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Seeking more logic

Screenshot of Nelson Guedes fb wall, August 15, 2021, 5:51 PM Calif. time.



Che Comrade

every government is a bold claim.
We see many, many developed and skyrocketing nations actually raising and ensuring the preservation of the living conditions of everybody – not just the few.
This is a simple projection of one bourgeois American thinking the bourgeois world/America is the only world that exists.



Andrew Sloss

Che Comrade name one that doesn’t have special interests behind them


Che Comrade

Vietnam and China
Basically all of North-Central, North-East, and East-Central Africa. It’s slowly trickling it’s way down the east coast, as well.
These would be more of the Marxist areas.
Then we have basically all of the Scandinavian region and the core of the old Celtic region, which are known to employ heavy doses of corporatism, yet, somehow, manage to provide basic necessities, higher average wages and, thus, higher successes in health, education, home ownership, and happiness than this US-Centric Libertarianism idealism.
These are the DemSoc/SocDem regions with some Marxist ideas sprinkled in.


Gary Gevisser

That is not true.
It is just that the vocal opposition starting with Hollywood actors are bought.


Dave Davies

Gary Gevisser – really? So you’re convinced that politicians have your best interests at heart?


Dave Davies

Gary Gevisser – and I guess I might as well add, you clearly feel your opinion shoukd be heard- so why shouldn’t Woody?
Maybe you’re just mad he’s being meme and you’re not?
No worries, I clearly think I should voice my opinion too. 😉


Gary Gevisser

Dave Davies where did you pick up that politicians have anything but their own interests at heart?


Dave Davies

Gary Gevisser – I suggest you re-read the quote and then your reply, “That is not true”.
Woody called them corrupt (like maybe they only have their own interests at heart) and you disagreed.
That’s all I have to go on. Tell me how that’s wrong, and how his statement is wrong without referring his profession.


Gary Gevisser

Title: Seeking more logic
Dave Davies, given how it is only going on 23 odd hours since you have received the awakening information, “How to encourage superstars”, which would have you questioning not only everything, but everyone, including those most trusted in your inner circle, it really isn’t that much time considering the information you have to digest.
Yet in fact you got your head around it all very quickly.
Looking for excuses to do the right thing, simply doesn’t make sense, at least not to me, and therefore it probably doesn’t make sense to you and everyone else.
BTW, have you noticed how similar sounding is Dutch and German; both very guttural, not exactly pleasant to the ear unless you don’t know any better, and yet both countries touch France; and French is the beautiful language of love?
Dutch is also the base language of Afrikaans spoken in southern Africa because it was the Dutch slave traders who were the first Europeans to arrive, back in 1652.
When however you think of slaughter all thoughts of beauty turn quickly ugly.
There are a lot of two-faced people who use language to order people around.
The less out of shape you are, the more nasty you are prone. Having a good self-image is logical.
But if you want a misbehaving society so you applaud those profiting from the likes of the diabetes-obesity pandemic.
So it seems that all government officials from all the world’s countries are in on this one rather big atrocity.
Soon we will be saying that obesity is a naturally occurring disease, the same as death.
Its hard to say what people will be saying in the future.
Hard to figure out this species of humans with each thinking the next person is the idiot.
The rich countries are at war with the poor countries located far away from their capitals and these leaders oppressing the masses are also playing with rockets and nuclear weapons.

Accidents happen even with the best of intentions.

Do you see the chances of nuclear accidents and other pollutions more likely with corrupt politicians, or do you prefer not to think about it?

Let’s agree the likelihood of accident is significantly greater, that would first of all make perfect sense.

Isn’t it an ugly world to live in when you think about all the bad we are doing.

Something must be holding back a massive nuclear explosion that triggers one after the next until all the nuclear arsenals are exhausted and the earth could easily spin off its axis.

So if you have a positive outlook you must be thinking that it is this God stopping it from happening.

Now wouldn’t you want to please this God even if you were not religious?

Doesn’t that make you that much more suspicious of the religious?

Most of all doesn’t it simply have you wanting to think of the best thing you could be doing?

How do you explain all governments agreeing that it is politically incorrect to make junk food that kills more people painfully than any outside terrorist threat illegal.
That conversation doesn’t even exist on your coffee table talk.
What if all the governments are colluding on genociding the poor?
So you must be thinking of the close alliance of the supposedly Allied countries, Holland-Netherlands, France & Belgium where they speak Dutch and French, to the slaughter of the 6 million Jewish people who had nowhere to run?
This indifference to the planet and each other is all because we are hooked on both real estate development and producing more ignorant, indifferent, money grabbing children.
So we know exactly who is the cause of the problem and the solution; and so what are we waiting for?
Does just the thought of beauty and everyone getting along bother you far worse than presently when the next person is able to say to you “fuck off” for no other reason than it makes them feel good?
The solution to all the problems of the world have been known of course to the architects of war who choose amongst their diplomat leadership those who have the gift of the gab; that again is logical.
Have you noticed the diplomats who had a front row seat in Afghanistan are now so arrogantly applauding themselves for having profited financially by having fooled all of you?
Continuing …
May be an image of 9 people


