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Name Someone Stupid ~ 21


Screenshot: 7:27 PM Calif. time, Wednesday 9 November 22


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Tuesday 8:47 AM Calif. time, 8 November 22.

Backup of NSS


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Drudgereport announces, “How Earth’s population exploded…”

Why would they be pushing “vacinnes” [sic] when they see the spectacular results



Let’s see if stupid is ready to return.


You added Torah Gemach to the group.

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@Torah Gemach, you are too stupid to figure it out.


How much schooling do you need in Torah in order to figure out the relationship?


GemACH sic, you are resentful, and you take out your passive aggression on a defenseless white chicken whose neck you are about to chop you grasp in your right hand.


What a man!


Was your father also weak?


Was your mother too weak to stand up to him, or was your full of male testosterone and beat the crap out of your father?


Let’s now relax a little and examine more of today’s media brainwashing without “forgeting” [sic] that the Schneerson colluded with idiot religious prime minister Menechem Begin to wipe out the last of the resisting Israelis opposed to tyranny whose hallmark is anti-competition whose benefactors are the first to cry out their support for Freedom of Speech, fair trade agreement and the protection of religious freedoms.



Let us not also forget that sick in the head Begin nearly cost Israel its first war of survival when bringing weapons into Israel on the Altalena ship during a ceasefire that was all to the advantage of Ben Gurion’s Haganah-Mossad who had been fast making friends around the world thanks to the success of the Jewish Brigade in its first offensive action on 19 March 1945 when my father



flew 2 dive bombing missions in support, and the other officers of General Smuts’ elite fighter bomber squadron 11 which included one other Jewish Fighter Bomber pilot, Syd Cohen



who went to command the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron during Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949], Squadron 101 to victory, also knowing best not to speak out of school.


Let’s jump forward 49 odd years



to April 1994 when Oppenheimer-Deutsche Bank-Bitcoin puppet Mandela was brought to power and anything but “miracle” Mandela knowing to thank the SA Oppenheimers


for eliminating all his opposition, including Steve Biko and Richard Turner during their Apartheid Regime’s brutal 46 year uninterrupted rule.


You added Jann Turner to the group.

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Added daughter of murdered Professor Richard Turner, Biko’s partner in the Durban Movement who was murdered on 8 January 1978, 119 odd days after the 2 day torture execution of Biko began, 9/11/77.


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Turner who was 8 at the time, and cradled her dying father in his arms following Nazi Prime Minister John Vorster’s Malan Death Squad sniped Turner who was in his living room, and wouldn’t have heard either the shot when it was fired or when it pierced the window before entering his body and his life blood began pouring out, is now a successful Hollywood filmmaker and clearly doesn’t want to bite the hand that feeds her.


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Most all of you, if I remind you, have not forgotten that the very best warriors on the “battlefiled” [sic]; namely Fighter Bomber Pilots know best not to talk out of school given that jealousy leads quickly to resentment and resentful people are the first to turn.


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For those however in touch with the heartbeat of the universe which is clearly not the case with the GemACH sic or any of the membership of the draconian ChaBAD sic movement who still haven’t figured out the connection between fat and deformed, weak brain function, so obvious in this trainwreck @Torah Gemach, it is most comforting to look at the forces that allow us to make the choice of eating healthy in order to achieve optimum brain performance.


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For every molecule of water there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 [oxygen] atom.


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GemACH sic, are you able to get that?


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What about you foolish The Coupon Clipper is realtor Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow?

BTW, Essakow have you already bequeathed to member @Tracy Tomson‘s younger brother Paul Tomson the lion’s share of all your real estate holdings, including the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall and your 5 Star bungalow Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa spread over [4]5 acres where there should be a large sign at the entrance or surrounded by a ton of billboards



such as the the one on Highway 101 in Leucadia, north county San Diego depicting member, cardiologist Dr. @Paul Teirstein MD, which Bozo The Clown Tierstein took down once I began bringing public international attention to the anything but godly doctors?


There are many genius elements of Judaism whose core is to flush out Jewish traitors such as Judah or Judas, Im not quite sure what is the correct spelling of Jewish person Jesus’ traitor, and none no greater than only the wronged human can forgive another wretched human such as GemACH sic, The Coupon Clipper is realtor Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow and my 3 elder siblings [a]n[d] their murderous collaborators starting with the piece of shit, liar-lawyer Israeli @Ayala Weisel Esq.


Remember Essakow, it is only fake money and what it has bought you including your fake friends such as @Tracy Tomson that you have to give up well ahead of taking your last breath.


In other words, when you know you are already dying it is too late to ask for forgiveness.


For those of you unsure about [what] the Essakow did to Paul Tomson whose elder brother Shaun was the 1977 World Surfing Champion and their father Chunie


was on the same junior high rugby team as my father Bernie, you just have to ask.

Not to mention Shaun, Tracy and Paul Tomson’s father is in the back row, second from the left.

My father is in the front row, also second from the left.

Chunie, whose name I may be spelling incorrectly, was a world class swimmer, but he was not good enough to qualify as a fighter pilot, let alone a Fighter Bomber Pilot of Squadron 11, but he did become a tailgunner in a high altitude bomber which is the most dangerous position in a bomber and requiring nerves of steel, the entire fate of the crew resting in your hands when  enemy fighters are racing towards you with their machines guns in rapid fire, from all directions in the rear.

Their father would have participated in the 1936 Olympic Games were it not for a shark off Durban’s Bay of Plenty taking out a chunk of his arm, which never grew back.


One simple molecule of water is anything but simple engineering.






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Everyone should be able to see that the wretched liar, moron, intellectual midget GemACH sic has now made his presence.

Inbreeding is not addressed in the 10 Commandments but common sense is, especially when this moral compass supports the enslaving of both humans and the far more “senstive” [sic] animals.




@Gary Gevisser  you are so kind


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How can a grown man who learns that fucking a baby machine produces offspring not able to figure out on their own that there is a connection between stupidity and weight?


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The Nazi Fritz ter Meer advocated that he too was kind to the Jewish people who were destined for the gas chambers and so they might as well be used for medical experiments.


Never trust a politician who wears their politics high on their lapels.


Rather look at the size of their stomach and their spouse to figure out the ugliness of their thoughts.


It is these fake, idiot religious who control the fate of not only Israel but the entire world.


It is so obvious that a person who cannot figure out that it is the poison it consumes that corresponds with its stupidity shouldn’t be deciding the fate of anyone other than themselves.


You should all note that GemACH sic cannot bring himself to admit that he is wrong.


To admit he is wrong means that he perfectly understands that the Schneerson was either mentally ill or bought.


The Arab enemies of us Jewish people had all the money in the world to bid higher than us Jewish people who simply wanted sufficient land to grow food, to feed our soldiers to defend against the onslaught of the FINAL SOLUTION.




You @Gary Gevisser  have no flaws


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What also kills GemACH sic is that not a single member of IAF Squadron 101 as well as its Supreme Commander, the General of Generals, Ben Gurion wore a skull cap.


That is why this most untrustworthy, poor excuse of a human who loves his power over a white feathered defenseless chicken keeps placing a skull cap on the head of Ben Gurion.

How long has it been GemACH sic since you realized that God has forsaken you?


Given that you were born into the ChaBAD sic community of the Schneerson, you must believe it is your fate, something you did terribly wrong in your previous life?


Could you see yourself as a member of the Gestapo’s Jewish collaboration unit, Zagiew or a Jewish Kapo at Auschwitz?


Why not address your ills, just like the Essakow is contemplating before all your cancer cells begin proliferating and you feel death’s door approaching?


You and ChaBAD sic not only missed entirely the heinous GDP economic index but its disastrous impact on nature as it rewarded the unconscious realtors like Essakow building up their real estate portfolios.


@Torah Gemach when did you last hear one of your preachers talking about all the methane caused by animal farming?


Because you can’t get enough of your colleague, fellow “Worshippers of Ink on Paper” farts



are you not able to discern from cow shit?


Did you get to eat that white feathered chicken?


