Quebec refining the message
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: January 12, 2022 at 1:18:42 PM PST
Cc: rest; Dr Dean Ornish <>, “Dr. Lim” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, drlaurafamily <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, Academy of Ideas <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD.” <>, Foster Gamble – THRIVE sponsor + Proctor Gamble inheritor <>,, Coleman Barks – I AM movie <>, Rollin McCraty – I AM movie Floriano <>, Ron Hartenbaum – I AM movie <>, Tom Shadyac – Director-Writer I AM – c/o Janet Matthews <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – my long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who I have known intimately since he joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, “Dr. Schlitz – I AM movie Welch” <>, Sarah Tiglao – If Americans Knew <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, Def-sec1 <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.” <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Sternshow <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>
Subject: Quebec refining the message.
Is there any support for the premier of Quebec, The Honorable Mr. François Legault, a beancounter, stating that the hospitals are today more overwhelmed than ever, due to those unvaccinated, representing 10% of the population, accounting for more than 50% of the hospitalizations?Not to mention, it has always been the average wait of more than 10 hours because the staff take off for their colds, that they don’t go to hospital for treatment.This irrational talk defies all logic, beginning with the fact that it is the people who don’t eat right who get sick, thanks to their minds neglectful of their attached bodies, and this diet-path for disaster, is a downward spiral.Until the people wake up to the fact that in the course of this now 787 odd day COVID-19 flu virus and its offshoots, sticking with the statistical consensus that it all began on 17 November 2019, there has been no mention by The Honourables to highlight lack of nutrition, leading to a weak immune system which is not a safeguard against disease, depression and overall unhappiness and looking for someone else to blame; and why not the healthy, who are mindful?Let us quickly take a look at the screenshot taken below at 12:53 PM California time, and it now 1:15 PM, off that overweight-obesity is the real cause of the pandemic.
It is the environment that makes the viruses thrive.So much for Québec Libre!Nor has there been any talk by these most Honourables to impose a tax or total ban on “junk foods” including Coke and Pepsi, which to address the Attention Deficit Disease people who are really simply suffering from Absent Parenting Disease, “junk foods” should be replaced with a single word such as “crap” or “poison”, wouldn’t you agree?Let us now help this glorified bookkeeper, The Honorable François Legault with the numbers.There have been a total of 5,521,223 million deaths worldwide (through 11 January 2022) and many if not most deaths having a crap; i.e. obesity related disease heavy duty component; and that would include, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, bowl disease, and bad breath no less an indicator of internal organs under stress; in other words, an overall lack of willpower to care, meaning a mental case at its heart.This 5.5 million, amounting to just over 3% of the more than 160 million NET INCREASE in the population, over the same period; in other words Covid-19 and its flu offshoots, not making a dent in the overall overpopulation problem while the green space evaporates at much more than an alarming rate, all of which keeps the war machine and the fear mongering, all part of the same package, in full swing.Please note, I have yet to mention that what drives overpopulation which breeds increasing exponentially consumerism, that first consumes the green space to extract increasing quantities of mineral deposits that don’t do the soil much good no matter how much pollution settles in, is the gross in the extreme, morally reprehensible, insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product (GDP) economic index that penalizes twice mineral rich regions invaded to extract the mineral deposits which when imported into the rich regions not only raises the GDP of the rich country versus the exporter whose Honourables have never spoken out against the GDP because they are either bought or stupid, and one quick public discussion with each of them can establish the truth, but these minerals, including rare earth minerals, are first used to develop the next generation of weapon systems to be used in the next invasion or to subdue insurrection by those breaking the law and opting for violence when not otherwise brainwashed to take up arms in a losing battle.WAR IS A LO$ING BATTLEHow come people don’t get that meat along with liquified meat-milk-cheese, poultry, pigs and fish are polluters inside and out?Let us all agree that the human body is not designed to be fully functional beyond 120 years.Who really wants to live any amount of time surrounded by treacherous fools whose ambition is to fool the next person starting with their inheritors and those dangling the inheritance monies at the end of their noses?A most vicious circle ⭕️ is what I see.You might see Black Holes where nothing escapes starting with Light-Knowledge, as what we are drifting towards.Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Imagination-Energy, power to change the world, stems from people being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth ~ Marie Dion GevisserIf you look at how little positive the human contributes, and we should be at the forefront of logical analysis, one has to believe that the Creator of this Herculean mess is out to do more than show its power over its most stupid creation to date, who thinks itself at the top of the pecking order, yet unwilling to change its cells’ environment because of its ego, making it host to viruses, disease and overall unpleasantness, sickness.That may sound rather superficial considering the grand scheme of things, tracing all our origins back 13.75 billion years and out of this massive, almighty, destructive explosion, too hot to immediately create atoms starting with Hydrogen and Oxygen, two most explosive materials when combined produce fireproof water which demonstrates more memory than the human lacking imagination, and needing 300,000 years to cool, we have this one tranquil and mostly life giving and life sustaining water planet while surrounded by an extraordinarily few large objects that are totally uninhabitable but for the few robots sent which can land such as the Rover to Mars.Bear in mind, they can only last a few years due to the extremely hostile environment, and we here fighting for every penny handed out by the thieves of the mineralsDIAMONDS FOR HITLERfirst used to wage the next war on the militarily weaker until no opposition remain, either bought, and for these tyrannical figureheads to live The Life of Riley jetting to their next vacation palace or end up dead.In a nutshell this much ado about nothing Covid, all traceable to lack of nutrition.The conclusion is either mass stupidity related; namely, mass psychosis and/or an attempt by the authorities to kill off the poor not profiting as much from real estate inflationary wars with the monies pulled out of thin air first given to the banks who hand it over to their favorite real estate developer who starts out with the most real estate.Where there is no debate is that the people don’t vote for authorities to wage outright war of raping mineral rich territories and where the defeated peoples, and the church no less complicit in their silence.The people are told they must trust their bought representatives who can’t disclose their knowledge of “national security” because it would be a violation of their “top secret” clearances; and the people lap it up if they are profiting from the corruption and implore those around them;“You can’t beat City Hall. What will be will be. Live it up while you can because once you are dead, that’s it, and no one will care because no one cares about anyone other than themselves.”The main victims here are the children, and they cannot defend themselves.Distraction as they rape.Sent from my iPhone