Name Someone Stupid – 27
Backup: 3:53 PM Calif. time 31 December 22
Dec 14, 2022, 9:53 AM
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Edit: But if there is more to coincidences “that” [sic] of course God knows the outcome for each of us.
Edit: If “you” [sic] head is cut off, you know for sure it is just miliseconds before all the pain ends, or so we may think.
Edit: It is not possible to know for certain what happens at the moment of death but the closer we get to death at the same time knowing …
Edit: It takes money to buy meat killed to satisfy man’s lust for flesh …
Edit: Surely, if you are a proponent of God and doing all the rituals which have you looking down on the others who you see as subhuman because they are simply unintelligent, ignorant, not blessed with God’s godlliness, then to be lacking in willpower to control your food-drink intake is as sure a sign as “enemy” [sic] the human beast is either a hypocrite deluxe or grossly insane.
Edit: For good reason I see you and the Schneerson …
Edit: Netanyahu does a really good job in convincing everyone that he unashamedly is plugging his new book.
December 14 at 10:12 AM
Dec 14, 2022, 10:12 AM
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GemACH sic, it is 10:10 AM Wednesday 14 Dec. 22 here in sunny Southern California after our first awesome snow fall.
The question on many people’s minds who are watching Elon Musk cut costs including holding back on piddly rent payment on Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco where Elon recently didn’t get a standing ovation by everyone at the Chapelle show, and threatening to not make good on the severance packages of the thousands he terminated who were mostly, at best keeping seats warm, while undermining the second most basic democratic principle, Freedom of Speech, is whether Elon is able, from a legal standpoint, to have Twitter declare bankruptcy?
We have our own resident bankruptcy specialist, shareholder class action litigator (scal) Mr @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq.
GemACH sic, why don’t you ask Mr Krinsk what he thinks because I’m sure you trust his opinion better than mine?
It is of course a very clever move by Elon Musk who has been very quick to reorganize his legal team following the Baker debacle.
GemACH sic, try putting aside that you are bedeviled by your constant thought of willpower from which there is no escape.
True believers in God should have by definition, the strongest willpower.
How in the world could God have forsaken all of you?
Did the conman Schneerson ever bring up in his sermons admonishing those of you so obviously self-indulgent and the shame it brings to ChaBAD sic, so disrespectful of our Creator?
Or was he too busy talking about land rights in Israel?
Bear in mind it is also so easy by simply being logical and reading the science of healthy eating if you lack the common sense to figure it out.
So with that all aside let’s jump right into what you know about the Lipskars’ father that you thought was important enough to interrupt.
Then we can talk about the money that weak people use to buy others equally weak.
You are free to speak directly to @Bari Weiss and to ask what is she getting out of NSS as she builds up the subscription base of her budding media empire that has been boosted by Elon Musk choosing her as one of Twitter’s spokespersons when he could have bought Madison Avenue much like the Oppenheimers did in September 1938 well before a single Jew had been gassed in Auschwitz, Treblinka and the such.
December 14 at 11:05 AM
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GemACH sic, you are obviously on a roll
right now, but put also aside the brilliant move by Elon Musk to roll out the TESLA semi truck
to lower the cost of transporting the tables and chairs from Twitter’s headquarters to the auction houses, instead tell us how Torah explains that irreligious people who unlike you never say prayers over the food, and you do it before you stuff yourselves as well as after, have the willpower!
The Christians are given wafers, that is one f, they are not waffles.
Dec 14, 2022, 11:50 AM
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Since the insomniac 1 night stand
didn’t bring in the revenue he was expecting from Coke and the gun lobby (original to say the least, although an old trick of the Hollywood-Madison Avenue crew “A Girl’s Best Friend”) he has to keep a semblance of propriety considering where and who provides his minerals, home sweet home, and the cost of vacating even in his semi truck doesn’t bring in the rent money, but certainly the eyeballs.
All is fair in war and love.
You still can’t put that many chairs and tables in a semi-truck, but brings eyeballs.
GemACH sic, would you consider a bypass preferable to asking God why after all your prayers, observation of pagan rituals, you wouldn’t be afforded the most basic willpower, instead you bully a chicken?
GemACH sic, let’s say you were the head honcho of ChaBAD sic, and you suspected that the virulent anti-Semitic Oppenheimers who have controlled all the banks since forming their South African Reserve Bank in 1921 well ahead of bringing the very underwhelming Hitler to power on 30 January 1933, and quickly confiscating the small business peoples life savings, no different to their introduction of Cryptos – and you see how they are once again targeting good Jewish people hanging on by their fingernails – have spies spread throughout, how would you flush them out?
GemACH sic, I think you would agree that Elon Musk knew that there were very rotten things going on at Twitter long before he decided to grossly overpay, but if he didn’t then someone such as Mr Bone Saw and his Jewish Kapo Jared Kusher would step right in and destroy all the evidence of collusion between Twitter top management and the SA Oppenheimers’ government officials.
GemACH sic, be short and sweet with your response.
The time is now 12.10PM California time.
GemACH sic, when Krinsk sent me this snail mail letter
14 December 12:16 PM
12:17 PM
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on March 29, 2001, 545 days after he filed the epic class action lawsuit against ChaBAD sic sponsor Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman, do you think Krinsk was simply bored and eager to help his paralegal keep her seat warm!
12:17 PM
Hay Gary, these were for sale in the central bus station in Jerusalem, pre Chanukah. They told me that they were diet
12:18 PM
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Is God talking to you about willpower?
12:19 PM
Yes sure
12:19 PM
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What bothers you most about my mother Zena’s love, trust and respect towards me?
Does God explain to you why he brought you into this world looking so ugly and lacking willpower?
Do you feel that God makes up for it by you battling to show humour?
12:21 PM
That you think that I am ugly is you looking only on the surface.
You seem to be very shallow
12:21 PM
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Willpower comes from within.
You know God forsook you from the beginning, along with the rest of you self-indulgent Black Hatters.
You have nothing to hold on to other than your fat and knowledge that God sees right through you.
Your lack of willpower has you angry towards God.
That is why you lie about the most important teaching of our Torah.
12:26 PM
You again are not qualified to voice your opinion on this Subject. Stick to debeer and Soly and Lipsker
12:27 PM
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Go ahead tell us about the Lipskars’s father.
12:29 PM
He is from poltava a chassidik town somewhere in Russia. If you want to go there go to the corner and make a right turn and keep on going
12:30 PM
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12:31 PM
The Lipsker Family have been Lubavitch for many generations
12:31 PM
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My son what will happen with my “Love that pink” lipstick if Revlon goes down the tubes!
12:31 PM
Gary, how long are you Jewish? Do you like non meat cholent on Shabbos?
Do you eat soy?
Do you check for bugs in your vegetable before you eat them?
12:44 PM
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It is just convenient
They are being fed all the time, they have lost their power to question
@Bari Weiss you understand these Black Hatters are the weakest traitors of us Jewish people.
Religion is the crutch of lonely people.
Their lack of willpower reflected on the outside that normal people find naturally offensive, doesn’t mean they are able to hide their passive aggressive behavior.
GemACH sic, does your wife and/or your children ever display passive aggressive behavior towards you and do you address it honestly with them?
@Bari Weiss when you were laying the foundation for getting your future wife @Nellie Bowles to convert to our enormously good and powerful Judaism, I am sure you didn’t expect that the most religious and money-politics power Jewish sect ChaBAD sic who operate different corporations around the world, independent of their headquarters in Brooklyn, New York which “local banks” are unaware of until they start calling in their loans on ChaBAD sic real estate acquisitions and the such, would lie about the most important teaching of our Torah?
It always starts with one.
If it wasn’t this disgusting, despicable GemACH sic, then God would have found another specimen.
More importantly, this GemACH sic has set the cat amongst the pigeons.
They cannot find refuge, not even in patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel.
@Nellie Bowles you should feel greatly empowered and equally thankful to @Bari Weiss
We are talking about the business of war, the profiteers, and the attractiveness of social media for the lonely such as GemACH sic.
1:12 PM
Gary, how come no one answers you back?
Am I the only one?
Dec 14, 2022, 1:43 PM
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Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!
followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
1:51 PM
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GemACH sic, do you consider @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq and @Errol Graham Musk nobodies?
1:53 PM
Look how many people are on your blog and how many people respond. This is maybe 1 to 2 percent
2 PM
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GemACH sic, so as not to argue with you let’s assume Dr Ruth is not your current sex therapist but you given how your lack of willpower, rotting insides tell you that you show ALSO signs of a lonely narcissist, and when not conversing with me you have read up on the matter, can you confirm or deny that the only way to deal with a wretched character such as yourself is to either ignore you or to publicly humiliate you?
Try, do your best, to write to Mr Krinsk Esq. why of all the people in the world to write me a snail mail letter when a telephone call or email would suffice?
2:03 PM
If you know signs of a NARCISSIST this may mean that you are familiar with this issue
2:03 PM
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When you read, GemACH sic, Krinsk Esq.’s Wikipedia profile, what jumps out?
