Then barring any other unforeseen events, I will write to my best friend Derrick Beare followed by a farewell greeting to my Dutch cyclist friend Mickey Smak very much on her last legs, and she could have passed by now, followed by my long time economist friend and colleague, Dr. Rodney Smith Phd and after him, economist Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, former principal economist for the false propaganda and most influential Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development-Nuclear Energy Agency, and the last 4, South African forensic expert Dr David Klatzow, Professor James Kauffman, a behavioral expert who avoids, and finally the Israeli Knesset and Nick Oppenheimer himself.
Nor should anyone think that Elon Musk who understands that his raw material purchases are far more important to the success of TESLA than his plant workers in Fremont California has forgotten either my presence, my knowledge or his corrupt father’s nexus to the mining monopolist De Beers-Oppenheimer and no less important, because it is more important given how Elon Musk has long and rightfully distanced himself from his evil father and feeling too sick to voice publicly all that he had to endure which is not to suggest that his mother Maye went on to make perfect choices in the decades that followed, is how Musk’s most trusted financial advisor Peter Thiel whose father was in the thick of the South African mining game, got the backing of the Oppenheimers’ most trusted Nazi German Deutsche Bank.
Moreover, Musk is mostly doing very good, exceptional in fact, and he has seen firsthand how fickle is the jealous family unit, and no less so than the closest of neighbors especially if they are money driven and the most money driven are of course those preoccupied on making money on money when not all about having as much sex as possible.
What can be more laughable than those who pride themselves as investors, making money on money when they fail to know that the easiest and cheapest money comes from the SA Oppenheimers so long as you are comfortable in getting in bed with the evil of evil who pick their stooges for their acting abilities, which means they are stupid, or these well dressed money venture capitalists multi-billionaires to boot, fail to disclose that the SA Oppenheimers are their principal backers.
Either way they are losers.
Which brings me back to the all important question my highly secretive and most worldly mother Zena Ash Gevisser instilled in me from a very young age, “Who do you want to be in business with, an honest fool or clever crook?”
Musk must be encouraged because if TESLA fails, the planet is lost; but that is most unlikely to happen because that wouldn’t make sense.
Everything in the universe, other than mankind the oxymoron of all time, is totally logical.
Moreover, the human prides itself on its logical reasoning skills; and since the human is not omnipotent the good universe will prevail and nor are the forces of nature compelled to follow the crazy cost system which has humans ridiculously weighing up the cost of saving a human life versus the health of the economy which they erroneously argue is linked to prosperity-poverty other than the way the health of the economy is gauged via the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible GDP economic index leads to the wasteful rich getting richer and the poor poorer.
Im quite sure that Elon Musk would enjoy as much as the rest of you, Peter Thiel and me in a live debate. [So that would be another area in addition to feedback on the t-shirt, where you could help. Just organize starting with your facebook friends a venue to host this debate and if Thiel doesn’t show up at the start we can have someone filling in for him who feels they are just as qualified. I propose that person either be you or South African B.COMM graduate Shawn Hesselberg.
When you ask the wrong question, you can’t expect the answer to be meaningful.
If you want to distract yourselves that is each individual’s business but still it has no bearing on the bigger question of what are us humans doing here besides for being so transparently ugly in the insides and reflected in our total lack of mindfulness, wanting to be entertained by movies about guns, sex and eating.
Nor does the success of the stock market have any impact on TESLA’s ability to compete and smash Musk’s MIC [Military-Industrial-Complex] competitors because the stock market is the most rigged market in the world outside of the diamond trade which includes each and every acquisition that mineral monopolist De Beers-Oppenheimers-Brenthurst Foundation executes and has executed since the turn of the last century.
Musk would know at least as well as the least intelligent of you that he can be smooshed in an instant, and if his closest friends aren’t telling him the same thing then he can take it to the bank that they are as bought as the jokesters using the likes of to promote fake propaganda of the Meat Industry Conspiracy [MIC].
When you consider all the different subjects that the people lose themselves in discussing and remember this nonsense political and economic talk has been going on for 120 years, so it would be wrong to attempt confusing yourselves that Im covering too many subjects.
You have to look at how many people are already involved in keeping the clear teachings of The D I book hidden from not only strangers; moreover, each of you who have the information are working round the clock to gain competitive advantage over those you know who know, or who you believe know, and you are all also fully aware that you are relying on each of you wanting these important facts of life kept a secret.
So you can’t expect for each of you to remain sane indefinitely.
So why not blame all of plant life for the Meat Industry Conspiracy; something out of nothing.
We should also not forget that today is the 19th anniversary of the publication by Israel’s Jerusalem Post – CLICK HERE & CLICK HERE – of my 4th article and all centered around DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation]-SA Oppenheimers’ terrorist financier Marc Rich and nor were the 3 previous articles beginning with the first on February 1, 2001, 12 days after De Beers-Oppenheimer stooge President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton granted DAAC-Englehard-Oppenheimer terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon at the 11th hour of his presidency lost on my two parents who were on May 1, 2001 continuing to pay the most careful attention to the actions of my 3 elder siblings and all our cousins beginning with their deafening silences.
So let’s look at the precision wording of “Kerrey’s versus Pollard’s heroism, starting with the first two sentences, while remembering I was not wrong for responding correctly to the Rich pardon: