Review of Down Durban Memory Lane – Continuation Thursday, Oct 4, 2018, 11:29am – 9pm Calif. time
Continuation of Review of Down Durban Memory Lane
Thursday, October 4, 2018; 11:29AM Calif. time.
BTW, Wikipedia provide good background on Elon Musk who started TESLA but now has a boss for the first time in his life; and I am doing my best to get Mr. Musk to reverse his decision to submit to his new boss, the Securities Exchange Commission and why I now add my former very close colleague to this conversation, America’s cash and real estate richest shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esquire.
You added Jeffrey Robert Krinsk.
As far as inferior fighters go SA didn’t have a choice as Britain could not spare the better planes. They sent us to Ethiopia with biplanes to fight the Italians. Our pilots were great just as good as Salior Malan or Pattle.
Mr. Andreou, you are trying to laugh off your foolishness.
You are attempting to steer clear of your original, “I assure you the P40 was not such a great fighter.”
Mr. Andreou, you have now lost me. What is your nationality; where were your born?
When you write, “… just as good as Salior Malan..” [sic] and you misspelled “Sailor” which was Malan’s nickname, you make out like Sailor Malan was not South African?
It wasn’t a great fighter of WW2. Check out the rankings in any aviation magazines
While you don’t answer what job functions you performed in the South African Air Force, and I assume that you didn’t stop eating, are you questioning Smuts’ competency in choosing an inferior weaponry for his highly skilled Fighter Bomber Pilots and/or he lacked the political clout to get them the most advanced weaponry to destroy the Nazi bastards?
So let’s just stick to General Smuts who was also watching ever so carefully the moves of President Roosevelt following Roosevelt’s decision not to take Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to task when refusing his direct order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil
Born South African of Greek parents from Cyprus. And my reference to Malan was to show that we had good pilots flying in other countries besides the SAAF. Also SAAF was reliant on British to supply the weapons and as Britain needed the spitfire for the battle of Britain she kept them not only from us but other countries in the commonwealth. Do you honestly believe that Smuts would have chosen the P40 over the spitfire to combat the German 109? Our pilots did well against the Germans in northern Africa
Mr. Andreou, did I move too fast in to General Smuts’ decision to establish within the British Ministry of Economic Warfare the Diamond Committee which Smuts knew would immediately be dominated by officials of the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] while having you remaining focused on why the very solid, brilliantly shielded cockpit of the American built Kittyhawk fighter-bomber was the best choice over the rugged terrain of northern Italy?
Through sheer guts and not superior weapons.
Beth Isaacs left the group.
Frikkie Swanepoel left the group.
Haha yes you do move fast. Sorry diamonds are not my forte neither are conspiracies
Mr. Harry Andreou, you are over your head.
It became self-evident when you wrote incomprehensible verbiage, “Rather proud of the SAAF history prior to the democracy.”
What democracy?
Were you proud of the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime who you would have been serving back in 1969?
Here is my father Bernie training on Spitfires over in Egypt back in June-July 1945 before moving up to the front lines in northern Italy.
Yes, Harry Andreou, you served proudly in The Third Reich’s Southern Division, like a great many either very ignorant or very evil people.
Great picture and a Spitfire as well. The regime prior to democracy gave us some great pilot. The new generation of pilots have yet to prove themselves.
That would include some 32,000 of my Jewish South African brothers including my two elder brothers Neil and Melvin; and you may have served alongside Neil who was also in the Apartheid Regime’s Air Force around the same time as you.
There is great head trauma that appears to be irreversible for those of you who served in The Third Reich’s Southern Division, once you read scholarly Epstein’s The D I book which only a nutcase would consider “conspiratorial” and farfetched.
My brother Neil also chose the path of denial when reading the book which didn’t prevent him from pulling out all stops to ingratiate himself with the DAAC.
What do you most notice about the cover of his 2014 book, THE TYRANNY OF TRUST?
