Charles, thanks for the positive words, and by hitting “reply all” overcame their “blockage”.
And thanks to passionate, articulate, funniest talk show host ever, so well prepared, Greg Gutfeld, President Trump, instead of leading the world to peace and prosperity, would have likely been sentenced yesterday to prison time by that disgusting, corrupt New York Judge, Juan Merchan, the quintessential douchebag.
We are talking about impossible odds that Godsend Trump has overcome.
The bullet that nicked the tip of his right ear was heading towards the “bullseye” that Biden unashamedly called for just days before, right between Trump’s eyes, the angle of entry, a perfect kill shot.
They would have spat on his coffin and desecrated his grave.
At the same time they would have shut down Twitter, before bankrupting Musk.
Remember this Lawfare had been dialed in before Biden boldly refused to invite Musk to the White House for a car energy symposium; and the people barely went “huh”; serving to embolden the anarchists Biden-Harris.
How can you analyze information if you have trouble retaining?
This is a question that should be asked of every couple before deciding to make a baby, which is purposely easier than baking a loaf of bread.
In fact what can be easier than sex? Maybe breathing, but that is automatic.
How can something so easy cause so much pain for those born as a result?
Retaining information is the last thing educators like Head Start want to see.
I’m glad you have got over the curmudgeon Bernie Sanders. It is time to find a newer, younger person.
Not having to look far is Lt. colonel, Tulsi Gabbard who is going to age great if she keeps all the excess weight off that is made easy with a healthy vegan diet and lots of great sex that a healthy-body mind needs to stay young and vibrant.
Trump just remained young in his thinking, and it helps that he has a beautiful wife.
Of course I know there is a great need to explain the importance of not only arming Ukraine but to do so requires convincing Musk, Sacks and Thiel, and those they have influenced, without forgetting Ukraine would be part of Russia today were it not for Elon and his brother Kimbal getting Starlink dishes to Kyiv in the nick of time.
A lot of things could have got in the way of the Musk brothers before they got to work, and as recent as 2018, they could have both been out for the count.
And now that prick Frenchman, Bernard Arnault, is wanting to piss on their parade.
No one steps on the German-SA Oppenheimers’ turf. Nor would Arnault have needed to read The Diamond Invention to learn the playbook of the world’s wildly successful monopolist who have owned Hollywood from its start, when it was housed in New Jersey, the home state of Platinum King, Charles W Engelhard Jr, Harry Oppenheimer’s partner.
Bear in mind, Ukraine doesn’t have Israel’s stockpile of advanced weapons which affords Israel to not export a single Jaffa orange or weapon system to get all her imports for free, including German built nuclear submarines, so long as her adversaries believe Israel will not hesitate to use her nuclear weapons; namely ransomware which is really no different to the lawfare that was aimed to destroy Trump.
When you are dealing with such monsters, there are no half-measures.
Indecent people never develop a conscience.
Trump has to get “strongman” Putin to buckle otherwise the next despot will find a way to get their nuclear weapons that affords them a seat at the table with Israel and the US.
God must be on the side of both otherwise we would be sitting around waiting for either Ali Khamenei or Putin or MBS or the Houthis to declare the 19 virgins waiting in heaven is too much to resist.
Biden-Harris-Obama never took it to the Iranians or to Putin. They have no forward thinking because they started out low IQ like most all Democrats with few exceptions, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Again, where would we be without Gutfeld, not forgetting the great thinker Tyrus and the rest of the world’s greatest comedians being showcased?
Simply in the hands of God, which is a good thing.
“An Enginerd sic god”, will provide elaboration, but first I need to get a mountain bike ride in, and then a good night sleep.
Money Madness Makes the Wicked Warring World go around.
At all times, it helps to keep, at least in the back of one’s mind, that God exists and watches everything, including the torture,
by the fake Chabad-ultra religious, of livestock, and the rest of God’s flock continue on like nothing has happened.
The concept of One God was a groundbreaking achievement, that didn’t sit well with the leading tyrant, and all who have followed, as their parliamentary system has been nothing but a facade, to hide their true authoritarian, dictatorial nature.
Why it hasn’t come to the forefront much earlier, with communication technology advancing at the same pace as stupidity, can only be an Act of God to breath foolishness into the minds of the insanely stupid philosophers, such as Senator Bernie Sanders and Noam Chomsky, and their hordes of prostituting followers.When you have only 1 person making sense, and the rest all quiet, it would be idiotic to listen to the quiet, who don’t speak.
Again, that first breath of fresh air, “I am the Lord your God, God is One” came out of a burning bush, better yet the imagination of Moses, even if he was on a high, deprived of sufficient oxygen, caused by the smoke inhalation.
At some point, however, when confronting Pharaoh, without an army behind him, Moses must have come to his senses.
Moreover, by the time the Torah was written by Jewish scribes, with a sword over their heads, because the IDF was a long way from coming into existence, us Jewish people had plenty of time to think, not only about this fantastic story, but how tyrants would react to them not being God?
