White South African Rodger Shagam – “who is rewriting my words?”
Rodger Shagam
Rodger Shagam At Africanpix
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Cape Town, Western Cape
Works at Africanpix
October 9
Oct 9, 2024, 5:22 PM
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Are you related to Leslie and Brian Shagam?
October 10
Oct 10, 2024, 2:14 AM
Rodger Shagam
Not that I know
You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you’ve read messages.
October 10
Oct 10, 2024, 5:55 AM
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They were from Durban. Leslie was a fighter pilot with the IAF during Israel’s war of independence and brian was a land surveyor and golfer.
October 10
Oct 10, 2024, 6:16 AM
Rodger Shagam
I’ve heard of the Durban Shagam but never met.
October 10
Oct 10, 2024, 7:27 AM
You sent
You must think in all the time you spend photographing nature that man must be here to accomplish more than destroying it!
October 11
Oct 11, 2024, 3:12 AM
Rodger Shagam
Indeed. But the whole world is in such a mess at the moment – destruction and inhumanity are just part of life. Go figure.
October 11
Oct 11, 2024, 8:55 AM
You sent
I have figured; thanks to having 2 most enlightened parents, my father a Fighter Bomber Pilot who while still 21 years of age completed 71 dive bombing missions over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, an area I’m most familiar with, at least at ground level, with 2 on March 19, 1945 in support of the Jewish Brigade’s first major offensive, and my highly secretive British-English mother Zena [30 May 1929 – ]
while only 18 years of age in November 1947 [see Newsweek 10 November 1947] and yet to be engaged to my dad, which took place on 20 March 1948, became a trusted member of Smuts and Ben Gurion’s inner circle.
Helping understand the stupidity of mankind, the oxymoron of all time, that is first needed to then make sense of the purpose of the vast universe, was being guided from an early age to examine the most important Battle of Hastings that resulted in the unexpected defeat of the English, the superpower at the time, and all the world’s Royals fearful of losing both their heads in battle where they were required to be on the frontlines, and wealth won previously on the very bloody battlefields, and beginning to collude like never before by concentrating their stolen gold wealth in the small enclave, City of London, which William The Conquerer left unscathed.
Only Napoleon tried and succeeded for a very short time to eradicate the lazy, most fearful of questioning Jewish people, constantly plotting Royals and the people, so easy to brainwash as well as bribe, couldn’t wait to have their king back in power, and nor have the full of themselves Royals looked back.
Look how the media track the comings and goings of the British Royal family, even here in the United States, a former enemy.
It’s not possible to spell it all out here as I wish to go on a couple of hours mountain bike ride before it gets too hot to fully enjoy the forest environment that is unlikely to survive another 50 years at the current pace of destruction, forget nuclear Armageddon; wars and destruction of the planet can be reversed in an instant with the power of the light speed internet.
Suffice to say I’m tying together the last threads of my book, which picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention leaves off, while filling in the few, but critical gaps.
Of course the German-South African Oppenheimers who recruited me right out of university as I began my post graduate economics-business studies, are central to The D I book, but even their pivotal role in our Jewish Holocaust, doesn’t explain how everyone has missed their sponsorship of Hitler whose coffers were empty and Germany prohibited by the 1919 Versailles Treaty from ever again building a threatening army. Yet everyone, not just the paid idiot historians consider themself a “history buff”.
Both my parents and grandparents only spoke when they had something important to say once fully gauging their audience; and to never spoon-feed. Another “Act of God” is my 3 elder siblings who were also gifted the greatest parents-grandparents, and turned out rotten to the core, but the inexplicable order of the universe speaks the most volume, and something to celebrate 24/7 – health is wealth.
BTW, Les Shagam helped flush out my siblings.
The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am
October 14 at 3:36 AM
Oct 14, 2024, 3:36 AM
Rodger Shagam
Things could have been very different …
October 14 at 7:10 AM
Oct 14, 2024, 7:10 AM
You sent
Are you related to the Durban Shagams?
What do you mean “… very different @?
How old are you?
I’m 67.
You sent
Had you heard of my parents ?