Asif Hanif left the group.

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Asif Hanif left.


@Torah Gemach aka B G A T B how is it possible to even lift up a prayer book, let alone a torah, knowing that you were not blessed with intelligence and worse you are so ugly looking?




You have to train to lift


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“How the Earth’s population exploded …” talks about treatment for heart disease helped reduce mortality for those over 60.

It might have prolonged their life for 5 years or more and contributing what exactly?


Note that GemACH sic who is at his pill dispencing work is talking about exercising, but not treating his internal organs including his brain with care.


When the awkward religious start distracting, you know it is time to celebrate; their end is in sight.




Why did you put the picture of you and the Rebbe?


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I must now take a break to tend to the fire as the first winter storm, a little earlier than usual will soon arrive.






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GemACH sic, would you be better off praying rather than attempting to distract yourself from the realization that your false prayers are not being heard by God as anything other than false prayers which can only worsen your fate in the afterlife?







You accepted Money from the Rebbe with your best Friend Mendel Lipsker with you


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Do you really want to come back looking like this?







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What about this?




I don’t wear my phone on my belt anymore




That was not me ever


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Why didn’t the Schneerson tell you all that the Arabs could have easily outbid all the Jewish people in keeping the lands they occupied for a very long time, instead chose [to] infiltrate our religious and secular institutions with weak informers whose last refuge is to distract?

GemACH sic, why not admit you are a loser, and simply blame God?

Any normal person in your shoes would become an atheist or choose Christianity where the only requirement for salvation is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior?


Your destiny, it seems to me, is to lead the exposing of Jewish hypocrites-informers throughout the globe.


GemACH sic, you have gone quiet all of a sudden.

Do you talk to your wife about both of your fat display and stupidity?

Does she know the incredible question you asked, and now wishes you hadn’t?


Again GemACH sic, you know you haven’t fooled me or anyone else, and therefore you haven’t fooled God.

You also haven’t forgotten that you asked me for forgiveness and I refused, and then you wrote me back saying that you had made a mistake in asking me for forgiveness.

You are not alone in lacking the consciousness to have a healthy non-meat, non dairy (liquified meat) diet and why, to repeat, that although you charlatans comprise 10% of the population in Israel, your gluttonous, carnivore cancer-meat diet resulted in you constituting 50% of the hospitalizations during Covid.

Don’t you see that God is punishing you or do your sicknesses, diseases demonstrate God’s love of you?

Where did you learn that pain which accompanies disease , fat incubating cancer, diabetes, heart disease and the such is God’s blessing?

Tell us again where it says in Torah that the land of Israel given by God to all the Jews then had God changing his mind and allowing private ownership of land, making slaves of the rest.

Does it occur to you there is a problem with your thinking when you see the ugly stomach protrusion that is common amongst you, that you show weakness of mind to accompany your weak bodies.

Why would you expect God to forgive you when it is obvious you don’t care for the body-mind God gave you?

Shall we go back to you sending out a ChaBAD sic pamphlet which said there are no innocent victims to a crime?


One of yours, right?


That top Israeli rabbi, wearing that skull cap was buggering that defenseless black African child.


You have incredibly few photos of women amongst your fb photos; pretty much all men dancing with each other holding Torahs, like the pedophile rabbi holding his prey.




GemACH sic, what do you feel you have in common with that pedophile rabbi other than power over something physically weaker?


Do you also see that the two of you have slower brains that can be traced back to your lack of willpower?


Do you perfectly understand why Ben Gurion steered well clear of weak intestinal fortitude people like you and the Schneerson?


That didn’t mean Ben Gurion failed to recognize the merits of “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” when the time called for it.


GemACH sic, remember to tell us how sure you are that God hears your prayers.


I couldn’t imagine you asking God to have you choose to be vegan because that would mean you admitting to having been plagued with stupidity, unconsciousness, from the very start, the same with your parents, teachers and rabbis.


Again, you are living your hell.


Still tell us, because you have to vent, what  do you see as positive in your future, given that I will never forgive you for your lies and attempts at murdering my character?


I have that disgusting document you broadcasted and its author Rabbi Feigelstock when I spoke with him agreed it was total bullshit; nor could he hide his horrific embarrassment.

There is a lot of shit you folks have got up to but then again people who don’t care for their body temples have no pride, only resentment, which you can see from the selfie of yourself that your beards cannot hide.

With so much hate in your hearts how do you get out of bed other than to indulge in animal parts which God doesn’t let you forget as the diseases spread, pain in the arse.

Remember with all your righteous protestations you all, “gong” [sic] back to 1934 failed to see the inhumanity to both the poor of the world and destruction of the planet, thanks to the deplorable Gross Domestic Product economic index that has spent the earth by placing the price fixed monies and mineral resources in the hands of the unconscious such as the fake rabbis and realtors such as the pig Essakow.

If you were genuinely righteous you would be blessed with intelligence to see what has spent the earth; how difficult is that to digest?


Try to imagine being born into this.



Who is ready to get back to the creation of that first hydrogen atom, ahead of becoming the dominant force in the first water molecule?


It is a whole lot prettier than the wretched GemACH sic and the no less threatening, intimidating, The Coupon clipper is realtor Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow .







11:22 AM

11:22 AM

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11:41 AM

11:41 AM

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It is now 11:42 AM

How to win friends and influence people.

Yet to see our friends.


2:28 PM

2:28 PM

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Edit: … learned a trade like plumbing and “carpenter” [sic] which are brilliant …

Edit: Added Jann Turner daughter of murdered …

Edit: For every molecule of water there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

Edit:  … 5 Star bungalow Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa spread over 5 acres where there should be a large sign …

Edit: … Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow and my 3 elder siblings and their murderous collaborators, starting with the piece of shit, liar-lawyer Israeli @Ayala Weisel Esq.

Edit: For those of you unsure about the Essakow did to Paul Tomson …

Edit: … instead chose to infiltrate our religious and secular institutions with weak informers whose last refuge is to distract?

Edit: … “gong” [sic] back to 1934 …


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2:29 PM Calif. time.


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@Mannie Hirsch you had a point to make earlier when you blasted in with no content. It was 11:05 AM.

Go ahead spit it out.


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14 years ago today, Senator Barack Obama, was “elected” President elect.

Obama only began to be a contender for the 44th Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces, in December 2005 when he signed on as the “primary sponsor” of the heinous Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act which the US Congress passed in December 2006, kick-starting the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children, and that was after only half-black Obama visited for the first time mineral rich South Africa under the control of the South African Oppenheimer family, in August 2006, right before President Putin met with Nicholas Oppenheimer in Capetown, South Africa.




Events such as Putin’s meeting don’t take place in a vacuum even if most all humans are either space cadets or taking medication for their mental inflictions without a thought to their poison intakes which cannot possibly make them more sensitive, aware animals who have fucked up this planet worse than any natural disaster or for that matter any other specie.

Yet they can’t stop talking about elections and the money it costs to get puppet politicians elected.


@Mannie Hirsch when you earlier wrote, “I like your message” were you just fucking with me, without thinking of the permanent brain damage it was causing you?

Did you get that it was parody my mentioning that before Elon Musk left for the quietest spot on Mars he spent years interviewing robots to act as his double?


Let me just see if when I tweet this, Elon doesn’t interrupt his schedule to ban me, and then decide to hire me.


@Mannie Hirsch, can you keep checking to see that I haven’t been banned, because we don’t want to disturb very disturbed GemACH sic.


Insane, “Gary Gevisser what does weight have to do with stupid? It only could mean that you equate these two things together. Please explain.”.


Mannie you know it is accurate, “Torah Gemach, you are too stupid to figure it out.”




Hay Gary, how do you know that their are people reading all this Gemach Basking?


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Does anyone else other than @Mannie Hirsch, @Todd Haselton, @Steven David Sobol, @Emma Elliott, @Jacqui Taylor Basker, @Steven David Sobol, @Richard Friedman and anyone else sticking here without speaking, practising to return as a fly only to guide us as best as possible and then to die, recognize that President Putin had great purpose when instructing the Kremlin to publish on 3 October 2008 both the photo of his meeting with Mineral-Banking King Nicholas Oppenheimer, born on the same day, 8 June 1945, that my father’s mother, 50 year old Katie Sher Gevisser passed away, as well as the documentation of this most important meeting on 5 September 2006.


Since I don’t have a direct line of communication with President Putin or Nicholas Oppenheimer I can only guess that when the photo was taken and Putin and as well as Oppenheimer knew that Senator Barack Obama had steered well clear of Oppenheimer who continues to run not only the economy of South Africa but the entire world, they were going to wait some 759 odd days before making it very public.


In the period between 3 October 2008 and 8 November 2008, 1 month and 5 [days], and lets quickly congratulate Elon Musk in reaching 115 million followers on Twitter versus my 24, and holding steady for some time now, those in the CIA and National Security Council preparing for “Obaman’s” [sic] first CIA briefing immediately following becoming President elect, there would have been intense discussion on how to present this huge slap in the face.


What planet are you living on?


You don’t have to be a De Beers-Rhodes Scholar from the Class of ’68 to know who runs the entire show in mineral rich South Africa.


How can you be central to the pending massacre of 6 million innocent Congelese getting in the way of Oppenheimer’s mining activities and not want to meet with Oppenheimer and “read him the riot act”?


@Jacqui Taylor Basker, I take it military economics was not covered in your first lecture at Oxford?

Please jump in at any time.


It is all about the money.


It is all about the minerals and how best to fool the people that it is all about the money that is controlled by the same people who control the minerals.


@Tony Leon, you remember sharing with me back in 1995, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa.”


Explain why it is that nothing has changed since, other than Nicholas has replaced his father and his Brenthurst Foundation have on staff former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 4 star General Richard Myers [1 March 1942 – ].


Is there anyone else here with an Ivy League education or whose children have an Ivy League education who would like to raise their hand and ask a question?


My laptop computer is sharing, “This webpage is using significant energy. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac.”


Has anyone else come across the identical or similar message.


Who thinks the bot issue is either a “con” or a “red herring”?


@Steven Bailey, can you determine if there is any difference?


Who looks forward to no advertising period and no political elections just a public town hall meeting to decide everything?


My vote still remains with Elon Musk just so long as he does not neglect TESLA having taken the wind out of BIG Oil-War Machine sail, but the people are too stupid to realize without them being spoon fed.


Okay, lets close it.


It is now 3:24 PM and still raining cats and dogs. The trees and bushes are celebrating despite the fact that the carnage on the battlefields of Ukraine doesn’t move most all of you.


If one can understand the axiom, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” then you would expect those the most vocal in support of human rights and exposing human rights violations, are no less pieces of shit than GemACH sic.


I was not around for all the uninterrupted 46 years of the brutal Apartheid Regime but I was there for my first 21 years.

Each and every person I knew with few exceptions only cared about their pocket book.


So what made the Musk brothers so different?


On the Jewish Passover I doubt very much they read the Haggadah with the 4 questions.


Why is today different?


On this night we have a better idea of who the wankers are.


How do you escape anti-Semitism in mineral rich South Africa when most of the fake opposition politicians are Jewish and lying through their teeth?


I will assume that the air both Elon and member @Kimbal Musk was cleaner than what everyone else breathed.


Let’s round things off to 14 billion years and that first hydrogen atom knew that it was eventually going to merge merge with another hydrogen atom before joining up with one oxgen atom to make water that has the most unique properties and makes up most of the human body.


There was nothing stupid in the “designe” [sic]and therefore one cannot assume that the creator was GemACH sic or @Mannie Hirsch.


Edit: … in the design …


Everything in this universe can be explained up to the “momenet” [sic] that first hydrogen atom appeared some 300,000 years after the start of the 14 billion expansion that continues at a feverish pace, and everything very dark, death and depressing, other than the inexplicable human who trashes the best of us and the planet in the process.


So of course the question arises, what are we doing here?


Without the pandemic stupidity we wouldn’t begin to appreciate the genius design, and we would think we are all geniuses including the piece of shit GemACH sic and my 3 elder siblings and their co-conspirators which include most all of you.


Please don’t everyone clamor in all at once with names of individuals you would like to see join us.


It is now 3:38 PM


@Mannie Hirsch, you know it is accurate, “Torah Gemach, you are too stupid to figure it out.”

Do you see the eating of an animal part that not long before belonged to a tortured from cradle to grave animal either as making love to that animal to compensate for no sex life or a horrible one or just pure masochism?

Mannie, would you want to see your daughter married to someone like yourself or GemACH [sic]?

How do you feel about the dishonorable Schneerson colluding with Begin in bed with the Nazi SA Oppenheimers?

Could you see someone who has been compromised being two-faced?

Do you understand why it is that Ben Gurion had his most trust with his, and General Smuts’, top notch fighter bomber pilots?

If you were accomplished wouldn’t you be less likely to be bought?

Doesn’t the brutal, callous Nazi Fritz ter Meer seem more benign to you?

He saw when partying with his pals at the illustrious gathering on 6 February 1959, 1 year 11 months and 11 days prior to the torture execution of Patrice Lumumba which President Eisenhower ordered because he too wanted to live out his life happily, carefree, without fear of assassination, how easy it was to corrupt those Jewish people who hadn’t performed spectacularly during World War II

Who here places Freedom of Speech, fair trade agreement[s] and the protection of religious freedoms, “ahed” [sic] of their pocket book decided by the merciless SA Oppenheimers and their collaborators?

While you hate the idea of getting everyone into the same internet chat room and for the best arguments to prevail, you are scared shitless that it could happen at any moment; and all it taking is either Elon Musk and/or Mark Zuckerberg to announce, “Im now going to tell it the way it is …”


Nor would either have to give up their lifestyle to preserve their conscience.

Why hasn’t it already happened?

You just have to ask them.


When accomplished people see no response from the spineless, it reinforces that man is a really fucked up animal who know[s] best to eat shit and talk shit.


A contact left the group.

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Is everyone okay if I break for a wonderful, healthy vegan lunch and enjoy the rain?


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Jacqui Taylor Basker left the group.



4:44 PM

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It is now 4:44 PM, and we shouldn’t forget what would have happened if the Jewish Brigade had failed on 19 March 1945 to impress both Winston Churchill and his second in command, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts, the best friend us Jewish people have had since Biblical times.


For those of you unfamiliar with what life was like during the Apartheid Regime or for those who have forgotten let me share.


The very first to bow were the liberal elite who attended all our universities; again, you would expect nothing less [from] the SA Oppenheimers to infiltrate those who thought they pissed Eau de Cologne.


Im not suggesting for a moment that the French soldiers who laid down their lives to enable the evacuation of Dunkirk were cowards, because in fact the French soldiers were the most heroic, and not their fault that their generals were either corrupt or incompetent which is what you would expect if your first goal was to eliminate the Jewish threat.


Moreover, when it comes to the French one should never forget that ugly, piece of shit men from all walks of life, hate more than anything the language of love.


Love doesn’t enter their vocabularly other then when making love to a dead white feathered chicken.


Imagine what it must feel like to have a dik and never use it to make love to a beautiful woman.


Where in the 10 Commandments does it say that women should be relegated to second class citizens?


@Shani Weltsman Moran, are you following along?


Men dancing with men outside of a gay bar does not mean that all gay men are Jewish.


When it comes to healthy sex between consenting adults, neither religion nor the color of one’s skin play any part.


If however one professes to be religious, the overriding thinking process should be fairness, starting with placing the better species, the women on a pedestal.


When they are not placed on a pedastial one cannot expect those women who are abused baby factories to speak out.


The religious Jewish people of South Africa were non-participants in the non-white propulation getting their freedom from slave wages.


If you are religious and telling everybody you are as close to God as it gets, you should be willing to lay down your life for the impoverished who are only impoverished because that unique water molecule was stolen by the biggest thieves and sold back to the people at a profit.

So what justice exactly were the corrupt Jewish religious seeking for themselves?