What can be said of the Jewish people since the first Torah was scribed, as well as the masses of fools, who want to get rid of the Jewish people, once destroying the IDF which again, is a very recent occurrence?
Everything has to start somewhere, which we call the beginning.
Nor must we forget the great importance in our lives of the rigged money that you would expect Pharaoh and all his descendants since, down to King Charles and Queen Camilla as well as the King and Queen of Spain, to name but two households, never to entrust to anyone other than themselves, and members of the Royal Courts, who have plenty of time on their hands when not hunting, waving and riding in golden carriages, to plot their conspiracy theories.
Of course with our Jewish people’s wild imagination – remember we start off in earnest listening to a burning bush – there is no need for a building houses of worship structures to house fools who think nothing of destroying the green that gives us the cleanest oxygen, and the nature serves to only inspire us, until it is no more, and we just lap up Cryptos like they are milk, honey and wine, a most toxic cocktail; and that begs the question, why would incoming US Secretary of Defense, 44 year old, Fox News presenter/interviewer Pete Hegseth, long a philanderer, as well as supporting the erection of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that would only aggravate fundamentalist, neurotic Muslims who haven’t been corrupted by the money, simply brainwashed by their bribed Muslim leadership, eager to see all Jewish people removed in the space between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea.
And you know they are brainwashed because they keep refusing to look at their defeat, time and again, by the superior gun-power of the IDF, who is only going to disappear once Israel has unleashed its total nuclear weapons arsenal.
You would be right in assuming that this back and forth with explosive projectiles in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Russia and Ukraine is very contrived tit-for-tat.
Yes, it is just a question of time, perhaps just minutes, if it hasn’t happened already, that Iran’s entire top echelon, starting with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, falls on the sword.
With Trump already in charge, and the first order of business when sitting today with Biden, who won’t have to take notes because the Pentagon brass including those soon to be dismissed in the quick cleaning out process, is to ramp up significantly the supply chain of armaments to the IDF-IAF to replenish the weapons that will be used to send Iran back to a desert land, giving the other oil producers less competition to deal with.
Of course IMIM [Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad] will send to their counterparts in Iran, just to make sure, satellite images of the replenishment in process.
In the next Tweet to Elon Musk, we will cover in more detail the ingenious “Enginerd“ thinking that will end all the nonsense.
Without war there would be no need for government, no need for borders, because everyone would only want to visit family and friends as one does now, but without border crossings, a critical element in the creation of unneighborly behavior.
How many people suffer mental anguish, depression from a lack of money to fulfill their needs?
How many mental health professionals, weapons manufacturers, no less damaging, junk food dispensaries such as MacDonald’s, and car manufacturers would be out of work, if people were simply given free Cryptos, like the current Bitcoin owners and previous owners who have cashed in on this pyramid scheme of pyramid schemes?
How many people would tune into a money magazine podcast, Ted Talks or comedians making fun of self-serving two faced politicians-media?
Now we know of at least one politician, Donald Trump, who has called out Justin Trudeau as two-faced.
Granted that was back in 2019, some 5 odd years ago, which is ancient history to most; although people simply have selective memory, rather than short-memories, or more accurately poor memories, which stem from selective memory, a disastrous human trait that gets passed down from reckless, ignorant parents with big egos.
Still it may have been a first in history, following Caesar crying out loud to his assassin, “”Et tu, Brute?”.
Of course it helps in the development of a child’s mind to study Latin, if only to see how much more on top of things were the ancients, prior to the dumbing down handheld device that most people look at more often than their spouse-significant other, which is understandable, if they are fat and ugly, and being touched less and less, only adds to their anger.
Invarioably the old and ugly just pretend to like the young, until they become more than a handful; and then the name calling begins, before being written out of the will.
Trump really, was very on top of the idiot, all about increasing his piggy bank, Justin Trudeau, who is anything but a democrat, interested in the spread of democracy to the working people.
Like a true “sly English liberal”, Trudeau, whose first language, of course, if French, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Yesterday, because who really wants to think about the agonizing death of Caesar back in 44 BC, some 2068 years ago, when a whole bunch of other Senators joined Brutus in stabbing Caesar all over his body, until it went limp, we had two wonderful achievements that we were blessed with.
A first in the history of war where a soldier with no General status, no Medal of Honor for bravery in the line of fire, quite the womanizer, who screwed his way to a cushy job at Fox News, where he is paid lots of money as a talkshow speaker and interviewer, not even his own show, is now about to run the trillion dollar defense budget.
Totally awesome.
Pete, so much better sounding than Blinken and Hunter, is less likely to want to screw every good looking US soldier or any government contractor, than someone like low IQ Joe Biden who on January 5, 1971, age 28 became a US Congressman.
Not to mention, 222 days later, August 15, 1971, when Republican President Richard Nixon, announced the official end of the Gold Standard, now authorizing the German-South African Oppenheimer family who he was lambasting in his treason speech, “waging an all out war on the United States Dollar”, without, however, naming them, because in the next instant the people would make sense of his otherwise incomprehensible speech, Biden was still 28 years of age, and no one was saying that his dementia was evident.
