Protected by the Energy Force – First communications with South African-Israeli Ayalah Kaplan
From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Subject: Re: Protected by the Energy Force – Re:
Date: November 20, 2016 at 6:53:18 AM PST
To: Ayala Kaplan <>
I continue to try reaching you on your cell 054747XX but it is not picking up. Maybe you can still get your emails in my mother’s apartment. My telephone number 1-858-XX
On Nov 20, 2016, at 2:53 AM, garystevengevisser <> wrote:
I said in what I first wrote to you that I hadn’t seen her in 15 years.
I don’t see what that has to do with what you see in the Lady’s Speech, but maybe you see something that I missed?
So yes I’m eager to get your read of what you think of it.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
——– Original message ——–
From: Ayala Kaplan <>
Date: 11/19/2016 22:37 (GMT-08:00)
To: ‘GaryStevenGevisser’ <>
Subject: RE: Protected by the Energy Force – Re:
Before commenting on the video “The Lady’s Speech” tell me
how many years had you not seen your Mom?
From: GaryStevenGevisser []
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2016 7:39 AM
To: Ayala Kaplan
Subject: Re: Protected by the Energy Force – Re:
Dear Ayalah,
Before sharing this with Kathy and Neil, I would to speak with you later today your time. Would the same time work for you?
Be assured that I have no problem in you sharing everything with the two of them, but I think we should first talk
Were you able to watch the Lady’s Speech video I took of my mom? How would you describe her?
Also, when did you teach Kathy?
Looking forward to our next chat as well as visit.
All the best,
On Nov 19, 2016, at 8:27 PM, Ayala Kaplan <> wrote:
Dear Gary,
I have already written to you.
However a thought crossed my mind. –
may I share this with Kathy and Neil?
I will respect whatever you say.
From: GaryStevenGevisser []
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2016 10:17 PM
To: Ayala Kaplan
Subject: Protected by the Energy Force – Re:
Ayala thank you.
I was just about to ask you when the line cut off whether you met the lawyer Ayala Weisel for the first time at Alan’s funeral, which is what I thought I heard you say? If I got that wrong, how long have you known her?
What is most important is you telling me how serene is my mom. That means the world to me, knowing that she is protected by the Energy Force that counts most.
I hope you enjoy these videos, and please let me know what you think.
All the best to you and your husband.
Love & Shalom,
PS – I thought it best that I share with you more about the “physical separation” of my mom and I over the past 15 years which was very calculated by both my mother and I. It began a little over a year before, with a “gift” – Perspective One [CLICK HERE] that I sent to my dad Bernie on his 77th birthday, October 18, 2000 with a copy sent to my mother, who like my dad wholeheartedly approved.
It of course grabbed the attention of more than my parents, given how my main “target audience” were the media “Captains of Industry” who have never been a friend of the State of Israel.
I also knew that it would force both President Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Barak to show their true colors, as you can see that I went out of my way to bring out the “positive” in both men. Of course when you provide anyone with a clear cut positive solution and they don’t grab it, then it is just a question of time before they reveal their dark side as well as who is buttering their bread.
It was now “in their court” to act accordingly, and that allowed me not to give it any more thought, and enjoy life’s blessings, but knowing that it was going to be just a question of time before they did act since President Clinton would soon be leaving office.
Never did I anticipate that both individuals would act so decisively on Clinton’s last day in office, January 20, 2001 to support the presidential pardon of Marc Rich, a man most rich people in the world had never heard of and consequently, Mr. Rich was totally unknown to the masses.
I immediately “went to work”.
Speaking most clearly were my 4 letters to the editors of the Jerusalem Post that got published beginning on Feb 1, 2001 and the fourth on May 1, 2001. They of course made my mother more than simply proud, and to support my efforts in exposing those most profiting from Israel being in a constant state of war, my mother published via email on September 25, 2001, shortly after 9/11, her most carefully crafted, ingenious memoirs which she titled, LIFE STORY OF ZENA; and which began;
Literally – “born to perform” Zena Gevisser was pulled out of her mother’s womb …
Suffice to say, Alan Zulman got quite the shock once got his head around the first sentence of the first letter:
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
Those 32 words also did not endear me with all those who profited along with Marc Rich who backed all sides to war, including the son of a close cousin of Alan’s, Roy Essakow who was my best friend growing up in Durban. All 4 letters can be read by CLICKING HERE.
