Screenshot 4:57 PM Calif. time, 7 February 2022
February 5 at 8:54 AM
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The Corona virus
is just a symptom of a much bigger disease.
A virus doesn’t thrive in a healthy environment.
Patrick Binneman, Paul Newon and 2 others
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R-Mojo Rose
It’s more of a genetic lottery and also depends on viral load and strength of variant. . Some healthy people get super affected while some unhealthy people have mild cases.
We will be uncovering a lot more about this virus as the years go on
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Gary Gevisser
R-Mojo Rose bullshit.The only genetic in there is your weakness in the choice of foods.
You probably eat like your parents.
Solly Krok
Lew Joubert
Paul Steinberg
Lance Tollman
Sofiaan Fraval
Keisha Whitaker
Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
Paul Blackbeard
David Japp
Ira Rapp
Marine Serre
R-Mojo Rose
Why would you make such an ignorant assumption?I’m speaking to the fact that I know people who were in marathon running shape who have been debilitated by COvid19 while I know obese people who don’t exercise who had mild cases.
The bullshit is the lies that have been propagated making people think this is a disease which merely affect the unhealthy and the elderly.
Gary Gevisser
R-Mojo Rose marathon shape doesn’t mean they have nutrition down, and genes play a very little role compared to the way you eat.Moreover, my brother-in-law is 17 times Ironman and twice Norseman. He’s on the SAD (Standard American Diet) and paying the price.
So your assertions are ignoramus because you go with a very small sample of population.
I also know of no massage therapists, including my eldest brother who massages the world’s top athletes who has got the subject matter down, including a handle on the statistics, which is my forte.
You should refer to better sources as far as genes and diet such as Dr. Barnard MD as well the overriding statistics that those suffering from obesity related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease the biggest killer, high blood pressure, cholesterol etc are more susceptible to ALL SORTS OF AILMENTS-“DISeases” (sic).
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R-Mojo Rose
Gary, it’s true that diet affects health. There is no argument there.I grew up on the SAD diet and changed that long ago. I could still improve for sure especially with the amount of sugar I eat.
However, I get numbers as well. I competed as a mathlete on a highly successful team so you can say math is my forte as well.
I know of at least one person I know personally who had a great diet (even wrote a book on it) and he’s suffering from long COvid19.
If you can link me some studies which show that people with the right diet are immune to COvid19, I’ll be happy to review. Otherwise you’re ideas are speculation and conjecture. That’s fine but let’s not mistake it for fact.
I have looked into the eyes of nurses who have seen the very thing that I’ve witnessed- some people who are obviously unhealthy having mild cases and some who are young and “healthy” having bad cases. Of course it’s not the norm and I speculate we will know more about why this is genetically in time.
Gary Gevisser
R-Mojo Rose it’s not a question of what one person you knew personally or 10, (your sample is too small and statistically irrelevant and totally biased) just logically and statistics are proving, that the biggest killer is heart attacks; therefore the chances are higher that you would succumb to a sickness if you are unhealthy.Now if you persist in continuing in this vein, I am going to pass you on to my beautiful, exotic, super healthy vegan, F-C (Française-Canadienne) wife Marie Dion who jumped 2 classes, grades 1 and 6 because of her command of mathematics-logic and who has been following your drivel, a word I recently learned from an official at my Alma Mater, University of Kwazulu-Natal, and my lover of 3 decades says, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.
In anticipation that you cannot stop, let me share with you that our 1 mutual fb friend Foster Gamble is no less part of the problem in the spreading of disinformation which is all centered around the money and why you hear Whoopi Goldberg and the rest of her self-indulgent gang demonstrating vividly their lack of willpower, talking repeatedly about Spotify losing $2 billion in market value which again is a red herring.
Now stay with me even if you are the poster boy for Attention Deficit Disorder which if you had good parents, which few do, they would have coached you, rather than spoon-feeding which feeds into the need for attention, that ADD is simply Absent Parenting Disease.
Moreover, fat which is the perfect incubator for disease and cancer too is a symptom of deep rooted disease, does not do the sex life great – so stay away from both porn and sugar which because I assume primarily your lack of intellect you have difficulty avoiding.
You are contributing to my behavioral study of the currently still devolving human which picked up in intensity in 1934 with the introduction of the morally reprehensible, insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product economic index which escaped the attention of not only the 89 odd Nobel laureates in economics, but each and every student of economics – remember put in the back of your mind 1934 – the exception being those bought by my first client, Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) following graduating from university with a degree in economics which mostly taught me that I had to follow in the footsteps of General Smuts – 1926 Holism & Evolution – and join mineral-banking monopolist SA Oppenheimers-Monsanto-IG Farben who have instituted the greatest coverup of all time having stolen the world’s minerals going back to the turn of the last century, just as the Anglo “American” Boer War (1899-1902) was drawing to a close.