In the course of the past 53 years, 10 months, 8 days Biden hasn’t been homeless, or had to wait in long food kitchen lines, but he has had his mind one one thing; namely the money, to buy his second wife Dr. Jill a seat in the Oval Office meetings where disgraceful Sec. of State Blinken applauds her words, the monkey that he is.
Godsend Trump could pick any homeless person, who isn’t on fentanyl and not starving, to do a better job than the best of Biden’s picks.
54 years is too long, too many bribes going on, and all to keep the war machine humming along; and it becomes a family affair, opportunists, not just a sicko son crack-cocaine head, gun totting, one prostitute after the next when not multiple prostitutes all at the same time; and Im sure disgusting Hunter was not always gentle when forcing his concubine to do sexual deviant acts with his loaded gun in hand.
And that is just the beginning of the gravy train for the no less sycophant media personnel, paid millions, tens of millions, hundreds of million, billions in the case of Oprah to preach to the masses about their nonexistent moral code.
Who would believe that unrecognizable Oprah would have nothing to say to a reporter who just happened to stumble upon her after her workout in rich Santa Barbara
and most likely this penny pincher thinking that she doesn’t need security because no one would recognize her.
More likely, though, she is increasingly less trusting of her inner circle.
It is always helpful to remember besides for God existing in each of our imaginations, how you look is the best gauge of how your internal organs, including the brain muscle, feel. Nor should it take someone who is unhealthy looking to tell you, “Health is wealth”.
The other wonderful event from yesterday, like the incredible ascension of nobody Pete Hegseth, who is most unlikely to be anywhere near as corrupt as Biden-Harris and their top donors, is that I have one mental health professional, Miranda Nelson Currie, agreeing that the British Royal family, like their nobility cousins over in Germany, did not suffer money-wise, from the tragic loss of life in WW I, and its continuation World War II, when writing on facebook at 11:42 AM California time yesterday,
“Gary Gevisser agreed 100 %”
to my posting 2 minutes earlier,
“Miranda Nelson Currie that is the least of their scams.
So long as they are in the spotlight, whether good press or bad press, they are as happy as a lark, unless their inbreeding kicks in, and start quarreling amongst themselves.
But because they know the plebes have short attention spans, they can make up their public spats, and continue to fool the people.
The Internet makes it far more difficult.”
Earlier in the day, 8:51 AM Ms. Currie, over in England, had posted:
“Bev Lees yes I can imagine. It all seems so wrong. This lot are taking money from vulnerable people too, not paying tax etc and people are brainwashed by them”
This thread began with Coward Hunter Prince William whose family name changed in 1917 when things were starting to look up for the Allies with the arrival of the brave, great fighter Americans, from the German, Hanover to the English sounding, Windsor, next in line for the British Throne, journeying to Cape Town, South Africa “to talk about wildlife preservation”.

Today’s most important headline news, in my opinion, on Drudgereport is the following:
I have only read the headline and done a “Find-Search” of the word “Crypto” and found nothing, otherwise I would have likely read the entire piece, unless I got bored.
Every Crypto since its origination on January 5, 2009, the formal introduction of Bitcoin, that a year later was trading at 9 cents, and right now, 12:16 PM is valued at $ 92,723.68, which at least $92,723.68 overvalued, is hyper-inflationary; and yet you don’t hear a peep out of anyone, including all those who haven’t profited from this scam of scams, and know it is a scam, but fear the rest of the house of cards will come tumbling down if they speak out; and that of course has the Royals, the Central Banks, IMF, World Bank, United Nations officials and every politicians sucking off the Big Government Hind Tit, smiling from ear to ear.
Shakespeare and his co-writers, could never have envisioned such mass cognitive dissonance that no one wants to rectify.
My wife and I spend a lot of time in the woods; we know nothing and are unknown.
That’s too funny.
Earlier today, I posted up the following on my fb wall, Twitter, and my fb Focus Group-Symposium, Reason for being here:
(1) Title: Don’t forget the helmet
It would be a good thing to revamp Government; stop these people from being there 50 and 60 years building their nest eggs, producing nothing, plotting.
Should be like the President, after 8 years you’re out. Do something else. You’ve made your contacts, bribes; you should be able to make a lot of money.
Musk will become the firing-squad. Put on your body armor. You’ll need it. Don’t forget the helmet.
(2) Title: Give credit
Put aside the duplicity, ugliness of Dogecoin-Bitcoin, just the name DOGE conjures up accurately “dodgy”, because that is what Cryptos is all about, from the very start, let’s give credit where it is due.
Repeating earlier Tweet at 7:02 AM Calif. time.
Title: Don’t forget the helmet
It would be a good thing to revamp Government; stop these people from being there 50 and 60 years building their nest eggs, producing nothing, plotting.
Should be like the President, after 8 years you’re out. Do something else. You’ve made your contacts, bribes; you should be able to make a lot of money.
Musk will become the firing-squad. Put on your body armor. You’ll need it. Don’t forget the helmet.
