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Ring a bell

From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: Ring a bell – “it could be me next” – War on the poor who are becoming useless – Be nice – Missed the boat – Thiel-Nicholas Oppenheimer setting up Trump? – Blame Israel – We know you are in bed with Thiel and company -: The ineptness incalculable – Ally has changed sides – Why else would you be over-rehearsed? -: The bitter half -: Biden’s only fear -: It is all planned -: Do you need to talk? – Birds of a feather – Not anonymous -:They all go for the money-: Does Trump know? -: A softer touch of strength to unify us -: The Sheep are out of control – “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep -Re: Eminently qualified first female President -: AI will determine -: Charles I ~ “The King can do no wrong” -: Catch 22 – He tried -: “I’m running the world” ~ Biden
Date: August 2, 2024 at 3:21:19 PM PDT
To: Peter Thiel <>, “Former President Donald J. Trump” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – former CEO of Jonathan Beare, and Director of Oppenheimers’ Uranium One Corporation used by President Putin to purchase 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves during the Obama-Biden Administration.” <>, Economist Professor Peter St Onge – Pusher of Cryptos <>, Geoffrey “Stagnant Wimp” Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, The Greg Gutfeld Show <>, “” <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – Co-executor of the estate Zena Gevisser Zulman-Alan Zulman – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.” <>, “Threatening President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>, Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel <>

Cc: rest; “Republican Roger W. Robinson Jr. – protege of David Rockefeller and inaugural Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982, same year Simon & Schuster published The Diamond Invention book.” <>, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” <>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <>, Derrick Beare <>,, Jo Becker – New York Times – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Nbci. Snl” <>, “” <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, “Gary Malino – partnered with Gary Gevisser installing Wang computer at McMillin. Competent Malino, with encouragement from Gary Gevisser, went on to strike it rich on Wall Street.” <>, Professor Daniel Brooke – Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences – San Jose State University <>, Maayan Hoffman – Editor-in-Chief of ILTV News, formerly CEO of Strategy and Innovation for the Jerusalem Post” <>, “” <>, Taylor Swift <>, Travis Kelce <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “” <bnetanyahu@KNESSET.GOV.IL>

(1) Title: Ring a bell
What makes you [@JDVance] a good judge of what is right and wrong?
It is not because you were poor, abused, neglected that you are a good judge of character. Many poor people have become corrupt, thieves, murderers, Wall Street thugs.
It is not because you are dressed in a suit that you are believable, or because you dress down, with rolled sleeves, no tie or tie disheveled, like Obama, you know the look, that you are not corrupt, like the rest.
Who are you to decide for everyone what is morally right or how to foster healthy children?
You clearly have a weight control issue; how dare you endorse sweets, candy and chocolates that does not do the bodies-minds of defenseless children good.
No one believes in their right mind that you have overcome your mother’s lack of care for you over her selfish drug addiction.
You are using the airwaves, interactions with TV-podcast hosts to get free psychological help. Just because it is free doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have done it much sooner than before running for political office.
Once scratching the surface of your money-Wall Street backers, Musk-Sacks-Thiel beholden to anti-Democratic, anti-Free Speech Mineral-Banking monopolist, Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer whose father hired me directly of university, once I began my post graduate economic-business studies, a most sinister picture is revealed.
If you haven’t already, go read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, currently free on The Internet for all the literate to read and comment below.
Even entertaining the idea of taking voting away from people who choose differently than you is taking away the right to express dissatisfaction in the system, the world order.
Many a wolf is dressed in sheep’s clothing.
The Modus Operandi of the fascist German-South African Oppenheimers, principal backers of Nazi Germany who should have been the first prosecuted for both their treason as well as war crimes against us Jewish people during the Holocaust, other than they had lined up their ducks perfectly including consolidating their diamond studded iron fist control of the South African landscape, extending all the way to Saudi Arabia, is patently obvious in the choice of you to be the next President of the Free World, which if you and Trump win the election in November, could come as soon as 20 January 2025, if not before, should Trump die or otherwise be incapacitated following the election.
Bear in mind, Harry Oppenheimer was the Trojan Horse in General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ forward thinking United Party which lost the South African General Election of 26 May 1948 which ushered in 46 uninterrupted years of brutal rule by the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime aka Third Reich’s Southern Division, while 80% of the population, non-whites, could not vote, and true to form, all the opposition political parties were no less bought.
There is a good reason why my lifelong friend, Tony Leon [@TonyLeonSA], head of the Democratic Alliance Party of South Africa shared with me back in 1995 when visiting South Africa, my country of birth where I lived for the first 20 years of my life, 2 more than Elon Musk, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa”; and again, the financial money backbone of the Democratic Alliance Party who still operate, is the relatively quiet SA Oppenheimers who speak liberalism, fair trade, democratic principles out of one side of their mouths, and the other, “Competition is for loser”, which must ring a bell.
[Word count 579]


