Smuts Father of Israel Air Force -Re: Gary Giveser on it is all about appearances-Re: they just don’t give a damn

From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser> Subject: Smuts Father of Israel Air Force -Re: Gary Giveser on it is all about appearances-Re: they just don’t give a damn Date: October 28, 2013 1:20:47 PM PDT To: “amanpour” <amanpour>, Amanda Lopez – US ARMY recruiter <talena119>, Presser <presser>, “Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <zlivni>, Shai Economic Affairs <Shai>, Rick Dahl … Continue reading Smuts Father of Israel Air Force -Re: Gary Giveser on it is all about appearances-Re: they just don’t give a damn