7:25 AM · Nov 13, 2024
Of course I must come back to Ivy league Berkeley-University of Virginia Law School graduate, King Golden Jr. Esq. writing to me on November 3, after several years of silence,
I stopped reading your missives months ago when you maliciously slandered my mother. I thought your mother would have taught you better. It’s ironic since I spent so much effort defending your mother against your South African colleagues insisting that she ran a brothel not a modeling agency.
Right before his sly English dictation distraction, which didn’t include how very easy it would be, even for a total nincompoop, to defend my mother, the first and last of her generation, and subsequent generations, to ingeniously oppose the South African Apartheid Regime by focusing all those intelligent on the backers of the Apartheid Regime; namely the “liberal” with the truth, anti-Semitic, German-South African Oppenheimers, who were overjoyed with sanctions being placed on their Apartheid Regime which only consolidated their wealth and political clout, I shared with Mr. Golden Jr.:
“Trash talk gets them voting one way or the other. It is not substance. That’s why they are doing it; otherwise it is boring.
When was the last time anything original came out of your mouth?”. To be clear, all that has followed Moses’ first reciting, “I am the Lord, your God, God is One” has been exponentially unoriginal.
Of course, Einstein was the closest when humbly referring to General Relativity as “The Mind of God”, which sent shockwaves through the scientific community, the same with the equally fake religious
and because of their big egos they cannot recover, instead resort to trash talk.
“I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct” ~ Torah Gemach aka Bentzion Chanowitz “Swinging the chicken”.
Of course I have continued to follow up with King Golden Jr. who is Donald Trump’s age and only wishes he was half as smart.
My last communication was today, 5:20 AM Calif. time:
King, why didn’t you say at the outset that it wasn’t difficult for you to defend my mother?
Are you suffering from the blues of the Democrats’ catastrophic defeat
It is not only Biden who is too old and feeble; what about Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and the other California Democrat Senator, Boxer, if she too isn’t already dead; maybe her parents boxed her ears at a very early age to account for her stupidity; they can’t all be so corrupt.Someone who is 60 is young in that club.
Brilliant move by Godsend President elect Trump to appoint, most intelligent, Lieutenant colonel, Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence.
Keep moving fast Mr. President and get Ukraine and Israel weapons.
[Word count 2884]
On Nov 11, 2024, at 3:49 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote Rodger Shagam:
Rodger, you have now blocked me on fb messaging, preventing me from responding to your last message:
please go away – i need some peace. This is the last word. You seem to have an agenda – i’m totally not interested.
So, I’m responding via email.
You interest me, because you are the first person to express their implosion of Errol Musk’s precision bombing 100 words.
Let us now return to my Facebook wall where yesterday, 5:54 PM Calif. time, I posted up:
Imagine what it feels like, and you are approaching death, and realize you have no spirituality.
Not hard to imagine. The end, the lights go out, it’s over.
Or that your current belief system has not adequately prepared you..
I wonder this often. Especially with people who apparently have no soul.
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix
if you are truly spiritual you wouldn’t know that you are. Dead or alive there would be no change.
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix, I don’t understand, “if you are truly spiritual you wouldn’t know that you are”; like you live in lala land?
Don’t you think truly spiritual people are less corrupt and would search for truth?
You have a hard on for the South African ANC government, and it has probably been that way since they came to power in 1994. How come you didn’t figure out that behind them are the same racist, anti-Semitic, anti-competition people that were behind the Apartheid Regime who ruled brutally for 46 uninterrupted years; namely the German-South African Oppenheimers who controlled 80% of the corporations listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange along with 100% of the mining sector and rewarded both the whites and non-whites who went along with this deplorable farce?
It seems you have degenerated since you and I began communicating back on October 9.
Are you drinking more whiskey in recent days?
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix
Gary Gevisser back in October was two weeks ago – we are lucky to have such a long and vibrant association
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix
it was not enjoyable although being informative and eye-opening reading
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix you are very typical of ignorant, white South African racists who “propered” [sic] under the Apartheid Regime, while failing to look at the German-SA Oppenheimer family who backed both the heinous Apartheid Regime and no less corrupt “oppoistion” [sic] parties such as the Democratic Alliance Party, headed by Tony Leon, who you see in the photo, on the far left.
Now, so late in life, and death approaching, you are waking up to the truth-logic, and falling apart with your word salads.
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix is your wife as stupid and racist, the two go hand in hand, as you?
“People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid” ~ MDG.
If you use the word spirituality you have spirituality. I mean really the people who really don’t have any contact don’t think about having a contact Give yourself an atta boy you’re fabulous
It’s going to feel the same for everyone no matter what they believe. Enlighten me why it would be different
Lori Fisher are you saying that for those who think there is nothing after death why should it bother them if they are not spiritual, and therefore it cannot be “taumatic” [sic]?
Next question, why be spiritual?
Lori Fisher, you appear to be the most reasonable by virtue of you asking a good, rational question, which I have responded to, and you are quiet. That could be simply because you have other priorities or simply totally disinterested.
