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Overpopulation is a myth – Seeds of destruction


From: Gary Gevisser <>

Subject: Overpopulation is a myth – Seeds of destruction – [Screenshot 12:34 Calif. time]

Date: November 18, 2018 at 12:37:57 PM PST

To: “Steven Bailey – Former FB friend who decided to unfriend, and now is back.” <>, Christina Stay off the Fat Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>

Cc: rest; Capers Funnye No longer Facebook friend of GG as of February 21, 2017. Chief Rabbi of the United States Rabbi Capers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama” <>, HILLEL PIEKARSKI <>, hillary Mulholland <>, Michael Tordu-The Coward Awerbuch <>, “Voyeur Max Pohl – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, “Nbci. Snl” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, “Lewis Barnett – former student of Carmel College Durban South Africa; now a resident of Brooklyn New York.” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>

Please forward to Staci English and anyone else you think would be interested


Steven Bailey

November 14 at 7:01 PM ·

He’s close.


Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism | Eric Weinstein

Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: https://w…

64 Comments1 Share


Steve Saylor, Bonota Rbe Ubuntu Taruaeaki and 5 others



Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey why don’t you make yourself useful instead of just wanting to hear yourself talk, and begin by providing me a transcript of Zena The Lady’s Speech video which you can access via Google without having to type in the word Youtube, and this high ranking is not because of positive effort on your part

Check your email for POSITIVE ACTION where you were included in the cc section




Steven Bailey Why do you ask different people to provide a transcript with The Ladys Speech to you. Will it help in your case in freeing her from your siblings and their weasel weisel? 2d


Gary Gevisser Wouldn’t you keep asking if no one bothers?

It would show committment that you are genuinely motivated, and it would save me time.

You have plenty of time to write trash, and BTW, have you posted up the comment you keep talking about on Zena The Lady’s Speech video?

One further thing. If I didn’t think it would help, do you think I lack the reasoning skills to ask for something if I didnt think it would help.

You are looking no less sleazy than the Weisel.

I could easily see you if given the money rewards behaving the same way.

Perhaps, now that I point it out, you will decide to improve your actions.

Given how you consider yourself a “retard” when all I did was call you coward, you cannot really expect yourself to figure out that a Higher Energy Spirit [HER] exists and therefore would punish and reward accordingly.

Still given how you have nothing to lose by doing the right thing why not do all the positive you possibly can, versus the real possiblity of returning as one of those jellyfish in Trieste harbor?

Doesn’t it feel good to do good or does doing bad to good people give you greater pleasure?



Gary Gevisser Keisha WhitakerRodney SmithRod MargoTracy KellyDiane FukushimaDiane Aimar HewsonTrent HancockMichael E. V. KnightMichael MawdsleyMichael DitzMicha-el FrameMike ChowYaron FrameNadine Fels FrameGidon FrameSam SchafferHilton Greenbaum, Marlene Greenaway, Richard GeringRichard PedroBrad AwerbuchSandra de VilliersMary Grace De Pano



Gary Gevisser Ray OshryRay WainmanRenee MaletskyDirk KotzeKim BramanDebbie Bolleurs EnglishBissan MohammedChristina Moritsch-KrallNina SenčarDenise WardDenise Pokroy SegalDenise Garner GibsonDee Howard, Lisa Joanne Ash, Neal JonesMichelle B DaganMichele Yudelowitz-ManushewitzMichelle TaytonMichèle AubourgShelley Jacobson



Bissan Mohammed Gary Gevisser



Gary Gevisser Jill MargoMarjorie Joanne TelascoDolan M HutchinsDiane Aimar HewsonShawn WestStan MilcJoshua Donald Hewitt



Gary Gevisser Bissan Mohammed Yes. Was there anything more you wanted to say?

Would you like to see POSITIVE ACTION?



Bissan Mohammed yes I want



Gary Gevisser Bissan Mohammed, I read,”yes I want”. Can you expand on that?

Does anyone have any questions about the 4 articles/letters to the editor which the Jerusalem Post published beginning on Feb 1, 2001, 12 days after stooge President, Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton granted terrorist financier Belgian-Dutch-American Marc Rich a pardon, or perhaps you think you could have improved on the writings in order to be that much more certain that the JP published all 4?


When you look at the first sentence, just 32 words, of the first article which was an “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, does it come across like I am your regular talker on FB or a mouthpiece TV anchor person?

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

Surely, a bunch of you consider yourselves above average in intelligence, especially those of you who have university degrees and a bunch more money than most of the world struggling but who are no more clueless than you about how the real dog eat dog world works?

Of course I am not talking about those of you who I have educated and are now quiet as well as those such as Steven Bailey who keep writing distracting material.

How can all the people be so much the same, and all wanting bad things to keep happening, rather than supportive of myself who simply talks common sense?

Is it you lack of common sense that bothers you more, because you have gobbled up the bullshit spoken by your university professors and you most trusted TV anchor person and lets not forget your favorite politicians who you either hate to death or love to death?