October 15 at 1:50 AM
Oct 15, 2024, 1:50 AM
Rodger Shagam
77. No I don’t think so. Where do/did they live?
October 15 at 8:11 AM
Oct 15, 2024, 8:11 AM
You sent
We, shagams and my parents lived in Durban.
Had you heard of Moshal Gevisser?
Have you heard of Charles Engelhard ?
You didn’t explain “very different”.
Where are you from? When did you leave SA?
October 16 at 2:08 AM
Oct 16, 2024, 2:08 AM
Rodger Shagam
I live in SA. Very different place if Smuts had held on to power.
October 16 at 7:38 AM
Oct 16, 2024, 7:38 AM
You sent
He held on long enough, more importantly, lived long enough to help Israel in the war of independence. The antisemitic Oppenheimers had already infiltrated the IAF, but Smuts and Ben Gurion had already taken counter measures.
October 18 at 7:32 AM
Oct 18, 2024, 7:32 AM
Rodger Shagam
Thumbs up sign
Yesterday at 9:28 AM
Sun 9:28 AM
You sent
I see you felt the need to show your presence on Reason for being here with a cut red lips display before leaving.
What bothers you so?
9:29 AM
Rodger Shagam
ahh, i simply pressed the wrong image – thought i was responding to someone else. apologies
9:31 AM
You sent
I do realize that it is too much to absorb learning so late in life how little you know about how the world works, and why it is that you are so vague when writing, “Things could have been very different …”.
For starters, you might never have been able to make a living.
Don’t you want to do more to help the next generation learn what was missing from your education even if it was nothing more than common sense?
When you removed yourself from Reason for being here, you had to have a reason, what is it?
9:39 AM
You sent
BTW, right after you removed yourself from Reason for being at 9:22 AM Calif. time, I posted up the following:
@Tommy Simpson, you cannot think you are alone being the only person to resent their “best friend” who looks down on them because they are poor, which explains why you threw @Tommy Simpson under the bus when coopting him to come to your aid.
But still it is hugely traumatic for you, especially as you have to deal with Brad Moore until one of you dies, and then there are all the others around the globe who are finding out that the two of you are nothing more than dumb shits.
So let’s talk about other fake relationships such as that between my low self-image middle brother Melvin Gevisser and @Jeffrey Essakow who also now doesn’t want to make an enemy of my brother, knowing, does plotter @Jeffrey Essakow, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow, how quickly my brother can “turn on a dime”.
@Tommy Simpson, are you ready for it?
9:42 AM
Rodger Shagam
i’m trying to reduce my receipt of all the various social intrusions.
i don’t want all the email shit i receive daily – that i have no
interest in.
same with all the other whatsapp’s, messengers, , etc, etc, etc.
I need some peace and quiet, selectivity and balance in my life. i’m tired of people from India offering their services and China trying to sell me stuff that i really don’t need or want.
I use YouTube selectively and that’s great.
9:43 AM
You sent
It doesn’t help being in denail at any age.
9:45 AM
Rodger Shagam
i’m certainly NOT in denial. I’m very aware and interested in what i choose. It is in fact ALl about choice!
9:45 AM
You sent
But now you have set your own trap.
Deflecting to “nonese” [sic] such as others scamming from India and China, is incredibly weak, on a par though with all those who abandoned Smuts which wasn’t lost on Smuts or Ben Gurion and their inner circle, starting with both my parents.
9:47 AM
You sent
Not only does what goes around come around; namely, karma, but it extends into the next life.
The life of a jellyfish isn’t much fun.
BTW, what do you think of the Trump victory?
9:48 AM
Rodger Shagam
if you want talk shit i’ll pour another whisky – but seriously i don’t need it.
Who is Patsy Gevisser?
9:49 AM
Rodger Shagam
extracting about Trump. America will rise once more – thank fuck.
9:52 AM
You sent
What do you know about her?
9:53 AM
Rodger Shagam
You talk shit. I’m happy to spend time, creating photographs that I sell, walking my dog in the mountains or on the beach , reading and cooking the evening meal.
what’s your contribution?
Do you in fact have a contribution?
Quick! I need to go for a shit …
9:55 AM
Rodger Shagam
She is an intelligent student with little expansive brain mass. No
lateral thinking
9:56 AM
You sent
Are you trying to fuck her? Isn’t she a bit old and tattered?
When you first read Errol Musk’s 100 words of praise, did your mind feel like shit!:
Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!
followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
9:57 AM
You sent
Is Patsy Gevisser one of your fb friends?
10:08 AM
Rodger Shagam
who is rewriting my words?
10:11 AM
Rodger Shagam
no she is local educator. and in society to today we red a few of those.
10:14 AM
You sent
Did you already give me your email?
10:15 AM
You sent
Btw had you heard the name Penny Coelen?
10:17 AM
You sent
Before you gave the “thumbs up” to my “He held on long enough, more importantly, lived long enough to help Israel in the war of independence. The antisemitic Oppenheimers had already infiltrated the IAF, but Smuts and Ben Gurion had already taken counter measures”, you knew you were about to lie.
10:17 AM
Rodger Shagam
indeed i have heard of her – why
10:18 AM
You sent
She was my mother’s model
You say that you never heard of Zena Gevisser?
10:18 AM
Rodger Shagam
Hmmm so what did yor mother learn ?
10:19 AM
Rodger Shagam
never. i did have an Aunt Lena though
10:20 AM
You sent
Stay away from fools. They tend to lie all the time.
10:22 AM
You sent
Why don’t you admit that you finally decided to leave Reason for being here because the longer you stayed the more you hated looking in the mirror.
When previously have you felt so stupid and utterly depressed?
10:22 AM
Rodger Shagam
i have found so. Problem is, it’s about intelligence. You can’t blame people for their respective levels of intelligence you must accept and handle each individual accordingly!
10:23 AM
You sent
Can I find your email on your website?
clix@africanpix com
10:24 AM
You sent
Ok we can now stop talking and you can continue shitting in peace and quiet
10:25 AM
Rodger Shagam
impressed daily with
my mirror but unfortunately this discussion is degrading rapidly intellectually – i am now going to bed to
read a book, perchance to
10:26 AM
You sent
Check you inbox for a backup which will be an addendum to my forthcoming book.
Have you heard of The Diamond Invention book by Professor Edward Jay Epstein?
10:26 AM
Rodger Shagam
yes but be selective in subject an intelligence if you email
10:27 AM
You sent
I won’t take your advice, but I’m sure you will read it
10:27 AM
Rodger Shagam
buy my book on Amazon – Stories from
my gramps.
my second book
is in
process but very different content
10:28 AM
You sent
Depressant is now in your inbox
10:28 AM
Rodger Shagam
g’night Boet
10:29 AM
You sent
Shall I add you back to Reason for being here?
10:32 AM
You sent
Would you like to have your life over again; what would you do different?
Yesterday, Sunday Nov 10, 2024, at 12:09 PM
You sent
What does peace and prosperity mean when the money is rigged?
Sun 12:59 PM
Rodger Shagam
life over story is a recurring thought certainly not for sharing.
Peace means one thing and should be separate from prosperity although they say money brings peace of mind.
Rigged money brings peace if you are a sociopath and belong to the ANC. Having money requires honesty and integrity but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that!
Yesterday at 4:34 PM
Sun 4:34 PM
You sent
Imagine what it feels like, and you are approaching death, and realize you have no spirituality.
Sun 6:13 PM
You sent
You avoided answering if you would like to be added back.
That, combined with gossiping badly about Patsy Gevisser after you first trash me, followed by making out like you know nothing about her, “Who is Patsy Gevisser!”
No doubt you have great difficulty with Errol Musk’s words, so you go through with a twist.
You are show yourself to be treacherous behind a false image of seeking beauty.
How you blow off the SA Oppenheimers’ rigging of the money by throwing slurs at the ANC who are just their puppets, no different to the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime who focused on rewarding the white real estate speculators not having to contend with the blacks involved in the rigged biddings.
Again explain how you see things being different had Smuts remained in power?
6:14 PM
You sent
Title: Fake faith
Terrible. It shows what they’re interested in. Same with the Pope and the Vatican. Why would the Muslims be different?
It’s a business of fake faith, preying on the less fortunate.
Real estate advisor at ‘Post’ Aliyah Conference: ‘It’s important to have someone to hold your hand’
Today Monday, Nov 11, at 5:18 AM
Rodger Shagam
gary if you want to send me an email , fine but certainly not if you are including anyone else on your cc list …
doesn’t work for me.
5:21 AM
Rodger Shagam
i have no idea who Patsy Gevisser may be nor do I know of an Errol
6:15 AM
You sent
Medical doctors tell us that they save lives, and should therefore be paid a lot of money.
In the same breath they don’t say that we are all going to die, and so why bother?
6:17 AM
You sent
Weren’t you talking about Patsy when writing “She is an intelligent student with little expansive brain mass. No
lateral thinking”?
7:04 AM
Rodger Shagam
not at all. i referring to Ms Harris – i have no idea who Patsy is!
You seem to be confused …
7:34 AM
You sent
Why do you bring up Patsy Gevisser out of the blue?
Are you referring to Patrsy Gevisser “she is local educator. and in society to today we red a few of those”?
What does “red a few of those” mean in English?
Who is the “who is rewriting my words?”?
Given how wordly you protest to be when so unclear, what countermeasures do you think Ben Gurion took to address the Oppenheimers?
Have you heard the name Charles Engelhard?
Why don’t you admit that you finally decided to leave Reason for being here because the longer you stayed the more you hated looking in the mirror.
When previously have you felt so stupid and utterly depressed?
Do you agree with my mother’s teachings?
How was I supposed to know that you were referring to Kamala Harris?
7:54 AM
Rodger Shagam
Ben Gurion used a telephone
7:58 AM
You sent
How was I supposed to know that you were referring to Kamala Harris?
8:01 AM
Rodger Shagam
lateral thought. Kamala was the talk of the hour patsry gevisser wasn’t the general topic – i had heard of Ms harris but not Ms gevisser
8:05 AM
You sent
If you hadn’t heard of Patsy Gevisser, and I didn’t bring up Patsy Gevisser, why did you bring up her name?
8:07 AM
You sent
Who would Ben Gurion have called?
8:10 AM
Rodger Shagam
Oppenheimer as you said
8:10 AM
You sent
And for Ben Gurion to say what?
8:13 AM
Rodger Shagam
hello, this is Ben speaking …
8:19 AM
Rodger Shagam
what do you do for a living?
8:21 AM
You sent
My sense is that you don’t have a beautiful woman in your life?
8:22 AM
You sent
I also sense that the whiskey consumption is not your only poison intake and your insides are dying fast, spending more time in the loo?
8:26 AM
Rodger Shagam
whiskey is Irish or American. Whisky is Scottish (enlightenment).
I actually don’t spend much time on the loo – believe it’s an age thing …
What do you do for a living – are you living?
8:27 AM
You sent
How would the rest of the conversation go between Ben Gurion and the Oppenheimers?
8:28 AM
You sent
Again, for the third time, if you hadn’t heard of Patsy Gevisser, and I didn’t bring up Patsy Gevisser, why did you bring up her name?
8:31 AM
You sent
Were you able to figure out the incorrect spelling of “prospered” in my response to you 3 minutes ago in our more public discourse?
8:31 AM
Rodger Shagam
my wife is an educator and has been mixed up with Herzlia for 50 years. She mentioned it – now you can relax.
Ben would probably have dealt with Ernest as Harry was still being groomed. Ben would have asked if a handshake was ok to do a deal.
8:36 AM
You sent
Are you saying that your wife mentioned Patsy Gevisser?
How was I supposed to know that you were talking about Kamala Harris?
Who is “She is an intelligent student with little expansive brain mass. No lateral thinking”?
Again, “who is rewriting my words?”?
8:38 AM
Rodger Shagam
8:44 AM
You sent

8:48 AM
Rodger Shagam
You sent