It would also be wrong to assume that General Smuts was oblivious as to what was going on.
To this day, 5 February 2022, neither academia nor the media reporting anything close to the truth.
Would you really expect the only wildly successful monopolist who along with their shills can’t stop preaching the merits of competition other when laughing in your face as Peter Thiel says, “Competition is for losers”, to encourage sharing amongst those at the bottom of the pyramid fighting over their scraps of money, including Cryptos, all part of the deception which began with, again the 1934 introduction of the grotesque GDP which the likes of Green Peace, The Venus Project, Amnesty International, OECD, Doctors Without Borders have not dared to touch with a 100 foot pole?
Do I need to mention Whoopi again or Oprah or Noam Chomsky or Alan Dershowitz or any President or government official since 1934?
Let me check.
Is the year 1934 deeply imbedded in both your subconscious and conscious mind that you won’t forget until you take your last breath no matter how utterly, devastatingly stupid you feel right now as well as into the future, as far as your imagination reaches.
Do you understand why Einstein who gave his greatest ever accolade to General Smuts, the only signatory to both World War Peace Treaties, says that imagination is more important than knowledge?
Research Einstein and Smuts and figure why you don’t know the first thing about Smuts?
Again, if your intuition hasn’t been interfered with as has obviously your learning, instinctively you would know not sharing is at complete odds with General Relativity that explains shared energy in the most precise language of silent mathematics – and I don’t believe for a moment you are great at mathematics-statistics or even close to borderline genius as I see you as a buffoon, not to disrespect the dumbest baboon to call you even an ant.
Foster Gamble do you have anything to add?
Mojo, this behavioral study picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention which remains free on the Internet, leaves off, and again you are contributing.
My again one of a kind F-C wife Marie Dion is putting the finishing touches to a children’s book.
Do you want to hear more?
Feel free to ask my long time client multibillionaire and fb friend Solly Krok what he thinks of me even if your only goal is to get Solly to take one of your massages.
Gary Gevisser
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Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg
Gary Gevisser Jeeez Gary, you need help mate…….. you have absolutely NO fucking idea how healthy I am or am not not what I, or Solly Paul Krok, eat…… get off FB. That’s your real health challenge. OTO.
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Gary Gevisser
Title: Pass outPaul Steinberg, at 8:45 AM, Calif time, where you are also possibly, and that was going on 2 hours ago, you rose from the dead, and you stink no less.
Imagine life as a skunk even if you don’t yet believe in reincarnation which has a lot of scientific merit going for it, but don’t trouble yourself with it, at least not yet.
The chronology is important even if you would rather die than admit you have also read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book, The Diamond Invention?
Do you think future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster, who published this page-turner book in 1982, the same year that my intimate, banker Roger W. Robinson Jr. (6 February, 1951 – ) who celebrated his 71st birthday yesterday, joined the top secret, National Security Council, were nuts to hire me when they could have, for the price of one, hired you and your father?
If you are unwilling to say what is your profession and academic achievements, would I possibly find out from our 6 mutual fb friends?
Could you simply be resentful, totally embarrassed, having so little knowledge of how the Dog Eat A Dog (DEAD) world works as you never considered the accumulators of the world’s minerals to have used their stolen riches and political clout to own all the politicians as well as all the banks, not just Barclays Bank and Union Bank of Israel mentioned conspicuously in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL of The D I book?
Were you hoping that your ugliness would influence Mark Zuckerberg to have me banned, resulting in all the world’s uglies celebrating?
You are having the most difficult time thinking for yourself, how can you think for anyone else?
What makes you think Zuckerberg wants to side with fools?
What if Zuckerberg too wants to achieve more with his life than be financially rich, knowing he can’t take any of it with him, plus the fact that I have got it 100% right?
Between now and taking his last breath could you see Zuckerberg or Musk eager to serve despicable fools such as you?
Do you assume that all rich people have zero spirituality?
Is there anyone other than yourself that you look up to?
You demonstrate that you don’t have an ounce of goodness running through your ice cold blood.
Do you think Zuckerberg doesn’t have the intelligence to figure you out, or more likely you simply had not thought everything through when deciding to shoot yourself in the foot?
So you didn’t ask multi-billionaire industrialist, South African Solly Krok with whom I still share 222 mutual fb friends what he thinks of me, and you are only shooting from the hip, why not contact America’s premier shareholder class action litigator [scal], Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. what he thinks of my “risk assessment” skills?
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
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Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
P2 – Pass outSteinberg, don’t you just love my mother Zena’s words, “My son what will happen with my “Love That Pink” lipstick if Revlon goes down the tubes?
What are your health plans for the rest of the day?
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
P3 – Pass outHow do you suggest I get everyone who knows you to join us here even if they remain quiet, for as long as they can?
You of course haven’t thought for a moment that I am crazy.
