Reincarnation round – How can you let this fly?
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: Reincarnation round -Re: How can you let this fly?
Date: July 26, 2022 at 1:53:33 PM PDT
To: Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Waterstrategist. com Waterstrategist. com” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>
Cc: rest; Academy of Ideas <>, Trevor Goldberg <>, Derrick Beare <>, Solly Krok <>, Brad Williams <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, Ernest Rady <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Leahbrandon-kfi <>, Nitza Lite <>, Tracy Tomson <>, Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion <>, Great surfer Paul Tomson <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, David Grubin Productions <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “Adele Strous \”Im not interested in history of Israel\” Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “- FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, “” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Sofiaan Fraval – Intimate of Elon Musk and fb friend of Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Reincarnation round -Re: How can you let this fly?
Date: July 26, 2022 at 1:53:33 PM PDT
To: Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Waterstrategist. com Waterstrategist. com” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>
Cc: rest; Academy of Ideas <>, Trevor Goldberg <>, Derrick Beare <>, Solly Krok <>, Brad Williams <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, Ernest Rady <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Leahbrandon-kfi <>, Nitza Lite <>, Tracy Tomson <>, Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion <>, Great surfer Paul Tomson <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, David Grubin Productions <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “Adele Strous \”Im not interested in history of Israel\” Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “- FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, “” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Sofiaan Fraval – Intimate of Elon Musk and fb friend of Gary Gevisser <>
Gentlemen, this very recent declaration, “… confused … money is a database for the exchange of goods and services … time shifting …all the bitcoin in the world you are still going to starve …” by Elon Musk is no insignificant matter.
Nor is my response;
No. For money, means of exchange, to have value, requires it be directly linked to the production of goods and services, otherwise you have run away inflation, worse yet, anarchy.The false GDP economic index was the first step in the deception, and in its wake the spent earth.
So what that I leave out Prince Harry battling to keep it altogether.
In fact if I were the grader in the certification of the candidate for a Phd in business-economics I would grade those 49 odd words, a AAA.
My mother Zena on the other hand, would give her classic smile.
To figure out my mother Zena you would have to know her as well as me.
You get a glimpse of that great mind “Pity those …” which inspired the likes of Aristotle Onassis, both Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Pandit Nehru and most important of all, her “kinsman”, David Ben Gurion who could run circles around all of his contemporaries.
There is nothing about the concern of the nature destroyed by all your progress talk in all your reporting and those who control your brainwashing, who decide not only on the news but how it should be presented ever since that first TV broadcast of 7 September 1927 which of course was not missed by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who by this time has his daggers out for those Jewish people who were unwilling to lie down and let him run right over them.
How can you such huge numbers so insensitive unless it is built into your DNA?
Nothing moves you. An ant just ran across my screen.
But you hot air is starting to fizzle out.
Your batteries are running low, not only because you are experiencing natural entropy but you are eating yourselves to death because you can’t be expected to care for your body when your mind is a total mess the result of your mind neglecting the first principle, “Do not harm”.
Those who set the standard for future medicine knew what they were talking about.
Im not suggesting that the 3 of you now decide to study medicine and begin learning about healthy nutrition.
You are simply too long in the tooth.
Instead I suggest strongly focus on your future reincarnation a subject that all the religions posit as fundamental; and should you come across a religious person who says otherwise, know you are talking to another fool.
I’m sure Mark Twain has spoken eloquently on the fool.
Certainly he covered other important subjects:
and at the top of the list is of course this one:
Amazing how Twain was so ahead of his time and seeing the devolution of the human fully underway.
Of course my mother Zena is spot on the mark, “Women’s lib brought women down”.
You had them buy into your price fixed money to leave the schooling of the children starting with preschool to those tasked with dumbing down the population, just as you would drug and alcohol addiction.
My mother Zena who you wouldn’t have needed to meet to know that she is no fool, expressed it so well:
“Pity those who choose to sit on the sidelines” ~ Zena Ash Gevisser
Her words of 18 March 1987 were not written in a vacuum.
My mother Zena followed very closely my career following my decision to turn down a job offer in Sydney, Australia with a Mossad computer start up following my experience with global money and mineral monopolist SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank.
It was natural for me to share the first print copy of my writings 2 days before:
My mother Zena also knew the gene pool she was marrying into:
The duplicate marriage certificate of my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 – 1970] and his wife, Katie Sher Gevisser [c.1895 – 8 June 1945] and passing on the same day Uranium King, Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer was born, identifies my 25 year grandmother as “Spinster” and my 30 year old grandfather as “Bachelor Merchant”.
It wasn’t like Katie at 25 was “over the hill”, you get my drift.
Today given the pollution of the air and soil, pedophiles might start making a claim for preferred citizenry.
How come there is not already a global rights activist organization for the rights of pedophiles?
Rothwell you certainly cannot talk to economics, so why not try you hand on this one?