Do you think it was lost on me the fact that so extraordinarily few people commented about those 4 prescient timing articles which contained no “big words” but mounds of common sense and a knowledge which you don’t find in books, magazines or your totally stupid university and school text books?

Again, isn’t there just one of you who is interested in an intelligent conversation, even if it is for the first time in your life?

How can there not be a part within just one of you, that wouldn’t give your eye teeth to see me debate someone like Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, even if you didn’t make a fortune putting on such an event?

Remember, right now I am talking to the entire world, just as I did when that first article was published; and my two biggest and oldest supporters, my most amazing Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot, Bernie







and my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena





Gary Gevisser immediately “went to work” knowing that all my jealous adversaries, family and non-family would start sticking knives in my back.

So you have all decided to join them.

Now what good do each of you have to look forward to other than the rest of your friends inevitably turning on you?



Gary Gevisser Let’s now talk about another matter in the news as I await further feedback on POSITIVE ACTION before following up with Christina Moritsch-Krall, thereafter writing to Elon Musk; and finally Isaac Herzog, chairman of Jewish Agency Israel who has now taken charge of my mother Zena’s captivity-ongoing, premeditated murder.…

One of the interesting aspects was their lame coverup, almost as lame as the coverup by my 3 elder siblings and their Israeli lawyers-judges-top Israeli government officials who can also understand the significance of my writings exposing the treason pardon of the most important Jewish terrorist financier.

It is highly probable that none of you reading this have thought about what crimes committed by “trusted officials” with a gun in places like Mali, Africa go unreported?

Could you see why it would be easy to go down the path of stealing funds for turning informers when you know that much higher officials than you, like the Ambassadors who only talk peace with a gun, make killings on the side?

So what do you think of this brave man’s killers proffering the argument that their victim was drunk when Melgar did not drink alcohol?

What do you think it will take for one of you to develop a spine and make a concerted effort to bring one branded name international politician or TV anchor into a debate with me, or does the thought that it might save the great mind and life of my mother Zena bother you all far too much?

2d · Edited


Gary Gevisser Vera TaylorGuy TheriaultLisa StewartLisa StureLisa DaviesChris SavileChrista Clark JonesChristopher Allen BreidingerKerry NelsonKerry Menzies, Robin Öberg, Robin McMillenHandré VisagieLynne Karen BentelLynne Fourie OberholzerDennis Mulligan

The following posting by my former FB friend Robin Öberg was removed from this conversation:

“In capitalism, an ever-shrinking minority owns the means of production.

In socialism, all workers own the means of production.

There is no grey area there, they are polar opposites.”

So was my response:

Subject: Hold Fort [Word count 424]

Robin Öberg, are you trying to distract or are you plain stupid?

What didn’t you understand about scholarly Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention?

[check out chapter 16 of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, titled WARRING WITH ISRAEL. It is available free on The Internet.]

Don’t you think that before you speak on a subject, your first read everything that has come before and take note of everyone else’s silence, and learn from that?

What do you think Marc Rich thought about the philosophical differences between capitalism and socialism?

If someone comes into a mineral rich country like the Belgian Congo or South Africa and has a bigger gun in their hand than the previous administration do you think the two parties immediately get into a conversation about the merits or demerits of capitalism and socialism or for that matter Nazism?

Notice how very quiet is Steve Bailey in this forum. That does not mean he is incapable of following along. He follows along perfectly just like everyone else including all those I have “tagged”.

Steve Bailey is very pissed off, just like everyone else.

Each of you can see that however much you previously hated Trump, Clintons, Obama, Merkle, Macron etc you hate yourselves even worse because you also realize they have been playing their foolish masses like a fiddle.

The ego is a very powerful negative driving force, and nowhere is it more evident than on social media Facebook which has currently captured the market.

The DAAC if they wanted to, could announce in the next instant that they plan a takeover of FB and failing coming to terms with Zuckerberg they will launch their own social media platform, and nor would the people rally to support Zuckerberg because the DAAC would in their takeover bid provide the details showing that they already control Facebook-Zuckerberg and the rest of the world’s false economy including Amazon and the world’s weapon manufacturers.

That is why the DAAC are silent and counting on the human ego to follow the lead of people like Bailey who continues, just an hour ago, placing up distracting nonsense on his FB wall while hoping that will not only distract all of you from seeing how lame he is in this most important discussion, but sooth his troubled mind.

Of course the DAAC which includes their “charity” Brenthurst Foundation whose one advisory board member is the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US, are not in denial, but you have to be worried if in their shoes everything depends on the likes of Bailey continuing to “hold fort”.

3h · Edited

Also removed was Robin Öberg’s reply:

“The lack of counterarguments pertaining to the means of productions, signifies your concession from the debate.”

My reply “Rules of the DAAC” to Öberg was also removed.

Title: Rules of the DAAC

Robin Öberg your failure to understand the basics of military economics is either the result of a lack of common sense or very poor schooling.

