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It is all in the Numbers

Prior – Inflexibility of the forces of nature – CLICK HERE


From: Gary2 <>

Date: April 23, 2024 at 6:26:46 PM PDT

To: Pantheon <>

Cc: Rest, Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken <>, Ernest Rady – San Diego’s richest multibillionaire industrialist-philanthropist <>, “Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation.” <>, “President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>, Mossad <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Inspired by Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman, played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to the home of the German-South African Oppenheimer clan whose Lloyds of London Insurance have never once attempted to hide that they are the money launderers of money launderers, and figured the common herd would think themselves too smart to have it all smack in their faces.” <>

Subject: It is all in the Numbers ;- Inflexibility of the forces of nature -: Makes sense :-Ridicule-Dropping bombs is the bottom line – Re: Maybe they shouldn’t have men doing the examinations


Click link below to appreciate the Arch of Titus that Jews were prohibited from walking under, 



continuing long after the stolen Menorah was carved in stone

following the Roman conquest of Israel.

The land is not important. It is the ideas that are most disturbing.

Amazing how the wise Jewish people survive when they have few friends and surrounded by Jewish snitches.

Who said,  “God said to Moses …” ?

It couldn’t have been Moses because the Torah was not written by Moses and nor is it written in the first person.

So who was the first rabbi and/or scribe, and it wasn’t Jesus who came much later, who said, “God said …”?

These were inspired people because they were risking their lives to assault the tyrants and their armies, who wouldn’t have stopped going after the Jewish people once the Romans dispersed us into the diaspora, and convinced those taken prisoner, carrying the gold Menorah, to become spies, track down and eliminate the possibility of such grand teachings from ever taking root, while promoting weak Jewish people who stopped rational questioning, saw nothing wrong in torturing animals


before eating them, as well as embraced blind faith which is the exact opposite of the teachings of Judaism which is to keep questioning until you find the truth.

It is all in the Numbers, one of the 5 Books of Moses.

Coincidences are totally unpredictable, just like Quantum Mechanics.

[Word count 242]


Cutting and pasting from earlier posting, 9:43 AM Calif time Wednesday 24.4.24, on FB Focus Group/Symposium, Wow, very powerful:

Earlier add ChaBAD sic Black Hatter Bentzion Chanowitz aka Torah GemACH sic aka Goymorrah, underneath the photo he provides of torturing his sacrifice chicken under the sick pagan ritual which he proudly proclaims, “Swinging the chicken”.

Not much difference to the Hamas monsters.

Birds of a feather.

Again Goymorrah aka Torah GemACH sic aka Bentzion Chanowitz, “Swinging the chicken”.
