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“Ordinary non-philosophical people” ~ Smuts – : Hear the Musks …

From: Gary2 <>
Subject: “Ordinary non-philosophical people” ~ Smuts – : Hear the Musks …
Date: June 6, 2022 at 6:35:19 PM PDT
To: “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>
Cc: rest; Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,, Diane Sare <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, kingdelmar <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, Dion Nissenbaum – WSJ <>, Rory Jones – WSJ <>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, Megan Ellison – Film producer and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar, Kenneth Standard.” <>, Stephen Lipworth <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River, Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks, who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East, have no shops in Israel.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in \”management friendly\”; i. e. \”shareholder hostile\” takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <>, Solly Krok <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Alyson Kosik – Imposter Chief economist at NYSE <>, “Amy Taylor Director-Producer: MILKED – White Lies In Dairy Land” <>, Jeff Gibbs – Planet of the Humans <>, “Elad Davidovitch – former Israeli army reservists and movie maker who lacks information.” <>, Sofiaan Fraval – Intimate of Elon Musk and fb friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Conrad Anker c/o Pamela Hainsworth <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Zuzanna. Kobrzynski” <>, Tal Kopan – Journalist San Francisco Chronicle <>, Rachel Swan – Journalist San Francisco Chronicle <>, Gerard Ryle – Director ICIJ – International Consortium of Investigative Journalists <>, South China Morning Post <>, “Rob Rose – Editor of the South African Financial Mail + author of The grand scam: How Barry Tannenbaum conned South Africa’s business elite ” <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, Jean Figadère <>, charles ivie <>, Charlie Robinson – author of The Octopus of Global Control <>, shaun attwood <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <>,,<>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gevisser close cousin Gary Levinsohn co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan.” <>, NANCY SPIELBERG <>, Gsoros <>, “Kevin Hall – Pulitzer Prize Winner, Panama Papers” <>, Uri Rosenberg <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Waterstrategist. com Waterstrategist. com” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, “” <>, “Zanny Minton Beddoes – Editor-in-chief Economist c/o Holly Donahue Director, Global Communications ” <>,, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Foreign Affairs & Defence Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands <>, “Professor Susan James c/o” <>, “” <>, Robert Reich <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>


Screenshot: 6:24 PM Monday 6 June 2022
Yesterday at 1:31 PM
Neil De Gouveia, Miennie Burger and 6 others

  • Gary Gevisser
    It is Christian to say that you love your family and friends, but maybe General Smuts’ family were like all the rest, some good, some bad.


    Gary Gevisser


    Chapter 19 

Gary Gevisser
It now 3:51 PM Calif. time, 5 June 2022.

I will be posting up next the rest of Chapter 19 DEFIANCE which leads in to Chapter 20 YEAR OF DESTINY.

Bear in mind that it is no less disturbing that incredibly few historians, household names and otherwise, don’t know the first thing about General Smuts who ran the show of World War II, even when he wasn’t sitting right across from Winston Churchill as a member of the British War Cabinet.

Gary Gevisser
How do you even begin to talk money-economics-politics if you don’t know about the man who stands head and shoulders above anyone when it comes to World War I and World War II?

Gary Gevisser
How do you run a successful podcast like Joe Rogan and fail to ask “What do you think of Smuts as a military commander, statesman, scientist and philospoher?” of all your guests, especially when you have someone on your show and they happen to have either lived or traveled to South Africa from say 1870, when Smuts was born, to this very moment 4:02 PM?

How do you run a news organization like Fox, ABC, Frontline, CBS, CNN etc and not be concerned that your next in command, waiting in the wings to trip you up, isn’t going to bring up Smuts either at the next board meeting or simply talking to a member of the media or any other occassion that would make you nervous?

Gary Gevisser
Steven Bailey are you and Torah GemACH sic aka Benzion Going around the bend still “best friends”?

Gary Gevisser
And of course, interesting or devastating depending upon your perspective, is that us Jewish people, who pride ourselves on our knowledge of history, business-money and the such, are no less ignorant of Smuts who ranks as one of the foremost, if not the foremost Gentile promoter of Zionism going back to well before the Nazis put into effect the extermination of 6 million, half of European Jewry; and the plan was for the elimination of all Jewry, and only possible shrines to serve as a reminder, if you get out of line.

Nor is the author of Smuts’ exhaustive 2 volume biography a lightweight in the intellectual arena or for that matter unfamiliar with the highest levels of military intelligence, including false propaganda from all sides.

