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Raye Anne Marks [RAM] – Check your slip – Part III

Continuing from Part II –

Of course each of them have the right to say their peace if they disagree with anything I have to say, and all I ask is that they examine very carefully the chronology of events beginning with what Ray Anne Marks wrote my most beyond belief multi-talented F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser at 4Am the day following Marie had me type an email to Raye Anne and copying a sampling of Sebastian’s students.

All she so calculatingly wrote was “sure” and nor did Marie and/or I receive any follow up on the subject which was all about Sebastian’s students showing him and Margarita consideration for their health and when the students are sick with your regular colds to stay home no matter how strong is the urge for Sebastian to paint their paintings before he is too sick or dies.

Moreover, Raye Anne could only see a few of Sebastian’s students names in the carbon copy section and therefore would have known there was more than a good chance that not all of his students would have got the message; and so let’s quickly examine what Raye Anne Marks’ “sure” actually meant?

My opinion is that it was saying to both Marie and me, “Go fuck yourselves”.

I also believe as time has passed by without one of Sebastian’s other students saying one word to either Marie or me that they too couldn’t give a shit about Sebastian’s health even those who quickly decided to stay home and endure God logically increasing the punishment as the exacerbated illnesses consume time away from exercise that none of their self indulgent fat diseased talkative cells can afford no matter how much they want to beleive that the 6 muscles around the mouth exercised with every mouthful compensate for the rest, because they keep forgetting that their crap diet due to diminished mental capacity has them that much more exercising the muscles around their rear end.

What can be more disgusting than a hypocrite?

A group of hypocrites.

What can be more rewarding that God-Logic-Truth congregating all the hypocrites in one identifyable mass?

Now imagine what if anything happened to me or you in the interim of making Terry Samples’ most significant malfeasance a public international spectacle?

First, I wouldn’t have written this most important communique.

Second, all those who can’t wait to say they were students of Sebastian would have got away without me having spoken my mind while Sebastian was fully “compos mentos” (sic).

Third, Margarita now suffers from in addition to her MS and just having her hips replaced, bouts of dementia; and therefore were she to say as she did the other evening to Marie and me on the telephone, “I often think of you” to those she did not like and were she to say the same thing to them, if you were one of them wouldn’t it be tantamount to God looking your square in the eyes and saying, “Fuck You”?

BTW, Marie and i plan to visit with Margarita and Sebastian today, and you can well imagine what question I am going to ask Margarita and if she and Sebastian approve I plan to videotape it and place it up on my Facebook “wall”.

How come you are not a FB “friend” of mine?

You must understand at this time how very important it was to the mineral monopolists at the time they were just beginning to hook their good for nothing middle class common herd on their monopoly money that is worth less than fresh air because worthless money would take a miracle if it were made out of fresh air, to murder the one discipline that is not only perfectly gaugable so long as one is a trained fine art oil painter to judge all the 3 elements that go into a beautiful painting and therefore to accurately critique when it is ugly as are most unless they are fixed by someone as uniquely skilled as Sebastian, but in order to get the perfect consistency, in addition to being naturally talented as so extraordinarily few are, one has to be a worldclass athlete having the endurance, the stamina, the strength to stand on one’s feet for upwards of 10 hours a day for 6 decades in order to get to Sebastian’s level.

Go ahead and ask Raye Anne when she last painted for 8 hours in one stretch; and the next question is whether she expects to be making more money from teaching when Sebastian expires?

You do understand that my highly literate and most worldly mother trained me in more areas than to just compete amongst the world’s smartest financial engineers who you are only now realizing are total con artists, and that is the smartest amongst them. The vast majority remain clueless about how easy it has been for one family who got away with the wholesale murder of the 6 million Jewish people and using that intimidation to quieten all the rest, to have the herd still thinking that their money is the “scarce resource”.

The only area that my mother did not excel in was her knowledge of fine art painting because she never had a teacher like Sebastian Capella because they simply don’t exist, apart from Sebastian who learned very little from his professors at the Valencia Fine Arts University which taught other greats like Sorolla who only lived to 60 and when he died in 1923 he didn’t have the benefit of modern day photographic equipment or students to learn from since to the best of my knowledge Sorolla never taught as he was too busy painting.

The rest of my “training” allowed me to “rub shoulders” with the world’s ruling elite who have never allowed their private fine art collections to “see the light of day” because again it was very important to diminish objective fine art oil painting when hooking the masses on nonsense abstract bs art that they are told contain all this “emotion” because they were brainwashed into believing that there was a need for all the so analytical “making money” to be balanced with an “imaginative” mind whose brilliance is determined by the aptitude of those who have the money to “make money” which is all bullshit because all the “money making” is all bullshit brainwashing.

Nor did I think I was stupid when i would ask the superich to explain the mastery of the so-called masters that they didn’t know where to even begin.

Raye Anne Marks is not the only one who knows that I haven’t forgotten her several well-timed kicks in the butt but because the fat diseased talkative cells of liars has them increasingly having a difficult time keeping track of their lies, she simply doesn’t remember as well as me who never has to worry about forgetting my lies since I know better than either to lie or be around liars, let alone when God challenges me by placing a liar in my midst, to tell them exactly how I feel about them, and the next time they don’t show up, I don’t say to myself, “I only wish I had been nice to them”.

She has also written since how the La Jolla Society of increasingly mediocre fine art oil painters will lose one of their better members if this man and his wife don’t find alternative accomodation to their current lodging where they are being thrown out, without Raye Anne offering this couple her home as she offered Marie and “I” (sic) who are obviously not as close; but then again gossipers can’t get enough of getting close to good people like Marie and me in order that when their fat diseased talkative cells are surrounded by those fat diseased talkative cells they most like, since as you know negative energy attracts negative energy absolutely, they can get away with twisting the facts they know about us.

Yes, my $4 million DEATH SENTENCE has put the entire world on trial and I couldn’t be happier.

The best was Raye Anne throwing in to one of her long boring speeches how there is this island community who use rocks as currency and she thought that might work here in the US, but of course that was just her nervous energy talking.

Defamation is first and foremost an untruthful statement.< br />
I never said a word that was untruthful about ex CIA Knuff, and everyone knows that but they just don’t like everything else that I have to say about their laziness which affects the poor of the world who remain in the majority because the mineral monopolists who cannot get enough of the lazy they have now bred for 4 generations, have yet murder sufficient quanties of the poor through poverty and war.

If I am unable to get someone such as you who is first of all an athlete and whose wife never pumped herself with pills to produce triplets and you showed Marie and “I” (sic) on the phone when we first spoke how much you genuinely love and adore all of your 5 children, then I will most of all rejoice the irreversable 100% proof that God has shown His presence, and in the next moment the next Moses will arise to lead the children of the brain dead through the wildnerness and I don’t believe for one minute it will take anywhere close to 4 decades to rid the world of such filth.

Tell me about your day.

Ps – If I don’t get back to you immediately rest assured I am not resting on my laurels as I continue looking for a better wifi internet connection which will hopefully allow my Apple mail that contains all my email addresses to function; and of course in a “worse case scenario” I will return to the cliff house where Marie is painting and I will be ever so careful not to disturb her as much as I would like her critique of what I will be next sending former Vice President Dan Quayle and then I will be following up with Gillian Tett.

[Word count 1468]
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Fwd: Once a liar always a liar – Re: I need to know today
before the COB if you intend to return the gold coin. I received the UPS
shipment yesterday.
From: Lawrence Moses
Date: Fri, January 20, 2012 8:39 am
To: Gary S Gevisser

I would like to, but the problem is that there were also people on that this who didn’t know who Terry Samples was nor how they got on that list. I would first have to sort out all the people who requested to be taken off of the original thread.

From: Gary S Gevisser
To: Josh Weaver ;; Lawrence Moses – victim of former US Air Force Major Terry Smilin Sam Samples ;;;;; “Raye Moelemi – victim of Terry “Smilin Sam” Samples”
Cc: rest; Laura Malter – former CIA officer ;; Michael Awerbuch ; Earlyshow ;; “David Bellavia – US Soldier nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now “blowing the whistle” on Operation Sparkling.” ; Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama ; Editor-shanghai daily ;; Editors ; Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. ; “Dr. Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967, the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation”
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: Once a liar always a liar – Re: I need to know today before the COB if you intend to return the gold coin. I received the UPS shipment yesterday.

Don’t you think we should be bringing it on strong with Samples’ entire Christmas Card list?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: January 19, 2012 6:38:41 PM PST
To: Sam Samples , Terry Samples , Rebecca Samples
Cc: rest; Cyndi Lauper , “Lawrence Moses – victim of former US Air Force Major Terry “Smilin Sam” Samples” , Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967 the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation , “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA” , Marie Dion Gevisser ,,, dave , raye anne marks , Lynne Zimet , Kim Wilkins c/o General Atomic – Public Relations Department , “King Golden Jr. Esq. – my long time American attorney and “bosom buddy” of Roger W. Robinson aka “Our Man Roger” who I have known intimately since he joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” , Jay McMichael – CNN Photojournalist MCMICHAEL , “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” , 60 Minutes <>, “Matthew Margo Esq. – Senior attorney for CBS – Matthew’s father Judge Cecil Margo was tasked by Ben Gurion during Israel’s War of Independence [Nov. 1947 – Jan. 1949] where South African Commander Margo played a pivotal role and overseen every step of the way by devout Christian Jan Smuts to develop the “blueprint” for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force” ,, Brazil Embassy – USA ,, “”JOÃO DE VALLERA – Portuguese Ambassador to the US.”” , Chinese Embassy – USA , “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” ,, Edward Jay Epstein – Author of The Diamond Invention , “Gillian Tett – Financial Times of London, US Managing Editor” , Andre & Martine Dion , “Ira Mishkind Esq. – Gary Steven Gevisser’s estate attorney.” , “Jerry Phillips, Esq.” , “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” , “Professor Caplan – St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University and holder of David Gevisser’s diploma, Masters of Studies in History Research which should have been labeled, a Masters in Rewriting History.” , FBI – San Diego , Department of Justice – Anti-Trust Division
Subject: Once a liar always a liar – Re: I need to know today before the COB if you intend to return the gold coin. I received the UPS shipment yesterday.

You were too good to be true.

Once a liar, always a liar. You are now in the same category as ex CIA Knuff. (Did you know that Rebecca told Marie that you worked for the CIA?)

You are attempting to show me that you can true to your word, “You are either a fighter or a target” something you learned in Fighter Pilot school.

Those days are long behind you, and you have much more a criminal record.