There is no debate amongst politicians, economists, lawyers, philosophers, carpenters, bricklayers, candlestick makers etc when physical violence is either administered or is threatened.

What don’t you understand about that?

What do you think foreign Special Forces commandos are doing in a place like Mali?

Where in your schooling did you learn that diplomacy by fast peace talking Ambassadors pointing a gun, is all about the spread of democracy?

I only concede that you have a big ego, the result of either little knowledge and/or lack of common sense, and if you think differently please share with me your opinion of the cause of your Poverty of Thought [POT].

The fact that the overwhelming majority of the population have failed to understand the importance of the gun in the hands of diplomats and university scholars talking about the differences of the isms, is their problem.

Why would I want to put their monkey on my back?

Before I explain the head trauma that I believe you are going through and it may help to shave your beard if it was not there in the first place to help you hide that much more, let me present you with a hypothetical case.

You are Idi Amin of Uganda. You have figured that if you spice up enough human flesh it tastes not much different to the rotting carcass of other more sensitive animals that pass through your lips.

BTW, do you eat flesh; and if so are you aware of your lack of sensitivity?

You would also know if not from personal experience then just using your imagination that when you have to bend over to a superior military force such as those who have a bigger gun and have already shown a willingness to use nuclear weapons when of course it would have been suffice using conventional weaponry such as the fire bombs that were used to obliterate Dresden on February 14, 1945 right when President Franklin D. Roosevelt was visiting with terrorist frontman, Ibn Saud of the House of Saud, very close relative of Crown Prince Mr. Bone Saw, it can so irritate your brain that you start to go mad.

I am convinced you are not Idi Amin because he has a different color skin and he is now dead. But most certainly he was mad, but not to the point that he couldn’t figure out the best way to escape without being killed.

BTW, you must remember that Amin was a central character in the movies about the 1976 Entebbe raid. Did the thought occur to you that at the time, Amin was an international terrorist?

I did notice that you have yet to comment on my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post. Is that because you had never previously heard of DAAC terrorist financier Marc Rich and you were incapable connecting him up to the terrorist organization House of Saud and their affiliates throughout the world?

Did it ever occur to you that well financed terrorist organizations could influence the educational curriculum of both schools and universities?

Let’s say for example you and/or an intimate family member were responsible for buying influence on behalf of the House of Saud would you first start with an inner city, gang infested elementary school and stop right there because your funding ran out once you produced a handful of posters such as, “JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS”?

Of course not, you would start with schools such as Yale, Harvard, Stanford and most importantly Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics.

Now if this was not intuitive to you then it would have most certainly helped you had you passed the year long entrance exam before joining the DAAC at their highest level on US soil, but then again you would have needed to be invited and your presence on FB would turn off DAAC officials altogether, unless you succeeded in distracting me, rather than making a bloody fool of yourself, and them in the process.

Can you tell me if your presence here today was your best attempt at ingratiating yourself with them?

You may also know when taking a break from being a book worm as your FB profile seems all geared to show that you are an intellectual but with no practical knowledge of how the real dog eat dog world works, that Idi Amin did in fact speak certain truths, such as the enormous global power of South Africa based DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] who didn’t need to go all that far to reach Uganda who didn’t treat all its citizens and Indian traders fairly when grabbing all their business and wealth, and kicking them out of the country.

You must recall given all your worldly knowledge which your so long CV is intended to also impress, that the breakdown in fair trading practices in Uganda did not result in the west’s foreign forces arriving in the instant and giving Amin a darn good spanking because Amin was simply following orders.

Your intuitive genius assuming you have only been studying from the wrong teachers and written material would have tracked Mr. Amin very carefully once he disclosed that the DAAC’s South African Apartheid Regime were responsible for all the chaos in Africa and that would have immediately led to Mr. Mbs’ House of Saud where he ended up living the Life of Riley until his death in 2003.

Imagine a brute like Amin after being such a wrecking ball in very strategically placed Uganda being able to live the next 24 years of his life in the lap of luxury, and nor did he have to kill anyone or eat their remains.

Wouldn’t you volunteer for such a job if all your other job prospects ran out and you found yourself homeless, living on the street and waiting in food kitchen lines?

If you are going to get an education, don’t you think you should first start out knowing at least a little about modern day history?

Of course all these academic credentials which you pride yourself on are not exclusively to help get you laid, but again you may know differently.

I would assume that money is at least partially a motivating factor, and if not then it would stand to reason that getting all these nonsense academic credentials tucked under your belt is because otherwise you might never get laid?

Most important that Uganda was used by the Obama-Bush administration to launch an invasion into the Belgian Congo on January 20, 2009, the same day President elect Barack Obama got sworn in as the 43rd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces which he got to by playing according to the rules of the DAAC.

