Piercing eyes – It starts to look really bad – Mom’s mind
From: Pniyot <Pniyot>
Subject: RE: Piercing eyes – It starts to look really bad – Mom’s mind
Date: December 28, 2016 at 12:31:22 AM PST
To: gg <gary>
שלום לפונה,
לצערי לא הצלחתי לקרוא את כל מכתבך ואינני יודעת האם הוא קשור לנושאים המצויים בתחום סמכותה של מערכת בתי המשפט.
אנא כתוב בעברית בצורה קצרה יותר ופרט את טענותיך הקשורות למערכת בתי המשפט.
אם מתנהל תיק בביהמ”ש אנא ציין אותו.
נעמי ורדי| סגנית המבקרת הפנימית, הנהלת בתי המשפטמשרד: 02-6546806 | נייד: 050-6255099 | פקס: 02-6546802 | nomiv
From: gg [mailto:gary]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 12:46 AM
To: Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.
Cc: Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.; Neil Gevisser; Kerry Anderson Molfesis; Melvin Gevisser; Emma Gevisser; david danziger; Debra Danziger; GWerbel; Dr. Barry Molk MD.; Ayalah Kaplan; Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor in Chief of Jerusalem Post – I’m not saying anything about anything – July 31, 2015; Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman; Jonny Norris; Malcolm Ness – British architect and political commentator; Galit Tassi; Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC; Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK; British Embassy – Israel; Rafael Adolf – Brazilian Radiologist practicing in Germany + FB friend.; South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG.; Neil Gould – FB friend of Gary Gevisser.; Rod Margo Esquire – FB friend of Gary Gevisser. Rod’s father, South African judge Cecil Margo Esq. wrote, at the request of Ben Gurion, the blueprint for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force.; Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.; Bernard Wolfsdorf Esq. – FB friend of Gary Gevisser; Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]; Benjamin Netanyah – Prime Minister of Israel; Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni; Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser; Wellington Weekly News – Somerset, England; Chief Rabbi of the United States, Rabbi Capers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama, and Facebook friend of GG.; Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.; Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.; Laurie Black; Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser; James Howland – Rogue Films; Errol Morris – Director, The Thin Blue line; Pniyot
Subject: Piercing eyes – It starts to look really bad – Mom’s mindYou are mean spirited.
How can you want to live the rest of your life with the thought that you were so mean to your mother; your ego got in the way of the little heart that you have. You will live the rest of your life with the thought that you couldn’t give your mother her simple wishes.
Is the money that important to you, or is it your ego?
The smartest people in the world cannot understand your actions. That doesn’t prevent me from exposing this abomination in a way that would make mom feel no less proud of me than what she expressed vividly on camera as well as in the phone conversations leading to your “set up” in Israel with Israeli police evicting me from mom’s Netanya apartment at 01:30 Tuesday, September 27.
Again, choosing the “graveyard shift” for fear that had this police invasion taken place during daylight our mother would have quickly and just as articulately come to my defense, and spoken her mind.
How’s your energy these days? It can’t be good.
Not to mention the falsehoods you have told about me, starting with Neil telling Kerry Anderson Malfesis that I am hiding out in Spain and not allowed back in the United States, and which incredible lies your Israeli liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel embellished in her criminal complaint against me which she filed on September 25, as she committed egregious criminal fraud that I have a criminal conviction in the United States, and that in order to avoid prison time, I agreed to be instituted in a mental hospital.
Neil Gevisser is the only member of our Moshal Gevisser family who I know has a criminal conviction. It is a criminal conviction in the United States which forced him to high-tail it to Israel. You were in the courtroom in Lake Tahoe, Nevada when he pled guilty. The charges against him of sexual assault were made by 3 female clients.
Would you call that respect for mom?
Do you understand better why it is that mom is so clear that the 3 of you have “busy lives” a long way from her?
Can you recall when the 3 of you first realized that mom wanted as little to do with the 3 of you as was possible, without you sticking a knife in her back?
How could you think of using Neil as the petitioner for liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel to be mom’s guardian on September 15, knowing that I would soon be arriving in Israel?