Yet, there have to be others interested in what I had to say at the start, which didn’t include addressing all those who could care less about spirituality, given as they look around, and see how disgustingly the overwhelming majority of religious have behaved from the outset once they dispensed with pagan rituals such as sacrificing women and children on the altar, in order to please the Gods.
Bear in mind, one knows immediately if a person is fat that they show no respect towards their Body Temple, and therefore the idea of God doesn’t come into their thinking, unless to take advantage of the next person and that is either for a money goal and/or sex.
Why the non-religious, beginning with the athiests don’t focus at any time their strong vitriol towards the fake religious is a great mystery, at least to me.
You would also expect that if a higher power, call it God or HER [High Energy Reaction] which I prefer, exists, HER would deprive all the hypocrites their spirituality.
Why be spiritual when one looks around and sees that the biggest thieves, those who control the mineral resources which are used to produce weapon systems such as nuclear bombs as well as tanks, missiles tipped with conventional bombs, motor cars, trucks, flags for parades, Starbucks coffee etc etc, are the richest humans on the planet and happy to coopt the rest, including all the politicians who don’t point out the duplicity of the rapists of mineral rich regions of the world, as they count on their corrupt media and politicians to steer the plebes well clear of the truth?
Let’s now examine the thinking of White South African Rodger Shagam who last spoke to us here with the following words:
Gary Gevisser back in October was two weeks ago – we are lucky to have such a long and vibrant association.
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix:
Gary Gevisser i read Harry’s biography in May.
5 minutes later, 8:23 AM, he followed up:
it was not enjoyable although being informative and eye-opening reading.
Rodger Shagam, however, continued talking to me on fb messaging:
whiskey is Irish or American. Whisky is Scottish (enlightenment).
I actually don’t spend much time on the loo – believe it’s an age thing …
What do you do for a living – are you living?
How would the rest of the conversation go between Ben Gurion and the Oppenheimers?
Again, for the third time, if you hadn’t heard of Patsy Gevisser, and I didn’t bring up Patsy Gevisser, why did you bring up her name?
Were you able to figure out the incorrect spelling of “prospered” in my response to you 3 minutes ago in our more public discourse?
my wife is an educator and has been mixed up with Herzlia for 50 years. She mentioned it – now you can relax.
Ben [Gurion] would probably have dealt with Ernest as Harry was still being groomed. Ben [Gurion] would have asked if a handshake was ok to do a deal.
Are you saying that your wife mentioned Patsy Gevisser?
How was I supposed to know that you were talking about Kamala Harris?
Who is “She is an intelligent student with little expansive brain mass. No lateral thinking”?
Again, “who is rewriting my words?”?
what do u do for a living? Are you extant or at pinelands – maybe you have an office there?
are you looking up the meaning of the words?
Again, “who is rewriting my words?”? Why is your ego so big that you can’t admit that you are fucking stupid?
To be clear, I am not saying that your wife is stupid or that you are even capable of fucking. I am simply saying that only a fucking stupid person would react so infantile to those precision bombing 100 words of
Errol Graham Musk, and try to laugh it off with a fucking stupid comment.
BTW, our dialogue that is now in the process of being uploaded on to my BLOG, will be an addendum to that book.
The same of course with the dialogue on my fb wall following my posting at 5:54 PM Calif time yesterday, “Imagine what it feels like, and you are approaching death, and realize you have no spirituality”.
you are a weird one. Why did you contact me if you don’t have anything intelligent to contribute. Once you start using insults to try and make a point, I am out of it the intelligence level is now too low for me to offer response.
Again, “who is rewriting my words?”? Are you talking about your wife who wrote those 100 precision bombing words that so disturb you, or Errol Musk?
Have you heard of Elon Musk?
please go away – i need some peace. This is the last word. You seem to have an agenda – i’m totally not interested.
Title: Something to think about
Lori Fisher, there is nothing more important than “spirituality” which requires a conscience, that begins with consciousness, that is different to “instinct” that we associate with all other animals and instincts.
The fact that most humans who have interacted with other animals, either pets, livestock or wildlife, have encountered great consciousness in these other animals; in fact there is evidence that even spiders have acted towards humans as you would expect from a pet such as a dog or cat, doesn’t mean we are aware of such other species having a “conscience”, even when they show amazing love towards one another; and even predator wildlife have shown great love, affection and caring towards their prey on occasion, as well as to us humans; but still we cannot say any of these other species demonstrate a “conscience”, as defined by, “an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior”.
Nor does that mean we can conclude that other animals do not have a soul.
Us humans, of course, have instincts, but they kick in ever so slowly; as when we are born, we are totally defenseless, for years, against predator animals, as well as humans wanting to do us harm.
When, however, all humans act unconsciously to the truth, and this knowledge is shared at light speed over The Internet, what we have is a paradigm shift in our thinking about this incredibly cruel human specie, who puts on an air of propriety.
An excellent example is the western alliance failing to provide Ukraine with an adequate air defense after we took away Ukraine’s nuclear weapons, with the expectation that the west would defend against a Russian invasion; and nor was Putin in the least bit deterred back in 2014 when first invading Crimea.
So what happened in the steps leading up to the second invasion on February 24, 2022?
All the media as well as the politicians on both sides of the isle, or political spectrum, if you prefer, as well as the wishy washy in the middle who just cry out for peace and for everyone to get along, and stop being so cranky towards the other, and for the most part these are rich comedians and talk show hosts, putting on one incredible acting performance because they cannot possibly be that stupid, have talked about either, all the human suffering of the Ukrainian people, especially the women and children, including thousands of Ukrainian children who have been abducted and are now in Russian reeducation camps, and/or the tens of billions spent on arming Ukraine which could have been spent on other items like the homeless, investment in infrastructure, social programs and the such, but not a word about the negligible cost of providing Ukraine with an adequate air defense prior to February 24, 2024.
Remember, I am not here speaking about “military economics” which obsoletes the study of economics, law, political science, and history is kept much shorter and that much more interesting, than the way it is currently taught.
I am only speaking about the absence of a conscience amongst the masses of humans across all socio-economic levels.
Back to defiant, duplicitous, Rodger Shagam.
Immediately after writing, “i’m totally not interested”, Roger Shagam blocked me on fb messaging.
I attempted to respond to his ugly defensiveness, “You interest me, because you are the first person to express their implosion of Errol Musk’s precision bombing 100 words”, but because the coward blocked me, my 20 words did not reach him.
You would expect that Elon Musk’s father, 150+ IQ electromechanical engineer,
Errol Graham Musk, continues to read my writings which I understand are very troubling for most, hence why I waited 24 years, 11.11.2004, before breaking my silence with Harry Oppenheimer and his DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation], who have controlled both the monies as well as the mineral resources of the world, since the turn of the last century.
If you look at the date on your computer deviance, you will see that today, 11.11.24 is the 20th anniversary of my writings, that began, “Remember me?”
Bear in mind, if you haven’t already read up on my history with the DAAC, Harry Oppenheimer himself recruited me in early 1978 directly of university when I had just begun my post graduate economic-business studies, which included tutoring first year economics-business students, for which I was compensated a small stipend; and the students getting their monies worth and then some; more importantly, they were off to a much faster start in learning about how the dog eat a dog [dead] world actually works.
If you are not a South African, or haven’t spent much time in South Africa talking with people who know all about the German-SA Oppenheimers, no friends of the Jewish people, other than those they have turned, and there are a great many, in fact any who made it rich in South Africa ever since the Apartheid Regime came to power on May 26, 1948 and/or have left South Africa and made it rich, without sharing their knowledge with friends, neighbors, colleagues and business partners, and you also know little to nothing about “military economics”, which is not taught in the study of economics at university or school, then you can be easily forgiven, not knowing the Oppenheimers’ extraordinary gun-power; more so than any emperor in history, going back all the way to the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.
Shortly, I will be following up with Rodger Shagam via email.
If anyone would like to receive a copy of that communique, and is not already on my email list, which is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, you can send me your email.
Bear in mind that someone like old in his thinking as well as age, Rodger Shagam began playing it fast and loose with me, almost from the very beginning, and it wasn’t long for stages of grief taking a toll on his ability to write coherently.
The human has to be spiritual in order to stay quiet for any length of time. And when you are dead there is plenty of time to lay quiet, if you don’t subscribe to, “life after death”.
Another example of the human specie having an upside down moral code is its easy acceptance of Cryptos, that is one step more debauchery than the insanely illogical, morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index that punishes mineral rich invaded countries twice, with the tyrant in charge agreeing to the fixed price of their mineral exports, which when imported into the winning country has the price marked up, making the GDP of the militarily stronger nation that much higher and which the United Nations and their ancillary NGOs, World Bank and International Monetary Fund [IMF] endorsing like it is the gospel.
The only recognizable name on Wall Street who has ever belittled Cryptos is DAAC stooge, Warren Buffett, but his weak narrative, not a good investment, only strengthens this mass cognitive dissonance, given that Cryptos are 100% inflationary and the reason for out of control inflation, which is another godsend for the thieving mineral industrialists, who have failed to pay our soldiers a fair wage so that they occupy the best beach properties on the planet, rather than those in support of terrorism.
When you consider the share price of the rising Wall Street stars and the luxuries and privileges granted to these opportunists, you will quickly arrive at the conclusion that the value of a public corporation’s shares is no less rigged than the price of the minerals exported from the military weaker nations whose despots remain in power so long as they behave.
This now leads us back to the arming of Nazi Germany which began immediately after the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty which strictly prohibited Germany from ever again building a threatening army; and moreover, the placement of draconian war reparations on Germany was to bankrupt Germany to ensure that Germany could never again build a threatening army.
The important point is not the fact that western armament suppliers saw profit, a massive increase in their bottom line, to supplying Germany with weapons and food to feed its starving citizens, but where is the consciousness of all the university educated philosophers such as Noam Chomsky, Yuval Harari and the rest of academia?
Now we come to Elon Musk doing more than heading up the “cost cutting” of President elect Donald J. Trump’s next administration.