And yes, I am familiar with your condition.
Shall we go back to either Krinsk’s letter or Elon Musk’s father, @Errol Graham Musk ‘s writings that you find bone chilling?
Can you explain GemACH sic, why you lied and said that private ownership [of] land in Israel is written in the Torah, and then, when caught in your big lie, you said that a sage made it kosher, before telling me to stop being lazy and find your lies?
GemACH sic, is it because praying to a God who doesn’t give you peace of mind, prevents you from removing yourself?
2:31 PM
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3:55 PM
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… peat:
GemACH sic, is it because praying to a God who doesn’t give you peace of mind, prevents you from removing yourself?
Patrick N. Mcguire left the group.
Julie Rose left the group.
Veronica Macfarlane Diesel left the group.
Dec 16, 2022, 7:14 AM
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Patrick N McGuire, Veronica Macfarlane Diesel and Julie Rose left the group.
7:17 PM
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Lack of willpower ChaBAD sic GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond has yet to remove himself, but persists in showing his and informer network ChaBAD’s sic true colors.
And yes we must examine Rabbi Jesus Christ’s actions in flushing out the corrupt Jewish high priests and which incoming prime minister of Israel, irreligious Bibi Netanyahu has to seek an accommodation with in order to rule, and that hasn’t stopped Netanyahu from sticking poison tipped arrows into the sides of these lazy turncoats who have hijacked our ingenious Jewish religion that requires no pagan rituals, only common sense in first identifying the “money changers”
doing the bidding of their human masters.
They only talk about money reparations for the ever weakening slave wage earners, never the land.
You would expect that people who bury themselves in religious text books such as Torah to be really on top of the bad money changers given their apparent closeness to God-Creator who produces everything including the wafer at communion for the Christians and the wafer for microcircuitry and let’s not forget the waffles that produce fat diseased talkative cell wagging tongues.
It’s so easy to get fat.
A little cheese, wine, slice of baguette, then the whole baguette, half a pound of cheese, 2 bottles of wine or just one, shall we have dinner.
GemACH sic, tell us the daily life of a Black Hatter ChaBAD sic member, and break it down between the genders.
Also let us know since you are the only Jewish cult proselytizing, seeking to build your numbers outside of inbreeding, whether you accept gays and transgenders?
Take your time because you must not forget your difficulty in articulating all that you disagree with in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention which nails your Messiah Schneerson and his ChaBAD sic, and whether you think God has blessed you with no willpower over poison foods that constantly have you in a state of hunger because you are starving your body-brain of nutrients to function at optimum performance and this systemic weak intestinal fortitude is God showing HER love of you?
Dec 16, 2022, 8:05 AM
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It is now 11AM in New York City where this treacherous, liar GemACH sic does his business, 8 AM on the west coast where the latest news on is that the eldest child of member @Errol Graham Musk, Elon is manic and doing shrooms that allow him to party the night away and arrive at work only having to deal with the munchies and for which there is the pill or injection to take away the ugly fat.
GemACH sic, would you consider popping a pill for yourself or your wife so as to not look so disgusting, self indulgent?
GemACH sic, why is it that as soon as I bring up my amazing, beautiful mother Zena, you pull out all your tricks to distract?
Do you feel your bad behavior is necessary to maintain our ratings here on NSS?
GemACH sic, is there any amount of money you would take as a bribe to traitor an unsuspecting Jewish person?
Why don’t you start with chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL. What do you disagree with in this very revealing chapter?
GemACH sic, if you are choking and you don’t have your bullied chicken
stuck in your throat, failing to remove its feathers, let alone even kill it with your bare hands, you are so tough, to feed your in a frenzy hunger pains, I would still call 911.
Nor do I suggest you tell the dispatcher everything you have yet to reveal about the Lipskars’ father, such a pitiful distraction, showing your weak imagination, that looks like it is on its last legs, because that could delay the medics arriving in time, and we want you to stay alive as long as possible to help maintain the extraordinarily high ratings.
Btw GemACH sic, you insist that I only know about De Beers, so what influence do you think De Beers have on the price of all the monies including Bitcoin?
Are you accepting Cryptos from your donors?
You added Julia Ioffe to the group.
8:19 AM
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Let’s welcome a very important guest to our early morning show.
Russian-American @Julia Ioffe is not only Jewish but she appears to be holding on pretty well to her very good looks.
GemACH sic, would you say Julia is typical of the women in ChaBAD sic that you choose from?
Just a couple of days ago @Julia Ioffe who is also a member of at least one other of my fb group chats-symposiums, I think it is, Getting to know your friends, was on CNN, I believe, humbly expressing that she had totally misread both President Putin and Jewish President of Ukraine, Zelenskyy.
It is a huge acknowledgment.
GemACH sic, do you understand why that is?
Go ahead, jump in.
GemACH sic, do you think that in order to observe well, it is necessary to keep talking such as yourself, a chatterbox?
I understand that you are focused on speeding up the clock in order to wish everyone a “Gut Shabbos”, but that is not going to help your stomach neurons working against delivering you good health and vitality.
GemACH sic, can you see that your kinsman, lame, slimeball @Steven Bailey just poked his head in?
GemACH sic, imagine you are looking directly across from @Julia Ioffe but she is not talking.
In other words you don’t know what she is thinking.
Do you think based on your ugly looks, translucent skin, bad breath doesn’t help, and there is nothing else going on inside your head, that she is only thinking of having sex with you?
Don’t go on about how beautiful you are inside because that cannot possibly be true.
Tell us why you have yet to remove yourself?
You know that it is not possible for God to be kind towards you, instead is shining a bright light on you to warn others to keep their distance.
It is now 8:42 – all good numbers – AM Calif. time, and we all, with the exception of GemACH sic who has his hands full wiping away his ugliness, an effort in futility, should be putting our minds to a private conversation between Netanyahu and Zelenskyy with both assuring the other that there is no recording.
GemACH sic, you go first and remember to keep in your frontal lobe, your insidious effort to extort money out of me.
Once we have consensus of that very important conversation which of course could have already taken place we can move on to not only complementing great designer @Marine Serre on her latest shoe collection
to match her tartan bag with all the accoutrements, but Hollywood-Madison Avenue’s role in promoting the very destabilizing Cryptos which are also geared to blaming the Jews and you would expect our religious leadership so complaining about the spread of anti-Semitism to be totally on top of it, unless of course they are complicit.
BTW GemACH sic, on a scale of zero to 10, and 10 being traumatized to the point of not being able to think and therefore impossible to express yourself clearly, what impact did the first of my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier, Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich, have on you?
GemACH sic, what is it about cheese, liquified meat, that your brain likes the most?
Is it because it reminds you of your arm pit or something possibly more disgusting such as your mouth?
I’m still looking for more volunteers before bringing in more rabbis who are totally traumatized, and will remain until meeting directly with our Maker, how they missed the so obvious; namely, how can there possibly be “public good”, the private ownership of land?
The fact that we have in 3000 years the first person who calls themselves Jewish, while acts and looks the exact opposite of our Maccabee warriors, lying about their “sacred” Torah, is a marvel.
If one looks at the number of fully erect humans to have walked the face of the planet, that number is staggering.
Call it in total 120 billion and the escalation through the roof has come in the last 50 years.
Prior to 3000 years ago there were not too many toxins like nano particle plastic in the air which is in the lungs of all breathing animals and insects.
Between 14 billion years ago and 3000 years ago the most noticeable change to the detriment of the planet has been stupid people like GemACH sic.
Given his low IQ it can only be God responsible for GemACH sic lying when he could have so easily ignored, which is his standard operating procedure when not threatening and distracting.
So what is so special about now?
Given the massive depletion of the green space that provides the oxygen and a break from toxic cities where the likes of GemACH sic congregate, it is unlikely the planet has 25 years left, more closer to 5, and that is without taking into account a nuclear war or a massive volcano eruption that turns in a matter of hours the earth into a freezing ball and all the electronic movement of monies would be halted and the richest person wins.
It is 9:16 AM and GemACH sic is unusually quiet.
Who thinks Zelenskyy is simply not bright enough to figure what is going on?
The conventional wisdom thinking is that unless you are rich you don’t have a voice, that is the bottom line.
Content means nothing to this new generation, only complete waste of time energy [consuming] apps.
We know the history that had TV taking away radio with its much broader view.
The radio took away the much more visual book where you have to imagine everything, unless you are Einstein who didn’t minimize knowledge when advocating, Imagination is more important than knowledge.
GemACH sic, do you recall what else took place in 1921 which wouldn’t have escaped the attention of either Einstein or Ben Gurion
who both, had a low opinion of all the religious Jewish people such as yourself?
GemACH sic, do you think that Ben Gurion and Einstein just weren’t smart enough to realize how intelligent you are?
In other words, all your actions including worshipping ink on paper, as pagan as it gets, demonstrate that you are blessed by God?
Intelligence has to be the first thing God wants displayed by genuine believers.
You idiots can’t even change your poison meat-milk diet even though you were dying and being hospitalized during Covid 19 like flies.
