Why do you think it is that not a single Jewish person over the course of the past 6 decades has questioned how the Nazis came up with a number like $4,000 per Jewish head?
Are you now saying that you never knew about these ransom monies?
How could you not know, just like how could you not know about the Bankers Manifesto of July 4, 1892 or the brutal expedition of the The Great White Fleet?
You lawyers are supposed to know everything including ignorance of the law is no excuse?
The short term memory problems of the corrupt [don’t prevent them from] following everything in my previously broadcasted missive that is already out of their minds but not quite yet the World Court-Water Closet that I only began [broadcasting] last evening with inspiration and all the great wording from my beautiful F-C wife MDG.
[It won’t be as funny] the next time you hear all the good jokes about lawyers such as the difference between a chicken crossing the street right before being run over and a lawyer, is that there are no skid marks.
Which one was going to be paying Lowy?
Why else would Lowy ask the question of whether I could afford to pay the astronomical sum of $4 million unless he was concerned that he wouldn’t get paid?
Lowy understood perfectly well how much money Knuff had invested in lawyers to put on such a telling trial and Lowy was only just making certain that no matter what happened down the road that he needed to be taken care care of pronto, wouldn’t you agree?
Now go ahead and explain if you can more clearly why it is you kept repeating, “For your own peace of mind you should consider settling with Knuff” and the same with your sick question, “Why hasn’t Nicholas Oppenheimer arranged for a bullet to fired into your head?”
No family have accumulated so much in so short a space of time and then become not only totally untouchable but that much more Christian in their generosity, and were it not for me intervening, without a single one of your mother-fuckers doing anything more than trying to trip me up, go down in history as God’s saviors.
The white haired man playing badly the bagpipes has started his evening ritual.
Yes, were Disney to have the same capital base as the Oppenheimer-De Beers-Lloyds of London Insurance which is worthless diamonds which means that their cost of capital is zero, not one person would need to show up at any of Disney’s theme parks and they could put on the fireworks show 24/7 and they would never show a loss, and were someone to simply donate $1 because they felt sorry for all of Disney’s employees including their CEO and the rest of the board of directors, that $1 would be 100% profit with a 100% return on investment.
Again, for the record, were you aware that there is nothing in Lloyds of London Insurance mandate to prevent you or anyone else competing with them?
Come on you are smart. You know to zip up your zipper after going to the toilet, how do you reduce your cost of capital below zero?
If I had decided to break my silence with the Oppenheimers-De Beers one moment before I did on 11.11.2004, you would know from the total lack of support there is every chance I would not be here today to celebrate with my F-C wife.
The common herd thinking is that lawyers are the solution to my “problems”.
The common herd only find out how corrupt is your profession when you have them by the short-hairs and then it is of course too late.
Moreover, for those who want to look for the best in lawyers, you know they have their own dark secrets.
The only people in this “dog eat dog” world who can be trusted are the underpaid soldiers.
Again, until you have to deal with lawyers you dont know.
You pride yourself on your knowledge of history and Judaism, why did G-d punish Jewish person Christ so that all these nice Christians could bring peace and love to the world?
Let’s now forever put religion aside for only G-d could create such a disgustingly stupid human who thinks itself so smart but yet, despite being all about money-me didn’t have the mental capacity, and we are talking about not just the 7 billion alive today but all the billions who have died since the Oppenheimers first began financing Hitler, to have failed to ask now 4 generations of Oppenheimers to fund all the world’s charities and not to end until the Oppenheimers admit their culpability.
Yes, it is us Jewish people who should be the most ashamed given how we are the ones that are the most accused as money grabbers, Maddof being just one.
You all know that the first time the Oppenheimers are asked to add to the $4 billion Jewish slave wage settlement, it will be the end of Wall Street.
G-d still allows you all to easily imagine Wall Street continuing long after the last of us 7 billion are dead, but your mind also tells you that my credibility and the fact that my information continues to get out there, could end all your gravy trains much, much sooner.
I just took a sip of very red, most delicious vegetable juice that my gift from G-d F-C wife handed me.
You liar-lawyers tell yourselves and you have convinced a great many others of how smart you are that you read law books and can cite all the laws and cases that protect the status quo which is all about theft and holding on to stolen property, but still you have failed to make the case for why other than your gift of the gab propaganda you have fooled the soldiers into taking less than the lion’s share of the spoils of wars.
We can all understand Christian lawyer thinking but why are there such a disproportionate number of you Jewish lawyers, and so very few of you have actually served in the military other than the military of the oppressors.
So we should focus on the most non-fanatical, most moral speaking Jewish family I know, and that is my immediate family who were never either cash or land rich, but our paternal grandfather owned the best reputation Jewish trading conglomerate in the entire world that had to be destroyed prior to the US Government announcing that it was going off the Gold Standard, and having worthless diamonds replacing gold as the backing of currency which warrior and non-warrior alike knew why gold stood the test of time as the best store of value as well as means of exchange when there was a difference in the bartering of goods and services; and bartering of course keeping out meddling liar-lawyers doing the bidding of the taxing monopolists who simply call their institutions government.
You saw how strong my eldest brother Neil Gevisser came at me and when I batted off his vicious, so malicious, so unconscionable attacks with simple common sense logic, all he could do without answering each and every very important question that he understood a corrupt moron such as yourself would have no trouble getting your head around including all those other liar-lawyers you share office space with, and you all so far down the totem pole than someone like Jeffrey R. Krinsk who even laughs his head off at his much poorer named partner, former US Attorney Howard Finkelstein, Neil Gevisser came back with telling it exactly the way it is, “I respect your integrity, intelligence.” and then he immediately followed up with another positive email.
Do you recall writing us right after revealing more of your true colors, “I was teasing…and working on my iPad at home which is not conducive to a lengthy explanation.”
Of course you do, because it is all well documented.
That “teasing” writing took place on March 30, 9:19:54 AM PDT.
What you first wrote, “A penny in UK currency or US currency?” was the evening before, March 29, 7:53:51 PM PDT, only after I wrote you on March 30 8:50 AM, Marie says, “I thought the purpose of this email was very precise. You have not answered my question, and yes in England they give you English money.”
There is no place for “teasing” even if you were not charging $300 an hour that affords you more than a hole to piss in.
Your repeated insistence that we tell you how much we would be willing to settle criminal Knuff so that you could milk my wife for that amount, is no laughing matter. I want this to be as clear as you so inappropriately asking repeatedly, “Why hasn’t Oppenheimer put a bullet through your head?”.
We need a detailed billing because so far it has been a lot of talk. All your billing should be both computerized and up to date, which will help in our next meeting with Guy Friedman who prior to going out on his own served for 12 years as head of security for Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, and nor was he hamstrung for the couple of years that he was joined by my expert karate street fighter eldest brother Neil who during the 1988 Olympic Games in Korea, the same year Vice President George Bush gave him a pair of Vice Presidential cuff links for his world class massage, was the masseur for the Israeli yacht team and then “sum” (sic).
Have you yet clued your children in to why morals are important?
Your conduct in our opinion has you far more than bordering guilty of committing malpractice given how this motion to quash was obviously outside of your area of expertise in order for you to be doing so much research and billing that you can’t nail down whether it should have consumed a $5,000 retainer or upwards of unlimited sums of money, forget how you will see that us non-lawyers have caught you with your own written word.
In other words, it remains our strong opinion that it is malpractice to lead a client along when it is not their area of expertise. One minute you tell us that it is something that can be done in a matter of a couple of hours, without even asking us if there were any monies left in the bank accounts after paying your retainer to be drawn down at the rate of $300 per hour, and then it is going to cost $5,000 to begin and $7,000…. it doesn’t end.
Now that Knuff got to the monies in my wife’s bank account ahead of you, means that once I have paid him the extortion monies of $4 million, you will be next in line, unless a judge rules differently.
Again it seems like malpractice to us when you lead a client to think it is going to take a couple of hours or a very short time and then it is consuming most, if not all of the retainer; its seems like a trap?
How could you have forgotten not to ask for an additional retainer when you knew what you were going to be charging?