How could you not inform me that the 3 of you had decided to use Ayala Weisel as a buffer against me who was not only doing the right thing but I was executing mom’s wishes?
Your sins cannot be found in scripture.
Those silent must remind you of the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorra and still that cannot have any of you feeling good waking up in the morning.
How much singing are you doing these days?
How much time do you look in the mirror each morning and contemplate?
There is no spot in the world quite like where we are today. On Christmas Eve we had our first snow fall. It was the first time in the 14 years we have had this one of a kind rock cabin where mom would have been so delighted with the hugely imaginative decor that includes her water color rending of me playing a variety of sports.
There is still snow on the ground and so beautifully reflecting the sunlight on this spring-like day with the warm Santa Anna winds blowing off the desert, and now beginning to cool off, preserving that much longer the snow.
Now is the time for you to know how much else in life you are missing. The fact that you see so many of you in the same boat and possibly believing that it is more than simply luck that has protected me, my wife and partner for the past going on 24 years, Marie Dion and our dog Mango, and this guiding light that creates all life, brings on disease as well as takes life, constantly has the punishment fitting the crime.
There is a reason for this very short life and that is to make every moment count, and when you do right you are instantly rewarded with no regrets. The fact that most humans have a great many regrets is because they make the mistake of losing themselves in the lives of their children and grandchildren who see morals as only a subject to debate without a thought to the consequences of not acting morally.
The last two individuals I added to the group chat REASON FOR BEING HERE which I started a week ago yesterday, Joshua Oppenheimer and Hamilton Morris are connected to the producer-director Errol Morris whose 1988 documentary, The Thin Blue Line is a must see. It exposes the corruption of Dallas county, Texas.
Both gentlemen as well as Errol Morris now 68 will have received other communications from me. Hamilton Morris, the 29 year old journalist son of Errol Morris will be thinking very similarly to his father, but their agendas cannot be the same. They like everyone are grappling with the fact that they are only now understanding the Vietnam war and its connection with South Africa. All the world’s civil rights lawyers going back to the 1960s and a great many still alive, are feeling lost.
When you don’t know something, you have to be quick to admit that you don’t know, otherwise it will eat you alive.
It is the ego that first stops people from doing the right thing, but then they quickly look at their pocket book before concluding that they would prefer to choose mental suicide over financial suicide.
If you are bricklayer, it is one thing. When you are a lawyer, a judge and you are constantly talking justice even if all you are thinking is how to make an additional buck, and you consider your mind your next most valuable asset to your material possessions, the deep despair cannot be put into words.
The other 109 odd individuals following along perfectly and they include our cousin, journalist-author Mark Gevisser know why it is that neither Hamilton Morris or Joshua Oppenheimer have yet to leave the conversation; and should they, it will not make anyone else who is quiet feeling sure of themselves.
When you lose confidence in yourself and you know that your name along with your foolishness is getting out there, so you will withdraw that much more.
When you don’t like yourself and you feel increasingly alone with yourself you can only wish bad for yourself.
You have told many more lies about me, going totally overboard, in order to have me evicted from mom’s apartment 6 days after I arrived. Your misdeeds to both murder my reputation as well as well as unnerve me cannot be corrected without the 3 of you making a full confession.
Let’s see how well the 3 of you stick together because remember you have co-opted-corrupted both your children and spouses who will also be looking to save their own skins. Then there are your “fair weather friends” who are already feeling “used and abused” and no doubt questioning where your sudden tens of millions of dollars windfall originated.
They were jealous to begin with, and hated you for being rich. They will all take their vengeance out on you and in the meantime you are punished waiting for the next shoe to fall.
You have also co-opted a poor Filipino immigrant worker who left her two very young children behind in the Philippines to do the slave work that Israelis don’t want to do when taking care of their elderly. How much are you going to pay this Mary-Lou who was one of your 66 FB friends to keep her quiet and that means continuing to tell her lies? You also know that none of her lies add up, because they are lies.
The fact that neither the 3 of you nor her knew who you were dealing with because you wanted to believe the lies you have been telling about me, makes me very different to the 3 of you.
Mom explains this all very well. You just have to listen to mom and watch her great body language all the while you are resting your case on mom having “advanced dementia”.
You lost your case the moment you started lying which was when you failed to inform me that you were working hard to turn mom into a basket case so that you could not only get rid of mom quickly as you resented how much she has always loved me, but make off with the money.
Do not forget that I have volunteered to be polygraphed and the 3 of you along with Mary-Lou and Ayala Weisel should have already agreed to do the same.
The fact that a corrupt person has no shame but can still show sensitivity to their pet or wild animal or for that matter a beautiful flower, does not mean they can hold on to that moment’s happiness for very long, especially since I am still around and broadcasting the FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES.
It is even more powerful the fact that I am a “lone voice” and all the talkers are hiding.
The great thing about a Facebook group chat is that you can see when people leave the conversation or comment either intelligently or show their stupidity that those who remain are speaking when they don’t speak.
The ones who leave have left their indelible mark indefinitely.
Let’s not forget that you have yet to finish off mom. Her dark piercing, beautiful eyes, so expressive, as close as it get to Mango’s most expressive eyes, which you notice did not go unnoticed by mom, made a mark on everyone mom met. The fact that she could follow through with mindfulness that never took away from her very good figure, another clear depiction of her mindfulness at all times, was also not lost on her audience.
Tomorrow at 11am California time, I am meeting with a retired editor in chief of a well recognized Washington based educational publisher. This lady happens to be both Jewish and South African. Today she is visiting the Nixon Library and when doing so she will view the surroundings far differently than had she not seen what I last wrote her earlier this morning right before our healthy breakfast.
Your 66 Facebook friends who you turned your back on when disabling your FB after receiving my November 13, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN communique, can never be happy with you, no matter what you say or how generous you are with your money.
You will also be holding on to your money like never before for fear of losing it all, plus your freedom should a prosecutor decide this case should be a cause célèbre which I believe it should. It could also be made into a great movie and inevitably viewed by all children, and why not on Christmas day?
Your future actions will be most carefully watched by more than the 111 odd individuals who remain “engaged” in the group chat REASON FOR BEING HERE.
You began digging a big hole for yourself, Neil and Melvin when you first failed to respond to my January 14th enquiry, ASK ME YOUR QUESTIONS! when the 3 of you were still joined at the hip with Alan Zulman and expecting that your two-faced behavior towards him would win you the inheritance monies, never dreaming in a million years that Zulman would give all 3 of you the biggest back handed slap when removing you on his death bed at his executor.
Nor will you open warfare with Deborah Sturman Esq. who replaced you as executor ever end no matter if the two of you come to a financial settlement and agree not to bad mouth each other. The cat is now set amongst you stool pigeons. You will never trust each other again. That is not to suggest that should you all go hunting together that you should shoot each other in the back and blame the quails.
When the 3 of you next serve each other a meal, do not assume it has been poisoned or that you should be pointing a finger at the spouses.
Melvin has no spouse but he remains no less needy which is why he hasn’t followed in your footsteps and disabled his FB. Those 540 FB friends include Tikva Erick Kaplan Abro who is one of the 17 odd individuals who decided to leave the conversation because of course Tikva couldn’t take any more.
Can you imagine if Zulman hadn’t allowed me on January 13 up into his and mom’s Netanya, apartment, then the 3 of you would have got off scot-free.
Your liar-lawyer friend Ayala Weisel knows that what she said in court on October 5 as well as what she wrote in the fabricated complaint against me, about me barging into the apartment at the beginning of the year and so upsetting dying Zulman, will do more than haunt her the remainder of her life because she has a higher duty than the 3 of you to “act in good faith”.
You could check with your new lawyer daughter Debra that you long crossed the line into criminal activity where the statute of limitations runs much longer than in a civil lawsuit; and of course both the Israeli as well as British authorities understand perfectly what is going on without having to look inside your heads to figure out that the three of you are mental cases.
That is the only conclusion you can draw, unless the 3 of you are corrupt, then it is all about the money.
There are also physical ailments that result when you lose your conscience.
How could you forget that our last name Gevisser translates from the German into “all knowing-certain” and Gewissen means, “conscience”.
Note that the two follow up communications that I sent only to you, and not to Neil and Melvin, in order to give you time to clear your head, have yet to posted up on to the 2facetruth.comBLOG.
How could you not grant mom her very clear wishes, and her eloquence, articulation on the most important and so sensitive subject of who best she trusts, is in stark contrast to your sick declarations that our mother has “no memory…complete dementia….advanced dementia” and you needing a hungry Israeli lawyer as mom’s guardian to do your dirty work.
All humans, not just money medical doctors, know that it’s impossible to recover from “advanced dementia”, not for a moment, let alone for extended periods starting with “What was she like at 22? – 2 years off 60“ showing mom can count and reason,“She has quite a face”; and then the nailing of your 3 coffins, THE LADY’S SPEECH must tell your minds that perhaps it is a miracle that mom’s mind lights up only when with me.
You are all baffled. A miracle doesn’t give you the right to hold her captive.
Nor can you change the past including your failure to take action when Alan Zulman stole my Cape Town property whose income was flowing through to dad, and which showed dad how much morals meant to you when you had your eyes on grabbing Zulman’s inheritance which your writings reflect well.
Interesting that none of you look anything like mom.
Mark my words, your Gestapo actions when calling the Israeli police on me and my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion once your spy Filipino, anything but “caregiver” informed you how AMAZINGLY responsive and so happy was mom, will first of all shake up the entire Jewish world to examine far more carefully our Jewish Holocaust and the aftermath.
You know that I am good. You can find no wrong, and look at the wrongs you have done.
No, I am not going on “too long”.
When you next watch The News on TV or pick up a newspaper, keep in the back of your mind that at any moment this story will break and your hopes of reactivating your Facebook when this “all blows over” will be dead. THANK GOD Facebook as the weakest of us denigrate its positiveness.
I am doing more than preserving mom’s great legacy, as it is time for the truth to be revealed how easy it is for the unaccomplished to be corrupted and turn on the most accomplished; hence why the best of the humans never get around to writing their autobiographies, not to mention, mom’s email broadcast of September 25, 2001 of her very short memoirs, LIFE STORY OF ZENA was a very strong protective measure following the publication of my 4 letters in the Jerusalem Post starting on February 1, 2001. How could you fail to see mom’s actions instituted with such great consciousness in support of me exposing the true history of modern day Israel where there were disproportionate numbers of non-Jewish people so heroically risking their lives while the overwhelming majority of Jewish people living outside of Israel were either too stupid or simply ingratiating themselves with the victors of our Holocaust.
Even to the most corrupt humans your actions are unimaginable.
There is of course much more to be said, and don’t be surprised if it is one of your maids, or renters, or local supermarket cashier asking you, “Are you related to Gary Gevisser?”
[Word count 2972]
(1) It starts to look really bad
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: It starts to look really bad
Date: December 14, 2016 at 11:51:37 PM PST
To: “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – Replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz>Kathy – it starts to look really bad when someone doesn’t defend their position.
I just wrote to South African-Israeli Smoky Simon, Chairman World Machal after I watched the Spielberg’s Above and Beyond. Simon didn’t need me to write to him now in order that he be reminded of my position. He is well into his 90s and wants to live out his remaining time without fearing that his legacy will get wrecked because he knows that only something bad could have caused the Spielbergs to have not even mentioned Syd Cohen’s name, because to do so would have the documentary falling flat on its face.
There is even an interview with disgraced Pee Wee Herman whose father flew in the war.
Not even the Spielbergs can change the wrongs they have done.
I only mention this “nothing” Above and Beyond so that you can focus on my opening, “it starts to look really bad when someone doesn’t defend their position.”
We are not talking about a game of chess.
You cannot defend your moves against our mother who has a far more important history than the Spielbergs or anyone else you know.
You have no one other than yourself to blame for doing everything wrong when it would have been so simple to do the right thing.
Neither Neil nor Melvin are copied on this communique, allowing you the opportunity to decide what is best for the 3 of you ahead of their input.