GemACH sic, why do you persist in sending me photos of your slob, disgusting friends giving God the middle finger?
It is not that I can’t imagine one full day in your life, but like I want to only eat healthy vegan that is good for the planet as well as the animals who are sacrificed to feed the self-indulgent, protecting my brain
seems the smart thing.
But for you GemACH sic it is easy to describe your dreary, boring life reading Torah over and over again, and not believing a word; again based on your ungodly looks and actions.
9:41 AM
Why you always picking on me? You have nothing else to do in your life?
9:41 AM
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Facebook show that GemACH sic is now “raising his hand” to speak.
Go ahead.
You jumped in ahead of me hitting the send button.
Yes, I must pick on you.
You have defamed me.
9:42 AM
It seems that you are incharged of the detention class and I am the only one in there. No one else is listening
9:43 AM
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I must do everything within my power to expose your treachery.
9:43 AM
You, Gary Gevisser have defamed yourself, not me
9:44 AM
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Okay, let’s look at what those not speaking are saying.
GemACH sic, do you think they are afraid to leave and be as conspicuous as you?
Again GemACH sic you wrote, “You are trying to extort money”.
9:45 AM
You take pictures off my Facebook posts of fat people including what I have posted to you yet you don’t talk about why you took money from the Lubavitch Rebbe and you put him down and your Friends the Lipsker Brothers
9:45 AM
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Shall I get you your exact words?
9:46 AM
It does not matter, I am not in a court of law
9:46 AM You sent
Are you saying that it does not matter that you lie?
9:46 AM
For you this is the absolute truth but for me it’s a game
Here now, I just busted your bubble
You sent
In what way is it a game to you to lie?
I have many thing to do in my life and this is just a time waster from one project to the next. While you take these issues very seriously.
9:49 AM
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Yes, we should take the lying of our traitors very seriously even if when caught with their pants down
9:50 AM
Take your broccoli and soy and go to the next room
9:50 AM
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they continue lying through their teeth.
You seem angry.
Are you saddened by your lack of willpower and intelligence?
Do you see a correlation between lack of willpower and low intelligence?
Can you try mustering the thoughts of the important converation between Netanyahu and Zelenskyy or are you simply too traumized that Netanyahu refers to Jesus Christ as Rabbi Jesus Christ?
Remember, you are a fraud, and so any feelings of insult that Jesus Christ is a rabbi are not really heartfelt.
In fact why not try at least to imagine wearing a cross, a crucifix, and then actually go out and wear one.
The reason I suggest you do this is because it will more likely attract a Roman Catholic Priest to hear your confession and grant you absolution.
Explain why it is that as busy as you are trying to lose yourself but deathly afraid of committing suicide for the what comes next, you have yet to remove yourself?
GemACH sic, do you see it as good for the people to know exactly what makes you all tick?
The non-religious of the world don’t expect such vulgarity.
In 3000 years, since the start of us Jewish people there is no written record of a single person misquoting the Bible for personal gain.
Do you see how very special you are?
All your physical and mental ugliness has a purpose.
This you would expect because there is cause-effect, reason for everything which is the crux of rabbi Spinoza’s teachings.
You also don’t like Spinoza.
You don’t like me.
You don’t like Einstein.
You don’t like Ben Gurion.
It would make sense that a rotten to the core, defamer, liar, cheat, thief doesn’t like good people.
GemACH sic, shall we now talk more about Rabbi Jesus Christ?
Should I go on beyond stating that Rabbi Jesus Christ did not invent Christianity?
ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter, you and I also don’t see eye to eye or anything close; why don’t you try helping out your brother GemACH sic?
GemACH sic, don’t you wish that you had just kept your big mouth shut rather than write and say that the Torah supports the private ownership of land which it not only fails to say, but if Torah and/or a Jewish sage were to, then it would be illogical for Good God unless God was Satan.
I must therefore conclude GemACH sic that you believe in Satan even if you protest otherwise.
Also let me know when you have finished telling us everything you know about the Lipskars’ father, so that I can tell you about my experiences with them and how well they did in spreading anti-Semitism.
Interesting how you have finally come around in acknowledging that the absolute truth is unimportant to you.
I also know that you are lying when suggesting that you are having fun playing a game with me.
It has cost not only many Jewish Israeli lives but it has destroyed the minds of the once questioning secular Jewish Israelis.
You added Uriel Sudri to the group.
10:11 AM
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Let’s welcome again 24 year old Israeli Uriel Sudri who I was in a “conferance” [sic] the other day that lasted 25 minutes and 57 seconds and which Uriel organized with a former Israeli judge who didn’t take long to show her true colours.
Uriel and I have communicated since; and of course I will share all that dialogue including the dialogue prior to the conferance call.
We also mustn’t forget my communications with member, Professor Dr. @Bernard Beitman MD, author of Strange coincidences: Are they fluke events or acts of God?
@Bernard Beitman, how are you doing?
Dec 16, 2022, 10:53 AM
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Dr. Beitman, I would think that you will be emphasizing the “ego” in your next edition or book-speech as it is better displayed here as well as on my other fb group chats-symposiums than you will ever find in a class room or focus group conducted by the very best on Madison Avenue-Hollywood-Deutsche Bank.
Mr. GemACH sic, wants you to believe that he is alone in this world interested to learn everything he possibly can from me, in order to move up.
11:05 AM
This is not true and a blatant lie made up by gary
11:14 AM
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Can you name anyone else who is interested?
Why are you still here GemACH sic?
GemACH sic, you sound extrremely defensive and agitated. I thought this was a fun game for you?
Have you tried exercizing your mind?
GemACH sic, do you think Solly Krok, the largest open sponsor of ChaBAD sic in South Africa, stopped listening to what I had to say after I warned him about the Lipskar brothers?
11:14 AM
This is a great question. I left awhile back and you brought me back. Get me off permanent
11:14 AM
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GemACH sic, do you think America’s cash and land richest shareholder class actioin litigator (scal), member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. stopped listening to what I had to say after he wrote me his letter of 29 March 2001?
You seem suddenly very agitated.
Are you aware that when you are filling prescriptions you should not pop any of the pills into your mouth because the count would be wrong?
Remember I understand perfectly and so does everyone else why you can’t find fault with the facts presented in The D I book, and it makes all of ChaBAD sic look very bad.
Remember there was not a Jewish religious leader who was closer to sellout Menachem Begin than the bought Scheerson.
How could you all be so close to God and therefore automatically one assumes more intelligent than the rest of us and yet you didn’t figure out that the anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers had the fix on the world’s mineral supply and therefore all the monies, making things like charity donations, government budgets, advertising and wars no less rigged?
Do you feel that if you take your yamulke off right now, and knowing that you can’t possibly offend God, it might lower your heart rate as well?
Once you know how to find the remove button and remove yourself, you won’t need to let me know that you have left with your tail between your legs.
I will make sure that the other rabbis I welcome to the room will know all about your game playing, most of all your lies about the Torah and then writing that I am trying to extort money out of you.
Remember also to keep checking your email for “Family and friends”.
@Julia Ioffe are you ready to hear what I think is the most plausible conversation between Zelenskyy and Netanyahu?
@Dani Rakoff, you and I have also spoken and you know that I also think you are a rat, are you ready to leave and at the same time unfriend me on fb?
First though, tell us why you have continued to play voyeur?
Has anyone noticed that GemACH sic has yet to name any other member of NSS who is interested in what I have to say?
GemACH sic, do you feel in any way that you have disappointed G DNature?
How about that dream that you lied about?
BTW, when you said that I should go to another Internet room such as my more than a dozen other fb symposiums was that because you are not a member of the others and you are seriously bothered by your poor performance here?
Im looking for a single raised hand before discussing more of the great things Rabbi Jesus Christ did, even though he didnt invent Christianity?
@Christina Moritsch-Krall, you are a proud beneficiary of the German-Austrian nobility who because of their pro Hitler stance retained your stolen wealth.
Are you interested to hear more about Rabbi Jesus Christ or will you volunteer your seat for someone else?
@Torah Gemach, is there someone who works with you that I can add to NSS who could show you how to remove yourself?
Do you feel that your internal organs are in any way being punished?
To repeat, are you experiencing any signs of cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, high blood pressure, swelling of the ankles, stomach pains, flu, hatefulness towards yourself, an eagerness to strangle with your bare hands the next live chicken you come across but first to bully it, high cholesterol, diarrhea of the mouth, just general lethargy as you mull over what appears to me as a total wasted life other than your BIG LIE?
GemACH sic, are you aware that the 99.9999% of the human population who are not Jewish, would never believe that people such as yourself who look more disheveled than most, the aesthetics totally unimportant, so studious, so pious can make such bold face lies and on top of it be so vulgar and threatening in your coverups?
GemACH sic, why not take a timeout from your deepening descent into hell, and focus on the question, what if there is an afterlife whose happiness which at the very top is to derive the greatest satisfaction from love making with the most beautiful woman, wouldn’t you want to improve your chances considering the alternatives including returning the same, with the same set of parents, grandparents, wife, children other family and friends and your entire life revolving around worshipping ink on paper and God laughing at you?