The previous liar-lawyer, fresh out of law school Saman Nasseri actually put in writing what he predicted would happen with the next more dishonest liar-lawyer when he wrote us on Feb 8, the following
As for the fee of $425/hr and a retainer of $25,000. That retainer is based on the idea that 2 attorneys will work a combined 40 hours on your case within the next few weeks to ensure that 6 weeks from today, you no longer have a debtor hearing here in San Diego. That is 40 hard hours, between two attorneys, to establish a way to set aside a judgment from another state, remove a hearing for you here, and file any claim against or counter to the claim against you. Additionally, setting aside the default judgment does not make the case go away, it gives you your day in court, which in my opinion, is exactly what you deserve and should have no problem defending. You are right, it is a high fee. However you can go find an attorney who charges $200/hr, asks for a $10,000 retainer to start working, and between him and his interns each billing hours against you on “research”, the $10,000 would be gone in 3 days and work will stop until you pay another $10,000 and so on. Just because an attorney charges low does not mean that the end result will be not be costly. My normal rate per hour is $200. However the amount of the retainer would still be the same because of the number of hours I would have to work alone to figure out your case. That rate, is two attorneys, doing the work in half the time. I am not telling you this as a selling point or to gain your business, I am doing it because I want you to know that at no point did I ever mean any disrespect towards you or your situation. I am not a civil attorney and I do not generally handle civil cases. II chose immigration and criminal defense, because, unlike civil cases, I have the opportunity to fight a system and make sure people are treated fairly. The reason why I entertained your case last night was because it sounded interesting to me and it was not just against a person, but it was a system issue, which is why I could appreciate it. I wish you and your wife the best of luck and I look forward to reading your book.
without explaining why he decided to more than double his hourly rate to $425/hr, but thought that with all the double talk going on we wouldn’t catch him because you lawyers are first taught in your first day of law school how bright you are without you knowing the first thing about how a foreign based mineral monopolist who was able to corrupt each and every member of my high moral teaching immediate family as well as extended Jewish South African family all the way down to the poorest of the poor South African rabbis without having to fork out even close to a king’s ransom, just understanding how fickle is the human spirit once it has lost its ability to reason and the diminished mental capacity does not mean they are incapable of being mean spirited; but that too shall pass and most likely much faster than any of you realize as Passover has each of you digest that much more the significance of my and my eldest brother Neil’s very recent writings where he starts off going off on the most vicious attack accusing me just like Knuff of viciously attacking both his credibility and website and when just sticking to reason-logic without any of the distracting emotion, he first words, “I respect your credibility. intelligence” (sic) speaks volumes, much more so I say than the biblical story of Cain and Abel where the one murdered no longer had a voice.
Each of you quiet about the malicious and most egregious attack on my reputation that began with the grossly fraudulent defamation complaint by ex CIA Knuff that a well bred elementary school kid would figure out in no time was fabricated from start to finish, are accomplices to the murder of my good Jewish name, and why it is that Judaism is profound in its condemnation of such a heinous crime as being tantamount to murder.
The fact that the 10 Commandments also does not say Thy Shall NOT kill God’s Little Animal Friends because it only says, “Thy shall not kill” does not give anyone including the rabbi that blesses the meat that once had a heartbeat the right to kill God’s carefully chosen animals.
What goes around comes around with a vengeance.
You are what you eat.
Man spends much of his time being sick from eating poison foods and talking about the preservation and sanctity of life, but man has not had it within his mental capacity to end war on the poor because rich man is the beast that he kills and eats; he is the cannibal of cannibals and far worse than those in the jungles who make no bones about eating their fellow man, you cannot even recognize the once sensitive animal that you have become, but void of their soul; again pure logic.
G-d must have a purpose for each of us including the smallest leaf that no one observes, but yet it brings oxygen to our lungs that we have to consciously exhale and when inhaling be equally conscious when filling up all the diaphragms, for the logic is only to have us thinking simple but not stupid which a corrupt person feeding on the worst of what it mostly consumes is oblivious to apart from the pain and aches that along with fatigue inevitably causes the brain muscle to atrophy.
That purpose I will maintain until I take my very last breath; namely to have each of us once we are capable of putting aside our negative attracting ego, recognize that only the most logical mind that we are not capable of imagining but can see its wondrous genius through actions as well as words, could have first created logic that this Omnipotent Being could not simply have learned because its power source is so great that it is capable of commanding each of our independent thinking minds, and in the next instant we are free to get on with whatever tickles our fancy.
It is the out of control ego that we spend a lot of time sugarcoating but the veneer wears off very quickly as each of us sees better the more that many of us stay in the moment.
The fact that each and every unaccomplished adult spends most of their time in fantasyland when not trying to fool others in order to grab the money that is dished out first by the money monopolists to their military contractors such as General Atomic and its spin off Science Applications International Corporation with whom I have great familiarity, does not diminish the existence of this One G-d jealously protecting it’s turf until Kingdom Come or hell freezes over.
