Assuming the profit on the manufacturing of those chemicals agents is X, you would know that the manufacturer would be financially richer if they had a stake in both the production and distribution of those chemical weapons as well as the oil and other logistics of war, such as food on board the destroyers and nuclear submarines as well as fighter bombers who unleashed the retaliatory missile strike.
Considering that the cost currently of a new aircraft carrier fleet is $20 billion and each missile with its payload fired onto Syrian territory is $60 million, do you think as an economist for the war mongering Nuclear Energy Agency-Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development you would be able to find the petty cash to influence that military intelligence officer who lit the fire under other military intelligence officers who shared their military intelligence with their respective Commander In Chief?
You of course remember FBI Chief of Counterintelligence Robert Hanssen who worked undetected for President Putin’s KGB for 22 years which allowed the Soviet Union the most extraordinary “look in” of American-Allied intelligence thinking, at the same time, thanks to Hanssen and Soviet CIA mole Aldrich Ames, were able to influence American strategic thinking.
In other words, once again the chronology is important.
Hanssen, who couldn’t get any higher in the FBI which allowed the KGB to long observe Soviet generals who were on our payroll as they went about attempting to cover their tracks, first began working for our “arch enemy” KGB who Hillary Clinton says has no soul, in 1979.
DeBeers-Oppenheimer-Barclays had long been financing the Soviet Union from American protectorate Apartheid South Africa which the German-South African Oppenheimer family controlled from start to finish.
There is a reason why everyone shuts down when they see the photo of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer. They know that everything they have been fed in the newspapers, magazines, TV and radio is total bullshit and it has been going on from prior to the Wall Street collapse of 1929 that triggered the Great Depression which led to WW2 and the ongoing inhumanity.
How interesting was it really watching Zuckerberg face up to the US Congress?
Do you really believe that because the US Congress and President Trump don’t talk about Oppenheimer that makes Oppenheimer a non-player?
Gr, you were old enough back in 1979 to remember that it was only in November 1980 that Hollywood actor Ronald W. Reagan became President-elect and would have immediately received his first official CIA briefing.
No one could therefore fault President Reagan for being unaware that by the time he became President for the first time on January 20, 1981, the KGB had in their back pocket very, very, very important Robert Hanssen.
In March 1982, my buddy, Roger W. Robinson, the protege of David Rockefeller, joined the National Security Council and it wasn’t because “Our Man Roger” had the same initials and born on the same day, February 6, as President RWR, but rather because of Roger’s close relationship with Rockefeller and Roger’s expertise in “Soviet Economics” which of course Roger found as laughable as me. But the NSC were happy to pay him a fat check, just like the NEA-OECD are happy to pay you a fat check to distract when not falling totally apart.
As far as I’m aware President Trump has yet to haul you into the Oval Office to find out why you chose me of all the important people you know in the world, including your boss at the time, President Obama, to share your misgivings that the military-industrial-complex was pushing us closer and closer to World War 3.
Of course I understand perfectly, but that does not mean President Trump fully gets it given how the intelligence he is receiving could easily be skewed.
Should it turn out that President Trump today knows what President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew; namely that the goal was to divert attention away from how the money is valued and distributed to the least questioning people; namely people like Henry Kissinger and professors of economics who failed during their economic studies to figure out the insanity and morally indefensible Gross Domestic Product index which facilitates unsustainable human population growth while spending the resources of the earth recklessly, then you would expect President Trump to have questioned thoroughly each and every military advisor who advocated this missile strike.
Gr, you once told me that you believed you had taught your economics students at Stanford University “military economics” and the most detail you went into was to say “Gary, I think I taught them military economics” and I didn’t respond because I considered it a “self-defense” move on your part to protect your brain which I thought and still think is stupid because the truth is the best way to protect that important space which I don’t believe has anything to do with the size of the brain, by simply looking at how much smaller is the brain of a chimpanzee compared to a human and the chimpanzee appears increasingly far more intelligent.
