Elon exposed to ridicule and a $40 million SEC fine?
Keep … your enemies even closer.
Of course it is a just a matter of short time before the staffing of Twitter drops well below a 100 employees including Elon who could soon have his youngest kid operating it with AI looking over X+’s shoulders, just in case.
Nor is it a good thing that there will be that many more lawyers fighting over all the medical-drug payouts by the likes of sickness profiteering Pfizer-Monsanto-Bayer; and then mass unemployment will follow there as well, along with ALL advertisers, as Artificial Intelligence takes over to streamline the judicial system with judges either unemployed or competing with all the other landlords for respectable tenants.
Why is it that no one pays any attention to Elon when he says that in 30 years there will be massive unemployment but all you hear repeatedly is his uncontested, never explained contention that the lack of babies being born is going to be the death of humanity because without growth in the GDP we are as good as dead?
At some point just being controversial for controversial sake is going to be filtered out by AI.
What would you teach at high school and university if you taught them in elementary school that the Roman Generals when not having to sift through as many layers of dirt and could rely on that much more word of mouth passed down from the ancients with the Pyramids of Giza in much better shape than they are today, would never give up their power over their slaves, the best former enemy soldiers now onboard and helping keep everyone in line down to the simple farmer who to survive had to show entrepreneurism and savagery, when necessary, in order to produce more food than for himself and family members, but the Generals wanting to do less fighting and more of enjoying the good life seeing virtue in establishing a bureaucracy to serve mostly as a cushion, and to be disbanded when convenient.
Oliver Cromwell, a good thousand years after the first Roman Senate was founded in 753 BC and lasting 1356 years before it was disbanded in 603 AD, when chopping off the head of King Charles I on 30 January 1649 would never have dreamed that someone like Piers Morgan would get involved in the British Royal family squabbles which are all about the money because his expectation that the concept of the “Divine Right of Kings” was dispensed with forever.
Bear in mind, weaponry hadn’t changed all that much between 753 BC and King Charles I losing his head. The soldiers all line up within sight.
Now we have pure madness.
No wonder everyone wants this war to end soon.
With people so bored with their lives they are looking more into who are the good guys profiting the most from now ramping up our military industrial complexes and those weapons and munitions have to be used other[wise] bankruptcy and more bail outs, and so why not have Serbia and Bosnia have another go at each other?
Of course by the following day, 31 January 1649 Cromwell may have had different thoughts.
Certainly by the time of his death on 3 September 1658 Cromwell had to have many regrets but it would have been beyond his comprehension with the advances in weapon systems that has every kid into toy soldiers wanting to make a killing first in Silicon Valley before joining NASA-Pentagon’s rocket program as well as communications technologies that along with civilian passenger aircraft and private jets making transportation of foreigners with only rich lifestyle ideals to hold on to, along with the perfunctory trophy accoutrements, just taking a few hours to be fully settled in, that anyone would listen to King Charles and his two sons William and Harry bickering.
What if Meghan is getting fat as a house; do you think Harry would stay? Maybe there should be already “GoFund Harry a new girlfriend”? Just thinking out loud.
Laurie, you have to be one of the very few people in the world to have engaged in conversation with my highly literate mother Zena who taught me all my history by having me read about 1066 Battle of Hastings and then to ask her questions.
You also know my mother was no fool in recognizing that you had great attributes, and a little disappointed that you were already married because my mother thought you were perfect for my middle brother Melvin; but of course that is ancient history.
How many times have generations since Oliver Cromwell heard, “The victors write the history books!”.
Always be optimistic. You would have high schools and universities completely empty with kids being fed healthy food in their communities, eager to play sports and hike in forests; and no less eager to learn more about nutrition and being kind to the animals, most of all preserving the green space.
Because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean that goal is impossible to achieve.
Look at what great disaster we have achieved being stupid and assuming falsely that the money-land richest are smart because they get dished out the most amount of money to spend the earth which has real estate people dealing in stolen property revered as well as increasingly richer to keep buying, enslaving the poor being squeezed into tents – and the barracks at Auschwitz also not far from the gas chambers adjoining the crematoria.
It stands to reason these would be the first individuals eager for peace in Ukraine so that they can jet over to Odessa and Crimean Peninsula, secure the development rights to build 7 star hotels, golf courses, casinos etc which they have been doing ever since man saw schools as an extension of babysitting and for both parents to be out of the house making a living to provide for their kids in order to show their love. 