GemACH sic, how big a lie was it in your mind when you said that you didn’t agree with everything in The D I book and knowing that you couldn’t come up with anything substantive or close?
GemACH sic, are you aware that Rabbi Jesus Christ was singularly focused on challenging the Jewish High Priests living high on the hog, doing the bidding of the Roman conquerors who morphed into the Roman Catholic Church with the corrupt Jewish priests at the helm?
GemACH sic, are you equally aware that the story of Rabbi Jesus Christ has changed over time which is to be expected?
They had to find a way to forgive their own ugliness, these priests, pedophiles.
@Shneur Reti-Waks, can tell us if you and your elder brother Manny received any apology from the officials of ChaBAD sic who replaced Schneerson?
BTW, have any other members of your large family come forward and said they were raped by officials of ChaBAD sic Melbourne who then went about threatening and intimidating your entire family who were forced to leave Melbourne and live in Israel?
11:55 AM
Who cares. Just you
11:55 AM
You sent
11:56 AM
Get me out of your horrible dream fantasy already
11:57 AM
You sent
GemACH sic, wouldn’t you think the chief rabbi of ChaBAD sic Melbourne, Australia above, and whose son I believe raped Many Waks and possibly the rapist of @Shneur Reti-Waks only cares that you help sweep the rape of the Waks children under the rug?
GemACH sic, can we assume that you would prefer that both you and your wife didn’t have big, bloated stomachs reminding your constantly that you are self-indulgent and therefore insensitive about bullying more sentient beings?
GemACH sic, do you think the Schneerson was more intelligent as well as closer to G DNature than Ben Gurion, Einstein and Spinoza?
Do you have an approximation of how many dead animals have passed through your lips?
Would you say that how you feel about yourself has a lot to do with how well or poorly you eat, and that when you eat poorly you feel sickly and less likely to exercise which is critical to the full enjoyment of sex?
GemACH sic, in order for you to try and forget that God has long forsaken you, I really think it will help you, at least temporarily to leave NSS.
Is there another room where you would like me to add you to, if only to see all their names?
@Julia Ioffe, are you able to see the significance of very careful speaker Netanyahu so boldly, while ever rather quickly, referring to Jesus Christ as Rabbi Jesus Christ?
GemACH sic, I know that this is very traumatic for all of ChaBAD sic to hear the most articulate English speaking Israeli prime minister Netanyahu doing the taboo and calling Jesus Christ, Rabbi Jesus Christ.
If you need help finding suddenly the remove button, why don’t you call up your wife?
In the meantime I will contact our mutual fb friends to assist you just in case you have trouble reaching her.
20 Mutual fb friends with GemACH sic:
Adira Kripak
10 mutual friends
Alex Carlebach
178 mutual friends
Aliza Davidovit
7 mutual friends
Aron Niasoff
3 mutual friends
Asne Goodman
87 mutual friends
Avigail Rozenberg
5 mutual friends
Basil Cohen
148 mutual friends
Bracha Din
14 mutual friends
Cece Rubin
14 mutual friends
Dani Rakoff
96 mutual friends
Eli Knight
156 mutual friends
John P Center
22 mutual friends
Malcolm Steele Steele
26 mutual friends
Marcus Miller
32 mutual friends
Neil Lazarus
13 mutual friends
Rachel Terry
21 mutual friends
Rubin Katz
30 mutual friends
Tamar Balkind
52 mutual friends
Yudy Shemtov
2 mutual friends
Zalman Lipskar
9 mutual friends
@Julia Ioffe, before GemACH sic leaves us, I would like you to give us your assessment if you think that as a result of Netanyahu’s very bold move which you haven’t heard from any prominent Jewish person in more than 2000 years, if you think Netanyahu’s life is now in more danger than Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin who was murdered by a Jewish religious Israeli schooled at Bar-Ilan University?
GemACH sic, I have now started writing to our 20 mutual friends:
Are you able to help Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend to Oblivion and Beyond remove himself from my fb group chat-symposium, Name Someone Stupid where he is doing more than making a fool of himself as he has helped highlight a huge error on the part of the religious community?
12:23 PM
GemACH sic, I am making slow progress in reaching all 20.
In the meantime can you tell us if you trust any of them more than God?
Can you quickly confirm that you have total trust in God?
@Dani Rakoff, I will send you a fb message just in case.
GemACH sic, just a few more names to go.
In preparation for when we next meet up face-to-face with our Maker I want to make sure that I have asked you all the right questions.
What does your imagination say is the right punishment for you to endure now, as well as when you are reincarnating for defaming me, saying I am trying to extort money from you?
Let’s revisit your writings at 11:05 PM your time in New York, Tuesday 8 November.
Your words;
You want to extort money from me. I don’t even know if you are really Jewish.
BTW @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond, given your proximity to yourself and others with protuding stomachs, are you able to focus on whether this alien, for lack of a better word, is getting harder, probably incubating the cancers and other deadly diseases, and does it have you thinking about the life of a tortoise or sea turtle and neither of them very fast?
GemACH sic, didn’t the Schneerson who I don’t consider a good role model, not even close, inform you that to defame a good person’s character is the same as murder?
GemACH sic, how do you sleep with yourself?
GemACH sic, do you remember how easily you brushed off just earlier the rape of member of @Shneur Reti-Waks with “Who cares. Just you”?
GemACH sic, its been a while since you declared a strong desire to leave NSS.
Is there anything you would like to retract?
How about, “I have many thing to do in my life and this is just a time waster from one project to the next. While you take these issues very seriously”?
GemACH sic, what issues do you think are serious?
GemACH sic, are you comfortable with;
“For you this is the absolute truth but for me it’s a game
Here now, I just busted your bubble”.
GemACH sic, let’s go back to 9:43 AM my time, 12:43 PM, “You, Gary Gevisser have defamed yourself, not me”.
Do you consider that I am defaming myself when you write, “You want to extort money from me”?
What evidence do you have I have tried to extort money from you?
GemACH sic, do you feel it is easier for someone who is not kind to the neurons in their stomach and brain, to lie?
GemACH sic, how can you be so unkind to the item that most protudes from your body and think that God will bless you anyway because you recite empty prayers?
Why is it that you have so many photos of yourself with ugly men on your fb wall, and there is not a single beautiful woman in sight?
Or did I miss one?
My take on it is that you really don’t like women?
Or do you just prefer ugly men?
Is it possible that you are mostly smiling for the camera without a thought to God?
It seems to me that the last thing a self-indulgent person is thinking of is God.
What if it turns out that most of you are very depressed and you are just putting on disguise?
Dec 16, 2022, 1:57 PM
You sent
GemACh sic, can you explain why so far none of our 20 mutual who I have contacted, and there are still about a handful to go, haven’t shown you how to remove yourself?
Have you never removed yourself previously, or do you not remember?
Could it be that you are very curious about what I next have to share with everyone and you don’t quite know how to say it?
Dec 16, 2022, 2:49 PM
You sent
The grand finale!
Edit: … as when you are reincarnated…
GemACH sic, did you know that “carne” in Spanish is “meat”?
GemACH sic, let’s say it different.
Can you name members of NSS who you are sure are uninterested in what I have to say?
Do they ask you why either you lie and/or don’t remove yourself?
Edit: … how can there possibly be “public good” with the private ownership of land.
Uriel Sudri left the group.
5:25 PM
You sent
Uriel Sudri left
Dec 17, 2022, 4:12 PM
You sent
You can look at it 2 ways: promoting babies or just an alternative, scaring people away from babies.
@elonmusk @bariweiss @NellieBowles @olena_zelenska @JeffBezos @shauntomson @markoff @TonyLeonSA @TonyRobbins @richardbranson @Oprah @EckhartTolle @drlauraprogram @RepMariaSalazar
Bernard Beitman left the group.
Dec 18, 2022, 7:22 PM
Happy Chanukah
To you @Gary Gevisser
And all your Friends as well
Dec 19, 2022, 10:30 AM
You sent
Time is important for us.
Why are the wrong people being punished now, and people like GemACH sic and Mr Bone Saw-House of Saud, live it up?
It is always the question.
Dec 19, 2022, 11:18 AM
You sent
The entry point to the world of corruption is an economics degree.
Join that with a degree in law and you are just right for the picking.
GemACH sic, let’s assume you are not a narcissist and simply unintelligent, obviously none of our mutual fb friends who I have contacted to help you find the “remove” button, have managed to convince you and yet you remember that you were very agitated to leave permanently.
The same with any of the other members of NSS who are demonstrating that they don’t want to be aligned with you who knows because you maintain you are not a narcissist because a narcissist cannot believe in God, you cannot possibly believe in God because you are aware of your horrific lies.
Dec 19, 2022, 11:45 AM
You sent
@Steven Bailey, previously you have given advice to others who are confused about how to locate the “remove” button, so given that you consider yourself an authority like GemACH sic on geopolitics and you and I also don’t see eye to eye on the important stuff morality which is intertwined with fairness, why not help out GemACH sic unless you now want to distance yourself more from him than you do me?