It is only from the human perspective that we are more intelligent and the facts again are showing quite the opposite.
But let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and that would mean you would have to first of all be most expert in Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad [IMIM] which hasn’t always got it right, but still Mossad are the best there is, until such time as Israel is wiped off the face of the map or its Jewish peoples no better than the rest of the human animal species.
You don’t need to look at scripture because neither the Quiran, New Testament, or our Jewish Torah-Knowledge covers in great deal the thinking of Mossad because in fact neither 3 versions of God’s thinking even mention Mossad who only came into being in modern day times, and their first success was Israel’s victory in her War of Independence [1947-1949].
That means you have to examine the irrefutable facts which begins with no one being able to explain Israel’s victory in her first war of survival when Israel was up against not only every Arab country surrounding tiny Jewish Palestine but the entire United Nations.
Moreover, the countries that voted for establishment of the modern State of Israel and the first was the United States of America were really only giving “lip service” as they felt a little bad about those 300 death factories that wiped out 6 million Jewish people whose only crime was that they were Jewish and didn’t have weapons to defend themselves, and like Allied Field Marshall Montgomery all the countries of the world expected the Jews of Palestine to be wiped out in a matter of hours.
Again, Montgomery’s words were important on the eve of the start of hostilities, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun”.
You may argue that what saved the Jewish people of Israel was that both Abraham and Moses ate meat, and that argument I would consider stupid and distracting.
Nor can the Mossad take direct credit because they cannot explain such a victory.
Let’s just say it was simply luck because IMIM again don’t have a perfect record. In fact Israeli Military Intelligence seem to have screwed up from the very beginning and therefore Thank God for Mossad who have to count on weak humans, starting with weak Jewish people to ensure that Israel continues to hold the upper hand.
You also know that to defeat Israel territorially is really not the most difficult job in the world given how very narrow it is in the most strategic places. In fact if one were to arrange a continuous line of suicide bombers and each one strapped with a nuclear device, the north of Israel could be cut off from central Israel the moment the first bomb is triggered, and central Israel could be cut off from southern Israel were say God to blow sufficient wind off the Med. Sea because the Dead Sea continues to attract indifferent tourists just looking to have a good time, and find someone beautiful to bed.
The problem of course is not Mossad. As smart as they are, they are incapable of overcoming the stupidity of people such as you and the rest of Wall Street.
Even if you don’t believe in miracles, if you are going to be teaching economics you have to examine with a fine tooth comb the results of the most successful military with the odds stacked against them.
In 1954, you may still have been sucking off the hind tit given how you and I have not discussed that while nursing you, your mother while having to go to the bathroom on occasion may have handed you off to the couple Romulus and Remus and the same with everyone else whose imaginary canine teeth are the most prominent part of your thinking.
Protruding from the Devil’s mouth might very well be the most deadly serpent, but still, no matter how you might view yourself, all you have going for you in the thinking department is your human brain.
The first horrific failure of Israeli Military Intelligence occurred in the summer of 1954 when one of their own turned, and nor did Israel keep it a secret because Egypt whose ancestors were not all totally stupid did not hesitate to capture the Israeli operatives operating in Alexandria in a most covert-false flag operation to blame Arab Nationalists-Extremists so as to keep the Allied forces in Egypt in order to prevent a power vacuum.
BTW, let me know if you see any similarities with what just occurred in Syria.
The Egyptians tortured them all and executed the bravest and only released those beaten to a pulp 14 years later in secret prisoner of war exchange following the June 1967 War when the Egyptians as well as the Syrians were soundly defeated.
That Syria is the same Syria today. Syria still wants back the Golan Heights and the Arabs who controlled most of modern day Israel today for 700 years before think that those 700 years of occupancy gave them more rights than the Jews who occupied it before.
What won the Arabs those lands 700 years before was “might is right”, the same as what won the land for the Jews prior.
All that has changed is that there are more idiot economists such as you and politicians whose only business is to talk fucking nonsense.
