React on command – automatons
Screenshot 12 January 2022, 6:55 PM Calif. time
· January 9 at 1:06 AM
Shared with Members of WWII Photos
In the 1920-30s, Germany supported the National-revolutionary-Army of Marschall Chiang-Kai-Shek. Originally German General Hans von Seeckt had the Plan to reduce the number of poorly trained and equipped Divisions and establish a modern, Well trained and highly mobile army counting about 80 Divisions. These were to be trained with German doctrine and equipped with German Gear. The chinese civil war between Chiang-Kai-Shek and various warlords and the chinese communists under Mao Tse-Tung and the widely spread corruption delayed these Plans. Also in 1937, the Japanese attacked China. The german Military was in favor of the chinese while the Nazi government wanted the japanese as their allies. The German Military advisors had to be threatened by Nazi potiticians to stop their duty and return to germany. General Alexander von Falkenhausen protested but had no choice. At the Time of the japanese Attack, about 8 Chinese Divisions were made after German pattern. They were equipped with german-style steel-helmets, Rifles and pistols, German Handgranates (Stielhandgranaten, ‘potatoe-masher’), also about 13 light German Tanks Pzkpfw I were shipped to China. Also other nations delivered weaponry, such as czechoslovakia, which delivered Machineguns. These formations fought tough in the Battle for Nanjing, but were overpowered and almost completely destroyed. German officers were mad seeing their hard work destroyed by a ‘new ally’.
Tomas Kohn and 148 others
Bill Root
It’s too bad this happened the way it did. Just imagine how the world would have been different if Mao didn’t win the civil war.· 3d
Bill Root la cina sarebbe rimasta con una sovranità limitata e controllata da statunitensi e inglesi
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Bill Root
Luca Liguori Maybe so, but they wouldn’t have been Communist.
Bill Root anche i nazionalisti cinesi avevano stretto alleanza con i sovietici in funzione anti giapponese… Ma la storia ha preso un altro corso e con la nuova cina imperiale bisogna trattare, anche perché loro fanno piani politici ed economici quinquennali o decennali al contrario dell’impero americano che li fa sui tempi di borsa…… Visto che il debito pubblico statunitense è per buona parte nelle mani cinesi
Bill Root – Mao would not have won if Truman had listened to MacArthur. It is fashionable today to villainize MacArthur, but he was a very good general and an even better stateman and organizer (today’s Japan is almost totally a doing of MacArthur via his administration there after WWII). MacArthur tried to get Truman to step in to avoid the loss of China. Truman refused (and after him Eisenhower) and led us to where we are today. MacArthur once said Eisenhower was the best clerk who had ever worked for him. I agree, seeing Eisenhower as a very good politician but not a very good general.
Robert Jennings
China lost, bigly.
Felix Neuer
If anyone ist interested in a movie about this topic, watch ‘flowers of war’ with Christian Bale. The german equipped chinese soldiers also appear in some scenes
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John K Marsh
Read, “The Rape of Nanking” by Iris Chang…it was one the worst war crimes of the war, and in history.
John K Marsh really good read to understand what the Japanese did to the Chinese during the war
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Felix Neuer
Here is the Trailer
Flowers Of War | trailer US (2012) Christian Bale
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Danny Taylor
Wow, I never knew this.
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Rob Stoeckel
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Daniel Rey
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Mike Bauer
Very cool mag cover!-
Gabe Courts
Seeing Japan march into Manchuria unopposed and with little say from the outside world, influenced Hitler to do the same in Europe
Felix Neuer
Gabe Courts I think that the political Appeasement of Chamberlain influenced Hitler more. The manchuria-issue Not so much I think, except If He missed what happened in Khalkin Gol, when the japanese were badly beaten by the red army
Felix Neuer you see that Gabe Courts responded positively to what I wrote.
Gabe doesn’t go further to question more.
So I ask you who has a pretty good handle on history which you know is never written by the losers, to explain clearly, leaving nothing to the imagination, “… except if He missed …”.