Time waits for no man, something you have heard.
Earlier I sent you an email titled, “Mom’s mind”. It’s length of 5372 words wouldn’t prevent you from getting through it very quickly and understanding everything perfectly, perhaps not as well as when I began to get my head around the importance of Charles Engelhard’s death on March 2, 1971, just 22 days before my 14th birthday when there was a lot of “buzz” around our household but you, Neil and Melvin wouldn’t have been any the wiser, because you simply didn’t question enough.
You didn’t know who I was then or how well I understood ahead of the 3 of you that everyone other than those very accomplished could all be bought, just so long as their was an ounce of jealousy in their bones.
Hence why the 3 of you knew nothing about the machinations at work which had me sitting for the entrance exam of the institution that destroyed grandpa Issy and dad, forcing mom to keep working.
Do you really think it is fitting for our mother to be watching TV all day after you have seen the videos?
Your entire being is now being tested as you figure out that I showed you the right moves to make with mom and taking her out and about at the same time you have your original story to protect that mom is in her own little world and is peaceful and happy in her “advanced dementia”.
If you don’t come clean you are going to destroy yourself.
Your friends who have supported you cannot be trusted because you broke their trust.
If your relationship with your daughter isn’t already strained it means that she too saw profit in having mom placed in an early grave.
I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the world doing what you have done. No one can.
You also know that we were all better people than any other family we knew, and nor could any of us have imagined a more close-knit family than our immediate family of 6.
Nor did Issy’s age have anything do with his “broken heart”. He simply wasn’t as accomplished as dad who could weather any storm and which the 3 of you never got your heads around because for dad to explain to you all that prepared him to join the world’s best fighter bomber pilots in combat you would all lose your focus in life and quickly come to realization that you couldn’t amount to anything. If Bernie Gevisser couldn’t make it, why even try.
The world is upside down, that is why.
When the fix is in, the only thing left to do is sit tight.
It can change in the next instant when it is all wrong.
One person is all it takes assuming they have the convincing arguments which I do, and why the best in their field are not arguing with me. Nor are they calling me crazy because they don’t want to look stupid.
It is simple. If it doesn’t cost the biggest thieves anything, then it shouldn’t cost anyone else a penny more.
I am the most open book person on the planet and that does not make me any less of a target.
But I have always played the cards I have been dealt right because I would never choose to do anything that mom and dad wouldn’t be proud of. Neither of them, however, are my driving force.
Did it ever seem right when you came into the money to put your hand in your pocket to make sure there was never a conversation about money in mom’s presence after Alan Zulman died?
You don’t often see dogs with their owner on the photo of a credit card with the name Zena Zulman. That was a real credit card that I gave mom at the same time I bought for her a “safe house” just up the road from her home in Wiveliscombe once I realized that Zulman was no better than the rest of the scoundrels of Durban who all played their role in the demise of Moshal Gevisser.
Mom never once used the credit card, but she treasured it and it pissed off Zulman, but it helped keep him in check.
So Kathy where are the valuables that Zulman left his death bed to search for in their Wiveliscombe home? It would be great if you, Neil, Melvin and Emma Elliot Gevisser answered “no”, that you have no idea about any missing valuables from mom’s home in Wive, and the polygraph examiner concludes that you are all telling the truth.
If it doesn’t cost the biggest thieves anything, then it shouldn’t cost anyone else a penny more.
Don’t focus on the past, just the future.
Judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand is also human. She knows exactly what she saw on the video and nor was she swayed by your lawyer Weisel’s wild antics.
It is not an interesting game when the money is rigged and what you have done to mom is helping get the information out.
It is also more than interesting that I have several Facebook friends who block me from sending them messages on FB messaging and yet they won’t “unfriend” me. One of them is Barry Solomon whose father was also up to his eyeballs in the thieving “over and under invoicing” of fabric purchases.
What can he be afraid of, that I will blast his name all over The Internet? You would have to ask Barry to be certain, but then you wouldn’t know if he was lying. Therefore it is not certain. He could be just like the others wanting to stay in good with me and also to tell everyone that he was keeping up with the important people and events of the day but at the same time he didn’t want to engage in conversation with me.