When you learned about the debacle of Operation Susannah, you then would have figured what Mossad learned from that experience.
Remember Elon Musk is not asking you to start first thing tomorrow morning to help improve efficiencies on Tesla’s production line so that by the end of the week they can be pumping out not 5,000 cars a week but 50,000. Your job is to understand war.
Your job is the same job as the President of the United States, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Prime Minister of Israel and Prime Minister of France.
You have to give yourself a break at this point.
Do you think that because President Macron’s first language is French, he would know the right questions to ask his military intelligence officers to make sure that there are no French citizens who would profit from firing missiles into Syria?
Do you feel that there should be a value placed on the entertainment value of each French citizen who when watching the TV and seeing the fireworks display feels good about the decision as well as those wondering why it is that all these attacks end up in poor areas because there are more gangs amongst the poor and the poor are more used to violence?
Let’s say you were not so fortunate that your mother’s milk or the wolves who raised you had you thinking it smart to contact Mossad immediately after you became aware of the disaster of 1954, still nothing would have prevented you from putting on your thinking hat.
You work in a glass building that allows you to see up women’s skirts; that doesn’t prevent you from closing your eyes and thinking logically what an intelligence service like Mossad or CIA or MI5 or Hezbollah or Hamas or Iran intelligence would do after such a fucking total debacle.
The use of the word “fuck” is designed much like the tilt in a pinball machine.
So now you have another ball to play with. Good luck.
Do you think IMIM would have stopped all false-flag operations in the future because no longer was the survival of Israel important because Jewish people were now as stupid as everyone else and therefore we are all one people and to dispense with borders, export tariffs, import duties and the such including price fixed monies or do you think IMIM would have improved in executing false-flag operations?
As you must know the CIA is now advertising on radio including Pandora for people who want to spy on their neighbor although they don’t say it that clearly. What they say is that you don’t even need combat experience in the military; all you need is a desire to join and make money.
Why you don’t hear Mossad putting out similar commercials is I suspect because Mossad has learned from Operation Susannah and put bad people to work for less pay.
Granted they [may] be violating the minimum wage laws but it is still not sexual harassment. It is simply the rules of war.
It is only the superior military who claim things like human rights violations and nor do they wipe out all the opposition forces all at once.
The military-industrial-complex requires voices screaming out violations of human rights.
The military-industrial-complex has its wholly owned affiliate, the media.
So let me ask you, if you had a choice of being born into this world and to do that you had to beat out 300 million sperm would you choose to come in second?
What if you could be assured of my mother as well as my one of a kind F-C wife Marie, would that change your mind?
You haven’t told me exactly when you get your last paycheck but lets assume it is no later than June 30th, could you see yourself wanting to do everything you possibly can to end all this unnecessary bloodshed?
Why not also assume that you may not be smart enough to figure out that God exists, wouldn’t you want to please God just in case God exists or have you already concluded for everyone to think they are so smart and everyone else is so stupid, only God could be responsible for creating all this dissonance?
What if instead of us having 6 months to live, we only have 9 minutes, what would you do with that time?
I’m assuming you would want to eat the most delicious and nutritious food so that you could perform best in bed?
Let’s just say that this missile strike in Syria is the last because President Trump and Netanyahu as well as Putin is getting a copy of this and the rest of them starting with May will go along with reason, and the decision is now to end all fighting, and they all agree to meet in Damascus, smoke a peace pipe and the wars end, would you be okay with that?
Would being part of the solution make you happy enough to enjoy the rest of your retirement even if we have only 6 months to live?
That is a long time considering the huge numbers of humans profiting from selling guns, and sharing more, up until now, has been out of the question because to do so would mean admitting we have been horribly fooled by the heartless military-industrial-complex which logically for its survival cannot be patriotic, at least not to one country.
If I have missed anything please let me know. Should I bring an umbrella to Paris?
PS – today is the 73rd anniversary of my father Bernie completing his 71st and final dive bombing mission before heading back to South Africa to be with his dying mother.