Mr. Andreou, we are getting really close to me completing all the preliminary work before launching my forthcoming book, currently titled, D-Money Lie, and you are contributing greatly in helping me expose the widespread Poverty of Thought.
The fact that you are not alone does not mean you won’t pick up the book as well as [at] least see if you could somehow profit from it and all this knowledge.
Sure always willing to give it a read. Comedian George Carlin did a sketch on politics and big business which was telling it like it is and in a humorous manner
Elon Musk remains the only person I know who is currently capable of stopping the House of Saud and their backers dead in their tracks and he can accomplish that in the very next instant.
Of course it is water’s over a duck’s back what you think my father should have been flying and which would have been a better guarantee of completing his 71 dive-bombing missions in one piece.
Kittyhawks is also all that Syd Cohen flew in this last phase of the war.
It is funny how stupid people when realizing their foolishness feel the need to relate to other comedians.
[Steven Bailey puts up the above, whatever it means]
Mr. Andreou, there is nothing pretty or funny about you.
But we each have our purpose, the same with every atom that exists in the universe.
Nor are you or I any more special, or any less special, than a single atom.
Still you should try your best to avoid being a fool.
Proverbs ~ It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
I now to your superiority. Have a good evening I am off to bed now.
Mr. Andreou, I also note that you have not commented about General Smuts being the “father” of the IAF? Is that because you are not ready to discuss the importance of the DAAC using their control of Barclays Bank to wipe out the last of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants?
I would bet that you most bow to your stomach, am I right?
Bow not now. Fingers to fat for the keyboard. Yep too old to screw women! So stomach is all I am left with.
Note that @Christina Moritsch-Krall who is in the same time zone as you is very much with us.
She remains proud of her Austrian heritage and in particular the fact that puppet Hitler never instructed her parents to relinquish their 5 generation trust fund.
Sorry my parents were too poor to have a trust fund.
Mr. Andreou, I can see why you would be comfortable with the inscription on your tombstone reading, “Fingers to fat for the keyboard. Yep too old to screw women! So stomach is all I am left with” [sic]
Remember what I said previously to Steve Bailey about his need to talk about himself which had no relevancy to the conversation?
Steve Bailey and you have a lot in common; the same with all those whose opinions are what they get off the tv.
I am quite certain that you are going to stay awake a little longer to get some very important information which Elon Musk should be thinking about, much more so than telling TESLA employees to forget that he handed his head on a plate to the SEC-House of Saud, and to be happy that TESLA will soon start showing gargantuan profits.
Don’t get me wrong; I very much like and care about Elon Musk as well as his mother Maye. They are both unique. The fact that they have yet to remove my postings demonstrate that they are not cowards like the rest of you.
Elon Musk is also able to see that while you may smirk when saying that you bow to my knowledge, it is fact of life that 99.999% of the knowledge you have acquired over your lifetime has been as much garbage [as] that remain[ing] inside your stomach that is killing you.
Again, don’t get me wrong. Included in the knowledge that you have which is true, is using your lower and upper jaw in combination when chomping down on your food.
BTW, when you chew on a piece of steak, a loin of a much more sensitive animal, do you give much thought to the nutrients or the cancer that you will soon be depositing in the rest of your internal organs?
Which organ in your body would you say is not diseased?
Do you think that when a human looks ugly and fat is not pretty, that their brain can still be relied upon to think logically?
The Diamond Committee that General Smuts established under the supervision of the British War Cabinet was not intended to give people like George Carlin material to entertain the plebes who were not born stupid.
You are not only what you eat but the company you keep.
Most people have stupid parents. That is why when a child realizes that their parents are stupid they should do their best to be quiet and at the first opportunity to separate physically and know better than to have anything more to do with them as well as their siblings should their siblings think that their family is more special than the next.
The most knowledgeable person on the planet about the diamond and banking cartel, De Beers-Barclays at the start of World War I and at the end of WW2 which was just a continuation of WWI, was General Smuts.
Anyone who scoffs that diamonds are not their “forte” and they are either South African and/or they have read Epstein’s The D I book, is someone who should never be taken seriously.