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser if he was so influenced by the japanese conquering manchuria, He must have missed the Battle of Khalkin Gol, otherwise He wouldn’t let the Red Army to be His direct neighbor in divided poland. Since the USSR and Germany would also have clashed any time. It was Just a Matter of time who attacked First, the Red Army or the Wehrmacht. Since Stalin slaughtered Most of Red army’s officers, this delayed a lot. Germany was also delayed by the balkans-campaign aiding Italy Not to be completely embarrased.
Felix Neuer , my read of the Battle of KG is that the Soviets won.
Is that your assessment?
If the Soviets won against Japan in a battle that commenced on 11 May, 1939 and ended 16 September 1939, just 3 odd days before the 8th anniversary of Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, please explain “… except if he missed”?
What am I missing?
Hitler didn’t miss the unopposed invasion of Manchuria and he also saw that the Soviets defeated the Japanese 8 years later.
Hitler didn’t know that the Japanese would be defeated 8 years later which didn’t prevent Japan from continuing to be supplied with weapons and supplies.
Didn’t Hitler simply believe that his army would do better against the Soviets than Japan?
Didn’t Hitler almost pull it off?
I’m mostly focused on why you would place so much emphasis on the Battle of KG than Hitler seeing that no one opposed the Japanese invasion of Manchuria?
When you don’t oppose with military force an invasion of land containing mineral resources needed to wage war, you must have a plan that is better than stopping aggression in its tracks.
Usually that is because you too are profiting from the corruption.
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser I don’t think that the chaotic political Situation in China (big country without a proper political leadership due to ongoing Chaos after the Revolution against the Quing dynasty and being shattered under the command of various warlords and no Central military power and widespread corruption could be transitioned to the european Situation at that time. The Appeasement and some other successes before (Return of the Saarland, remilitarisation of Rhineland, adding Austria and Sudetenland and the Memel-area). All these steps were not achieved by large Scale Military invasions but by political negotiations (except Rhineland, but a handful of Bataillons also is no large scale Invasion. If the french had moved at this time, German troops would have been forced to retreat). The Appeasement-policy of Chamberlain made Hitler think, He might achieve a lot more, but as he broke the treaty of munich when marching into czechoslovakia, the allies drew a Red line which was not to be crossed. They wouldn’t negotiate any further since hitler didn’t respect any contracts in Long Term. Maybe he would have been sucessful getting Danzig by negotiations If He hadn’t marched into prague. Since the british foreign Policy didn’t want a Germany which was too weak as a counterpart to france and maybe to contain communism in central-europe (Policy of Balance of Power, still they remembered the communist Revolution under Bela Kun in Hungary and the polish-soviet war in 1920 when the Red Army almost reached central-europe (miracle on the Visula or Weichsel stopped the advance). Since the german leadership proved to be not reliable for a stable Status, the war emerged.
Now Back to manchuria and Khalkin Gol: yes the soviets clearly won. They stood their Grounds against furhter japanese expansionplans in the Area and proved to be a Force to be reconned with even If Western nations wouldn’t move at all. This Battle had effects in japanese Military Planning which didn’t Focus to the north any more. They signed a non-aggression-pact with the soviets. If Hitler knew His ally better, He could have known, that the japanes stick to their contracts more than He did. So He wouldn’t have help from the east when the clashing against USSR would occur. And as we see later, The soviet forces from the far east were transferred to the west and helped in the battle for moscow when Unternehmen Taifun failed. The other Thing is that a nation, Hitler was about the be allying with was clearly defeated by a Power that the regarded to be subhuman1d · Edited
Felix Neuer I have great difficulty following both your English train of thought.
What is your educational background and work-life experience?
Mine is military economics which was not part of my university economics-finance studies where military economics was conspicuously absent.
· 1d
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser I studied pharmaceutical chemistry
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser the auto-correct (which focusses in German) changed some words in my Text. I redid IT. Hopefully the text is now more understandable
Felix Neuer are you German?
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser yes I am
Felix Neuer, what you have written is more confusing, and your edits don’t seem to help because it is all that much more confusing.
What makes you think that people will stick to contracts when the whole purpose of war is to invalidate prior agreements, and make sure the defeated enemy cannot beat you back?
Wouldn’t you also agree that if you could get away with backing all sides to war then you always win?