The SA Oppenheimers saw each of them with their hands out beginning with how they treated so obscenely their fellow Jewish people who couldn’t afford to be generous with their donations on Yom Kippur.


Put yourself in Harry Oppenheimer’s shoes and seeing how much joy the despicable Lazarus clan of Durban North derived during that insanity.


Would you reward the Lazarus clan and their friends with less or more of the illgotten gains such [as] stolen real estate?


Lazy people don’t like to work.


Sedentry people get increasingly comfortable with their fat while passing comment on the stupid who have yet to figure out the system because they are too busy trying to keep their head above water.


@Torah Gemach aka B G A T B when did you figure it was wrong to steal the water and then charge the poorest until all the poor were eliminated and then robots would do all the work and everything would be free?


Lazy people are unquestioning.


They like most [of] all, besides for eating to exercise their fat diseased talkative cells, talking badly about everyone else.


You funnel them first into your top English speaking universities and the overflow simply trickle down to community colleges where the poor kids are less likely to put up with all the bullshit.


Still trickle down economics is no less grotesque, and of course that all started with the elitist universities who everyone believes is hard to get into until a parent is caught cheating their kid by simply paying bribe monies that match the professors with more of an attitude.


Back when I was at university starting in the mid-70s it didn’t take rocket science which Elon Musk simply refers to as rocket engineering, it was obvious that the staunchest Freedom of Speech advocates which were to be found in Students Union were bought because you wouldn’t expect anything less from the SA Oppenheimers.



When it was publicly announced that loud mouth liberal arts student leaders were on the payroll of the Apartheid Regime’s brutal South African Secret Police, the plebes were surprise[d] and outraged, before going quiet again.


Back then the strongest resistors were taken at gunpoint and never seen again.


Every so often they would make a cause célèbre such as Biko and Turner to scare the shit out of everyone else.


Those who voted in the 1994 elections which brought puppet Mandela into power and really his only decisionmaking was what to eat and when to go to the bathroom did not include people like Biko, Turner and the others never heard from again.


In other words the shout for Fair Elections is a bunch of hot air, to put it politely.


@Mannie Hirsch do you consider yourself more polite than you were before I outed you?


@Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend, what about you?

Do you find yourself as polite as ever towards God or do you now curse God under your breath more than ever?


Besides for God, it can only be the Internet which keeps me free.


There was no room to move in Apartheid South Africa and post Apartheid South Africa until the Internet had matured sufficiently to the point that you couldn’t simply call up someone like Hilary Clinton or Secretary of State John F. Kerry Esq. and demand, “Kill Gevisser!”.



Prior to facebook-Twitter going back to caveman times when you ran foul of the dictator’s law you were a dead man.


So it is not that man is more benign or civilized, it is simply the power of the Internet that for the first time keeps the puppet politicians and their equally corrupt media in check.


Even more in perspective are all the sequences of events that needed to be in place going back to the expansion of the universe 14 billion years ago, as well as before.


The only thing that scripture does is dumb down the people.


Would you agree with that moron, stupid GemACH sic?


It only takes one miracle for God to exist, and I can think of several but still happy if there was only one.


How is everyone doing right now?


It has been howling cats and dogs for several hours and if you are homeless, it is worse than death, or for that matter ever homeless.


When you miss terribly the cutest thing that has ever been created


it really doesn’t last all that long once you have confirmation that God exists and what better evidence than the wretched such as GemACH sic and @Mannie Hirsch.


Isn’t it about time that the wretched intimidators had the tables turned on them?


Time and space are inextricably connected but that doesn’t mean we understand it all fully.


Let’s assume we came out of the caves 20,000 years ago and brute strength decided everything until the Internet had matured sufficiently where it is possible to get everyone into the same chat room, you must surely ask the question why didn’t the internet arrive sooner ahead of Joan of Arc being burned at the stake?


So you can see that once we have figured out how best to allocate the resources of the world starting with getting a TESLA into everyone’s hands without the added cost of advertising-marketing overhead, then we talk about things like our past lives, assuming everyone is interested and if not then they can leave to go exploring in their TESLA and finding that there are homes and hotels where they can stay while contributing to the upkeep, better yet if they have survival skills like bricklaying, concrete mixing, sanding, painting, plumbing, carpentry and electrical proficiency rather than their boring gift of the gab, speaking to speak.


No doubt Ms. Basker was not very happy when I wrote to her on fb messaging after she left for the second time:

I see that you played voyeur this time on NSS longer than before.

Let’s now speak more with our mutual fb friends.

Allaaeldin A. Abuasaker

4 mutual friends

Anas Zuhair Shaddad Qutaishat

2 mutual friends

Asif Hanif

2 mutual friends

Bill Mefford

2 mutual friends

Candice Czubernat

2 mutual friends

Carlotta Gibson

2 mutual friends

Cassie Ito

111 mutual friends

Deborah Emin

35 mutual friends

Ehab Judeh

17 mutual friends

Eman Ahmed

8 mutual friends

Frank Gatta

5 mutual friends

James Stillwell

2 mutual friends

John C. Calhoun


It took her no more than a couple of seconds to block and unfriend me.


You added James Stillwell to the group.


@James Stillwell, welcome aboard.


Do you know Jacqui Taylor Basker better than me or any of the rest of this NSS membership?

How do you know her?

Do you feel that religious people are more credible?


While giving @James Stillwell more time to get up to speed, let’s get back to you owner of 4200 year old Pharoah necklace @Mannie Hirsch.

Worth mentioning that James seems literate because his profile photo shows him reading a book looking out into an emmense landscape with a river right below; and so he also doesn’t appear to be homeless, and for being a pastor it looks like life has been good to him, and from purely appearances, the size dresses and pants of his one entourage


it is highly doubtful they just got out of Auschwitz or alongside pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer [February 4, 1906 – April 9, 1945].

Yes @Mannie Hirsch, despite you nor anyone has asked, what exactly was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for, and the measures he took and always looking to the future, “Let the children of Israel be a light unto the nations” are with us today.

I am here.

Who else is present?

Nor was Ben Gurion disappointed when still just 15 years of age I announced at the end of my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret”, and again his question, very simply, “What have you learned?”

You don’t have to be religious, because only fools are religious unless they have examined all the causes of poverty and the wars needed to generate one refugee crisis after the next, and the refugees who make it are the first line of defense against future immigrants who don’t want to pay or cannot afford to pay for citizenship.

Yes, we mustn’t forget that Jared Kushner made it clear that you only need money from the terrorist House of Saud to buy land in Israel rather than win it in battle.

True, I never studied theology at university, but nor did I think it smart to trade in my common sense for stupidity.

You just have to be good which comes naturally unless you have a fucked up mind such as yourself, @Mannie Hirsch and GemACH sic.

BTW, my father Bernie liked the fact that no one ever asked him about his briefings before and after each one of his miraculous 71 dive bombing missions.


The more you talk to morons about your personal experiences with G DNature so they become very ordinary.

For most all people to be so common and yet they think they are different, is another marvel of creation.

The fact that there is one spectacular designer @Marine Serre who brilliantly reflects meritocracy is more than amazing.

She is French, totally beautiful from head to toe, and an athlete to boot makes up for all that is rotten with the French.

The fact that she has to also give so many hugs and kisses 24/7 to people who are [not] so bright, not even close, is testament to how well sparked are her hydrogen and oxygen atoms in perfect balance dating back to the year dot.


If there were a ton of Marine Serres, or even one other, I wouldn’t be talking about her.


No one is even close.


I would go so far as to say going all the way back to the first caveman who wanted to look his best to attract the most beautiful first female.


BTW, my great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion woke up this morning and let me know immediately in her natural French accent which is not put on because her first language is the language of lovemaking, that she had the most vivid dream of us meeting Marine Serre in her work space as the apartment we were staying at in Paris was close by; but initially there was a disagreement because Marine Serre told my wife that she is not Vegan and their conversation quickly ended; and then I showed up, had a brief interaction with Marine Serre who suddenly realized who we were and she couldn’t wait to have an expresso with us and arrange to meet up in California where she was about to travel.