Facebook-Twitter post: July 31, 11:22 AM
(2) Title: “it could be me next
The Supreme Leader is most likely thinking “it could be me next. Now is the time to settle, make peace and rake in the money”.
Facebook and Twitter post July 31, 8:48 AM
(3) Title: War on the poor who are becoming useless
Under the cliche “Man makes plans …” GoDNature is the only one truly laughing.
This war, long in the planning by both sides with a view to securing the unobstructed sea views of Gaza by ordained real estate developers including MBS and his money hungry proxy, Jared Kushner, is principally about the global implementation of anti-democratic, inflationary Cryptos which violate the sacrosanct economic principles, to cover up past assaults on the ever wired-knowledgeable world’s poor, including poor Jewish Israelis, who don’t have the funds like Netanyahu to afford his only son Yair of military age, to sit out the war in Miami while the best of Israeli soldiers, including top officers, are killed in the line duty, and knowing that his harshest, loudest opponents won’t say anything about this grave injustice, grand shamelessness.
Even the great King David fell victim to temptation.
It is one thing for the media to be silent, but are all the commentators nothing less than “useful idiots”?
Btw, a good source of knowledge which doesn’t go too far back in time, are my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post, beginning immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich on 20 January 2001, 234 days prior to 9/11.
Every penny that Haniyeh and his family and friends have secreted, whether kept in cash or converted into real estate in posh neighborhoods around the world, are tracked, and serve to drive that much more of a wedge between the haves and have-nots.
Postings by others in the Jerusalem Post’s comments:
12h ago
A billion or so in ill gotten cryptocurrency might suddenly have no recovery code.
4h ago
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
Altogether shout it now
There’s no one Who can doubt it now
So let’s tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again




Facebook posting July 30, 2014, 2:30 PM
(4) Subject: Be nice
Some of you will have received my broadcast from yesterday, “Conversations with Jerusalem Post’s ‘Top Dog'”


and not yet seen the connecting dots with today’s Headline News on, “GDP ROARS 4%…”


which may not be as interesting at this moment as another, “Woman Spotted Walking Naked Man On Dog Leash Along Road…”
Most of you who are now better educated thanks to me sharing my vast amount of knowledge which the “ruling elite” are not in the least bit happy, still do not realize that all this “nakedness”, violence, fear of one man with Ebola saved all of Florida because he never made it to the United States, is all contrived; the same when one journalist like GERALDO says, “DRUDGE ‘doing his best to stir up civil war’…” and you think DRUDGE is playing it fair when reporting the accurate criticism.
They also know that you all hate more than anything else the feeling of stupid and were I to show you how easily you and 3 generations before you have been manipulated you feel that much more stupid and retaliate.
Fortunately for the world none of you are responsible for deciding the fate of the Israel Defense Force, and so I suggest that you pay that much more careful attention.
Less of you would have seen my follow up earlier with Jerusalem Post “Top Dog” Steve Linde who we know one another from when we attended the Jewish Day School, Carmel College, Durban, South Africa.
Still you might not have connected the dots with the ransom monies demanded by the Nazis of Jewish business people including those such as my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890-1970], the co-founder with his elder brother of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] which was wiped out in a very carefully orchestrated “management friendly”; i.e. “shareholder hostile” takeover; and of course Issy Gevisser who owned the “control block” of shares in public corporation Moshal Gevisser received the short end of the stick.
You want to know how important were those ransom monies? First, they resulted in Deputy Commander of Golani Brigade, Professor Tuvia Friling, Ben-Gurion University authoring the non-fiction book, ARROWS IN THE DARK. Second, it wasn’t Hitler who came up with the brilliant idea to flush out all the rich Jewish people throughout the world who hadn’t already been bought, but rather it was Hitler’s bankers who were the same bankers that were backing Hitler’s opponents.
Duh, you say, “That makes sense.”
Suddenly you are all economic-military-political-history geniuses.
Israeli Major Friling didn’t figure it out and nor did anyone else who read his most important book, at least not until I read and began sharing my analysis; and everyone who have educated say the same thing, “Duh…”
It all makes sense because it all makes sense.
But if you haven’t been taught how to think but just taught how to spend the money to buy the things without thinking how the money is valued and distributed in the most quantities to the dumbest professionals who then teach you all to be dummies, you will mostly love the money and the things you have yet to buy, and the last thing you are thinking about is your long term health, and sure as hell not your legacy.
ARROWS IN THE DARK makes scant mention of the Nazis’ and their bankers’ most formidable opponent, Prime Minister of South Africa Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] but the little which is mentioned is HUGELY important including Ben-Gurion telling the idiot Jewish people going around soliciting money on behalf of the bankers financing Hitler, not to place too much pressure on Smuts to absorb the Jewish people destined for the death factories who would be saved once the ransom monies were paid.
So you now say, “My God, I didn’t know any of this. This is terrible. But what can I do about it now? But did they manage to save any of the Jewish people? It would have been a good use of money, wouldn’t it?”
What I have noticed most about the human as I have grown older and healthier both physically and mentally which I cannot say the same about any of my contemporaries and the next generation look even worse as hard as hat is to believe, is that once stupid, always stupid.
Let me suggest you now try something different. Instead of good information going in one ear and out the next, hold on to the thought that this money ransom offer by Hitler’s bankers was a ruse.
A “ruse” is “an action intended to deceive someone”; in other words to “trick”.
Hitler’s bankers created the ruse.
Hitler’s bankers have their educators educating you to believe that it was only Hitler and a bunch of bad people with equally crazy ideas who did those terrible things.
Hitler’s bankers are the same banking institutions you see on every main street when there are not a whole bunch of them clustered right on top of each other to have you believe that they are fierce competitors.
When someone robs a bank, they know they have committed a wrongdoing.
The bankers knew exactly what they were doing and they planned ahead of time how to educate 4 generations of you to think like idiots at the same time believe you were independent thinking humans.
The bankers also knew that common sense people like Ben-Gurion and my grandfather Issy Gevisser would never fall for such nonsense but there was very little they could do about it because it was such an ingenious move which fooled pretty much everyone.
Had I not read ARROWS IN THE DARK then in all likelihood these important truths would never have seen the light of day.
The past is the past.
The bastards are now fucked.
When quiet you are aligning yourselves with the bastards who were not simply satisfied with murdering 6 million innocent Jewish people, and nor did the Nazi bankers have any intention of reducing the dead body count at their 300 death factories spread throughout Germany and Poland, but they have their puppets like Obama LAUGHING IN YOUR FACES.
Nor would any of you in all likelihood including the best trained military intelligence officers connected the ransom money dots with the other, rather late, News Headline: Euro governments paying secret ransoms to Al Qaeda.


