Quiet in front of the children
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: December 28, 2011 5:13:34 PM PST
To: “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.”
Cc: rest; Vice President Dan Quayle Dan Quayle
Subject: Quiet in front of the children – Fwd: Knuff v. Tucker; Cause No. 11-00786
I know the very simple words, “The money is the ruling elite’s money” disturbed you perhaps even more than finding out on the day before Christmas that people like Warren Buffett are considered very middle class by the very small ruling elite who are not a whole bunch of names and nor do they belong to conspiratorial sounding organizations like the Trilateral Commission or its sister organization the Council on Foreign Affairs which Dick Cheney jokes about belonging to and at the same time snidely remarking that he never brought up during the presidential elections – CLICK HERE.
Nor when clicking on the hyperlink over the words, CLICK HERE, should you assume when hearing the short clip of Cheney speaking that he does not go on to explain himself so it does not sound so conspiratorial.
When you lie, you find yourself making up a bunch more lies until you decide to make a joke of it; and something you find in every middle class household where the children are raised to be politicians.
Jewish people who haven’t been corrupted and I don’t know of any currently living outside of Israel, are raised by both their parents and grandparents with the Yiddish words, “Schvei vir de kinder” which roughly translates, “Quiet in front of the children”. There is no such thing as a problem child only a problem parent. Only a very naive parent or very bad parent would believe that when children hear something that is of no interest to them it is “In one ear and out the other” and when they do, they are playing the politician children’s game. There were no naive parents raising the children on Ben-Gurion’s Kibbutz Sde Boker when I was on ulpan back in 1972, one year after the United States went off the Gold Standard in order to have Americans think less of gold and more of De Beers’ diamonds which have consistently risen in value, by some 3 fold, even though they remain as worthless as the moment De Beers’ owners, the American-German Engelhard and South African-German Oppenheimer families bribed their US elected and non-elected government officials with their untraceable diamonds.
You haven’t forgotten even if it suits your agenda not to refer time and again to Wall Street Journal editorialist Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, back in 1978-1979 I was in the thick of De Beers expanding their financial services business throughout the United States even setting up telemarketing operations in Arizona and New Mexico to convince the average Joe Blow truck driver middle class person that diamonds were a good investment.
Recall your memory bank of that diamond price chart.
The price of a 1 carat D IF.
History is not being repeated here.
I am just giving you a chronology of events in the event I am killed before I nail all you bastards equivocating.
You, who is more than borderline genius, as we know your IQ is above 150 but you play it down so that your white bosses don’t give you the shaft; meaning were it not for your black-brown skin you could easily become the head of Israel’s Mossad but then your enemies would see you going to work each day at Mossad headquarters in Tel-Aviv, Israel, are pissed because you feel so stupid.
Imagine what your father feels.
Imagine what Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Jr. feel and they have yet to hear someone like Cyndi Lauper say a word.
The truth is hugely important even though corrupt Texas Judge Martin Lowy arrogantly shows that the truth means absolutely nothing in his kangaroo court.
The fact that every lawyer in the world is shutting down does not say that their profession is an honorable one.
Just like the monopoly money is De Beers so is the justice system.
The number of middle class people throughout the world is huge.
Are you ready for this?
It takes just one of you to turn the herd.
That individual will also have truth at their side.
To have so many of you so stupid and still it is like pulling teeth just to have one of you do the right thing and then you know this musical chair game is over, and once it is over, it can never again restart because the majority of the people will never again allow a single monopolist to control the remaining resources and nor do you have to worry about their corrupt politicians complaining because you can see how them keeping silent now only means they will be that much more silent as this information continues to get out there.
Not to speak is to speak.
How much does it cost to mine a diamond?
Did your blood pressure just drop?
How much does it cost to mine an ounce of gold?
Did you suffer a mild or major heart attack?
Let me help you with the math; and if you think I have got any of it wrong please first email everyone you see in the carbon copy section beginning with Jonathan Oppenheimer’s assistant, Julie Burgon.
Every gold mine manager knows the cost of mining every ounce of gold on a real time basis; moreover, they know how critical it is to keep their eye on the price of gold in the spot market even if they have sold their future production at a predetermined price which they know if the gold price drops too low the buyer could easily renege on the deal; and equally important is the very tight security that accompanies gold ingots to the refineries where there is little and no shrinkage.
Every step of the way, the labor cost is factored in, again in real time; and I have of course met a few mine managers, including my now deceased father-in-law Johnny Dion who because he was tail-gunner freezing his backside off in the back of a bomber when returning from one of his first bombing runs over Nazi Germany, was the sole survivor of a crash that killed all the rest of the 6 person crew.
De Beers shut down diamond mines if they produce too much. Labor costs them nothing because they use the same monopoly money that we all use except that they have much more of it, because each time they sell one of their worthless diamonds and their biggest market remains the United States, they soak up $s which is why their bank vaults are more fill of $s then diamonds, which they can dispose of by simply throwing them into a fire and they will burn just as quickly as coal and you know I don’t have to spell out why that is.
It is not just the fact that De Beers is a monopolist in a critical industry like drilling since their diamond tipped drilling bits are needed to mine for all the other minerals such as very difficult to mine gold, De Beers have never provided an inventory of those diamonds whose price keeps rising only because the US Government is bought and paid for.
Let’s keep it simple but not stupid. Raise the labor wages of gold miners around the world, and at the same time ban all trading in diamonds, starting with the diamond bribes paid to US government officials following the decision to go off the Gold Standard 4 decades ago.
It was not enough for the US Government to reward the major beneficiaries of World War I and II with laying claim to the riches of the world’s mineral richest country, but to add insult to injury the US Government did a deal with the Engelhard-Oppenheimers that were now being led by my father’s first cousin David Gevisser, to supply from South Africa that produces 80% of the world’s platinum, American automobile manufactures with a 1.9 gram of platinum that continues to be placed in the catalytic converter of the exhaust system of every motor vehicle and truck sold in the United States; all beginning in the mid-1970s when their Apartheid Regime was at its height of power.
Did you feel you have lost all connection with your soul as I remind you again that Charles Engelhard Jr. and his father of the same name were known as The Platinum King?
Do you have any idea how many US government officials who have not received bribes directly from De Beers are fully aware of their hand in the genocide of the poor, just to keep covering the murderous tracts of a foreign based monopoly who cannot get enough of their corrupted American officials promoting patriotism amongst its soldiers who are not all fucked up?
Where else do you have a monopolist showing on the Wikipedia profile of their one boss, a single photo, and that photo is not of Nicholas Oppenheimer making a charitable contribution to injured soldiers, but rather Oppenheimer arrogantly telling the world that he owns the killer Putin who Oppenheimer made certain does not look very happy.
China has yet to comment on that same photo still appearing on De Beers’ Wikipedia profile.
The Chinese government knows it was not Mao or any other Chinese leader who has been protecting De Beers from its very inception, as it was American bankers who financed the shipment of Chinese “coolies” to South Africa to work the mines following the American led 8 Allied nation invasion of China in 1900, where after murdering the men, raping the women and children, the victors left with China’s harvested gold and ancient artifacts.
It is for Americans to speak out; and in the meantime Putin can turn to China, and then what will Obama have to say since those sales of diamonds never ended up in the pockets of the Chinese Government, and I will not be the only person who would swear to that?
You have not forgotten it was the Oppenheimers and American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.’s South African Apartheid Regime who said the reason they had to kill people like Steve Biko and imprison Nelson Mandela, forget enslave 85% of South Africa’s majority black population was to fight Soviet and Chinese communism.
You couldn’t sell such a horror story to Hollywood.
De Beers have controlled all the blood and guts including the TV news which still says, “If it bleeds it leads”.
The truth is so unimaginably sick, and yet you all find time to bicker.
Again, if you are Christian it is unlikely when being indoctrinated with humans as statuesque Gods, that those Yiddish words mean anything because you also know that the pogroms that wiped out Jewish villages of eastern Europe long before the puppet Hitler was tasked with putting German efficiency to work in the death factories of The Holocaust, were not started by Jewish people so that they could “play victim” like most Jewish people living outside of Israel.
Try it with your puppy some time, but first make sure that it is not deaf.
Dogs listen very well, and you know this by first observing they have relatively speaking bigger ears than humans.
When you have your grandchildren because you most likely failed to do it with your now adult children, tell them in a normal voice what a trust fund is and why it is that the world’s number one monopolist De Beers led by the South African-German Oppenheimer family, the largest beneficiaries of the Holocaust and the ongoing genocide of the poor of Africa and the rest of the mineral rich world with De Beers setting the price of the slave laborer’s worth, have never once voiced opposition to the inheritance laws while they welcome their peacocks such as Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Jr. who make a big song and dance about why they are not exactly in favor of the inheritance laws because to do so would mean they would have to explain the silence of the Oppenheimers.
Then in a very soft voice, and wait no more than the next occasion when you visit, tell them they are going to inherit a lot of money just long as they brown nose you, and notice how never again will they turn a deaf ear to anything you have to say, unless of course they were schooled in my writings.
Now lets go back quickly to start of this university tutorial 101 that I am explaining it in a way that I would to a non-Jewish 10 and 11 year old who isn’t already doing drugs dispensed by a medical doctor psychiatrist.
Pull out all the money in your wallet and imagine if you are 20 years older and fast approaching 70 like Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk and Norman Zwail, or anyone you know who considers themselves middle class.
But instead of being married to Charlotte who knew that your father Kenneth would have to die young before you inherited anything and then you would have to split the monies 3 ways with your 2 siblings assuming you managed to kill off your mother quicker, Charlotte married someone only for their money, much the way that every prostitute thinks.
It is now 3 days after the worst Christmas of your life and you find yourself in the exact same boat as the sniveling nose grass roots member who is still gung ho about people like Jane Goodall of Roots and Shoots and Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who knows that it won’t take much more effort for Cyndi Lauper to add his name next to mine in the two yet to be released songs she has written about Major Sam.
Remember, the business case study we are now conducting has Charlotte marrying you not for your great looks, extraordinary athleticism but only your money that she knows as well as Jeffrey R. Krinsk and the lowest paid waitress as well as grass roots organizer can be worthless in the next instant were I to get Cyndi to focus on nothing else but this next press release.
Would you feel comfortable in sleeping under the same roof as Charlotte, forget the same bed?
What if all you are a fresh produce distributer who sells your product at the local weekend market, and you have just enough each week to survive on, how interesting would your conversation with your partner be knowing that the money you get paid with is De Beers’ monopoly money that no American Fighter Pilot would accept even though he would fly for nothing just to be able to fly America’s most advanced and fun weapon system, the F15 C which is what Major Sam flew when leading the United States into war against Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War?
You are one of 300 million Americans who has been deafeningly silent to my simple question, “What is the fair wage to pay American soldiers?”
Now let’s talk about why Cheney didn’t wait for De Beers President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton to become President before overruling Secretary of the Air Force Rice who strongly objected to De Beers’ diamonds being placed in the ejection seats of American fighter aircraft.
You think I haven’t noticed how much time has transpired since you who is very connected with top brass in the American military went so silent on this most important topic.
You would agree that Cyndi Lauper would be impressed with Marie’s statement: No enlightened woman would dirty their hands by investing in diamonds. The emotional aspect of this trade is wearing thin. Your youth will reflect on it badly.
Now pull out your memory bank of what New York City’s Harlem looks like.
Take the monopoly money and expand it through all of Harlem and remembering to give Harmless-UNarmed man his artificial arm, and when you eventual reach the west coast after first improving the life of every Ivory Coast person; meaning you have traveled the length and breadth of the rest of the world improving all their lives using the remaining resources of the world, at the same time continue all the construction of new houses and Interstates and filling all the potholes here in the US using the same unlimited supply of monopoly monies, you will see how very easy it is to do; but now your question is what to do about the ruling elite who have only been interested in covering their tracks by adding to the ranks of the middle class from the bottom these do gooders in their grass roots organiza who are as quiet as Hollywood.