There is an important, timely communique I began sending “Coincidence” exploring Professor Dr . Bernard Beitman MD who left us right after my post at 4:12 PM Calif time, “You can look at it 2…” at 10:33 AM today, and nor was I conscious of the time:
Since you left NSS, you would not have seen like the members my earlier 33 odd word post:
Time is important for us.
Why are the wrong people being punished now, and people like GemACH sic and Mr Bone Saw-House of Saud, live it up?
It is always the question.
The word “Beitman” is similar sounding to “bait”.
GemACH sic, are you following or are you too preoccupied with your hungry stomach telling you to keep feeding it poison meat-dairy to sustain the cancer cells hiding out in the fat diseased talkative cells just waiting to explode?
GemACH sic, you were also lying when you said this is all just a game to you because a game means it is fun.
You were however telling the absolute truth that truth is unimportant to you; your words, “For you this is the absolute truth but for me it’s a game”.
Again your actions GemACH sic, show clearly that you are not a truth seeker unless it feeds your bloated stomach or pocketbook.
That does not mean coincidences are of no consequence for you because in fact coincidences are of significant consequence to each of us because they tell us that the empty space between each of our atoms that make us up is fully wired.
That is a very important teaching of General Relativity.
@Steven Bailey, do you feel that you have sufficient intelligence to perfectly understand what I just said or would you prefer I download the rest of the important, time relevant message to “Baitman” (sic) since time is money to you and money is everything when you have lost your body to self-indulgent behavior that is tied directly to losing your brain marbles which poison intake only aggravates?
GemACH sic, do you agree that your jealousy has you resenting me or are you more likely to agree that stupid people like you are logically more prone to blow fuses and resort to violence, and why you don’t want a fat slob as your Commander, whether commander in chief or commander of your battalion?
It is now 12:21 PM Calif. time.
There 2 questions which need to be answered:
First, who do you give the reins to at Twitter; who do [you] trust?
Second, what is Elon Musk doing hobnobbing with the House of Saud-Kushner-Griffin who baited him with the $420 buyout of TESLA back in early August 2018?
Is it a matter of “Keep your enemies …”?
Who thinks Mr Bone Saw and his puppets such as Jewish American Kushner are interested in the success of electric vehicles?
Let’s say they converted some of their worthless monies from oil sales over the past century into the automotive industry, would they be as eager as Elon Musk to speed up the ramping up of electric vehicle manufacturing or more likely to weigh it up against their other competing interests?
GemACH sic, this would be a good time for you to share with us what are some of the things you disagree with in The Diamond Invention book?
To do that, I suggest you put aside you resentment and total disillusionment with God for making you so ugly inside and out.
Edit:… Twitter; who do you trust?
@Errol Graham Musk I will assume you are following carefully, just like rest.
Dec 19, 2022, 1:58 PM
No one is
2:10 PM
You sent
“No one is” what?
2:10 PM
Listening to you
Except you
2:11 PM
You sent
What about you and you are at work?
You must think you are a nothing.
2:11 PM
Happy Chanukah
You sent
I suggest you put aside you resentment and total disillusionment with God for making you so ugly inside and out.
2:12 PM
I got off early because of Chanukah
2:12 PM
You sent
I suggest you put aside you resentment and total disillusionment with God for making you so ugly inside and out.
Why haven’t you asked at least our 20 mutual friends how to remove yourself?
Since you are preparing for your pagan ritual, what are you doing here?
2:13 PM
Ok I will
2:14 PM
You sent
Have you tried taking up knitting?
Torah Gemach left the group.
2:24 PM
You sent
Torah Gemach left the group.
You added Mannie Hirsch to the group.
20 Dec. 11:49 AM
You sent
@Mannie Hirsch, my fb friend, who I removed several days ago because he was misbehaving like Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond showed me just earlier that his brain needs “calerbrating” [sic] after he first wrote eagerly wanting to see my dialogue with GemACH sic Benzion … that followed GemACH’s sic departure from NSS, before Hirsch ruptured into a manic stage, calling me “idiotic”.
In other words, being back in class, and the world getting increasingly smaller and it making sense with all the media platforms saying the same boring stuff, the people will be that much more attracted to the most interesting content that keeps you all, should calm Hirsch down.
Moreover, I might only keep Hirsch a member for a few minutes.
We shall see.
11:53 AM
You sent
Title: What’s the choice?
An election; have the candidates comes forward with their vision, ideas.
A vote between you and them. It would be good; interesting anyway.
Bottom line, you can always say no.
@The Prime Minister of Israel
@Sawyer Merritt
@President Donald J. Trump Archived
Dec 21, 2022, 8:20 AM
You sent
Title: Missing in business-economics school studies
It’s a much easier meeting between Zelenskyy and Biden than conflicted media portray. Money only has value if you can sell weapons. If it is not the mainstay of your economy you need to get the weapons.
Dec 21, 2022, 7:29 PM
You sent
Title: If not now, when? (Word count 119)
It is time to catch Putin by surprise.
It is not about either money or nuclear.
The nuclear threat will only get greater if this aggression is not resisted with overwhelming and superior force.
The money is determined by whose military is victorious.
The country that understands it best is Netanyahu, led Israel (just in case Biden doesn’t know it will be Israel).
The supply chain of Iranian drones must be stopped immediately, not tomorrow.
Only Israel has the capability to execute.
Unless Putin and his oligarchs are removed without delay, the next terrorist dictator will be empowered to take the risk, test the resolve and it is inevitable the nuclear option is more likely.
Dec 22, 2022, 10:27 AM
You sent
Title: Get real.
Money used to grow on trees, but now you pick them out of empty space.
If @elonmusk has any decency, and wants to really address the money, he should disect Cryptos, unless he has a few stashed or a gun to his head; and if you are lost, just ask me. I can give you a little lesson in economics and war.
Dec 22, 2022, 10:55 AM
11:09 AM
You sent
@Mannie Hirsch, you are trying to make out that you are good.
That is why you are having increasing difficulty controlling yourself.
In due course our dialogue on fb messaging will appear here, as well as elsewhere on The Internet.
In the meantime, tell us why you were so quick to respond to me on fb messaging when I asked if you wanted to see my dialogue with GemACH sic, who you don’t know, after he finally removed himself from NSS.
11:12 AM
You sent
Title: Always light
There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Vision a perfect world, and what you see with the human is the complete opposite, but without its cruelty
8 girls brutally murder homeless man…
and stupidity, all intertwined while making out to the next person it is good, unless sworn enemies, each justifying their position whether bullshit or not, each to survive they argue, we would not appreciate the beauty and brilliance of the design, that is almost unimaginable were it not for math as well as the physical beauty; and at the top of the list, the female body, followed by the horse, natural scape and the man well below.
You have to start somewhere.
Dec 22, 2022, 11:40 AM
Title: It is just a button
Have you run out of material, you now a fashion influencer?
Only Tucker can read into an outfit.
He’s at war, he should be wearing his green war uniform. It obviously had an effect on you.
He’s not there to impress with an Armani suit.
And I’m sure he debated on how to dress.
He wasn’t dressing for Tucker.
Poor class, Tucker, harping on Zelenskyy wearing a sweat shirt, mocking his fatigues.
Has Tucker ever been in boots?
If Zelenskyy had shown up in a suit Tucker would have said, “he dress up in a suit and sways Biden to give him more money, makes him more believable”, just like you Tucker.
Maybe Zelenskyy should also have gone to a tanning salon. Maybe you can recommend one, for the next time.
Who trained you to misread history?
The audacity to call very brave Jewish Zelenskyy “weird little guy”.
Your hate for Biden makes you blind, but then again you are only interested in eyeballs.
Such love of money affects your objectivity, more so than your contrived hate.
Since when did the church have the high moral ground?
Do you really remember the church neutral in times of war? Try not to forget, the Pope didn’t lift a finger for the Jews of Rome or elsewhere.
How peaceful were the Crusades?
How can you disregard Putin’s war atrocities, and say “It’s not our business” ?
Because it is not in your backyard, when you know very well that Putin is at war with the United States. He is showing his power.
And then yes China.
China is watching.
Are you going to back away from every threat because it is not on our turf yet?
You know it is just a button.
And it could be in your backyard Tucker. I bet you have a nice flower bed, maybe not in winter; but it could destroy your landscape for sure.
Dec 22, 2022, 1:42 PM
You sent
A material button
You added a participant to the group.
You sent
Added @Jacalyn Krossynsky
It shouldn’t be long now before @Jacalyn Krossynsky removes herself ahead of my next tweet to Elon Musk.
A contact left the group.
You sent
Jacalyn Krossynsky left.
Dec 23, 2022, 8:42 AM
You sent
Btw yesterday, Facebook removed a posting of mine from 2013, 9 odd years ago, that was titled,”Subject: How does someone become so powerful that all the common herd can see is one still photo?”.
Dec 23, 2022, 3:05 PM
You sent
It is 3PM Calif. Friday 23 December 22.