In fact 1920 De Beers-Rhodes Scholar, Australian Sir Keith Hancock [1898 -1988] was on the staff of the British War Cabinet Offices as Supervisor of the Civil Liberties.

Gary Gevisser
It is now 4:12 PM and you have to be thinking how many people would be out there talking shit if their parents and grandparents had been more focused on the events happening in the present?

Gary Gevisser
It is one thing if it was just a few households in one section of Florida where Steven Bailey lives, or one or two households in Malibu, California where lives Steven Kofsky, a close friend of Nancy Spielberg and Im sure Nancy feels that any close friend of hers is a close of her brother Steven Spielberg, who haven’t been familiar with Smuts since their early teens.

Instead it is a pandemic of ignorance that defies logic.

Gary Gevisser
Does everyone remember that Winston Churchill was kicked out of office 2 months after Nazi Germany surrendered?

Steven Bailey did you know that?

Steven Bailey, I know that you are not talking here because you are finding it increasingly difficult interrupting me with your distractions ever since I had you focus on answering my simple question, “Are you a Christian?”

I-we also know that you don’t particularly like Jewish people because you have said some pretty anti-Semitic things in the past; and you also have a hard on for the State of Israel whose corruption can be traced back to the final hours of World War II when Jewish communities around the world didn’t rise up when the principal architects and profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust-World War II, the German-South African Oppenheimers were not indicted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals which continued through 1948; and not lost on the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] in the middle of Israel’s first war of survival, having to deal with spies surrounding him.

Gary Gevisser
Page 342 – DEFIANCE


Gary Gevisser
DEFIANCE continues on to page 356.

I will complete the upload in due course.

Who remembers when they last read a single book authored by a reputable writer about anyone important?

Gary Gevisser
It is now 4:38 PM and when you look at the “Big Picture” of this universe with so many unanswered questions and yet for most who have even heard his name, the name Smuts just really isn’t all that important because your thinking is how is that going to mean more money in my pocket so that I don’t have to be on social media and can organize my own guitar playing at the Royal Albert Hall

South Kensington, London, a spot Im most familiar with, even if the only people who show up are all paid by my entourage, you really have to think more about what are we all doing here?

Gary Gevisser
Steven Bailey, everyone knows you are paying attention and if you are not, it is only because you have turned off notifications on your one device but watching with the others or the alternative is that you will find another reason.

How much would say Johnny Depp have to pay you to show up at his next performance at the Royal Albert Hall?

Gary Gevisser
It is now 4:57 PM.

Charity events are not the only activity which become totally boring once you have read for the first time Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention detailing how the German-South African Oppenheimers go about bribing, with impunity all their corrupt politicians and media personnel such as the Murdoch family who own Fox and publications such as the Sun over in England, that got mention in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial.

Steven Bailey, do you think it was a deserved win for Johnny Depp?

Do you recall commenting previously rather arrogantly of why I would show any interest in that fiasco, representative of most households in this modern world where alcohol and drugs flow as much as the flow of fluids in the toilet bowl?

Steven Bailey, is there any celebrity who interests you to the point that you want to talk about them now?

Most of you already know that I was intimately familiar with the inner workings of the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Auschwitz-Philip Bros mining-money empire long before I began my university economic-finance-law studies in 1975, one year ahead of the very bloody South African Soweto Riots, and nor did I attempt at the start of my one year orientation before joining SA Oppenheimers-De Beers officially in early spring 1979 when I was just turning 22, to “play stupid” with Harry Oppenheimer.

Gary Gevisser
That is a very studied photo at the top of Chapter One – A RELUCTANT TYCOON of the father Nick Oppenheimer who on 17 March of this year began to distance himself from President Putin by cutting his Wikipedia profile photo in half.
Quite weird isn’t it given how many other choices N. Oppenheimer had.
One doesn’t need much imagination to see the other half, wouldn’t you agree Steven Bailey?

Gary Gevisser
I know a lot of people who are losing it, and so it is possible that Nicholas Oppenheimer is also sending a message that he doesn’t care because people like Steven Bailey are not just unmoved but they actually like knowing exactly who is in charge of all the chaos and it makes them feel powerful inside that they have one leg up on the rest of humanity.