You would surely know thanks to having already accumulated all the knowledge of the world otherwise you would never be on FB with nothing important to say other than exposing how little you know, that Senator Barack Obama had become in December 2005, the primary sponsor of the heinous, merciless, genocidal Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act which the US Congress passed into law in December 2006, just a few months after Obama visited mineral South Africa for the first time and failed to demand a public audience with the head of the DAAC, Nicholas Oppenheimer.


3h · Edited




Page 2 – Rules of the DAAC

You would agree that it took a lot of thinking coming up with the words, Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act?

Do you think the architects of those words envisioned that it would distract people such as yourself from the genocide that followed; namely the wholesale slaugher of 6 million “Congelese” [sic], mostly women and children under the age of 12?

You must think that with the population shrinkage those showing up for work in factories or in the fields filled with unexploded munitions including landmines, the handpicked puppet trade union leadership thought it wise to educate those slaves fearful for their lives about the differences between communism and socialism?

When did you first figure such debates were only to distract the “psuedo” [sic] intellectuals?

Do you remember what took place on February 14, 1945 that was of greater importance than the firebombing of Dresden?

You can scroll back up if you have forgotten.

Dresden was entirely punitive; and most in the know would agree it was to punish the German-Austrian people for their rather ugly mistreatment of 6 million Jewish people they had murdered in cold blood?

Even if you didn’t know, it is important to know that RAF Air Marshall Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris never made a move without first “confering” [sic] with “Jew King”, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950], the best friend us Jewish people have had since Moses, and no relation to Christina Moritsch-Krall, not even close in any department other than sharing the identical atomic structure which we all share the same with everything in the universe.

Unless your beard prevents the flow of both intellect and knowledge, the two going hand in hand, you must know like every person interested in either WW1 or World War II that Harris first cut his teeth as a foot soldier under the command of General Smuts and fellow Boer Commander Louis Botha when they routed the Nazi Germans out of South West Africa where they Germans executed rather flawlessly the Herero and Namaqua genocide.

Again, the experts would agree that no military force in history has covered such a huge mass expanse as quickly as did Smuts and Botha’s forces and that caused Harris to never march again and so he joined the Royal Air Force whose father was of course General Smuts, also the father of the world’s second oldest air force, the South African Air Force as well as the Israel Air Force.

Just because Israel is not that far from House of Saud-Saudi Arabia, at least as the crow flies, it does not mean the Israelis have forgotten two important facts.

First, Saudi Arabia is very close to Israel.

Second, Chinese General Sun Zi’s calling, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

What is also important to realize that if you fraternize with the enemy too long, you can easily forget their misgivings especially if you have the same weaknesses, such as fat, ugly wife who you vomit at the thought of coming home to after a long day at the Knesset and making love to her.

The House of Saud told the whole world who they were when granting murderous Idi Amin sanctuary, starting in April 1979 by which time the DAAC had wiped out all resistance in the Israeli Knesset.

[chapter 16 of The D I book]

Do you remember what took place 269 months after Amin fled Uganda on April 11, 1979 and first stopping off in Libya for a drink with Muammar Gaddafi?

The House of Saud didn’t just step up to the plate in the providing both the financing and logistics of 9/11 they have been rewarded in leading the military campaign against 10th rate military Yemen which a handful of units from Israel’s special forces such as Flotilla 13 and Sayeret Matkal backed by the IAF on a training exercise could eliminate in half a day, max, not only Yemen’s pitiful ragtag force but at the same time wipe out entirely all their mafia.

So you common sense question should be, “What would they do for the rest of the day?”

Bibi Netanyahu could reward his special forces commandos with the afternoon off sitting under palm trees in the Bahamas and should the Bahama officials have a problem with that then Bibi could remind them that during WW2 which again was only about wiping out all Jewish people and quite upset were the Nazis and their bankers that they only got half of European Jewry, the President of the Bahama Red Cross was American Nazi, Wallis Simpson





Page 3 – Rules of the DAAC

When Winston Churchill and his second in command, General Smuts




Page 4 – Rules of the DAAC

saw Nazi collaborator, American Wallis Simpson and her new husband, the abdicated King of England Edward VIII joyfully smiling as Jewish people murderer Herr Hitler gently held her hand, it was not a trap they had set for Hitler.

Nor was it only Simpson and Edward VIII, soon to get the titles Duke and “Dutchess” [sic] of Windsor and inevitably end up with trappings befitting royalty including their castle and full on royal burials, who felt quite certain that Nazi Germany would win, because it had been in the cards from the very moment Nazi Germany broke the stringent terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty which were explicit, preventing the murderous Germans from ever rearming.

Remember it was not nice stuff that the Germans had done down in South West Africa-“Namiba” [sic].

Nor was it nice stuff that the Germans did to the Belgians when invading defenseless Belgium in the first days of WW1, and lining up 6400 Belgium civilians and shooting them all dead and then less than a couple of months after starting WW1 Germany didn’t “hestitate” [sic] to begin her demands, in exchange for peace, to control the entire globe.

There really wasn’t much of a difference from the German side between WW1 and WW2; what distinguished the two wars were two that much more seasoned generals, Churchill and the much smarter of the two, General Smuts.

That is not to suggest that Churchill was drunk or that he wasn’t smart.

Churchill deferred to Smuts right from the beginning of WW2 because Churchill was extraordinarily smart and wanted the smartest person on the planet at his side.

Nor were the new King and Queen of England displeased with Churchill’s choice because not everyone in the world is born a stupid Nazi.

Not all family members get along.

We who don’t derive pleasure in seeing the good punished, however much in the minority we are, are very fortunate that King Edward VIII’s brother and his wife did not think highly of Hitler, even though it was very popular “thoughout” [sic] the world to be on the side of Nazi Germany because the Nazi “propoganda” [sic] machine that was mostly against us Jewish people was working miracles in favor of the rich who were in fact mostly Nazis, and that of course included many rich Jewish people until the Nazis started coming after them.

Nor did the new king and queen of England keep it a secret how much they adored and trusted General Smuts who also perfectly understood that in the event Churchill became incapacitated or died, then Smuts would have been Prime Minister of Great Britain and South Africa, and nor is it likely that Smuts would have taken up British citizenship as it was not required when he joined the British War Cabinet both in WW2 and WW1.

So of course you are only just now beginning to hear about this man Smuts who began to be written out of the history books soon after he died on September 11, 1950, 51 years to the day prior to 9/11.

That does not mean you are well informed, because it means you are horribly, terribly, disgustingly misinformed.



Page 5 – DAAC rules

Not many people on this planet have reported directly to the head of the DAAC.





Page 6 – Rules of the DAAC

Smuts was carefully chosen by De Beers founder Cecil Rhodes because Rhodes wanted the smartest person in the world to help him build his “Secret Society”, much like the Nazi SS but Rhodes was not close to as powerful, despite the backing of the world’s top bankers led by J.P. Morgan, because at the turn of the last century the bankers of the world were holding on by fingernails.

Most powerful men are ugly and their outlook is very negative because that is what they want the world to have, and the women haven’t been smart enough to see through their game because these ugly powerful men have made the rules which bring out the worst in the women and have them wanting the money as much as the men without the people taking a careful look at the money and thinking it is the same money which the Romans, Greeks, and Persians used to rule the world way back when.

So you see a difference immediately with Smuts, and so was Churchill good looking until he became bloated.

Nor did it bother Churchill that Smuts looked much healthier than Churchill despite Smuts being more than 4 years older.

What mattered most to Churchill and Smuts and the minority enlightened people at the time was to defeat Nazi Germany who for good reason had the world’s bankers and top industrialists fully behind them.

Smuts was a young man of 28 when he broke away from Rhodes who was a treacherous bastard, but nor was Rhodes Adolph Hitler.

Hitler was a new breed of anti-Semites who were quite exuberant that Hitler spelled out in his book Mein Kampf that he intended to rid the world of the Jewish people who he and his banker friends throughout the world maintained were the money people who controlled the world on behalf of the Devil.

Of course none of the rich believe in The Devil other than they and their religious preachers can’t get enough of scaring the children and the parents of the young children don’t really complain because it served well as a pacifier until the arrival of the cell phone and all car conversation stopped.

Despite Churchill’s bad diet he was not distracted by Facebook and other social media, the same with Smuts.

They were able to keep their eye on the ball by watching as the DAAC’s Hollywood-Madison Avenue

[chapter 13 of The D I book, THE DIAMOND MIND]

glamorized the Duke and Duchess of Windsor who as President of the Bahama Red Cross was kept informed of her counterparts in the Belgian Congo who were the couriers that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son “Harold Schenk” [sic]

[Chapter 1 of The D I book, A RELUCTANT TYCOON]

used to transport their diamonds to Nazi Germany, none of which was lost on the British Ministry of Economic Warfare which for good reason General Smuts paid particular attention to given how he had the good sense to set up within it the all important Diamond Committee which of course De Beers officials quickly dominated.


Page 7 – Rules of the DAAC

Smuts, not one to steer away from shooting spies, could have easily had each one of those DAAC officials executed on the spot along with Sir Ernest and Harry Oppenheimer; and of course my FB friend, Harold Schenk is not Harry Oppenheimer, and the automatic editing simply picked up Schenk’s name, and in due course I will place the Latin Adverb SIC around it.

But that would have simply meant that Smuts would have needed to start from scratch figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of their replacement.

If I am boring anyone, please let me know and I assume Mr. Robin Öberg you have not only your students but your academic advisors following along, before they hear about all this from othe sources; and I assume a number of them are your FB friends, otherwise that begs the question of who exactly are you trying to impress?

Of course should you call and get to speak with Nicholas Oppenheimer, remember first of all to record the conversation and ask him his point of view about both me and Epstein’s The D I book.

The individual who should have ordered both Oppenheimers’ assassination should have been President Franklin D. Roosevelt because the Oppenheimers were not only openly supplying the enemy Nazi Germany-Austria with raw war materials but they had defied a direct presidential order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil.