Most important that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer the father of Harry and grandfather of Czar Nicholas
lined up his ducks carefully ahead of his politicians around the globe consenting to his decree that he be the combined head of De Beers and Anglo American Corporation without bothering to set up dummy corporations.
Of course he wanted to be in all your faces just as when he had President Franklin D. Roosevelt issue a Presidential Order requiring him to deposit on US soil 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds and without the slightest fear Oppenheimer gave the despicable American President the “middle finger”.
The 3 of you are professional economists who make a living talking economics.
You see yourselves as a step above the realtor.
There are a lot of realtors; when you don’t know what today you become a realtor, no skills required. “Do you like to talk?” and so at first blush, you might think what Musk says in this 39 second clip makes perfect sense, in fact you may wish you had only thought of it and sent him a message say through his professional poker player friend, hoping that you would be rewarded with either a dinner or lunch alone with Elon.
You, Rothwell might prefer that it is just you and Elon naked on a nudist beach.
The “time shifting”, however, is the sort of stuff that is first nature to Professors of economics out to confuse first year university economics students like Trevor Goldberg who is one of the many “active” members of my facebook group chats-symposiums including Getting to know your friends which Rothwell today avoids like the plague; instead chooses to distract while holed out in the south of France getting fat and that much more stupid.
Many who have not attended university studies specializing in economics-finance would not be as familiar as the rest of us with the terms “shifts in supply and demand” and so Elon’s use of the words “time shift” to the untrained eye might conjure up thoughts of the male human specie shifting their genitals.
Nothing stupid though, about Elon Musk’s father’s public support of me putting to bed my book, which does have a title, but Im not prepared yet to share it with you, although the previous titles weren’t bad including the first going back 2 decades, Manager Minute One a takeoff of the business book, One Minute Manager in compliance with Quantum Mechanics – what goes forward must work in reverse:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
His “but hard work” is that much emphasized given how Errol Musk places it within parenthesis.
Hard to imagine that it is very possible that before the 3 of you die or have your next stroke that makes you totally incapacitated but try the “thought experiment” of being in the mind of the Nazi, moronic anti-Semite, US Ambassador to Great Britain during the Battle of Britain, Joseph Kennedy Snr who sat in his wheel chair mute as both his sons were assassinated, the study of economics will cease to exist ;and all your writings, forget all the monies you have been paid for talking and writing absolute nonsense will be exposed to the masses for eternity.
Of course, Dr. Rodney Smith Phd is not your run of the mill economics professor because he demonstrated repeatedly a conscience and placed the preservation of his brain ahead of making money, again not once, but on each of the multiple occasions we worked closely together.
To think that he may be the only economist in history with integrity is also mind-boggling.
I have a very erratic bee now buzzing me – CLICK HERE.
Interesting that yesterday, a close relative who I didn’t even know existed, the granddaughter of my maternal grandmother’s brother came across my name on facebook and shared with me writings and gifts of my mother Zena that Leigh Pevy had previously received.
Imagine a close blood relative, albeit a pedantic religious one, thinking it smart once receiving all the knowledge to distract me with a photo showing the first Yeshuv-settlement in Tel-Aviv back in 1880.
Bloodlines in the past meant everything in terms of life and death.
Your children were there alongside you on the frontlines facing the enemy head to head wielding your sword with pinpoint accuracy into the soft spots that would have the enemy quickly bleeding to death as you moved on to the next and the next without fear of being speared from behind thus maintaining full concentration; and your grandchildren would follow in their fathers’ footsteps.
Inheritance was earned on the bloody battlefields.
So what happened?
How can one explain such mass psychosis?
The main culprit of course is TV but then there is electricity an essential element.
Behind electricity is no less order.
It is all ordained.
The fact that the unconscious human cannot hold on to the thought “cause and effect” for very long, despite the nuclear age human having so much free time to “shoot the breeze” only points to how little control each of us has; and therefore knowing that you are stupid, why risk pissing off the Creator.
The life of a fly is shit from start to finish and then it ultimately gets eaten by the ants before moving up the food chain.
Now of course everyone’s mind is focused on Peter Thiel – CLICK HERE – who is not only in good standing with Deutsche Bank but a member of my fb symposium, GETTING TO KNOW YOUR FRIENDS – and Elon Musk taking turns laughing at all of you.
I see genius in Elon’s decision to hire the professional poker player to assist with his charity giving and we all know that dogecoin started out as joke, poking fun at Cryptos, because they are the biggest joke.
The fact that Cryptos are now mainstream, one man shop plumbers, carpenters, electricians and tilers willing to accept all the branded crypto currencies, doesn’t make the cryptos credible; it only talks clearly to a toxic society run by rats and everyone is okay with it.
Let’s leave off with “Pity those who choose to sit on the sidelines.”
Since you will most likely be reading this from the bottom up, your focus must be on your next reincarnation round.
Let us know what you think.
[Word count 1910]
Begin forwarded message:From: Gary2 <>Subject: How can you let this fly?Date: July 24, 2022 at 6:15:58 PM PDTTo: Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Alumni of RAND Corporation” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>