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Selling weapons to other intelligent species

From: “” <>
Subject: Selling weapons to other intelligent species -: Dig any further -: Know who to ask – Re: Man on the right
Date: December 30, 2019 at 2:00:41 PM PST
To: “Shaun Attwood – English former ecstasy distributor turned YouTuber, public speaker, activist, and author.” <>
Cc: rest; Keegan Kuhn – Producer Cowspiracy & WHAT THE HEALTH <>, Kip Anderson – Cowspiracy <>, Eoin Higgins <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,,, Evan Goodenow <>,,,, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Chris Steyn – Co-author THE LOST BOYS OF BIRD ISLAND & former many years married to De Beers-Apartheid Regime \”Malan Assassination Squad\” Commanding Officer, Eeben Barlow.” <>, Mossad <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, Chairman’s Office – De Beers Julie Burgon – Assistant to Jonathan Oppenheimer <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>

Shaun – you could have ignored my question of December 12, but you didn’t. You were curious as is everyone to know the name of a man that they don’t recognize seated opposite to President Putin; and it is obvious that Nick Oppenheimer was not a child back on September 5, 2006; moreover, that the conversation they were having was a serious one.
Once you knew his name, then you would have done most probably a Google Search before speaking with your close colleague Charlie Robinson.

The dynamics between yourself and Robinson, along with the other reporters who have joined you in covering this Jeffrey Epstein saga such as New York Times reporters Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Emily Steel, Jacob Bernstein and David Enrich as well as the likes of Eon Higgins would have instantly changed once you read my question, Has Charlie Robinson spoken with you recently? which followed my my first question after sharing the name Nick Oppenheimer, Had you heard of him?

Professional jealousy does not make for trusting relationships.

Once trust is broken it becomes that much more a dog eat dog world.

The dividing line between us humans becomes much clearer once each of us has the truth about the thing we most care about.

The love of money is stronger than the bond between most partners because there is increasingly less love between adults especially as they get sicker and their bodies are no longer attractive to each other as well as others.

The idea that wisdom comes with age has no basis in fact.

When you as a reporter/writer have nothing new to say, and you are just regurgitating gossip, the truth about the money will haunt you the remainder of your life unless you decide to come clean.

With Jeffrey Epstein dead all eyes are on this Ghislaine Maxwell, and it is no secret that a great many people would like Ms. Maxwell quietened.

But now you know that is not the number one story.

The number one story is that one group of people have decided the different professions, including their pay-scale.

So the difference between each of us is how each of us get our money.

The fact that there is little to no discussion about the merit of the inheritance laws does not mean those deciding the pay-scales are oblivious to their success in getting the masses not to question such an important subject which dates back to the monarchs of old wanting to hold on to their wealth, without having to lead troops into the thick of battle.

Compensating army generals one step below the Commander In Chief is not however entirely dismissed by well schooled military commanders including the top generals of Mossad head, David Ben Gurion.

The fact that people just want to be read to by someone such as yourself as I listen to you on Youtube Ghislaine Maxwell’s Family History And Mossad Part 2, does not mean they cannot be taught how to think for themselves.

Like everyone quiet when not distracting you are realizing that increasingly everyone is getting into the same boat, and the need for both civility and reasoning to prevail is that much more important; and obviously those providing the more reasoning versus the nonsense distracting talkers will end up with the largest audience, wouldn’t you agree?

Remember when you are not truthful with your audience, your colleagues etc, you end up being very unclear and not quite as sharp as you would like.
You are much better as a monologuist than you are as an interviewer even if you get a bunch of people applauding you on your interviewing skills.

Nor do you really want a bunch of wankers telling you how great you are when you know that you are holding back.

Social media websites like facebook and Twitter allow everyone to make themselves heard; and nor would you expect the Masters of Disguise to tell everyone that they are watching carefully all you “playing business” which does not make them good but they know they are not good and want to see the rest of us stab each other in the back long before their day of reckoning.
They learn most from those like Steve Bailey at the bottom of the barrel but who has enough time each and every day to be constantly on facebook looking mostly to impress and attack the good because man’s ugly emotions have been more controlled since the turn of the last century than at any time in history.

That is because the rules of war have changed with the leadership of the people no longer on the frontlines of battle, instead increasingly more accustomed to sitting behind a desk and barking out orders under the guise that they have intellectual reasoning that the voters recognize most, and the voters don’t want to see such people dying in a hail of bullets.

We are right at the point where emotionless robots will not only fight the wars but the same computers that guide them will tell the Commander In Chief what their job is if they happen to forget.

The fact that this debate is not central to all conversations surrounding morality, does not mean the human is very intelligent. It shows the human is in far less control than it thinks.

At 8:36 AM yesterday I sent Steve Bailey a 162 word communique over facebook messaging titled Get out of your ego. I made it clear that it was just a “practice run” but no doubt he got the message and is very quiet.

Prior to that he had returned to his usual self and directed his hate towards Israel in his support of a documentary by Al Jazeera promoting not just us Americans but all westerners to hate Israel as much as her neighbors which suits the Israeli war machine down to the ground.

New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans

The Israel Defense Force’s unbridled, sustained over many hours attack on the unarmed, defenseless United States spy vessel USS Liberty has been a sore point amongst US Navy personnel in particular from when the attack first began. It has also provided many hours of discussion that the TV watcher would otherwise be watching a blank screen on The Internet.

Why do you think it is that us humans who are so preoccupied with saving individual lives at all cost haven’t long launched a debate into in the event we were to discover other lifeforms in the universe that we could communicate with, would we try and destroy them first for fear that they will kill us or try to sell them weapons?

These important questions the masses rarely if ever think about but you know this line of questioning has been known to NASA-Pentagon-European Space Agency-European Union Commissioners-KGB-Green Peace-Sierra Club etc etc long before the movie series Starwars became such a huge success.

So go ahead and ask your children when they first thought of the business opportunities to sell weapons to a non-earth bound but intelligent species, and if they tell you that they hadn’t thought of it, would you blame their stupidity on them or yourself?

More important than the attack on June 8, 1967, 3 days into the 6 Day War that was pretty much over in the first four hours as IAF dominated the skies was the meeting held on May 23, 13 odd days before the start of the war which began with the one of a kind IAF preemptive strike using not American fighter-bombers but French built Mirage and specially designed French bombs to uproot the runways of the Egyptian Air Force.

That meeting between Ben Gurion and the IDF Chief of Staff, Yitzhak Rabin was so awakening to very reasoned soldier Rabin that he took to bed for 36 hours after realizing that he had made a monumental mistake and fixing it did not require Rabin doing anything other than staying calm.

Israel had many friends within the American military who could be trusted to keep Israel’s planned preemptive strike a secret. 

Not every human wants to see the end of us Jewish people as much as it would make an interesting news item for a very short time before the masses would move on to their next fix.

The fact that Israelis who profit from war have the loudest voices as do their counterparts in the rest of the world does not mean they have the truth at their side.

There is only one question that people like Steve Bailey and the rest of us 8 billion humans need to ask and that would include Elon Musk as well as this one woman Patricia Glazebrook who this past Friday at 11 AM launched an attack on Elon Musk calling him a “smug idiot”; namely, what was the USS Liberty doing so close to the battlefield when previously American commanders had assured the Israelis including Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations that no American vessel would be within hundreds of miles, let alone just 13 miles offshore.

Placing the USS Liberty in “harms way” is a most important fact of life even if it makes all the nonsense talkers most uncomfortable.

It would make sense to blame Israel if there was evidence that Israel steered the USS Liberty into harms way.

There is a reason why everyone drags their feet in not wanting to see an open debate between myself and Nicholas Oppenheimer or one of his chosen emissaries ahead of my demise.

So afraid that they all pull out all stops to avoid the natural, logical and human sensitivity comments on my mother Zena’s The Lady’s Speech – CLICK HERE –  as well as the accompanying videos.

It is much more than this is a very sick society, but most certainly the poison foods and the poison air we breath does not help; and these poisons are clearly there for a reason, like everything.

What would you all complain about if everything was perfect?

