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You have to have a soul

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: You have to have a soul – Re: Opposite of Nonsense-Re: Looking back …
Date: May 16, 2022 at 3:28:48 PM PDT
To: Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd <> – immediate past prinicipal economist for the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development – Nuclear Energy Agency
Cc: rest;, Diane Sare <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, Dion Nissenbaum – WSJ <>, Rory Jones – WSJ <>, kingdelmar <>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, Megan Ellison – Film producer and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar, Kenneth Standard.” <>, Stephen Lipworth <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River, Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks, who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East, have no shops in Israel.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in management friendly; i. e. shareholder hostile takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <>, Solly Krok <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Alyson Kosik – Imposter Chief economist at NYSE <>, “Amy Taylor Director-Producer: MILKED – White Lies In Dairy Land” <>, Jeff Gibbs – Planet of the Humans <>, “Elad Davidovitch – former Israeli army reservists and movie maker who lacks information.” <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. ותומר טנא” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Uri Rosenberg <>, NANCY SPIELBERG <>, Sofiaan Fraval – Intimate of Elon Musk and fb friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Conrad Anker c/o Pamela Hainsworth <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Zuzanna. Kobrzynski” <>, Tal Kopan – Journalist San Francisco Chronicle <>, Rachel Swan – Journalist San Francisco Chronicle <>, Gerard Ryle – Director ICIJ – International Consortium of Investigative Journalists <>, South China Morning Post <>, “Rob Rose – Editor of the South African Financial Mail + author of The grand scam: How Barry Tannenbaum conned South Africa’s business elite” <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, Jean Figadère <>, charles ivie <>, Charlie Robinson – author of The Octopus of Global Control <>, shaun attwood <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD Teirstein” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, malcolm ness <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” <>, “Joe Could I stop you? Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.” <>, “Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation.” <>, Ernest Rady <>, Eric Metaxas – Socrates in the City <>, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Andrew Corser <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author Guns GEMS & Steel (sic).” <>, “Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY Columbia University” <>, Professor Leonard Susskind <>, Professor Oliver Lazar <>, Professor Ray Monk – fb friend <>, Professor Arendsen – Leiden University – Extraordinary Professor of Societal and Historical Context of Tax Law <>, Peter van Leeuwen – elder bother of Foreign Affairs & Defence Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko of Durban Movement.” <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <>, “David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, “Dave Osh – No longer FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM <>, “Zanny Minton Beddoes – Editor-in-chief Economist c/o Holly Donahue Director, Global Communications” <>, Economic Department Israeli Consulate <>, Alexander Janke – Economist Germany <>, “Lorie Lichtlen (Burson Cohn & Wolfe) – Economist France” <>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gevisser close cousin Gary Levinsohn co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan.” <>, Gsoros <>, “Kevin Hall – Pulitzer Prize Winner, Panama Papers” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Waterstrategist. com Waterstrategist. com” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, Robert Reich <>

People running circles

It’s a mad mad world
You thought you could talk my ear off with algorithm nonsense talk and/or you thought you could get Musk to pay attention to you through me.
Either way you failed because you have no content that people are interested in.
Gr, you come to me because I tell it the way it is.
You really should sign up for classes at Getting to know your friends. Make it easier on yourself.
The design of the double slit experiment is to have man focus on his next destiny.
Without all the bling bling man would have discovered this sooner, don’t you think?
Still it is better late than never, this cruel, jealous, illogical specie, trying to grab the money that is as rigged as every election, finally waking up to we are being watched 24/7.
I know this and my thinking is not hampered by being the first to recognize the absurdity of the GDP economic index which makes not only the study of economics a total farce but its absurdity makes the accumulation of material wealth equally farcical, and that would of course include the inheritance laws designed to keep the heirs on a short string.
Does your adopted daughter know this?

You have to have a soul to colonize the universe.

Remember – of course you do,  but I write for a bigger audience than you and Geniv – you telling Marie that man brings humanity and civilization to the world and Marie’s response, “Show me humanity” has you remaining quiet.
The war in Ukraine demonstrates there is no humanity.
The bright side – and which you picked up – is the paradigm shift that began with the double slit experiment going back more than 2 centuries that we are being watched by a Creator, no other possible explanation, and technology obscured our sensibilities-sensitivity, not lost however on Einstein, took a quantum leap at 1:11 am Calif time on 14 May with Elon Musk’s very bright father Errol Musk’s praise, which is missing in all your verbiage.
And you really should stop wrapping yourself in Einstein’s coattails, which should have you getting on track.
Don’t  be stupid to play algorithm dialect unless you are figuring out the manipulation of man in the rigged markets and that is not your forte, and an algorithm isn’t needed, you just have to observe.
Moreover the shaking of the membership of Getting to know your friends following Errol Musk’s 8 word precision bombing, you can feel already deep within you even if you haven’t already being diagnosed with a full blown neurological disorder.
Of course Elon Musk gets it and your response will confirm it that much more.
Do you think he should complete the purchase of Twitter or do you think he has already proven his point?
How long do you think your employer, SA Oppenheimers’ Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) is going to take before they too fall on the sword?
Do you think it is time for Home Depot to stop with their announcing how much they appreciate the sacrifice of those serving?
If not, why don’t you encourage them to spell out the PTSD, loss of limbs and death?
Are you listening to music less and less while noticing more shortness of breath and counting the number of meals you will be enjoying?
Are you living today like you are going to die even if reincarnation is simply too disturbing.
Remember next time to hit reply all.
In summary:
Another one.