You are simply beside yourself for being such a fool and knowing that had you not come across me you would have gone to your grave as one giant ignoramus, just like R-Mojo Rose who of course you can’t help but notice is now awfully quiet, constantly adjusting his plotting until he too decides to fall on the sword.
There is no gold star for being a hypocrite.
It is all downhill after that, just ask yourself or any other hypocrite you know.
The fact that “Our Man Roger” hasn’t aged well, not to forget born on the same day, Feb. 6, as his immediate report, President Ronald W. Reagan with whom he also shares the same initials, RWR, just 40 years apart, and President RWR’s wife Nancy very big into astrology couldn’t get enough of that coincidence, do you think illhealth is possibly not the only thing the two of you have in common?
Please tell me that you are in great physical health and that is all I should be paying attention to rather than focusing on your obviously very poor mental health.
Were you aware that “Our Man Roger” went on to become the inaugural chairman of the U.S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission back in October 2002 and remained on until 31 December 2005?
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
P4 – Pass outSteinberg, when did you first learn that all trade negotiations involve military intimidation which accounts for 100% of all the diplomatic talk?
Roughly, don’t give me the precise minute, it is now 11:04 AM California time, when you got help figuring it out?
How can you explain this very common sense thinking escaping the attention of all the media, all the politicians, all the bankers, all the economists, all the property developers, all the weapons developers, all the private financiers, all of Wall Street, all the medical doctors including psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, deans of the universities, lawyers and all the judges?
Do you think I should have removed the economists and replaced them with Palm Readers?
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
P5 -Pass outPaul Steinberg, surely, if you have been even once to a palm reader you would want your money back’ unless they cut right to the chase at the beginning and said, “The functioning of the world economy is 100% military, and since you are here because of money and/or a horrific sex life, you should after joining the NSC become the first chairman of the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission?
Do you better see the nexus of the word “Economic” and “Security” and feel that you are ready to pass out?
Go back and read that much more carefully my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Class ‘68, President Bill Clinton of terrorist financier, traitor, Marc Rich.
Do you feel more stupid or ugly, and can you tell the difference?
Why do you think all the hypocrites steer altogether clear of commenting on those precise writings?…/letters-published-by-the…/
Can you show us that you are truly happy in your skin?
Continuing …
Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post – 2facetruth.comLetters Published by the Jerusalem Post –
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Gary Gevisser
P6 – Pass outPaul Steinberg, I see that we actually have 8 mutual fb friends. I thought we only had 6.
Would you expect a hypocrite to be blessed with spirituality?
Are you paying attention to TESLA-Musk now being hauled before the SEC?
Can you see how with everything we know beginning with an infinitesimally small singularity, everything connects up?
If you are having trouble tracking; for example in the same year the monopolist German-South African Oppenheimers introduced the moronic in the extreme Gross Domestic Product economic index, 1934, they also established the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) who continue to place sticks in Elon Musk’s wheels, and made the virulent anti-Semite, Joseph Kennedy Snr. the SEC’s inaugural chairman?
If you see that as purely a coincidence, do you see coincidences connecting up with the origins of the Big Bang or would you prefer not to think?
Assume your mind wants to be as far removed from spirituality, GoDNature as far as possible, could you see the German-South African Sir Ernest Oppenheimer plotting ahead of 1934 to conquer the world or would you also prefer not to go there?
So tell me why is it okay for you to be on Facebook but not me?
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
P7 – Pass outPaul Steinberg, is there a price that you would rat out, or in other words, bear false witness against a good person gathering the people to get out the important information?
What exactly have you been doing since Friday, 1:28 PM California time when my response to you “Fast unraveling” ended with me repeating your words, “Much more to tell”?
You didn’t have any intentions of saying more. You were simply scrambling for words to fill up the void developing in the space between your ears, much like a perfect vacuum where no sound can be heard?
You must be boiling up inside.
“People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!” – MDG
Yes, I didn’t think you were honest despite your protestations, “… honestly I haven’t had time…”.
Why didn’t your response now talk more about our mutual cousin Alan Lipworth?
Did the cat bite your tongue?
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
P8 – Pass outOf course both my not exactly average smart parents woke up very quickly when not only my cousins, aunts, uncles and great many friends went silent after the publication of my first pin point accuracy article in the Jerusalem Post, but my 3 elder siblings were unmoved.
On a scale of 1 to 10 and 1 totally depressed, how would you rate currently your level of happiness?
It is tough to pass out when the only reason you want to pass out is because you have been caught playing stupid.
Since you bring up Solly Krok, why isn’t he one of your fb friends? Don’t you like him?
Are you that choosy about your fb friends?
How much time do you still need to delete me as a fb friend?
Have you surveyed our mutual fb friends, Albert Mordechai, Asne Goodman, Moshe Taragin, Aryeh Green, Ezra S. Shanken and Tony Jacobs?
Again only 6 show up, but fb says we have 8. Can you tell me the 2 who are missing?
