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Positive Change

SCREENSHOT 4:02 PM Calif. time, 1 February 2022

Howard Feinstein

Yesterday at 9:43 AM



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I just hate censorship. There are times when it can be appropriate, but people often take it too far.





Wil Morrise and 7 others


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  • Margot Killen Roche
    I look at it from the perspective that he doesn’t want to be associated with a company that spreads misinformation. It is his right to decide to leave.



    • I watched his response to the whole controversy and I have total support for his future approach. He will be balanced and do more research before he brings people on. Especially on the controversial topics. I would look at his guest list and find one of his guests that you enjoy and watch that first.




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    • Margot Killen Roche
      Howard Feinstein I believe this is the best approach to society even if we continue to disagree. Living in an echo chamber of those who only agree does not help us learn or understand. It’s something I always want to work on in my response to others.





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    • Kris Jensen
      Margot Killen Roche except the basis is incorrect. Joe Rogan does not spread misinformation, he has guests from both sides that put out their stance.


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    • Bob Lindabury
      Kris, which does mean he spreads misinformation via his podcast by giving those spouting the misinformation a platform to spread it to a large following. Can’t have it both ways.


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    • Kris Jensen
      Bob Lindabury it’s not misinformation. It’s getting all the data and research from both sides. If I were to take your stance, then this “boycott” should have happened much sooner from all the misinformation spread by CNN and the people he had in his podcast that took that stance. See how ridiculous that sounds?


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    • Bob Lindabury
      Kris, it may sound ridiculous but it’s true and one reason why many are hating on media and other platforms. Sure, they all have so-called “experts” that provide their opinion on podcasts or the “news” or other media outlets. If that information is inaccurate, downright false, or one-sided, it’s spreading misinformation.

      If you are the show’s host providing that information as I stated above, you are effectively spreading misinformation to a wide audience. I watched his Instagram response and he’s saying he’s going to make changes to how he does his podcasts when it comes to topics like COVID-19.

      In his video, Rogan said he would try to balance controversial guests by having the mainstream perspective on right after them. He also said he will research contentious topics and “have all the pertinent facts at hand.”

      “I want to show all kinds of opinions so that we can all figure out what’s going on and not just about Covid, about everything about health, about fitness, wellness, the state of the world,” Rogan said.

      I feel his pivot is proper and acceptable.


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  • Wil Morrise
    When hypocrisy raises its head. I no longer listen.



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    • Gary Becker
      James Charles Mac demanding that someone be removed from a platform for having respectful dialogues with healthcare experts who don’t parrot the mainstream talking points is in fact exactly calling for censorship. Elon is spot on here and Joe Rogan is the rare individual who is willing to honestly look at both sides of an issue. He should be celebrated and deserves all the success he has earned.


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    • James Charles Mac
      Quote from Neil: “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”




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    • Howard Feinstein
      Gary Becker Wow this is the first time I’ve ever seen your post on my page, I’m honored to see you here Gary!



    • Gary Becker
      Howard Feinstein miss you buddy, but definitely enjoy seeing your posts. I have a profound new respect for your boy Elon. Love to see him shaking up the status quo. This whole Joe Rogan thing was a tipping point for me personally. I’m just so saddened by the way things have rapidly declined in the last couple of years, where it’s tow the corporate cancel culture line or else. The only JRE podcast I had listened to prior to the two latest “controversial” ones was the one with Elon. I think there should be infinitely more respectful dialogue in this world, not less. Now if I can just find 4 1/2 hours to listen to Joe and Jordan Peterson, my week will be better for it. 



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    • Gary Becker
      James Charles Mac Neil has the right to think and say what he wants and in the end wind up looking pretty foolish before completely fading into obscurity. You can spin his childish ultimatum all the ways you want but ultimately only Neil is the loser (oh and his equally irrelevant friend Joni Mitchell)
      I find it hilarious actually.



    • James Charles Mac
      Gary Becker I am not really spinning anything as much as repeating exactly what Neil said. I am hearing a lot of spinning however, and its not coming from Neil (or me). Neil has been pretty relevant for 50 years or so, and continues to be.



    • Gary Becker
      James Charles Mac what he said (“I’m not for censorship”)doesn’t match what he did. (Issue the ultimatum either remove Joe or remove me). Spotify made the easy choice. The whole thing is just unnecessary and stupid. When did listening to both sides and deciding to make up one’s own mind become “dangerous disinformation”? Bought and paid for corporate media has completely succeeded in planting the seeds of irrational fear in aging leftists like Neil. You may like him and what he stands for, but I just pity him and the Howard Stern’s of this world.



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  • Laura Targett
    All publicity is good publicity, right? Looks like everyone’s a winner, in this situation.






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  • Hope Frazier
    How to make your old retired career relevant again in 2022. 


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  • Ted Rathkopf
    Not providing a platform is not censorship.