You wouldn’t know your ugliness inside if you weren’t already dying right after birth.

It is how you fight the things killing you your insides including your brain organ and that requires reasoning.

If you cannot reason that poison foods are unhealthy for you because you are addicted to bad things it does not mean reasoning does not have a purpose.

If you want to spend your life around fools who you know better than to trust, then you can’t really expect a happy life.

The fact that child sexual abuse is so rampant and this interview you did with Mike Tarraga, Ted Heath Victim Speaks From Hospital Bed: Mike Tarraga | True Crime Podcast 67 helps bring this crime to the forefront, is of course the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the abuse of children when their parents’ verbal abuse leaves no physical markings.

For everyone to be so united in wanting to see bad things happen to the best of us, is much more than extraordinary as you all simply want to keep the money lie alive because the feeling of stupid for having misjudged pretty much everyone other than the soldier on the battlefield who risks his life to save that of someone else, is too overwhelming because it borders on the supernatural.

How can you have all the people having been fooled for so long?

Does it really feel better to perpetuate child sexual abuse rather than fix it by making certain that the poorest person on the planet is no less rich than the biggest crooks at the very top pulling all your strings?

The fact that Ms. Glazebrook is also now quiet is not as revealing as everyone else so quiet and happy that Musk continues to get flak.

The folks behind Cowspiracy and WHAT THE HEALTH, Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn are now so quiet once seeing the big picture tells us all that something very remarkable is happening.

There is nothing to talk about once realizing that there is no competition at the highest level of society and therefore whatever your religious persuasion, ethnic background, and political views mean nothing other than you are foolish to have negative feelings towards anyone other than those controlling all your minds and their surrogates. 

That then leaves an interesting question, not what someone like Vladimir Putin thinks but whether there is really any dissension between President Trump and the Clintons, particularly Hillary Clinton. If in fact their animosity is real then it means both Trump and the Clintons are total idiots; the same with every other politician on the planet.

Moreover, it is only entertainment value to discuss whether Trump, Clintons, Obama, Johnson, Macron, Merkle, Netanyahu, Dutch Royal Family, British Royal Family, House of Saud-Saudi Arabia-Qatar-Kuwait etc etc are either incompetent or culpable and of course that then extends to each of the world’s judiciary and lawyers.

The only question becomes who should be in charge of both the allocation of the world’s remaining resources and the money.

Up until the turn of the last century it was never a question because it was only the doctrine of “Might is Right”  which is why the history of mankind, the oxymoron of all time, is the history of war.

The people “calling the shots” must be either the military commanders who are the most respected amongst their soldiers or the civilians who are capable of providing the best products and services to all the peoples of the world.

So my vote is not with Steven Bailey whose response to Get out of your ego was to place the following

on his facebook wall, but rather with Elon Musk; and for those who feel the need to talk to compensate for the empty space between their ears caused by all their lies and distractions, and to question if Musk will be killed by the might of the military-I-complex, they should rather spend their time and energies thinking how impossible it is for the richest people in the world to be so fake and stupid at the same time and even more unbelievable that the masses once given the information would prefer to keep the status quo.

The fact that there is no one else out there who can argue the facts that shuts up all the talkers does not make me invisible or my choice of Musk being wrong.

Professor Epstein’s book The D I makes it clear there is nothing credible about elections or laws passed by lawmakers when there is a mineral monopolist at work now for 119 odd years and the people showing that their limited eyesight does not give them 20/20 vision for the future that awaits them.

Moreover, if they are not happy now because they fully understand the wrong they have done, how can they expect greater rewards such as intelligence, assuming there is an afterlife.

Once you get all the religious hypocrites to surrender, the rest mocking the religions will be just as quiet.

Good people like quiet.

Bad people constantly need noise distractions.

So lets just assume that there is in fact no positive reaction to this broadcasted communique, that only means nature is taking her time in deciding what to do next and in the meantime you would expect all the actors from the likes of Steve Bailey to the Clintons, Johnson, Macron and Trump to go even more out of their minds without however blowing up the world.

