Ordinary non-philosophical people – Be fruitful and multiply – Part 2
Part 1 – Ordinary non-philosophical people – Be fruitful and multiply – CLICK HERE
Screenshot 7:11 PM 8 June 2022
Gary Gevisser
Title: The Tempest
It is 11:00 AM Calif. time, Tuesday 7 June 2022, and we mustn’t forget that I have a call scheduled for this coming Sunday with an Australian journalist who is not only following events here closely, but recently interviewed on a podcast member, Errol Graham Musk who remains the only person to have articulately applauded publicly, and repeatedly, both me and my mother Zena who has always understood the weak soul human, full of jealousy and ignorance and whose hostility and threats provide no cover, none of which diminishes my or my mother’s optimism for what the future holds.
How can we forget Smuts’ words, “Physical fitness should be viewed in a religious light, and we should care for our bodies even more than for our souls. For if we love not our bodies that we see how can we love the soul which we have never seen?” other than it is painful realizing how easily Smuts got written out of the history books.
Any injury causes pain which takes up energy, unless you are numb-dumb.
That particular “cause-effect” is a monumental achievement which will remain unresolved.
If life currently isn’t that great, starting with you love-sex life, then it would be wrong to tempt fate by continuing with the ugliness however deeply imbedded.
I am now in the process of responding to this Tweet from Elon Musk, “From Shakespeare’s The Tempest, but I much prefer it literally vs ironically” which he posted up on 5 June at 5:15 PM, before returning to page 348 of Chapter 19 DEFIANCE of SMUTS – 2. The Fields of Force 1919 – 1950 by Sir W. K. Hancock where Spinoza, who is not unfamiliar to Spinozaesque Musk,
receives honorable mention; and there is more that I need to say about the “ordinary unphilosophical people” who yesterday I categorized in the form of pseudo-intellectual, at best, “Naom Chomsky, all the way down to the bottom of the barrel Steven Bailey” [sic] which is really not fair to the “unpretentious country people” who Smuts most enjoyed; but increasingly it is the wolves and foxes guarding and consuming
the chickens, hard to distinguish friend from foe with all the acting once the people are handed the information on how the mineral monopolists who have no loyalty to country, race or religion disguise themselves, and knowing that the weak soul people whose physical body weakness most often gives them away – Kissinger good example – can’t wait to emulate with a vengeance the ugliness of the highest order, while no less eager to place their personal stamp.
Not to mention, awfully quiet here Steven Bailey placed up on his fb wall at 8:15 AM:
“Are they just friends with me because I have money?”
What a sad psychosis
Bailey’s “sad psychosis” does not mean he stopped paying attention after I wrote yesterday at 10:24 AM:
How do we explain with the hindsight of great thinker Spinoza the current day common sense mass psychosis?
Remember those who speak anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rhetoric are no worse than those opposing such foolish talk when they fail to shine the brightest light on the German-South African Oppenheimers and their shills, both secular and religious.
Yes, I should mention that to most people Noam Chomsky is an “intellectual” whether or not you agree with his opinions. It is a perspective that everyone is entitled as with their opinion. But that doesn’t mean I should share that opinion, even if I stand alone.
You cannot be an intellectual imo if you are talking anything about money, war or politics and fail to identify the basic flaws of the Gross Domestic Product economic index.
For those who have spent from a moment studying economics at university to those continuing to be lifetime students because the money has been thrown at them by either parents-grandparents keeping them on a short leash and/or the State-Church it is like experiencing never ending hell from which there is no escape, unless you are accomplished in an activity which brings beauty.
Those such as Bailey who have no university education the trauma is exponentially greater, in most cases.
Steven Bailey, do you or anyone else have a different opinion?
Moreover, it is no less infuriating, disgusting designing and constructing boxes for people to live in once herded into toxic cities and having to pay rent on top, while the masters of disguise monopolists – having stolen the land, water etc etc with impunity while brainwashing the people to accept the bs “competition can be cruel but it brings out the best”, and not to question because all opposition to truth has been eliminated – jet, smiling all the way, from one spectacular residence to the next crossing continents in less time than half the time that the plebes spend watching TV-Internet every day.