Everyone knows that I am not a fantasy story teller. They know that I am sharing the greatest corruption of all time, and I am getting uphill from my 3 elder siblings.
Smoky Simon also understands this perfectly.
You are no longer fighting me. You are fighting yourselves.
Each of us is vehicle to do either good or wrong and there is no in-between.
I can hold my own against the best of them and that brings fear to everyone.
Those with fear only wish they had the courage to do me in but still there will be a void left in their life because everyone knows that I speak the truth.
You must have thought through the consequences of ordering Israeli police to remove me from mom’s home and knowing that your spy caregiver had shared with you how amazingly mom had responded to me, Marie and Mango from the moment we walked in the door.
You have not played the game of life well.
You are very different from mom and our mother explains herself in a way, not only in THE LADY’S SPEECH but all the other 7 videos which are breathtaking.
You didn’t want to hear what I had to say about mom spoke in our taped conversations before I headed to Israel; and when finally responding 10 days later, you simply lay into Deborah Sturman and tell me to bring money for food without mentioning money for hotels and lawyers to respond to your fabricated charges.
Your English is not as mine because your mind is not good.
One of the things about all being raised in the same household is that we each gauge each well, those smarter and those not so smart.
But it is our parents and grandparents who see it instantly; and sometimes they are happy, elated but most of the time disappointed.
I don’t know of study that has been done on this subject but it wold be interesting.
I however already know the result.
It is not opinion when a seasoned polygraph examiners examines each of us, including your liar-lawyer friend Weisel, South African-Israel lawyer Eli Symon, Neil, Melvin, David Danziger who you implicate in your “run up” to the “bring the money” speech; and of course Deborah Sturman Esq. who also has a great deal to lose.
The fact that I am the first to volunteer for a polygraph, will hold a lot of weight, at least with public opinion.
Each of you now have your choice.
You will all fail the polygraph, and I will pass with flying colors.
There is not one charge against me in Weisel’s egregious, most malicious, and lets not forget highly defamatory complaint that is true because they are all false, again, malicious, egregious to the nth degree defamatory.
Any reasonable person would arrive at the conclusion that in usurping your limited authority, still denying me phone access to mom, you are torturing mom.
Again, it is well beyond manslaughter.
You have left the clearest trail of intentional deceit, and all aimed at denying mom her right to happiness as she sees fit, not what you think is best for her.
Anyone who fails to see that this is premeditated murder as you astoundingly attempt to cover your dirty tracks is sick.
All 3 of mom’s children are in a position to be her guardian but the 3 of you have chosen to use mom as a weapon against me.
You are angry because mom doesn’t always recognize you and it is Deborah Sturman Esq. who weighs in support of that fact when saying that there were several times when she and Roz Norris mentioned your name within an earshot of mom, mom would ask, “Who is Kathy?”
Confirming all of that is mom’s clear voice and demonstrative turn of her head away from the camera when explaining, “No way. Kathy is too busy and full of herself” [sic].
The Latin Adverb SIC is because mom was far more herself, the same old, but youthful always, Zena Gevisser, and so poignant.
To be continued.
(2) Mom’s mind
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Mom’s mind
Date: December 14, 2016 at 3:55:42 PM PST
To: “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – Replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz>Kathy – you recall mom’s words [about me], “Your life is positive” and it’s context.
It is hard to say what motivates you.
When you do a wrong your next move is no less cowardly and weak. What sort of daughter decides to have her Israeli lawyer friend, hungry Ayala Weisel as her mother’s guardian?
Before you decided to disable your Facebook account, you must have thought how each of your FB friends will react once they get their heads fully around your lack of morals.
I last heard directly from you on September 21, right after we landed at Ben Gurion Airport – CLICK HERE
From: BigPond <dkdanz>
Date: 09/21/2016 01:15 (GMT-08:00)To: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Apparently you are arriving in Israel today. Unless you can get money from Deborah Sturman for your food etc. you will have to support yourself as Mom and Mary Lou only have enough for themselves and the dogs.