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South Africans, please let’s move

Screenshot – February 10, 2019; 12:20PM France Time.
South Africans, please let’s move away from this mindset that COPE needs to grow before you can give us your vote. We need your vote so that we can grow now, not later.

We all seem to forget how small DA was when it had 6 seats in Parliament in 1996. Today it has 89 seats in Parliament.

COPE has 3 seats in Parliament today and we hope with your vote, we will get 20 seats by looking at the recent growth of our membership.

We have sound and sober policies and by giving us your vote, you will make us the King maker in any coalition government with parties like DA, ACDP, FF+ and other parties. With more votes, we will form a stronger opposition coalition with parties like DA giving us greater power in negotiating a better position for us in government giving you a stronger voice and representation in government.

Don’t wait for us to grow because without your vote, we cannot grow.

Denise Pitt Peterson Cope needs to be more visible .
Charmaine Storm Denise Pitt Peterson i totally agree. I have never seen any Cope posters etc here by us. Yet the DA…Anc and Ff are busy
Heidi Pretorius I’ve been spreading the word and many people will be now vote for COPE.
Mlungisi Bleki Its true my leader Cope is depend to the people of South African pls people of uMzantsi vote for Cope.

Gary Gevisser Bradley Goodson would you know, or would you prefer that I explain why the leader of the Democratic Alliance Party, my lifelong friend, attorney Tony Leon shared with me back in 1995, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa”?

Harry Oppenheimer was not only the cash, real estate and mineral richest person in the world but he was the principal financial backer of the D A party.

Feel free to bring Tony into this conversation as I will bring in others.

Arthur van Vuuren Amongst others…..

Gary Gevisser Arthur van Vuuren are you saying that Tony Leon is “amongst others” and/or there were others pulling Harry Oppenheimer’s strings?

BTW, Tony Leon nor Harry Oppenheimer were unclear about Harry Oppenheimer’s one of a kind gun-money-power.

Linda Slabbert Dubek Classens Cope is a visionary party.
Arthur van Vuuren The responsibility to grow a party, and therefor opposition, lies with the voters. It is a blatant lie that a vote for smaller parties is wasted. votes for smaller parties, grow them into bigger parties and effective opposition. Your vote for COPE, is a vote for integrity, good governance and prosperity for all….a viable and attainable future for all of us!! Vote COPE… be brave!
Gary Gevisser Bradley Goodson, I appreciate your positive response.

Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!
Those 9 odd profound words belong to my over the top intellect, totally logical, most beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion who didn’t get to meet Tony back in 1995 when she visited Cape Town as the two of us only had 10 days together and Tony was now fully immersed in holding on for dear life given how people like Thabo Mbeki, puppet Mandela’s successor, so arrogantly, although most accurately referred to Tony Leon as “irrelevant”, and so of course was Mbeki.

Only an unconscious human wouldn’t perfectly understand the duplicity of the German-South African Oppenheimer family who I worked for at their highest level on US soil some 16 years before, after a year long orientation that was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer given my immediate family’s close business ties to the Oppenheimer’s De beers-Anglo American Corporation (DAAC) and more importantly their German-American partner, Charles W. Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) whose chief executive officer as well as “male heir” was my father Bernie’s first cousin, David Gevisser (1926-2009), the father of journalist Mark Gevisser who wrote Mbeki’s nonsense biography without hypocrite Mark Gevisser revealing his father’s closeness to racist, anti-Semite Engelhard Jr.

Let’s also encourage Mark Gevisser who is very active on Fb as well as Twitter to join this conversation.


Arthur van Vuuren We know that we know that we know…… It would be great to have more people enlightened, although I believe, that certain knowledge are reserved for those that will make good use of it…
Gary Gevisser Arthur van Vuuren, is english your first language? Did you complete high school?
Lily Bashe Garry????

Gary Gevisser Subject: The more you know, the more you realize how little you know – Part 1

Lily Bashe you are questioning me?

When someone writes “We know that we know” and repeats, that is stupid.

It is common practice these days for everyone to call the next person or group of humans “stupid”, and most would agree if they give it serious thought that if you place crap in your fuel tank you will get crap performance, and most likely the fuel/gas powered vehicle won’t run, at least not for very long, and what distance it covers is most likely all the result of fumes remaining from the previous fill up with the right combustable material.

In the same vein of thinking, most people would agree that you are what you ate but those addicted to meat and dairy products don’t like to transfer the thinking from what drives an automobile to what drives their body-mind.

Feel free to let me know if you fall into that category.