Maybe, at a minimum, you will view differently the daily carnage in Ukraine presented on the Nightly News.
QM, we are being watched.
Gary Gevisser
It is now 2:45 PM, Tuesday 7 June 2022 some 78 years after the completion of the D-Day Landings in German occupied France which the Germans could have purchased with their Deutsche Marks, but then that would have got the people questioning more the bullshit of Wall Street and currency trading where the mineral monopolists, led by the German-South African Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank continue to sit on both the buy and sell side.
Up until the first testing of an atomic weapon on 16 July 1945, a good year after D-Day landings, the food supply as well as the air we all breath currently – we are what we eat and breath – was far cleaner; in other words there was no nuclear radiation circling the globe from the hundreds of atomic weapons exploded after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 August and 9 August 1945, respectively.
Nor was there any guarantee that the Allies would be victorious when Churchill, Smuts and Montgomery met up on 12 June 1944.
The link above taking you to a documentary picks up Smuts filming with his 8m camera just as they are all milling around before heading for lunch.
There is other film footage that I have here on my fb video library showing more of that particular scene which has Smuts heading into the bushy area because he smelled Germans.
A couple of days later two starving, but fully armed German paratroopers emerged from the bushes and surrendered.
One burst of their machine guns would have devasted the entire brain trust of the Allies.
With Smuts dead, the future advance through Italy would never have been so rapid and the Russian Red Army would have been delayed resulting in many bad things including the delay in liberating the death factory Auschwitz on 27 January 1945.
Main point being luck should be considered in the same way as coincidences.
Gary Gevisser
It is now 3:16 PM.
At 1:19 I began a Tweet, numbering 12, to Elon Musk titled, “Call it a coincidence” and which I then posted up on my fb wall at 2:27 PM, and we are still talking California time.
There was a single spelling error which I picked up in the 3rd Tweet and hence the “sic” following the misspelling “baring”.
Nor would it surprise me if in the future the expression, “bare one’s soul” is used significantly less, if at all.
In fact, should we survive as a specie which is increasingly unlikely no matter what, it is certain we are going to be hearing less shit talk because people are going to be talking less.
Gary Gevisser
As the “Call it a coincidence” Tweet mentioned I would be posting up thoughts which most all of you would not have predicted, not even come close.
Gary Gevisser
It is 3:25 PM.
Title: Be fruitful and multiply
Most don’t realize the evolution of slave wages for the poor which has them focused, and rightly so, on how to keep their heads above water and stave off hunger or join the army.
You remember Secretary of State John F. Kerry remarking arrogantly to college students, “you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
The only thing smart about Kerry imo is that he married rich.
How do you remain a respected public figure after you trash the poor soldiers sustaining your lifestyle?
You just have to own the media and have the plebes thinking there is competition between the different media outlets because they trash each other continuously without pointing out the regular occurance of celebrated hosts jumping ship to a more lucrative contract.
The advertisers also don’t mention that every brand is carefully branded to ensure the brainwashed public can notice the difference because the products and services look different, because they have different features, also priced differently and of course the salespeople bad mouthing each other, without anyone commenting that “control” is more important than “ownership”.
BTW, one of my immediate family’s holdings included ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES and my very street smart paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 – 24 February 1970] with only an elementary school education; i.e. never let his formal education interfere with his learning, made sure that when monopolist German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] muscled in, gaining in 1956 majority ownership of ACME which set the price of all residential and commercal real estate development in mineral rich South Africa, we would retain “Administrative and technical control”.
The more one eats crap, the more crap company one keeps, it does not do the body-mind good because your thinking is crap.
Desperate humans are made desperate for a reason.
John F. Kerry Esq. didn’t explain all that because he is needy and wanted his audience to applaud him with “clever words” that put the soldiers down.
Despite his apologies, Kerry was not sent to the Tower of London but Im sure if he hasn’t already been knighted by the Queen he will find the time in his busy schedule should there be an invitation.
So you really can’t blame the desperately poor for failing to focus on the money people having stolen the resources without any basis in law which in a democratic system of government requires one man one vote, or at a minimum, in scripture.
The fact that the religious have to lie about the private ownership of land which is not covered in the most ancient religious scripture; namely; our ingenious Torah-Jewish Bible, reinforces this truth.
Without that lie to hold on to, which is different to truth-logic, the fake religious have absolutely nothing to stake their claim as the voice for the poor because the rich most certainly don’t need it.
Yet the clergy first go to the rich for donations which lends weight to the money sucked out of thin air, all the while holding on to their real estate and mining rights while still asking the poor to suffer more with their tithe.
Those of you unfamiliar with the expression, “Sucking off the big government hind tit” shouldn’t go to a porn dating site and give their spouse’s telephone number.
It is so astronomically wrong that you have to consider that God is having the greatest laugh as this unimaginable foolishness covers both the atheist and the fake religious.
Moreover, this truth should have been outed a long time ago were it not for fear, assuming the intellectuals had figured it all out, but then spirituality should have kicked in and left them with no fear because God could be the only rational explanation for such irrational behavior.
Steven Bailey, Steven Klugman, Rabbi Larry Shain, Larry Winokur, Torah Gemach, Johny Basterd, Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen Ericksen, Solly Krok, Estelle Malatskey, Clifford Benn, Ronlynne Botha Benn, Dan Tollman, Harold Joffe, Harold Joffe, Jill O’hara, Tomer Tene, Sofiaan Fraval, Lynne Karen Bentel and Tony Leon would you disagree with that?
There is no doubt in my mind that Spinoza grasped it all entirely given how he was that smart.
A child born into a slave household became a slave just like their parents.
The masters wanted more slaves to do the work plus to barter with for other refinements of life.
The elite weren’t having children. They wanted to play like Amber and others choosing surrogates rather than put their bodies through the grind and then have to exercise that much harder, less so if they were healthy to begin with.
We are not here talking about whether Amber is more of an “alcholic” [sic] than she is a bad liar and horrific actress.
So things have not changed much; the rich still don’t produce the babies and the government of the rich want babies; and so we come back to scripture that is the basis of law.
“Be fruitful and multiply” served the slave masters who had swords over the heads of the Jewish scribes.
It simply doesn’t make sense to overpopulate, and there are no jobs for the poor when robots, who don’t talk back or require time off for maternity leave and the such, plus workers comp clams drop immediately, replace the talkative human.
You can only fight stupidity with logic, and that is a good thing even if it means spelling it all out more than what the people are comfortable with.
Logic in its own right points to an omnipotent power.
Gary Gevisser
It is now 4:08 PM, Tuesday 7 June 2022, the day before Nick Oppenheimer’s 77th birthday.
Steven Bailey how are you and Torah Gemach aka Going Around the Bend Benzion and Dani Rakoff plan to celebrate.
Do the 3 of you even know each other?
Torah Gemach
Gary Gevisser going to say L’chaim of course
Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach don’t play cute.
Focus on QM’s Double Slit experiment demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that G DNature is watching each of our every move including the poison Turkey and other animal parts you pass through your lips.
You are not wishing me “To Life”.
We are enemies because you can’t ignore the fact that I have flushed you out for the fraud that you are.
You will take to your grave the fact that you didn’t understand what you read repeatedly in Torah, that the land was given to all the Israelites, not individuals, not even Moses or King David, but then you lied and first said the Torah does have G DNature approving of the private ownership of land, and when I called you on your lie, you doubled down and said that it was a Jewish sage who said it was okay for private citizens to own the land, and to top it off you obnoxiously told me that I should check with my local rabbi to find the writings of the sage because you are too busy.
Now don’t tell us about all the change you carry in your pockets, rather demonstrate with photos that out of respect for G DNature you and wife have stopped eating crap and have slimmed down to the point that you can’t wait to show what the two of you look like next to each other, with different camera angles, or a video.