Gary Gevisser
Not much has changed in human thinking since the turn of the last century when Smuts and his fellow Boer Commanders put up the most courageous, ingenious fight against the world’s only Superpower, and Great Britain had all their other corrupt governments in tow which is what you expect the rich and conscienceless of the world to organize in the future as well and the meetings of the Bilderberg Group which ends today all part of a carefully orchestrated distraction.

Steven Bailey if you were a member of Nicholas Oppenheimers-Murdoch’s inner circle would you find the time today to see how people like Steven Bailey and Steven Kofsky are reacting or would you think of another way to keep your underlings in line?

Gary Gevisser
It is now 5:15 PM and all is quiet.

Gary Gevisser
It is still Sunday 5 June 2022; and it is 1:16 AM, 6 June over in Great Britain-England.

78 years ago this time, my friend, American Air Force Pilot, Dwight E. Kroesch was well into the completion of his mission having taking off at 21:00 hours, 5 June his cargo of the 101st Airborne Parachutists dropped into France at 12:20 AM, 6 June, and now heading home.

That is not Dwight W. Kroesch at the present time. He is long dead.

That was him kneeling right before takeoff when General Eisenhower stopped by to wish them luck.

The speed at which Kroesch’s C-47, 210 mph, top speed for this aircraft, headed for the coast when seeing what he believed to be a German night fighter, had no impact on the survival rate of the parachutists which also meant nothing for those who didn’t make it.

The point being, the past is just for us to learn from and apply it to the present.

It is also most likely that Kroesch and his crew were the last to make it back to their base at North Witham. After crossing the English Channel body of water which separates Great Britain from German occupied France, Kroesch received a radio message to land at Gatwick Airport – check Google Maps if unsure – London to report to Eisenhower Headquarters to be debriefed on the situation in France. “Landed in London and was transported to Eisenhower Headquarters for the debriefing. The Co-pilot and I gave them our [our is underlined] observations. In the meantime, we were served hot coffee by the Headquarters brass. (Great feeling for two Lieutenants!).”
Document produced by Dwight E. Kroesch of Enterprise, Kansas, USA.
There is a reason I got to spend a lot of quality time with Mr. Kroesch who I believe retired from the US Air Force with the rank of Colonel, in great part because of my father being a most accomplished Fighter Bomber Pilot of General Smuts’ elite Squadron 11. and his wingman, Syd Cohen
the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot who went on to lead the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron during Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] Squadron 101 to victory, I knew the right questions to ask.

The fact that I have 3 elder siblings who got the exact same information as me didn’t know the right questions to ask does not mean it is smart to spoon feed children given their different personalities and level of intelligence.

Basic common sense says that if the history books and the history channel as well as your favorite news channel is constantly talking about war then to look at the history of those such as J P Morgan who first made his big bucks and proved himself to his City of London backers during the American Civil War when J P Morgan not only made a huge profit reselling back to the US Union Army rifles that he had modified which made them more dangerous to the soldiers squeezing the trigger than the combatants on the other side but got away with his heinous crimes.

Who thinks the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals were the first of the Kangaroo court proceedings in modern day times?

Gary Gevisser
Steven Bailey and Johny Basterd why do you think?

Gary Gevisser
It is more important to ask “Why do you think?” rather than “What do you think of this and that?” given the serious nature of the people’s inability to track the dealings of the richest banker in the world in modern day times and money is pretty much what everyone thinks about on social media because if they had sufficient monies they would just put their hand in their pocket and have sex all the time with a different partner, wouldn’t you all agree Steven KlugmanSteven BaileyJohny BasterdEllen EricksenBrad AwerbuchHeather AnnLynne Karen BentelTrevor GoldbergCaroline Caro Ter RabaliattiJill O’hara, and Blaze Nissi?

It is now 5:58 and I continue to nurse with the great help of my lover-partner a badly sprained right hand middle finger which wouldn’t make for me being the lead role in future Edward Scirrorhands franchise, but you never know, because we are still grappling with why we would stick with the system that is most destroying the planet making it inhabitable for future generations?

Nor is Mars exactly perfect for replicating an environmentally sound echo system when traversing to other planets like the earth which statistically might exist but simply impossible getting there before our sun naturally consumes us or we dont do a similar job sooner.

Gary Gevisser
You have to ask yourself if J P Morgan fooled you, then he probably fooled all the people currently attending the Bilderberg meeting unless they are better actors than both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard combined.

You would also expect the former Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration Robert Reich to have read my Tweet from June 2 at 8:07 AM:

City of London emissary, JP Morgan made his first fortune reselling guns, at a huge profit, back to the Union Army after modifications making them more dangerous to those squeezing the trigger than Confederate soldiers?

Why wasn’t he prosecuted for treason and unjust enrichment?

Gary Gevisser
Have any of you noticed that people like to make jokes during serious business-money making discussions, either to ease the tension or distract the other parties.

If you experience that in your personal relationship it is probably why you are on social media and don’t want to spend money on a clinical psychologist or simply don’t trust them to spill their guts to highest bidder.

It is 6:11 PM and just in case you are interested, the middle finger doesn’t hurt, no bones broken according to the x ray technician, and the finger cast doesn’t hinder typing but it takes getting used to. I have to stay conscience and remember to ice and place essential oils, better yet covered in French clay and that means I also wont be typing when attending to these matters.

If you got the money-war business wrong then it tells you that you cannot beleive a word coming out of the mouth of anyone less expert than me on the study of economics.

When you are being considered as Harry Oppenheimer’s replacement
one’s thinking is not to try impress him with bullshit you learned from either your babysitter or the electronic babysitter; namely TV and radio which the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank masterfully manage, which doesn’t make it just, the same with interferring with all elections.

All it takes in what is seemingly an uphill battle is for one person to ask Robert Reich how he feels knowing so little about Smuts and yet Reich like his boss Bll Clinton was a 1968 Rhodes-De Beers Scholar which requires before admittance a display of common sense before moving on to a higher office like the President of the United States and Labor Secretary.

Gary Gevisser
It is now 6:24 PM and let’s step back to page 348 of Volume 2 of SMUTS published in 1968 when Sir Keith Hancock, Robert Reich and Bill Clinton were still alive.

Lets start out at the top, “The universe must be seen as the organic structure …” and move down 3 paragraphs, not quite the center of the page:

Gary Gevisser
“He felt that was getting too metaphysical”.

Gary Gevisser
Is everyone there?

Steven Bailey, do you think there is any chance that Mark Zuckerberg decided on the change of name to Meta after reading that 8 word paragraph.

We all know Steven Bailey is thinking because all our minds are continuously active even when we pass the atoms are not destroyed, they are simply reconfigured and how that is accomplished is more complicated than following the money-mineral-gun trail to J P Morgan which everyone failed to do.

I am not saying that Smuts was a stupid man.

Lets continue with the 4th paragraph down.

“For the sake of his friends who liked his letters to be full of news and views but might grow tired of his philosophizing, for the sake of the ordinary unphilosphical people who looked to him for a lead, and not least for his own sake, he had to make a simpler statement of his faith.”

In the print version, let’s make the title of today’s writings, “Ordinary unphilosphical people”.

Gary Gevisser
It is now 6:59.

Smuts liked certain people, “He enjoyed his chance encounters wth unpretentious country people” ~ top of page 344, second paragraph.
Those of you who live in cities, how often do you come across unpretentious country people?

Remember Smuts died on 11 September 1950.

How did he miss your attention and your teachers all these years?

How do we know how to think when we know our thinking is flawed on fundamental issues?

To be conscious does require being truthful.
Let’s move on to page 349 while remembering how Smuts got to be South Africa Minister of War, Finance and Mines in 1910, just 8 years after surrendering to the British in the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902].

Not to mention, did Smuts take acting lessons with the Spielbergs or Amber Heard’s acting coach who shows she is not all that particular about what foods and drink she consumes?

No, because Smuts was not a Hollywood actor by profession.

He was a thinker who never took his eye off the Big Picture because the Big Picture interested him given how most are “ordinary unphilosophical people”.

He understood that people were gripped by money that had become first nature once they were either bribed or brainwashed into not thinking how easy it would be for a mineral monopolist to own all of Wall Street once controlling the media and the “politcans” [sic].

Nor did it happen overnight, as I have been explaining.

But nothing in our first nature which is all atoms turned into organic and non-organic compounds has anything to do with money, only logic.

Everything about the atom has logic written all over it even if we don’t understand how it is created.

To accept money printed out of thin air, worse yet digitized by someone setting up a computer bank and having the banks drive the demand is really not something you could imagine would fly in a computer game but here we are all nodding along.