Nor did Alan see the connecting dots with my mother’s memoirs which addressed not only my mother’s numerous charities in support of Israel coupled with frequent visits starting immediately after Israel’s War of Independence ended, but priceless land that my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] owned in Haifa harbor; in fact Issy Gevisser owned pretty much the harbor and the entire “hill” which didn’t have much on it when he purchased it in 1929; but then an Israeli lawyer stole the land. So that begins to tell you why we don’t really trust lawyers 🙂
In December 2001 our 15 year separation began in earnest with a very short conversation that I initiated between Alan and my mom concerning the South African Muslim “activist” Fatima Meer who spoke often at the University of Natal campus, and when I was doing my B.COMM I made it a point of trying to hear all her speeches. Nor did Ms. Meer who was a close friend of my mother, pull her punches when attacking Israel. Suffice to say Alan who thought he understood South African politics at least as well as any other South African who was rich, suddenly realized that not only was he “a fish out of water” but more importantly, he didn’t know my mother as well as he first thought.
Suffice to say, his ego was severely bruised even though I was not really part of their discussion. Nor was there really much either of them had to say after my mom responded, “You don’t know what you are talking about!” after Alan made the point, “Everyone knows that Fatima Meer is anti-Semitic/anti-Israel !”. In fact, after my mother’s 8 precise words, she left the bedroom and only returned an hour later; letting Alan know never to bring up the subject again.
If you misread someone like Fatima Meer then you had no business talking politics. I just happened to bring up Ms. Meer’s name because I knew that it would bring joy to my mother’s heart. My mom knew very well the “real” Fatima Meer who was anything but anti-Israel or anti-Semitic; but Meer also knew that if she didn’t “bad mouth” Israel then she would have to focus on the Apartheid Regime and there wasn’t much to say about them before you sounded like everyone else who was bought.
If you go back and look at the writings and speeches of all people, both whites, blacks, coloreds and Indians including Alan Paton you will notice that not one of them make any mention of the mining houses who were the greatest profiteers.
Moreover, the Apartheid Regime had big money people from all over the world backing them, and the one thing they all had in common was their desire to destroy the State of Israel. Meer knew better than to “talk money” instead by going into a tirade against Israel which the Israeli leadership knew was one big act, and my mother Zena played her part in getting that message out to the right people, starting with Ben Gurion who in fact engineered it all, Meer had little time to join the rest of the Apartheid Regime’s bought opposition who increasingly stood out like a sore thumb.
In a nutshell all the bought opposition to the Apartheid Regime never once brought up their funding sources; and their principal backer was the American, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who is the central character in the interesting read, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention book, specifically chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY
where there is reference to Engelhard Jr. having “no male heirs” which isn’t exactly true as my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser [1926-2009] took over soon before Engelhard’s death on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, as Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa which besides for being the majority owner of Moshal Gevisser’s ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES,
Engelhard was the “control person” of the mining-banking consortium De Beers-Anglo American Corporation, my future employers.
It was simply too much for Alan to handle me knowing how very little knowledge he had about how the “real world” worked, and which Einstein summed up well.
So out of respect for my mom, I kept my distance, which didn’t prevent me from purchasing the very day this Fatima Meer “blowup” occurred, a “safe house” for my mother in the village closest to Wiveliscombe, and on the ocean. Despite not spending so much as one full night on this most quaint property in Minehead, the last home at the end of the beach road which then led into the most enchanted forest, I held on to it for another 6 years.
One final point; I don’t know how much interaction you have had with my 3 elder siblings, but if they have been “close mouthed” with you about me, it is a far cry from my mother being so “closed lipped”. My siblings’ reasoning on the other hand, is likely because of the poor thinking, “if you don’t want people to question, you don’t come forward.”
As I mentioned when we were having our little walk, I am putting the finishing pieces to my book that I am still hoping will be a booklet of 24 pages and which my mom on this trip made a great contribution by suggesting what word to use at the start and then she said, “And from there you carry on” 🙂
1) What was she like at 22? – Zena Gevisser, Sept 22, 2016, 8:58am
2) She has quite a face – Zena Gevisser, Sept. 22, 2016, 9am
3) The lady’s speech – Zena Gevisser, Sept 22, 2016, 11:33am
4) IF part 1 – Zena Gevisser, September 23, 2016, 12:49 PM
5) IF part 2 – September 23, 2016, 12:49 PM
6) IF – Zena Gevisser along with IF audio, Sept 23, 2016, 12:55PM
7) The addiction – King David Hotel, Jerusalem, Sept. 24, 2016
8) Teachers – King David Hotel, Jerusalem, Sept. 24, 2016
On Nov 19, 2016, at 10:17 AM, Ayala Kaplan <> wrote: