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Screenshot 16:30 Calif. time, Feb 11, 2020

Gary Gevisser Title: Logic [Word count 1241]

Shortly, unless I am removed from this wall which has the originator Wesley Speck finally revealing, “But sorry, I need to eat” which he knows he can get around that rather easy were it simply not convenient, albeit his religious preachings are no less confusing because there is much conflict in his mind, I will be sharing more about life during the height of the South African Apartheid Regime which was supported by the most staunch liberals and conservatives on the planet.

My decision is thanks in large part to how impossible it is to predict that none of you, including all my many facebook friends I have tagged, have shown any interest to hear more about what it was like to be a Jewish person with a conscience, surrounded by traitors-informers, growing up in The Third Reich’s Southern Division.

Not one of you?

What if all of you are thinking the same thing, and you don’t want to contribute to important truths getting out, and yet we are an animal driven to seek truth for our own existence?

The existence is the money. It is not about growing food because your belief system is that with the money you can produce food or pay someone to produce the food.

You can’t provide a logical counter argument which is why you are quiet.

Each of you must have thought how long you are going to keep this farce going?

What lack of logic compels each of you to hold on to the lies?

Your combined irrational actions sound like there is a supernatural force at play.

The more we know about each other, the less likely we are to go to war with one another especially when one recognizes that the greatest profiteers of contrived war which is most destructive to the environment which we are all a part of, including the most sensitive animals that we eat so unconsciously, and for which we pay with ill-health, back all sides to war; and in turn these monster people while again backing all sides to war where they cannot lose, can’t get enough promoting God, Liberty, Patriotism and the such; all of which is well described in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention.

Strange isn’t it that you all show your faces here on facebook and of course you want the information as much as you make out like you are so busy and you keep this all on a “back-burner” and maybe you will get to it, or maybe not.

Remember, I was not a fool when being chosen carefully to sit for the year long entrance exam before formally joining the mafia of mafia, terrorist of terrorist financing organization De Beers-Oppenheimer-Anglo American Corporation in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age without having forgotten all that was missing in my economic-finance-law university education or for that matter all that was revealed to me by their head Harry Oppenheimer during that year long orientation.

My decision to remain silent for 24 years was not because I thought the rest of you would respond well given how widespread was Oppenheimer’s sphere of influence.

Since 11.11.2004 when I broke my 24 year silence, I have gone about patiently, methodically and painstakingly sharing the information in groups like this as well as one-on-one.

Of course the one-on-one sessions are much more revealing than when you are all sitting silent in a group when not doing your best to distract.

While time-consuming the one-on-ones help fine-turn the group workshops-seminars.

The study of studies brings out everyone’s true colors; and while it is not all pretty, nature remains also a perfect guiding light.

Hating or loving people like Donald Trump and his friends and opponents is a hard emotion to suddenly let go of without feeling stupid.

If you are young and in good health it is of course much easier to deal with.

Bear in mind, there is nothing to stop adults who make a living from lying deciding that they can no longer look themselves in the mirror, forget someone such as their child or grandchild calling them out as the information gets out including who knew what and when?

Nor does it change the fact that most all of you, especially those of you who work with grass roots organizations think you know it all unless you are either a plant, as in informer, or simply naive and never thinking that those who hold the power who also hold the purse strings wouldn’t make it their business from the very start to control with a diamond studded iron fist their opposition.

Nicholas Oppenheimer, the only son of Harry Oppenheimer, fully understands that their greatest strength is the weak human ego.

It is not something that I can control because each of us are very different but what I can control is doing my best to get the information out as quickly as possible, not because the world is going to blow up, but rather to make sure that no one has competitive advantage over the next person.

Therefore when someone says to you, “Blow it off. It is all hot air, and what isn’t, is old news” then one way to check out if they are lucid or just trying to fool you, is to say; “If it turns out that this Gevisser has it all spot on, and we now know exactly who are the biggest gangsters rather than a bunch of vague groups, then wouldn’t you agree that none of us should pay more for anything whether it be food, housing, air which of course they would like to charge for, water, transportation, schooling, healthcare etc, than what these individuals and their families have paid over the years which is nothing because it has all been stolen using the pointed barrel of a gun?”