    • Howard Feinstein
      Ted Rathkopf Taking away a platform for interviewing a subject matter expert that may not agree with one side of an issue or the other is what I have a problem with. Did you watch the interview in question w/ Dr Malone? Did you see Joe Rogan’s response to the controversy? At least give it consideration. The problem is people are trying to get Joe deplatformed who have no idea what his style is like.



    • Ted Rathkopf
      Howard Feinstein it’s a business decision. If they decide it’s better for business to not have him on their platform, it’s not censorship.

      I did listen to some of the interview with Malone. There was a lot of twisting of facts in what I heard.


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    • Howard Feinstein
      Ted Rathkopf yea I watched the first hour. Thing is, Joe interviews all sorts of people. I would like to see him present more sides of a discussion regardless of political alignment. I watch 60 min and other platforms so I can see more than one perspective.


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  • Rick Fuquay
    Howard, I would be interested in your thoughts on when censorship is appropriate and what authority is qualified to make the decision to censor.


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    • Howard Feinstein
      Rick Fuquay legal documents and items of national security.



    • Rick Fuquay
      Howard Feinstein a little too vague for me to understand. I would not be happy if I were censored simply because someone presented me a legal document and I certainly would not be happy to be censored by the heavy hand of the government especially considering the present administration.



    • Howard Feinstein
      Rick Fuquay I’m looking at this from examples including witnesses and other content provided in a legal environment that is not for public consumption and could potentially harm innocent bystanders. In terms of government, I am accustomed to dealing with secret and sometimes top-secret information being that I was in the military in the Communications arena and there are times when there are certain pieces of information that can affect national security that should not be shared.



    • Rick Fuquay
      Howard Feinstein I’m confused.


    • I thought we were talking about misinformation.



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  • Russ Pollanen
    I have to agree I’m so against censorship. Many people are taking it to far. Blocking others views is walking a dangerous line. I don’t mind messages that say this could be misinformation/violent/adult/bother some/etc but don’t censor or delete opinions. There obviously is a line such as crimes, causing harm or danger to others. Other wise let people speak, write and communicate. Young had all the right to do what he did but at the same time others have the right to say what they want. It is kind of interesting because many of his generation felt they were being censored.



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    Gary Gevisser
    What if everyone here has got it all wrong?

    If you read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention that is free on the internet and/or you study the meeting of President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer in South Africa on 5 September 2006 – I will post it up next – and/or you speak with a South African who should know better than most the history of the small Oppenheimer family, then you should perfectly understand what I am talking about.

    So let’s start by asking if there are any South Africans present?






      Gary Gevisser on Twitter

      Gary Gevisser on Twitter


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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Positive change

      This is my point of view; the Covid is a distraction from health in general.

      No one in the public eye has been talking about nutrition being the most effective deterrent to disease and the spread of disease, the same with the extraordinary depletion of the green space, because the health of the planet takes second fiddle to the GDP economic index which drives the destruction of the planet that we need to survive.

      What exactly has the human contributed to this one time Garden of Eden other than we are aware of our overriding destructiveness and overuse of the limited resources to create unmanageable population and human overpopulation to feed consumerism that drives manipulated profits.

      This fatally flawed thinking enters the realm of the supernatural.

      How can a specie that talks incessantly about how stupid everyone is be ignoring the moral depravity and insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product index that was introduced in 1934 when the world was not quite as wired as it is today but then then those who understood the scam being played on the world, as it was preparing for the continuation of WW1, knew better than to speak out with a clear voice.

      There may very well be truth to what goes around comes around.

      What if playing stupid has you on the next go-around returning as a potted plant encouraging the onlooker to be more conscious in its choice of food versus poisons as well as to choose carefully the company it keeps.

      Healthy people are attracted to healthy people and yet given the brainwashing and manipulation of the money, all tied in with the GDP and wars, the money pulled out of thin air makes the money mad person look beautiful even if they are ugly as hell.

      Today a nobody can become in the next instant a celebrity with a 100 million audience but when faced with the truth they don their hood and race toward the exit signs with their payoff monies in hand wanting to please everyone.

      How can we ignore the depletion of the green with such ease?

      How can we ignore the total lack of competition in the money capital market when it is an irrefutable fact that one player, my former employer, the South African based SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation who hide behind their myriad of corporations and bought politicians continue to control the production and distribution of the world’s minerals including uranium used to build increasingly powerful bombs.

      They have you engulfed in fear from cradle to grave.

      Isn’t it time to show genuine care to the defenseless children.

      The odds of us being alone in this craziness match up with how inconceivable it is that the entire population suffers from mass psychosis, attracted to the ugly, blood and guts and you look around and see how perfect is Mother Nature that mankind, the oxymoron of all time, sees nothing wrong in destroying just so long as the GDP keeps rising.

      What sort of evolved species is this?

      It looks like we have been devolving from the start and the more communications technology has advanced alongside bigger bombs and faster missile delivery systems, the smarter we think we are.

      It is delusional this “gift of the gab”.

      At our core, we look cruel, our smiles as fake as our social media persona.

      Obviously, we each have free choice to make positive change.

      Choosing change increases the chances of success. It is intuitive as well as mathematically proven.



      Joe Rogan Responds to Spotify Controversy | The View

      Joe Rogan Responds to Spotify Controversy | The View


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    • Howard Feinstein
      Gary Gevisser i’ve taken a huge interest in my health and coincidentally right at the start of the pandemic I was on a big health kick, I lost 50 pounds using virtual reality. I’ve already had Covid and I feel like being in the best shape of my life was certainly beneficial when dealing with it.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Howard Feinstein I’m not sure I’m following you.

      Are you saying you didn’t follow my GDP briefing?



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      Gary Gevisser
      Howard Feinstein, 53 odd minutes ago I wrote my “… GDP briefing” response to what you wrote “… dealing with it” at 9:49 AM Calif. time.

      Perhaps for you and the rest of audience both now and in the future, let me give you more of my background that includes how the media works.

      First off, today is the 21st anniversary of the Jerusalem Post publishing the first of my 4 articles condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.…/letters-published-by-the…/

      You don’t need anyone to “fact check” the irrefutable facts I presented in that first article, again published on 1 February 2001, 12 days after the treason pardon given how I also didn’t need the JP to verify what I knew.

      Moreover that first article was an “Open Letter” to Soviet-American-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, the husband at the time of my fb friend Anne Pollard, who was now into his 16th year of solitary confinement in a maximum security prison here in the United States.

      Remember we are talking about Israel’s most widely read English speaking international newspaper which most observers of the political landscape wake up to each morning, beginning when the JP was first established in 1932, 2 years before the introduction of the ludicrous in the extreme GDP economic index.

      As you read the first 32 word sentence of that “Open Letter” you might find if you are conscious your jaw dropping, given its precision.

      “The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.”

      Im sure you picked up in my earlier writing that I wasn’t asking about your particular diet but rather as I wrote, “No one in the public eye has been talking about nutrition …”.

      Have you come across anyone such as Whoopi Goldberg talking about nutrition as the most effective deterrent to stupidity as well?

      Im watching to see if my “Positive Change” remains up on the Youtube channel airing Rogan’s defense.

      What are you up to?

      I try to make a backup of all my postings, just in case.






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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: Proper perspective

    Howard Feinstein, my last backup took place at 2:08 PM Calif. time.

    I’m sure, given all your world travels, you have previously read the JP; but you wouldn’t know that my 4 articles are the most controversial in their 90 year history until you read all 4 that address the duplicity of the world’s secular and religious leadership who steer clear of talking about the mineral-banking monopolist, German-SA Oppenheimers-IG-Farben-Auschwitz-Monsanto-BASF who tolerate no competition in both the minerals market or the money capital markets.

    Let me perfectly clear.

    No competition means the entire financial services market that includes all insurance is a complete con.

    It doesn’t take long to recognize that the world’s real estate market is no less a con.

    If you want to know what the German-South African Oppenheimers think about on a daily basis, you simply have to ask them, or me if you prefer.

    There are no barriers to entry for the SA Oppenheimers and why it is that the photo of President Putin meeting with Nicholas Oppenheimer in South Africa back on 5 September 2006 creates the most severe case of angina, if not a full on stroke.



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    Gary Gevisser


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    Gary Gevisser
    Proper perspective – P2

    Feel free to test it out.

    It is also common sense that this most anti-Semitic, anti-Israel group back all sides to war when they cannot possibly loose which Professor Edward Jay Epstein points out perfectly in his 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that is free on The Internet, and which future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster published in 1982.

    Again, feel free to fact check everything with all the experts you know in the subjects, history, economics, military & politics [HEMP] and that of course would include Whoopi Goldberg and Rogan, and why not also include in your list, Howard Stern.

    Moreover, following the completion in 1977 of my university economics degree, and having already started my post graduate business-finance studies where I tutored first year students, I began in early spring 1978 a year long orientation into the world’s only wildly successful monopolist which was directly supervised by its head, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] who you are introduced to in chapter 1 of The D I book, titled, A RELUCTANT TYCOON.

    When Professor Epstein met with H. Oppenheimer for the first time, 4 December 1978, Oppenheimer knew exactly what Epstein would be uncovering and knowing that it wouldn’t all make Oppenheimer and his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, look all that good.

    Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS, is nothing short of mind-boggling,

    but you hear no emotion out of Professor Epstein who is Jewish and knows that in 1943, in the middle of the slaughter of the 6 million, Harry Oppenheimer who had a barmitzvah, meaning he was Jewish, followed in his father’s footsteps and converted to Anglican Christianity.

    That you would agree is a huge move, and nor would you expect it to have upset the current Queen of England or her children including pervert Andrew, her grandchildren and great grandchildren who own tons of prime real estate all over Great Britain.

    If you need to know what conversations take place behind closed door of the world’s royals or their bankers, just ask them or me, if you prefer.

    I do understand that Joe Blow around the block is very appealing to a very large segment of the population or so that is what the advertisers on platforms like Spotify have the public believe.

    Think about it.

    Advertising, marketing and PR means absolutely nothing to the perfect monopoly who have had 120 years to fine-tune their indestructibility.

    But you are aware there has been great destruction of the environment during these past 120 years on top of the genocides.

    So you must be thinking about what the religious clergy have been up to all this time, along with their counterparts the atheists who also have yet to call out the SA Oppenheimers.

    So good a story teller is most scholarly Professor Epstein that all the reader desires is to keep reading because it is such a page-turner.

    Were you to get say Ted Turner, who could already be dead, I haven’t checked his Wikipedia profile ever, to comment on The D I book, it is hard to say exactly how he will react.

    Just because The D I book brings out the true horrific colors of its readers doesn’t mean the next person will automatically follow the path of “plausible deniability”.

    It is one thing to commit mental suicide but when you know increasing numbers of the general public who haven’t had the first clue how the real “Dog Eat A Dog” [DEAD] world works, you begin to doubt that much more yourself and your “Yes Men” advisors who are dependent on your generous handouts.

    It is surely interesting that the lawyers for both President Donald Trump and his one adversary, adult porn star, Stormy Daniels, have turned on their clients.

    Just think about that a moment.

    When has it become clearer that this “divide and conquer” stemming from the top of the economic pyramid has now reached all the way back up?

    Do you recall recently hearing how the Queen of England just cut loose who favorite son Andrew even before his trial begins and the Queen knowing that Andrew’s accuser could simply die of natural causes or finding a way to get a hung jury?

    You have probably come across the media talking about how members of the superrich group are selling off all their real estate holdings, preparing for the big crash, but I wouldn’t pay much attention to that, or for that matter anything the media have to say.

    How is it possible for such widespread silence to trail The D I book?

    The rich politicians like Joe Biden and his son Hunter know just like the poor politicians that the German-South African Oppenheimers and their shills have always paid “top dollar”.

    If you can get one politician into an internet chat room full of people, then it is just a matter of time before the rest follow.

    So the key is to get the first politician into the chat-room and that you may think after reading The D I book would take a miracle.

    Remember both Harry Oppenheimer and his father knew that they should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg were it not for the fact that they had done their homework well in advance.

    Remember the 1934 introduction of the disgraceful GDP which followed the contrived collapse of Wall Street which historians and economists put down to a lack of liquidity on Wall Street.

    The SA Oppenheimers have no liquidity or mineral shortage or labor shortage so long as the people remain fooled.

    Each economist and historian who comes out of university is yet another layer of insulation for the SA Oppenheimers who achieved their greatest victory in the late 70s when getting the world’s Jewish religious and secular leadership to stand on the sidelines with their arms folded, as they wiped out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel.


    couldn’t possibly be clearer, wouldn’t you agree?

    There is going to come a point in time when you are going to have to speak out given how you know that with storytelling such as mine there is little wiggle room.

    At 2:49 PM, which was less than 10 minutes ago, I posted the same post, “Positive Change” on the Youtube channel hosting Whoopi Goldberg who doesn’t look like she has missed a single fat, oil and salt meal in between her 3 large meals going back to when her fat diseased talkative cells got the better of her.

    Being politically correct hasn’t improved either the health of the planet or people’s genuine care for others.

    How can you really care for others if you don’t care for the health of your body-mind which requires not only eating healthy but searching for the truth.

    I began yesterday at 6:37 PM Calif. time asking, “What if everyone here has got it all wrong?”

    I was most forthright when immediately cutting to the chase and introduced everyone to The D I book.

    A great deal of real estate has been acquired by CNN founder Ted Turner, the same with Bill Gates Jr. and the list is not endless.

    One should always follow the minerals trail which leads to land ownership first won in battle and to retain ownership the King, Queens and Nobility had to fight alongside their blood to retain all their privileges which their gift of the gab was not suffice.

    Again use your common sense.

    The land in turn led to the money held in banks controlled by those who were unwilling to spill their blood.

    How many of the royals lost their lives in World War I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War, the Angola War, the Gulf Wars, the Falklands War, do I really need to go on?

    Remember we are focusing on the money because that is what the TV and radio news advise, as do our professors at university, plus when following conventional wisdom, as much as it is all brainwashing, it helps keeps things in proper perspective, wouldn’t you agree?

    [Word count 1579]