@Kimbal Musk have you noticed how everyone on social media either wants to show how embarrassed they are by their ugly looks, refusing to put up a current, realistic photo of themselves, most often something very distracting or they want to show that they are the most fun person who is always laughing and clowning about and someone you who just want to hang with all the time, and yet they are on facebook- Instagram-Twitter because they are lonely, no regular sex partner, and if they do find someone who has bought into their bullshit that relationship lasts as long as most marriages w[h]it[c]h is about 1 in 5; and 99% of those who stay married only do so because of the money attachment.


@Mannie Hirsch lets now come back to you.


Do you have any idea what it would have meant to the Germans to have captured my father or Syd Cohen?




@Mannie Hirsch had you previously heard of South African Captain Syd Cohen the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of Smuts’ elite Squadron 11?


You may not be fully aware that hovering above their Kittyhawk fighter bombers were Spitfires piloted by the best fighter pilots whose only mission was to go in down to ground level when observing a Kittyhawk in trouble and to kill every German approaching, and failing that to take out the pilot of the downed plane should he have survived.

My father and the rest of Squadron 11 were not only the best trained fighter pilots of World War II they were spectacularly fit.




Such accomplished men are in stark contrast to monster John Vorster


Prime Minister of Apartheid South Africa from 13 September 1966 – 2 October 1978.


Does anyone here remember who was Prime Minister of Apartheid South Africa at the time of the Biko and Turner assassinations?


South African Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge @David Friedman did you call up Vorster to congratulate him or did you busy yourself in paperwork?


How is it possible for someone who is jailed by General Smuts for his Nazi leanings, end up in charge of the Malan Death Squads and the Jewish leadership of South Africa all complicit?


How is it possible that Elon Musk despite a heavy duty dyfunctional upbringing is not only pro Jewish but openly and loudly supports the two greatest Jewish people of all time, Spinoza and Einstein who doesn’t come close to getting all the credit he deserves.


Pastor @James Stillwell do you feel that most people just go with the wind of their pocket book while making out that they are benign?


Can you really be all that benign if you don’t care for the other much more senstive animals, insects and plants and the planet we all share?


Notice that @Jann Turner is still with us.

@Jann Turner why are you sticking around this time?

Again, everyone is free to leave; and that means you have to rely on others no less untrustworthy to keep you up to speed.

Remember there is merit, reward for not talking out of school; in other words, you can’t be traitors to good people.

That means when you are surrounded by traitor-informers the more you keep busy the less questions you get asked by the sedentary guided only by their fat diseased talkative cells who are constantly hungry because they are malnourished because the brain that guides is poorly maintained.


How amazing that right after I announce, “One simple molecule of water is anything but simple engineering”, the ugliest specimen imaginable shows up.




They have no shame.

Yet they want you to believe that their appearance wearing religious paraphernalia is indicative of their piety, studiousness all to let you know that they should be trusted with their word.



You sent

What sort of example is someone you don’t want your daughter to marry and have children with?


Nor do I think putting GemACH sic in a Marine Serre dress will compliment the dress.


In fact as you peel away the onion, it is clear that they are only an intimidating force who can’t mouth logical opposition only hate filled distraction.

If you don’t have a kind face, it doesn’t mean you are kind; “Gary Gevisser  you are so kind”.

If you hide behind your beard, you are hiding; and the people you least fool are your children.


Again, how can a grown man who learns that fucking a baby machine produces offspring not [be] able to figure out on their own that there is a connection between stupidity and weight?

GemACH [sic], do your children know you as well as your spouse?

When you heard the announcement, “The only person who knows you is God and your spouse” did it mean anything to you, or did it draw a blank?

Do coincidences move you to the point that you tremble at just the thought that G DNature watches your moves and thoughts which you have increasingly less control over?


@Mannie Hirsch, you want to talk, so try this; do you agree with my assessment that for GemACH sic to admit he is wrong means that he perfectly understands that the Schneerson was either mentally ill or bought?

Mannie did you ever imagine that a religious person who has nothing going for them other than to fool people with their religious attire would think, let alone write so weak, “You Gary Gevisser have no flaws”?


Nor does it mean that you Mannie, nor anyone else is smart not to have realized that Ben Gurion and his Haganah, which included few to none religious Jewish people pulled off the miracle of Israel’s War of Independence without wearing a skull cap that they should so desecrate the miraculous victory by then wearing a skull cap?


Now if wearing a skull cap meant you could get the money to afford luxury penthouse accommodation or enter into a joint venture with fake religious politicians to rule and/or make out like a bandit on totally rigged Wall Street, and to show some distance by not wearing a skullcap, would you do so?


It is clear cut extortion and the Israelis are not the only ones who can’t wait to vote in the next election as the SA Oppenheimers and their thieving bankers laugh their heads off.


GemACH sic, you are off from work, is that correct?

GemACH sic, did you not kick the white feathered chicken because you feared a bruised body part like its thigh could get more stuck in your cancer colon leading to your anus?

Do you fear the day when you are told that you have incurable cancer?

Let’s assume that is all in the future.

Why would you want to continue living other than you fear death?

Does death bring a warm, comforting feeling?


Frankly, I couldn’t imagine that for a moment.

Rather, I think, you would keep up the same poison diet, try every pill under the sun that your medical doctor recommends, the worst kind of panful treatment like chemo and look forward to everyone wishing you well.

Truly, I don’t want to think of all the awful things that go through your head, and so I will leave it to you to figure yourself out, but remember it is not possible given how wretched you are that God will give you any guidance.

Moreover, when I decide, and that could be at any moment, you will be removed and sent to the back of the class, very likely permanently.

Need I remind you that it is nothing new to you that God has forsaken you.

A bad person cannot be rewarded in this very good, logical universe.


Mannie, did you notice the prescient timing departure of Asif Hanif at 10:05 AM following, “Did you get to eat that white feathered chicken?”.?

What makes you think that Hanif is vegan?


It is now 6:59 PM and the rain is only intensifying.


Note how instantly the piece of shit [pos] GemACH sic writes “You have to train to lift” within a minute of me posting, “Torah Gemach aka B G A T B how is it possible to even lift up a prayer book, let alone a torah, knowing that you were not blessed with intelligence and worse you are so ugly looking?” which was at 10:07 AM.

Thank God, GemACH sic only has to deal with sick and getting sicker people who stink up the pharmacy where he works and counting the pills; unless that is now all automated and all he has to do is engage in small talk with Alter Cocker-old decrepit cock suckers.

Imagine a poor child coming home to decrepit GemACH sic.

I would change more than my religion.

GemACH sic goes from “what does weight have to do with stupid? It only could mean that you equate these two things together. Please explain” to “Why did you put the picture of you and the Rebbe?”.

Mannie do you feel that GemACH sic is trying to con you, or does his antics remind you of yourself and everyone else you hate?

This prick also knows that besides for quickly tossing that $1 bill given my knowledge of how dirty is the Schneerson, this Mendel Lipskar is furtherest removed from being my friend.

GemACH [sic] does however admit to hating his looks and of course a religious person who can’t control their weight seek to impress upon you that they are mindful about everything else.

This is a nuts society.

All they do when not praying over poison food is to eat the poison food and clearly unconscious of the presence of a higher being until they become terminally ill.


How can you hold up a so-called Holy Torah and look so disgusting, all the while smile from ear to ear?

Moreover, he derives great pleasure in sending me photos of his disgusting fat brothers “worshipping ink on paper”.

Again, unconscious.

Mannie, go ahead now and study the ChaBAD sic document that GemACH broadcasted:






You sent




@Gary Gevisser  who are you to have any opinion what so ever? Are you a Rabbi? Do you know Ha’locha? When was the last time you were in Shul? Have you Eben had any formal Yeshiva life?




Keep to what you think you know, i.e. Musk and South African history before you left. Keep on eating beans and Tofu with green beans


You sent

@Mannie Hirsch, does the sight of that bugger rabbi holding in his right arm his victim who he may have already buggered several times that day, make you want to sign up?

