At 8:22 PM Calif. time last evening, 2 September, Goymorrah writes on my Facebook Focus Group/symposium, “Reason for being here”:
You keep on mentioning me in your posts, this must be because otherwise no one would read your posts. Why don’t you make an experiment and not mention me and see how many people respond.
While the solution to solve all the world’s problems is now known to more than those in Ben Gurion’s inner circle, and first aired publicly earlier on “Reason for being here”, triggering Goymorrah’s reprisal, we must move forward positively, which is required in an ingenious deterministic universe, at the same time realizing the Sheep [Subanimal Human Evolutionary Ecological Problem] can only handle the truth in small doses, and therefore, for those throwing sticks in the wheel, and the greatest positives of Elon Musk not yet revealed, be prepared for backstabbers; those counting on bad actors’ support restricting flow of critically important information which ends all wars, poverty and no less so, the extraordinary waste, caused by contrived chaos; and at its weak core is the illusion of competition, the mainstay of capitalism.
Trust me. It really makes sense to stay in the moment, focused on doing good.
Who would think that a religious group, Chabad, that doesn’t have any respect for the body, in any way, shape, or form, would be the spear of the murderous, antI-Israel, anti-Semitic, E Oppenheimer & Sons who were ostracized by the good Jewish people of mineral rich South Africa?
Of course it makes perfect sense even without looking at the fake Jewish opposition during the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime’s uninterrupted 46 year brutal rule; understandably, the majority black South Africans still haven’t received their rights, thanks to Mandela and his successors, no less complicit.
Note how everyone here as well as all others reading my writings over the past 2 decades, avoid the clear writings of Professor Edward Jay Epstein in his 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention without Epstein explaining the ugly consequences of Israel losing the war, detailed in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.
The website
which hosts the book, has in the last 24 hours been taken down, even though several weeks back I paid to renew it because Epstein’s heirs didn’t.
Posting just earlier on podcast TV7 Israel News
Title: Start thinking 2
Resurgence of terrorists was to be expected from the start.
For every Hamas terrorist killed since Oct 7, probably 100 new recruits wait in line for the good life both in heaven and monies, courtesy of E. Oppenheimer & Sons, the lead financier and armaments supplier of Nazi Germany, who escaped, thanks to bribes, prosecution at Nuremberg, my first client out of university.
Control of the Philadelphia Corridor only makes sense at this point, if you want Hamas to recruit more replacements for those killed and captured.
The IDF, thanks mostly to the wealth of information obtained from Hamas prisoners, knows how best to reach those indoctrinated to see Jews as the enemy when it is only money that prevents the poor Palestinians of Gaza from joining their rich leaders living the good life in Qatar, Arab Emirates and London, to name but 3 safe havens.
Obviously, those captured Hamas terrorists are your best and easiest recruits; second their families and friends who don’t want to die for the sake of serving their corrupt leaders.
If the Jews were the bankers then every Israeli would be a Wall Street millionaire-billionaire like former Israel Prime Minister, fat Naftali Bennett.
Man you have to start thinking.
Start thinking 2 has also been taken down, and I will attempt to repost.
Now what about the 6 hostages who endured almost 11 months of hell before being executed just days ago?
What are the anti-Israel manifestos having to say about this barbarism?
Hamas killed them because they didn’t want the 6 talking about their tortures.
Kamala Harris and her laughing mate, Tim Waltz [sic] is pro Palestinian, and both boring.
BTW, pro-Palestinian is pro Hamas, and pro Iran getting the bomb that will scare the living daylights out of everyone, including the manifestos.
God’s hand in this is perfectly clear to me, just like the first Pinecone fell from the tree landing on the roof, right as I was typing, “… including the manifestos”.
But we should ask talkative mouthpiece of Chabad, Goymorrah what he thinks?
The “cause-effect” instrumental to this deterministic universe, is not something that should be taken lightly even if you are liar, cheat, thief, and snitch, and don’t think for a moment a higher power exists; bearing in mind, the liar, cheat, thief and snitch are all one and the same in the eyes of the Creator.
In the meantime while Goymorrah and his friends “contemplate their navels” the rest should give thought to the one Zulu actor, Mangosuthu Buthelezi (27 August 1928 – 9 September 2023) who stands out because he is so fat compared to the rest of the black cast in Stanley Baker’s 1964 film, Zulu.
He had tits at age 36.
BTW, Goymorrah, how old were you when you thought a bra might fit?
Buthelezi’s grandfather, Zulu King Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo executed the worst defeat in history of a modern army against an indigenous foe, equipped with vastly inferior military technology.
Yes, fat body, deformed brain, period.
The Battle of Isandlwana on 22 January 1879 receives no mention in kaCetshwayo’s Wikipedia profile. That doesn’t mean I believe Wikipedia is independent of bias and cannot be persuaded to cower.
This battle changed warfare forever. The only prisoners taken going forward might as well have died on the battlefield unless they could be easily convinced of turning which is no problem if the interrogators have truth at their side, and why IMIM [Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad] were so successful in finding smart recruits in the enemy camps well ahead of any significant exchange of fire.
10,722 South African soldiers were taken prisoner in the fall of Tobruk, Libya on June 21, 1942, a bunch of Jewish South African soldiers who spent the remainder of the war in German prisoner of war camps, including my second cousin, member Jonathan Gevisser’s father Leslie, the older brother of traitor David Gevisser,

the “male heir” of monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]
who had no male children of his own, the same with his accomplice, David Gevisser’s favorite uncle, Sol “Little King” Moshal in the “asset stripping” of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] by Engelhard Jr. and his partner,
Harry Oppenheimer’s puppet, another rat face

Natie Kirsh, who is still alive according Forbes List of billionaires, ranked 401 with a net worth of $7.3 billion.
When you are a prisoner of war, you escape or you die trying to escape. There is no middle ground. You can never be fully trusted going forward.
How could young Israeli girl soldiers manning a military post on the border with armed to the teeth Gaza on October 7, not be armed, at least with their rifles, or cyanide pills, following Hamas’ Jericho Wall document detailing October 7 invasion, falling into the hands of the IDF?
Why were their faces so bloodied? What had Hamas butchers placed in their mouths?
You couldn’t make a Pink Panther movie even if performing the miracle of resurrecting Peter Sellers describing such an unimaginable charade of the most wired military in history.
In the course of 144 years, 8 months and 15 days since the Battle of Isandlwana, could we plot, or at least attempt to, the exponential decline in intelligence?
Remember with all the incessant talk of the increase in stupidity, and everyone thinking it is only the next person who is stupid, and they alone and their equally rich money partner/s blessed with common sense, no one has factored in the absurdity of the Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index that drives Wall Street stock options, public corporation share prices and jobs for politicians and regulators; in fact the entire middle class.
You own enough land that you and your family and friends want, you can start and promote even your own Crypto, assuming Elon Musk, David Sacks and Peter Thiel go along with it.
Of course they have to consult with MBS [Mr. Bone Saw] of the House of Saud, Saudi Arabia and his boy Jared Kushner who in turn has to consult with his wife and her father who is currently having difficulty properly managing his Presidential campaign having picked the wrong guy as his running mate, because Trump likes the money of Musk-Thiel-Sacks who wouldn’t have got out of the starting gates were it not for E. Oppenheimer & Sons-Brenthurst Foundation approving their competitor Paypal.
What happened to Israeli kids and their parents since the passing of Ben Gurion on December 1, 1973, apart from getting disgustingly fat, and racking in the big bucks on Wall Street Cyberwars, Cryptos and the rest of the financial services sector which hasn’t looked back since the defeat of the British at Isandlwana?
Together with the Chinese we set the scholastic levels.
Goymorrah, do you remember how many Kippah wearing, “Worshippers of Ink on paper” were ever in Ben Gurion’s War Cabinet?
Doesn’t that alone tell you that God has you on the wrong team, and that you are not being kind to animals when you eat them?
Goymorrah, you were saying something about you being my only audience? Can you get specific on the experiment you said I should run, and what conclusions did you anticipate?
The Zulu wars didn’t show the English in a positive light, “We got the army, let’s go to war. We have the guns and the power.”
The excuse that Zulu King kaCetshwayo killed his people without a trial, seemed even to producer and actor, Welshman Stanley Baker as well as director, American Cy Endfield, rather trivial.
Good thing there was, at least in the movie, a journalist speaking the truth.
Not to forget that Churchill was a journalist during the Anglo “American J P Morgan” Boer War [1899-1902] and was captured by Boer Commander, General Louis Botha, a trusted friend of King kaCetshwayo, and while Boer Commander, General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870-11 September 1950] was signing an order for Churchill’s release, Churchill escaped.
But we are talking 1964, the same year that Mandela was placed in Apartheid Regime “witness protection program” while his principal future adversaries Steve Biko, and Biko’s partner in the Durban Movement, Professor Richard Turner from my alma mater, Durban campus of the University of Natal-Kwazulu were eliminated, 119 days apart; Biko’s 2 day torture death began on September 11, 1977, and Turner’s shooting on January 8, 1978, 68 days before I immigrated to the United States, March 17, one week shy of my 21st birthday; without forgetting my cousin and classmate from Jewish Durban day school, Carmel College, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997], a member of the armed wing of the ANC, uMkhonto weSizwe, was brutally murdered by fellow members, 4 and half years into Mandela’s watch.
Goymorrah, how would you like to be remembered?
Buthelezi had a big ego, and saw acting in the movie as a way to immortalize himself. By the time he caved in, with Mandela, to Harry Oppenheimer’s demands, right before the 1994 South African General Election which had fully under control Mandela succeeding the Apartheid Regime, Mandela making a 180 degree turn, from the honorable, “Growth through redistribution” to “Redistribution through growth” which keeps the power in the hands of the SA Oppenheimers and their cronies Paypal-Apple-X-Facebook-Bezos-Amazon, “Butcherlezi “ [sic] was no longer 36, because he was now 66, eager to join the club.
Goymorrah, who is going to play you and Schneerson,
the ugly little rat?
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[Word count 2000]
On Aug 19, 2024, at 5:42 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote Derrick Beare:
Derrick, please take your time, read carefully, “Being born is a miracle” – …