Do you think Cyndi Lauper will get it?
Do you think Cyndi will support the Gold Money-diamonds Inventory Petition or first wait to see when the run on diamonds begins?
How do you think she will be received in a country like South Africa and Namibia where displaced diamond workers will be treated like gold by De Beers and Anglo American Corporation officials?
Would you know of a single corporation who would refuse to accept our joint press release?
Do you think she will get on with Marie?
Anyone who knows the first thing about my wife who feeds every part of my mortal being knows this is my gift from God.
It should be as clear as a whistle that the value of a currency should not be through the value of diamonds whose price is assigned by a monopolist who stole their mineral rights beginning in the world’s mineral richest country.
The fact that you may not be the only American cringing when hearing the words Gross Domestic Product does not mean you can hide the past, no matter how stupid you now feel. It is not possible for GDP to be an accurate measurement of the health of the economy and nor can Americans be believing that; the people are not getting healthier economically, forget how Americans remains head and shoulders the most unhealthy people on the planet.
In due course I will continue posting up on your Facebook “wall”. You might want to email someone like Michael Strauss who will not have forgotten the day he met me and Marie, on June 20, 2006 at the Simatai section of the The Great Wall of China which was 4 days after our 24 day fact finding mission to China began, which you haven’t forgotten despite all the many times I have repeated, was the same day, June 16, that De Beers’ Lloyds of London Insurance had a hastily called meeting to discuss me, not you, not your father, not Bush Jr., not Hilary Clinton, not the local termite inspector, not the Inspector General of the United States, not the entire US Congress, not your first girlfriend in College, not Obama, not Warren Buffet, not Oprah, not your hero idiot white medical doctor Ron Paul, not the medical doctor who helped deliver you, not the fly on the wall that you next observe that has God written all over it; again me beginning to bring Public International Attention to De Beers being so in the face of their common herd American middle class as this monopolist of monopolist who create and control the money you use to pay for the food that keeps you alive and all the other pleasures and more importantly pains from living a self-absorbed life and therefore not able to figure out your so easy to figure out purpose, continue to say that none of you, which includes me, since I became an American citizen in August 1985, are good enough, NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE, to be investors in their Lloyds of London where if you know the right people in De Beers you cannot possibly lose.
BTW, my webmaster Terry “Smilin Sam” Samples tells me that by this evening he will know for sure whether Cyndi Lauper will be coming out to California next week, when no matter what, apart from an Act of God, he will introduce me to her.
Now just to be sure. Cyndi Lauper is a singer who has sold 50 million records more than you and possibly everyone one of your other 584 FB “friends”.
You also know that former Vice President Quayle who just in case you didn’t notice is in the cc section, the same with corrupt Texas Judge Martin Lowy and liar-lawyer Alan Loewinsohn, thought it important enough to mention Cyndi without thinking it important to mention her by name, in his communication back on December 9th to Major Sam, who Quayle acknowledges without disclosing the details of a Top Secret mission that Major Sam not only took his US Air Force 2 without Quayle’s permission in order to get to the destination of New Mexico since if President Bush had left the keys in Air Force 1 the whiskey but marred the runway which of course Major Sam didn’t need that Quayle also discloses, again without disclosing any aspects of the mission because Quayle also knows he too could get into a whole lot of trouble since such an operation will remain under wraps indefinitely if not forever given my sense of the mission’s importance, which we all have a sense of because President George Herbert Bush himself a fighter pilot but of course not close to as accomplished as America’s number one Top Gun fighter pilot Major Sam and his wingman Randy, chose the two most accomplished American warriors, whose unmatched confidence is helped greatly by their extraordinary martial arts skills which saved Cyndi Lauper from being gang raped and murdered in Paris by 6 men as in as quickly as you can fast count to 10, Major Sam and now 1 Star General Randy knocked all 6 of them senseless, and their injuries you know were most severe given how quickly Major Sam casually walked over to Cyndi to see how she was doing, and begin a chit-chat, while Randy checked on former Cyndi’s manager who while alive, was suffering from incapacitating knife wounds, allowing him to watch Cyndi’s rape and subsequent murder, before his life would have ended.
