How come he doesn’t share?
Mr. De Beers-Nicholas Oppenheimer-Rhodes Scholar Class ’68
you are way out of your league, when it comes to monetary-fiscal policy, or more likely you are just acting?
Even if you still disagree with me, just play along and imagine that I’m right, God exists, which first of all takes intelligence, the exact opposite of blind faith to recognize, can you see yourself returning as a potted plant?
Nor is the life of a potted plant all that great.
To begin with, you, are dependent upon your human provider supplying you with clean, fresh water, not bumping into you, or crashing furniture against your delicate leaves, and therefore not distracted from her bridge where the primary goal is seeing if there is any hint amongst all the bad gossip that her husband is having an affair.
Let’s further assume you are following my writings as closely as you would logically expect to be the case with Elon Musk, who has this thing about getting into the knitty-gritty of all the hate that is out there which is, at its core, a human rights issue, because when you have an empty stomach, and not knowing where you next meal is coming from, you are more likely to be aggressive, which is well understood by the leadership of Hamas and all those providing the funds for raising future terrorists whose singular goal is the eradication of the Jewish people, who for good reason head the list of the most potential troublemakers for those who profit from war which is all about land theft, and leaving it to politicians like yourself to cleanse, granting “clean title” with repeated meanderings, “Right to private ownership of land” as if it is a God-given right that the bought clergy have no problem with.
Land, looked at in reverse, in compliance with Quantum Mechanics, what goes forward must work in reverse, reads, “DNA” followed by the letter “L” that your mind might first register, “LandLord”.
Of course there are more farfetched events that have turned out to be true, such as the unimaginable breakdown in Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] in not only knowing such a land, sea and air attack was coming involving thousands of Hamas fighters, but to be caught so flat footed that the fighters had the time to pile the 260 kid party goers they had murdered in cold blood, on top of each other, and then moving on with their killing spree.
Nor will I bore you with how long it took for the IAF at the start of the 6 Day War to go from a dead start to destroying all the Arab Air Forces in a matter of 4 hours.
BTW, do you use headphones or earpieces to listen to your iPhone music as well as converse, or do you prefer the Androids to screw your brain’s wiring?
You would expect though for there to be a solution to everything at the same time for there to be consequences such as brain injury for kicking a gift-horse in the mouth because the truth is not convenient for your pocketbook; it is this mass avoidance of logic by a specie that prides itself on, not only logic, but to constantly laugh at all those who are stupid, in defiance of truth-logic, that spells great truth-logic.
Further strong evidence of the existence of a Creator of the universe is that basic logic tells you that the only other option is that everything is the result of random events, from which there cannot be precise order, such as the discovery of mathematics, and language that allows us to differentiate between someone who is telling the truth and someone who is bullshitting, because anything random can only result in chaos.
I could stop right there, and feel just as comfortable leaving the rest entirely in God’s hands, but that would mean more dead young people for you to gloat over, and that just doesn’t feel right.
I perfectly understand that you are not alone in wishing that you were the first to figure out this logic-truth that puts both the religious and scientific community who count on stupidity, let’s call it what it is, with their backs against the wall, at the same time eager to keep themselves richer than the poor without having to work as physically hard as the poor, who can’t think of anything other than surviving in this Dog Eat A Dog [DEAD] world, but you weren’t.
Therefore you have no choice but when the time is right to take it up with God, but in the meantime who am I to object to you standing in front of the mirror and declaring, “Stupid, stupid, stupid”.
When you arrived at Oxford University for the start of your year long SA Oppenheimer-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Rhodes Scholarship, you probably don’t recall what conversations took place behind closed doors at Charterhouse Street, City of London
De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Uranium One headquarters, but by the time you read the dossier provided at the start, and covering pretty much everything contained within Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention – CLICK HERE – produced just a decade later, which you are not alone in avoiding all discussion, you knew perfectly well what questions to never ask, resulting in you becoming the frontrunner for the 22nd United States Labor Secretary under your Charterhouse Street-De Beers Scholar classmate Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States.