When reviewing “I am out of words – Press the subscribe button”
bear in mind that Meghan and Harry who appeal to the bored housewife insufficiently appreciated for raising the children, are not political refugees.
Fri 3:23 PM
You sent
You added a participant to the group.
3:23 PM
Added joker @Tyler Krause
A contact left the group.
3:39 PM
You sent
Tyler Krause left the group.
Fri 11:59 PM
Sabbath in Israel and everything is very quiet
Sat 9:20 AM
You sent
It is 9:02 AM the day before Christmas 22.
@Mannie Hirsch why do you have the need to talk, let alone interrupt the flow, worse yet making out you are righteous with your Sabbath rendition?
BTW, once you have read The Diamond Invention book,
assuming you didn’t have common sense to figure it all out on your own, then you can only conclude with the minerals market rigged, and therefore the entire money system no less corrupt, then no one should be allowed to own a Van Gough or a Rembrandt, or in your case stolen ancient Egyptian artifacts.
How do you price morality when it is clear there is no morality from the top down, yet the good order of the universe that includes applying logic to flush out the rotten is unmistakable?
Assume there is a Creator who not only exists but also hasn’t lost their touch, would you expect the corrupt to be blessed with making logical arguments or the opposite, which is the case with you and the rest of the voyeurs all silent but sticking around?
It is a terrible feeling when you can’t trust those in your inner circle but you feel compelled to stick around here, not wanting to miss out.
Full of nonsense @Mannie Hirsch how have you prepared yourself for answering,
“Why didn’t you tell us about the business of the once Jewish South African Oppenheimers first corrupting the Jews of South Africa, making them rich in the stolen lands of the majority non-white South Africans so that they wouldn’t leave, instead join the brutal Apartheid Regime militia hunting down puppet Mandela’s opposition, Steve Biko and Richard Turner, before heading north to Israel”?
You are also not alone in priding yourself on your looks that include a bushy beard to hide behind.
Why bother with social media unless you are trying to hide your loneliness?
You still haven’t answered why you are so keen to see my subsequent dialogue with GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around The Bend to Oblivion And Beyond since he finally figured how to find the remove button, and you don’t even know him; moreover, you know you and I don’t see eye to eye?
How nebulous “Everything is very quiet”.
Assume not all our membership has read “I am out of words – Press the subscribe button “
and you have time on your hands as you wait for chaos to keep Israeli youth distracted, how would you Tweet Elon Musk?
In what way do you disagree with his father, member @Errol Graham Musk’s writings:
Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!”
Later he followed up:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
It is now 9:20 AM
Sat 12:16 PM
You sent
Title: The sky is falling
It doesn’t matter that Cryptos are not tied to anything, it keeps coming.
Unbelievable unconsciousness.
Sat 12:33 PM
You sent
Title: Press the button
That’s the human to even think about it. Hopefully they short-circuit.
You cannot train them to lie and to tell the truth at the same time.
Not sure you can train them to say things that are left to interpretation.
Press the truth or the lie button.
A lying robot is a human
Sat 1:10 PM
You sent
A Sky full of stars
Sat 1:57 PM
You sent
@Mannie Hirsch, if people like you, GemACH sic, Michael Tordu Awerbuch, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper, realtor @Jeffrey Essakow, his younger brother @Roy Essakow and my 3 elder siblings with low IQ can perfectly understand that all commerce is an illusion with the minerals market rigged, then of course Elon Musk gets it.
It must have felt like a dagger being twisted slowly into your heart muscle to hear Elon Musk’s father’s so eloquent words, and why not one of you lying human robots touch those 100 words.
So @Mannie Hirsch what can you possibly do next to distract yourself?
Try “he he”.
That didn’t work, did it?
Try “ha ha”.
That also didn’t work, did it?
Not helping all lost souls who fear more than anything dying, other than the pain from their dying organs, making you that much more aware of the fate awaiting for such cruelty shown with your inaction towards my beautiful mother Zena is that if you are older than 50 and still murdering your insides with meat-dairy (liquified meat), reversing the cow disease cancer proliferation cells is futile.
@Mannie Hirsch come in at any time.
Sat 2:23 PM
You sent
Dawn is coming
Open your eyes
Look into the sun as the new days rise
Sat 4:05 PM
You sent
@Gary Levinsohn, my cousin, has been hard at work today removing himself from my other fb group chaps-symposiums but clearly he wants to stay here.
This seems a good time to return to 1969, 2 years before the birth of Elon Musk in mineral South Africa, and its ruler, virulent anti-Semite, German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) at the height of his power.
@Gary Levinsohn, gather your family and friends around.
First of all, how do you talk to your elder family members, dead, who may have been oblivious, because of their low IQ, to all commerce, including weapons manufacturing making no sense when the minerals market is rigged by Engelhard’s partners, the German-South African Oppenheimer family whose patriarchs, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer (1880-1957) and his only son, Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) should have been the first prosecuted for their war crimes
at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals (1946-1948)?
If they weren’t oblivious, then the only option remaining is that they were bought like Engelhard’s “male heir”, @Gary Levinsohn’s uncle, David Gevisser (1926-2009).
Those alive can understand what the rest of you are going through.
Of course you all remember me mentioning some time back that Mossad head Ben Gurion hadn’t taken his eye off the ball.
You added Anthony Gordon to the group.
4:25 PM
You sent
Added @Anthony Gordon
Sun 2:27 PM
You sent
You are all money-business people learning, however, very late in life, money has no meaning in a monopolist led global economy, with politicians playing their distracting part as much as the Captains of Industry, who all want a piece of Hollywood.
John Cleese on How Wokeness Smothers Creativity
Without Monty Python’s celebrated, Cambridge University educated, John Cleese saying “Wokeness creates more issues than there are”, he did comment – and I haven’t finished reading the article – in answer to the question, “Wokeism is certainly not the only enemy of creativity. You have talked about the suits, the money people running industries. How do they inhibit creativity?”.
Cleese answers:
Because everything they want is the opposite of what the creative people want. They want clarity. Business people, by and large, are very stressed because they’re trying to control everything, especially things that they can’t really control. And if you talk to body workers like therapists or physiotherapists or chiropractors or osteopaths or any of these people, they will tell you that the hardest people to work on are business people, because they’re trying to control the process even when they’re being massaged, whereas the easiest people to work on are the creative people because they’re used to just letting things happen without trying to control them. You see, when you’re playing with your imagination, you shouldn’t be trying to control it. You’re just seeing where it takes you because there’s no such thing as a mistake.
It is very, very nice when people say to me, “Thank you for making me laugh.” It always makes me feel good, because laughter is good.
I’ll tell you when I realized this. I was at the Sarajevo Film Festival and they were talking about the period when [Bosnians] were under siege. The Serbs up in the hills, because Sarajevo’s in a valley, were lobbing shells down. They had snipers, telescopic, shooting people crossing the street. And what they did was they found an underground garage and they converted it into a cinema, and when it got dark, they would all go to this cinema and watch comedy films.
A lot of Monty Python, they told me, but a lot of comedy films, and by the end, when they left the cinema, they felt better. Now, nothing had changed, but they felt better. They could cope with it better. I suddenly realized that laughter really helps us. It takes us to a part of our mind where we’re probably healthier than we are at any other time, and it’s this thing about laughing at yourself. I’m not so sure that the wokes would ever laugh at themselves, no matter how hilarious they are.
2:30 PM
You sent
It is now 2:27 PM Calif. time Sunday, Christmas, 25 December 22; and @Mannie Hirsch hasn’t given us an update on either the weather in Israel and/or the weapons-ancient artifacts business and/or what he is doing in Israel?
A lying robot is a human
Sun 2:55 PM
You sent
Title: Wokeness creates more issues than there are.
Sun 3:35 PM
You sent
Imagine a world without green
Sun 5:42 PM
You sent
Mon 9:48 AM
Viva California, such a nice day.
Everyone including @Bari Weiss, @Kimbal Musk and his father @Errol Graham Musk knows the elephant in the room.
Elon Musk either hates me because he didn’t think of it himself or I caught him.
It is 9:53 AM Calif. time, Monday 26 December 22, day after Christmas.
Elon Musk will know the truth like the rest of you, most of whom don’t have close to the IQ of Elon or his father, member @Errol Graham Musk.
A low IQ person is incapable of reading in between the lines.
Their focus is very primitive; money and sex.
All your fears is that Elon’s narcissism will have him going from bad to worse.
Mon 10:29 AM
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The unaccomplished are always looking to trip up the next person.
Their jealousy knows no bounds.
When Errol Musk’s 3 eldest children were growing up in mineral rich South Africa during the height of the Apartheid Regime, and Errol around 24 when his eldest Elon was born 28 June 1971, Errol hadn’t forgotten then or for that matter since that he had proven himself to be smarter than the 5000 high school students who competed for the prize of highest IQ.
A smart mother or father doesn’t need the confirmation of the other to figure out the intellectual capacity of each of their children.
Everyone knows where Elon gets his brains and narcissism.
