Reason everyone is so quiet ~ You remain literate
From: “” <>Subject: Reason everyone is so quietDate: July 17, 2019 at 11:09:20 AM PDTTo: “Ayi Kwei Armah – Ghanaian writer; once taken under the wing of Central Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale [1908-2002]who went on to captain the team of South African Invader, American-German Charles W. Englehard Jr. [1917-1971] – c/o Bonnie Kwan” <>Cc: rest; Solly Krok <>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>, Vistage International <>, Menashe Cohen <>, Neta Mark <>, Zvi Remak <>, Oprah <>, Lance Armstrong <>, Economic Department Israeli Consulate <>, Projects – San Francisco Eytan Elterman – Israeli Consulate <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>
Janice I just wrote to my new fb friend Gillian Julius who like you remains a fb of Jean Edelstein Gaylis, the following on fb messaging:
Notice that Janice Lipman who was a year behind me in high school and remains a fb friend of both Jean and myself has not removed my post on her wall from yesterday.
Janice only has 166 fb friends and just 3 remaining mutual friend[s] with me.
Janice is also not totally stupid.
She is also remembers me well from school where I I wasn’t the dumbest in my class.
Janice perfectly understands that the reason everyone is so quiet when not threatening towards me is because they are rotten to the core.
The moment she breaks with me, she joins permanently a very ugly group.
Janice, you remain literate and functioning, at least here on facebook.
Below is what I just posted up on the wall of our mutual fb friend Jean Edelstein Gaylis after she promoted a Wall Street Journal article some 3 hours ago, Opinion | Can Ilhan Omar Overcome Her Prejudice?
I was born in Somalia and grew up amid pervasive Muslim anti-Semitism. Hate is hard to unlearn without coming to terms with how you learned it.
12:13 PM California time:
Jean Edelstein Gaylis don’t you think as a white Jewish South African who also spent time in Israel back in 1972 when you and I were taught about our atrocious Jewish Holocaust of just 3 decades before that before you start talking about injustice, bigotry, racism here in the United States you first explain to your audience why there was such incredibly weak Jewish resistance by the leadership of the Jewish South African communities, both secular and religious, to the murderous Apartheid Regime?
Did any members of your immediate family serve in the Apartheid Regime’s murderous military and police forces who thought nothing of shooting in the back young black South African school kids?
Why have you continued to be my fb friend for so long and yet so sickeningly quiet at the same time?
If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?
[Then I tagged the following fb friends] Princito Kitumaini Kamundala, Ekerette Ekpo, Ray Wainman, Ray Oshry, Rodney SmithPhd, Lynne Ziegler, Lynne Karen Bentel, Michael Ditz, Michael Rodd, Michael Mawdsley, Michael Chait, Michael Hancock, Micha-el Frame, Beth Isaacs, Gidon Frame, Nadine Fels Frame, Yaron Frame, Sam Schaffer, Riaan Reyneke, Dominik Kościelny, Richard Frankel, Richard Gering, Nina Senčar, Wendy Ann Bouman– Gary Gevisser’s South African high school history teacher, Andrea Lee, Lee Hurwitz, Lee Hochschild Greenblatt, Jared Aufrichtig, Lisa Lieberman Ross, Lisa Finkelstein, Joy Rutenberg, Melissa Heather Katz, Stan Katz, Harold Schenk, Harold Velez, Foster Gambleheir of the Proctor Gamble dynasty and whose THRIVE documentary is heavily misguided, Yvonne Hirsch, Jeff ReichmanSouth African diamond merchant who calls Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, “a load of rubbish” without being able to explain why and to simply distract, “look at all the wealthy people cornered the markets in silver gold platinum Kruger rands property”.
[Then I followed up].
Jean Edelstein Gaylis isn’t it time that us Jewish people owned up to the huge success of the Zagiew group, the Nazi Gestapo’s Jewish collaborators who not only snitched on their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters but worked for the Gestapo with a vengeance mopping up the last of the Jewish resistance in the incredibly brave Warsaw Uprising?
Moreover, while it is highly unlikely your father was an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot during WW2 as was my amazing father, it therefore would mean not quite as much as my father Bernie giving me the “green light” that were I to write his amazing biography I should title it:
My Life as an Allied World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot and the Aftermath of the Nazi Victory.
Nor is it inconsequential that this most important, most accurate assessment of the truth and well captured in the title, is modeled after the autobiography of both my father and my mother Zena’s close friend, South African-Israel Air Force colonel, Boris Senior [1924-2004] who I spent a lot of quality time with during our 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz-midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert.