Smuts – “I’m a wild African, not a civilized American” Out of Office: “THE MUTINY HAS BEGUN”
From: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser>
Date: November 2, 2010 5:16:29 PM PDT
To: “Mr Ohm Collins Chabane – South African Ministry in The Presidency: Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration in The Presidency” <minister>, “Dr. Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma – Ministry of Home Affairs” <minister>, mike, Richard
Masenyani Baloyi – South African Minister of Public Service & Administration <lebohangm>, harold, Dr Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele – Ministry of State Security <bdube>, abednigo, Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki – Former President of South Africa <louis>
Cc:rest; “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela.” <mad11a>, “Zarina Adhikari – South African Parliamentary Liaison Officer: National Planning Commission” <Zarina>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser, \”male heir\” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971.” <mark>, Edward Jay Epstein – Author of The Diamond Invention <edepstein>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <bondst>, Martin Rapaport – Rapaport Report <rap>, “Warren Buffett – Berkshire Hathaway.” <berkshire>, “Jon Hermann – Helzberg-Habsburg-Diamonds – Customer Satisfaction representative.” <JAHermann>, “Laura Coyne – Ben Ridge Jewelers, founded in 1912, owned by De Beers operative Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway.” <Info>, Pedro Lichtinger <plichtinger>, “Dave Kennedy – former pro surfer, now married to a most beautiful woman half his age.” <dk>, Steve Jobs – Chief Executive Officer – Apple Computer <sconrad>, Phillip F Tourney – Three Time President USS Liberty Veterans Association <tonktime5>, Len Osanic <osanic>, Jim Fetzer <jfetzer>, Oded Tour <oded>, Jim DiEugenio <jfk2000>, “Dr. Norman Kane MD” <nkanemd>, Luke M Vaughan <lmv>, rjmmadrigal, josh.burke.13, dave carsel <dwc1997>, Billdanz, chuck lohrman <chucklohrman>, Mark.Price, aquamoon42, Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion <shauntomson>, mgdsurf, nvafaie, binky minetree <bminetree>, carlatomson, msack04, houstonmetlab, omgshutupjess, lois and casey cogner bob <RLChbgw>, CJ.Olivares, tracytomson,, kenavo5, Laurence Bloch <laubloch>, mike, madden1966, Gloria Garrett <g>, Tom Stone <tom>, “Lynne Twist – Founder of Soul of Money Institute – c/o Kay Sandberg, SOMI Program Director” <kay>, joe, Gordon Starr Starr <info>, Karen Oxrider – Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots <KOxrider>, tdewar, mrmarrinan, “Theodore Bevry Olson Esq. [September 11, 1940 – ] . Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September 11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser’s first heavily broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of 9/11, Israeli Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first passenger aircraft to hit the Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached to the email sent to Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU.” <media>, brian.molk, Nina <ninapaludanmuller>, Ashley – law school student – girlfriend of Connor Shapiro <nrthstr>, “Sidney Abelski – lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <sidneyabelski>, carlsanchez, Lawrence Binderow – Attorney <binderow>, Ying <xiongying9>, justin, inga cotus <majivanleela>, “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” <amay>, Shruti <info>, Jonathan Mahony <Jonathan.Mahony>, Anupada <anupada>, Marco Gonzales – lawyer <marco>, w1-analysts, Chisun.Lee, Abrahm.Lustgarten, Marcus.Stern, jeff.gerth, w1-germany, Tracy.Weber, w1-kenya, dafna.linzer, jeremy.olshan, w1-uk, sheri.fink, w1-laywers, Jake.Bernstein, Mosi.Secret, A.C.Thompson, kfreifeld, debbie.carlson1, w1-coders, paul.kiel, robin.fields, w1-writers, Charles.Ornstein, news, T.Christian.Miller, w1-iceland, richard.boudreaux, w1-tech, joaquin.sapien, rsisk, w1-australia, hakim, Jesse.Eisinger, w1- usa, sharona.coutts, Kurt Kallenbach – Journalist <>, jamie.heller, w1- art, w1-france, “Elizabeth Williamson – Possibly, but not likely, 15th girlfriend of Tiger Woods” <elizabeth.williamson>, Angela Knox – Princeton University Library <aknox>, Trent Aaron – Professional tennis player <trentaaron>, Daye Doobragh – Princeton University Library <daye>, Princeton University <ilslend>, omejia, ellsbergpress, william.tarrant, Kirby Dick – Producer/Director <info>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <office>, david, “Randall Kaplan – partner of CIA murdered Sayeret Matkal officer, Daniel Lewin [May 14, 1970 – September 11, 2001], co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of AKAMAI founded in 1998. Lewin flew in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11 on 9/11. My first broadcasted communique on 12.1.2000, which was 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11, was to Randall Kaplan. Akamai’s shares last traded on this 27th anniversary of Ben Gurion’s passing, at $27 exactly.” <randall>, j.loos, Jackie Webber <jackie.webber>, Professor Michael Keane – USC <mkeane>, grodsky, “Chris Wickham – Chairman of the History Faculty Board – Oxford University.” <chris.wickham>, Christopher.mccloskey, internships, Council of the Gods <defaorder>, Joanna – The Creative Pen <joanna>, “Barbara Manning – Jacana Media, Publisher of David Gevisser’s, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.” <publishing>, citizenlink, “Media Man – Timbuktu, Africa” <mediaman>, Alison Parker – Mother Jones <aparker>, Montesorri School of La Jolla of La Jolla <iSBingham1>, James Crawford – Graduate student at UCSD – International Business Development <j1crawford>, “ aron Cohen – author BROTHERHOOD OF WARRIORS. Operation Smiley – aaron>, “President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy, Washington DC Israeli Embassy” <att-sec2>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet- Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <aaylon>, Jason Ritchie – Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <jmr_1618>, Devin Standard <devinstandard>, “Stephen Cohen – Codiam Inc.” <stephendcn>, “Alan Loewinsohn Esq. – Dallas, Texas based attorney for CIA Charles Knuff” <alanl>, “Alan Lipworth former partner of Stephen Cohen, Codiam Inc.” <alan>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to home.” <deborah.sturman>, Noam Chomsky <chomsky>, Tribe <tribe>, “Kenneth Standard, Esq.- former President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <kstandard>, US Navy Vice Admiral John Stufflebeem <johnn3dkz>, US Colonel Michael Hayes c/o US General Tommy Franks Hayes <mth>, “US General Petraeus c/o help>, USS Liberty-jimandjoe <jimandjoe>, US Marine – Corporal Kevin Gipe <kevingipe>, Allie Meyer-why we fight <alliemeyer>, Amanda Lopez – US ARMY recruiter <talena119>, “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama” <ravfunnye>, Carlyle Hotel c/o Lawyer President Barack Obama <comments>, Joan Krok Institute for Peace and Justice – UCSD Campus <ipj>, 60 Minutes <60m>, TheTonightShow <TheTonightShow>, Jerusalem Post <letters>, Hg02, palmach, Hotels-of- Israel
Subject: “I’m a wild African, not a civilized American” Fwd: Out of Office: “THE MUTINY HAS BEGUN”
From: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser>
Date: November 2, 2010 12:59:10 PM PDT
To: emma.rayner, lindsay.brooke
Subject: “I’m a wild African, not a civilized American” Fwd: Out of Office: “THE MUTINY HAS BEGUN”
Did either of you get the email I sent Emma?
I am also looking for someone to translate my forthcoming book from English into Spanish and I was hoping that someone from Oxford University might know Spanish better than all the English speaking Americans I know who say they speak and write a perfect Spanish, and yet they have yet to even provide me a sampling of their writings, not even for the rather easy to understand English words of my French-Canadian wife whose third language is English, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”.
If you could find me just one person who could translate those words into Spanish, I will not only pay them for their time but I will do so in either in US $s or British pounds which like the Chinese Yaun could soon become the dominant currency given how Great Britain has been treated so poorly by this anything but “special relationship” with the US that predates the Boer War, and to top it off I will give as a bonus to the winning candidate one grain of 24 carat gold just like what you see below
which could be worth anywhere between $5 and $15 depending on the weight I decide and the price of gold which when I last looked was trading at around $1360 a troy ounce which I estimate is undervalued by approximately 99.99%, again based on the current trading of gold; and of course nor should the British people or any of their “commonwealth” countries be in the least bit concerned that Great Britain has so very little gold given how unjustly was GB tarnished in that most important Boer War; and the person the British have to thank the most was Boer Commander Jan Smuts who those of us in the know have always known he won both World War I and its continuation WW II for the British, while leaving the clearest paper trail even when stating in the 10 November, 1947, NEWSWEEK
Not to mention, while I, who was born in 1957, the same year German-South African, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the first combined Chief Executive Officer of De Beers and Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] died, never got to meet Smuts who died 51 years to the day before 9/11, I do know exactly how two of his closest friends, Einstein and the General of Generals David Ben Gurion felt about the first explosion of a most “uncivilized” atomic weapon on a civilian population some 826 days before this most important NEWSWEEK feature story and which as you can see below
provided as clearer a pubic record that I have ever seen of where South Africa’s gold ended up.