While Smuts and Churchill waited for Roosevelt to issue such a no brain order, neither Smuts nor Churchill chose to go on vacation to the Bahamas even it meant that they could communicate telepathically with you and Steven Bailey, along with the rest of us at the present time.

When I first heard the name Oppenheimer which was long after first hearing and understanding the importance of his vastly richer and more powerful partner, German-American Engelhard Jr. which was when I was about 9 or 10, I asked the logical question, “The name sounds Jewish. How did he get so rich and powerful?”

When my mother Zena answered me, “They are not Jewish, and they are anti-Semitic”, I did not feel the need to start crying in part because they were not directing me to the gas chambers, but I was very curious.

My school history books never mentioned them, and then I figured out a little later that the victors write the history books.

So without drawing attention to myself I started reading up on the Oppenheimers and figured that since they were already very rich before inheriting all of Engelhard Jr.’s mineral rich estate and not coming close to paying fair value because that would mean having to pay the estate of Engelhard Jr. that included Engelhard’s wife Jane and their 5 daughters most if not all the slave wage earners throughout the world, and they wouldn’t have accepted anyone with a Wall Street job because how many of them could be counted on to clean windows, toilets and rake the leaves when they would only be getting in the way, the Oppenheimers had only got richer and that much more invincible.

Next I had to figure out a way for them to hire me, because why go for a job like the chairman of the US Federal Reserve or “London Exchequor” [sic] who simply take their orders from the DAAC.

If you, Robin Öberg were interested in money rather than just talking to talk, wouldn’t you do the same?

Is it possible that people such as me who was a “late talker” are not quite as handicapped?

What if it turns out that Einstein also wasn’t handicapped by being a “late talker” would you in your infinite wisdom conclude that you were blessed at birth with talking to talk?

Of course when you were born, you were unaware that the top of the skull was not yet perfectly formed and rather soft, but if you thought about it, maybe when you are around young infants you will do your best to stay as far away as possible.

I am not calling you a pedo.

I am simply saying that in the best interests of protecting a young baby’s brain that people such as yourself should be positioned as far away as possible, and if that means the only way not to hear your garbage talk is that you be placed on the first spacecraft with humans to land on Mars, I would be in favor of it.

For the Oppenheimers’ wealth to have so exploded right after the death of Engelhard Jr. on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, and that was just 36 days after Amin was brought to power in a military coup, there must have been some consensus of all the world’s peoples or the Oppenheimers had managed to get hold of the biggest gun and pointed it at the head of all those militarily weaker?

That is common sense.

So Mr. Frick and Frack Robin Öberg what exactly made you pipe in with this distracting, nonsense talk of communism and socialism. Are you really that much in need of attention?


Page 8 – Rules of the DAAC

Robin Öberg and the rest tuned in, including of course all the others I have tagged, and you all notice that Steven Bailey and the others have not tagged any of their other FB friends – so much for their level of intellectual honesty – please let me know when you are ready for me to explain more the photo of page 373 coming from the British edition of Smuts’ biography written by his son of the same name in 1952, and the middle paragraph that begins, “In the middle of July 1939…” which is missing from the American edition, which is pretty much identical.







Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, postings of mine in this conversation have been removed. If you didn’t do it, can you help find out who did.



Gary Gevisser Pritam DasNan NiPrince Karki



Steven Bailey Gary Gevisser I don’t see any of boy Obergs comments either. Did he block both of us?


Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey was or is Oberg a fb friend of yours?




Gary Gevisser Here is a post I made in response to Bissan Mohammed writing to me yesterday at 7:17pm California time, “yes I want”:

Bissan Mohammed, I read,”yes I want”. Can you expand on that?

Does anyone have any questions about the 4 articles/letters to the editor which the Jerusalem Post published beginning on Feb 1, 2001, 12 days after stooge President, Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton granted terrorist financier Belgian-Dutch-American Marc Rich a pardon, or perhaps you think you could have improved on the writings in order to be that much more certain that the JP published all 4?…/letters-published-by-the…/

When you look at the first sentence, just 32 words, of the first article which was an “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, does it come across like I am your regular talker on FB or a mouthpiece TV anchor person?

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.



Gary Gevisser I will now add it back, so the chronology is clear.



Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, someone continues to mess with the chronology while removing my postings. I will attempt to rectify matters.

For those wanting a complete record which I have backed up, email me;

1d · Edited


Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, you are very quiet. Could it be that you are the one removing my postings making it difficult for others to follow?

That would be very naughty as you have also left quite the trail.

Of course it has not escaped my attention that you don’t tag any of your other FB friends to join us here.

It is time to move this important conversation to another forum.



Gary Gevisser Marlene Greenaway, Ajay DograCassie ItoStephanie ShawPeter AbramsFelix EnglenMarlane O’NeillNeil De GouveiaCynthia TinaRowena Bernardo



Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, you are very quiet. Could it be that you are the one removing my postings making it difficult for others to follow?

