Positive serves to remind
From: gary gevisser <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: April 6, 2021 at 3:53:22 PM PDT
To: Foster Gamble – THRIVE sponsor + Proctor Gamble inheritor <info@thriveon.com>, “Dr. Laura Family” <DrLauraFamily@drlaura.com>, Sternshow <sternshow@howardstern.com>, “Dr. Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967 the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation” <karenj@rand.org>, “righteous.nations@yadvashem.org.il” <righteous.nations@yadvashem.org.il>
Cc: rest; Yvon Chouinard – Founder Patagonia <customer_service@patagonia.com>, The Greg Kelly Website <wordpress@intrepidconten.wpengine.com>, ““Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא”” <tene@arava.co.il>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <gvanleeuwen@yahoo.com>, nvillanueva@stedmangraham.com, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <aaylon@knesset.gov.il>, , Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <geoffreyrothwell@yahoo.com>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <terry@oakbrook.co.za>, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>
Screenshot of Facebook wall 3:42 PM Calif.
Gary Gevisser
Title: Positive serves to remind.
Would anyone here give up the illusion of competition to stop the wars, the equally contrived poverty and the continued destruction of the planet which is already destroyed?
The answer is yes.
The human ego is simply too big to let go of.
Most of you have university degrees, or married to someone who does; and yet you recall never once having a discussion with anyone about how catastrophic is the GDP economic index to the planet as it drives consumerism that in turn promotes overpopulation which is only good for profit, and profit is all that is taught at university and on the TV news which is your Bible.
It is a very sad specimen this human creation who has since its existence never brought anything good to this planet.
You can’t argue with any of the facts I have just presented and why you sit there numb.
How stupid to have missed the so obvious GDP which your combined efforts attest to the great importance of the GDP that you are pulling out all stops to defend, even willing to embrace the totally ludicrous crypto currencies whose lack of regulation is only comparable to the non-regulation of diamonds since the turn of the last century when a lot of really really really bad things started to happen.