Consequently, you would be clueless about the decision taken by the CIA to pay ransom monies to PLO terrorist mastermind Ali Salameh who 2 years later executed the Munich Olympic Games massacring of 11 defenseless Israel athletes which took Israel’s Mossad who knew that Salameh was placed on the CIA payroll in 1970 almost another 7 years to assassinate Salameh on January 22, 1979, given the extraordinary protection that was afforded this terrorist of terrorist whose western backers thought was money wealth worth spent preventing American planes from being hijacked and other American property targeted.
When you are clueless you can often times have a difficult time connecting the dots because that task is impossible.
2 days days shy of one year after Mossad assassinated Al Salameh in a powerful bomb blast in Beirut, Lebanon, Hitler’s bankers began crashing the gold market because one of their great fears was that the world was waking up to the bullshit of the GDP index, which is the most horrific tax on those living in raped countries; and to distract from this obscenity of “civilized man” the 1st World corrupt governments impose taxes on their middle class who are conditioned to believe and say, “The rich don’t pay taxes” which has them only motivated to get filthy rich, and never thinking that they have not only been conned but they perpetuate the con.
Of course it gets far worse. You actually look down on those in the 3rd World as having the “Disease of Poverty”.
So where were each of you, your siblings, parents, grandparents on January 20, 1980?
Ok, let’s start with me.
I was still in the employment of Hitler’s bankers but I was now back in South Africa preparing to return to Codiam Inc., the most important banking-intelligence gathering arm of Hitler’s bankers on US soil who I had officially joined in early spring 1979.
I was not stupid the moment I decided to begin my 24 year silence and nor did I consider myself stupid when I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004 with Hitler’s bankers Codiam-DeBeers-Engelhard-Rockefeller-Chase Bank-Union Bank-Investec-Barclays Bank, beginning with the words, “Remember me?”
I also observed the “mob mentality” thinking of humans long before I was afforded the opportunity to “sit” for the “entrance exams” to enter the top echelons of the banking-monetary system which is a farce from start to finish because it is built on quicksand by humans with the most clay feet.
You can see that I would have had a far easier time in impressing banking-mining consortium DeBeers head, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] than President Obama.
By January 20, 1980 DeBeers thanks to their Barclays Bank affiliate had wiped out all the Israeli diamond merchants and replaced them with puppets which is why the Israeli diamond merchants today cannot say enough good things about DeBeers. No less important the American diamond merchants that Codiam set up throughout the United States absorbed the diamonds that Barclays Bank took possession of when they bankrupted the Israeli diamond merchants who with Ben-Gurion dead, were outgunned.
Following Obama and Hitler’s bankers celebrating, their media began reporting; Gold Weakens Following Upbeat U.S. GDP Report
You now understand that the payment of monies to Salameh and others such as Osama Bin Ladin to pay for the weapons systems that the CIA-DeBeers didn’t provide free, were principally made to support the maintenance of the illogical and crippling GDP economic index that punishes the mineral raped countries like all of Africa, Brazil, Mexico and the minerals all end up in the so-called First World Countries, and the others get the designation 3rd World, all of which sustains the lifestyles of those who don’t really contribute anything pretty to society, although these Poverty of Thought human ants would also argue that seeing a super fast fighter jet fly by is really cool.
Now connect the dots with again The News reporting that Hilary Clinton who was earlier “crying poverty” is now refusing to give her net worth.
In anticipation of sending my “courageous” (soon to be wimp – scroll down) FB “friend” Steve Linde my 824 word, “Stand a chance” email, I sent him a text moments before letting him know what to expect and he immediately replied, “Ok”.
The fact that I observe what many of you post up on your Facebook walls which is all pretty much the same including when there is no-response, is also not lost on someone like Mr. Linde who besides for holding on to this sense of humor, has the ability to pick up the phone to Prime Minister Netanyahu and know that Netanyahu will take his call.
Instead of feeling depressed at the prospect of peace in the Middle East which will force you to reevaluate all the bullshit you have been fed and which in turn you have transferred to others because you only know from what you have been brainwashed to believe, try and feel exhilarated by the poor of the world who have not been quite so fortunate to enjoy the same level of peace and quiet.
[Word count 1933]
Ps – Puppet Hitler brought to power on January 30, 1933
Title: Who cares about the Marc Rich saga?
Subtitle: “I’m not saying anything about anything” – Steve Linde, Editor In Chief of the Jerusalem Post
The following are the Facebook messaging conversations with Steve Linde, Editor In Chief of the Jerusalem Post as he began backtracking from his original enthusiasm to publish my Military-Peace plan for Gaza back in July 2014:
July 30, 2014
7/30, 8:09am Calif. time
Gary Gevisser
im sending you an email now
Steve Linde
7/30, 8:09am
July 30, 2014
7/30, 11:51am
Gary Gevisser
I am not back, from dealing with the “living dead”. In a few minutes I will be posting up on my FB wall. If I were in your shoes I would be making arrangements for me and my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion to visit Israel even if all we do is visit with you and Netanyahu at Ben-Gurion airport and then go on our way.
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 11:51am
I meant to write, “I am now…”
Steve Linde
7/30, 12:11pm