If we can save the animals by not eating them and in the process make ourselves healthy, first step in being happy, and letting the domesticated animals naturally die off and therefore well within a decade eliminate the greatest air pollutant on the planet, shouldn’t we at least try?

Why not have the worst of us humans join us in actively campaigning for these animal rights even if it takes a while for the religious preachers to come on board given how this is something they should have led from the start since they have us believe that they are the most in touch with God and yet God has them late comers to the important knowledge of health.

God may or may not exist but it wouldn’t mean God is stupid if logic exposes all the religious hypocrites.

Let none of us forget that Steven Bailey who is still with us has drafted two letters, one to Roxanne Meadows, co-founder of The Venus Project and the other to Nicholas Oppenheimer.

Steve, would it be too much to ask if you could cut and paste both letters here. Thank you very much.

Clearly is it not rocket science to figure out most all of you are hiding something and do not want to draw more attention to yourselves; but if the goal is really to do good to the planet and improving our humanity is also not bad, why wait?


Gary Gevisser Earlier at 2:59 PM Calif. time, some 2 hours ago, I sent the following message to Victoria Toulis:

Just sent the following to Randy Crawford and as I said to him, I think you will find it self-explanatory:

Regarding Eduardo Diez.

I just sent the following to another mutual friend Bill Wang and I think it is self-explanatory:

I thought it wise to share with you my facebook messaging dialogue with Eduardo Diez as he insists he knows you well:

Eduardo Diez
3 mutual friends including Victoria Toulis and Randy Crawford
6:14 AM Calif time today
Hi Gary. I was wondering if we have met before?

9:00 AM
dont think so
we may have mutual friends

Okay. Cool. Aren you vegan, by any chance?

*Are you



What do you do, how old are you?

I write on the military economy.

So you’re just adding anyone?

Im inclined towards vegans

Eduardo [gives thumbs up]
I’m just working part time, don’t really like discussing it. I don’t give my age out either.

check out my writings on Wesley Speck’s wall.

I can’t tag you unless we are fb friends

9:22 AM Calif. time
Okay. I will. So far you seem legit, not a spam bot. I’ll accept your friend request.

1:58 PM
I know how so busy is everyone, especially once they wake up to how the real world works.

It takes them all very quickly out of their shell, “I am a very private person, and I have to be most careful what information I reveal about myself, because you just dont know who you are dealing with”.

Their mindset changes completely.

No longer is the money their major motivating factor but to figure out how to use their wits along with the information to get on a fast track with the movers and shakers.

Even if you were a spy, but didn’t know the business of the single, most wildly successful mineral monopolist De Beers-Oppenheimer, my former employer, your thinking assuming you didn’t have a conscience would be to get in the good books of Nicholas Oppenheimer.

You also know that you are arriving quite late for the show.

A great many more than the bulk of my now 1543 facebook friends have had all this information and they do not want to share it.

That means people like Donald Trump and all his political opponents also have the knowledge.

I also know how treacherous is everyone with few exceptions because my 3 elder siblings raised in the best household one could imagine turned out treacherous, murderous thieves and they still go about their daily activities thinking that nothing bad will ever happen to them.

Now you should also better understand why it is that I am on facebook in a very big way and all those I have tagged are mostly silent but deafening silence speak the most volume.

Nor are you all identical because for starters your pay scales are not the same starting with those who have never had to work like Donald Trump because of the inheritance monies.

Of course Trump is no worse than the rest because they are all the same.

If you haven’t already got halfway through Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that again is free on the internet then you are not close to catching up with the rest.

2:02 PM

2:16 PM
Can you explain “Okay”?

2:16 PM
It means I read what you wrote. Okay?

2:17 PM
Is English your first language?

2:17 PM
What kind of question is that?

2:18 PM
I want to make sure that you understand my writings.