These same people also recognize that the head which contains the brain is connected through skin, the largest body organ, to the rest of the body, and these things called veins criss-cross everywhere and it is a little more complex than building say a child’s electric train set where all the components come in a box and if trouble with the assembling, there is usually an instruction booklet.

Nor would you expect every human to have come up ahead of my very beautiful as well as mindful, great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion the precision bombing thinking, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”.

It is what you don’t know that should be discussed.

A smart, humble person quickly realizes the more you know the more you realize how little you know.

This truism of life keeps them humble as well as in pursuit of learning more.

Anyone who writes in English on Facebook must know how to read and write and that includes you.

You would have seen how weak was Arthur van Vuuren’s “Amongst others…..” back on Feb 5, 11:08am, France time.

While he ignored my response yesterday at 11:29, “are you saying … kind gun-money-power” it would not have gone unnoticed by people such as my FB friend, former Pentagon-RAND Corporation official, Professor of Economics, Chicago University, Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who didn’t stop communicating with me following the board meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group which we both attended on February 8, 2002 which was 372 days after the first of my four articles was published in Israel’s most widely read international newspaper, the Jerusalem Post and the first sentence, numbering just 32 words spelling out the corruption of terrorist financier Marc Rich and all those participating in his pardon 12 days earlier.

Not to mention, what stopped you from being all over van Vuuren with his distraction, other than you felt the need to talk nonsense in order to compensate for the head trauma from knowing so little about South African military-economics?

President Clinton was not immediately charged with treason and his successor President George W. Bush didn’t pursue that logical, moral course of action because President GWB was far more intellectually honest than President Clinton or GWB’s successor Barack Obama, as President GWB clearly not happy about 9/11 which I had predicted far more accurately than anyone on the globe other than those who had engineered it all and kick-started by the pardon of Marc Rich which was granted along with rather minor and insignificant criminals including at least one drug dealer and all coming on Clinton’s last day in office, January 20, 2001, also understood the job better than his predecessor or for that matter Obama.

The only question that remains is when Obama received his orders on how he was expected to behave going forward.

It is very possible that when Obama decided to become the primary sponsor of the heinous Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act which he placed his John Hancock to in December 2005, just 9 odd months before his first visit to mineral rich South Africa in August 2006 which allowed DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] officials to more closely observe his weak intestinal fortitude, he was told the “Rules of the Game”; namely keep the fighting going.

Moreover, given the close proximity of mineral rich South Africa to mineral rich Congo, even if you didn’t smell the decaying blood, word had to have reached all of you speaking to the refugees flooding in from neighboring territories that the Congo R S & Democracy Promotion Act immediately began the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children under the age of 12.

Naturally, you would understand that with all those murdered there is more calm today in the Congo as well as the surrounding territories.

On such important matters it is critical to explore all possibilities including Obama only learning about the real job of any political leader of a military superpower once the US Congress passed the genocidal Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act in December 2006 by which time the “dye had been cast” on the future President of the United States of America as well as that 6 million genocide.

Since I was not privy to the work of the DAAC at the time, and that ended soon after I began working for them officially in early spring 1979 after my year long grueling introduction which didn’t require me having to undergo basic training in their brutal and cowardly Apartheid Regime’s military, but the series of mental gymnastics began with me being required to ask all the right questions, the possibility exists that only when Barack Obama became President Elect in early November 2008 and would have received his first official briefing by the CIA that he was made aware of the “Rules of the Game”; and so all you should consider Barack Obama as is someone without neither backbone nor character, the two going hand in hand.

Before one can call anyone a bullshitter you have to have the facts in hand.

The decision by President Putin to delay 759 days the release of the photo of himself meeting with the head of the DAAC, Nicholas Oppenheimer

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Part 2 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know 

on September 5, 2006 in Cape Town, South Africa and you should not have any difficulty in figuring out that October 3, 2008 predated the November 2008 presidential elections in the United States, was a monumental one.
The fact that none of you commenting on this board or for that matter any member of the mainstream as well as non-mainstream media which Dr. Rod Smith Phd has also started to recently applaud are addressing the meeting of President Putin with Uranium King Nick Oppenheimer does not mean you can be trusted with being anything other than stupid which is different to being corrupt even if we can all agree that none of us who can chew gum and speak at the same time are born stupid and we only become stupid once we choose the path of corruption.

Of course Dr. Smith Phd who remains one of my now 800+ FB friends knows anyone who talks politics without mentioning Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, my commentaries and the meeting of Putin and Oppenheimer is either totally out of their league or an actor like Obama, Trump etc etc.

So let’s come back to my 32 words opening sentence in the first article that would have immediately got the attention of all the DAAC’s top politicians as well as intelligence services such as Israel’s Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] and folks like the CIA and National Security Council with whom I have more familiarity than most since my former very close friend and colleague, Roger W. Robinson who celebrated yesterday his 68th birthday and I remember like it was yesterday he celebrated his 40th back on February 6, 1991, joined the NSC in March 1982, the same year future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster published Epstein’s The Diamond Invention while using a different title:

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.


Part 3 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know While you all soak up this information and knowing that my extraordinary and inspirational British-English mother Zena

is paying the ultimate price for her undivided support of my actions to expose the world’s principal warmongers who also were the greatest profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust during WW2, you should consider a rather small number of things.

First, being stupid doesn’t prevent a stupid person from being very ugly and nasty; and this also applies to women as we know that the female Nazi SS guards who relied on female Jewish Kapo-sellouts to keep order in the death factories such as Auschwitz, were even more bloodthirsty than their male counterparts.

Second, a person with an ugly body and face cannot be trusted to be more kind and gentle than someone who takes pride in their looks.

With those two thoughts in mind, it is important to examine the physical characteristics of JP Morgan who had the ugliest of noses and it wasn’t like he got injured on the battlefield. In fact many felt that his deformed nose which may have come about following capturing a disease, was something that didn’t bother JP Morgan as much as it helped him overcome any inhibitions that he may have felt about being so ruthless towards the poor.

Right at this very moment, 10:51 am France time, we have yet to achieve critical mass which will then end those getting the information about how the money has been manipulated since the turn of the last century doing everything within their power to join the ranks of the largest and most successful warmongers; namely the Octopus, Oppenheimer-Brenthurst Foundation-INVESTEC-De beers-Anglo American Corporation.

Even someone like Rodney Smith and Keisha Whitaker who is most likely mostly focused on what her lawyers are telling her about how to get the largest possible financial settlement out of her Hollywood blockbuster future ex-husband, Forest Whitaker or for that matter any of you with an ounce of courage and common sense, again the two going hand in hand, could decide to upset the applecart without a thought given to being in any way, shape or form violent.

If however you are hooked on TV which most are from being a little kid, if you have any financial wealth to speak of, then you are prone to not only being violent but willing to pull out all stops to drive fear into your children and grandchildren, all the while not caring at all about how best to get your brain to respond positively which is impossible if you feed your brain crap.


Part 4 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know 

Part of the reason that I remember “Our Man Roger” aka Roger W. Robinson’s [February 6, 1951 – ] 40th birthday celebrations is because he and I, along with his lifetime “bosom buddy”, King Golden Jr., my umpteen year very close friend and American attorney, celebrated an entire evening together in Los Angeles when Roger flew out to celebrate the joint birthday celebrations with “The Being There” President Ronald W. Reagan who was not only born on the same day as “Our Man Roger” but both shared the identical initials, RWR, which heavy into astrology Nancy Reagan couldn’t get enough of.
We first started out in my very modest 2 bedroom apartment in Santa Monica which “Our Man Roger” had never seen before and even after King Golden who I had known since 1981 when he was in-house General Counsel for America’s largest employee owned weapons developer, Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC], made mention after seeing Roger’s strange looks that I owned not only my apartment but the entire 6 unit residential building which was built to commercial code standards by the former owner who was an engineer having built the complex a decade before with construction completed right when the City of Santa Monica introduced rent control and Ivo Stoka decided after renting out just one unit to keep the remaining 5 vacant and so those 5 units while 10 years old had never been lived in and the carpets barely walked on and of course all the appliances, the stoves and refrigerators were practically brand new, it was like “water over a duck’s back”.

While “Our Man Roger” didn’t expect me to own the house right next door to President Reagan and Nancy in the Pacific Palisades, he knew that I could afford far “better digs”, not because I “talked a big game” but in all our discussions including business dealings I provided him with common sense thinking that he had previously never encountered even from his mentor David Rockefeller who “Our Man Roger” worked for immediately prior to joining America’s most secretive and influential NSC and it wasn’t long before Roger W. Robinson had the ear of President Reagan.