Elon Musk can be easily forgiven for not knowing everything that I knew about the DAAC before I began my university business studies because what Elon Musk learned at school in South Africa where he lived for the first 17 years of his life, was total bullshit, besides for math-physics, and the most important subject; namely Latin, which by the time Elon reached high school, had long been taken out of the curriculum.
What Elon Musk has most going for him, besides for a beautiful and shrewd mother is that he chose not to serve in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s barbaric military which produced imbeciles such as my two elder brothers and Mr. Andreou.
How in the world can anyone be proud of serving in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s military or police force once you have read Epstein’s The D I book?
Mr. Andreou, I am not suggesting that you right now become prostrate and at the same time learn to become a good Muslim or start laying Tefilin and start looking like that fat pig I showed in the earlier photograph, because I don’t know if you will ever get up.
You are clearly not Jewish, but nor are the overwhelming majority of Jewish people who will swear on a stack of Christian bibles that they are Jewish because either their mother was Jewish or they converted to Judaism.
Nor are all the rituals of our great Jewish religion benign because a good argument can be made that circumcision is mutilation, which is still not good reason to kill Jewish people or for that matter anything that has a heartbeat even if you feel it is okay for someone else to bloody their hands so that you gave have the future pleasure of cancer cells eating you alive.
[Harry Andreou gave the thumbs up]
It was not all that long ago that @Steven Bailey came around with the constant orbit, “The Jews, The Jews, The Jews, The Rothschilds, The Rothschilds, The Rothschilds” but Im quite sure that given enough time, he will [return with stupid-sick chant].
The problem here is not the Christians or the Muslims or the atheists.
It is us Jewish people, and more precisely, our Jewish secular and religious leadership such as Alan Dershowitz who have failed all of you, but then again Dershowitz is only human and Im quite sure he will find a Christian priest to hear his confession.
When a human is the garbage it eats as well as what it gets off the tv, you say stupid things like “The Jews, The Jews, The Jews, The Rothschilds, The Rothschilds, The Rothschilds” where you see the letters right at the end, “child”.
What is being done to my mother Zena is sick, and the non-Jewish people could do much more, but instead you are deriving as much satisfaction as Deborah Sturman and her nemesis, my “lovely” sister Kathy and two elder brothers Neil and Melvin.
But that may soon stop; not that any of you are capable of restoring my mother’s great mind to what it was when I was visiting with her in September-October 2018, because her murderers have succeeded in their goal while making you all their accomplices.
You could also see the entire world supporting the silencing of my mother Zena given both her beauty and support of me, and that imagery you should all take with you to your grave and that of course is unlikely to be the end of your suffering.
The reason you idiots bring up the Rothschilds is because you can say it and not sound stupid. It is accepted as dinner conversation.
Please read carefully those last 14 words, “… you can say it and not sound stupid. It is accepted as dinner conversation.”
Mr. Andreou, please do not tell me how many Jewish people you and your family members have saved since the start of our Jewish Holocaust or for that matter how well your colon is holding out, or what dead carcass you are going to have pass through your lips the moment you arise.
Everyone should just think why it is that none of you can have a conversation about the money that is the embodiment of who you are and yet for some 5 generations, since the turn of the last century, you and those family members who were alive at the time, were clueless about the money.
Your big egos have made you treacherous bastards; but even the biggest bastards can decide they don’t want to look foolish when next meeting up with our Maker.
[Harry Andreou gave the thumbs up]
Gary Johnson
My daughters Jewish as well as my god mother mate
Let us settle this arguments between the jews and germants for once Hitler did not start the war he was against it Chamberlain started it and not Germany so please stop it
[Dirk Kotze gave the thumbs down]
Any word from Newschwabenland?
[Dirk Kotze puts up the uglyface above]
Chamberlain tried to dissuade Hitler to no avail. WWII began as Hitler
invaded Poland
THU 3:49 PM
Shel Tarling left the group.