Gary Gevisser

P2 – Seeking more logic
Withdrawing from Afghanistan allows the diplomats more leisure-travel time while checking on their estates and look for recalling back to Afghanistan if the new Taliban leadership don’t do as they are told.
Or do you first need CNN and FOX to report an undercover camera team catching their celebrations?
You understand it is a game of real estate expansion and the people going along with population explosion and using war and disease to cull overpopulation when the masses are no longer needed as either cannon fodder to expend weapon systems on, or for factory work to keep the economy going for the health of the financial services sector?
Do you think Churchill, General Smuts, Stalin and Roosevelt were oblivious to the role of the German-South African Oppenheimer family creating and profiting from all the carnage of World War 2?
Isn’t it much easier for your mind to view both World Wars as one war that continues to this day?
Why don’t you institute the solution? What are you afraid of? Succeeding?
Does success mean to you the distinct possibility that a Higher Energy Reaction [HER] exists or a great possibility exists, and that is totally terrifying; and better yet we simply continue this ugliness?
Remember I’m not teaching morals. We have seen that there are no morals when push comes to shove.
All I’m doing is teaching people to be logical for their own good which is advice we have all been previously given; and when we take good advice, good things come of it, or we don’t, and bad things come of it.
But we are all choosing to be bad, and I cant ignore that lack of logic.
But that is only me. I cannot speak for the rest of you.
Each of you must make your own choice, including not to ask any relevant questions.
I loaded up earlier on to my BLOG, Good reason to always seek logic
which are the conversations I’ve been having mostly with Tommy Simpson on my facebook wall; moreover when I hit the send button here I will also begin rebroadcasting, Good reason to always seek logic, to my 10K+ email list, should any of you wish to be added.
Bear in mind there are people much closer to me such as my elder siblings who have had this information much longer than other names here you see such as Nelson Guedes who describes himself as “interaction scientist and designer”; and Im sure he could provide an endless dissertation on why his brand of “interaction scientist” is different and superior to anyone else using the same terminology, and my own flesh and blood’s reaction to the truth had them going off the deep end, one simply can’t expect better from those who didn’t have as good parents as my siblings.
Of course given how easy it is for Guedes to remove my postings, you will shortly find a backup circulating The Internet.
As you dig into the information, and most important is the chronology of events you will see that Guedes and I have this one mutual friend, Tommy Simpson who couldn’t wait to show me more of his ugly side when writing to me defensively on August 10, at 4:03 PM Calif. time:
“I gotta read the book. You’re so excited about it.”
You haven’t forgotten the outcome of the important focus groups conducted by Simon & Schuster long before the initial release of the book whose original title is, The Rise and Fall of Diamonds: The Shattering of a Brilliant Illusion.
It was released in May 1982, a couple of months after my intimate, Roger W. Robinson Jr. [February 6, 1951 – ] left the side of his mentor, David Rockefeller to join the top secret National Security Council and it wasn’t long before “Our Man Roger” had the ear of the “Being There” President Ronald W. Reagan who shared the exact same initials, and both born on the same day, February 6, 40 years apart which had very into astrology Nancy Reagan going ape shit.
Continuing …
May be an image of animal and outdoors

