Posting of May 31, 2019 on the facebook of T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Gary Gevisser I signed up the other day to be a member of a closed group of some 34.3K members which supposedly T. Colin Campbell had established on facebook.
My first post seemed to be well accepted:
This is quite a big group 34.3k but not considering the importance of health, but it will come, perhaps not in our lifetimes, but it could also happen in the next instant since nothing but a supernatural event can explain with all the knowledge-science that the entire planet isn’t already whole food plant based.
The war profits interfere, and that is because this curious being human does not question.
Humankind, the oxymoron of all time.
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth – MDG
If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ MDG
The positive response “Deep” belonged to a Marla Larson Fulton.
I, Gary Gevisser, am an expert on the pricing mechanism which one cannot avoid talking about if one intends to get to the root cause of why the entire human population is not already on a whole plant food based diet.
I had uploaded two pages of my “White Paper” response, titled, “It goes deeper than that!” before it was removed.
What I wish to establish is did the administrators of this closed group which I assume includes Dr. T. Colin Campbell, remove my response or was it Marla Larson Fulton.
Moreover, I can no longer access that “closed group”.
Below is what was posted on the T. Colin Campbell closed group of some 34.3K members on facebook back on May 31st, before it was removed:
20 hrs ·
This is quite a big group 34.3k but not considering the importance of health, but it will come, perhaps not in our lifetimes, but it could also happen in the next instant since nothing but a supernatural event can explain with all the knowledge-science that the entire planet isn’t already whole food plant based.
The war profits interfere, and that is because this curious being human does not question.
Humankind, the oxymoron of all time.
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth – MDG
If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ MDG
Marla Larson Fulton Deep.
Title: It goes deeper than that
Marla Larson Fulton, this is not your most usual “food for thought”.
One can choose gradual change which pleases the status quo of no change, other than it tires out the youth as the elder still interested in a search for truthful answers or one can choose to speed things up and run circles around those purposefully procrastinating and being hypocrites to boot while accusing their closest adversaries as procrastinators and hypocrites and simultaneously cloaking themselves in righteousness from top to toe.
These are also people who can be very good with words such as, “I only debate people who agree with me!”.
For the individual keen to observe what is truth, you just need to ask all those either deafeningly silent or trying to be cute with their wording, the right questions.
The fact that it was my out of this world, extraordinary and inspirational, and most secretive British-English mother Zena who first told me those words, “I only debate people who agree with me!” did not make her either a hypocrite or a procrastinator, just someone very smart who only wanted smart people to question her and the rest she didn’t have to bother with because they didn’t ask questions for fear of feeling stupid.
If you are born with common sense which most people feel they have in abundance, at least when it comes to what the money system is all about and that is really all they are focused on even when they have the pick of the litter given the amount of their financial wealth which is really all that young, pretty women find attractive in old men, then the first thing you do is think about the question you plan to ask; and you accomplish that by exploring all the options and should none of the options you thought about be the right answer, then that exercising of the brain muscle when thinking of what might be the right answer is uplifting and you grab hold of that newfound knowledge and never let go.
So the idea of feeling stupid is only for stupid people who don’t first try to figure it out on their own.
Now if TV is your main educator and it is also your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and your teachers at school and professors at university’s teacher then you also have to ask yourself what besides for taking up space are you doing here?
There are of course better questions such as why with this light speed digital age is it so hard to get the information out which was perfectly understood by people at least as far back as Pythagoras; and most people who have studied math-geometry have heard of Pythagoras, but not that he was someone who thought it important not only to be healthy vegetarian which of course is vegan but to see the spirit of the other animals and insects on a far higher level than us humans.
I still wear more than occasionally leather shoes and the current fact that leather goods is just a byproduct of an ever growing meat industry with no end in sight is just a poor human excuse which maybe fixable in this lifetime with advances in technology already here that I don’t know about?
I am also a proponent of the merit system where the wisest should rule and so if it means that I get ruled out even as an advisor to the wisest ruler because I still wear leather shoes, I might still tell people that I wear leather shoes because I just don’t want to be bothered.
