Perfect Storm XXVII – Infantile
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 5:12 PM PT
Subject: Perfect Storm XXVII
To: Harvey Kochen Esq. Mr. Freeman, Mr. Aguirre et al at MONEX
Gentlemen, I hope to get this email out to you before you quit for the day. It is fast approaching 5pm PST and the fireworks have already begun in many other parts around the world. Soon we shall all be celebrating despite the steep road ahead and of course I look at things from the bottom up.
Once the worldwide depression takes hold as the “fast and loose” hit the road the steps to recovery will be both swift and sweet for those well-equipped, small cars and motorcycles one way to avoid the stampede although if you remain a bull be prepared to lose it all including the china.
The Chinese though will help the blending process as long as we all follow the scriptures without becoming once again blinded by riches. All that glitters is not as golden as fresh running water and has history has shown doesn’t all reflect with God.
Those who keep things simple such as, trust but verify and are prepared to kick butt if necessary will make out okay. It is the meek with teeth who shall inherit the earth, smiling all the way to the bank, depositing their savings and withdrawing only for those in need, and willing the rest to those with a track record of never lying, stealing or cheating.
The email below from Marie Dion indicated I would be calling Mr. Freeman to follow up with the “fools gold” in my attempts to set the standard for the way in which business should be conducted if we are in fact to begin making headway in solving the problems of the world and avoid as much as possible going the lawsuit route.
My Bottoms Up Schooling [BUS] approach to getting folks back on track may not resonate all that well in some circles but when you realize that this world has been going around and around in circles[3][2] for some time moving progressively forward while some sit around contemplating their navels worse yet spending their time figuring out how to go to combat with those least able to defend themselves then it is not all that difficult to understand why we have not as yet come up with a unified theory that might yet save us all. By the way my BUS is a WIP as in Work In Progress.
Just before I placed a call to Mr. Freeman I took the liberty of opening up a MONEX Confirmation receipt addressed to Marie Dion. It clearly spells out that transaction #526113 was a “margin transaction” which goes against the grain of what Marie Dion was told in the phone conversation she had yesterday with whoever it was that called her. I had assumed it was “Mr. Freeman” [sic] who may spell his name differently but after just speaking in a taped conversation with Mr. Harvey Kochen who called to give me his “take” on the situation it is possible that it was in fact Mr. Kochen who spoke with Marie Dion yesterday afternoon before she had the opportunity to confer with me.
Mr. Kochen who I understand is MONEX’s in-house attorney is now fully conversantwith some of my skills that sum able bodied attorneys look forward to in helping them on occasion respond to fast balls thrown at or near head. Mr. Kochen and I covered quite a bit of ground in our 30 minute or so phone conversation including how important it is that we choose our words ever so carefully that words like “renege” can cause me to into a rage and likeweiss, “agreeing to disagree” [sic] especially when we are dealing with matters the average momworker63, widow, orphan and pensioner would consider “material.”
Since I cannot be certain exactly what was said all the time considering the level of “noise” in many of the communications I add a “sic” to the expression in quotes to indicate that there may be some type of “graphical error.” Less said the better unless of course one is willing to commit one’s thoughts to paper and to have the courage of one’s convictions, never though to convict unless one is certain.
Today, I think it is perfectly clear at least to Mr. Kochen that to bet against me and likewise Marie Dion who has a figure for math and then some when she is focused on the task at hand, is to end up with, at a minimum, egg on one’s face. Mr. “Freeman” [sic] in our earlier conversation today mentioned that he had only received one email from me yesterday and because it was “lengthy” handed it over to Mr. Kochen. I wasn’t sure what Mr. “Freeman” [sic] hoped to achieve by getting an ill-equipped attorney to go to bat against me unless of course he simply wanted Mr. Kochen once he got off the phone with me to read him the Civil Riots Act in addition to the Rot Act, riots, hopefully, a thing of the past.
Again, with each tick of the clock you are distracting me from my other businesswhich incidentally dovetails well with when middlemen screw up the trade routes. Root canal treatment can always be avoided by taking care of one’s teeth, eating less candy, but never be so greedy as to kick a gift horse in the mouth. I made it perfectly clear at the outset that I always telegraph my punches and the benefits to first checking out my website besides for what it means to my “hit ratio[4][3].”
Good day and lets start out the New Year on a Happy note along with a check thatbares interest and of course we should all remain bullish on gold.
