Out of their minds -: אישור קבלת דוא”ל בנושא – I was next …
From: Gary2 <gary@2facetruth.com>
Subject: Out of their minds -Re: אישור קבלת דוא”ל בנושא I was next …, מתאריך 03/09/2019
Date: September 4, 2019 at 4:39:56 PM PDT
To: Ayelet Shaked – Israel Minister of Justice – שר המשפטים <sar@justice.gov.il>
Cc: rest; Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <iherzog@jafi.org>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. ותומר טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, “Dave Osh – No longer FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <osh.dave@gmail.com>, Nancy Spielberg – Producer of very distracting Above and Beyond <nancyspielberg@gmail.com>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <pepperasst@barrypepper.com>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <drapes7219@aol.com>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith@stratwater.com>
There is no peace for the wicked, and you can attest to that, were you to speak with more than your silence.
You should check around if you don’t already know what took place yesterday at 6:31pm.
So far one person of the 119 odd members of ATOH (A Test of Humanity) actively reacted and Joy Cobra Rutenberg’s reaction has her steering clear of the calamity that befell everyone else at 6:31pm or anytime later when they read those 51 odd words which ended with English Quotation Marks/Signs surrounding the word “Sorry”.
When you read Joy’s words written today at 2:51pm, well under an hour ago, and I was immediately notified like the rest of the members, you will not be able to clearly read her mind because she avoids the calamity which her mind first came across in those 51 odd words.
Leaving nothing to chance I then went about methodically expanding upon that horror which does more than question why people like you live a far grander lifestyle than the poorest of Israelis and Palestinians when in fact you should be now serving on your hands and knees the poorest of the poor of the entire Middle East before moving on to places like India, China, all of Africa etc etc where are poor until such time as you no longer have any energy remaining and looking forward to meeting our Maker or until all the poor of the world are no longer poor or fearful and full of joy like you have only imagined because there is no evidence that I can see that you have ever really been happy and therefore to use your greatest happiness as a yardstick would be to underdeliver to the poorest of the poor.
Now if you don’t follow perfectly it is only because you have not heard those 51 odd words and the rest that follows.
I will ask Joy here and now to send you a copy which doesn’t prevent the others including Steven Spielberg’s sister Nancy who is also a member of ATOH from doing the same.
Below is Joy’s distracting talk:
Wow Gary, poignant moments…. Sad that people do these treacherous things to another human being, without remorse, no conscience…. I’m really sorry to hear this….. I’m speechless! 😱
I will never understand that kind of behavior!
Ms Israel Minister of Justice Ayelet, wouldn’t you expect in accordance with the physical-natural laws of action-reaction – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained or lost – that the speechless who know why they are speechless or distracting should return as ants 🐜 who to the best of our knowledge do not have language and nor is there any observed punishment.
That is not to suggest that a conquering ant 🐜 colony does not enslave those conquered because that is clearly observed but nor is there any evidence that one 🐜 or a group of ants supply more than their own ant colony with weapon systems which we know is not the case with us humans and you politicians are only putting on act of patriotism which is both lame, corrupt and mostly stupid.
Were you to argue that if ants had arms like us humans then they would be equally treacherous if not more so, I would then argue, we would call such ants humans and therefore no need to go on.
We punish mostly our poor which we know is only to distract from the much bigger crime of creating our poor and killing them by backing all sides to war when their only escape is to end up as rotten as the non patriotic weapons developers.
This need to punish the good and defenseless and make them feel bad for their sins that they have no hand 🖐 in cannot be part of brain 🧠 wiring because then I would feel the same as the rest of you playacting that you are so good and righteous.
We also know that my mother Zena is also not wired wrongly like the rest of you and why you treat my mother Zena as being invisible just like you treat me even when both of us make perfect sense.
Your wrong thinking is that both of us will eventually be dead and you can all go back to what you believe is your good common sense that has got us humans to where we are today on the crisp of everyone getting their needs and wants met.
But it is the journey each of us takes where the starting point is not clearly defined because we haven’t come close to finding the origins of life and the end is as much up in the air as the start.
What we do also know is that the more we observe nature the more we realize how much more there is to learn and nature does not make that easy in being totally unpredictable.
Compounding that colossal mind implosion is the mass stupidity of you fake rulers who want everyone other than yourselves believing that you would never arm an enemy or turn a blind eye 👁 to someone who has got you into position as ruler profiting in arming the enemy.
Of course you all smile that I will never be given the opportunity to debate each and everyone of you publicly and you can’t get enough of the talkers like Joy Cobra 🐍 Rutenberg trying to charm me and everyone else eager to get those 51 odd words out of their mind.
[Word count 933]
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On Sep 3, 2019, at 10:21 AM, שר המשפטים <sar@justice.gov.il> wrote:
שלום וברכה,
הריני לאשר בתודה ובברכה את קבלת הדוא”ל אשר שלחתם ללשכת שר המשפטים, חה”כ אמיר אוחנה.
תוכנו עבר לטיפול ולתגובת הגורמים הממונים על כך.
לשכת שר המשפטים | Office of The Minister of Justice | |
משרד המשפטים | Israel Ministry of Justice | |
עבודה: 02-6466527 | Office: +972 (2) 64 66527 | |
פקס: 02-6285438 | Fax: +972 (2) 62 85438 | |
Sar@justice.gov.il | ||
כחלק מהשירות שניתן לך אנו מזמינים אותך להיכנס לאתר ‘כל זכות‘ – כי יש לך את הזכות לדעת מהן הזכויות שלך!
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary2 <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: September 3, 2019 at 10:08:58 AM PDT
To: Elon Musk <NAsales@tesla.com>, “MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy” <mschmidt@tesla.com>, Aron Pflanz – TESLA <apflanz@tesla.com>
Cc: rest;Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <jg@jesangil.com>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <akerzner@mac.com>, Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare <jgreenky@colincowie.com>, Jonathan Beare – Multi-billionaire founder Investec <jbeare@iafrica.com>, Darren {I still want to have lunch with you … but we can’t talk on Facebook} Krok <krokdg@aol.com>, Joan Krok Institute for Peace and Justice – UCSD Campus <ipj@sandiego.edu>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <matthewmargo@aol.com>, 60 Minutes <60m@cbsnews.com>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, “Doug Fiske – De Beers controlled GIA [Gemological Institute of America]” <dfiske@gia.edu>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <ChristopherC@ZiffrenLaw.com>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <misikoff@oath.com>
Subject: I was next …
… to a TESLA yesterday when it happened
It is not like you haven’t already heard this from a zillion other people
But don’t let it get you down; good news is on the horizon
Ps – Mary Jane Schmidt, I just added you to my facebook group chat A Test Of Humanity [ATOH]. You should have no trouble following my post from yesterday and the resounding silence that followed. Notice that so far no one has asked shareholder class action litigator (SCAL) Jeffrey R Krinsk Esq to comment, but that could change given how there is beautiful 28 year old female model who is also a member of ATOH and she remains very interested.
Just takes one for the human herd to all follow and they are most certainly all lining up at the starting gates
At this time I have several communications going with Oxford University whose 6 week Algorithmic trading course costing £2300 begins tomorrow. Nor have I shared with them the Achilles Heel that trips up all the unaccomplished who make the mistake of not only marrying for money but staying married and such lust for something that costs the top tier of society not a penny, has them long losing their bodies which is their most attractive feature considering the proof they have of their mind deficit.
So of course you want to stay as far away from such miserable human specimens which does not mean the church is going to provide you with any comfort.
Certainly Judaism offers no sanctuary, just ask any rabbi or Jewish preacher such as The Coupon Clipper is Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow or Torah Gamach
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