That would be very naughty as you have also left quite the trail.

Of course it has not escaped my attention that you don’t tag any of your other FB friends to join us here.

It is time to move this important conversation to another forum.



Staci English Hello Gary Gevisser, I see that you’ve tagged me. I am deeply focused on preventing evasion of responsibility but please tell me how I can help here.



Staci English What do you need?



Gary Gevisser Staci English, thank you for asking.

I want to draw the people’s attention to the business of drilling-banking monopolist, my former employer De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC].

People like Steven Bailey are “playing stupid”, and when “playing stupid” you don’t suddenly wake up bright.

The way to get the truth out and at the same time know who is “playing stupid” is to “tag” them in important conversations such as this which quickly neutralize any and all ethnic, religious, and political differences between people.

This is most difficult either for people like Steven Bailey who have spent a lifetime talking based on the opinions they have off the TV or their friends who get it off the TV or even more troubled those with university degrees, and the better school they attended the more difficult it is for them to hold their ego in check.

What we are finding is that there is no difference really between the people throughout the world; and in fact they are quite nasty and once given the money and the power they will do what they are ordered to do.

But that can all change in the next instant because not only is the truth most powerful, the Internet-light speed communications provide increasingly less wiggle room.

Let me give you an example.

My new FB friend Ajay Dogra wrote me the following a few minutes ago:

“As an anthropologist I can only say that without having proper knowledge about the matter we should not pass any comments because we can see that many concepts of social science vary from society to society depending upon their cultural, economical and political situation….so it is better to go through a comprehensive study before any kind of self justification….and all these matters should be conceptualize in a holistic and relativistic manner.”

I responded:

You don’t know anything about how the real world works until you understand the business of the DAAC who see to it that our universities dont only pump out idiots but idiots full of themselves.”

The key here is to look at how no one else is “tagging”, and yet you have heard time and again from people like Steven Bailey, “How can I help?”

Knowing who knew what and when is the name of the game.

As my beautiful F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion who is waiting for me to finish up so we can enjoy our healthy breadfast together says, “Once you have the knowledge-truth, you know everyone’s game!”

Once somone allows on their FB wall for postings, especially as the dialogue I was having with this Robin Öberg to be removed and then I go to the trouble of “setting the record straight’ and the postings are again removed and it cannot be Robin Öberg who is doing it, then so you narrow down who exactly is playing things fast and loose with the truth.

It is important that Ajay Dogra has now gone quiet.

I will later post this all up on my BLOG

Keep asking questions and putting the pressure on the likes of Steve Bailey the coward.

1d · Edited


Staci English I would very much like to be certain who is “in control” at the highest levels of financial monarchy. That person or those persons need a thorough education on the consequences of evasive responsibility as well as an unforgettable envisioning of the benefits of guaranteed responsibility.



Staci English How do we achieve that unforgettable moment when the benefits of guarantee shine through the darkness?



Gary Gevisser Start with Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, and if you have questions, first ask me, not someone like Steven Bailey who may be the best out of the rotten bunch.

It will take you no more than 3 hours, and if you focus, you will find that you are talking less and thinking more clearly, beginning by posting up on your FB wall and “tagging” your FB friends, and that will also help you figure out what they are all about.



Staci English Have you found any more immediate answers?



Staci English I have a penchant for upholding standards of urgency.



Staci English Currently, I am looking at the possibilities of challenging the standards of ethical business operation and defining the requirements of Public Trust.

1d · Edited


Gary Gevisser Staci, I have begun broadcasting all this. Send me your email, if i don’t already have it, and you will get the immediate answers.

I had those answers long before I completed my year long orientation into the DAAC but chose to keep quiet for 24 years after I left their employment because I understood human nature which is not to share knowledge.

Everyone wants quick solutions and when i give it, they only want to hear themselves talk.



Staci English I can empathize. I also receive that response.



Gary Gevisser Staci, until you read and understand how the DAAC have gone about destroying public trust you are shooting in the dark and are likely to end up harming innocent people.



Staci English Please, do not make that assumption.



Gary Gevisser Staci, stop writing and start reading.



Staci English I cannot work with assumptions.



Staci English There is too little integrity.



Gary Gevisser Staci, Im leaving this conversation for the time being.

Let me know how you feel after you have read The D I book where you don’t need to make any assumptions, you just have the history and the irrefutable facts.



Staci English If you see me as a person who is likely to end up harming innocent people, then we have nothing in common, Gary. I cannot communicate with people who make low assumptions about me. I have tried.

1d · Edited


Staci English The only option to restore communication is to remove the assumption.



Gary Gevisser Staci, if you don’t have the knowledge about the mineral resource and banking business and how they are connected, and you are talking to people about how to improve their lives as well as more importantly care better for the planet that we are a part of, you can only end up misleading them.



Staci English Do not make the assumption or insinuation that is what I do.



Gary Gevisser Time to fly, but for everyone keep writing and remember to “tag”.