I still don’t understand what you first wrote, “The manchuria-issue Not so much I think, except If He missed what happened in Khalkin Gol, when the japanese were badly beaten by the red army” which most caught my attention.
It is your use of the word “except” which had me thinking that you were agreeing with Gabe Courts about the importance of Japan invading Manchuria, with no opposition from the Allies, encouraging Hitler, OTHER THAN, it would mean that Hitler failed to observe that the Soviet Red Army were a military force to be reckoned with.
The word “except” is much the same as “other than”.
Again, you have gone on to write a dissertation that I find no less difficult to follow than your suggestion that Hitler saw the Japanese defeat at the Battles of KG by the Red Army as weakness of the Red Army.
I have a German last name, but I don’t speak German, although I’m certain you know the word “Gevisser” is a positive; also very similar to the German word, “Gewissen” which means “conscience”.
I am 64. How old are you?
My first client following my university studies was Harry Oppenheimer.
Have you heard of his sister corporations, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who have controlled the world’s drilling industry and therefore the minerals since the turn of the last century?
Did you know that when his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer formed Anglo American Corporation in 1917, World War One was far from over?
His reasoning for coming up with such a name was to mask his German investors’ ownership.
Most different is “Anglo American” to “German”?
Moreover, while it was still a “toss up” as to who would win WWI, there was no mistaking that one Allied General, South African General Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950], known to his enemies as “King of the Jews”, had given the Germans a very bloody nose when first routing them from German South West Africa, now known as Namibia, and no less importantly succeeded in German East Africa where other Allied Generals had failed miserably against most competent German General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, resulting in Smuts being invited for the first time to join the British War Cabinet in 1917 which didn’t mean that Smuts was unaware of the Soviets.
So you wouldn’t expect “Master spy catcher” Smuts to be fooled by a very distracting corporate name.
Furthermore, when Churchill invited Smuts to join the British War Cabinet for the second time at the commencement of World War 2, which you understand was simply a continuation of World War 1, and Smuts the only signatory to both World War peace treaties, Churchill perfectly understood that in the event he became incapacitated or died, then General Smuts would become Prime Minister of Great Britain and South Africa.
Are you aware that the DAAC-SA Oppenheimers were the principal raw war material suppliers of Nazi Germany, providing Hitler with his industrial diamonds to fashion precision tooling, out of US-Allied protectorate, Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross as couriers?
BTW, I am Jewish. My father was a World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot with South African Air Force Squadron 11. All his 71 miraculous dive-bombing missions against the Germans were conducted over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, which I am sure you are very familiar with, and only flying the American built P40-Kittyhawk fighter bomber
on all his missions which included flying 2 sorties on 19 March 1945 in support of the Jewish Brigade’s first ground offensive.
Prior to joining Squadron 11, where the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot was the legend, Captain Syd Cohen,
my father was stationed along with Syd Cohen and the rest of Squadron 11 which was known back then as “B” Flight, Squadron 11 had yet to be “revived”, in Idku, Egypt where my father
only trained on British made Spitfires which is what less than 3 years later, the Egyptian Air Force flew against the Israel Air Force equipped with vastly inferior aircraft; and the only country willing “to lend a hand”, was Soviet controlled Czechoslovakia who first supplied Israel with German Messhersmits.
Yes ironic, Jews flying German MEs in a bid to delay the FINAL SOLUTION.
While Syd Cohen went on to command the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] my father was kept in reserve in South Africa were a second wave, a last ditch effort to save the fledgling State of Israel, be needed; and most likely it would be a suicide mission.
The other side of my family, my mother’s side was more directly involved in the war effort to hold off the 5 Arab armies who attacked Israel, the day following Mossad head, David Ben Gurion declaring Statehood on 14 May 1948 when it was fully transparent that the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals were a farce as the principal architects and profiteers of World War II, and whose centerpiece was the Final Solution to the “Jewish Problem”, were going to get off scot-free.
Nor was there any doubt in the mind of British Field Marshall Montgomery that by sunset on 15 May 1948 the only Jewish survivors would be swimming the Mediterranean Sea seeking an imaginary safe harbor; you remember that President Franklin D. Roosevelt turned back the SS St Louis.