You would agree that Cyndi was a very good girl to attend court every day staring down those 6 who a month before had raped and murdered another woman.
Should anyone decide they want to write Cyndi and share this email with her and that includes all those who have illegally tapped into my email systems where they will find her private email address, please tell her that I won’t have any problem with her calling me this evening during dinner when Marie and I are hosting a celebration dinner for Sebastian Capella and his eldest daughter Rosa who along with her husband Fernando are visiting from Valenica, Spain.
Ps – Should time permit, I will be writing Mr. Quayle a private email, at least I will not be sharing it with any of you, unless I don’t receive a response from him, and of course allowing him no more than a few days to respond.
Please the next time you write me and/or post something up on your Facebook “wall”, tell me about all the exciting things happening in your life.
PS – Cutting and pasting what I last sent Major Sam at 12:51PM:
Im just finishing another email to you that I have spent a lot of time composing.
You possibly have not noticed how the price of gold has tumbled in the last 24 hours but you will remember the graph I included in yesterday’s missive showing how the middle class all made up of De Beers’ all about money have allowed such a vicious attack on the poor of the world to take place.
It is of course unconscionable what is going on. But I remain unperturbed because such ugliness of the human does have the hand of God written all over it.
Perhaps what will wake up both Cyndi and X and in the process shake up the whole world is for them to project forward to the moment I sell my first printed version of Unimpossible Dream and then to look back on what I wrote you yesterday and realize in the next instant that if De Beers’ worthless money was done away with altogether how would each of them and the rest of the world so easily distracted make a positive contribution knowing how very little time we have remaining to do good.
Neither of them know of anything which exposes all the selfish of the world than this $4 million DEATH SENTENCE.
Since this bickering between the two of them is all about “oneupmanship” maybe it is up to you to say to both of them at the same time:
“Time out. X, you have a much better idea of what is really going on this world than Cyndi because she is obviously not familiar with our friends Gary and Marie Dion Gevisser who have both defied all odds in having survived this long, which is not to say they will survive another moment considering who they are up against, and their foes include not only all of Hollywood-Madison Avenue but every grass roots organization who has been corrupted.”
BTW, Marie and I have dinner plans this evening which she is not yet aware of as I made these plans without consulting her.
If there is no God then everyone is left to their own logic to determine their purpose, and for most it is just about having as good a time as possible without having to experience bodily pain.
Since I know God exists I must know something that everyone else is missing since where is the logic no one has come forward to express outrage of this Knuff lawsuit that is now fast approaching 2 years; not a single journalist, lawyer, or celebrity has uttered anything but their telling silences.
How long do you think it would take Cyndi who says that you helped her find God, before she drops everything she is doing in order to be singularly focused on what I am doing which is to end in one instant all the pain and suffering of all the poor of the world, and not only would everyone agree that is a miracle everyone who knows the first thing about me knows it is achievable in the very next instant that I become a household name.
Yes, all it takes is very good writer Cyndi Lauper writing a press release.
How come I am the only person who thought of that?
The fact is God has made everybody comfortable in feeling that they are the most important person in the world until they decide to end their life quickly.
I play the cards I am dealt to the best of my ability which does not mean I will ever tell someone what they want to hear.
I-we have De Beers-Knuff-Lowy-Loewinsohn and company on the defensive because they know THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH.
Everything else that is going on in the world is not as important because we all know that what is going is the monopolists game which is to have everyone dependent on them starting with the poor in the rest of the world who have lost their agriculture to our land baron monopolists.
I would prefer to be dead than be part of such an ungodly atrocity even if it turns out that everyone in the world is okay with it.
For such large quantities of humans to be so indifferent and yet they find the time and energy to squabble amongst themselves about the most trivial of matters while always taking a time out to eat and drink and able to forget the wretched lives of the poor of the world who are only poor because De Beers have managed to suppress the information because they own the media and the politicians who are not God because each of us can imagine the whole fucking bunch of them being toppled in the next instant, is stupidity of an order that only God could have created.