Gary Gevisser
7/30, 12:17pm
My F-C wife just mentioned that our well water here at our cabin deep inside the Cleveland National Forest “smells”.
BTW, not only did we just get it tested by the top lab, and it passed every test with flying, but were we allowed by the government to bottle and sell the water, it would be the best tasting bottled water one could find anywhere.
Steve Linde


It is probably just a bit of sulphur
Steve Linde
7/30, 12:18pm
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 12:22pm
Im doing one more hyperlink and then I will be done.
Steve Linde
7/30, 12:26pm
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 12:27pm
im hitting the send button now
just doing a word count first
Steve Linde
7/30, 12:29pm
Ok…we have no space this week..
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 12:40pm
You have the power with those 1980 words to make the time and space at Ben-Gurion airport.
…. which is where I last met Boris Senior on my way to South Africa in 1995 without knowing that my British-Englieh mother Zena would find the right occasion to organize my all day meeting with Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir”, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser.
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 12:50pm
there is now a revised version that is 1933 words which should help everyone remember that puppet Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933


Steve Linde
7/30, 1:23pm
Sorry but we have no room for such a long oped. You should consider offering it to a magazine.
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 1:50pm
Steve ive followed yiur suggestion asking what the length is needed.
Ican cut it down significantly
Steve Linde
7/30, 1:52pm
U need to coordinate with seth…i’m sorry but i can’t deal with this right now. Gnite…
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 1:55pm
Seth is quiet for a reason
He must also know prolonged war sells newspapers
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 2:17pm
… you agree with the content.
Steve Linde
7/30, 2:18pm
More or less…we have had similar opeds published.
Gary Gevisser
7/30, 2:20pm
Pls show me because I make it my business to research the JP after the JP realized no one was as spot on with the Marc Rich pardon.
Steve Linde
7/30, 2:21pm
Don’t have time at the moment…
July 31, 2014
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 7:43am
Steve, I don’t think you could have slept all that well.
Recap: You tell me I have an “interesting” letter. Then you tell me to contact one of your subordinates for specific information. Seth does not respond. You tell me to be patient. Then you tell me that there is no space this week without letting me what the space requirement is before saying that I should find a “magazine” to publish it.
It seems that you and Seth have had a conversation about the letter that I know was “interesting” otherwise I wouldnt have written it.
I also know that you nor Seth have come across anything close to the substance of what I wrote because no one else has offered a logical solution that will put a permanent end to the fighting.
You appear to be backtracking in a very significant way, and that means you are loyal to interests who want the fighting to continue because it allows them to sell weapon systems to both sides.
In other words, the world is not as stupid as many who profit from war would like to believe.
All the Jewish South Africans who supported the Apartheid Regime profited from war on the poor masses of South Africa who were the majority people.
We know who all of them are, right?
I just sent you an email with 2 hyperlinks. Those communications led to my meeting shortly thereafter with Jonathan Beare in Beverly Hills on January 13, 2005, when J. Beare didn’t want to discuss the Clean Water Fund as he began by saying that he never received the draft of the plan which you can see he wrote me on December 1, 2004 that he had received the plan from Derrick, and says he wants to meet to discuss it, which means he read the plan.
All JBeare wanted from me at the meeting was to remove his name from my correspondence which was appearing all over The Internet; i.e. that gives you an idea of the “footprint” I was already establishing on The Internet; in no small measure thanks to my insight and analysis of the Marc Rich saga which the Jerusalem Post had both the wisdom and courage to publish.
My criticism of the Rich pardon centered on Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak “missing the boat”, and most would agree that Barak is at least equally accomplished as Netanyahu when it comes to military matters.
You haven’t provided me with what you say are similar articles and you are mostly looking like you just want me to go away.
You don’t say much about your South African friends who I am proving to you are only loyal to those who do their bidding.
It is also a very different world than it was a decade ago because the information has continued to get out there despite all the threats made by Jonathan Beare who also knows that if you were to replaced the next Editor In Chief might demand a whole lot more or simply refuse to cower.