Torah Gemach
Gary Gevisser your correct and keep the change!
Gary Gevisser
At 12:55 AM Calif. time today, 8 June 2022, what would have been my paternal grandmother, Katie Sher Gevisser’s [c. 1895 – 8 June 1945] 127th birthday, my fb friend Errol Graham Musk who is getting more “air time” and rightly so imo, wrote me above a pretty terse writing, ““That suggestion is beyond ridiculous”.
Not to mention, I never connected until I was in my mid-teens that Kate passed away on the same day that Mineral King Nicholas Oppenheimer was born; and previously mentioned N. Oppenheimer turns 77 today.
9 minutes ago, and it is now 6:09 PM, still 8 June I replied to Errol Graham Musk with the following which you can also scroll up and see:
Errol Graham Musk, earlier today, 8 June 2022, at 11:27 AM Calif. time, I began communicating with you over fb messaging, addressing your “… beyond ridiculous”.
Given how important it is to keep the chronology as well as ease of read, especially with backups, I am going to repeat this specific dialogue further down, which may end up confusing some, but not enough to be concerned with because they probably don’t speak a very good English to begin with.
Gary Gevisser
It is now 6:11 PM.
I’m satisfied that what I wrote Errol Graham Musk which had him responding once, at 11:35 AM, “Yes, that’s life” and it was an important piece I had just written, has calmed Mr. Musk entirely, at least in terms of the investigation I was making into “jealousy” which is totally foreign to truly accomplished people.
Given the rampant jealousy it tells us that there are very few accomplished people.
Analyze that set of data with how much the planet has been destroyed over the past 100 years, so we get a clearer grasp of how few accomplished people are amongst rulers who only in very recent times are those far removed from actually fighting themselves and their family members on the frontline; instead careful attention is placed by the media on their personal rich lifestyles.
Bear in mind, nuclear radiation from the first atomic bomb test back on 16 July 1945 is odorless and no less poisonous when it continues to circulate the earth; and coupled with the sun’s radiation intensified with consumerism, at a minimum, one should pay attention to what you eat and breath.
Nor is consumerism void of being packaged in plastic which is around 8 to 10% of every gallon of oil we pump out of the ground; here in the US that consumption accounts for around 12 million gallons of oil annually; and we should remember that a lot of plastic packaged goods are shipped from places like China-Taiwan-Hong Kong-Thailand-Cambodia-Vietnam-Africa-rest of the world, back and forth; and yes, I recognize that those working at the humongous city dumps or barges of trash shipped all over the world to spots where the people are either militarily weak or corrupt, the two going hand in hand, are contributing to the economy.
I would also expect Errol Graham Musk to have seen this dialogue with ultra orthodox Jewish Black Hatter follower of the Schneerson, Torah Gemach aka Going Around the Bend Benzion who decided to break just earlier his long silence.
“Be fruitful and multiply” won’t change the no-reaction of the unaccomplished who don’t seek truth which they perfectly understand because I explain the functioning of the world’s economy in very simple English and which a 6 year old would understand.
It has long been established that you cannot argue with a fool but you can get them to see reason.
We are establishing that with GemACH sic, Steven Bailey and many others by either their silence or pitiful, mean spirited distractions.
Logically I just play the cards I’m dealt to the best of my ability and knowing that the extraordinary order to this universe is not diminished by mankind’s disorderliness.
Imagine yourself a religious Jewish person like GemACH sic feeling the need to lie about the most important aspect of our Jewish Torah because for good reason, even a fool can understand that G DNature could not approve of the private ownership of land and the minerals beneath.
Remember we are not talking about different types of economic systems which have an impact on the health of the planet because none have ever taken into account the health of the planet or for that matter what is fair.
Elections from the very start have been there to distract; the same with boards of directors and the such.
Unless Errol Graham Musk asks me not to share my writings to him which ended at 12:08 PM with me asking, “Do you think Elon gets all of this?”, I will share them tomorrow with all of you.
Imagination is key here.
“@elonmusk @baierm588 Imagination is key here.”