How does a Rhodes Scholar designate not begin each “call to prayer”, no strike that, every letter, article, speech, and group discussion explaining their outrage at Oxford University coopting so many of you who somehow manage to avoid a life of poverty and ridicule?
How in the world does someone who has zero military intelligence training, full on non-athlete, and therefore dependent upon their generals who know you are a neophyte, to decide things like what to do if told incoming missiles are 3 minutes from impact, the start of World War III?
You must know that World War III began this past Saturday. Why are you talking about long-term interest rates?
Did you assist President Clinton in assessing the competency and integrity of his generals, including 4 Star General, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers who went on to the Advisory Board of the SA Oppenheimers’ Brenthurst Foundation and where he continues to reside?
What rubbish must go through the mind of a rubbish talker, is it something you feel you are fully competent to share?
In the event you have nothing better to do with your time between now and when you receive your copy of my next email broadcast that addresses – CLICK HERE – why we should not follow conventional wisdom and allow World War 3 to finish before beginning a thorough, judicious, investigation of the intelligence lapse given that conventional wisdom is mostly wrong, and you would expect the top corrupt government officials to give long distracting – CLICK HERE – speeches which have their duplicity written all over it, may I politely suggest that you kick back, get yourself a copy of Marie-Claude Gay’s
Les folles années d’Ana, and while reading, make notes for your forthcoming memoirs that begin with the moment you heard that you had been accepted for the Class of ’68, and what research you immediately got stuck into.
Should you feel that Les folles années d’Ana doesn’t have enough English because it is all in French, you can always skip the French you don’t understand, without forgetting that when General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] responded “Rubbish” to his son of the same name, for the son’s admonition that his father should not use the occasion of his 78th birthday, 24 May 1948, to recognize the fledgling State of Israel, now into its 9th day of bloody fighting, as it would cost General Smuts in 2 days, the 26 May 1948, South African General Election, which would immediately usher in the South African Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division, Smuts knew better than to share with this son, who outlived his elder 42 year old brother ‘Japie’ who died on 10 October 1948, the same day my good looking parents
were married, or for that matter with anyone, that he had a carefully laid plan to help, General of General’s, Ben Gurion’s Israel Defense Force [IDF] with a ruse that had been concocted well ahead of Ben Gurion’s trusted South African-Israeli Fighter Bomber Pilot, IAF Colonel, Boris Senior
departing Israel to secure Fighter Bomber aircraft such as the American built P40-Kittyhawk
as well as recruit seasoned Fighter Bomber Pilots like my father Bernie Gevisser and his wingman, Syd Cohen
who became Commander of IAF 101 Squadron, from their country of birth, South Africa in mid-February 1948, a month after the 15 January, “Lamed Hey convoy of 35” massacre and mutilation, none of which moved the leadership of the South African Jewish Federation to place the Jewish people of South Africa on a “war-footing”.
If you are going to consider yourself Jewish apart from being circumcised, that is a mutilation whichever way you look at it, the first thing you have to be conversant with is modern day Jewish history, that begins with how it was possible for Hitler to be defeated in World War II when the principal weapons manufacturers of the Allies violated the Versailles Peace Treaty, in providing bankrupt Germany with the raw war materials such as industrial diamonds out of Allied protectorate Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross as couriers, along with the financing of factories to mass produce the weapons, munitions, food and shelter for soldiers.
Again, Germany was flat broke and prohibited from building anything close to a threatening army.
It was also clear from Mein Kampf that Hitler was not exactly pro Jewish people.
Back on 30 January 1933 when “Little Corporal” Hitler was brought to power, there was not much talk of AI, but let’s just use our imagination.
We get a classroom full of 12 year olds, who by this time can read and write.
Each is a handed a different history book written by acclaimed historians, and they are asked to grade the book.
Do you think if each 12 year old isn’t bribed, they would give their book a passing grade?
Let’s see now.
In the course of the past 90 years, 8 months and 10 days, not one of the 6 million Jewish people murdered in the Holocaust or killed in all of Israel’s wars of survival, including this starting World War III, have produced more offspring following their death.