As you would expect, I am getting a lot of interest from people around the world and not all of them are as rich as rich Israelis, and these curious people are seeing very clearly that there is the same group supplying both sides to the conflict in Gaza with weapons.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 7:45am
I might very well begin to poll people throughout the world whether they approve of my peace plan; and if it turns out that no one really wants peace other than the mothers of the soldiers, then the world is not worse off, but at least we will know more about who are the “sly English” talkers.
Steve Linde
7/31, 7:45am
Gary, it’s a Thursday afternoon, and I’m working hard on the Friday and Sunday papers. I just don’t have time to read these long messages from you. I am not backtracking, Your letter was interesting, but I have no interest in publishing it in tomorrow’s paper. That’s all I care about right now.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 7:46am
I am very clear and to the point.
You simply don’t follow up.
Steve Linde
7/31, 7:48am
no, you’re not… you waffle on and on. Who cares about the Rich saga and the Beare family in the middle of Israel’s war with Hamas? I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with you at the moment. It’s you who should get some sleep.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 7:52am
No, I am very well rested; and our writings show everything clearly.
My letter is very much on point about the war and how to end it quickly, rather than profit all those including the journalists who profit from a continuous state of war.
The Marc Rich saga simply explains the start of the current war of terror.
You are the one who said, “we have had similar opens published” and since it is timely, you must know what they are.
Steve Linde
7/31, 7:53am
OK.. I was talking about your main point being interesting. I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but I have to put out a paper. I have no political agenda here, but I simply don’t have the time for an intellectual discussion at the moment.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 7:58am
You are avoiding.
Gary Gevisser
When you next run into a grieving Israeli mother you might want to think how when just using her common sense she will think you are hiding.
The JP ban a comment I make which explains the role of the richest Jewish South Africans supporting the Apartheid Regime. Those same Jewish people continue to buy influence in the Israeli media and government because they very much want to continue cover[ing] their tracks. They have also parlayed their profits from South Africa into the weapons business.
The weapons business is what Israel is fighting right now and you say diddly squat about that.
Steve Linde
7/31, 8:00am
i’m not saying anything about anything. you can’d seem to respect my need to work and request to leave this for another time, so i have to end this conversation. period.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 8:02am
Your job is to seek the truth and find interesting opinions from people who know what they are talking about; and you cannot even back up your main point that the Jerusalem Post has already published similar letters to my draft.
That is MOST telling!
Steve Linde
7/31, 8:03am
That’s it, Gary. I can’t take this any more. I’m unfriending you.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 8:03am
Shame on you!
Steve Linde
7/31, 8:03am
You need help.
Gary Gevisser
7/31, 8:05am
You are the same as them. The difference is that you are currently the Editor In Chief of the Jerusalem Post. I will publish my findings
Facebook-Twitter post: July 28, 12:13 PM
(5) Title: Missed the boat
Pingla Udit writes:
Sad news on the passing of Cde Martin Wittenberg*


former UDF joint regional secretary of UDF and a brilliant Economist@ UCT! My ties to the Midlands during struggle days a sad loss! My sincere condolences to family, friends and cdes!!
Cde Martin Wittenberg contributed massively towards our democracy, he was a Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town. He taught econometrics at the post-graduate level and was the former director of DataFirst, a unit specialising in the dissemination and preservation of data from African socioeconomic surveys.
Martin spent a decade teaching at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and a year as visiting Professor at Princeton, as well as a year’s sabbatical at Yale. His main research was in the area of data quality of household surveys, and the analysis of inequality and labour markets in South Africa.
11hrs ago
Now Gary Gevisser’s response:
He missed the boat entirely, which is far too nice a phrase to use.
Economist Dr Rodney Smith PhD
South African electromechanical engineer, Errol Graham Musk,father of Elon
Ana Martins
Alice Jensen
Michelle Seidelman
July 28, 3:18 PM:
Pingla Udit has removed my remarks from her wall and unfriended me.
Here are our 37 odd mutual friends who should quickly figure out why Udit can’t defend her so acclaimed Professor friend:
55 mutual friends
59 mutual friends
76 mutual friends
44 mutual friends
44 mutual friends
50 mutual friends
29 mutual friends
61 mutual friends
128 mutual friends
43 mutual friends
32 mutual friends
26 mutual friends
28 mutual friends
93 mutual friends
31 mutual friends
35 mutual friends
32 mutual friends
40 mutual friends
31 mutual friends
Facebook-Twitter post, July 27, 4:03 PM



(6) Thiel-Nicholas Oppenheimer setting up Trump?