Hello! Good morning to all of you mga Kuya!
What nation is that ?
Gary Johnson left the group.
Hi Ate Christina!
Dirk Kotze, your FB says that you were born on May 8, 1942. Are you are South African Afrikaans or English descent? Were your parents-grandparents supportive of Dutch-Afrikaner General Smuts?
Would your parents-grandparents and your like or dislike of General Smuts have anything to do with his extraordinary support of us Jewish people?
Im waiting to hear back from Hank Flowers whose FB says he was born on July 30, 1981 and is from Ohio. My questions are short and straightforward, and it shouldn’t take him long to answer; and then we can go from there.
At 3:03pm which was about 90 minutes ago I posted up the following on his FB wall:
Mr. Flowers, at 2:22pm Calif. time which was about 32 minutes ago, you wrote on my FB group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, a FB module focusing on the memories people have of Durban, South Africa and you say you are from Ohio, and nothing wrong with that.
All you wrote was one short sentence that I couldn’t make head or tail of, “Any word from Newschwabenland?” without first looking at Google, which I chose not to do.
Then I sent you a message on FB messaging:
“Would you consider yourself a Neo Nazi?
What ties do you have with the Durban, South African community or any South African community for that matter?”
I sent you that message at 2:43pm Calif. time, and you have been quiet.
Note that Jewish South African-Israeli Beth Isaacs has left this conversation for the second time.
She has yet to [express] – despite her accession to a coveted cushy job for arse kissers in the Israeli Ministry of Health – her debt of gratitude for making her aware of the radiation shortfalls when keeping her handheld communicating device strapped as close as she can to her uterus and expecting a peaceful night sleep.
Now, of course, that would be an extreme measure for someone such as Beth Isaacs choosing mental suicide, which is also not to suggest that fat people have a unique ability to kill cancer cells in their body-mind, just by thinking without using up all their intelligence which they need for their important jobs.
There is not much positive one can say about the Israeli Ministry of Health, if you were to look at the body shape of most Israelis since the DAAC won the war in the late 1970s and their first reward, which the Israeli Knesset did not object to, was to replace the resisting Israeli diamond merchants who were wiped out, with stooges, who would go on to sing the praises of Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nick, who you recall from the photo with Putin taken on September 5, 2006, which was the 9th anniversary of a catastrophic event in Israel, actually Lebanon when 11 members, including the unit commander, of a force of sixteen Shayetet 13 commandos were killed during a botched raid, which like false flag-covert Operation Susannah over in Alexandria during the spring of 1954, was doomed from the start; most likely the result of communications between the IAF and an Israeli submarine being intercepted by Hezbollah, although it could just gave easily been an Israeli drone being sighted doing scouting work.
You just have to use your common sense.
Most government health jobs support first and foremost the most unhealthy of us humans who then take their vengeance on the healthy people, and in the process these unhealthy officials only doing harm to the general good, feel better about themselves; and that in turn allows people like Beth Isaacs to look in the mirror and their negative thoughts cause them to smile, oblivious of their ugly insides that reflect well on the skin, the largest organ, for the rest of the world to see.
That is not to suggest that people like Beth Isaacs have any doubts about their own intelligence.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained or lost.
Gary Johnson stepped in with information that he knew would not move the process forward of either getting my mother Zena freed from her torturous captivity, and the Israeli Ministry of Health of no help, the same with the Knesset, or Elon Musk being given the encouragement to stand tall as he has so strongly advocated in the past, and only now realizing how very fickle is his support.
Once he gets his [head] around, however, that the system designed by the DAAC invaders of mineral rich South Africa
is to breed nothing better than arse-kissers, he will not be disappointed in all those who have been kissing his arse and now celebrating him being held in nothing less than a lock and key.
Imagine if Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry were forced to parade [ with a ball and chain] on a daily basis around the streets of Nuremberg beginning May 8, 1945, how unfortunate it would be that today we would never know the depths of human depravity.