GREAT that you alerted me to the utter stupidity of your father talking in hostile territory about top secret military plans he was carrying, and not a thought to the likelihood that the cab driver was a spy.
Moreover, what sort of idiot would write in his memoirs his gross stupidity?
Yes, I can see that he needed a lot of filler.
Were you his editor? If not, why not; surely you could see from other experiences with your father that he was in need of great help?
Of course your father’s lack of Pilot wings not helping his low self esteem, none of which was lost on Ben Gurion.
Did you think your ugly distraction would blind me from your failure to address the important questions I previously raised including what precisely your father’s memoirs have to say about Syd Cohen?
Did your father ever discuss with you how the virulent anti Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-competition, German-South African Oppenheimers got the South African Jewish religious and secular leadership to go quiet after the SA Oppenheimers defeated General Smuts in the 26 May 1948 South African General Election?
Btw, why do you bring up Paul Krok, Solly Krok’s one son?
You might as well have mentioned the large size front teeth of the cute bunny that last crossed your path.
Don’t you know when to keep quiet!
In due course I will be following up with the former principal economist for OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who recently wrote letting me know that he reads everything I send his way.
I’m quite sure you are not going to like this follow up but you will be able to read it on my BLOG once it’s loaded.
Remember to every so often refresh your browser.
Thank you for contributing and helping those in search of the truth.
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Paul Steinberg
Gary Gevisser, I hope you can get help. Your angry tirades are, well, just astounding. I’m not going to be reading or responding to any more of your rants. Good luck… I wish you well but want absolutely no part of your quite toxic rants
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Patrick Binneman
Yes, we had the same shit in the army in 79,no taste or smell. They vaxed us and it went away. I caught it in the second wave 2021 and 6 days later it was over. I believe that the first wave killed because most of those people had taken flu shots for years. Or didn’t have covid in the past, and didn’t have natural immunity.
Gary Gevisser
Patrick Binneman I assume you are talking about the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime army? Yes or no?If yes, in what capacity did you fight in the Angolan War where Harry Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime’s military including the Malan Death Squads fought against the Soviet Union backed Cuban forces who were also financed, like the Apartheid Regime by the SA Oppenheimers?
Have you read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet and spells it all out just like the photo of President Putin and Harry’s son Nicholas Oppenheimer meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on 5 September 2006?
What have you done with your life since ‘79?
Do you see the past connecting in any significant way with the future, for example after eating poison you feel sick or another example getting soldiers to prepare, ready themselves with hate and cleaning weapons, should President Putin decide to invade the Ukraine and create more of a distraction and more content for both Whoopi, Rogan and the rest whose job is to rile you up?
Did you notice that Mark Zuckerberg-Facebook did not place up the automatic “Get your vaccine” after I posted up yesterday, “The Corona virus
- is just a symptom of a much bigger disease.
A virus doesn’t thrive in a healthy environment”?
Maybe Zuckerberg is coming around? Certainly, it is a positive move and until we hear otherwise we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
He sees the total destruction of the planet all caused by the lunacy of the GDP, which I guess you missed and now prefer to avoid mention, like everyone else until critical mass is achieved and the human herd decides to start acting rationally unless the ego is too big and we should wait for more choice if reincarnation is as real as the pervasive stupidity.
As unrealistic as it may be, could you see from a logical perspective Zuckerberg tiring playing his role in the games of the world’s biggest thieves who control all the wars, using the contrived chaos of the virus which hasn’t made a dent in the ongoing human overpopulation explosion, still there was a net 80 million increase per year of humans during COVID-19, testing, along with the vaccines, that of course weaken natural immunity, control of the people without having to cut off the electricity and water?
Would you expect Zuckerberg like Musk to have read The D I book?
- is just a symptom of a much bigger disease.
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Patrick Binneman
Gary Gevisser you lost me, when you started say, did you
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- I didn’t really give a shit what those arseholes thought or did. I couldn’t do anything about it, and no, nothing influenced me except the fact that I was forced into war with other people. And yes I was in Nkongo in 79,80,81. And I can say with a clear conscience that I didn’t kill anyone. Lots of death all around, but my platoon came through unscathed, with clean souls, and once we were released, we never looked back. And yes I agree with you, about the covid being an agenda. But that didn’t change the fact that many died, more than usual. But what the fucks do at the top is irrelevant, to what we do at the bottom, because ultimately we will all die. And that’s the reason I won’t get vaxed or buy into their bullshit. Know everything is good, if you can do something about it. But I have no family, no children, and no link to the gdp or any other forms of control. So I’m happy, content, and out of the angst and ferror of the world. Basically waiting for the end.
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Gary Gevisser
Thrive in a healthy environment
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Patrick Binneman
Gary Gevisser just so you know I am an, ideatic, empath and precognicent, so I don’t need any links and other people’s conclusions. I go with my own conclusions. That’s not to say I disagree with you, it’s just that instead of a flood of angst and what we gonna do’s. I go the untrod route.