Facebook-Twitter post: July 27, 7:54 AM
Title: Blame Israel
It’s disingenuous to point out only the plight of the Palestinians; basically to blame Israel. Everyone is suffering, including the hostages still in captivity; and it is all in the hands of Hamas, and their global weapon suppliers, who she doesn’t even mention.
Extreme ugliness always using children, harping on how many are dying; the kid with the flies, but no face to the war profiteers, insulated by media-politicians.
Scratching the surface, it is clear that the caring is skin deep.
The illusion is Madison Avenue-Hollywood to a T, top-down Crocodile tears, a warped gaming programmer’s dream. And we can end it, if we so desire.
Kamala is using it to get votes, nothing else.
She doesn’t give a shit; so obvious as she steers away from Hamas using Palestinian women, children and elderly as human shields, after beginning the rampage on 7 Oct, just like she doesn’t care about the border.
She cares only about her pocketbook, like everyone else in this Dog Eat A Dog [dead] world; the nature rapidly disappearing, replaced by concrete and asphalt to move smoothly human hamster getting fat, going nowhere.
To be transparently superficial, not a genuine bone in their increasingly deformed bodies, telling of what’s going on inside, unwilling to change the status quo despite seeing the ugliness that warmongering, money driven business people are responsible for, and who pay for the advertising that pays big media salaries, along with their bought “do good” opposition, is pure genius Creation.



Facebook-Twitter post: July 26, 10:56 AM

(7) Title: We know you are in bed with Thiel and company
This is a priority in your book, catching desperate women?
There is something wrong with your head.
Yes, there is evil, and there is evil.
He is a scary guy.
Trump needs to put Vance in his place. Vance is acting like he is President. He is not even Vice President. He should be seen and not heard so much.
Just in case you didn’t know. There are two wars going on right now. You shouldn’t be so narrow minded.
[Word count 90]
On Jul 25, 2024, at 8:20 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:

Facebook post: Thursday July 25, 7:43 PM Calif. time

Title: The ineptness incalculable

Trump knows that it is only the “Hand of God” that saved him.

Only a narcissist would think different.

The leadership of the Secret Service and the FBI knew instantly the moment the S S snipers failed to take out the neophyte 20 year old would-be assassin, before he fired off a single shot, let alone 8, “lucky” to the Chinese, that there is nothing else but the “Hand of God” that can explain such gross cascade of ineptitude.

We are talking about a $4 billion enterprise tasked exclusively with protecting the currency from counterfeiters, and high value target individuals.

There is no one on the planet who Iran and its partners hate and fear more than Donald J. Trump.

All his transgressions since being born 78 years ago, fail to make a dent in the miracle that the world witnessed.

Donald J. Trump must be moved to do good, otherwise what good is God in getting everything right, but this highly destructive, hypocritical human creation who is joined at the hip with everyone in refusing acknowledge to the calamity of the price mechanism corrupted, making all trade agreements outside of the threat or use of military force, worthless.

Biden is on camera when Vice President threatening to hold up monies-arms shipments to Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating energy company Burisma where his gun totting, crack-cocaine addict son Hunter sits on the board in exchange for multimillion bribes, is fired.

The prosecutor was fired and the investigation squashed.

Jump forward a few years, 400 days into his “Being There” Presidency, February 22, 2022, second land grab of Ukraine who Biden led down the garden path to an easily preventable genocide, when failing to provide an adequate air defense which would have not only stopped Putin dead in his tracks, but with the passage of time and Putin entrenched in trench-warfare with hundreds of thousands of Russians dead, and many times that permanently injured, not to forget the PTSD brain damage to all those without visible wounds, it is that much more difficult for Putin to save face, hence the risk of nuclear weapons entering the battlefield is exponentially greater.

In their “risk assessment” leading up to the decision to leave 38 million Ukrainians, “sitting ducks”, all this would have come out.

Risk assessment includes looking at the beneficiaries of the “breadbasket of Europe” soon to be “Going to hell in a handbasket” with its soil a cleanup consultant’s dream.

Not every member of the military industrial complex is a saint.

It is total bullshit the idea, to borrow Biden’s favorite, that providing Ukraine with a missile defense, such as the Iron Dome and F16s when Putin amassed Russian troops to continue the invasion that he started in 2014 during the previous Obama-Biden administration, would risk Putin going nuclear.

Obama should also be brought before the US Congress to answer questions beginning with, “Was it only on stage at the Hollywood fundraiser with clown Clooney that you felt your Vice President needed a hand?

Followed by, “What do you think of his performance and that of Kamala in handling Putin, who in 2010 you granted 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves?”

An average high school kid would figure out that Biden and his co-conspirators were up to no good.

Sick is the only way to describe the orchestrated decision by the heads of the FBI and Secret Service to stonewall the US Congress.