3rd paragraph down:

“It was in some ways a idosyncratic faith. Smuts was saying that a man would suffer in his self-respect if he failed to give God a hand while He was asserting his soverignty. A nation similarly might suffer in its self-respect. His thought turned to the poor Americans and their policy of cash and carry.

What a creed, when the western world is reeling on its foundations ! Cash and carry ! However, perhaps I am unfair. We are really all much alike.

I hope the day is not far off when America will really bear her share of the intolerable burden, even if she does not send an army to Europe. If Britain and the Commonwealth win alone, America will never forgive herself; if they are beaten she will be even less able to bear the intolerable stigma. It is a most awkward fix for a really pacific nation … It is like poor Peter sitting in that vestibule near the fire, and denying his Master. Nor will it be good for the British to win single-handed. They are already inclined to be uppish.”

Remember we are only now just touching on Smuts’ philosophical views of man, not his administering of a war that the warmongers want to drag on like the war in Ukraine which the ordinary unphilosophical people believe is driving up gas prices and inflation to boot.

Jill O’hara
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser
Jill O’hara

Title: Imagine being a bird rather than a fly

As far as flying goes I would prefer to be a bird rather than a fly, buzzing over the same shit every day.

Musk is on a different level with his rockets.

The unimpossible makes you dream.…/status/1533823317790011392…

The original

Tweet Tweet Tweet … Tweet tweet 
Buzz buzz buzz …

was posted on May 17, 2 months to the day after Mineral Monopoly King, German-South African Nicholas Oppenheimer had an underling cut his original Wikipedia profile photo in half.

@Jill O’Hara, what don’t you understand?

Gary Gevisser
It is now 8:07 AM Calif. time.

Shortly we will get into Smuts’ view on fitness as we all reflect on the mental-physical health of political leadership following the 1066 Battle of Hastings.

Steven Bailey are you keeping up?

Gary Gevisser
It is now 9:32 AM and we shouldn’t forget that in 1932 kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in Israel was named after Jan Christiaan Smuts which was not lost on the enemies of us Jewish people preparing to bring to power both Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt who was also a proponent of the heinous, illogical eugenics, but centered around real estate theft.

Nothing is a coincidence including coincidences all designed to keep us in the moment and to wonder at this amazing universe and the furtherest piece of rock that we can land on; namely Mars, which is brutally hostile, is relatively speaking, compared to the vast expanse of the universe, some 90 billion light years across, less than a human hair width.

Moreover, the universe continues to expand exponentially, faster than the speed of light.

Gary Gevisser
It is now 10:09 AM.

Back on 28 August 2018, 3:18 PM Calif. time, lame Steven Bailey wrote to me on fb messaging, “I’m literally yelling at my friends to read The Diamond invention NOW”.

BTW, keep checking either the BLOG and/or the $HIT list of 2facetruth dot com for my entire dialoguing with Bailley going back to 8 February 2017, 2:30 PM when I wrote him the following 35 odd words:

“how do we know each other, is it simply through mutual FB friends. 

What do you do for a living? What are your passions.

Have you heard of the non-fiction The Diamond Invention book?”

I felt at the time, again 28 August 2018, 3 years, 9 months and 9 days ago, that Bailey was being disingenuous, and I told him such.

When he made more recently the decision to block me from seeing all his fb friends, other than our 87 odd mutual friends, I wasnt convinced he was eager to share with others how ugly the masses such as himself are manipulated.

It is a common trait the bullied become bullies.

What Spinoza was attempting to do with his rational thinking that included ridiculing the religious “Worshippers of ink on paper” was to get the people to stay in the present without talking, making them observe better.

How is it possible with the human all about keeping track of time in order to make more money oblivious to the draconian Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index?

When Spinoza received back on 27 July 1656, when not quite 24 years of age, his most severe excommunication by the rabbis of Amsterdam, it is easy to forget if you are one of the “ordinary unphilosophical people” such as Naom Chomsky all the way down to the bottom of the barrel Steven Bailey that the Spanish-Portuguese Inquistion was driving not only anti-Semitism but getting the Jewish people to turn on each other.

If it sounds like an old story dating back to Jesus of Nazareth, that is because it is.

History repeats itself because those in charge of the propoganda to steal the land that no human created, the same with the water that comes from the heavens, are the ones repeating the narrative that they want the “ordinary unphilosphical people” to repeat and argue about as stupidity numbs the brain as does poison foods, especially the SOS [Salt Oil Sugar]; and so when you see fat, unhealthy vegans and you wish to be polite, keep it to yourself the thought, “They must be full of SOS”.

Even Jewish people love the joke, “Put 10 Jewish people in a room, you get 11 arguments”.

It is logical to look at the ruler of Spain at the time of the excommunication which has yet to be lifted, Ferdinand III and trace back that lineage to Queen Isabella I of Castile and her husband, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, assuming you have the time.

Remember once you have read once The D I book as has Steven Bailey and most all of you quiet when not distracting, you instantly realize that there is nothing genius about being successful in real estate investing, which the “ordinary unphilosphical people” strive towards because the governments-bankers of the world encourage, as they do the wars on the poor. 

But we are acting irrationally when we don’t share the information that is most responsible for the destruction of the planet.

Nor should we forget the Jewish people in modern day times who have made vast fortunes in Amsterdam real estate such as South African billionaire Jonathan Beare who walked away while still in his 20s with a US $1 billion “proft” (sic) back in the 70s just as the squeeze is being placed on the last pocket of resistance in Israel

as well as Solly Krok whose trusted Jewish South African Chartered Accountants stole his $50 million of prime Amsterdam real estate back in 1994, the same year that puppet Mandela was brought to power.

If neither of your parents had you questioning how real estate acquisition became the norm for armchair generals wishing to avoid leading the frontline troops into battle as they were chosen by bought politicians who replaced the likes of English King Harold and his two brothers killed at the Battle of Hastings then common sense should have kicked in, and avoided all your anger today, unless your personality, your thinking are imbedded in your DNA leaving you with no free will, which is what Spinoza argued.

How do we explain with the hindsight of great thinker Spinoza the current day common sense mass psychosis?

It is an organic illness that we can address if only we had the willpower which seems entirely out of reach.

We would rather bitch even though we have the tools in the form of Elon Musk-TESLA to resolve all the problems of the world but that would require admitting that we have been easily fooled and we are not quite there.

Instead we have Jill O’hara with whom I share 13 odd mutual friends simply calling out my name this morning at 12:02 AM Calif. time, again 6 June, 78 years after Colonel Kroesch is still smarting over Headquarter brass serving him and his co-pilot coffee after being the first aircraft into France dropping off members of the 101st Airborne Parachutists.

I have yet to see the latest Top Gun movie starring Tom Cruise and that is not because I have only seen snippets of the first movie released on 12 May 1986 which was a busy year for me, but still I got to play alongside Jonathan Beare’s favorite nephew, my best friend Derrick Beare at the final of the World Cup in Mexico City and whose result we only found out once we returned to Los Angeles the same day.

It is now 10:26 AM and Im taking a break to not only enjoy freshly squeezed kale which for the internal organs to achieve optimum performance it is best that they are already in good shape, but check on this tiny baby rabbit who has been separated from its mother, which is probably normal, but it is not a nice sight to see something so small and vulnerable being harrassed by Blue Jays and a squirrel.

How much if at all to interfere with G DNature is important but not as important as such thinking has us staying in the moment and reflecting on our disgraceful lack of imagination.

Then I will be corresponding with a human rights activist lawyer who asked me this past Saturday to write to him.
It is now 3:21 PM Calif. time, Monday 6 June.

At 1:27 PM I sent out my “briefing” to this human rights activist lawyer who could like many of you, if not all of you, be following along here in real time.

Having personal experience of how the information flows from the top down, and very top is the South African Oppenheimer family who have known for at least the past 120 years following the turn of the last century when all the opposition to the Anglo “American” Boer War “died down” that the “ordinary non-philosophical person” cares only about themself while putting on a show that they have evolved, does not mean I’m unfamiliar with the process.

Prior to that carefully thought through 872 word communique I also checked on the tiniest, cutest rabbit who now has the name Jay.

Also what is wrong in promoting the most creative designer of her generation, up there with the very best, Marine Serre who is clearly having a hard time dressing up fat people who don’t like to be fat but feel there is nothing they can do about it, other than to deflect and insist that everyone else be politically correct.

Just this minute 3:33 PM or if you prefer 15:33

I took a screenshot of and I would like for everyone to focus on the top portion of the “sad” face which you wouldn’t be able to tell if your only source of information is the screenshot above.

Gary Gevisser
Below is more detail on the
  • face:

Harry Oppenheimer like his only son Nicholas, like the rest of us humans, never tried to hide the fact that he was fully aware of “coincidences”, but nor would he have expected me to dwell on them.