When you have not only “nobodies” calling innovative, accomplished Musk an “idiot” and “smug” to boot, but more importantly, how quiet are all the jealous, we shouldn’t bother with wondering when the human race will become extinct but when you are so used to being jealous of the next person how will your mind survive with you being as quiet as a monk living in a silent monastery.


[Word count 2676]

Begin forwarded message:From:” <>
Subject: Dig any further -: Know who to ask – Re: Man on the right
Date: December 13, 2019 at 7:30:24 PM PST
To: “Shaun Attwood – English former ecstasy distributor turned YouTuber, public speaker, activist, and author.” <>
Cc: rest; Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,, Evan Goodenow <>, Gary Malino – immediate past President & Chief Operating Officer Realty Income – NY Stock Exchange symbol O – Malino who is no longer a FB friend worked with GG back in 1980-1.” <>, Justin Smith – Producer/Director/Writer $TATIN NATION <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Chris Steyn – Co-author THE LOST BOYS OF BIRD ISLAND & former many years married to De Beers-Apartheid Regime Malan Assassination Squad Commanding Officer, Eeben Barlow.” <>, Mossad <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>

Shaun, note a couple of edits in what I sent you earlier which you have yet to respond to.

As you would have gathered from reading The D I book, competition for money does not exist at the very top level of the corporate enterprise; and nor is De Beers-Barclays a not-for-profit government institution.

The fact that the common person believes that they understand the marketing of De Beers does not mean they have the first clue about how De Beers are the only organization since the creation of corporate entities who are not subject to the rules that govern commerce, making all commerce, all money transactions a matter of great laughter to the top officials of De Beers.

You can place yourself right now in the seat of power and make much more sense of why we have disheveled Johnson of Great Britain making a big storm about Brexit and Donald Trump looking to his supporters as a godsend and to his detractors as the world’s greatest example of a retard.

Yet money has become the most critical element of a business enterprise without you previously giving much thought to how an inventor with access to money capital can hire the best and brightest and if necessary steal its competitions’ best employees as well as pay any and all fines.

You simply never questioned other than very superficially at best how the money is valued because you thought that there were a great many better educated in the finance and economics who would have long figured out if there was a scam how best to address it, for if nothing else the fear that they could be surprised with a question that they wouldn’t be able to answer.

Again, the MIC [Military Industrial Complex] controls everything other than the origins of life, our parents, siblings, cousins etc etc and let’s not forget coincidences-ESP.

Controlling nature by destroying the environment in pursuit of economic progress must have something to do with man feeling that nature is rather weak.

Let’s face it; one can bring in a dozer and flatten forest lands quicker than a bee makes a molecule of honey.

Why wouldn’t man feel omnipotent in everything other than eventually ending up dead; and who cares if the truth about how you lived your life eventually comes out?

How come man has such strong opinions such as this one facebook friend who is a high school math tutor with he says 5 years of university study just writing to me, “the whole concept of billionaires is obscene to me” versus the great majority of humans who only wish they were billionaires.

Does that mean this math tutor is not really genuine about his negative feelings about billionaires and thinks that because he is a math tutor that it doesnt take smarts to be a billionaire, just luck and ruthlessness?

Of course this man is currently in a state of shock, saying anything that comes to mind, no matter how ridiculous, having found out so very late in life that he never once gave a thought to what it would mean to the value of all government monies if there was a non-government controlled money such as diamond currency which is not only out there in huge quantities but in the hands of the world’s most merciless people who have no loyalty to country, race or religion and who laugh themselves silly at all those who take political debates to heart.

The intellectual obscenity of man does not mean the end of nature because within nature are the physical laws of nature such as gravity which we mostly take for granted because we can’t see it with our limited eyesight.
We can all also agree that we have far more limited brains than the very limited brains we thought we had.

If you can get everyone to be fooled about the money and that is how we judge everyone, other than beauty pageants, 

then what better evidence that we are not that smart?

You must be aware that percentage wise there are a great many more Phds today than during ancient Egypt times or when the Romans ruled the entire known world.

Could you see the destruction of the natural environment having something to do with man’s intelligence dwindling or do you think it could be our punishment for being so insensitive to the destruction of nature.