It seems you have lost it; too much radiation; get out of the sun.

Take Geniv’s advice and eat healthy.
There has been marked degradation since writing to me on 25 June 2013, so articulately that your employer OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development and with more grant monies available, hired you to distract.

How old were you when you realized that all this voting business “your vote counts, you have to vote and exercise your constitutional rights, showing democracy at work”, was all put in place by the mineral monopolist Oppenheimers to deceive?
Do you think it is a coincidence that the Presidents are more likely to be crooks?
When you first heard in Economics I at university that monopolies are the death-nail of the free enterprise system, commonly referred to as “democracy”, didn’t it occur to you how easy it would be for a mineral monopolist to buy people and encourage others to do the same?
For example.
You will have heard of Vegan gurus suddenly going back to being carnivores which they know meat 🥩 causes cancer and blood left on the plates after barbecuing meat also smells like a decomposing animal.
Take a step back.
You have put out a ton of books and YouTube videos. It is just not catching on as quickly as you thought, plus you are getting old.
First come the threats and then they offer you a deal, and nobody will be any the wiser.
Would you take the bribe?

Why when you know it is the right thing, choose the wrong and fail to hit reply all, and then stick to business?

This is not about algorithms.

It is about the double slit experiments which proved conclusively the existence of ESP and more importantly that each of us is being watched.

Why mess with your future destiny when this one didn’t turn out all that great?

At least answer what you think of the intellectual midget Robert Reich?

[Word count 927]

Sent from my iPhone


On May 16, 2022, at 8:21 AM, Geoffrey Rothwell <> wrote:

I can’t believe that the image created for “Interstellar” didn’t have some subliminal influence on the algorithm combining little rays of radio waves to create the so-called pictures of M87 and Sagittarius A (star). In fact, the algorithm fills in a representation of the radio waves where there is no information. I’m sure that Kip Thorne (see influenced the EHT algorithm. 

Perhaps more apropos is Musk’s warp drive

Without it, we will never be able to colonize the universe!

“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours, ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.” from the office of Albert Einstein

On Sunday, May 15, 2022, 01:37:28 PM PDT, Gary Gevisser <> wrote: 


The fighting of the libs, the Democrats Vs the Republicans is bobe majse (Yiddish) for the plebes.

A big event, more traumatic than Sagittarius A Black Hole, quantum leaping, traversing 26,000 light years to gobble up our sun in the same instant, and the 8 minutes it would take for us to feel the coming freeze to death would offer little consolation given the journey to our Solar Star would have obliterated the earth on its path, took place at 1:11 AM Calif. time yesterday, the 74th anniversary of Ben Gurion declaring Jewish Statehood, the pending “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem” being calculated in hours, not days, by the expert economists and military advisors, including the legendary Allied Field Marshal Montgomery, who didn’t think he was being in the least controversial, because he wasn’t, when announcing, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun”, for the obliteration of the Solar System would not be a fitting end to man’s punishment for his lack of consciousness.
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Imagination-Energy, power to change the world stems from people being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
Were you a member of my fb group chat/symposium, Getting to know your friends,

you would perfectly understand the consensus sentiment, “We are going nuts without you.”
Yes, I’m letting them stew following Elon Musk’s father, no fool, brilliant engineer, my Facebook friend, Errol Graham Musk writing 8 words, again at 1:11 AM 14 May 2022.

Moreover, you have to ask the very good question; do Errol Musk’s children, who are also no fools, not bothered, intellectually and physically like most, for they did not bow to the SA Oppenheimers and their shills’ Apartheid Regime, want to be left behind?

Don’t lose your focus on first; I wouldn’t ask such an important question without knowing the answer, and nor am I anxious by the passage of time; second, the membership of, Getting to know your friends, include Elon’s sister Tosca who demonstrated independent thinking when selling the family home in South Africa before heading to Canada which they all knew was going to be struggle and nothing close to guaranteeing they would succeed, without first confirming with her mother Maye; not even if Maye Musk had an alternative solution, as well as Elon’s first wife, Justine Musk, mother of his first half a dozen children who last placed up on her fb wall a poem, Grace which you can also access on my fb wall; note right below in the comment section  and a photo of one of kind teacher, beautiful beyond words, our little boy,
addressing the logical worshipping of dogs who you don’t need to be smart to know are the best teachers, but then you have to have your thinking cap on straight.
-> eMANandDoG <- (QM)
We are all being watched, that is obvious.