Staci English I will not be entrapped into such writings.



Gary Gevisser Ok Staci, should I assume that you know the business of the world’s leading monopolist that the media and the politicians dont touch with a 100 foot pole, the same as the school teachers and university professors?



Gary Gevisser You won’t be trapped? How do you get your knowledge?



Staci English Knowledge is gained by not making repetitive error.



Staci English Alternatives are built by not making repetitive error.



Gary Gevisser How much do you know about either the drilling or banking business?

Where did you get this knowledge?



Staci English What I know of monetary slavery is based on observance of disadvantage, research to find the source and the willful intent to prevent evasion.



Gary Gevisser What research have you done into the drilling and banking industry which are at the center of “monetary slavery”?



Staci English That the banking industry is the center of monetary slavery is obvious. Financial rules are being prioritized over public advantage.



Gary Gevisser Why are you so reluctant to read Epstein’s The D I book?



Staci English I have expressed no “reluctance”. That is an insinuation.



Staci English I have expressed urgency.



Gary Gevisser Then why don’t you read it and then we can talk?



Staci English Which is the opposite.

· 1d


Gary Gevisser yes, it is urgent that you get the answers you seek and you will find all of them with just 3 hours reading.

The D I book does shut up all the talkers.


Staci English If I can find all of the answers in 3 hours, can you just sum it up for me?


Gary Gevisser Of course, they can’t just suddenly stop talking because they have been doing that all their life, and so they first try to distract which is to deceive.

Do you remember the words, “O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”?


Staci English I have already reached that conclusion, and yes.


Gary Gevisser Everyone with a very short attention span wants the cliff notes.

Here it is. The DAAC own everyone and everything! But they don’t own me and Im succeeding in getting the information out.

Marie Dion ~ The truth is disturbing to those busy keeping track of their lies.

Marie Dion ~ Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth.

Marie Dion – People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!


Steven Bailey I deleted nothing.


Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey have you complained to fb and this Robin O?

What’s your reasoning for tagging no one ?

Have you put in any effort to writing to your favorite public personality to join us in debate?

Keep checking my blog for updates



Staci English Preventing deception requires enactment of guarantee.


Staci English Gary, if you are insinuating that I have a short attention span, we are done here.


Staci English Insinuation is a tool of deception.


Staci English So, if the DAAC treats the general public as property, then the most direct path includes treating the general public with care.

1d · Edited

Staci English I’ve looked at how to best care for the general public and the answer is always the same. Omitting guarantee is a violation of public trust. Manifesting the guarantee is the responsible course.


Staci English The Achilles heel of monetary slavery is dependency on lack of guarantee.


Gary Gevisser How did you do with The D I book?

Would it help for you to see right here, our previous dialogue on FB messaging?

What if I were to share with you my dialogue with a former FB friend who is an American translator living in Spain and also has trouble reading?


Staci English I do not have trouble reading, and I do not have trouble telling you that you are a jerk.


Staci English I suggest that you speak to me respectfully or not at all.


Gary Gevisser Staci English I dont have a problem in telling you that you are distracting, including when not saying very nice things about me.

I think you will also agree that overpopulation is the biggest problem.

Even if you dont have a problem with your memory, I will provide you with a link to our previous discussion on FB messaging.

Steven Bailey, tell me how you are doing with trying to get your favorite person in the world include of course your wife to debate me and we can start out discussing what troubles most people like Stacy English about the D I book which explains how little all the talkers know.

Don’t you feel better about yourself when people who are not very bright say bad things about you without thanking you for sharing the knowledge?

In the end we humans all contribute as we end up as composite once the ants are done.


Staci English Overpopulation is a myth and I am done with your rude comments.


Gary Gevisser Staci English BTW, has anyone credible ever called you stupid?

How did you do at school?

Have you ever been married or had a lasting relationship?

You are the first idiot I have heard who says overpopulation is a myth.

Can you name me one person who thinks you are bright and should be taken seriously?

I will now ask our mutual friends.


Staci English Gary, I was a valedictorian and do not need your crap.


Ajay Dogra Its all right..

Being diplomat with creativity is must


Gary Gevisser Marc Mueller, you may be the first person I have come across on FB who is genuinely interested in learning.

I would like for you to study carefully this entire conversation here which is not that easy to follow since most of my conversation has been removed, but Im in the process of trying to add my posts back in starting with my 8 pages Rules of the DAAC.

Please pay particular attention to this Staci English, and if she decides to remove any of her posts which reveal so clearly her Poverty of Thought [POT] I will have a backup.


Gary Gevisser Staci English If any of our mutual friends, Billy Maggard Cirilo B. Villarta Fred Asbury Kim Braman Michael E. V. Knight or

Neal Jones write back and tell me after reading our dialogue that you are bright and should be taken seriously, then I will seriously consider deleting them as a fb friend.


Gary Gevisser Stacy Staci English, what university did you attend, when, and what did you study?
