Private Sector Illusion
Date: July 22, 2021 at 2:15:05 PM PDT
To: “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. Krinsk” <>
Cc: rest; Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Rod com <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>,, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Tzipora Livni <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in \”management friendly\”; i.e. \”shareholder hostile\” takeovers – based in Austin, Texas.” <>, Stefan Steiner -Laura De Martin <>,,, Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM <>, Trevor Manuel – former South African Minister of Finance <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, Ma’ayan Jowell – Personal Assistant to Tony Leon <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of Kenneth Standard Esq. former President of the New York State Bar Association; graduate of Harvard Law School.” <>, Def-sec1 <>, Mossad <>, Guy Friedman <>, Joyce Mohapi – Recieved a De Beers-Rhodes Scholarship after being imprisoned during the 1976 Soweto Riots <>, Tefo Mohapi <>, “Michael \”Tordu\” Awerbuch” <>, Rabbi Feigelstock <>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <>, “Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation.” <>, “Professor Aaron\”BrownNose\” Brown” <>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by \”friendly fire\” in Afghanistan.” <>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <>, Darren Krok <>, “Gil Hoffman – Jerusalem Post reporter now silent.” <>, Laura Malter – ex CIA <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>
Subject: Private Sector Illusion
Jeffrey, while you are busy babysitting Hunter Biden in the Biden family’s Rosemont real estate fund taking advantage of people who couldn’t keep up with their mortgage payments and thus placing more pressure on the poor who mostly rent, and his father, the Big Guy possibly still tripping on the LSD he may have taken like many of that generation who lost their marbles and all that personal enlightenment somehow missed ending the plight of the poor by simply following the money trail, plus you have your responsibilities as the most important member of the Democratic National Committee which came after I turned you on to Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book, The Diamond Invention when fulfilling your request to assist in identifying importers of chemicals into the United States who were playing it fast and loose with truth, I would like for you to place in safekeeping this Private Sector Illusion piece I posted up on Facebook at approximately 1:36 PM, just half an hour ago, in response to writings of a white South African Kevin Leslie Olding.