Fabricating such a heinous charge of defamation against me with not a single individual outraged sufficiently to write to their favorite politician does not mean it won’t happen long before I take my final breath and when the first famous newscaster and/or reporter speaks out, you can all kiss your money-asset wealth goodbye.
Of course you would have preferred none of this was part of the written record and with your detailed billing we are going to be able to fill in pretty much all the gaps which at a minimum will serve as the most extraordinary public service for all non-lawyers and future honest lawyers to be aware of because there is now going to be a far more enlightened general public who are still afforded a vote, the same with our military personnel including those great many we have met over the years.
The Pay to Injure bounty case involving professional football is all testament to the regressing human.
The problem is how to you lose yourself with who you have become since you long lost your survival skill to return to the jungle.
Of course you have seen Lloyds of London Insurance marketing materials that I brought back with me from the United Kingdom which according to Lloyds they are not allowed to prospect American citizens because American citizens, unless given special dispensation, are not allowed to invest in Lloyds and which all the media as well as all the major political parties here in the US have suppressed, and which Lloyds-De Beers knew would happen at the very start of this turning Americans on Americans, and why those most knowledgeable Americans have long made their escape plans from the US in anticipation of civil unrest that will make the mid-19th Century Civil War look like a day in the water park.
(Maybe someone could think of a way to put on an Internet symposium for lawyers and prospective lawyers and to begin by having a show of hands who knows of someone who already has all this information?)
You notice how my wife and I are still here despite all your silences on this most important issue which does not mean that we shouldn’t take your threats any less serious.
It is not only what you say that counts even when it is total nonsense, but what you don’t say.
Not to mention shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk’s 2003 flowchart business plan, GOING FOR GOLD,
is working to plan.
See additional responses in red counter to your blue
[Word count 9269]
On Apr 3, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Michael Gardiner wrote:
See responses in line below.
Michael A. Gardiner
110 West “A” Street, Suite 950
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619.238.9800
Fax: 619.814.3727
Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail transmission, including any attachments, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for review by the party to whom it is addressed. It may contain attorney client or attorney work product privileged and confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and promptly delete this e-mail, including any attachments, without reading or saving them in any manner. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the attorney-client or any other privilege.
From: marie dion Gevisser [mailto:mariedion1@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:41 PM
Subject: You are fired – Re: Motion to quash Debtor Spouse Judgment
I recall you telling us if we closed all accounts there was no recourse for the crooks.
I certainly did not say that. I did say that they can’t get money out of an account that has been closed. [So why didn’t you ask us if we had closed all the accounts, for peace of mind?]
Have you yet figured out what the defamation was? Do you have any idea how many lawyers and non-lawyers as well as Judge Lowy still have not explained the defamation that you feel the need to go through 700+ pages of exhibits that all interested parties have examined with a fine tooth comb and have come up with nothing.
As I told you the first priority — subject to your getting back to me in response to my email earlier — was the Motion to Quash.
We have to persist in writing because your written word does not always match up with your spoken word, but as you know Gary has kept the most detailed records including when you decided to first start calling us and break the very clear email communications.
“Break the very clear email communications????” Did I ever suggest to you email communication was an efficient vehicle? No. [How subjective memory is especially to the truth or lies however you want to look at it. This is why email written email communications are best]
At least equal in importance is your persistent questioning of why Nicholas Oppenheimer has yet to arrange for a bullet to be fired into the back of Gary’s head.
Pardon? [What is it that you don’t understand?]
Moreover, the fact that we have repeatedly explained that it is Gary and my increasing presence, i.e. footprint on The Internet that we consider our most effective insurance policy, and you keep dismissing this very clear and short answer that everybody in a search for the truth completely understands as does those just wishing that we were both dead and the information be suppressed as much as possible, has us reaching the reasonable conclusion that either you are threatening us and/or intimidating us that we should trust you with everything including our remaining valuables.
Look…this is non-productive. [I think it is a record. It is subjective what productive is.]
You also said that with my IRA and cabin being my personal property well prior to my marriage to Gary when we kept separate residences even after our marriage, they would have no legal basis to come after them. Now you have changed your tune.
No I didn’t. [Of course you say if we need a motion to quash that is a change of tune.]
All they are currently asking for are my bank accounts and safety deposit boxes and there is nothing in them, again according to your initial suggestions which was before we got this court order to hand over only the contents to those two items.
If there’s nothing in them why fight? [Thats our question to you and at the beginning. Maybe i was searching for peace of mind.]
A woman walking by where Gary was helping me by typing a draft as I am currently in class with Sebastian Capella who has agreed to give Gary 5 minutes of his time to see the initial footage of the documentary that Gary began filming at De Beers-Oppenheimers-Lloyds of London with very tall and strong World Boxing Federation champion Michael Grant at his side, right after class at 1pm, said to her walking partner
“America is going down hill very fast. It is not what it used to be 40 years ago”
It reminds me of how you spent more than half the time we met yesterday trying to convince Gary and me that the real world currency is oil, and when Gary explained very eloquently to you, for the umpteenth time, why it is worthless diamonds which is less than faith based, all you could say was “I figured you would say that”, and that did not stop you from going on to say that both the US and Israel do not have a history to be proud of, which was either intended to goad Gary and/or consume more of our valuable time while you continued to rape us blind.
Uhhhmm…ok. That’s what you took from it? That’s what you thought I said???
Marie, this is not going to work. Would you and Gary like to come get your files?
Bear in mind that anyone who knows the first thing about Gary including plaintiff Knuff, his Dallas liar-lawyer Loewinsohn and corrupt Texas Judge Martin Lowy and all you would need to do is go to 2facetruth.com and begin your reading by listening as well as reading the transcripts of the bone chilling phone conversation between Gary and Oppenheimer-De Beers’ operative Ernest Slotar on Gary’s 51st birthday, March 24, 2008 to understand not only what a significant threat is Gary to all the world’s corrupt, who perfectly understand as well as the honest that the Knuff defamation lawsuit was a total fabrication from start to finish as you all keep looking for something that Gary did wrong, which of course you cannot find without you ever putting in writing all that Knuff-Loewinsohn-Lowy and company did right other than find a corrupt judge in the wrong jurisdiction, which is everything, again beginning with wrong jurisdiction, BUT Gary is the world’s number one expert on why the US led the charge in going off the Gold Standard four decades ago, and in so doing incriminating all 3 Branches of the US Government as the US defaulted on its debt obligations to its trading partners like China, and to add salt to injury substituted in diamonds to replace gold, all of which the United States, the largest holder of harvested gold, had stolen. (The fact that the US Government which includes the US Justice Department have sanctioned De Beers-Lloyds of London Insurance banning American citizens from investing Lloyds whose most important capital base is De Beers’ diamonds who value is plucked out of the air because De Beers-Lloyds and their fellow bankers have not been required by any of the regulatory agencies such as the SEC to provide an inventory that would include the bribes paid to their corrupted elected and non-elected government officials, and at the same time allowed Lloyds who fixes the price of everything from war to prenuptial agreements between married couples 25 years apart, less and more, to sell their insurance to Americans who constitute upwards of 75% of Lloyds’ total business which means that every $ of insurance premium paid by banned American citizens validates the worthless capital base of Lloyds. How much clearer does it get that this action by De Beers-Lloyds that has been in effect for more than 2 decades, while Lloyds-De Beers find ways to make exceptions to this banning order by showing high profile Americans like Michael Grant how to circumvent the banning order, is all designed to turn Americans on Americans?)
On the subject of waisting time and our very hard earned monies without charging anyone for all the highly valuable information that Gary could have easily monetized a long time ago, and then all the corrupt would have said that he was just out for the money rather than what the record clearly shows, to help those most disadvantaged beginning with American soldiers very poorly compensated because they are first hit at a very young age with all the corrupt propaganda that American represents freedom of speech, democracy, pursuit of happiness (assuming you are rich enough) that has them many of them acting out so poorly on the battlefield and it is just a question of time before those evil seeds that took root on foreign soil come home to roost, and why it is so very important what President Bill Clinton, a De Beers-Rhodes Scholar had to say on January 20, 2000 one year to the day before he gave oil trader Marc Rich a Presidential Pardon that prompted Gary to immediately voice his outrage, and which at least the Jerusalem Post had the courage to print his most illuminating expose of this most treasonous act by a sitting US President.