Do you see it as intelligence that economic progress is measured by how many buildings you can build and how many dirt roads you can turn from into concrete and tarr and because no one has come up with a better gauge of the “health of the economy” than the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index we should stick with what we have?

Don’t you just love when intellectual midgets suggest simply “Get rid of the money” without looking at the screwed distribution of wealth caused by the insane, totally amoral GDP index which has escaped the attention of tens of billions of humans since its official introduction in 1934?

You would also know that in terms of man seeing the benefits of using a knife and fork and not look like a cave person it really hasn’t been all that long.

Let’s say that table manners only began to evolve 10,000 years ago and the slaves were not judged by their intellectual discourse.

Most Phds take for granted that all of them have table manners.

How does man go so very quickly from acquiring table manners to being so utterly stupid and ruthless monsters to boot?

Remember the few cave people were also not committing genocide.
We commit genocide to cull human overpopulation even though we assign an ethnic label to the perpetrator and the victim.

BTW, have you yet read my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post beginning immediately after the treason pardon of unwitting DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] stooge Marc Rich?

Would you know if the movie starring Matt Damon is continuing to move forward in-spite of my efforts to derail the project?

Encouraging that no matter how brainwashed you are, the MIC who are now easily identified and you just have to begin looking at the Oppenheimers’ Brenthurst Foundation’s Advisory Council, cannot prevent you from changing your mind even if you choose to stick with the status quo.

You should ask someone like economist Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, former principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the distracting OECD, how difficult it is to stand or sit before the cameras and give a speech knowing that you are withholding material information and all it taking to lose your mind altogether just one person popping the right two questions:

First, when were you made aware of the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer, and did you simply think it was two business people meeting to discuss business and you chose not to dig any further?

Second, do you think it was a smart move for Kaplan University’s owner, Don Graham, the inheritor of the Washington Post now owned by Amazon’s Bezos, to be the only advertiser on the internet edition of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention”?

Can you really put all of man’s failings down to jealousy?

Let’s say you can, because you are entitled to your mind having its own opinion, and there is no one to argue otherwise with you should you remain silent.

Doesn’t the wiring into our brains this jealousy emotion smack of something smart enough ALSO to have all the people fooled?


[Word count 1277]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Know who to ask – Re: Man on the right
Date: December 13, 2019 at 12:34:10 PM PST
To: shaun attwood <>
Cc: rest; Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “South African Gary Barber – Former Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser. MGM co-producer with Megan Ellison of DETROIT.”Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, “Shaun Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <>, Tesla <>, “MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy” <>, Elon Musk <>

Shaun – I just watched 7 minutes and 42 seconds of this video

you posted up yesterday.

It is now 12:30 pm Calif time and you have been in receipt of my reply to your initial response for the past 131 odd minutes and obviously you have chosen to be silent.

The information that you are just beginning to get your head around is of course traumatic which is a relative word.

Assuming Charlie Robinson has been in touch with you since he went silent on me and he hadn’t mentioned that photo and the very important story behind it which connects up with everything important going on in this world right this instant including the next distracting genocide and the roughly 60 million humans around the world in prisons which you know are not all perfectly safe to say the least, then you would have reason to doubt Charlie.

Again, Charlie would also have reason to doubt his own judgement as well as sources for his materials that he broadcasts throughout the wired globe.
It is most important that each person’s trauma is very unique even though as a group we can all show great empathy for one another or a particular group no matter their size.

Our individual personality we can all agree is very unique at birth but it is molded by our environment that includes the food we eat and the company we keep which is not always our choice especially when we are born and those family members in particular who are placed in our midsts.

The human is to begin with a controlling creature and the chances of having both parents not controlling and only wanting the vest for their children is like finding a needle in a haystack, at best.

The fact that I have now lived going on 63 years and yet to find two people like my mother and father who were extraordinarily accomplished in their own rights well before any of my 3 elder siblings were born, does not leave me with great confidence that all the other couples I have yet to meet will be exactly like my amazing parents whose 3 elder children turned out to be monsters.