Gary S. Gevisser
Ps – I understand that MONEX has a policy of no one responding to emails without MONEX’s legal department giving the “ok”. Any day now I should be receiving my new license plates that I think read “DOG OK” although I might have put down on the application “KO DOG”. I do have some difficulty reading and that is why I like it when someone reads me a story. I suspect though that the next time a billion dollar gold trader like MONEX reads an investor a story they will get their pitch in tune with the Xs that at times look like +s depending on the angle of attack but never to O in on a slugger who surrounds himself with perfectly balanced friends.
—–Original Message—–
From: Marie Dion
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:21 AM
Cc: rest
Subject: Perfect Storm XXVII
Dear Mr. Freeman,
It seems that Mr. Gevisser might in fact be on to something, i.e. when it suits your organization to communicate with him you don’t hesitate to call him on his cell phone to let him know that the “paper work” is not complete. When, however, he asks you what seems to me to be a reasonable question you drag your feet.
Once I contacted Mr. Gevisser after we spoke and got the gist of his concerns I immediately contacted my bank to stop payment on the 3 checks.
This morning I was informed that the checks had in fact cleared my account. You are to return these monies to me as soon as possible.
Soon may not be soon enough. My style is definately different to Mr. Gevisser’s that may come across in his emails as being “combative.” Mr. Gevisser’s track record though of giving people the benefit of the doubt when first dealing with them is well documented as well as his success in going after people who play it fast and loose with the truth.
I will reiterate Mr. Gevisser’s earlier concerns that neither one of us recalls your salesperson who was reading from a “script” although it might not have been “chapter and verse” according the “fair lending act” making any referance to “interest charges…” If in fact he and I were both “deaf” to the pitch then it may in fact be a wakeup call for others less sophisticated than Mr. Gevisser who need help in responding to fast ball thrown at or near head.
You should be advised that Mr. Gevisser has written this entire email while forcing me to go to work on producing another series of cartoons much like the one you see at the website. Drawing cartoons is something I don’t really care to do and in fact detest it as much as I hate looking at a computer screen.
I have yet to go on to the so-called Internet although Mr. Gevisser did on one occassion have me look at one of his websites which I found rather infantile.
Be advised though that I have known Mr. Gevisser some time now and I can assure you he does not lie, steal or cheat or so he says. He also tells me that Mr. Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman has agreed to a settlement rather than run the risk of a courtroom setting that would have Mr. Gevisser begging me once again to draw more cartoons although he says he is willing to pay me an arm and a leg. I also detest it when Mr. Gevisser makes me beg.
No doubt there are a number of people out there who would like to chop of Mr. Gevisser’s nose as well and so if you know of any plastic surgeons who have been playing things fast and loose with other peoples arms and legs to boot just email him from one of his 78 odd websites which might now exceed 100, or so he says.
I dont know enough what ultimate message others will get from the Revlon Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit and how folks like Ronald “O. Ring” Perelman use Other People’s Money to wreck havoc on the masses while co-opting good folks to do his dirty work butt Mr. Gevisser’s one and only other suggestion outside of returning the monies to me without deducting one single cent is that you take a close look at the deposition taken by a “.killed and competent attorney-colleague” of Mr. Gevisser’s that for the past 3 plus years has prevented Mr. Gevisser from doing other matters of importance in his efforts to solve the problems of the world.
Mr. Gevisser will be calling you in due course. Should you have any further questions please contact Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk at who in turn will find a way to communicate with Mr. Gevisser or the executor of his estate Mr.Devin Standard.
Mr. Krinsk, according to Mr. Gevisser, is currently in Las Vegas and will be returning soon after the New Year. Mr. Gevisser says that he would like to add the following even though I think this is already going on too long,
“It is unlikely that Mr. Krinsk will have bet the farm while visiting the Casinos with his partner “in crime” who may not believe in miracles. My step-father, Alan Zulman, who could also be in Las Vegas right now betting away what might not wrightfully belong to him taught me from an early age, ‘Can’t is not in my vocabulary.y, the impossible shall be done, miracles take a little longer’ although he may have picked up that expression from Sol Kerzner who almost made it on the cover of Time Magazine recently.”
[1&2] At some point I would like everyone to visit my Ccrest Bed and Breakfast Café in Minehead which used to be spelled Sea Crest and will in due course go through extensive renovation which is not as a result of the mess that my former manager, Sunandmoon, left the place in, nor for that matter has he responded to the knuckleball I last threw his way..
[3] Manager Minute One↔One Minute Manager//\\EmanANDdog↔GodDNAname
[4] At some point we will address the issue of infringing on the rock group Queen’s property rights. I suspect though that they will appreciate our efforts to rid the world of Kings and Queens who use their counts to mess with the minds of the young who thanks to folks like Eminem and Offspring are also helping the youth who are our future to keep better track of their parents and then sum.