The world is catching on real quick that the S S and the FBI would prefer to float any and all conspiracies, including a crackpot ricochet piece of glass piercing God protected Donald J. Trump’s right ear, a hair width from his skull, rather than admit that the “Hand of God” is all that can explain the gross incompetence of the Secret Service; moreover, for the Director of the FBI leading the investigation of such culpability, a dead American hero, 2 severely injured American heroes and a President shot in the face but wouldn’t stay down to follow in the footsteps of the previous Director of the SS who had just resigned, and the Director of the FBI also left his interrogation by the US Congress without resigning.

Of course they provide no evidence of that glass fragment since the teleprompters were intact.

They are desperately pulling at strings.

What is so difficult for bureaucrats put in place by dementia Biden who Obama and the rest kicked out, not the electorate, to simply say,

“We have searched high and low. Our supercomputers are maxed out. There is zero possibility of such ineptitude being human error. It can only be an Act of God, and Im ready to play my part, and resign.”

Nor should we forget that unless Dr. Jill has thrown the keys away, Biden still controls the nuclear codes.

If our enemies don’t attack now, while he is President, they never will.

All that is important is that Donald J. Trump knows that he has been gifted life.

Not many others running for the President of the United States can count themselves so lucky.

Biden is finished.

Trump has obviously earned God’s respect.

Trump has exhibited the“Hand of God” that should long have shut everyone up. It had to start somewhere; and it started with the leadership of the S S and FBI getting the ball rolling with their bullshit.

Now the future shines bright as Kamala should be placed under the spotlight in calling out all those who were quiet in demanding that the US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle should have been fired immediately, preventing her from participating in the investigation of herself and those who appointed such a grossly incompetent individual who cared nothing about adhering to a standard of excellence when it comes to the stature and physical fitness of all those assigned to protect most high value target Donald J. Trump, and whose former opponent in the upcoming election called, just hours before, for Trump to be a “bullseye”.

Only money opportunists can call for Trump’s defeat. No doubt he has Trojan Horses circling.

He has been recognized by the Supreme Commander.

Let’s give Trump a landslide victory. He will greatly improve upon Biden and evil Jill.

Yes, Trump has skeletons, including holding the hand of Thiel allied with all those anti-competition.

Trump wouldn’t be the first to employ, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer”.

[Word count 1070]

Facebook post: Thursday, 7.25, 7:20 PM:

Title: Many an ally has changed sides

Trump knew this would all come out on Vance, the dirt always does.

He wasn’t just shaking Thiel’s hand, he was taking charge of the affection. He really likes Thiel.

He just wanted to be re-elected and so Trump had to really bond with Thiel.

This leaves Trump in Thiel’s pocket.

But can Trump be persuaded to change his mind once determining that the money means nothing when it comes to securing weapon systems which decide the victors of war?

Many an ally has changed sides.




[Word count 86]

1986 World Cup Final – Mexico City




Derrick Beare



Facebook Posts:

Wednesday, July 24, 3:00 PM.

Title: Entertainers you want in your living room




Giving money to illegal immigrants promotes monies, both government fiat currencies and inflationary, money laundering Cryptos.

The fight between both sides of the isle is as contrived as the monies.

So it comes down to who are the best entertainers you want in your living room.

[Word count 46]


Facebook posts:

Gary Gevisser

July 24 at 2:20 PM Calif. time

When applauding the real IDF heroes in the gallery surely didn’t have Netanyahu forgetting his 32 year old coward son Yair MIA, living the high life in Miami as far as one could be from the frontlines where PTSD is an injury to all.

Why else would you be over-rehearsed?






Gary Gevisser

Susan Vanbuskirk why can’t you express your argument?

Everyone, with few exceptions, and they may not be more than a handful, is on social media to 1) test their journalistic skills with a view to becoming an author with multiple books on New York Times’ BEST SELLER list, then you get invited to the best show on Television, Greg Gutfeld Show, start making money hand over fist, no longer have time for social media because you have so many parties to attend in the Hamptons, Malibu Beach Colony and Lake Cuomo, before becoming a politician once your acting skills have been honed, and then your legacy is what your heirs will leverage to Kingdom Come; 2) spy on their friends and family members who they know are untrustworthy or suspect are untrustworthy; and 3) find a rich lover, and it’s not important if they are clever because cleverness is associated with money and the money buys universities, professors and chair, and then you pick your chairman of the board of Goldman Sachs, Black Rock, Paramount, Simon & Schuster, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the such.

Susan, I’m sure you have noticed that people are becoming increasingly deafeningly silent or resorting to memes that are subject to many interpretations, which not only gives the poster a false impression they are being engaging which can’t do the brain muscle any good, but keeps the mind of the increasing mime performer preoccupied from sensing the disastrous pandemic of stupidity, which is too much for the human mind to contemplate given it is so widespread, at the same time all 8 billion of us are increasingly wired, and this extraordinary conclusion leads to the question of whether there is something out there smarter than the full of itself human?