No less important to emphasize; on June 6, 24 days after the St. Louis left Europe, it turned around to return. It was accompanied by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel, on the lookout for desperate passengers who might jump off the ship.
Equally important is that in mid-July 1939, my father and Syd Cohen’s Commanding Officer, General Jan Christiaan Smuts, you remember him because I was just talking about the man who saved half of European Jewry, accompanied Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, again the father of Harry Oppenheimer on a flight to the Belgian Congo.
This most important piece of history, a month and a half before Hitler invaded Poland, was removed from the American edition, but remains in the British edition of Smuts’ biography penned by his one son of the same name in 1952, two years after Smuts’ passing.
I have a copy of both books.
Back to Montgomery who on the eve of the 5 Arab army invasion that was supported by the Allies’ military industrial complex, declared, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun.”
Imagine a world without Jewish people.
Following my university studies, I did not abandon the English language or my sensibilities.
Instead, like Smuts when he finished his Cambridge University studies, I chose to seek employment with Harry Oppenheimer who succeeded his father who in turn had succeeded the founder of De Beers, Cecil Rhodes who died right before the Anglo “American” Boer War ended.
If you are going to be a “player” in this “Dog Eat A Dog” [DEAD] world, it makes sense to set your sights on the top dog.
10 years following officially joining the DAAC in early spring 1979 at their top site holder on US soil, Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street, New York City, and that followed a year long orientation that was directly supervised by conscienceless, merciless, Harry Oppenheimer, I launched my consulting business aimed at successful entrepreneurs like my facebook friend, South African multibillionaire Solly Krok who are more likely to avoid “Yes men” who “get you killed”.
Solly Krok who along with his pharmacist identical twin brother, Abe founded the pharmaceutical giant, Twins Pharmaceutical
had successfully branched out into the international arena. His Epilady USA Inc. which had the international marketing rights to the Epilady women’s shaver, engineered and manufactured on Israel’s Kibbutz Hagoshrim in northern Israel, near the border with Syria, had successfully grabbed the American market and it looked like nothing could get in their way.
If you are going to bet on anyone, you don’t wont to bet on a loser, because that wouldn’t make any sense.
Winners attract winners; and the same applies in a military setting.
The winner of the Battles of Khalkhin Gol [11 May – 16 September 1939], Georgy Zhukov mastered this to perfection, as I’m sure you know.
When something goes wrong, you don’t throw out the baby with the dirty bath water. Instead you fix the leak.
BTW, the precursor to Epilady USA Inc. which was headed by 3 of Solly’s daughters was a baby products business that included one for the bathtub.
Battlefield success depends on only two items; a well armed, disciplined army who follow orders and knowing that there are going to be sacrifices, and your unit could be the one being sacrificed; and second, intelligence on the enemy’s battle plans, and how best to disrupt them to your advantage.
I’m sure you or any 12 year old whose thinking hasn’t been interferred with, would agree that knowing the enemy’s battle-plans ahead of time, is of utmost importance.
Felix, why do you think Madison Avenue-Hollywood don’t have their military experts explain all this to the TV audience ahead of every newscast, sitcom and talkshow advertising dumb celebrities and products that they don’t need as well as food items that mostly make them sick?
Do you think it is because it will put the audience to sleep and they will wake up the following morning speaking Martian?
Us humans are supposed to be a thinking specie with the emphasis on rational thinking.
What do you think is going on that we have so many talkers and no one making sense?
In the 10 years prior to beginning providing
Solly Krok and others with my “risk assessment” services, I did not stop thinking, but nor did I ever once share all that I had learned about the German-South African Oppenheimers-DAAC.
Dead people accomplish little with their lives.
Being a “Late Talker” helped greatly in not feeling the need to speak and therefore thinking ahead more clearly without having to watch my back.
I also knew how best to stay off the radar screen of the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers who seek out peacocks as their front persons, and they have been mostly unwitting participants because of their big egos.
If you haven’t read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that is available free on the Internet, you might want to consider it.
The D I book provides a detailed playbook of how the SA Oppenheimers have accomplished all that they have, creating ants of all us humans and knowing they have little to fear because the full of itself human would rather die than let go of its ego.
