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From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: April 3, 2022 at 11:11:36 AM PDT
To: Anonymous cook
Subject: Oo -: Cannot be trusted -: Free soda -: You are not alone -: – logic

Oops left out this Tweet link

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: April 3, 2022 at 11:09:53 AM PDT
To: Anonymous cook
Subject: Cannot be trusted – Fwd: Free soda -Re: You are not alone – Fwd: – logic

You have been playing a dangerous game with your head.

It easy to play stupid which is why most choose the path of least resistance.
But brain damage comes at a price.
You are now forced from yesterday at 5:48 PM to revisit all your long, totally incoherent writings at the same time knowing you can’t change the past of trying to make me believe you were confused by all the conflicting information you pick up off social media.
If you were Nicholas Oppenheimer wouldn’t you infiltrate extremist groups and people like Infowars and rock bands pushing both drugs and loud music with a clear message that to show your distrust in government you should purchase crypto currencies trading at very very very small fractions of a cent?
Can you think of anything else you would do?
Can you figure which person in Zelenskyy’s inner circle cannot be trusted, and why that is?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: April 2, 2022 at 5:48:50 PM PDT
To: Anonymous cook
Subject: Free soda -Re: You are not alone – Fwd: – logic

If you know God exists then you would know this is your destiny and that your future destiny is decided by you being smart.

If your destiny today has you smart you would know the government set the price of Cryptos as they do Coca Cola
whose acidity eats away that much quicker at the plastic allowing the plastic to spread that much quicker into the bloodstream killing the neurons as well that control all the other other organs.
If not then you know what you need to do in order to get smart.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2022, at 5:17 PM, anonymous wrote:

Right and wrong…yes I knew it wasn’t going to make much sense, but not much does these days. i do know full well that sitting around watching a number goes up is a dumb game but wherever else I look I have insane clowns acting weird and making dick jokes 24/7. I’m sure you have compelling proof of God but I am already 100% convinced of it, because its very obvious to me at this point that the nature of reality is actually much much weirder and more complex than I had previously thought, and I am something like a gnat in terms of complexity, from what I can tell, which is pretty much nothing.

And yes, for sure it would take time for me to figure out, because of causality, but I also feel there is little point in that because intuitively I think I can sense who it was sent to, because i already know a few things that most would consider delusional even though its right in their faces all day long always. i pretty much know how this ends more or less but i am still curious about whether or not there is an actual or literal dragon, or if they are actually going to resurrect pterodactyls. nothing would surprise me anymore and i kind of doubt its just going to be nonstop clown jokes for much longer…the hollywood nuke being stopped by aliens meme seems so close to happening that it would be impossible for the story to not have a major plot twist pretty soon, in my opinion.
also i would never willingly trust a computer to govern, although i dont doubt it will happen. but i’ve seen what “code is law” leads to and that will be some interesting times on earth i’m sure.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 10:02 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote to Anonymous cook:
You are waiting like everyone else for my proof of God.

Already you have stopped thinking how you can distract from being so easily fooled about the money with your long winded writings that you knew were not going to make sense before beginning typing.
Without Madam “Currie“ (sic) discovering the uranium atom we wouldn’t today be in a position to see how ridiculous is the thinking of the world’s leadership, other than Zelenskyy, that Putin cannot be allowed to lose because he is so crazy to start pushing the nuclear button in the meantime the same thinking would apply to every country that has nuclear weapons at the ready should their leaders not be happy with their nest egg.
You don’t know who I sent the email to below. For sure it would take you time to figure out.
But you do know I make perfect sense just as I did when starting out.
Now you are thinking, “if I don’t respond with common sense and that means checking my ego and acknowledging that I have just been trying to beat Gary because I feel so stupid, then not only may I never hear from Gary again, but I have to live with myself knowing my game playing has been known all this time.”
Bear in mind you are not alone.
Economist Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd feels exactly the same.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: April 1, 2022 at 9:29:47 AM PDT
To: Anonymous cook
Subject:  – logic

One hears that when an event occurs like

Fran Lebowitz on Will Smith, Chris Rock and the slap heard round the world


talking about an ugly incident that at its core is “badly raised” there are other events going on that are most beautiful.

The human condition is that there is always something or someone much uglier and then to move on to the next thing that grabs the mind’s attention.
It is the non-reaction to the cause of the destruction of the planet that brings with it a most positive feature which includes exposing all the religious of all the faiths along with the scientific community all chasing the money which they don’t know the first thing about.
If you can get everyone into the same room and agree that robots-computers will decide war is ridiculous so no one fights and the necessities of life are distributed fairly while getting rid of a bunch of leaders, you have utopia, plain and simple.
Would you like to hear more?
