Seeking more logic
Screenshot of Nelson Guedes fb wall, August 15, 2021, 5:51 PM Calif. time.
Title: How to encourage superstars.
Dave Davies I could have been clearer.
What is not true is Harrelson’s “… no one knows how to change it, because no one knows how to take on the corporations”.
His words leave people with hopelessness and defeatism.
He offers no suggestion.
A curious kid who is fortunate enough to be raised by well adjusted parents which is like looking it seems for a needle in the expanding universe, is taught out of the box, “There is no such thing as a problem child, only a problem parent” that immediately encourages the kid to question all those who are illogical.
It is wrong to begin with the broad statement “no one knows how to change it” which assumes that the problem has been thoroughly investigated by smart people like Hollywood actors who are picked because they come across on the silver screen as credible, but remember they are paid actors who do what the director tells them, and the director-producers in turn do what they are told to do by the people with the most amount of money.
How could Harrelson be so categorical that no one knows how to take on the corporations?
Do you think he conducted a survey of corporations or do you think he thinks people are too stupid to ask this logical question?
What if in fact Harrelson is either stupid or bought?
Of course you would feel disappointed if you had previously bought into his bullshit.
Now you know where to begin in determining whether Harrelson is incompetent or culpable.
The people with the most amount of money are those who control the minerals such as water, oil, coal, cobalt and uranium which is logical but it is not taught in school or university because then the kids would know all the important answers, and that would beg the question of who exactly wants a stupid population?
If you can get the population sick by interfering with the food supply the children will not get any smarter than the teachers who don’t encourage good questions.
When you see the planet is suffering from the destruction of the rainforests at an alarming rate, you don’t wait for the entire Amazon rain forest to become a concrete jungle.
You react by asking the children what they see is replacing the Amazon rainforests and how they would do things differently without throwing money at the problem because you know that the money profit has caused the problem in the first place.
The corporations exist because the politicians get both their power and money bribes from the corporations whose mandate is to make a money profit to then keep purchasing the land for producing items such as more minerals, food, residential and commercial development to make even more profit to ensure this idiotic cycle of consumerism which goes hand in hand with destroying the planet.
Common sense also says that the business of corrupt government is to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root.
If however you lack common sense which everyone thinks they have and everyone else is stupid, there is a great book written in 1978 by Professor Edward Jay Epstein titled, The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet; and again The D I book explains all this perfectly.
What is not explained in the book which gives every politician-economist a stroke is why it is free when focus groups helped Simon & Schuster who published it in 1982 figured it would be the best seller of all time, obsoleting several professions including economists, lawyering, most all of the academia liberal arts such as political science, an oxymoron, second only to mankind?
No less time important than Simon & Schuster were clients of mine just a couple of years before I became the most trusted advisor to the chairman of Hearst Publishing, Randolph Apperson Hearst (1915-2000), is that on the very day, December 4, 1978, Professor E J Epstein first met with mineral monopolist, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) – see top of chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON – who along with his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer (1880-1957) should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals (1946-1948) for their war crimes against the Jewish people – see chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER – I was just finishing my year long orientation into the mafia monopoly of mafia monopolies which was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer.
Bear in mind when you look at the Bell Shaped (BS) curve educational system, it is the most average prodder, slow person, who rises to the top and you wouldn’t expect them to promote superstars, would you?
Feel free to ask me your questions.
Accidents happen even with the best of intentions.
Do you see the chances of nuclear accidents and other pollutions more likely with corrupt politicians, or do you prefer not to think about it?
Let’s agree the likelihood of accident is significantly greater, that would first of all make perfect sense.
Isn’t it an ugly world to live in when you think about all the bad we are doing.
Something must be holding back a massive nuclear explosion that triggers one after the next until all the nuclear arsenals are exhausted and the earth could easily spin off its axis.
So if you have a positive outlook you must be thinking that it is this God stopping it from happening.
Now wouldn’t you want to please this God even if you were not religious?
Doesn’t that make you that much more suspicious of the religious?
Most of all doesn’t it simply have you wanting to think of the best thing you could be doing?
Names added at 6:14 PM, Sunday August 15, 2021