This power over the weak is as much a pandemic as human stupidity.

BTW, have you noticed anyone who has been poison vaccinated for the Covid 19 flu virus and boosted up the kazoo said out loud that they can feel their immune system has been compromised?

Why not speak clearer than simply placing up a twilight zone emoji followed by nothing?

Couldn’t you at least comment on Errol Musk’s 100 words of praise?

Of course you can’t, because you are bedeviled.

So I take it that your father never flew Spitfires and Kittyhawk fight bomber aircraft during WW2.

Was he as big a disappointment to you as you were to him?

Wouldn’t you bow to my father if you were in his presence?

What about my no less spectacular mother Zena?



Now let’s see what diabolic scheme you come with




You thinking?


You sent

GemACH sic, I saw that you just arose from the dead without bearing a crucifix.

Do you feel that there is less inbreeding in your community than the rest of the literate population?




First answer my questions


You sent

Mannie, with GemACH sic as a backdrop, don’t you feel totally blessed by the presence of Elon Musk?




Answer my questions now


You sent

Mannie, I can understand that you would prefer that I don’t ignore stupid GemACH sic who doesn’t have the intelligence to figure out the correlation between fat and stupid, but I choose differently.




You have been bashing me the whole day and when pressed to answer honest questions about yourself, you go into tangents


You sent

GemACH sic also knows that besides for removing him, he has to deal for eternity knowing that God has forsaken him.

To maintain such a mantra he should try Buddhism.



Holocaust people act the same way of not talking about their own experiences



You must have had a very interesting childhood



Did you get beaten up and bullied as a child?







What a waste



You sent

Mannie, stay focused. Let GemACH sic run out of steam.

He knows however that he cannot beat, “what does weight have to do with stupid?”

As you give applause  to Arab tryants such as the House of Saud who traitored Musk in the $420 share buyout, and now Musk is smart enough to keep them close, tell us more the history and pricing of your 4200 year “Pharoha” [sic] necklace.

Also what is virtuous about the cut-throat GemACH sic?

Why do you think it is that the secular Jews like realtor Essakow sucking off the big government high tit, are so slow to ridicule these so embarrassing religious retards other than they provide cover in accepting their money chartiy donations, ugh


Mannie, you appear to still live in South Africa; who do you think gets to vote when the best such as Biko and Turner are murdered in cold blood and the Jewish communities of South Africa starting with the sick Jewish Durban community are all silent, just as they were when the Oppenheimers defeated General Smuts in the rigged 26 May 1948 South African General Election and people like Elon Musk’s paternal grandfather were blackballed, barely able to eek out a living.


You sent

@Torah Gemach aka B G A T B let’s give you one more try.

Why do you think it is all the corrupt, both religious and irrelgious, who refuse to talk about the impact of Israel having lost its first war, so well described in chapter 16 of The Diamond Invention book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?


Do you recall telling me that the Schneerson and Prime Minister Begin discussed land issues in Israel.

Tell us again, and if you can’t recall exactly call up your pal Lipskar.

What name does he call you?


Mannie, you can relate. Irreligious secular Jewish people of “coruse” [sic] mock the hell out of the likes of GemACH sic without realizing that they are not as stupid as they look, just well paid informers who hide their wealth, and then get their biggest laugh handing out a $1 bill that now has GemACH [sic] obnoxiously suggesting that Im upset with the abysmal Schneerson for not giving me more.


@Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend. Let’s assume that you are not relishing your favorite turkey soup as before because you feel very uncomfortable with God watching you.

When did it occur to you that you could use money to buy land and minerals that you didn’t win in war?


GemACH sic, you made a point of letting us know that you voted in an election today.

That means you know about war and that if you can’t use your money to grab land-water-oil-wheat, you must resort to war.

Again, when did it occur to you that you could use money to buy land and minerals that you didn’t win in war?


GemACH sic why would you vote when you could be praying to God for intelligence on the next goaround?


GemACH sic, let’s make it clearer.

What would it cost the Arabs who wanted to keep the lands they were dwelling on?


Are you suggesting that if it is not in the Torah or something you made up, then it is not important and we should discuss something else that makes you less aware of your unconsciousness?


It seems to me that both Begin and Schneerson were putting on a show for the camera, that they were deep in thought, pious and should never be questioned.

GemACH sic, you are the same.

Would you like to take a timeout from NSS?

How disgusting how weak the comebacks, “Gary Gevisser are you finished yet… keep the change…I feel bad Gary gevisser that I pushed all your pinpoint buttons. Why don’t you ask Rabbi Mendel Lipsker to help you write a letter to the Rebbe? You love to publish that Picture of you with the Rebbe!… You are shining your illness… You are so busy, are you trying to catch up till ….”

Note that not really a friend of mine Esther Lerach has yet to remove any of my postings on her wall.

My convincing, articulate, razor sharp arguments no doubt appealing to her better sensibilities.


GemACH sic, when are you planning on returning to Esther Lerch’s wall?

To repeat what I lasted posted up at 6:51 PM Calif. time yesterday:

I just removed GemACH sic from NSS after sharing:

Torah Gemach aka B G A T B, I’m going to give you a timeout so you can best console yourself, without biting off the head of every chicken to save the butcher rabbi blunting his knife.


GemACH sic, when did you learn it was okay to lie in the presence of God?


God knows as well as you that Mendel Lipskar was never a friend of mine or anything close, the same with his equally disgusting pig brother Chaim who was responsible for arranging a meeting of myself and my client Solly Krok with a lawyer from the enemy camp.

Of course member @Sharon Krok Feuer‘s father Solly Krok was over his head the moment he entrusted any secrets to these well paid informers who fake their righteousness as they do their care for the poor.

Again, my personal experience with the Chaim Lipskar in Amsterdam, Netherlands back in 1989 and their pointing Solly Krok in the direction of a corrupt Dutch lawyer who was working with the enemy Philips NV wasn’t the first sign but all the proof I needed to then tell Krok, “Watch out for these bastards”, but he didn’t listen because his ego was too big to admit they had him fooled, and he lost big time; and there was more to come, some half a decade later in 1994, when his two trusted South African Chartered Accountants stole his prime Amsterdam real estate properties worth back then a small tidy $50 million.

That is not to suggest that one should trust a single South African Chartered Accountant because first of all they are not bright.

You should never trust a fool period.

How bright was Elon Musk not to become a Chartered Accountant; blessed by God is all I can say.

Imagine a human who has impregnated a woman, produced a whole bunch of replicas who are not all as smart as Elon Musk or even close asking such a question, “what does weight have to do with stupid?”.

Why isn’t there an intelligence test at the supermarket to weed out the stupid, send them back to the end of the line and then after inhaling all the airborne particles of feces of the patrons in front, to see if they succumb finally and stop consuming the limited resources?

Im sure Elon Musk can figure out a better way with all the time he has either isolated in the most remote region of Mars or under the warm wings of God.

Easy to imagine that the Schneerson would have gone down in history as this great brilliant man who had the masses of idiots thinking he was God’s greatest gift and yet he looks no healthier than the unhealthiest Popes who make all the wretched failing to take proper care of their health by eating right and exercising vigorously to enjoy the greatest gift of God, love making, which involves attracting another beautiful body, feel so much better about themselves, “O shame, he is all bent over, in great pain, can only shuffle, my pain is so much less, yes there must be truth to the scripture that says we should all suffer and why there is this original sin, and to focus our attention on energy vampiring the healthy.”

@Torah Gemach, do you ever get a glimmer of the beautiful logic of this universe is overwhelming?

If not, keep practicing. You have all the time in the world.

We can reason everything and it makes no difference that we can see the human one big GAS [Gomorrah and Sodom] cloud that is vivid in each of our imaginations.

Family and friends will be arriving soon, but still you can all think about “Why do people lie?”

Let’s now all wish Elon Musk the very best.