Again, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!” ~ MDG

July 25, 8:22 AM

Gary Gevisser

Title: You are contributing

France Agnew, what if it turns out that the majority of people who get their news from newscasters, all chosen from the bottom of the barrel, like historians who fail to remind their readers that it is the victors of brutal wars who write the history books which leave out other important truths like the poor are the first to die in battle and their stolen lands and businesses are passed down to the next generation who are increasingly distant from the frontlines of battle, are like you and Susan Vanbuskirk, incapable of articulating their anger?

If you don’t believe they are chosen because of their incompetence, failing to logically question, then you can only conclude that they are bought.

But of course there are also spies amongst journalists who need few journalistic credentials to make a favorable impression on their top dog; looks count a lot.

As the truth of armament suppliers have no loyalty to country, race or religion spreads globally at light speed, so the need for spies is reduced to zero.

BTW, these very important interconnected facts of life is something I felt the need to express at the very start of my year long orientation, before joining in early spring 1979 when still 21 years of age, my first client out of university, money-mining monopolist, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] who like his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer [1880-1957] should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg for their war crimes against us Jewish people during World War II which would have ended much later, and the upwards of 10,000 Jewish people murdered every day at death factory Auschwitz alone, would have added greatly to 6 million already murdered, had South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] not taken pressure off the Russian Red Army who liberated Auschwitz on 27 January 1945, by hitting hard the German defenses dug deep in rugged terrain northern Italy, which is where my South African Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012] completed a miraculous 71 dive bombing missions in his beloved, American built P40-Kittyhawk fighter bomber, including 2 on 19 March 1945 in support of David Ben Gurion’s Jewish Brigade’s first major offensive.

[Word count 371]






Susan Vanbuskirk and France Agnew, it is now 12:17 PM Calif time, Thursday, July 25, 2024.

As you both and the rest playing voyeur and who must obviously think there isn’t a Higher Power responsible for this mass psychosis of stupidity [pos], failing to ask the right questions of our history teachers and politicians, below is my most humble father alongside Syd Cohen,



the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of General Smuts’ elite fighter bomber 11 Squadron




who went on to command the Israel Air Force’s [IAF] only fighter squadron, 101 Squadron, to victory in Israel’s War of Independence which ended in the first week of January 1949, following 101 Squadron giving a very bloody nose to the Egyptian Air Force who were escorted into combat by Royal Air Force fighter pilots who less than a handful of years prior, fought alongside my dad and Syd Cohen.

Not to mention, my father was “kept in reserve” in South Africa throughout Israel’s first war of survival, that hasn’t really ended, along with 50 Kittyhawks in perfect flying condition which had been purchased 3 months before the official start of war, 15 May 1948, by another World War II South African Fighter Bomber Pilot, Boris Senior acting on behalf of Ben Gurion, for the extraordinary low sum of 300 English pounds, and the United Nation’s stringent arms embargo made it impossible, for those carefully observed by the enemy Kittyhawks, to find their way into Israel considering the huge distance, making each landing nothing less than “sitting ducks”, but it did allow Ben Gurion to get a better handle on Jewish South Africans and others who had been compromised, as they failed to lift a finger.

Below is Syd Cohen wearing only a mustache, one row back from Ben Gurion and Modi Alon, 101 Squadron’s first commander,




who was killed on 16 October 1948, 6 days after my parents’ spectacularly distracting wedding




in Durban, South Africa, where my father and his father’s multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] was headquartered.


Tyrus Live

Kat Timpf

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Oprah Winfrey

Trevor Noah

Trevor Abramson

Gonen Ben Itzhak

Errol Graham Musk

Catherine Muller

Mark Gevisser

Kaitlan Collins

Lesley Stahl

Tomer Tene IAF Lt. Colonel

IDF – Israel Defense Force

Jesse Watters

On Jul 23, 2024, at 3:35 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote: The bitter half
Jill is an accomplice.
She is evil.
Don’t tell me that you only decided on Sunday that he was losing it.
[Word count 24]





On Jul 22, 2024, at 2:08 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
Title: Biden’s only fear
What is Netanyahu thinking;
Will Kamala be in on the meetings; another politician to deal with?
What do I do if Biden confides in me how he has the perfect plan to get revenge on the elitist, disloyal, backstabbing Democrats who got rich off him for more than half a century, since joining the Senate in 1973 when the wealth of the non-questioning paper-pushing middle class skyrocketed, spawning the billionaire class, fronts for the Old Money warmongers, and that Biden’s only fear is that Trump loses?

[Word count 89]


On Jul 19, 2024, at 1:50 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:Mining-Crypto King Nicholas Oppenheimer and Daniel Ammann, Swiss journalist who penned: King of Oil. The Secretive Lives of Marc Rich
Title: It is all planned
This is concocted by Biden, hence the campaign’s approval of the call.
She isn’t going to get the funding. This way Biden buys time, “You don’t yet have a replacement”.
Or, it is all planned.
She will get the funding that has presently dried up, and this will allow Biden to exit gracefully; and if she loses to Trump, Biden will say that you should not base your polling on the donors; and you forced me out, so take responsibility.
[Word count 80]


On Jul 19, 2024, at 12:15 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
[1] Title: Do you need to talk?

It’s not about caring for Bi …