Below is my response earlier today to your confederate wolf in sheep clothing economist, former Clinton “Little official” Robert Reich:

Poorly schooled in history and economics is no excuse.
Nor should your diminutive size have prevented you from resolving your low self-esteem.
Great example 4’ 11’’, Ben Gurion who 74 years ago today began the day not knowing for certain if Israel, less than a day old, would survive by sunset, but nor did he wait for the fireworks to begin to counter mineral monopolist, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer escaping prosecution at Nuremberg.
Thank God for the @elonmusk family surviving the Apartheid Regime, principally propped by libs.
Amazing coincidence, Reich and Ben Gurion both 4 feet 11 inches, and which I only found out this very minute, although I knew Reich was short in stature and intellect.
Only makes sense that they would be the exact opposite in intellect.
Remember, when there is no price mechanism in place and you think denial changes the truth because you have committed mental suicide and your memory is the first thing to go, not only does the truth remain, but the only item of material value is “content”; and I have that.
All the podcasters, all the media have nothing to say.
Talk shows will also be a thing of the past.
Sports will remain but increasingly less violent.
You just got to help me get all the con-artists into one tent – content.
Sent from my iPhone


On May 12, 2022, at 4:58 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:

Okay, I get it …





Sent from my iPhone


On May 16, 2022, at 8:21 AM, Geoffrey Rothwell <> wrote:

I can’t believe that the image created for “Interstellar” didn’t have some subliminal influence on the algorithm combining little rays of radio waves to create the so-called pictures of M87 and Sagittarius A (star). In fact, the algorithm fills in a representation of the radio waves where there is no information. I’m sure that Kip Thorne (see influenced the EHT algorithm.

Perhaps more apropos is Musk’s warp drive

Without it, we will never be able to colonize the universe!

“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours, ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.” from the office of Albert Einstein

On Sunday, May 15, 2022, 01:37:28 PM PDT, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:


The fighting of the libs, the Democrats Vs the Republicans is bobe majse (Yiddish) for the plebes.
A big event, more traumatic than Sagittarius A Black Hole, quantum leaping, traversing 26,000 light years to gobble up our sun in the same instant, and the 8 minutes it would take for us to feel the coming freeze to death would offer little consolation given the journey to our Solar Star would have obliterated the earth on its path, took place at 1:11 AM Calif. time yesterday, the 74th anniversary of Ben Gurion declaring Jewish Statehood, the pending “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem” being calculated in hours, not days, by the expert economists and military advisors, including the legendary Allied Field Marshal Montgomery, who didn’t think he was being in the least controversial, because he wasn’t, when announcing, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun”, for the obliteration of the Solar System would not be a fitting end to man’s punishment for his lack of consciousness.
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Imagination-Energy, power to change the world stems from people being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
Were you a member of my fb group chat/symposium, Getting to know your friends,
you would perfectly understand the consensus sentiment, “We are going nuts without you.”
Yes, I’m letting them stew following Elon Musk’s father, no fool, brilliant engineer, my Facebook friend, Errol Graham Musk writing 8 words, again at 1:11 AM 14 May 2022.

Moreover, you have to ask the very good question; do Errol Musk’s children, who are also no fools, not bothered, intellectually and physically like most, for they did not bow to the SA Oppenheimers and their shills’ Apartheid Regime, want to be left behind?

Don’t lose your focus on first; I wouldn’t ask such an important question without knowing the answer, and nor am I anxious by the passage of time; second, the membership of, Getting to know your friends, include Elon’s sister Tosca who demonstrated independent thinking when selling the family home in South Africa before heading to Canada which they all knew was going to be struggle and nothing close to guaranteeing they would succeed, without first confirming with her mother Maye; not even if Maye Musk had an alternative solution, as well as Elon’s first wife, Justine Musk, mother of his first half a dozen children who last placed up on her fb wall a poem, Grace which you can also access on my fb wall; note right below in the comment section  and a photo of one of kind teacher, beautiful beyond words, our little boy,
addressing the logical worshipping of dogs who you don’t need to be smart to know are the best teachers, but then you have to have your thinking cap on straight.
-> eMANandDoG <- (QM)
We are all being watched, that is obvious.

Below is my response earlier today to your confederate wolf in sheep clothing economist, former Clinton “Little official” Robert Reich:

Poorly schooled in history and economics is no excuse.
Nor should your diminutive size have prevented you from resolving your low self-esteem.
Great example 4’ 11’’, Ben Gurion who 74 years ago today began the day not knowing for certain if Israel, less than a day old, would survive by sunset, but nor did he wait for the fireworks to begin to counter mineral monopolist, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer escaping prosecution at Nuremberg.
Thank God for the @elonmusk family surviving the Apartheid Regime, principally propped by libs.
Amazing coincidence, Reich and Ben Gurion both 4 feet 11 inches, and which I only found out this very minute, although I knew Reich was short in stature and intellect.
Only makes sense that they would be the exact opposite in intellect.
Remember, when there is no price mechanism in place and you think denial changes the truth because you have committed mental suicide and your memory is the first thing to go, not only does the truth remain, but the only item of material value is “content”; and I have that.
All the podcasters, all the media have nothing to say.
Talk shows will also be a thing of the past.
Sports will remain but increasingly less violent.
You just got to help me get all the con-artists into one tent – content.
Sent from my iPhone


On May 12, 2022, at 4:58 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:

Okay, I get it