[Word count 4704]
Begin forwarded message:
From: Adam Tucker
Date: December 28, 2011 11:39:16 AM PST
To: Kerry Schonwald
Subject: Re: Knuff v. Tucker; Cause No. 11-00786
You and your firm are paid to do this and therefore either directly or indirectly you must derive some sort of pleasure from it; I on the other hand find this dance to be repetitive, exhausting, and a theft of my time.
I absolutely oppose a continuance of the trial.
On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Kerry Schonwald wrote:
Can we represent to the court that you do not oppose a continuance but that you do oppose a trial in this matter?
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
From: Adam Tucker [mailto:adam@naturthink.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:11 PM
To: Kerry Schonwald
Subject: RE: Knuff v. Tucker; Cause No. 11-00786
I am opposed to the trial regardless of the date.
From: “Kerry Schonwald”
Date: December 28, 2011 10:50:17 AM PST
To: “Adam Tucker”
Subject: Knuff v. Tucker; Cause No. 11-00786
Mr. Knuff is scheduled to be in the hospital for the month of January. Please let me know if you are opposed to a motion to continue the trial date to a date no earlier than April 16, 2012.
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
From: Adam Tucker
Date: December 5, 2011 9:36:13 AM PST
To: Kerry Schonwald
Bcc: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: Re: Knuff v. Tucker
Kerry et. al,
Cutting and pasting from your previous email, “We do not believe a telephonic mediation has been ordered by the court nor is it feasible. We remain willing and ready to mediate this case in Dallas.”
Considering your blind representation of your client irrespective of moral or ethical impacts, I find it interesting that it took 5 days for you to respond with a statement about what you believe versus what you know.
In the context of all the rescheduling that has occurred with this trial due to Mr. Knuff’s medical treatments in his home town of San Diego, CA; I can’t help but think if Mr. Knuff’s first priority was to get this resolved, efforts would be made to create a phone mediation. But as you are well aware, this is all about intimidation, not due process.
As you are aware, the last time I met or spoke with “ex” CIA, Mr. Knuff, was at his home in Bonsal, CA on the night of December 23, 2008 ~ A meeting that Mr. Knuff arranged under the pretense of networking to help me find an IT job in North County, San Diego where he was/is the president of Carlsbad, CA based Forte Inc. – A company that he sold in the late 1980’s early 1990’s but stayed on as president for what I can only assume, was to ensure the development of his “Agent” software would meet the growing needs of his government counterparts and best interests of the CIA.
Mr. Knuff told me that his focus during his 25 years as in the CIA was the Middle East, and considering the very long and public history of the CIA sponsoring terrorism, Mr. Knuff and his CIA counterparts knew from the historical success of false flag operations, the US government would be able to leverage the impact of 9/11/2001 to pass Draconian laws like the Patriot Act and ultimately further the demand for his Agent software which he made a point of telling me was being utilized by multiple government agencies to monitor/spy on internet traffic of targets inside within the United States.
http://www.forteinc.com/agent/index.php – after visiting the newly redesigned website I see the arrogantly used agent logo which looked like a secret agent donning a hat and trench coat, has been smartly removed.
During our meeting on December 23, 2008, Mr. Knuff had me alone as a captive audience in his rural home and made a special effort to tell me that his very secluded neighborhood was riddled with “ex” CIA. At 6 foot 5 inches, Mr. Knuff towers some 6+ inches over me, and used his trained experience, environment, and physical size to ensure the 2+ hour meeting was all about personal intimidation.
Mr. Knuff also made a point of telling me that he did not believe the public was capable of understanding how things really worked in the world, which exemplifies the arrogance of the CIA and further supports his/your arrogance now in assuming that I will travel to Dallas Texas to participate in your circus. If Mr. Knuff et al. were able to get a $4 million civil judgment against Gary Gevisser without Gevisser even attending the trial, and thus without due process, than what reasons do I have to believe that my mediation/trial would be any different?
Your client and firm were willing and able to get a judgment in absentia against Gevisser, so why not just do the same with me? Why have you made such an effort to gain my participation?