Solly Krok is not the only person who can see that over the course of the past 24 hours we are down to 221 odd mutual fb friends, having lost 2; and Im sure you can figure out why they have chosen to unfriend me.
The human can only handle the truth in small doses.
Therefore it is best to accomplish the task of educating the people on how to protect the environment at the same time end all the warring which kills the planet by getting everyone into one room to discuss all the important issues of the day and then vote their choices, rather than leaving it up to bought politicians-media, all grabbing out of the same pot, playacting they care about the children.
Felix, do you recognize the man on the right?
[The photo of President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer was removed by an administrator of the WWII Photos site on facebook. I then had a conversation with one of the administrators, Garry Bonehead Thompson who understood its relevancy to the WWII Photos and he suggested that I repost the photo with the same explanation I had given him – see below]
Felix Neuer, do you know why it is impossible to read the financial statements of the DAAC given how 90% of their transactions are “off balance sheet” and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by those 90%?
BTW, I am writing a book in real time which picks up where The D I book leaves off while filling in the few, but critical gaps such as why there is so little mention of the morally reprehensible, insane, totally illogical, Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index which is also referred to as Gross National Product [GNP]; in fact there is only one mention of the GNP and it can be found on chapter 16 of The D I book, aptly titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.
Go ahead, ask me your questions.
Felix Neuer
Gary Gevisser well it wasn’t my Intention to get you confused. I apologize for that. One of my weaknesses is, to get carried away in Details, so sometimes the topic ist fading from View. I guess you’re right, I took the wrong words. All I wanted to say, was that I doubt that the manchurian theatre was a big inspiration for hitler, since the political Situation in Asia and Europe at that time was too different.
Even If this japanese military Invasion of Manchuria had been the major inspiration for Hitler, the battle for KG should have shown him, that the red army is strong. I Hope now, my intention will be understood.
Felix Neuer, I will get to your response above, “… my intention will be understood” which you sent out yesterday at 3:42 PM Calif. time, shortly, but please be patient with me if it takes longer.
I must just address the removal of the photograph of 2 gentlemen I placed up right after writing to you yesterday at 2:03 AM Calif. time, “Felix, do you recognize the man on the right?”.
It was removed because an administrator saw it as having no relevancy to the rest of the photos we see placed here showing depictions from World Wars I and II.
There simply wasn’t sufficient explanation, and again, I can understand that.
Moreover, there are 62,000 members of this important group and one can understand that while there are 38 administrators, keeping up with the lots of comments that fly around, is not easy.
Plus we all know that people distract for a number of reasons; including, getting attention by being either vague in the hope it makes them sound intellectual which might help them get a date if they are ugly looking, or for more sinister motives.
Furthermore, what I see here is a legitimate attempt by the organizers of this site to encourage people from all sides, all walks of life to share, and be better informed in an effort that young people are not sent to war to be killed and wounded in order for the newspapers, magazines and TV news to be provided with blood and guts that otherwise their paid actors writing the stories or reading from teleprompters could be asked, “Listen, we know you love your job, and would prefer to be paid more rather than less, but if we all get along great, you will be soon out of a job, and so Im not suggesting you first start out killing all the bees.”
So Felix you get my drift.
If the administrators had all the time in the world to just focus on what I am presenting then I doubt very much the photo of President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer shot in Cape Town South Africa on 5 September 2006 would have been removed.
Nicholas Oppenheimer sits across from President Putin only because his father, Harry Oppenheimer, who was my first client following graduating from university in 1977, and Nick’s grandfather, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who openly supplied Nazi Germany
with their critically needed industrial diamonds out of the Allied-US protectorate Belgian Congo, necessary to fashion precision tooling to mass produce weapons of war, using officials of the Red Cross as couriers, were not prosecuted at Nuremberg.
These most important facts of life are provided by renowned, scholarly Professor Edward Jay Epstein in his epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention and which Epstein retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act. [Scroll back to link above, chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA].
No less important, I can attest to their accuracy based on my firsthand knowledge that includes my year long orientation that was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer, before officially joining their mineral-banking empire in early spring 1979.