Not to mention, Smuts the most logical of logical scientists, could also read what was printed in the newspapers and magazines and when seeing Churchill wearing what looks a lot like an American 10 Gallon hat, not feeling the need to comment, let alone call a press conference and make sure that his speech writer had a telepromtor all readied.
Fast talking Mr. Obama cannot take refuge in prior Presidents because he is the “man of the hour”, the same with the old and new US Congresspeople who cannot change the history books which the victors of war have conspicuously kept absent for 6 decades two most prominent individuals; namely Smuts and American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who has the most inextricably close ties to my immediate family.
Moreover, this same NEWSWEEK publication contains excerpts from what many believe to be Winston Churchill’s greatest speech where this most long and trusted friend of Smuts, pontificated on his great admiration of the United States without however, bringing a single fact to bear.
Not to mention, Churchill was not close to being as dumb as many would like to believe given how first you judge someone not just by how their fat TALKATIVE cells tell themselves as well as everyone else everything about themselves, and yes it is true that Churchill looked increasingly like a potato, but the company they keep, and Churchill never once tried to diminish the role of Smuts who hadn’t forgotten just like Churchill, that it was America and its big gun who won the Boer War and all the wars that have since followed, as just like the American bankers controlled De Beers, the treasonous US Government have always backed all sides to war, but not the Boers who the US expected to be wiped out, let alone for Smuts and his fellow Boer Commanders to win the peace; such a stroke of genius by the British including the British aristocracy who didn’t need to all give speeches but to
simply let their actions talk loudest when not breathing a word when German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who in the late 1940s began journeying to South Africa, so brazenly shipped his South African gold which “stands between Britain and bankruptcy” to Hong Kong that was ostensibly controlled by Great Britain.
To mention little of Engelhard’s family’s mineral fortune can be traced to the end of the Boer War in 1902 when his father of the same name established Engelhard Chemicals and Minerals in New Jersey, the birthplace of Hollywood,
and when Charles Engelhard Sr. died in 1950, his son inherited the title, The Platinum King. [CLICK HERE, CLICK HERE &
To mention in passing such ingeniously programmed body-mind cells has each of us who talk just to talk carrying our own warning label, “Enter at your own risk” which our self-absorbed bodies know only to protect “at all cost”, and our “money me” culture does not even have us curious enough to ask,
How is it possible that an American could get such a title, The Platinum King when 80% of the platinum mined in the world comes from South Africa where American history books show no US “right of claim”?
Even more convoluted is the fact that beginning only in 1960, when Engelhard’s most prominent politician John F. Kennedy was brought to power and the first thing Engelhard did to show how easy it was to cut off his balls was to have President elect John F. Kennedy meet with his co-partner, Harry Oppenheimer, the son of Sir Ernest at the Carlyle Hotel, New York City, and so no surprise that for the first time we start to see bought and paid for commodity traders keeping track of the price of platinum that along with South Africa’s other precious minerals would skyrocket when within 6 months of Engelhard Jr’s death on March 2, 1971, the US went officially off the Gold Standard, and then the US Congress showed how complicit they were in the rape of South Africa by mandating that a 1.9 gram piece of platinum be placed in the catalytic converter of the exhaust system of each new motor vehicle sold, not just in the US, but throughout the western world.
How can one in fact put a price on the cost of a liar, cheat, thief, hypocrite all one and the same, busy keeping track of their lies?; and why only liars need good memories, which “are” (sic) all but impossible, thanks to the short-circuits that take place in the space between the ears, and the deafening silences talking the most volume has these corrupt-idiots forced in order to stay “engaged” with other humans because talking to the trees is not exactly communicating with the trees, talking even more nonsense – CLICK HERE – which does not help them from going more insane, and the silence along with the “blank looks” that increasingly come across their faces when they cannot keep up with the logic, has their mind-bodies disintegrating before their very eyes; and of course they cannot look into the mirror and their increasingly lower self-esteem does not prevent them from contributing to the “whole” which includes all the fields in the vicinity of all things that are living including matter that is simply more stored energy than the human who the more devolved fixate on death; hence the fascination of Americans with the skull and bones of Halloween.
Not to mention as Smuts points out so well in his 1926 Holism and Evolution, the choice is either integration or disintegration.