Now if I am boring any of you, I can immediately switch to the chicken story which is the main purpose of this response as well as to attract an even bigger audience in an effort to help bring about a more peaceful resolution of our problems rather than all the warmongering which is not good for the environment and nor does it bring more kindness to the animals that we not only kill so cruelly as their entire lifetime is torture, but we can’t get enough of eating their rotting carcasses which we know does worse than kill us, since we all do eventually die, but in the process of inflicting pain on our internal organs who retaliate with ugly fat protrusions we become that much more violent, more self-centered, quick to anger, quick to fight and a pain to be around; to mention little of those not having a healthy sex life resent greatly those who do, and why it is mostly old fat farts quick to send our youth to war; or at least the financially poor youth to kill their counterparts.

Part 5 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know 

However, by the time we arrived at very fashionable Spargos in West Hollywood, “Our Man Roger” was totally relaxed and that was not because King Golden Jr. offered him Durban Poison, South Africa’s internationally renowned pot, instead the brand that “Our Man Roger” smoked was homegrown by one of King’s Del Mar friends who serviced the neighborhood.
I am not suggesting for a moment that this pot supplier serviced all the bored to death housewives of other rich lawyers, medical doctors and the such, only that you would expect one of the richest if not the richest community in the United States to demand top quality pot.

To be perfectly clear there was no apartheid system going on preventing the making of money throughout California.


Part 6 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Seeing that there are no questions from the “peanut gallery” lets move on to the chicken story.

When a chicken loses its head, it can still run around for some time, although I personally haven’t seen it.

The head and the part of the neck not attached to the torso that remains attached to the two legs lays still on the ground because the head and part of the neck attacked to the head is not attached to the legs and remains still.

If you eat chickens even occasionally and you figure it is no substitute for healthy vegetables, legumes and grains, and that the order of things is common sense from start to finish with no exceptions in anything else we see in nature other than the human that is fast moving in the direction of extinction which wouldn’t be harmful to the rest of nature including the other animals other than us humans if we are not around wouldn’t be able to observe what a mess we have made of things ever since we climbed down out of the trees, then why would you expect to be blessed with the most perfect, brilliantly toned, long legs.

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Part 7 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Nor would you expect to be blessed with a one of a kind beautiful face.
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Part 8 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Instead, you might expect to pecked on.
You wouldn’t attract the most handsome stud but a spouse who pecks, pecks, pecks; and there are many husbands like that as well.

In fact most humans when they lose their physical attractiveness act like hens.

I choose hens because rooster doesnt rhyme quite as well with pecking and that may be my conditioning in associating mostly hens doing the pecking.


Part 9 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Still nothing from Arthur van Vuuren explaining his “Amongst others…” or Lily Bashe, not even telling me that she only wishes that she had first bashed herself over the head before deciding on her stupid interrogation.

If it turns out that in the future we will have more attractive women with perfect, straight long legs if we no longer bred chickens, lambs, ducks and calfs for human consumption and that would mean less medical doctors because the human would stop dying from diseases like cancer which medical doctors can’t cure but their pills and radiation treatment like chemo only create other problems which brings in the money which is not a cure for the disease as only healthy food, again vegetables, legumes, and grains that don’t contain pesticides can cure or at least stop the progression of the cancers, maybe it is something we should consider trying, if only that we breed healthier and more attractive women for the men to choose from?

Of course the men will be that much more attractive as well because who in their right mind wants to make love to a fat old man who is also most likely to have bad breath thanks to his poor meat-milk-liquified meat eating habits?

The studies show that attractive men and women are attracted to each other and the less attractive are left for at best “second best”.

As the entire human population has got more unhealthy because in Dr. John McDougall MD’s words, “The fact you eat is the fat you wear”, we are seeing a progression of ugliness.

The decision by Arthur van Vuuren to ignore my question after his ignoramus response is a strong indicator.

I am not saying that Arthur van Vuuren is “rarely” [sic] a hen disguised as a human or that it is certain he will return eventually as nothing more than a human baby factory because I have a most optimistic view of the future for us humans with significantly less of us, and for future more enlightened humans once waking up that there is no opposition in politics just like there is no competition in either the private or pubic sector whose main business like the private sector is waging war on the poor without discriminatory practices other than it so happens that people of color dominate the mineral rich regions of the world, then not only we will all share everything, but everyone will work together to bring about the best technologies that are not harmful to the environment.

We already have that with TESLA, and now it is just a matter of getting our fellow South African Elon Musk to do his job.


Part 10 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Just because a chicken has short legs, relatively to a grown human being, it does not mean that chickens or for that matter any of our household pets like our dogs, have a short attention span.

We have yet to see a study of the long term radiation effects from us humans constantly on our handheld devices which I learned last evening from French TV has 1 in two French people waking up in the middle of the night to check their phones.