Furthermore Mr. Knuff knows that I have no assets or wealth and that I am eligible to file bankruptcy in response to a judgement, so it is apparent to me that I am just being used to make ground against Mr. Gevisser and his appeal; a witch hunt that I will not be a party to.
So to answer your question for the third time, I will not go to Dallas, TX to afford Mr. Knuff et. al an opportunity to physically intimidate me.
Adam Tucker
On Dec 5, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Kerry Schonwald wrote:
We do not believe a telephonic mediation has been ordered by the court nor is it feasible. We remain willing and ready to mediate this case in Dallas.
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
From: Adam Tucker [mailto:adamtucker619@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:53 PM
To: Kerry Schonwald
Subject: Re: Knuff v. Tucker
As previously stated, I have zero availability to attend a mediation in Dallas as I cannot afford the traveling expenses.
If Mr. Knuff et. al are genuinely interested in mediating this case, please explain why a telephoned mediation is not possible?
Adam Tucker
On Nov 30, 2011, at 2:41 PM, Kerry Schonwald wrote:
Regardless of whether you will agree to sign the amended scheduling order, the parties in this case are under a court order to mediate the case. It is unclear to us whether, in light of the new trial setting, the mediation deadline has now passed, but regardless, we are still willing to mediate. The mediation will need to take place in Dallas. Please let me know your availability to attend a mediation.
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
From: Adam Tucker [mailto:adamtucker619@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:06 PM
To: Kerry Schonwald
Subject: Re: Knuff v. Tucker
Once again, this case is a gross abuse of wealth and power by your client, Mr. Knuff, your employer Mr. Lowinsohn, and your judge Lowry that granted jurisdiction in Texas instead of California as it should have been. With that said, I am presently unemployed and do not have the resources to fly to Dallas and participate in Mr. Knuff’s et. al affront to our judicial system.
I have maintained my position throughout our communications and only signed paperwork out of ignorance to my rights and duress at my place of work. My previous employer was not pleased to have a man claiming to represent the Dallas district court, calling our business line to tell me that I had to sign court papers. If Daniel was in fact calling form the Dallas district court, I would be curious to learn if this is a courtesy extended to all personal lawsuits or just those that are friends of the family… In an effort to mitigate the escalating harassment, I signed the papers agreeing to a previous defined court date.
Considering my debt from a failed construction business and that I can’t afford a plane ticket let alone pay on a judgment, it would appear this lawsuit against me is meant to bolster Mr. Knuff’s position against Mr. Gevisser in attempt to collect on a frivolous judgment which I’m sure is being appealed.
Based on public records for Knuff v. Gevisser, the judgement in absentia and the cases sited for precedence, it is obvious to me that my participation in this lawsuit is moot as the appropriate parties have already been co-opted and the verdict has already been made. Under these circumstances my best course of action is to fight what ever frivolous judgment is made.
In summary, I will not sign any additional paperwork nor will I attend any court dates.
NOTEL: I am no longer employed by StePac and I don’t presently have a mailing address – I will continue to respond to email communications, and will provide a mailing address once I have secured a place of residence at which I may receive mail.
Adam Tucker
On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Kerry Schonwald wrote:
I have not heard back from you regarding the attached correspondence. Please either sign and return the proposed amended scheduling order to me by Friday, December 2, 2011 so that we may file it with the court, or else let me know no later than December 2, 2011 that you are refusing to sign the amended scheduling order.
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
From: Kerry Schonwald
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 12:12 PM
To: ‘adamtucker619@gmail.com’
Subject: Knuff v. Tucker
Please see the attached correspondence.
Kerry Schonwald
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P.
12377 Merit Drive, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 572-1714 direct dial
(214) 572-1717 facsimile
Confidentiality Note: This email is confidential and may be privileged. It is for the sole use of the named and intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies received and notify Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, L.L.P. at 214.572.1700. Thank you.
<10-18-11 Tucker re scheduling order.pdf><10-3-11 Non Jury Trial Setting 1-30-12.pdf><10-18-11 Proposed Amended Uniform Scheduling Order.pdf>