That photo also appears in Nick Oppenheimer’s rather brief Wikipedia profile where it remains conspicuously alone.
Felix, bear in mind, most people including Germans, remain totally perplexed as to the origins of both both WW1 and WW2, simply a continuation of WW1 which ended with Germany supposedly bankrupt and banned from ever waging war again.
All of us can also agree that a lot of people don’t bother to learn, and it is an issue that requires careful study beginning with lack of nutrition in our diets and the very boring way history is taught; lots of dates, names which mean nothing and very bloody combat which turns off a lot of women who are responsible for the raising and educating of the children.
Nor does the human mind like to be spoon-fed, so it is a delicate balancing act.
This planet is fast running out of time because of the lack of green space which if you are not immersed in nature you are less likely to pay attention to the great devastation that has taken place over the past century during the most tumultuous wars, all the while the human population has exploded.
There is a very serious disconnect going on which I am doing my best to bridge, but I only have arms and legs which don’t produce steel beams.
With my severe limitations, I am left only to do the best I can.
The photo of President Putin, which I will next be posting up for the second time here, who is not considered the kindest person in the world meeting with a man few recognize and those that don’t, may or may not think much about it, bearing in mind most people don’t think other than what they are spoon fed.
But for those of us who know well the history of the SA Oppenheimers who were the largest profiteers of their Apartheid Regime which ruled, following the end of World War II, for an uninterrupted period of 46 years whittling away at their opposition until nothing remained, that photo sends a chill up our spines.
If one looks at both the policies of the Apartheid Regime as well as the very top officials, a bunch including future Prime Minister John Vorster were jailed during the war by General Jan Christiaan Smuts for their open support of Nazi Germany-Hitler, that included terrorism, the correct name of the Apartheid Regime should be The Third Reich’s Southern Division.
You also know that Russia lost some 20 million of their citizens, significantly more than the top western powers.
President Putin who is no neophyte when it comes to the modern day history, understood perfectly the great importance of his public meeting with the head of a family that for the past 120 years has consistently backed all sides to war with impunity, and why he waited 759 odd days before having the Kremlin release it to the public; and 3 October 2008 was the month before Senator “Barrack” [sic] Obama, who visited mineral rich South Africa for the first time just a couple of weeks before President Putin, became President elect.
Note that we have no photograph of Senator Barack Obama meeting with Nick Oppenheimer or words admonishing the deplorable behavior of an ally whose wealth originates from the most treasonous behavior.
Neither Obama nor Clinton nor George W. Bush fought in World War II, but a great many did and many died and many were wounded without knowing the duplicity of the SA Oppenheimers.
Photographs should be accompanied by a story otherwise they are meaningless.
We should all be concerned that the next generation of children are better informed.
Notice I have moved away from the money angle.
I am obviously teaching you something that you didn’t know before; assuming you are on the level.
It is the case with most.
Our educational system is not geared to have us asking questions because they want us not to think and only to react on command; i.e. automatons.
Gabe Courts you are getting closer to the truth-logic.
Bill Deems
Pretty much no one except the Soviets and Japanese knew the truth about KG. Hitler knew a battle had taken place but it’s doubtful he knew the scale of it….it wasn’t a battle but rather a campaign….or how badly the Soviets thrashed the Japanese.
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Evangelista Juan Miguel
Herb Renstrom
I didn’t know anything about Germany’s involvement with the Nationalists!!!—-
Felix Neuer
Herb Renstrom it’s a complex and highly interesting Story. The USSR, Germany and the US all played their Part. The First two nations sent Military advisors and Material for the Army, US mainly regarding air-force-issues (Flying Tigers) and later Material Support.
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Jim Dalgleish
I was not aware, until now, of Germanys early on influence in China.
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Felix Neuer
Jim Dalgleish It’s not widely known, but I’m Happy, that I chose a topic that arouses so much interest
Jonathan King
2 billion Chinese with Nazi underpinnings? Nah.
Brandon Scott
Curious why Japan and not China joined the axis-
Marc Cohen
AdminBrandon Scott, because the Nazis considered Chinese to be Untermensch.
Ben Foley
I believe China is morphing before our eyes from Communism to Facism