Moreover, it would have been so easy for the 3 of them to have chosen to follow our British-English mother Zena’s clear, most lucid wishes that I be her guardian which was already self evident before the 3 of them went behind my and my mother’s back and got a none family member, a corrupt, malice driven Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel appointed as my mother’s guardian and soon after began to asset strip my mother’s rich estate which included all her knowledge of the buried skeletons going back to when the South African Apartheid Regime grabbed power back on May 26, 1948.

That knowledge of course still resides within me and not only is it all irrefutable but I continue to share it with the world in real time.

The fact that you may still not have realized that the trading of shares in the world’s stock markets is as rigged as price fixed diamond currency, it won’t take you very long to catch up.

Moreover, and this directly relates to your beef with Elon Musk and yesterday’s Aramco IPO with a tail that extends to Musk having the House of Saud-Mr MBS $420 buyout of TESLA dangled in front of him by people who were not his friends and these enemies would of course include each and every one of his financial advisors including PT who has been around Mr Musk a very long time, Diamond Currency which I’m most expert about is accepted as a money instrument by Lloyd’s of London just so long as investors in Lloyd’s who price fix the cost of insurance worldwide are not either American citizens or American residents; in other words Mr Bone Saw and those of the House of Saud on both the buy and sell side of the Aramco IPO and its ongoing trading activity are of far greater character than any and all Americans affected by the Lloyd’s banning order now in place going on 3 decades.

That puts everything, does it not, into an entirely new perspective for you?
You don’t remember Prince Andrew in his BBC meltdown interview in an effort to take the heat off himself, and let’s not bring up again his inability to sweat due to a war injury, bringing up either the photo of President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer whose father Harry directly supervised my year long orientation into this mafia of mafia, terrorist of terrorist financing institution De Beers-Barclays Bank who have never meant us Jewish people well or Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention which remains free reading on the Internet.

You have some 300,000 subscribers to your YouTube channel which is huge but nothing close to the 30 million people following Elon Musk on Twitter.

Those numbers should make you think much more carefully how you are going to begin your next pod broadcast and/or Twitter.

It would also be wrong to consider Elon Musk a twit.

He has shown [his independence] just by how he has outdone the auto and rocket industry which is the domain of the military industrial complex which is the same as big oil because it is identical; [and the MIC controlling] everything other than life, our parents etc, leading back to mineral monopolist De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC]-Oppenheimers who have owned the world’s drilling industry following their victory in the Anglo “American“ Boer War (1899-1902).

I could easily right now go on to write a book that would capture the world’s attention but then you and others might argue that I am conducting a monologue.

My great F-C (Francaise-Canadienne) wife Marie Dion says, “When the dialogue becomes two monologues it is the beginning of the end!” and this most amazing [creation] is once divorced which does not make her naive or a fool.

True as well her logical assessment of the human condition, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”

Remember, unlike a great many others, you have yet to dig your heels in.

A great many people around the world would look forward to seeing all the Royals being booed and who knows just a few rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs thrown in their direction without physically hurting anyone including an innocent bystander might be all that is needed.

Look at all the positive you can do, and how easy it can be for you to now get off Elon Musk’s case; and why not look into who would have arranged a dinner with Musk and Epstein where Zuckerberg and the Linkpin fellow [Reid Hoffman] were also present, and hoping that Musk would take the underage girl bait.

It would be a sad day for humanity if Musk gets brushed aside.

Since he is obviously not part of Aramco we must remain most hopeful. It is easy to see how most all other humans would have by now thrown in the towel.

PS – if you would like to see the trauma top officials of BMW are currently experiencing, you know who to ask

[Word count 1227]
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 13, 2019, at 10:21 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:

His name is Nick Oppenheimer.
Had you heard of him?
Has Charlie Robinson spoken with you recently?

On Dec 13, 2019, at 9:42 AM, shaun attwood <> wrote:no
All the best,


From: Gary Gevisser <>
Sent: 12 December 2019 18:02 <>
Subject: Man on the right Dear Mr Attwood,

Let me ask you again; do you recognize the man on the right?

Sent from my iPhone