He wasn’t trying to distract me and nor was I interested in doing anything more than learn how he had managed to pull off such war-fear mongering and the “ordinary non-philosophical people” like Noam Chomsky and Steven Bailey being totally clueless.

Of course I never knew for sure at the outset who was and who was not bought, and nor was Harry Oppenheimer about to share with me his list of those media and politician-business people or the judges that had been bought going back to the turn of the last century.

All Oppenheimer did was make the point that there were extraordinarily few people who were directly on the payroll of De Beers-Oppenheimers for the purposes of specifically misleading the public and that of course included the university professors who get “first crack” at the next round of politicians.
I’m getting close to placing the finishing touches to my book which pickes up where the 1978 The D I book leaves off while filling in the gaps which only someone such as myself would be capable of doing, and then it is just about piecing the rest of my previous writings in a chronological order which makes sense as does everything in this universe; and for the right answers you first have to ask the right questions.

Once we are done with Smuts, all that remains is to get back to Elon Musk and to address the question whether his father, Errol Graham Musk is jealous of his very famous and rich son.

Even if Errol Graham Musk was not supportive of me, it wouldnt change who I am.

I expect every conscious, reasonable person to agree with my information and why it is that everyone follows and then quickly disappears.
I never had to discuss statistics or math with Harry Oppenheimer because my questions demonstrated laser focus and respectful of his time.
It is now 3:54 PM and there is every reason for me to expect a call from Elon at any moment; and if not, then the chances increase exponentially with every passing moment.

That has everything to do with truth, that which doesn’t change.
The “canary” referenced in the line above the “sad” face reading, “Industry’s ‘canary in coal mine’s” moment” will trigger in the minds of some people that the Jews were the canaries and when you killed them off, what good would it really do when everyone is increasingly the same, and hungry for the money which has increasingly no relation to the economy and nor does that seem to bother anyone other than the poor who simply don’t count.

Still there is a logical side of our brains that says we should cultivate intellectual honesty, and that would explain all your presence as well as why Errol Graham Musk applauds me.

Who wants to be found stupid at the final day of judgement?

If you know you are “playing stupid” and there is this highly evolved God who wants us humans to think rationally without being either spoon-fed or brainwashed which is the same if it is fools who are doing the spoon-feeding, then you cannot expect a positive outcome.

Also why “Play stupid” when you know inside your gut that it feels wrong?

The chemistry and the organization of that chemistry into a physical presence such as us humans, other animals, insects, plants and trees takes not only quite some engineering but each piece down to our individual smiles has to be in the right order and then so would the response from the observer be equally ingenious; plus as computer scientist, Professor David Hillel Gelenter has long articulated there simply hasn’t been sufficient time for evolution to have taken us from simple chemical compounds to this human form which thinks less and less for itself, which isn’t bad.
Again, we will revisit “jealousy” in due course but that doesn’t prevent anyone from voicing their opinion on whether they think it is first of all important if Errol Graham Musk is jealous of his son’s success given that they are both engineers and strive to be the very best at what they do, and if getting through that threshold to decide if jealousy exists.
We can however all agree that jealousy is a most terrible human trait made worse when combined with the Peter Principle.

Here is Google’s definition:

The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence. In other words, a front-office secretary who is quite good at her job may thus be promoted to executive assistant to the CEO for which she is not trained or prepared for—meaning that she would be more productive for the company (and likely herself) if she had not been promoted.

All the studies surrounding the Peter Principle are wrong because they fail to address the goal of a corporate mineral monopoly – which controls the entire supply chain – is to have in place from the very start incompetent management who will only hire beneath them more incompetent people who pose less of a threat; and you look out for such incompetent senior management by seeing how significant is the turnover of their staff.

Gary Gevisser
Already you can see that what is taught in Masters of Business Administration programs is complete and total nonsense.

You should of course pay attention to staff turnover but not as much as you should observe how the chief executive officer got chosen and how good are they at eliminating waste, ineficiency, and fraud in the supply chain.
That does not mean when you encounter the source of the corruption in your own organization that you immediately go ballistic and call in Putin to threaten the introduction of nuclear weapons on the battlefield when the goal of all the weapons suppliers is to drag out the war as long as possible, kill as many innocents as possible, attract more eyeballs to your advertising, and then quickly resupply the weapons developers with their parts supply of conventional weaponry.
It is now 4:29 PM and I would think that with the simplicity of my writings even Steven BaileyJohny BasterdEllen EricksenJill O’haraBrad AwerbuchAlan YudelmanDan Tollman, and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow will perfectly understand.
Let us now return to Smuts.

Volume 2. THE FIELDS OF FORCE with the Index at the end numbers 590 pages.

Volume I above, titled:


is all totalled 619 odd pages and it is published by CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS in 1962, the same year as Gordan Richdale’s, The Sunlit Years
You would also expect me to know pretty much everything about Richdale who like J P Morgan first reported to City of London-Bank of England given how Richdale was an even bigger player than presidential pardoned Marc Rich in German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.’s global enterprise; and like J P Morgan some 7 decades before, Richdale had to prove himself in fermenting civil unrest; and instead of chaos on the north American continent, Richdale cut his teeth in Central America.
Combined both volumes number 1209 odd pages.

How many historians, economists, investment bankers, insurance agents, palm readers, prostitutes of both sexes and multisex, taxidermists, restauranteurs, Crypto currency traders, hairdressers, real estate moguls, politicians etc etc who are out there currently would have preferred either to read both volumes when published, or beforehand to have got their hands on every piece of information about Smuts starting with why someone such as Einstein, who was slow to praise, would praise both Smuts and Spinoza?
It is now 4:54 PM and lets look at what Smuts has to say about physical fitness which is easier to accomplish if your body-mind is already healthy, meaning fully nourished with nutrition which cannot come from a SAD [Standard American Diet] full of meat and liquified meat even though the human body is designed to sustain great abuse and survive well over a century, albeit most on the SAD diet are dying in pain which is primarily all they complain about, not what caused the ingenious delivery of the pain.

Let’s page back to top of page 342 of Volume I:

He [Smuts] allowed himself at times to feel surprised at all the work he was getting through. It was the work itself, he sometimes said, that carried him along. But he also recognized the roots of his strength. They were in his own body, in his home, in the love of friends, and – this was his hard-won faith – in the spiritual constitution of the universe.

He took care of his body and jestingly commended his example to his friends. ‘Physical fitness’, he told them, ‘should be viewed in a religious light, and we should care for our bodies even more than for our souls. For if we love not our bodies that we see how can we love the soul which we have never seen?’ He was moderate in food and drink and didn’t take tobacco. He knew how to rest. ‘Sometimes’, he admitted, ‘I feel tired enough to know what it is to drop dead from fatigue. But after a good night’s rest I rise fresh and fit for another bout.’ If he woke in the night he did not toss and fuss but turned on the light and read until he felt ready for sleep again. He seldom if ever let a week go by without taking some hard physical exercise. By way of comment upon an assertion by Dr. Malan that he was a physical and mental wreck he climbed Table Mountain rather faster than his usual cracking pace. Climbing was his favorite week-end exercise and on Saturday afternoon in September it nearly brought him to his death on Devil’s Peak, not by any slip that he made but from the folly of some louts who were rolling boulders down from higher up. After a stiff climb he would sometimes drive down to the sea for a swim and quite often on a Sunday he would collect a few friends and drive out to one of the lonelier beaches for bathing and a picnic lunch and a scramble in the hills behind the beach and possibly an hour of plant collecting. The Cape Penninsula was his playground while Parliament was in session. Back in the Transvall he would get up a good sweat dragging his ‘Gestapo’ – the policemen appointed to guard him – up and down the seven hills of Doornkloof or along the twisting paths through the thick scrub around Rooikop, his bushveld farm.

It is now 5:46 PM.

Who remembers either a religious iconic figure, a philsopher iconic figure, a podcaster seeking eyeballs, a ceo of a pharmecueitcal company, your local coffee shop bullshit artist speaking their mind, yoga-meditation guru, nutritionist, a TV talkshow group, the Nightly News, a President, Dr. Laura, a politician, the “Deli” sic Lama etc etc expressing it so well:

Physical fitness should be viewed in a religious light, and we should care for our bodies even more than for our souls. For if we love not our bodies that we see how can we love the soul which we have never seen?

If you consider the age of The Internet, beginning in earnest at the turn of this last century, 2000, the average wired person watches 8 hours of total trash every day, amounting to approximately 64,240 hours (22 years X 365 days X 8 hours ) with social media turbo charging the fireworks, and doing to their minds what sterilization of the poor meant to proponents of eugenics.