That is not to suggest that Maye Musk is void of narcissistic tendencies because she may in fact be far more of a narcissist than her ex husband Errol.
The human mind never gets bored with the truth until such time as they are a full-on narcissist.
Errol Musk didn’t simply cross the finish line first, he caught the attention of Elon’s future money and mineral supplier, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] who owned not only his Apartheid Regime but all his opposition, beginning the day following his and his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer’s [1880-1957] victory in the rigged South African General Election of 26 May 1948 which resulted in the defeat of “King of the Jews” General Smuts [24 May 1880-11 September 1950].
How is it possible knowing the Jewish Holocaust was ongoing, the fledgling Jewish State of Israel now into its 11th day of bloody fighting and the world expecting the Jews to be defeated by sunset on the first day, 15 May, and the day before Mossad head Ben Gurion declaring Jewish Statehood, the Jews of South Africa didn’t immediately take to the streets knowing that it couldn’t possibly get better with Smuts sidelined, and without a chosen successor.
At the present time a very low flying, just 100 feet above the tree line small aircraft is flying, doing circles.
It is “unmissable” [sic]. My wife has decided it is time to take a photo.
11:00 AM
The location between the mountain peaks couldn’t be more perfect if one is an adrenaline junkie.
It says Calfire on the wings.
It seems the perfect trajectory right over us.
If there is a fire and it isn’t a barbecue we will be notified shortly.
By 27 May 1948 every Jewish South African knew that the converted from Jewish to Christianity German-South African Oppenheimers were no friends of us Jewish people.
On 15 May 1948, Harry Oppenheimer and his father knew they were “out of the woods”, and only fearful of Ben Gurion and his Mossad who had tracked carefully the events following the Yalta Conference [4-11 February 1945] when Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill last met and they all agreed it was a priority to prosecute the top Nazis for their war crime death factories such as Auschwitz.
Placing Jewish American lawyers amongst the prosecutors at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-1948] made perfect sense.
If the Jews weren’t going to stand up for themselves then quietening the next generation of Jewish children would be as easy as placing electric lights on a Christmas tree and having the most outspoken Jewish religious people pontificate the lighting of candles on Chanukah, as GemACH sic earlier proclaimed I must do in order to show that I am Jewish.
‘GemACH sic, however does acknowledge, and of course he can change his mind, that the worst Jew is a “snitch”.
Bear in mind neither Harry Oppenheimer nor his father considered themselves snitches because they were now Christians and leading the assimilation of the Jewish people in order to forestall Ben Gurion building a strong army and if that did happen; i.e. the State of Israel survived its many wars of survival, the Jews throughout the world would be like everyone else and not questioning the In God We Trust Money.
There is a good reason why the worst of us Jewish people have been most prominent in Hollywood, Wall Street, gambling casinos and real estate profiteering.
When Harry Oppenheimer decided to join General Smuts’ United Party ahead of the 26 May 1948 election, the aware Jewish people didn’t need to read in the Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal or their British tabloid Sun or their New York Post that did the best job in exposing the Hunter Biden laptop displaying vividly high crimes and misdemeanors of the next President of the United States, that Harry and his father were the Trojan Horse.
A dictator is always in the people’s faces.
Errol Musk counted on his Jewish South African real estate investor friends to have mastered the money angle, otherwise they were totally worthless.
He didn’t need them for either architectural design or engineering prowess.
So where exactly is Elon’s head right now?
We can ask the same thing of everyone else including Zelenskyy who has to keep hitting the airfields deep inside Russia.
I am also for both Joe Biden and his son Hunter getting totally off the hook if the US and it’s Allies provide Ukraine with the offensive weapons to now, not tomorrow, encircle the Kremlin; otherwise it must be the IDF.
It is not civilization that we should be preserving because for “their” [sic] to be civilization there has to be humanity and that is non-existent when the people, which is you, turn a blind eye to such a brutal monopolist who is counting for their survival on your anger for being so easily fooled.
Edit: It is unmistakable. My wife has decided it is time to take a video.
It has taken 328 years, since its establishment in 1694 for the Bank of England to show its true bloodthirsty colors.
It was 2 days ago that the world first began seeing, In full: Bank of England on Crypto crisis.
It is worth studying carefully both the body language as well as the garbage coming out of mouths of both the Bank of England official wearing a typical, somewhat loose fitting suit atop a weak body that is at odds with his “robust” but bullshit words which go over most all of your heads, the exception of course Errol Musk and those of you following along as [though] your entire financial wealth depends on it, as well as the pitiful interviewer.
It could just as easily been an infomercial for the next drug to allow a diabetes victim to continue stuffing themself like GemACH sic.
Is there anyone here who would like to see Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond return?
Edit: … following along as though your entire financial wealth …
Monday Dec. 26 22, 12:24 PM
Moments ago, posted up on In full: Bank of England on Cryptos:
This is an infomercial for intellectually obscene Cryptos which all the Central Banks are behind.
If you need to understand perfectly, either read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention that is free on the Internet
and/or you can simply ask me who was recruited right out of university in early 1978 by the central character Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] who the reader is introduced to in chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON.
12:31 PM
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@Ayi Kwei Armah your memory of Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale couldnt possibly have faded unless you are suffering from dementia, like my 3 elder siblings and all those in support of my mother Zena being held against her will in very rotten Israel, which doesn’t mean all is lost.
The first person here to speak up clearly ends the game for everyone.
The rest of you will all be losers.
Ayi think very carefully about what I have just said.
It is impossible to predict good for yourself in the future when you know you have done wrong, especially when it comes to the money that decides who wins the wars and who gets to enjoy the best lifestyle, and your continued presence here explains you understand everything.
You are a talking and eating specie that has only destroyed; nothing in the least great other than the imagination which none of us can take credit for.
Mon 1:00 PM
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If you are healthy, meaning your natural immune system is enjoying smashing to smithereens the cancer cells loving best hiding out in the fat diseased talkative cells which you first encounter with slowness of the limbs, there is probably no better soup to enjoy than a well spiced orange kabocha soup poured over fresh kale
chopped perfectly and sprinkled with orange peel zest, nutmeg freshly grated and topped off with lime juice to perfection.
1:03 PM
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@Mannie Hirsch everyone knows you are chomping at the bit to express yourself in a manner that shows you are a genius collector of stolen ancient artifacts thanks to your friendship with bloodthirsty dictators who saw you coming from a mile away.
At least try commenting on Netanya[hu] very recently describing Jesus Christ as Rabbi Jesus Christ.
Mon 1:39 PM
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Is Elon Musk a narcissist or very calculating?
Mon 5:08 PM
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Title: Sex question is a touchy one.
Knowing they have him by the throat, controlling his minerals, wouldn’t you expect Elon Musk to be very calculating; something you would want if you are primarily interested in morality-fairness?
Become a lying robot to keep TESLA alive with its supply of minerals.
It is an existential threat for TESLA [and for Elon as he becomes more of a lying robot to keep his minerals supply chain].
For those who think Twitter is a distraction and affects the sales and profitability of TESLA, they are simply ignorant of how his minerals-parts suppliers who are also all the advertising produced by Madison Avenue-Hollywood, conduct themselves behind closed doors.
This you learn about in The D I book, if your common sense previously failed you.
Elon can see as clear as day each of you going in circles not wishing to run into each other.
Naturally you would expect Elon to stick closer than ever to Big Oil, Mr Bone Saw and his surrogate, the weak Jared Kushner helping his master buy up Israel that these brutal despots couldn’t win on the battlefield.
And they are all quiet; so much for their love of Israel and the IDF.
Again surely he sees all your reaction, no one willing to stick their neck out.
And when the time comes to meeting up next with our Maker, Musk will have a clear conscience.
Wouldn’t you do the same if in his shoes?
It cannot be overstated the impossibility of Elon being oblivious to all of you acting indifferent when not distractingly ugly as hell.
He understands well his father’s First Principals teachings.
Those 100 words of absolute truth, encouragement to be expected from a high intellect human are irrefutable; and if there was the slightest kink [in] the chain, you would be all over it.
Instead your lying robot thinking has you ignoring, and thinking it will all go away because everyone is running in circles; yet you remain here, conspicuous.
Rigging the price of money and thinking the solution is to now start mining Cryptos and anyone with money including Cryptos can start their own Cryptos before all the Central banks decide to clamp down because of the fraud of the Bankman-Fried clown, is not something one can simulate.
That is because we are conditioned to trust the money above all else.
So they are playing on that trust and each of you are contributing.
You can imagine yourselves following the public interrogation of this FTX stooge and thinking yourselves smart because you are not fooled by the antics.
You could see all the media going along with it.
But how do you face yourself in the mirror and wondering if it is all worth it, to have lost your soul.
How can your purpose be only to help destroy the planet and get rid of the poor kids through war and poverty and the money is all contrived by these anything but “robust” men in suits that don’t look overly expensive; and they could pass for your uncle who makes you and the rest of the family so proud.
Remember we are only talking about how Elon Musk would evaluate this mass psychosis, cruelty, stupidity of the Nth Degree, and yet each of you are selling the next person including your spouse/lover of your honor.
