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Power over a chicken ~ brains are slower

Screenshot: 7:16 AM Tuesday 8 November 22


Esther Lerch

November 6 at 9:27 AM


Esther Yael Goldberg
Yes but He gave my wonderful pets senses that He withheld from people. They empathize naturally without having been instructed.

6 November 22, 10:06 AM Calif. time

Lynn Davis Hathaway
Esther Yael Goldberg … Tru

6 Nov. 10:45 AM

Lynn Davis Hathaway

6 Nov. 10:44 AM


Gary Gevisser
He was into the money and supported the overthrow of the last of the resisting Israelis


Errol Graham Musk
Brad Awerbuch
Shaun Tomson
Rodney Smith
Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti
Wendy Ann Bouman
Tomer Altef Photography


6 Nov. 2:33 PM

Tomer Tene
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend
Laetitia Musiker
Micha-el Frame
Alan Yudelman
Tracy Tomson

6 Nov. 2:40 PM


Torah Gemach
Yous starting again this nonsense Gary Gevisser ?

6 Nov. 2:50 PM

Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach you are living you hell because you have been caught lying 1f925.png


6 Nov. 2:44 PM

Gary Gevisser
Torah GemACH sic, at 4:24 PM yesterday I replied succinctly to your “nonsense” which you wrote earlier at 2:50 PM when you knew you were lying.

It is worse than “Lashon Hara” – evil talk which you were taught as a kid along with your poor diet that adds to the ugliness you were born with and for which you have no control other than reincarnation, bad karma, horrific destiny would explain it, and that is because “you” (sic) lies never leave you; they consume you, the same when you devour cancer cells released by the much more sensitive cow-Turkey which you feel entitled to because your weak mind-body never questioned the nonsense of scripture to control the masses.

So we are first of all talking money.

Tell us what you believe the Schneerson understood about the money and its relationship with private ownership of real estate which you lied when saying it is addressed in Torah.

7 Nov. 6:54 AM Edited


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach where should I send a backup to our 20 mutual fb friends?

Btw, check your email inbox for “Family and friends” that is a reply to your previous bunch of lies.

It begins with the all important question, why do people lie?

7 Nov. 6:58 AM

Torah Gemach
Gary Gevisser Thank you for all the compliments and keep the change

7 Nov. 7:21 AM


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend, do you know how stupid you sound when writing “… keep the change”?

Have you and your fat wife lost weight or are you still on the meat-cancer diet?

7 Nov. 7:55 AM

Gary Gevisser
GemACH sic, you can’t argue the research.


7 Nov. 8:00 AM

Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend do you discuss this with your wife?

7 Nov. 8:11 AM

Gary Gevisser
It’s so weird, white chicken, white shirt, power over a chicken about to be slaughtered.

Would you like to see a video dealing with toxic family relationships?

7 Nov. 8:13 AM


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach do you see it is holding a trophy; like the hunters and the fishermen showing their catch?

Only a warped mind would see a kosher stamp from a money hungry rabbi who would otherwise be joining the food lines making the suffering of the innocent animals less, other than their suffering, loss of life to feed your increasingly soiled – remember you gleefully holding up tons of toilet paper – is of no concern to you, no different to your neglect of your body organs that feed your brain with impurities.

7 Nov. 9:12 AM

Torah Gemach
Gary Gevisser what does weight have to do with stupid? It only could mean that you equate these two things together. Please explain.

7 Nov. 2:48 PM


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend, I will explain to your weak mind, which you have previously acknowledged is weak like your body that you have neglected thinking that praying, “worshipping ink on paper” will offset the cancer-meat your weak mind is attracted to once you acknowledge that your mind must see it as very weird, white chicken, white shirt, power over a chicken about to be slaughtered.

7 Nov. 2:54 PM

Sharon Messias Gluck
Joseph Nogid Gluck
Alan Yudelman
Harold Joffe
Jill O’hara
Harold Schenk

7 Nov. 2:56 PM

Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka B. Going Around The Bend, how much more time do you need before responding to “… chicken about to be slaughtered” which I shared 10 minutes ago and it is now 3:06 PM Calif. time and you must be preparing for your fake evening prayers, “Worshippers of Ink on Paper”.

7 Nov. 3:07 PM


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka B G A T B, have you finally given up on “keep the change” because it makes you sound stupid?

It is now 3:09 PM Calif.

How can you put your mind into prayer when you know that God knows you are a deceitful, terrible, horrible human being who is being punished with a weak mind and weak body?

7 Nov. 3:11 PM Edited


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka B G A T B it is now 3:12 PM, what can be so difficult about addressing your white shirt and a white chicken about to have its feathers covered in its own blood that you will be licking like it is colored candy?

7 Nov. 3:13 PM


Gary Gevisser
GemACH sic, it is now 3:14 PM Calif time.

It must have occurred to you that fat, overweight people like yourself, your wife and the others you mostly hang with and who you photograph

are slower than those healthier?

Could you see that your brains 1f9e0.pngare slower even though you may not like being referred to as retarded?

7 Nov. 3:18 PM


Gary Gevisser
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend, it is now 3:27 PM, and you remain quiet, which is not like you.

Don’t you see it as a waste of time, ungodly, trashing kids on the battlefields of Ukraine just to provide you with entertainment and less to worry about with the dead no longer in a position to ask the right questions?