So why shouldn’t today be the day we all choose change for the better since today is my mother Zena’s 90th birthday, and I am not with her because this one of a kind woman
Page 2 ~ It goes deeper than that
a better mother you will never find, is being so cruelly put to death by the most vile vengeful, greedy monsters imaginable.
Moreover, our Nazi Jewish Holocaust perpetrators not even close to as bad, and nor did any of the Nazi bastards leave anywhere close the trails of their deceit, as even Eichman was in fact not as bad as he made out, because in fact he, like Hitler-Goebells was just following orders.
Please note the edit I made earlier to my “opening” when quoting my one of a kind beautiful, smart and good, all go hand in hand, Française-Canadienne wife, Marie Dion Gevisser, “Once you have the knowledge-truth, you know everyone’s game!”.
It is “everyone’s game” which has the double meaning without me spelling out that the selfish return as shellfish 🙂
Marie Dion has this moment returned home after the best haircut of her life, and I am just telling it the way it is; and our boy Mango is letting her know how much he missed her.
There is no way to correct any of the problems when the people are not in a search for truth.
It shows up most vividly with all the excuses they make for “only eating meat occasionally” and they are in the minority of meat-fish-dairy eaters as the others are even more passive aggressive without yet any scientific evidence that eating very sensitive animal parts make the human less aggressive, healthy and a delight to be around.
Why does the logic of health and happiness not have us placing healthy eaters on one side of the table and the unhealthy opposite and see if the healthy eaters would prefer to make love to those opposite and vice versa?
I am really into scientific studies so long as they make sense such as the one I am proposing on deep water research which I will get to in a minute, although it may have to wait until after our late lunch, when I will beam up a photo.
You can choose to wait for all the cows to come home before the words of people like Campbell, Ornish, Esselstyn and McDougall take hold, or you can jump “head first” using common sense to attack why eating the poison foods is at a price point where it is affordable.
I am not just a regular economist; I am one who was hired by the most selective employer right out of graduating university with only a bachelors degree, but having proved to my professors in law-finance-accounting-economics that they hadn’t fooled me without me ever once being impolite, not only because my British-English mother Zena did much more good for the world than teach Charm School where she stood head and shoulders above the rest, but why flog a dead horse given how I knew that all the professors in their respective disciplines were only following a fatally flawed education curriculum which goes back to the nonsense first taught in elementary school.
If you are going to teach history which everyone knows is all about war, then you cannot possibly sugarcoat the truth.
No winning army is going to tolerate competition in the future so why would you expect a monopolist who controls the entire world’s raw war materials be any different just because they have been allowed to not only control the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century but to fully diversify and helped along every step of the way by their Department of Justice officials administering the anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies laws who respond to the cry of the masses, “Break them up”, and no surprise all the officials who do their jobs the best find themselves later fully rewarded.
To be clear, I have tried to reach former United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 4 star General Richard Myers
but we have not yet communicated.
Nor have I spoken with fellow South African Jonathan Oppenheimer, the founder of the little known to the general public, Brenthurst Foundation where General Richard Myers is a member of their Advisory Board.
49 year old Jonathan Oppenheimer, the grandson of Harry Oppenheimer who directly supervised my year long orientation into the mafia mining-banking monopoly of mafia monopolies De Beers-Barclays, was not even born when Neil Armstrong first stepped foot on the moon.
He only came into this world 121 days later, November 18, 1969.
If you go away with nothing else today, put yourself in the shoes of a military commander who knows that the richest weapons developers not only back all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose but with this knowledge and enviable position they also know better than to buck the system that allows one entity and its affiliates to control the mineral resources of the world not simply by “hook or crook” but through legal machinations of cross-ownership without any restrictions to diversify into the media business which is the first thing you would want to do if you think rockets are a profitable business for the best rocket producers.
Were you to follow my writings this very moment on another web page
belonging to one of my FB friends, Bill Simon who I only know from his writings on facebook, and we clearly do not have a meeting of the minds or anything close, you will quickly realize that my writings reach many more than my now 938 FB friends which has seen a dramatic increase in the past 24 hours.