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Sorry Gary, but I do enjoy your Insults, Judgements and Rudeness!!!!.No one talks to me like THAT!!!@@@

From: Gary Gevisser <>

Subject: Sorry Gary, but I do enjoy your Insults … Re: 
Date: March 18, 2019 at 9:29:49 AM PDT
To: Tersia Dodo – Cousin of murdered Mark Minnie <>
Cc: rest; Ursula Bond – Sister of murdered Mark Minnie <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, Oprah <>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Dr. Laura Family” <>, Laura Lekker Dekker – The youngest solo circumnavigator ever <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Israel Mossad <>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>

Tersia, your email to me less than a minute ago which had you only writing your name in the text is the most bizarre email I have ever received. I see that you are losing your mind, and that I can understand.
If ever there was a Freudian slip, you committed it just before, and the natural repercussions are ongoing.
That took place at 8:37am Calif. time as you wrote:
Sorry Gary, but I do enjoy your Insults, Judgements and Rudeness!!!!.No one talks to me like THAT!!!@@@
Then you immediately blocked me and unfriended me at the same time. [Are you aware of the club you have just joined?]
When you wake up, which may be never, but others in the future might, I want you to go back to the beginning of our dialogue which dates back to March 10 and just read. [I will place it in due course up on the 2facetruth.comBLOG, the same with my dialogue with Ursula.]
You are obviously online reading your emails and although you can go back or scroll down, and read what you wrote to me at 8:08 AM, just an hour ago, let me repeat your writings:
Yes, I understand your correspondence to Jayed, who had just this minute called me, and we both concluded that there are simply too many people covering for too many others and the only TRUTH is  dead and buried.
Congratulations on the completion of your book 
Again, as you scroll down you will see our entire dialogue today on FB.
There are some serious questions you probably failed to cover in your phone conversation with Jayed and which you still might want to do before I follow up with her.
First, I must respond to your “Sorry Gary, but I do enjoy your insults…” Below is my response to your Poverty of Thought [POT] debauchery display: 
Can you put aside that good part of your brain which does enjoy my mind, and to explain to me that Angel question/answer that I can’t understand and nor can one other person I know; and so far more 500 individuals/groups have seen what you have on your wall and they too are all at a loss for words.
Since what we have have in common is interest in murdered Minnie; don’t you think it is strange that Jayed is so lax in getting Naidoo to contact you once she knew the condition of Minnie’s head?
Did you talk to her about the lack of follow up by Naidoo or did that escape your conversation?
What you think is going on in Jayed’s head?
How would you now follow up with her?
Maybe you begin with the writings that so grabbed you which you felt the need to share with the world:
[Word count 472]
Facebook messaging with Tersia Dodo today, March 18, 2019
3:29 AM [Calif. time]
Tersia Dodo
Hi Gary – you are clearly unaware that us mere mortals are sitting on stage 4 Load shedding!!! No Power, No Power !!! I  coping with two unbelievable huge Music Week Show (my bread & butter).
Of Course I worry about you, and Mark’s case.  BUT, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE A LIFE!!!!!!
Tersia Dodo
Many people’s livelihoods depend on my effectiveness & efficiency  and these LONG POWEROUTS ARE CAUSING ME MAYHEM
7:18 AM
Have you communicated with Ursula?
Tersia Dodo
Not at all & you???
7:39 AM
Nothing since she blocked me.
She has her demons to deal with.
In the meantime Jayed has written to me. I will email you now those communications.
7:42 AM
Tersia Dodo
What????? Why would she Block YOU???
7:45 AM
I emailed you and others my Ursula’s entire dialogue. Im not going to repeat it again.
Check your emails.
As you know I too am a busy person who had another life before you all showed up. So let me ask you again; does the name Jonathan Beare mean anything to you?
My dialogue with Jayed should be showing up in your in box any moment.
7:46 AM
Tersia Dodo
Jayed told me that Priscilla Naidoo was going to contact me as she handled the investigation – but nothing yet!!!!
No, Never heard of Jonathan Beare.
Did you understand my writings to Jayed?
If you think for a moment the media can be trusted more than Klatzow and the killers, it would be a big mistake.
If you think that Ursula couldn’t be bought off for money, it would be a big mistake.
Being bought off is also just pulling back slightly on the reins when  it is obvious the time is to gallop at full speed.
My analysis of the human condition is well explained in my very short writings to Jayed and it is also perfectly displayed in South Africa where those raised during the Apartheid Regime and are still with us have huge memory problems which is not helped by the fact that there was no opposition media to the Apartheid Regime just like there was no political opposition; and the few outspoken who were genuinely opposed were totally naive and if they looked like they were getting close to stumbling on the truth, they were quickly liquidated.
I don’t expect the human herd which is not very nice to change one iota. They are all the same rotten cowards and for that to be the case there has to be a miracle on hand 24/7
I hoped to finish my book yesterday, I just did.

8:08 AM
Tersia Dodo
Yes, I understand your correspondence to Jayed, who had just this minute called me, and we both concluded that there are simply too many people covering for too many others and the only TRUTH is  dead and buried.
Congratulations on the completion of your book
8:20 AM
Wrong. In fact you are dead wrong. You obviously didn’t digest my writings on the conditioning of South Africans born and raised in Apartheid South Africa and you can’t expect their offsprings to be better only much worse.
Just like I thought that piece you put up on your wall yesterday and which I wrote, I thought a great commentary, what you wrote above, “the only TRUTH is  dead and buried” is also total garbage.
There is a price the human soul which sparks the mind pays when it writes trash which first has to be thought.
I have done a marketing survey of your “We Are Never To Old To Learn” and unbelievable, total, mind-boggling garbage that followed, and I had to do it even though I was certain it made no sense, just to see if one person could make head or tail of that nonsense.
Of course no one could.
More important however than the fact that the crap is being spread all over the Internet and Im sure you are not the only person finding the time to promote stupidity of the highest order, is the reaction of those who do quickly conclude, “It makes no sense other than we recognize that those are English words”.
Do you know what their reaction is?
I will tell you.
Their brains are damaged by that nonsense.
When the brain is damaged it is irreversibly killed.
They move on that much more a zombie.
Future humans if there are going to be any, and that clearly is only something that HER [Higher Energy Reaction] will decide, when looking back at the lowest point of human devolution may very well conclude that your Hallmark card greeting was rock bottom.
Has Jayed seen the photo of Mark’s face?
When did you read my email broadcast, “Word count 1002 – Hard to escape from”?
8:26 AM
Tersia Dodo
Yes, I sent Jayed that Picture
8:32 AM
Try and answer my questions now.
I have a bunch of “windows” open on my computer screen and I could easily be outside soaking up all important early morning rays on this beautiful sunshine day, but then I wouldnt be playing the game right.
To have a wife like I have takes a miracle. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have anything less; total fucking disaster is all that I can imagine.
One of those windows is to a sole practicioner lawyer who used to represent a 46 year old South African who came to the US 12 years ago and got himself entangled with Jonathan Beare who is not God but to be sure you can Google him.
When Mr. Horwitz Esq. reads my very short brief to him, his mind is going to fuck him up.
I could also be using the time to try free my mother Zena but you can see from the going on 1100 lame independent views of the Lady Speech that you can’t expect anything out of the human other than miracles.
8:37 AM
Tersia Dodo
Sorry Gary, but I do enjoy your Insults, Judgements and Rudeness!!!!.No one talks to me like THAT!!!@@@
[Then Dodo blocked]
On Mar 18, 2019, at 8:53 AM, Tersia Dodo <> wrote:

Tersia M. Dodo