Yet there is this clamor to produce more babies without anyone deciding first, who should be the teacher of Elon Musk’s dozen or children and counting?
Our AI back on 30 January 1933 were my group of 12 year olds.
My mother Zena was 3 years and 8 months at the time, but her father Al Ash
had the month before turned 33, and nor was he the biggest fool in the world, having survived the entire World War I serving on the frontlines.
BTW, don’t you think Elon Musk would think it a good idea, if not willing to give his eyeteeth, to own either or, and since he is so into parody to mock to high-heaven Zuckerberg’s Facebook that Zuck has now changed to very stupid, anything but catchy Meta, just because he too doesn’t own which best describes his two-faced 2.4 billion subscribers?
Overall, when you reflect back on your 77 year life, do you think being a Rhodes-De Beers Scholar has served you well?
Now wasn’t that magnificent victory of Portugal over Fiji the night before last, still fresh in your mind?
Just in case you still have your head up your arse which at your size you probably don’t need to be double-jointed
let me share with you the greatness of Portugal’s top try scorer, 23 year old Rodrigo Marta with his amazing, less than a minute remaining, try
to put Portugal within reach of defeating heavy favorite Fiji, and a rather easy conversation to grant Portugal its very first World Cup Rugby victory, 24-23.
Doesn’t it make you want to play your best game of rugby
before you croak?
Not to mention, one of the things the parent or grandparent dangling the inheritance monies doesn’t necessarily think about first thing when they wake up, is what the future inheritor is thinking.
Try this if you have nothing better to do.
Go to a music festival like the one where Saturday’s massacre took place, which had to piss off the residents of huge open prison Gaza, dress down, even pretend to be a street person, so that when you listen to the talk no one is talking to you and the space between your ears hears everything crystal clear.
It is inevitable that what first dribbles out about their shit-hole, master-slave parent-grandparent, becomes a never ending tirade, and the more on drugs, the more it spews.
Bear in mind that drugs have a lingering effect.
The damage is also cumulative.
It also permanently kills the brain cells, and we are also talking about alcohol.
No one likes to be bought even if it means they have an easy life ahead, but full of great regrets, and soon enough they begin eating and drinking themselves to death.
When someone has trouble remembering well, it is wrong to assume they have Einstein’s brain.
Nor do you need to travel to the Israel Negev. Just hang around rich kids in rich, lazy neighborhoods like La Jolla and Del Mar California. They are totally narrow minded because that is what they are mostly thinking 24/7.
The war in Ukraine only means to them how it is going to affect their pocket book and the anxiety makes them more eager to brownnose the parent offering the most; and the resentment builds with every false smile as well.
The ingenious workings of the brain have them not forgetting their resentment. Just ask a trust fund kid who is now either a great grandparent, grandparent or parent.
If you examine someone eating who is thinking of other things, first they eat fast, not allowing their stomach neurons to communicate most effectively with the brain neurons to stop, resulting in the bloated stomach having to expand ahead of the slower excrement exit through the anus.
This fat takes on a life of its own. It is a bitter fight between the stomach and the brain and the protruding stomach ultimately wins in the brain’s defeat, which we call stupidity.
When you listen even with half an ear to the Hamas Gaza politician, Dr Basem Naim – CLICK HERE – he is first of all talking about his own lack of nutrition, ahead of the entire population, and the same with the rest of the world.
His lack of a healthy mind is written all over his face; again, the same with the majority of the population who are not young soldiers dying on the frontlines of Israel, Congo, Timbuktu, south central Los Angeles and the southern suburbs of Chicago, streets of downtown San Francisco, Portland and New York City to name just 8 killing fields.
His argument boils down to his young fighters either suffering a lifetime of crime and humiliation versus a dignified death fighting against unseen F-35s, resonates with the logical mind.
What this total bullshit artist, nincompoop fails to address, however, are the mothers and fathers of these terrorists protected within their village, their community, and you know there is going to be retribution, the most grand scale retribution by the IDF, then you cry “my child my child”.