(I haven’t examined as closely as Gary and others Clinton’s bizarre ending speech at Caltech University that said in so many words that the US was ripe for a Bosnian style ethnic cleansing civil war, but perhaps you would now like to comment on it as well as elaborate further on why you think the history of Israel deserves to be placed in the same despicable category of the US, since it was not the fledgling State of Israel who supported the Oppenheimers arming Hitler with his critically needed diamonds via the US protectorate Belgian Congo, since it was the United States who were already fully beholden to the Oppenheimers, who also believed initially that Nazi Germany would be victorious; and they would have been, were it not for the Battle of Britain that took place long before the US entered WWII when American fighter pilots were so extraordinarily few and trusted by both British and South African intelligence, and both led by South African Allied Filed Marshal Jan Smuts, as far as they could throw them. In case you don’t remember who is Smuts; he is the person who accompanied Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to the Belgian Congo in mid-July 1939, and this record which was included in the British version of his biography written by his son of the same name in 1952, 2 years after Smuts’ death at age 80 on September 11, 1950, was removed in the American publication, without of course any explanation, for obvious reasons; second Smuts, who was the top student at Cambridge University where he read law wrote the definitive book about American white hero Walt Whitman who has a street named after him right where Black American Michael Grant lives in Atlanta, founded both the Royal Air Force and world’s second oldest Air Force, the South African Air Force whose members were the founding fathers as well as entire backbone of the brutally strong Israel Air Force,)
You are to return the entire retainer which we have now pledged to both born and bred Black American Michael Grant and Israeli-British Guy Friedman equally.
No. You will get the unused portion of the retainer.
Gary who has greatly assisted in this communique will be following up if time permits, to shed more light on this persistence of yours to keep bringing up the need for us to consider settling with Knuff; and it seemed given how you couldn’t give us any convincing arguments, that all you wanted to know was how much money you could milk out of me. (I am not a cow, if you didn’t already know.)
People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid.
A very disappointed client.
Let me know what you want to do about the files.
Michael A. Gardiner
110 West “A” Street, Suite 950
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619.238.9800
Fax: 619.814.3727
Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail transmission, including any attachments, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for review by the party to whom it is addressed. It may contain attorney client or attorney work product privileged and confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and promptly delete this e-mail, including any attachments, without reading or saving them in any manner. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the attorney-client or any other privilege.
Thank you. I mean it. You reminded me that I need to get a letter amendment to the Fee Agreement with Gary making it clear that you — not only Gary — are retaining me to do the Motion to Quash. I will also need to get an additional retainer for that motion. That additional retainer will be in the amount of $5,000. That should tell you what I feel is necessary to protect me in doing this work…which is, given the current posture, as close as I can get to an estimate. At this point in time, Marie, I know little more than I knew when we met yesterday. Given that, a TRUE estimate is not possible. But my rule of thumb is that for a single, relatively simple motion, I assume $5,000. It could be more. It could be less. But that’s not a bad rule of thumb. For a heavy motion (for example, a big discovery motion or a summary judgment motion, or a complex demurrer or the like) it would be significantly MORE than $5,000.
That said, I’m concerned that you say you needed this information “to figure the benefit-cost…” I’m concerned because that question causes me to wonder whether you get it….whether you and Gary are getting it. Whatever happens with your motion to quash it is NOT the last legal fees you will spend on this. Not close. I tried to make that clear to you yesterday. There will be an attack on your cabin. There will be an attack on the intellectual property. If we win this round it is just the first of multiple additional rounds.
As for your notion of a “budget,” I do not work that way and, frankly, you should not want me to do so. I do not want to be charging you for non-productive work like writing this email, yesterday’s email, putting things in writing that ought to be done simply in a ten minute phone call. And yet you’re putting me in a position to have to do so. The $5,000 “rule of thumb” I described above ought to be more like $6,000 or $7,500 based on the way things have gone. You guys incur legal expenses that are completely needless because of your desire to micro-manage things.
You do not seem to get that you are being billed for the time I spend being micro-managed. DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT????? Let me do my job efficiently….please.
If that’s not going to work for you I am going to have to suggest that you find someone else who will not mind being micro-managed. But that someone is NOT me.
So…please let me know what you want to do…soon. Time is getting short.
Michael A. Gardiner
110 West “A” Street, Suite 950
San Diego, CA 92101
Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail transmission, including any attachments, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for review by the party to whom it is addressed. It may contain attorney client or attorney work product privileged and confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and promptly delete this e-mail, including any attachments, without reading or saving them in any manner. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the attorney-client or any other privilege.
From: marie dion Gevisser [mailto:mariedion1@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 8:51 PM
To: Michael Gardiner
Subject: Motion to quash Debtor Spouse Judgment
Michael – I need to know roughly the amount of hours you plan on spending on this motion to quash to figure the benefit-cost and budget.