When do you think you lost your moral compass?

Shall we now return to the impact of Israel having lost its first war, so well described in chapter 16 of The Diamond Invention book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?

Do you recall telling me that the Schneerson and Prime Minister Begin
only spoke about land issues, and not about money?

Why wouldn’t Schneerson bring up what it would cost the Arabs who wanted to keep the lands they were dwelling on?

It seems to me that both Begin and Schneerson were putting on a show for the camera, that they were deep in thought, pious and should never be questioned.

You are the same.

Would you like to return to NSS?

7 Nov. 3:35 PM

Torah Gemach
Gary Gevisser are you finished yet?

7 Nov. 3:44 PM

Torah Gemach
I feel bad Gary gevisser that I pushed all your pinpoint buttons. Why don’t you ask Rabbi Mendel Lipsker to help you write a letter to the Rebbe? You love to publish that Picture of you with the Rebbe!


7 Nov. 3:50 PM

Joan Rutberg
… Actually , man looks straight ahead, forgets to look down or up and Often trips or bumps his head lol!

6 Nov. 6:42 PM

Esther Lerch
I have no idea what this argument is about and I don’t want it on my page.

7 Nov. 3:59 PM

Lynn Davis Hathaway
Esther Lerch … I don’t blame you. It has turned some thing nice into something ugly.

7 Nov. 4:09 PM

Gary Gevisser
Esther Lerch, allow me to explain the argument with duplicitous Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend.

All that you see on this fb page of yours which began with an applause of the rebbe Schneerson is explained succinctly in what I posted up on my fb group chat-symposium, Name Someone Stupid (NSS) at 4:43 PM Calif before heading out on an evening hike in the forest where the oxygen levels are far higher than the toxic cities which have been denatured, hence the obliteration of humanity:

GemACH sic, do you want to go back to your question about fat and how it slows the human down or how stupid was Schneerson not to figure out that the Arabs had access to all the money they needed to buy up Israel but then it would shine a bright spotlight on to the rigging of the money and the minerals, instead to win a bigger prize by corrupting our Jewish religious and secular institutions?

Those 76 words will do more if read by Netanyahu and the Israeli Knesset, then cause their hearts to skip a beat.

The entire Arab-Israeli conflict is concocted by the banks; and led by the South African Reserve Bank which virulent anti-Semitic, mineral monopolist, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer established in 1921.

You and I have spoken previously directly, and you know like everyone else, there is a reason why the Jerusalem Post decided to publish all 4 of my articles…/letters-published-by-the…/

condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich by outgoing President Clinton on his last day, 20 January 2001, as the 42nd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces, and the editor/s knowing, given again how precise, articulate and time prescient they were, all 4 articles would be the most controversial in the now 90 year history of the JP which is the first newspaper all savvy military intelligence officers read upon awakening, for it helps calibrate the formal intelligence briefings that follow.

My common sense writings require no more than an elementary school education, but for people who feel inferior because they didn’t go to university, instead learned a trade like plumbing and carpenter, which are brilliant life skills as they also keep the body-mind strong but failed to take care of correctly with the right vegan diet WITHOUT SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) or those who went to university who came out even bigger idiots than when they started because the professors pumped them up “You are brilliant, and with my recommendation you will start out earning tons more money than your parents ever dreamed of, especially if they are blue collar”, getting my knowledge is the equivalent of a fully loaded Mac 36 wheeler Truck, screaming down a 12 degree decline for no less than a 100 kilometers, driving in excess of the sound barrier, coming to a dead stop when hitting you flat in the stomach without your ears, hearing the screeching of the brakes because this is only imagery.

Note that this GemACH sic is not only quiet here but also on NSS which I had him join earlier.

Worse than he knows that he isn’t very bright which he has known now for many years, is to realize it is a waste of his time and energy praying to a God who doesn’t hear his false prayers.

Shall we move on to Lou Paskalis, the senior marketing executive and former head of global media for Bank of America who Elon Musk deleted from Twitter?

You know there is nothing prestigious about any bank who promotes price fixed currencies, the worst of course Cryptos.…/a-top-ad-exec-says-elon-musk…

Again if you can follow all this including what Elon Musk’s brilliant engineer father Errol Graham Musk wrote to me, you would have to think Elon Musk would get it in an instant, unless he has moved to the quietest spot on Mars, no point in WiFi because there is no satellite link to the internet because he finds the stupidity of the human not so much depressing, because it is all so very logical, but totally boring, and before he left he spent years interviewing robots to act as his double.

That ploy, almost unimaginable joy, is enough to sustain him until God brought him under his wings.

Again, Errol musk:

Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!

followed by:

Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.

7 Nov. 6:36 PM Edited

    • Gary Gevisser
      Esther Lerch I just removed GemACH sic from NSS after sharing:@Torah Gemach aka B G A T B, I’m going to give you a timeout so you can best console yourself, without biting off the head of every chicken to save the butcher rabbi blunting his knife.

7 Nov. 6:51 PM



Steve Wenick
Ah, but in Tanya we learn the beasts are unequivocally acting in accordance with God’s will, because they act on instinct alone, while man has been given free will and can act against God’s will to the point that man can even not believe in God if he so choses.

7 Nov. 4:21 PM Edited
