$Hit List
“If you need more, you just have to ask” – Fwd: What would you give to watch me? – Re: 2facetruth.com met you in the national forrest this weekend
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> Subject: “If you need more, you just have to ask” – Fwd: What would you give to watch me? – Re: [2facetruth.com] met you in the national forrest this weekend Date: April 15, 2014 8:15:01 PM PDT To: “Alan Lipworth – former partner of Stephen Cohen, Codiam Inc.” <alan@lipworthdiamond.com> Cc: Martin Rapaport – Rapaport Report <rap@diamonds.net>, Leon Cohen – Codiam Inc <Leon@codiam.com>, “De Beers –...
read moreLunch – Perspective One
From: Gary S. Gevisser Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 12:33 PM Subject: Lunch – Perspective One Cc: rest; To: Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Finkelstein & Krinsk – jrk@classactionlaw.com> Cc: rest; Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org>, Jeff Rothwell <geoffreyrothwell@yahoo.com>, matthewmargo@aol.com Can u do lunch this week? I wont bring up Lloyds 2 decade old banning order that prevents all of us including your close confidante Sec. Of State John Kerry from investing at the same time the US government allows Lloyds of london to...
read moreHappiest days of your life? – Re: Relais Orso
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser> Subject: Happiest days of your life? – Re: Relais Orso Date: February 15, 2014 3:29:28 PM GMT+01:00 To: Erika Suban – Tablet Hotels – customerservice Cc: rest; Owners-Management Relais Orso Hotel, Rome” <info@relaisorso.com>, Fred Deluca – Founder-co-owner Subway <deluca_f@subway.com>, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <jbeare@iafrica.com>, “Colin Cowie – Colin Cowie Productions – former long...
read moreDid Kerry just make an honest mistake? – FEb 7, 3:20PM France time
Facebook Home3 Find Friends Gary Privacy Shortcuts Account Settings Search for people, places and things Sponsored Create Ad Sponsored Serene Skin & Body 10% off Gift Certificates for Valentine’s Day! The perfect gift for that special someone i… Like Page $100 Off Laser Treatment 800newtoes.com $100 off the only FDA cleared laser for treatment of toenail fungus. Guaranteed results. Avoid the Doghouse! 1800flowers.com Make her smile with our adorable puppy bouquets! Shop 1-800-FLOWERS now! Shocking Language Video...
read moreYour mind goes blank-Just imagine-Shave the head of Coco Chanel – Re: “I am willing to sacrifice our friendship in order to keep the money”-Fwd: Avoiding eDreams – O what a tangled web – Re: Ticket#201312201030 Booking unconfirmed Meridiana Fly Ryanair:
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser> Subject: Your mind goes blank-Just imagine-Shave the head of Coco Chanel – Re: “I am willing to sacrifice our friendship in order to keep the money”-Fwd: Avoiding eDreams – O what a tangled web – Re: [Ticket#201312201030] Booking unconfirmed Meridiana Fly Ryanair: Date: December 24, 2013 12:53:07 PM GMT+01:00 To: Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh>, “South African Professor of Economics...
read moreJaklyn Fior Keen and Gary Gevisser FB conversations.
Jaklyn Fior Keen – March 25, 2013 1:48 pm Pacific Standard Time Hello my name is Jaklyn, sorry to bother. I grew up in South Africa till my mid teens and my mother and I now reside in the U.S for the the past decade or so. I am writing because I was curious if you were related to Moshal Gevisser the packaging company from the fifties and sixties? My mother gave me a coffee tin by Gipsy coffee and was wondering its origins. If this is not you never mind and sorry to bother you. Gary Gevisser – March 25, 2013 2:49 pm PST Yes I am...
read morePaul Reti and Gary Gevisser Facebook conversations.
December 10, 2013 3:23 pmGG I assume that by now you have seen the September 5, 2006 photo of Putin meet Nicky Oppenheimer? That photo explains that there is only one big mafia boss, not a whole bunch of luminary and other yoyos pulling the strings of government. The timing of that photo is most critical given how I was placing a lot of pressure on Oppenheimer to “put up or shut up” as he was doing everything within his power to chop off my legs below the knees. Would you be interested in sharing with others what I last wrote my...
read morePaul Reti and company – Does a “soul” exist? If so, what is it?
Paul Reti January 16 Does a ‘soul’ exist? If so, what is it? Like · · Share 2 people like this. 55 of 56 View previous comments Damon Ramirez The will to exist and to share this existence in a meaningful way. January 16 at 4:15am · Like Guy Lev-Raz There is no evidence for a “soul” – it’s a religious invention, not a physical phenomenon. At most, we have consciousness, which is merely an evolved sensory, linguistic, and symbolic relationship between our brains and our environment. January 16 at...
read morePaul Reti and company – “The NSA has a secret unit that produces special equipment ranging from spyware…
Paul Reti December 31, 2013 at 12:42am · SUMMARY: “The NSA has a secret unit that produces special equipment ranging from spyware for computers and cell phones to listening posts and USB sticks that work as bugging devices. Here are some excerpts from the intelligence agency’s own catalog.” NSA’s Secret Toolbox: Unit Offers Spy Gadgets for Every Need – SPIEGEL ONLINE www.spiegel.deThe NSA has a secret unit that produces special equipment ranging from spyware for computers and cell phones to listening posts and...
read moreToo sick – Fwd: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 4:42 PM Subject: Fwd: Too sick – Fwd: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union. To: “info@sturman.ch expose De Beers.” <info@sturman.ch> Cc: rest; Paul RETI <paulreti@gmail.com>, John Perkins – former CIA Economic Hit Man author and founder Dream Change <info@dreamchange.org>, “info.africa@greenpeace.org”...
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