To mention little of you might find interesting Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s, The Diamond Invention book which is available for free on The Internet; and may I suggest you begin at CH. 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER where if you are not shocked that President Roosevelt did absolutely nothing when Sir Ernest Oppenheimer refused a direct order to keep a 6.5 million [carat] stockpile of industrial diamonds on US soil given how Great Britain was expected to be overrun with every military pundit at the time expecting GB to be defeated in the Battle of Britain, which few if any alive today, apart from me of course, gave much thought to what Smuts who co-founded both the Royal Air Force and the second oldest air force in the world; namely his South African Air Force, had “up his sleeve”, then may I suggest you consider yourselves less than the coldest of cold stone matter which has yet to be discovered on the yet to be seen universe; bearing in mind that not only did De Beers supply Hitler through the Belgium Congo which the US Government supported being handed over to the European Monarch Leopold, but De Beers had no “standing army” other than backed to the hilt by Uncle Sam and the same bankers who met at their Bankers Manifesto Conference on July 4, 1892, within 3 decades of the end of the most bloody internecine American Civil War that wiped out 2% of the American population without anyone having to think much about the native American “redskins” whose total annihilation just had to wait until 1890 for the Wounded Knee massacre, that was also not lost on the “Teachers to the Common Herd” as defined by the Bankers Manifesto.
To mention in passing, as Americans vote yet again in the 118 years following this most important event, that few, if any US Constitutional lawyers including the entire US Supreme Court knew the first thing about and when informed go deafeningly quiet, the thought should pass through your mind about the validity of each and every law passed by the US Congress and all its puppet regimes throughout the world who in their “defense” can look to these same bankers who paid for the redecorating of the White House, [and] having President Teddy Roosevelt send out just one American battleship in early November 1903 to Panama that won America the Panama Canal, which was not lost on Smuts and those of the “same mind” –
Ben Gurion
the same when Uncle Sam learned from that great success of intimidation when sending out on 16 December 1907, The Great White American Fleet which after its 434 day circumnavigation of the globe and intimidating the hell out of every mineral and cheap labor rich country, changed little and nothing about America’s Gunboat Diplomacy Foreign Policy.
Cutting and pasting Ch 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, The Diamond Invention:
The founder of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals, Charles Engelhard, was a well-connected American entrepreneur who had inherited a small metal fabricating company from his father. In the late 1940s, he had journeyed to South Africa to make his fortune. South African mines had a surplus of gold, but government regulations prohibited the exporting of gold bullion from South Africa without permits from the central bank, which were very difficult to obtain. Great Britain, which still controlled the financial affairs of South Africa, wanted to retain as much gold as possible within the sterling bloc. Engelhard found a legal loophole through that regulation: while it was illegal to export gold bars, it was legal to export objets d’art made of gold. Engelhard formed a company called Precious Metals Development that bought gold from the mines and cast it in the form of statues and other religious items. Engelhard exported these religious objets d’art to Hong Kong, where they were melted down and turned back into gold bullion, which could then be sold on the free market. (This ploy, used by Ian Fleming in his novel Goldfinger may had led to the apocryphal story that he based the Goldfinger character on Engelhard)
Not to mention, drawn to Charles W. Engelhard’s funeral at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, two words, New Jersey were none other than Senator Ted Kennedy, former President Lyndon Johnson and Vice President Humphrey, and if you are thinking whether President Nixon attended, think no more, but concentrate on why he despatched a Hungarian Countess to have drinks with Engelhard’s “male heir”, who happened to be my father’s first cousin – CLICK HERE – who in 1970, the year prior to Engelhard’s death, which occurred the month following the world’s mineral richest person “turning” (sic) 54, was named Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa, that controlled not only the world supply of platinum, but was the “control person” of the De Beers-Anglo American Corporation who owned the world’s drilling industry following their victory in the Boer War.
Can you explain to me in simple English, how you define any other crime in relation to the US Regime Change Foreign Policy, which during the Korean and Vietnam War was called more euphemistically, “IN SUPPORT OF OUR SOUTH EAST ASIA POLICY”, and then move on to explaining what is meant by a “just law”?; bearing in mind, the thinking of all the weakest thinkers I know, everything is governed by how much money something costs; not to mention, what can be more socialistic thinking?
Have you also noticed how those who have stolen the most, cannot get enough of getting things for free?
Now imagine if the entire world was reading this communique all at the same time, could you see in the instant a paradigm shift taking place?
Should you have any questions, including how I might best attract the world’s best writers, please let me know; and should I not hear back from you, I will take it that you are following along perfectly and will play your part in sharing the information.
Thank you for listening.
[Word count 2411]
Begin forwarded message:
From: Emma Thorne <Emma.Thorne> Date: October 31, 2010 4:02:18 PM PDT
To: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser>
Subject: Out of Office: “THE MUTINY HAS BEGUN”
My working hours are Monday to Wednesday 9am to 5.15pm and I am now out of the office. Your e-mail will be read upon my return. If your enquiry is of an urgent nature, please contact my jobshare colleague Emma Rayner on 0115 951 5793, emma.rayner or Lindsay Brooke on 0115 951 5751, lindsay.brooke.
Kind regards, Emma