But man cannot possibly be that stupid all on its own when you have all the right, uncontroverted information at each of our fingertips and you still need conversation with your family and friends apart from money talk.
How did these obscene, two-faced despots transition into peaceful, generous rulers for the western world to emulate is of utmost importance, no less than how the people got hooked into thinking there was fairness, morality in the pricing of the monies which has now got to the ridiculous in the extreme with Cryptos.
You know of course Cryptos has a Jewishness to it because why not milk “The Jews The Jews The Jews” to the bitter end, all the corrupt Jewish institutions like the ADL dead silent.
These are sand cities cobbled out of trash monies stemming from contrived oil wars all masterminded by the Royals and their bankers-miners led by the SA Oppenheimers who get no flak to kill off the poor either through war, street violence or poverty, all 3 objectives working together.
If you need oil for your machinery to run, you cut out middlemen like Marc Rich; that is business school 101A, unless your goal is to ferment civil unrest leading to a border crisis that now has Russians running from Putin joining the caravans lined up at America’s southern border and the news item that Wall Street has you focused on is the US Dollar now under attack.
The transition seems to be of no importance because it isn’t.
There is mass psychosis personified by these philosopher clowns at Academy of Ideas that will put all the psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers and talk show hosts out of work, and there will only be Twitter running the media unless Elon gets sick and dies.
That doesn’t mean it is right that the people are easily fooled.
No one alive today including today’s newborns have that long to live even if they reach a 100 which is most unlikely, and occupying Mars is only for those idiotic or tasked with selling distraction.
You could have already seen Errol Musk’s confirmation, using the word “correct” following my repeat in “The last straw” of his earlier 100 words applauding my knowledge of the past 100+ years which puts to shame literally and figuratively all the crap the human has been fed, leading to this mass disfiguration of the human mind and body which can only have God laughing, congratulating himself-herself on such an almost unimaginable evil.  
It takes some brain to create the imagination and for man to screw things up royally.
Bear in mind there is nothing smart about making smart bombs as both sides have soldiers who are increasingly wired.
Imagine if Mr Zelenskyy and his wife Olena have a conscience and see the west dragging its feet to supply him with the weapons sitting on his borders such as F35s to drive a devastating blow on Russian forces all the way to the Kremlin wanting Ukraine to be slowly turned into a meat grinder.
Putin has left himself with no way out.
Clear thinking military strategists see it clearly but they too are looking at their nest egg and of course it is a question of time before they start competing for the best view properties.
The Zelenskyys have seen up close too much blood spilled and the survivors too shell shocked to make the right decision to have long taken the children from the war zone, but the presence of the children give TV journalists their story that fills up the space in the living rooms oceans away from the conflict for an ever brief period until the next commercial followed by a quick channel switch to something more soothing.
You see how easy it was for Hitler to rise when everyone was saying the world was not ready for another world war, so soon.
There weren’t however nuclear weapons, but the people had no power to stop the military complex juggernaut.
Mr Zelenskyy can reach all his troops in the next instant; so can Netanyahu.
Since you act like you have no power, other than to possibly quieten me, then Zelenskyy shouldn’t count on you for suddenly developing courage, and use his speech platform while he still has it.
Who wants to die with regrets when the stupidity, ugliness of mankind, the oxymoron of all time is so transparent?
One blow to the head from a mugger or a simple stroke can kill you in the next moment and nor are you going to get any smarter than you are right now, all thanks to my knowledge and courage not to be intimidated.
If we all had the knowledge and courage of one’s convictions then this ugliness would never have risen so high to the point that everyone looks like they seek to distract.
When everyone has the same thinking and they also know the money is a con how do you differentiate yourself from the next person other than to repeat your same old dribble and still the truth will remain in your minds at least while you are conscious and everyone at liberty to figure out their future.
If you couldn’t figure out the con of the Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index or the joke of jokes Cryptos which continue to get top billing on Twitter, you cannot call yourself a genius or anything close.
The Zelenskyys have the lives of more than the 44 million Ukraines in their hands. They have their own minds to protect as well.
It is true, if you lose your mind, you lose your spine.
If not now!
[Word count 2771]

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On Dec 28, 2022, at 12:10 PM, Laurie Black <sabawoonzakhilwal@cmail… wrote:

I’m assuming you will recognize pictures #2 …
