Organ – Part I
Prior broadcast –
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: October 14, 2011 1:05:27 PM PDT
To: Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones
Cc: rest; President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy Washington DC Israeli Embassy”
Subject: Organ – Re: leather furniture
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: October 14, 2011 12:03:26 PM PDT
To: “Consignment Furniture Depot”
Cc: rest; TheTonightShow
Subject: Organ – Re: leather furniture
We bought it about 4 years ago and were told it originally retailed around $2K.
My wife who is at a loss for words considering how much we are asking says, “I could clean it up” using some oil.
Now you may ask why I am writing that, because she who is doing the heavy lifting is looking underneath and it reads:
Lee industry – leather masters
We are needing the space because we moving things out of storage.
Marie Dion Gevisser also says, “it is a good deal”.
We also have a 9 foot “mahoginy” (sic) desk that I paid $1k for and weighs a ton. It is in storage but I can get you a photo in a couple of days, assuming someone doesn’t have x-ray vision and buys it sight unseen besides for we haven’t advertised it.
Why don’t you travel on this most glorious sunshine day to the middle of the Cleveland National Forest and see it all for yourself; and there is no cost for the fresh tree filtered air and if we could hold our breaths when traveling the 63 miles to our main studio home on the waters edge of Del Mar we would.
Im trying today to finish a lifelong book explaining in simple enough English that a 12 year old who has been severely mentally abused by their parents would understand, not only where all the stimulus monies have disappeared but how come every retard parent-grandparent-teacher has never thought to ask themselves before opening their ugly mouths let alone bring more unwanted children into this world, what happened to all the monies that have ever been printed which are never destroyed?
The fact that you haven’t heard anyone you know personally or on radio like Rush Limbaugh who you will understand is as left as left as his fellow right of right who feed off the middle getting as fat as humpty dumpty and all commiserating with one another in their hate fest, which you would easily understand once giving just a little thought to the ingenious workings of each of our minds-bodies that only one most glorious Supernatural Force could have created for nothing more than their personal amusement, discussing where is all the money, does not mean they don’t already know because a gr
eat many people who receive my emails as well as go to my website fully understand and I know they are not talking because the number of visitors has begun leveling off as I explain things like I would to a two year old and that has them withdrawing that much more, which does not prevent them from finding ways to keep researching this most exhaustive and complete resource website as the number of page views skyrockets which simply means they are not closing out their web browsers.
How much would you pay for a signed copy?
My stunning French-Canadian wife
has now spent the past 15 minutes working “vigoriously” (sic) and showing off her perfect sculptured body, both the main sofa and ottoman and I can’t wait until she gets closer to the Chaise Longue. She says “it looks brand new”. Im now thinking I will just have it placed in the back of the property if only it could be weatherproofed.
BTW, would you be interested in placing a hyperlink on has had huge record breaking page views over the past week; not to mention yet again, when you see how these numbers have suddenly started to skyrocket
Page Views (over the past 6 days)
DatePage ViewsPercentage
Oct 08, 2011
Oct 09, 2011
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Oct 13, 2011
and you haven’t heard a single newspaper or reporter
including all the great many non-mainstream media outlets talking about me and my website, but in no time able to get your head around why back in early 1994 just when the Internet was beginning to take off, Randolf Apperson Hearst, chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation who would reimburse my expenses with American Express Travelers checks, and one below is what I carry with me and which is of course uncashed,