One has to look at things from a higher dimension when realizing a lying robot is a human.
The question of sex is a touchy subject.
To be continued.
Mon 5:35 PM
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Edit: It is an existential threat for TESLA and for Elon as he becomes more of a lying robot to keep his minerals supply chain.
Edit:… kink in the chain, you …
Mon 6:04 PM
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Tue 6:52 AM
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Title: Era of Freedom
Sounds like communist China but under an air of democracy.
Thank God Elon bought Twitter, a highly unpredictable move that didn’t win him any friends in Big Oil whose value system is the antitheses of Freedom of Speech, Democracy, fair elections; no morals.
Tue 4:34 PM
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Title: The last straw
Subtitle: Nothing more sick than a compassionate narcissist
Wed 9:24 AM
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Lose you head, lose your spine
I just sent my appeal.
Title: History blocked
The 30 September 1938 meeting of Chamberlain, Hitler and Mussolini is the cornerstone of the slaughter of 6 million Jewish people and another 100 million “collateral damage”, not that any life is more important than the next.
But getting rid of the Jews makes it easy to control the rest either by fear of liquidation or liquidation.
The Jewish people are by nature much more questioning because it is in our Torah to be comfortable in questioning God which is absent in all other religions including academia which is the new corrupt church.
We must not be afraid of Freedom of Speech because it is our only weapon against tyranny.
Violence is what a tyrannical leader such as Putin counts on to remain in power.
Imagine if Chamberlain told Hitler to go take a flying jump.
How in the world could an educated man like Chamberlain think Hitler, author of Mein Kampf could be trusted not to continue his expansionism goals when it got Chamberlain to fly to Munich and hand Hitler-Mussolini the Jewish peoples heads on a plate.
Blocking this important piece of history suits the profiteers of war.
A quick look at Chamberlain’s history, Chancellor of the Exchequer tells you everything.
You wouldn’t expect anything less from those who see peace as war on their profits.
Moreover, were it not for Chamberlain suddenly taking deathly ill at the most critical juncture of the Battle of Britain, resigning on 22 September 1940, and being replaced by Churchill, we might all be speaking only German and not a Jewish person in sight.
Please do the right thing and immediately remove the restrictions.
Thank you
Gary Steven Gevisser
Ps – It would also be nice if you removed the person who has set up a fake account using my exact same name.
Today at 2:39 PM
2:39 PM
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If not now +
2:43 PM
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@Mannie Hirsch, you are not someone who shies away from expressing yourself such as your desire to read my dialogue with GemACH sic who you don’t know anything about, at least you make out that you couldn’t be bothered.
But now you are awfully quiet, not even telling us how many candles you lit on Chanukah and what your meat dairy intake from 3 days ago looks like after it has taken all this time to exit, without being crude.
Yet you know that you are extremely rude but thinking you are no worse than the next pretending not to be interested and yet your continued presence shows that you are most interested because you know that we are all sitting on a powder keg and the most corrupt eager to see the world blow up sooner than later.
Of course in your own time, even you Mannie can keep up on things once you leave NSS either voluntary or when I decide someone possibly more inclined towards towards truth-logic-karma-reincarnation should be given the same opportunities as the rest of you increasingly competiting amongst yourselves because you know it is wrong to hold anything against the messenger, especially when it is the truth.
There is not only the BLOG but others you know on facebook as well as those who con others to think they don’t have a fake account or use their friends/spouse account, and that too leaves a trace; but most of all fake people are first and foremost faking themselves which is not healthy for the shape of the spine dependent on the mind that logically is outside of the human body-mind, but obviously in reach of the imagination.
Always remember that if you weren’t smart enough to understand when you first heard the letters GDP or the words they represent, Gross Domestic Product that they represent an economic index that has been used since 1934 and couldn’t be more morally reprehensible as well as insanely illogical, and nothing in history coming close, other than the SA Oppenheimer-Bank of England-Central Banks’ Cryptos, to consider yourself fully conscious is absurd.
Moreover, once explained what is so detrimental about the GDP to simply ignore and go on the attack which is unwarranted is demonstrative of more than a single human’s brain and stomach neurons misfiring because we are all connected and none of you in denial which is everyone, is on the same team.
In fact you are far more enemies of each other than me who can’t understand your ugliness, why you would put up with yourself being so two-faced and not expecting any long term consquence that goes beyond this rather short life.
Bear in mind there has not been enough time since the first life forms began a couple of hundred million years ago, unless we were deposited here, for the human to have evolved to this highly destructive species.
Moving on.
Friday 3:06 PM
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Title: Bagman [Word count 1073]
Sam Bankman-Fried.
What a name. It is like they made up his name. Totally choreographed is this setup of setups.
No one wants to be poor. They can go with being foolish very easy.
People don’t care about their neighbors.
We have long stopped being a community.
That would have only existed during caveman times, if at all.
That doesn’t mean from an intellectual standpoint you are prevented learning from a pro that Cryptos are the banks.
Noise is created to distract both on the battlefield which is designed to kill as well those profiting from the making of weapons which is supposed to be controlled by the government for the good of the people who are not told clearly and often enough, “peace is war on their profits” for those who profit from war and who don’t really work for the common good or good of the planet.
How can you even call deceiving the people as “work”, unless you are a comedian getting paid?
And you would expect our religious leadership to be no less corrupt.
If you have people creating their own money independent of the government’s money, those people can either start their own government by giving the people everything they want or simply bribe the existing government to not tell everything that is going on, such as every time you create a new currency like Crypto that is not tied to the production of goods and services it is hyper-inflationary, and in addition it makes a mockery of the study of economics; and therefore why bother having universities teach economics, politics, philosophy and law?
You would expect that getting the people numb on drugs or religion saying to leave all that is wrong for God to correct in the next life, would bring to life drug cartels like the Medellín Cartel who once they had done their job were disbanded, much like the Roman Senate in 603 AD after its run of 1356 years, and when the people began asking too many questions a new group of rulers with new rules such as the Magna Carta were created and these parliaments were no less corrupt than the Kings who got their heads chopped off and so we still have the figurehead Royals like the newly crowned King Charles replacing his mother who also talked a good game about caring for people to talk through their disagreements rather than resort to violence which keeps the rich getting richer and the poor cannon fodder until such time as the robots take over all the menial work.
A pair of F-15s making a bombing run over the mud huts of their first drug cartel would have resonated globally in the next instant for anyone else thinking of getting up to mischief, tampering with the delicate minds and bodies of our children.
The Medellín Cartel were allowed to prosper even though our militaries could have chopped off the heads of their kingpins the moment they made their first sale which would have been to a government agent given how we have history teaching us that it was corrupt business people hiding behind their bribed governments initiating the Opium Wars in China long before our Civil War which culminated in real estate people and banks profiting from the lands of the soldiers not returning in one piece from the battlefields.
It is the same playbook throughout the planet.
So why do we have organizations like the United Nations putting on a show that they care for the common people?
Wouldn’t it make sense to use the university buildings to house the homeless until such time as they can stand on their own two feet and contribute more to the betterment of society, and saving of the most important green space than those tasked only with fooling the masses to the point that they are tired from all the confusing noise and just opt out to social media and Cryptos playing without asking the right questions?
Plus, once the government is in there with their own Crypto, and everyone has to hand over their private Cryptos and cash otherwise they will be worthless as the rest of society will be prohibited from accepting anything other the Central Banks’ digitized monies, there is total control.
This FTX Sam Bankman-Fried is the bagman; the excuse for the central banks taking full control of the people’s money and their minds.
Not to mention, is @ZelenskyyUa willing to sacrifice his soldiers along with his remaining 44 million people to support the banks arming all sides.
If he and his wife lack a conscience, then it is surely left entirely up to God.
Wouldn’t such a display describe well the fairytale Biblical story of GAS [Gomorrah & Sodom]?
Surely, it is enough to get sufficient numbers of truth seekers into one Internet room that in no time can wake up all those asleep and resulting in all the charlatans displaying that they are Emperors Without Clothes.
Why would we need the appearance of God when we have the power at each of our fingertips.
Who wants to go through life believing bad people’s lies and then risk that Day of Judgement even if you feel the chances are not high that God exists.
Everyone experiences coincidences as well observing that bad karma leads to bad things happening which is designed to have the individual reflecting and when ignoring their wrong actions, the bad karma keeps coming back until they are deathly ill, in pain, and it is too late to make amends.
Bankman-fraud is covering up the much bigger fraud; namely, the introduction of the Cryptos that made it look like it was people opposed to government corruption.
Cryptos are as contrived as the wars; and it began when they took us off the Gold Standard, and this is even worse because the small people got sucked in.
Again, this isn’t intended to stop people from being selfish but to at least know what is going on for when meeting up next with our Maker.
In the meantime there is always the fear that someone such as Elon Musk simply doesn’t have the stomach to keep up the farce knowing that anyone else with a large enough voice can beat him to the punch or simply a groundswell of the voiceless tired of being used.
Gary “In Training” Jan ’68