Gary Gevisser

P3 – Seeking more logic
Not to mention the evening prior to Roger and President RWR celebrating on February 6, 1991, their 40th and 80th birthdays respectively at Reagan’s estate in the Pacific Palisades, right wing Roger, his bosom buddy, left wing Democrat, King Golden Jr. Esq. my one American attorney of umpteen years and myself had a much quieter celebration over at Spago’s in Hollywood; arriving late at night to enjoy a dessert.
To mention little of seated at the table next to us was a bunch of long legged Las Vegas dancers wearing the shortest of shorts with cowboy boots to match surrounding one guy who was wearing a 10 gallon hat.
To mention in passing, later I heard from a trusted source they were Mossad agents just enjoying themselves without a thought to gathering intelligence out of the mouth of “Our Man Roger” who knew better than to speak out of school, although neither Roger W. Robinson nor King Golden Jr. Esq. who was my best friend as well, had the first clue about how the real world worked until they read The D I book.
You can see that those still familiar with the outcomes of those original Simon & Schuster focus groups can see from the reaction of the “common herd” their results were spot on.
Nothing it seems is going to change, other than the possibility someone decides to break the trend, just in case HER exists.
A person without a conscience is unlikely to be rewarded with as much logic as someone who has a conscience; that again is logical.
Maybe mass stupidity will lead to people seeking more logic.
BTW, I had suggested yesterday to Tommy Simpson that he study as best he can President Nixon’s duplicitous 15 minute speech back on August 15, 1971 when announcing the end of the Gold Standard which economists and politicians have argued back and forth for the past half century about its merits; and yet not one of them are capable of making head or tail of what Nixon spoke because what Nixon had to say made no sense at all, other than to the two people who wrote the speech as well as Nixon who knew he was speaking the biggest bunch of nonsense.
So go ahead and try figuring it out yourself without feeling like you want to rip your own head off your shoulders given how it brings into question of course how is it possible for everyone to have been not only so fooled all these years but the ugly reaction of everyone to the truth?
Now lets say you had a 3 year old under your care; would you want to murder your own brain by choosing to ignore the truth just because you don’t want to make waves with your friends?
You know how it is when it comes to food and you choose the smart approach to have a whole food plant based diet to avoid the obesity causing diseases because you want to be healthy and your other friends are that much more hooked on the meat-dairy (liquified meat) and you don’t want to be poked fun at.
Well that is not what we are talking about here.
What we are experiencing is far greater than the fat-obese disease pandemic that makes Covid look like a tiny ant pimple on the backside of an elephant.
You must have come across the most celebrated philosopher of modern day times, Noam Chomskytalking about all the crimes of the United States’ Presidents; and so why not ask him how come he has failed to mention Nixon’s speech which puts to shame everything else Nixon has to say?
Imagine yourself right now deciding that you want to be the first to dig into Nixon’s speech, are you fearful that you might succeed in starting a chain reaction?
Have you thought more about why you are on facebook other than it is a cheap dating service?
Still you might decide for not only your own peace of mind to throw all caution to wind just in case there is in fact a more powerful force that has created this most disgusting species which is so quick to disregard the rights of defenseless children and throw common criminals who are mostly financially disadvantaged into profit making private prisons making that much more monsters for the rest of anxiety society sickness [ASS] to turn up their noses, but to avoid looking foolish to others, to be polite and thank me for the information knowing that it is inevitable that more people rather than less people will get this information in the future?
Continuing …


Gary Gevisser

P4 – Seeking more information
When your personality combined with poor conditioning has you withdrawing into only listening to information that can help you get ahead of the next person, albeit being rude, distempered towards the person going out of their way to educate the next generation of children that the selfish could care less about and why it doesn’t take them long to ask, “What’s in it for me?” or they couch it with more polite, “Why should I care?”, your survival instincts kick in to where you realize that you have nothing to gain from people who are trying to trick you.
In other words, you recognize names other than Geudes with whom I share the following fb friends in common,
2 mutual friends
1 mutual friend
3 mutual friends
2 mutual friends
72 mutual friends
58 mutual friends
4 mutual friends
2 mutual friends
28 mutual friends
2 mutual friends
28 mutual friends
60 mutual friends
1 mutual friend
1 mutual friend
68 mutual friends
1 mutual friend
2 mutual friends
6 mutual friends
1 mutual friend
3 mutual friends
1 mutual friend
31 mutual friends
and these people also notice that you are not commenting and nor is anyone else.
Everyone it seems is on their own team and not seeking positive solutions.
Again, how can everyone be quiet?
Logically you feel that much more isolated from strangers as well as others whose names you know.
For all I know you and Guedes could be lovers and the possibility also exists that the two of you are lovers with everyone else, and consequently you are forced to be more trusting of the truth rather than those who are trying to fool you to gain a competitive advantage.
Of course you have asked yourself, “Why didn’t these others tell me more about The D I book and this Gary Gevisser other than they had an agenda not to share this very important knowledge?”.
So you are seeing that as rotten, totally evil, fully disgusting is most all of mankind, again the oxymoron of all time, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
You just have to trust your better instincts that the positives outweigh the negatives.
You were raised expecting all the politicians to be self-serving but you never expected it to be so incredibly widespread.
I also never expected such cruelty from those who knew growing up how ugly were other family members and close friends who turned out to be backstabbers.
Wasting less time on energy vampires and time stealers allows you to continue your search for purpose in this life.
You can see from the discussion I have going on my facebook with Tommy Simpson, he is absolutely convinced that not only is there no purpose to life but those who keep searching for a purpose are the ones who are depressed.
Let me know if you would like me to move on to how all this, including what you find in my conversations with Simpson where I talk about how easy it was for the recently departed head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen to accept a $20,000 bribe from an Australian billionaire on the occasion of the marriage of Cohen’s daughter, and it is like water over a duck’s back to most all, if not all Israelis, ties in with the retaking of Kabul by the manufactured terrorist Taliban who could have already changed their tune, giving up beheading innocent and defenseless victims in exchange for agreeing to chop off the mountain tops surrounding Kabul to make way for residential developers to build castles for diplomats who don’t already have their castles such as the former Dutch Ambassador to Kabul, Geoffrey van Leeuwen who has his 15th-17th century Chateux de la Barre offered on AirBnb at $1247 a night.


Chateux de la Barre – June 2018
No photo description available.


Louis Kemp – best friend of Bob Dylan who also didn’t take well to the truth that he and rest of the Woodstock crowd had been fooled, other than those bought.



Names added at 6:14 PM, Sunday August 15, 2021

Nigel Gevisser