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Tony Haverstick
The takeover of the planet by a weed species is not an analogy, it’s a fact and it’s us.
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Gary Gevisser
Title: Why not?Tony Haverstick, the problem is us humans, thinking ourselves so bright because that is what is what university instills in the non-curious, egoistical, too busy mind.
The weed is a poor analogy and it is boring.
In other words you are misdirecting.
Remember, you are having difficulty with being played, thinking there is a difference between political parties and you are into political correctness.
Why didn’t you invoke the Native-Indigenous American “Indians”, if you couldn’t do so yourself with all your high level connections to call for an amendment to the US Declaration of Independence still referring to the original peoples as “savages” whose land was stolen which led to the right of those with the minerals, who are in charge of the money, implementing the right of private ownership of land?
It is smart to study the logic of the ancient philosophers such as Plato who said private ownership of land, the eating of meat would lead to the death of humanity as it would drive overpopulation and medical doctors needed to keep themselves busy.
Isn’t Philosophy the first thing a student of ethics and religion gets their head around?
Remember the SA Oppenheimers and their shills are watching this conversation.
I know their modus Operandi and it also makes common sense.
They would view your response as the perfect, short, but saying nothing text message and they would be happy.
Perhaps I needed to spell out for you, but it is clear once you read The D I book and figure out what is going on, that Musk gets all his materials from these people and what he pays his labor, his rent, his robots, his land acquisition costs, his lawyer fees, his building permits, his construction costs, his insurance, maintainance, lobbyists etc is determined by these people.
Still I would rather Musk given his bravery and excellent execution, be in charge than anyone else when it comes to allocating the resources of the world before we can no longer breath the air, and/or a lunatic or a bunch of them playing the word game, but their finger on nuclear weapons decides why not?
Where would you Tony draw the line?
You seem to me to be sitting on the fence, at best.
It is by choice we act as a weed.
In keeping with your “weed”, we spread too much.
Even some weeds are beneficial, I think so.
It is just that we take over from everything else.
What allows the weed to grow so out of control is the GDP which you are not taught in university or school economics.
This is a global psychosis that crosses all socio economic groups, but you can’t blame the poor who can’t afford their basic needs while the biggest thieves and brownnoses get their palaces.
Moreover, it is important to note that it is not only you Tony, a university professor who continues to talk but steers clear of the gross GDP that your instincts also failed to pick up.
It shouldn’t be comforting that the talkers are playing with words geared to misinform.
What Professor of ethics, which I believe you are, or Professor of economics, could possibly miss the calamity of the GDP?
88 years have passed and it is not possible to get anyone to admit their foolishness.
Surely you can extrapolate that to the last human taking their last breath; they would rather die than let go of their ego.
At the most they ask, “What are you going to do about it?”
You don’t even go there. I assume it is because you have the common sense not to.
We can’t forget how your filmmaker sister bailed so quickly.
It is up to Zuckerberg and Musk to figure their next moves as academia are left behind.
You are a book seller-binder as well as a highly educated Professor of Ethics, unless I have you confused with someone else?
Did you pick up from Prof. Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention there is one conspicuous mention of the Gross National Product, another name for Gross Domestic Product, when referencing the completion of the Final Solution to the “Jewish Problem” – Chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
My friend, Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene, please make a backup, and spread it around.
It is just 4:50PM, a good reminder of the traitors involved in 1954 Operation Susannah debacle, which did not go down well with David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] who couldnt live forever.
Gary Gevisser
Title: Treason banTony Haverstick, it is now 11:38 AM Calif. time, having just completed “Pass out”.
It would be wrong for me to assume that ever since you didn’t respond to my webemail enquiring whether you could rebind my father Bernie’s one logbook from WW2, you stopped paying attention to my writings.
Prior to jumping in here yesterday, I last heard from you on 13 December last year at 3:56 AM Calif. time:
“I’d like to. It was mentioned incidentally in a piece in I believe either the NYRB or LRB. A mechanism was mentioned. It was advanced as a possibility, not a certainty. If I can recall further I’ll text.”
A little over 4 hours later, 8:06 AM I responded:
Thank you.Did you receive via your webmail, a request to “recondition” my father’s logbooks from WW2?
Then I immediately uploaded photos.
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
P2 – Treason banI then asked, 8:10 AM:
Also did you read The D I book?
Gary Gevisser
P3 – Treason banTony Haverstick, I heard nothing back.
You were obviously so pissed that you couldn’t bother to even reply with full on sarcasm, “Gary, I am so busy in my business and leisure time, and I’m honestly, genuinely sorry, but given my time constraints I cannot see how it is possible to get to your father’s logbooks anytime sooner when I’m fully turned into compost, once I die. There is however, a way to find referrals. Google is an excellent resource. I use it all the time including when wanting to decide what to read before bed, so I can wake up smart.”
At 12:34 PM, same day, 13 December 2021, I followed up:
I was just looking back on our conversations, November 12, on your sister’s wall , “I read from an matter-of-fact oceanographer last week …” and perhaps you could give me something more concrete as to where I might find this information about the plankton disappearing over the next century?
You didn’t mention anything about possibly repairing my dad’s logbooks?
BTW, Im currently in a conversation with an American insurance broker who has been in the business for the past 35 odd years and he appears to be in a total state of shock just learning about the Lloyd’s of London ban, dating back to the early 90s, prohibiting American citizens and American citizens from investing in Lloyd’s who fix the price of insurance worldwide, while accepting artificially priced “diamond currency” as a financial instrument from more “accredited” investors such Saudi prince Mr. Bone Saw and the rest of the Middle East “Royals” with the strongest ties to terrorist groups.
This insurance broker, John Devlin, just this instant blocked me on fb messaging as he was most uncomfortable in learning so late in life about this treason ban.
You would expect Mark Zuckerberg, along with my cousin, Israeli Niv Kantor, Zuckerberg’s engineering manager in charge of augmented reality and virtual reality, the future of Meta-fb to be gauging carefully everyone’s reaction to this important knowledge.
Not to mention Devlin’s last comment to me at 12:40 PM Calif. time, 8 minutes ago, “I don’t think most people give a crap
Haha. Take it easy”.He had been prior attempting to distract which of course is not the first time I have encountered childish behavior.
I now need to make a handful of backups.
Gary Gevisser
P4 – Treason banTony Haverstick, each time I tag you, it results in you being pinged, that can be very irritating if it is not something you want to hear but you also feel as anxious not getting the information because you want to hear it firsthand like everyone else.
You all want to portray me as stupid because the fools are only responding as you would expect from fools who cannot possibly have an ounce of spirituality running through their veins which all serve the purpose of making you think as logically as possible.
It is now 25 odd days since you have learned of the Lloyd’s of London ban which is a grand travesty of justice when you consider that 45% of Lloyds’ insurance business continues to be done with the United States.
So you are not asking why Whoopi and Rogan aren’t up in arms but you have been thinking all this time about all the household name politicians such as Johnson, Tony Blair, Obama, Trump, Clintons, John F. Kerry Esq. and current President Joe Biden who have been pulling your chain, and how best for you to profit.
So why write to me only this dribble, “The takeover of the planet by a weed species is not an analogy, it’s a fact and it’s us” when you have so much to say?
Gary Gevisser
P5 – Treason banTony Haverstick, have you thought about when eliminating such as when burping, you are being watched by a Higher Energy Reaction [HER]?
Can you at least try that going forward without feeling either paranoid or wishing you had been born with all the necessary humble qualities which I picked up from my parents?
I also have a very good idea of the advice Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are being given by their self-serving advisors who both gentlemen know like the rest of you, got it all wrong when these heavy duty fee chargers didn’t first bring the calamity of the GDP to their attention.
Gary Gevisser
P6 – Treason banProfessor of Ethics Tony Haverstick, it is going on 4 hours since receiving P5 ending, “… first bring the calamity of the GDP to their attention.”
Do you honestly feel that you have been behaving ethically?
It is a monumental.
You all seek to sweep the GDP under the carpet.
Where else has human collaboration been so evil?
Each human imagination can see that clearly.
What an extraordinary instrument this imagination to see a problem, go about solving it by putting everyone in the same room, and letting everyone speak their mind.
We can do that in the next instant.
Why isn’t one person game?
Why isn’t everyone game?
What a terrible mind-trip to play on yourselves.
The cashier in the big chain, the barista in a small coffee shop, the White House butler, everyone you can think of would want to know about the GDP that no one wants to talk about other than either not speaking about it, or minimizing its impact.
Professor, you are not used to getting a “mouthful”, albeit deserved, leaving you at a loss for words which again is most unusual; the same with the likes of Paul Steinberg, Patrick Binneman and R-Mojo Rose; and all 3 show no signs of any real academic achievement, at least as far as I can see; but of course I could be wrong, in which case their trauma is infinite.
Editor please underline, “trauma is infinite” unless you think subtle is better.
Remember we are talking about the destruction of the planet and most of the world living in misery from the time they are born, and you don’t have a genuine kind word for me.
I will get to why Harry Oppenheimer went to great measure to check me out just ahead of beginning my year long orientation into his massive empire that owns everythingm including, of course, the Queen of England, pedophile Andrew, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, their wives and respective children.
Let’s quickly though, recap the last century.
The Jewish Holocaust was no cakewalk.
The bullshit politicians and media have been spinning you, your children and your forefathers going back a bunch of generations, a yarn.
What the hell happened to all the mathematician-philosophers, couldn’t they all see what you all know?
We are talking about an epic blindspot.
This is about not having to adjust the mirror when shaving or plucking your eyebrows. Just look straight-ahead and tell us what you see?
Again, we have a common denominator that has each person unwilling to share the truth.
Can you really explain your hang-ups or is it simply too painful?
How can we be the only species that can sit around and talk about consciousness, seeking good solutions and be so unconscious about the things that most matter; namely, to stop destroying the planet, our environment that is clearly poisoning our minds.
If it is not poison that is killing our minds, then what is it?
Why don’t we go after those most responsible for the destruction unless we think it is God, then we should invite our clergy to fully participate as well.
No one argues that our brains are designed to search for truth and only insanity can explain not using our logic-truth instilled in our brain for good use.
If you don’t use it for its good intended purposes, what good are you or do you think you are the be all and end all, and know the answers to everything?
Where is this logic coming from that we can master debate?
The killing fields of Cambodia, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia and let’s not forget the masses of black South Africans who never made it to the ANC’s fully infiltrated training camps, and which the media have yet to report on, are sickening.
The death-brainwashing camps in China, not exactly exemplary Confucius.
So why am I letting my Jewish rabbis off the hook?
I’m not.
If it wasn’t a “Good Universe”, guiding us constantly towards truth-logic, finding solutions to every problem, how would we even imagine greatness given how dark man shows himself at this very hour?
Also the dark of Milk Chocolate, which is the Chocolate, is good. It is the white which is bad, because cow-milk, which is most used in confectionary, is liquified meat with puss from the teat of the cow to top it off.
I have great video to show you. Please remind me later.
One group has allowed us all to be so bad, granting us Money-Alchohol-Drugs [MAD] and we know who they are and they know they can’t deny it, and you would prefer to let them off the hook and kill me the messenger.
There is something painstakingly, grotesquely wrong with all your logic, and you should go home now and work on it.
Report back when you have finally come to your senses.
There is not a moment to lose.
Nor should you suggest that we let the SA Oppenheimers off the hook. Let them speak for themselves. If they ask to be let off the hook we should be Christian and forgive them, not so?
They can talk, and so we should let them speak. They may have the very best solution.
Let’s encourage them.
Continuing …
Gary Gevisser
P7 – Treason banDon’t forget you are calling me a lunatic; all the while this reckless abandonment of the earth and the downtrodden continues.
Only you know if you are going to be returning as tick which you know can be decapitated when pulled from human flesh and its jaws just keep going and serving best keeping you in the moment -seek positive – and paying attention when hiking use natural organic oils, better yet if the concoction includes, most of all be healthy when you are sleeping so your skin the largest organ remains fully sensitive to catch the tick before its starts trying to suck your blood.
Remember you know it is you who is the lunatic.
Nothing wrong with my thinking.
Not a single thank you and your silence and distracting has led to the torture death of my mother Zena; what worse than to be the best it is humanely possible, and not have your last wishes met. and you all couldn’t be more smarting, or is that fast fading away.
The entire world Professor Tony Haverstick is looking at you knowing that you, again, a Professor of Ethics have known not 25 days but rather 56 about the treason of Lloyd’s of London.
Yes, a lot of people now know about it, but still no one is talking and you are helping expand the circle of those who know and are doing nothing.
Lloyd’s is no small institution of the SA Oppenheimers. It was established in 1774, same year as the nonsense Wealth of Nations by drunk Scottish economist Adam Smith, 2 years before the “savage” US Declaration of Independence.
Can the 3 of them really learn from you? That of course is very doubtful, but not impossible.
As I have said repeatedly, it is a behavioral study alongside providing the historical facts surrounding the brainwashing which has led to the human so trusting of the Godly Money which they can’t stop thinking about unless enjoying great sex which very few get to experience even once – that explains a lot – that they never thought to question but lapped up the small talk brainwashing, “Money is worthless, money can’t buy you happiness or true love, better to be unhappy and rich than poverty stricken and no chance of love, blah blah” without forgetting, “With money you can buy more real estate to leave in your estate and that is something that will keep your heirs visiting with you until you die”.
I see Paul Steinberg couldn’t help himself.
5 minutes ago he writes, “Gary, I’m done with your tirades. Please leave me off all your commmunication”.
Continuing …
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Paul Steinberg
Gary, I’m done with your tirades. Please leave me off all your commmunication
- 1
Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg can you take our 8 mutual friends with you or do you feel that you no longer have quite the influence?Just a couple more pages of “Treason ban” and then you can try resting your head.
Paul Steinberg
Gary, its ok. Go with what you need to in this slew of communication. I want no part of it.
Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg read P8 – Treason ban for as many times as you are comfortable. You made yourself a part of it when deciding to be such a prick.
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Gary Gevisser
P8 – Treason banIt is necessary to keep repeating the truth, wouldn’t you agree talker Steven Bailey with whom I share 84 fb friends.