How often do we go back in time to investigate a crime?
Every time.
What do you think makes it so difficult other than it is a “money thing”?
You look at all the “pure scientists”, beginning with those exploring the universe’s origins and its future, they all inevitably talk about the funding for this and for that.
The fact that it doesn’t help the rest of you overcome your feelings of stupidity, is certainly not the end of the world, because for starters none of us created this amazingly warped space and time.
But how can you bear to be in the same room of all the fools who don’t like one another for a whole bunch of different reasons and none of those reasons have anything to do with you all being fooled about the money which you don’t want to talk about because it is all too painful?
You leave, however, telltale signs.
Take for example Christina Moritsch-Krall who piped in with more nonsense, “Chamberlain tried…” when Christina, who would be the first to agree that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed, knows that WW2 began when fellow Austrian, Adolph Hitler was given a free pass to rearm in flagrant violation of the Versailles Peace Treaty.
Christina is doing her very best to distract herself and the rest of you from another very important common sense detail; namely, what Hitler did on the very day he became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933.
I have already spelled it all out for Christina and others, but there are more of you tuned in today than yesterday or for that matter any time since I broke my 24 year silence with the DAAC on 11.11.2004 when people like Deborah Sturman Esq. and Alan Dershowitz did not applaud me immediately, or since.
You have all seen movies showing cops and robbers and it is only the robbers who rob the banks and the shootouts are mostly noisy.
Noise wave concussion may have first occurred when a frustrated caveman arriving back at the cave empty handed, started yelling at his wife and then he butchered her.
Now that would have been farfetched for who was going to cook the food unless he decided ahead of time that if you mix a bit of curry and rice with the wife’s chopped up liver you wouldn’t know the difference with the Jewish delicacy chopped liver.
One of the first questions I asked Harry Oppenheimer after I had established that it was not possible for an auditor like Jeff Malatskey or any of the world’s auditing firms like Ernest & Young, Arthur Anderson etc, to certify the accuracy of the financial statements prepared by the management of the companies, given how 90% of the DAAC’s acquisitions are “Off Balance Sheet” transactions and involve either the DAAC’s exclusive, unlimited supply of untraceable diamond currency that has never been regulated or intimidation to back a weaker competitor or a combination of both, I asked if there were any bankers taking part in the conference call, given how following Harry Oppenheimer’s meeting with President elect John F. Kennedy at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan
Harry Oppenheimer saw no reason to rub it in; at least not personally; instead he would have his most needy “black hatter”, Martin Rapaport who is still very active, visit on a regular basis with Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc., still headquartered on 47th Street, Manhattan, and Stephen Cohen, a distant relation of mine, the same with his junior partner Alan Lipworth, the first cousin of my classmate Sandra Jacobson who was executed 3 years into the reign of the stooge Nelson Mandela, would then instruct Mr. Rapaport who I also met with regularly because I was in those meetings, on what pricing he should use for the wholesale price of cut and polished diamonds in his Rapaport Report publishing which remains the staple diet of the diamond trade.
The reason Mr. Rapaport didn’t get on a plane like the Concorde, visit with Harry Oppenheimer at the De Beers’ headquarters on Charterhouse Street, London directly opposite the headquarters of their sister corporation, Anglo American Corporation, is that it would have defeated the purpose.
Should any of you have any difficulty understanding perfectly what I just said, please email Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk – – or Alan Lipworth – – for their thoughts.
@Dirk Kotze, did you serve in The Third Reich’s South Division military, and if so was it because you either relied on us Jewish people throughout the world to warn you of what was taking place or you didn’t have the common sense to figure out what other support the German-South African Oppenheimer family-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] would get from the rest of the world who were also looking to Jewish people like Alan Dershowitz and Noam Chomsky to better educate the masses, rather than to distract?
Let’s just assume that before I order the presses to begin printing my forthcoming book, there would need to be preorders of 100 million.
Let’s just build upon that business plan and allow for 49% of the profits to go to the publisher who could be anyone, but no one other than Oprah allowed more than a 1% stake; but nothing happens until we have preorders of 100 million.
That number of 100 million might be far more for anyone to bother with.
By the time I am done, which may be never, because I know for a fact that death comes to all o[f] us, that 100 million threshold might be far too low.
I now see that Shel Tarling and Gary Johnson have left the group and we may have Cirilo propositioning Christina.
Correction: Beth Isaacs has yet to express her debt of gratitude.
Correction 2: Once he gets his head around…
Correction 3: “… death comes to all of us”
Hank Flowers has responded, and I think you should all take note:
2:43 PM
Would you consider yourself a Neo Nazi?
What ties do you have with the Durban, South African community or any South African community for that matter?
4:05 PM
Hank Flowers:
No I have been doing a little research and it seems to all disappear there and there has been aome recently political interest down there just figured it was perhaps a chance to pick the brain upon some enlightened minds for once
Thought it might have been too bold or topic changing to ask about Argentina and operation highjump and base 211
what about the first question?
What do you do for a living? What is your educational background?
Hank Flowers:
As for ties I have none and I see a lot of good in the nazi scientists but thats about it I may have some blood there but most of my relatives are all over but am curious about the diamond hoax ( theyre not as rare as they want is to believe) and the rumors about the farms being taken….but really want to know about Schaubergers , Nikola Teslas and others work and what has been done in Antarctica
I help run a. Excavating business but still at the low end mainly helping my brother build up to what we once were but we do ok . I have only high school diploma but have a father thats a marine and have done many diff things. Learned the truth about Wardenclyffe tower and have been researching Teslas stuff ever since about 7 years ago and it has lead to so much seeing of truth in history seeing past lies. So what about your education? What ties do you have the the Thule and Ahnnerhbe? Still taking flouride?
You can remove me from the original group if you wish I just wanted to pick some educated minds Im a very unorthodox random kinda guy hope I didn’t offend.
I kind think its kinda cool how you more than any other person Ive seen seems to really follow up on things rather than just running yer mouth like most people. And you certainly hold people to their word! Please never change that about yourself, i try to do that myself but have hit a lot of dead ends…Again didn’t mean to offend Im not even sure how I got in the the whole group conversation in the first place lol
[Harry Andreou still hasn’t gone to sleep and gave a thumbs up]
You added Micha-el Frame and Janice Lipman.
With a show of hands who would like to ask @Christina Moritsch-Krall what Hitler [did] on his first day in office which allowed people like Moritsch-Krall to hold on to their inherited wealth?
Would you expect with such success for the DAAC and their government officials to change what works so well?
Correction: “… what Hitler did on his first day…”
You added Lynne Fourie Oberholzer.
You added Madonna-joy Alexander.
You added Christopher Dunn.
You added Leslie Reid.
You added Leslie Chapman.
You added Jocelyn Kroll.
You added Louise Peter Minnie.
You added Mary McKnight Leslie.
Christopher Dunn left the group.
You added Carmen Mulvaney.
You added Michèle Aubourg.
You added Ana G. Biele.
You added Bradley Caswell.
You added Bradley Craig Naidoo.
You added Melane Henderson.
You added Molly Molloy.
You added Karin Van Vuuren.
You added Michelle Scott Prozesky.
You added Barry Livsey.
You added Steve Faul.
You added Shelley Jacobson.
You added Ronnie Lousteau.
You added Jenny Rafter Jordaan.
You added Myfanwy Murray.
You added Penny Rey.
My mother Zena’s model, South African, Penny Coelen Rey – Miss World 1958
Zena Gevisser – “Her name is Penny Coelen” – September 24, 2016
Cheryl Arsian
Thumbs Up Sign
You are right Gary…your mother groomed so many woman and Penny is one of the best. Beautiful inside and out.
Jocelyn Kroll left the group.
Carmen Mulvaney left the group.
THU 9:00 PM
Louise Peter Minnie left the group.
Michelle Scott Prozesky left the group.