8:05 PM Tuesday 8 November


On and on, you cannot get sic yourself Gary Gevisser to answer questions about your self. Shame on you! You keep on being a child and saying that I lied to you and that I am nothing. These are traits that you recognize  well, these are your traits. Grow up and get a real job! You have nothing better to do then hammer down on me. What will it get you? You want to extort money from me. I don’t even know if you are really Jewish. You talk about people that you know yet I only see a few people who engage with you. You are a bully.



Craig Lane left the group.

9:10 PM

9:10 PM

You sent

Craig Lane left


You sent

GemACH sic, it is after midnight for you.

I can understand the great difficulty you have falling asleep.

Try to forget that you wrote and told me that it is stated in the Torah that private citizens are allowed to own land in Israel that God gave to all the Jewish people.

Should you fall asleep when you wake up, let us know if God spoke to you and told you not to worry and to just keep praying.

Let’s change the subject.

Why would you direct any question to me who you dislike intensely because I have outed you and your leader the Schneerson, and it is not just any question but one that shows you are too stupid to figure it out?


Btw GemACH sic, what ritual were you performing with that white feathered chicken you were bullying?

Did you at any time kiss it with your lips smack on its mouth or eyelid or just gently on the head while whispering, “You will soon be inside of me and you are mine forever!”?

GemACH sic, it is now 12:30 AM on the east coast of the United States, and let’s say you are only awake watching the election results of puppets.

On a scale of 0 to 10, and 0 being “no concern” how much does it bother you that Ben Gurion and his top Israel Air Force commanders including Modi Alon and future commander Syd Cohen are not wearing skullcaps-Yamahas sic?


GemACH sic, it is 12:42 AM where you hoping to get some sleep.

On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being that you have not heard of Elon Musk, how would you rank his father’s words of praise?


GemACH sic, tell me someone you respect who I should listen to even if they are dead.


GemACH sic, it is fast approaching 1 AM and you are fidgeting; and remember you are mostly hydrogen atoms that never go to sleep.

Where in Torah does it say that the water that comes from the heavens can be privatized and those who can’t afford to own it must accept the will of those who can?


GemACH sic, since you are so into scripture and why else would you pray, can you point to anything that shows the genius of the Creator?


10:35 PM

You sent

Edit: … to people who are not so bright, not even close.


GemACH sic, let’s assume you are dreaming even if you are awake.

What would it cost the Arabs who wanted to keep the lands they were dwelling on?

Would you blame God if the Schneerson and Begin didn’t discuss this option or is it only what the Bible says we should follow?


Wednesday 9 November 22,
6:47 AM

You sent

TSA agents find gun smuggled inside raw chicken


7:57 AM



While I was sleeping, I see you are still busy but still have nit answered my questions. Get to work and send me answers now!


8:22 AM

You sent

Title: Bullying a chicken

Now you are acting controlling, like you know what you are saying.

The sun has just this instant come out. Nice.

Keep it light.

What ritual were you performing with that white feathered chicken you were bullying?

You should question the educated, real estate, religious, officials and relations (error).

It’s a big error not to question.


9:04 AM

You sent

T GemACH (sic), what are you now thinking?



You sent

Let’s ask everyone why they think it was important for you to lie and say that Torah, the Jewish Bible, condones the profiting of stolen real estate that logically belongs to everyone, unless it is won in battle?


You sent

It is now 9:11 AM Calif. time, Wednesday 9.11.22, 2 days prior to the 18th anniversary of breaking my 24 year silence with the SA Oppenheimers-DAAC (DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation) whose first line of defense are turned Jews.


9:33 AM

You sent

When the Jewish rabbis tell the most bold lies and the Jewish people don’t rise up in rebellion you have history repeating itself.

GAS (Gomorrah & Sodom)

There is nothing doom and gloom about the truth.

It is only poor conditioning that has real estate ownership ingrained from birth.

You wouldn’t expect those who profit the most to seek change that will interfere with their lifestyles that include prolong their favorite charities that make them look benign.

The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Realtor @Jeffrey Essakow, I see that you are now donning a  beard.


Who is 1HWY1?

1HWY1 is headed by Yehudi “Gaf” Gaffen, Jeff “JJ” Jacobs (son of Irwin Jacobs) and Jeff Essakow, and is privately financed by the principals, friends and family members.

Friends are people with money.

In sales, the first to speak loses.

The precision order of this universe is not violated by man’s pure folly, rather it is only enhanced.


You sent

Edit: … include supporting their favorite …



12:43 PM

You sent

Power over a chicken


Title: Sound barrier

Musk broke the advertising barrier with Tesla.

He is trying to do the same thing with Twitter.

(Basically 2 cups of coffee a month.)

Those who can’t afford should be taken under the wings of those who have.





1:45 PM

You sent

Title: How about truth

The reverse is happening.

The political bias of advertisers is damaging the safety of social media objectivity and freedom of speech.

@yoyoel @mrdcohen @azawatski @kylegriffin1 @Liz_Wheeler @RepMariaSalazar @MKramerTV @JKrinsk @shauntomson @TuckerCarlson


2:12 PM

You replied to Torah

Original message:

On and on, you cannot get sic yourself Gary Gevisser to answer questions…

@Torah Gemach aka Benzion “Gong” [sic] Around The Bend, how so, “You want to extort money from me”. Please explain, you liar; you should be ashamed to resort to defamation. That is low).


2:15 PM


It’s your assumption that I lied. It is mis information.



2:17 PM
You sent

You lied when you said that the Torah supports the private ownership of land in Israel give to all the Jewish people.

Then to cover your big lie, you said that a Jewish sage later endorsed your total bullshit, and why you have yet to find those writings of the sage.

On top of that you call me an extornist.

Edit: … call me an “extornist” [sic]. (The correct spelling is extortionist).


Edit: … Israel given to all the Jewish people.


3:04 PM

You sent

Backup of NSS – 2:54 PM Calif. time


4:44 PM



@Gary Gevisser You want someone else to do the dirty work. Go look it up your self.


4:44 PM

You sent

Look it up?


4:44 PM


Yes in Chumush


4:45 PM



It’s in last week’s portion


4:45 PM

You sent

In court you don’t ask the judge to look up.

You knew you were lying.


4:45 PM


You are not a judge


4:46 PM

You sent

You have made false statements and you know that you can’t back them up.


4:46 PM



You have a Jewish calendar? Look up what section they read in Shul and see the English translation


4:46 PM

You sent

Facts speak louder than words.


4:46 PM



I never made any false statement


4:47 PM

You sent

You are the one who has to provide the evidence.


4:48 PM



I don’t have to prove this. It is black and white straight in the Torah. You don’t even need to interpret it.


4:48 PM

You sent

Again, you said that it is in the Torah that God allows for the private ownership of land in Israel that he gave to all the Jewish people.

For you to keep talkiing circles, shows that you are a very bad person who cannot be trusted.

If you were right you would want to prove me wrong by bringing in the proof.


4:49 PM

You sent

Let’s not forget, where did you pick up that I was extorting money from you?


4:50 PM

You sent

You are avoiding because you know you cannot provide the text in the Torah.

Anyone reading this would think the same way.


4:51 PM


The only one’s who cannot own land in Israel are the levits


4:52 PM


Go to Shul and open a Chumush


4:52 PM


You are lazy


4:52 PM

You sent

Where is the text?


4:52 PM



I will let you know soon.  I am busy now


4:53 PM

You sent

You are a weasil.

You have had years to perform and you have failed.


4:58 PM

You sent

Given how you could have a stroke at any time, more likely because you are lazy with your poor diet, too stupid to figure out the correlation between fat and stupidity, we must establish for the record that God, not anyone else, gave the Land of Israel to all the Jewish people, without making any exceptions, because that would be illogical.

There is reason why this GemACH sic cannot find a single rabbi to support his lies.

Each and every rabbi I have spoken to cannot provide the text in the Torah showing that God changed his mind.

These rabbis all go quiet or follow in the footsteps of poor thinker GemACH sic, telling me that they dont have the time to do the research.


5:02 PM

You sent

It was at 4:52 PM Calif. time and it is now 4:59; in other words 7 odd minutes have elapsed since GemACH sic “I will let you know soon …”.

FB shows that he isn’t exercising right now in a forest full of fresh, clean oxygen because it is now after 8 PM his time and he has nothing else to do but think how he is going to get out [of] his mess.


Edit: … get out of his mess.


5:14 PM

You sent

He calls reading the Torah “dirty work”.


5:22 PM

You sent

He is not only avoiding the defamatory statement, “You want to extort money from me” but it is obvious that he does not believe God to be his judge.

He is lying.

He is hiding behind his religiousness; not accountable for anything.

They do the same with the rapes,


children and women by shutting everybody up; no different to the Catholic priests.


5:26 PM



Here lazy fellow read

Last week’s parsha Lech Lecha


5:28 PM




5:28 PM

You sent

Avram aka Abraham was the first Jew.

All Jewish people are his offspring; none more special than the next.


5:28 PM





5:29 PM

You sent

There is nothing in Torah that says God changed his mind and allowed for one or more Jewish people to inherit or own more land than the next.


5:32 PM



When the 12 tribes were entering Israel, it says that each one got a piece of land proposition according to the size of his family. Then the daughters of Tzlofcha came and asked what about us. We have no father and no brothers. So GoD was asked and at the end of the Story in the Torah, it was decided that they have to marry into their tribe


5:33 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, take a break from digging an even bigger hole on the subject of real estate profiteering in Israel, and which no Good God would support.

Instead, focus, on, “You want to extort money from me”.


5:35 PM

You sent

BTW, “… it was decided that they have to marry into their tribe” that is why you became stupid… inbred.


5:48 PM


Look Gary Gevisser,  sic I cannot help you because you are ignorant

Learn a little Torah


5:51 PM

You sent

He always resorts to name calling, “… you are ignorant.”

Yet he obviously remembers his lies and gross defamation.

There is nothing even remotely suggested in Torah that God was foolish and changed his mind to support the private ownership of real estate that would make slaves of Jewish people by their own.


5:52 PM

You sent

So of course the question is, why didn’t GemACH sic simply keep his mouth shut, knowing that he was going to lie and open up a hornest’s nest for a great many more than all the Jewish rabbis?


5:55 PM


I did not say that you are stupid just ignorant and lazy to see that you just don’t know what you are talking about.

Ahm oretz


5:55 PM

You sent

It is obvious that this matter is of great consequence, resulting in him committing the most foul defamation, “”You want to extort money from me”.


5:56 PM

You sent

He is avoiding now his own words.


5:57 PM



No one is mentioning money here just your far fetched thoughts


5:58 PM

You sent

Hmm, what’s “You want to extort money from me”?


Extortion of money is money.


5:58 PM



Why don’t you ask a Rabbi about this?


5:58 PM

You sent

You read my mind.

Hang tight.


5:59 PM

You sent

Rabbi, Professor @Abner Weiss, this would be an appropriate time, wouldn’t it?


6:00 PM

You sent

Note first of all that he has completely dismissed the extortion comments.


6:02 PM



According to one person who left the group awhile ago, you have no money. It’s all your wife’s, so stop talking garbage now and get to the point


6:02 PM
You sent

Rabbi @David Masinter, you are a very senior ChaBAD sic rabbi. Let’s also hear from you.


6:03 PM

You sent

The are sick in the head, “According to one person who left the group awhile ago, you have no money. It’s all your wife’s, so stop talking garbage now and get to the point”.


6:04 PM



By the way, the only proof that exists about money is that you and your Family Lipsker took money from Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson


6:05 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, if it were true, would that make my wife an extortionist?

GemACH sic, you are avoiding again.


6:05 PM

No, you are on welfare of your wife


6:06 PM



When was the last time that you worked?


6:06 PM

You sent

Your defaming statement, “You want to extort money from me” will not go away.


6:07 PM



The only extortion going on is in your mind


6:07 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, what does the last time I worked have to do with my wealth? A lot of people are retired.


6:08 PM

You sent

Okay, let’s recap the conversation, “You want to extort money from me”.


6:08 PM



You are a young fellow


6:08 PM

You sent

That was your statement not mine. Dont try to make out that Im extorting money out of my wife… for my sexual performance.



6:09 PM



Sick thought


6:01 PM

You sent

What  sex is a sick thought?

You have lied about your Holy Scripture Torah and there is no rabbi who can help you.

You have compounded your hell by committing defamation against me; again your words, “You want to extort money from me””.


6:11 PM

You sent

You are skating around the issues now.


Why would I go after you to extort money?


6:12 PM

You sent

You will grab hold of anything to distract from your lies.

Liars have bad memories.


6:12 PM



If that’s how you feel about it then fine, I will not change your mind and it does not effect me in any way


6:13 PM

You sent

“You want to extort money from me.”

You should apologise. That would be the right thing to do.


6:14 PM


What would happen if I apologise?


6:15 PM



You will look for another victim?


6:15 PM

You sent

We won’t bring the extortion again, otherwise it will follow to your deathbed.

You call yourself a victim now?

My God, you have no shame.


6:16 PM

You sent


He is just arrogant.


6:17 PM

You sent

In one breath he says, “What would happen if I apologise?” and in the next, “You will look for another victim?”


6:17 PM


Yes, a victim of you ridiculous thoughts

And thought process


6:18 PM

You sent

This is a debate to find the truth which you dont seem to want.

It was your thoughts, “You want to extort money from me” which were to distract from your big lies.


6:19 PM





6:19 PM

You sent

The big issue is of course the Land of Israel, and you, nor any rabbi [n]or any sage can explain.


6:19 PM



Go to Shul


6:20 PM

You sent

Again, you are running in circles.

Can you have a rabbi come in and debate because obviously you have a lack of facts; what else can I say?


6:21 PM

You sent

Facts are just not your forte.


6:21 PM



How far is the closest Shul from where you live?


6:21 PM

You sent

Not far enough.


6:23 PM

You sent

If they are all like you, who needs them?

God is not amongst those that pray there.

A just God would not agree with you.


6:24 PM

You sent

Ugly arrogance is what you display.


6:36 PM

You sent

Extortion of money is pretty clear here.

“Definately” [sic] not farfetched; word for word, “You want to extort money from me.”  Your words at 6:07 PM Calif. time, don’t leave any room for interpretation.

My wife says that she wants you to sleep tonight, and will not sue you.

She will leave it to God to make the judgment call on you.


6:38 PM

You sent

Let me be very clear GemACH sic, you should take a higher path.


6:41 PM

You sent

It is not good for your brain to stick to stupid.

It is mathematically proven that choosing change increases the chances of success.


6:46 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, what time do you go to bed? My wife is tired of you.


6:48 PM

You sent

“According to one person …”.

My wife also thought that bad gossip was not allowed in the Torah; and she was actually thinking that the Jewish religion was the most appealing logically until she heard your thoughts… and your lack of integrity.


6:52 PM

You sent

What actually do you mean, “the only proof that exists about money is that you and your Family Lipsker took money from Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson”?

What is the “your Family Lipsker”?

You know the ChaBAD sic Lipskers are not my family or friend.

Are you talking about the $1 Schneerson handed me?


6:55 PM

You sent

You appear to be making out that I stole from the Schneerson; and when you combine with the defamation it is further proof that you have very bad intentions to do my reputation “ireparable” [sic] harm.


6:56 PM

You sent

Again, God being the best judge, is not something you should take lightly.


6:57 PM

You sent

Nor do you have to believe in God in order for God to judge fairly our Jewish traitors.


7:02 PM ~ 7:22 PM

You sent

Edit: What, sex is a sick thought?

Edit: Why would they be pushing “vacinnes” [sic] when they see the spectacular results?

Edit: … the very best warriors on the “battlefiled” [sic] …
Edit: … this moral compass supports the enslaving of both humans and the far more “senstive” [sic] animals.
James Stillwell left the group.
Edit: … you have very bad intentions to do my reputation “ireparable” [sic] harm.


You sent

Pastor James Stillwell left.