And it helps having a clever name website that is easy to remember because it is short enough and speaks volumes, not to forget.
But you all now know, and there are exponentially larger numbers of you with the information, you have been fed one grand, masterful lie which you cannot refute.
Should you seek out your favorite priest or rabbi or mullah for confession, you know that it can only bring you more misery because who wants to think that their favorite Man of God is so fricken stupid?
Paul Steinberg, why havent you untagged yourself, unfriended me and got the world to join you, starting with our mutual fb friends?
This insurmountable dilemma has you sticking around, wouldn’t you agree Steven Bailey, Arthur Goldstuck, Kevin Welch, Lance Tollman, Rod Margo, the elder brother of my longtime friend, CBS-60 MINUTES senior attorney, Matthew Margo Esq., Solly Krok, Steven Kofsky, Susan Smith and Warren Saks, the latter 8 the corrected/updated mutual fb friends I have with Paul Steinberg who has yet at this hour, 4:20 PM Calif. time, to unfriend me.
My goal has long shifted back to reaching out to the most accomplished in the DEAD world who are surrounded by leeches and most often thinking they might find relief amongst the artists of Hollywood who are prone to doing drugs, alcohol which is a drug, and poison diet which is the worse kind of drug that leads to injuries, pills, more pills, surgeries, more pills and more addictive drugs like heroin; a downhill spiral indeed.
So why would you choose Hollywood as a shoulder to cry on unless you real goal is money?
Both Musk and Zuckerberg show me enough maturity that they can follow exactly what I am saying because they perfectly understand reason; and again neither don’t show any signs of massive physical trauma like Timothy Treadwell, stage name for Timothy William Dexter (April 29, 1957 – October 5, 2003) who along with his girlfriend was killed and eaten by a Grizzly which filmmaker Werner Herzog catalogued in his 2005 movie, Grizzly Man which I saw for the first time last evening on Youtube; sad it all begin with a diving injury.
Focusing on Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, both demonstrated they had better things to do with their time than stick around for graduation day.
Continuing …
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Paul Steinberg
Gary, I’ve no intention to “unfriend you”. That is a pretty banal response to opinions one doesn’t agree with. I’ve no idea what your life is like but given how much time you are able to devote to these tirades…… I dunno. That’s for you to decide on. I’m just not interested in being drawn down into your rants. Have at it – please leave me out.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg, your blah blah is not convincing.Get some fresh air, then revisit all your writings and just get one of our mutual friends to explain how conflicted you are, “… Have at it – please leave me out”.
You know that I have no intentions of leaving you out.
In P10 – Treason we will revisit your father. But tell us now what of his traits not knowing when to keep his mouth shut did you inherit?
Did you eat the same foods?
I feel strongly that your intentions of not unfriending me are waning.
Your other fb friends’ silence is not helping you, is that a correct read?
Im heading out for a sunset mountain bike ride. Take your time. You are not under a stopwatch.
ActivePaul Steinberg
yeah, leave me out
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Gary Gevisser
P9 – Treason banConsequently, neither of them show signs of insecurity in their lack of degrees; and surely, Elon Musk was not passionate about finance at WARton sic, considering his innate engineering faculties; and unlikely his father, Errol Musk would share his intimate knowledge of the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] with his eldest son Elon who the elder Musk appears to have viewed as an intellectual “threat”.
No doubt there was a lot of bullying that went on in that household which would result in Elon prohibiting his ex-wife, Justine Musk, mother of his first 6 children, from having her father-in-law visit with their children.
No evidence that I am aware of that Mark Zuckerberg was bullied by his parents.
Good parents, the very few that there are, do their best to make sure that their children are never bullied by always asking their child lots of questions and just as important getting to know extremely well each and every one of their friends who would band together to mitigate the possibility of being bullied.
But we know most parents are in fact trash, total trash, and don’t really care about their children as much as they protest.
It is a real downer to be afraid of either parent who if an alcoholic, well, the first time the blood flows from a punch, the feeling must be like wanting to die even before the pain sets in.
Hope I am not bumming anyone out too much.
The fact is that we first have to come to grips with the problem in order to implement the solution where every child is allowed to reach their full potential and in the meantime to have a lots of fun being around their smart friends encouraging their parents to do better.
Smart friends can be counted on more than poorly aging, arrogant parents.
So how do you count on your friends when your own flesh and blood father beats the crap out of you?
It is amazing to me that Elon Musk appears genuinely peaceful; and if not then he deserves the very last Oscar.
Plus he has got the robotic factory down despite Big Oil-War seeking to trip him up at every opportunity.
I also bet that Mark Zuckerberg also still reads a lot, which you do when either lonely or surrounded by “Yes men” which couldn’t be lonelier, other than in a bad marriage.
I see Paul Steinberg has jumped back in.
Continuing …