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Sardar Sajid Zaman Chaudhry ~ Yes

Screenshot: 3:31 PM Calif. time, Thursday, 21 July 2022



Sardar Sajid Zaman Chaudhry


You’re not friends on Facebook

14 mutual friends including Joanne Kopp and Trowa Daryon

Today at 2:09 PM

You sent

Is English your first language?


You sent

2:13 PM


Not but I’m English speaking person.



2:13 PM

You sent

What bothered you about Getting to know your friends?


You sent

2:17 PM


Nothing in particular bothered


2:21 PM

You sent

Did you already know that the price of the money is fixed?


2:26 PM





2:26 PM

You sent

Where did you learn that?


2:32 PM

You sent

Why are you having such difficulty with my logical question?


2:32 PM

You sent

Were you lying when you replied “yes”?


2:39 PM


I’m little bit confused, Can you explain me in detail?


2:40 PM

You sent

Yes, I can.

My question couldnt have been clearer. 

Did you already know that the price of the money is fixed?

And you answered “Yes” indicating that you understood the question.

Let me try another way.

Were you aware that the currency trading markets including cryptos are price fixed, meaning they are totally rigged?


3:10 PM

You sent

Would you like to be added back to Getting to know your friends, so you can learn more?


Sadar has not yet responded.