One has to examine very carefully Musk’s upbringing in mineral rich, but morally deprived Apartheid South Africa where his neighbor in the family’s vacation home in the most exclusive neighborhood of all South Africa, La Lucia, Durban, which for a short while, was his permanent home when his parents got divorced back in 1980, was none other than Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] whose intelligence gathering network far exceeded that of the CIA and Mossad combined, especially following his ownership of the Israeli Knesset back in 1980 after Oppenheimer succeeded in getting Israel Prime Minister and the Knesset to sit idly by as Oppenheimer and his global banking network wiped out the last of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants.
It turns out that Musk is the only Captain of Industry who would do even better in a merit driven economy. So would “Gutfield” [sic] and most all of his comedian guests.
I also strongly suspect that President elect Donald J. Trump recognizes this, and both realize that this is the best, and perhaps the only time in history for the world to ever see peace and prosperity for everyone, while most of all caring for the health of the planet, starting with our wildlife and livestock.
Logical arguments along with a strong show of force will have Putin backing out of Ukraine entirely, but in order to have Putin saving face, to give him some of Ukraine that he has already conquered; and in no time, it will make no difference as the world will be at peace.
Understand, I am not naive.
Nor am I alone in perfectly understanding that peace is war to those who profit from war, and that is a lot of people, including each and every rich real estate speculator.
Besides for me, my parents, Ben Gurion, General Jan Christiaan Smuts, Neils Bohr and Einstein, there are probably not that many others who recognize the frailty of the human mind that is void of a conscience.
Also to have a real conscience takes an incredible mind to create, no different to programming the enjoyment of great sex.
How is it possible to have this Sheep [Subanimal Human Evolutionary Ecological Problem], who is all over social media portraying itself as “good”, when nothing can be further from truth, once it is put to the test?
It is also perfectly fine with me if fools wish to debate amongst themselves the existence or nonexistence of HER, because I live with HER 24/7.
Notice the non-reaction to my posting, Fake faith.
That reaction is no better than the terrible actions of this “Fake faith” religious real estate advisor.
That doesn’t make Hamas less of a monster.
Of course Hamas, like Hezbollah, like Iran, like MBS, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Jordan is bought, but it is not the majority of Jewish people around the world who are the filthy rich.
Our leadership got bought because us Jewish people, the questioning people, pose the only real threat to tyrant rule.
The link below takes you to my entire dialogue with Rodger Shagam
Notice the great pleasure Shagam has in belittling the praise of Elon Musk’s father.
Should you be needing a less wordy missive to understand that the Nazis won World War II, you can click on the link below
taking you to, The aftermath of the Nazi victory which I broadcast on May 22, what would have been the 144th birthday of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer.
BTW, when Shagam says “Ben would probably have dealt with Ernest as Harry was still being groomed”, that is simply a clear indicator that Shagam is a complete nervous wreck.
His next words, “Ben would have asked if a handshake was ok to do a deal” is also not Shagam seeking a comedian spot on the Greg Gutfeld Show.
When the human has lost its sense of humor, the true indicator of humanity, it is no reason to be depressed, so long as you have your spirituality intact.
Everything in this universe is connected.
PS – I was raised by my highly evolved, no less literate British-English mother Zena with the truth, “You make your luck in your previous lifetime”.
If you do come around, believing in life after death, everything depends on what you have done; and if you haven’t been up to par, then maybe as death approaches, it is bothersome.
Only a person choosing to commit suicide like jumping off a high bridge or pointing the barrel of a loaded gun in their mouth and squeezing the trigger, or on the frontlines of battle where there is a high probability they will be mortally wounded, can know for certain when their time is up; the rest of us know death can come at any time; and for sure those of us who age poorly because we could care less about eating healthy and exercising which makes life that much more pleasurable, death will come that much sooner and before being placed in a casket, the pain increases along with the lack of mobility.
Something to think about.
Bear in mind, when we were hunter gatherers, we didn’t have the leisure time we have today, thanks to washing machines, and piped in water.
Now that we have, we have become stupid.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Depressant Re: How spies beat depression
Date: November 10, 2024 at 10:28:00 AM PST
To: Rodger Shagam –
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: November 10, 2024 at 10:14:30 AM PST
To: EverydaySpy <>
Cc: rest; Devin Standard <>, Geoffrey “Stagnant Wimp” Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <>, ChaBAD sic Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken <>, Bad Actor Steven Bailey <>, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Stephanie Marine <>, Melvin Gevisser – “Best to Ignore” <>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <>, “Rep. Maria Salazar” <>, charles ivie <>, Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <>, “Ayala Weisel Esq. – fraudulently appointed guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman” <>, “Pascal Nahon – Parisian Osteopath who rented my mother’s bachelor apartment in Netanya, Israel before he was forced to vacate because malice driven fraudster guardian Ayala Weisel Esq. put it on the market.” <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and \”bosom buddy\” of Roger W. Robinson aka \”Our Man Roger\” who joined the National Security Council in March 1982, same year Simon & Schuster published The Diamond Invention book.” <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, Jean Dion <>, Jean Figadère <>, “Adele Strous \”Im not interested in history of Israel\” Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, “Noam Bar-Lev – Executive Assistant, Defense & Armed Forces Attaché, Embassy of Israel, Washington DC” <>, Kimbal Musk <>, “Israel Air Force [IAF]” <>, “Israel Defense Force [IDF]” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Julia Ioffe – Russian-born American journalist.” <>, “IAF Brig. General Yaron Rosen” <>, “Twisted Mind-Tordu Michael Awerbuch – Proud Apartheid Regime soldier + salesman for Made In USA Inc. controlled by officials of the Apartheid Regime” <>, “Tony Leon – Former head of the South African Democratic Alliance Party. Tony’s most truthful words, \”Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa\”.” <>, Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel <>, “Alina Habba Esq. – President Donald J Trump’s attorney” <>, “45th & 47th President Donald J. Trump” <>
Subject: Depressant Re: How spies beat depression
Didn’t you figure out before you married her that she was a depressant?
Sent from my iPhone
November 10, 2024
Greetings Everyday Spy,
My wife, Jihi, has battled depression for years. Like so many, medication did not provide the relief she was after. It only masked her symptoms and left her feeling spacey and hopeless.
Then elite exercise scientist Alex VanHouten shared some groundbreaking research with us. And it’s huge for anyone who’s ever struggled with mental health.
Your brain produces its own antidepressant – you just have to know how to activate it.
A leading Harvard psychiatrist found that exercise triggers the release of a protein he calls “miracle-gro for the brain.” This protein literally builds new brain cells and strengthens neural connections.
Exercise outperformed prescription drugs in head-to-head studies.
People who exercised showed better results than those taking Zoloft after just 4 weeks. Exercise literally rewires your neural pathways for improved mental health.
This is not some ‘runner’s high’ that fades away – it is permanent changeat the cellular level.
The science of brain health has missed a crucial piece – until now.
Jihi and Alex took this cutting-edge research and turned it into a practical program that works with your body’s natural chemistry to fight depression, anxiety, and self-doubt.
SpyFit: Mental Edge is a 6-week mental and physical fitness program where you’ll work directly with Jihi and Alex to unlock a happier, more productive life than you ever thought possible.
You can take back your mental health, discover alternatives to prescribed drugs, and find a safe community that wants to grow right along with you.
Join Jihi and Alex in real-time every step of the way, with full access to:
Weekly LIVE virtual training calls with Jihi and Alex where you can ask questions, share your stories, and celebrate your success together
6-week customized workout programs that meet you at your level of mental and physical health
Meal templates designed to fuel your brain and body with nutrients for optimal well-being
Nutrition and supplement guides that cut through all the noise and tell you science that works
Reading recommendations to dive deeper into your own brain health
Food and gratitude journaling to keep your mind and body focused on daily progress
Real-time community support 24/7
And more…
IMPORTANT: If you don’t know the pain and struggle of anxiety, depression, or self-criticism, this event is not for you!
Jihi is extremely private and makes less than 5 public appearances a year.
She is taking a huge risk sharing her deepest struggles – and she only wants to work with people who will respect her privacy like she will respect yours.
SpyFit: Mental Edge is science, support, and proven exercise solutions to improve your mental health.
It is not therapy, diagnosis, or medical treatment.
In full disclosure, Jihi works with a professional therapist. She hasn’t ‘figured it all out’ yet – and that’s what makes SpyFit: Mental Edge so unique. She will be there right in the trenches with you.
If you are also working with a therapist, SpyFit: Mental Edge is sure to complement your efforts and amplify your results.
SpyFit: Mental Edge is NOT fluffy, positive thinking.
Brain/body connection isn’t New Age nonsense – it’s rooted in hard science. And Alex has poured over all the latest studies…
You can rewire your brain to work FOR you, instead of against you.
We are only accepting the first 12 people who register, and we start November 12, 2024.
I’m sure you can understand how sensitive this topic is. So we are building a small, intimate group event where EVERYONE gets the attention, support, and answers they need.
This is $5,000 worth of personal training and coaching time with Alex ALONE…
And this is access to my wife that NOBODY gets… ever.
If working with Jihi and Alex isn’t enough, let me make this a true no-brainer for you with a jaw-dropping 100% Money-Back Promise:
If you attend the first SpyFit: Mental Edge call and aren’t convinced that this 6-week journey will transform your life, tell me and I will give you a full refund – no questions asked!
SpyFit: Mental Edge is about more than just ‘doing something for yourself.’
The ripple effect created by your positive changes will impact everyone around you.
You’ll be a better partner, parent, and professional.
SpyFit: Mental Edge means more to Jihi and me than you know…
And I’ve never seen Alex so driven to deliver high value science, training, and guidance through this ground-breaking new program.
There is no better way to finish 2024, happier and healthier than you’ve ever been before.
If you’re ready to take control of your mental health and get into great physical shape at the same time – you have nothing to risk, and everything to gain.
From my family to yours…
Godspeed, #EverydaySpy
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