My last remark to you was about The Diamond Invention book.

When you wrote “Okay” I thought that you were focused on that very important book.

2:18 PM
Why are you asking me that question? What really drove you to even think of asking me that particular question???

Are you a Trump supporter?

2:19 PM
I just explained. If English is not your first language then that would explain your lack of focusing on The Diamond Invention book.

What sort of question is that about Trump?

I just explained to you that Trump is as bought as the rest.

2:20 PM
Guess what? English is my first language

you sounded so racist and xenophobic asking me a question like that

just like Trump and his legion of brain-dead supporters

2:20 PM
I can see that you have a problem.

It is clear that I think Trump is atrocious.

He just lies badly.

The rest, again, are just as bought.

You don’t give your background but you lash out insults.

I give my background starting with having worked for the richest and most powerful mining-banking group on the planet who have no loyalty to country, race or religion.

Their business is to create chaos-war and have the people fighting over nothing of importance.

2:24 PM
I know a lot more about how this world works
than you could imagine

2:24 PM
Not knowing your work experience or your educational background is very different to what you know about me.

I also had to achieve success in my academic studies before beginning my year long orientation into this mafia of mafia.

2:25 PM
I’ve been down that rabbit hole, I highly doubt you know what’s truly happening behind the scenes

2:25 PM
Okay. So why don’t you share with me where you get all your knowledge?

2:26 PM
Because I don’t want any further attention from the powers that be. Okay?

2:26 PM
What are you doing on facebook?

2:26 PM
Activism for animal rights, among other things. Spreading awareness about veganism.

2:26 PM
What do our 3 mutual fb friends know about you?

Bill Wang
4 mutual friends

Randy Crawford
4,962 friends

Victoria Toulis
3,423 friends

Should I ask each of them?

2:27 PM
If you want to, but I have a feeling it won’t look good for you

it could backfire on you

2:27 PM
I know little to nothing about them, so I think by me sharing with them our dialogue we can all learn that much more about each other.

Does that sound like a plan?

2:28 PM
No. Not really. Because I know them

I met them in person

2:28 PM
Can you explain how the truth can backfire on me?

2:29 PM
You on the other hand are from some other part of the world, while me and those 3 that you mentioned are living in the same region of the USA

you’re a total stranger

That’s how it will backfire on you

You never interacted with them in person, I actually have. So you’ll be wasting your time and you will give a bad image of yourself

Given how you are unclear as to whether you are threatening me, caution tells me that I must share with them our dialogue.

Do you have anything more to add?

Bear in mind, you would expect given my past most high level connections that Zuckerberg is not the only person reading my writings.

2:31 PM

I’m not threatening you at all. Just saying that you’re not going to get anywhere with doing what you are setting out to do with those 3 mutual friends.

Remember, I actually met them in person too, it’s not just on Facebook that I only know them by. You’re the only one here who’s never ever met with any of us in person. At all. Think carefully about that.

Eduardo then blocked me on facebook messaging




Screenshot 19:07 Feb 11, 2020


Gary Gevisser Wesley Speck, I thought it was called Speck which my sources say is smoked or pickled pork belly; whereas Spam, which I have never eaten, but once got a whiff, Spam is a “brand of canned cooked pork made by Hormel Foods Corporation, based in Minnesota. It was first introduced in 1937 and gained popularity worldwide after its use during World War II. By 2003, Spam was sold in 41 countries on six continents and trademarked in over 100 countries.” ~ Wikipedia
Wesley Speck Long rants with lots and lots of reading about one subject after another?


Wesley Speck We’re not talking about Veganism anymore, but only Gary Gevisser’s opinion.




Unable to post comment the following.

Gary Gevisser Wesley Speck, we are still talking about the subject you brought up “faith”.

The corruption of the money as in “IN GOD WE TRUST” has a great deal to do with both the brainwashing which has you saying, “I got to eat” and the misallocation of resources all geared towards the destruction of the planet.

Would you agree that a corrupt government want their plebes meatheads; i.e. stupid?