Why would you have a kid in that environment? You could always leave. The population is used as buffers.
What a pig. For sure he doesn’t miss any meal, for sure.
It doesn’t take much IQ, the terrorism isn’t going to resolve this conflict or bring his people peace. These bastards put their people in the middle.
Blame Israel for the suffering of the Gaza people who don’t look like they are doing anything other than waiting to be cannon fodder and/or to murder.
They want money, just like everyone, including rich Trust Fund kids.
Why not start with MBS who is just around the corner. How come he doesn’t share? It is not part of Allah’s guidance?
Now back to MIMI, and there is something else in the wings that Hamas is planning, which Dr. Naim isn’t telling us.
But what was MIMI thinking when releasing 1000 terrorists in exchange for 1 hostage Israeli soldier; that they would turn in to peaceful citizens, or return to terrorism that pays the most amount of contrived money?
That should take your mind off Israeli Commander, 44 year old,
Colonel Roy Levy of “Ghost” Unit 888 who lost his life on Sunday fighting Hamas, and probably leaving behind a wife and kids.
[Word count 2844]
The rubbish you’re hearing about long-term interest ratesThey aren’t being driven by budget deficits
Friends, Maybe being bedridden for a few days has made me grouchier than usual, but I’m royally pissed off. I’ve spent decades fighting right-wing economists. Yet, like zombies, they and their ideas keep coming back from the dead. Here’s the latest example. A surge in long-term interest rates is causing tremors on Wall Street. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note has risen to its highest level since the subprime mortgage crisis began in August 2007. What’s going on? The mainstream media is blaming rising budget deficits and national debt. The Wall Street Journal points to “concern that huge federal deficits are pressuring investors’ capacity to absorb so much debt.” The New York Times highlights “new fears of soaring debt.” And so on. Rubbish. You’ve heard this story before — large deficits supposedly “crowd out” government borrowing, forcing the government to pay lenders higher interest. But there’s not a shred of evidence that long-term interest rates rise and fall with the size of the budget deficit or the nation’s debt. No current economic data point to budget deficits as the cause of the higher long-term rates we’re now seeing. When the mainstream media fall for this narrative, they give credence to the views of right-wingers who want to slash federal spending — which, as a practical matter, means Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Some of these people are the Republican extremists who nearly caused a government shutdown (on which, more in a moment). The truth is that long-term interest rates rise when uncertainty about the future rises. And the biggest uncertainty right now is not found in economic data. The biggest uncertainty is political — not just about what will happen in global hotspots like Ukraine and now Israel, but more directly, about whether America is still capable of governing itself. This uncertainty has been caused by those same Republican extremists who didn’t want to raise the debt ceiling, and then refused to fund the federal government, and have abdicated political leadership of the House for the first time in the history of the nation. Include the increasingly wild ravings of their party leader, Donald Trump (along with the hair-raising possibility that he could be president again) and you have reason to be frightfully uncertain about the future. Which has a direct bearing on long-term interest rates, because if you’re lending money for the longer term, you want to build in some margin for safety against the crazies. Bond markets are demanding higher long-term rates because there seems to be no way out of this Republican black hole — not between now and November 17, when the Continuing Resolution runs out, and not even November 5 next year, when Americans will have an opportunity to send Republicans packing. It’s finally occurred to the bond markets that America faces two deeply entrenched structural problems: the Republican Party and Donald Trump. And behind these two problems are tens of millions of Americans who have drunk Trump’s Kool-Aid and believe the 2020 election was stolen from him, that Democrats are now persecuting him, and that he should be back in charge, even at the cost of American democracy. This is not only a problem for the Street, I should emphasize. It’s a gigantic problem for America. But the fact that the Republicans’ looniness is finally hitting financial markets should be cause for sober thinking about what must be done politically, rather than another excuse for right-wing economists and their allies in the media to bash budget deficits and fan baseless fears about the national debt. So glad you can be here today. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber of this community so we can do even more.