Don’t expect such a study overnight or for that matter anytime in the future.

When you consider how silent each of you are, including all those I have “tagged” who are my FB friends, you have to wonder what is really going on in the space between your ears.

I provide the logic, the history of the DAAC who instituted back in the early 1990s a ban prohibiting us American citizens and American residents from investing in their Lloyd’s of London, a business that fixes the price of insurance worldwide and which I understood perfectly long before becoming the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of IMS Inc. the largest privately held publishing company specializing in the insurance industry, a job I held for 5 years which is the longest employment I ever had with one organization, and that is because by the time I finished my year long introduction into the DAAC, I understood every facet of their business including owning all the opposition political parties.

So your only question should be where is all the world’s religious leadership including the yogies?


Part 11 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.

Should you have any doubt about a chicken with its head cut off still able to run around then you should consider where we get the expression, “He-She looks like a chicken with their head cut off”?

Those of you quiet have not embarked to Mars and now practicing the yet to be announced new Martian language, at least not all of you, in part because Musk has yet to announce a first launch date, and nor is it likely that you are going to practice much this new language as you might kill each other on the flight over arguing about things like property rights and whose view is going to be blocked by the person most able to afford bribing the new Emperor.

The fact that us humans could be so easily fooled into accepting politicians as leaders who failed to act as bravely on the battlefield as Napoleon is unmistakably one of the wonders of the world, far greater in its significance than all the other wonders such as the Wall of China.

It is just a matter of time before one of you pipes in with a nonsense commentary just because the feeling of your stupid silence is too much to bear; but still it will not have you all that tightly bound.

In fact as time passes and you ignore all these important truths which is not lost on the Octopus DAAC or their bought politicians, economists, lawyers, medical doctors and the such, you will be thinking that much more of how impossible are the odds that so many could be fooled for so long and yet all you talkers can’t fashion a single argument to refute my findings, while hoping for the worst to happen.

It is impossible to calculate the mathematics-statistics, the chances of such inexplicable behavior given how self-preservation is built into our DNA from the start of the race against 300 million sperm and only one victorious in penetrating the egg, and if thinking slip-stream is the way to win, you would also need to factor in the relatively short distance of travel, and so we can all agree it is one of the fastest and murderous fights we are every going to encounter.

So why after such fantastic success, a victory like none other, you would decide to choose to be amongst a bunch of cowardly losers?


Part 12 – The more you know, the more you realize how little you know

There is obviously some type of mental block.

Nor should you look towards losers to help you out.

Again, I have given you all the solutions but you are fearful, mostly of looking stupid to all the other stupids.

The chances from a math-logic perspective is that at least one of you are going to inevitably break the tie and write to Tony Leon who like the rest of you cannot get enough of social media, and have Tony not only explain why after spending a great deal of social time with me back in 1995 when he could have been chasing girls as well as finding more financial donors for the Democratic Alliance party, he felt the need to share his huge guilt, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa.”

I am also very well aware that no matter how much Mr. van Vuuren suffers from POT [Poverty of Thought] he perfectly understood that my verbatim relay of Tony Leon’s words did not include “amongst others”.

In other words van Vuuren was displaying the aftermath of a chicken having just got guillotined.

11 hours ago Ms. Denise Ward published on her FB wall, “Decent women would oppose war unequivocally” and while she hasn’t attracted many followers she does speak for most who wish to portray themselves as peaceful and kind to others.

A hypocrite knows they are hypocrite but so long as they are getting what they want they don’t care about anything else.

A hypocrite cannot however experience the joys of enlightenment and you cannot consider yourselves enlightened if you are unwilling to challenge those who have fooled you.

A hypocrite has to live with their conscience and what makes it much worse is finding yourselves in the same room as the rest of the fools.

Will that stop all of you from talking badly in the future about any politician? Probably not, but it might wake one of you up that this is a very short life which might have a purpose for each of us, and that purpose cannot be to perpetuate ugliness; and there cannot be greater ugliness than war on the poor when you consider that the rich haven’t got their financial wealth by being like Napoleon and winning the respect of his grateful soldiers when leading them into battle as well as commanding them on the frontline when organizing a well-planned retreat.

They have got their wealth and power by simply fooling you with false propaganda and telling you to watch out for the propaganda by having you watch violent Youtube shows without you being made aware of the people behind the shows and where their money wealth comes from.

Where is the beauty in supporting the people who want you to have sick thoughts which come from the food supply having been poisoned?

Where is the beauty in raising the next generation of children to be suckers.

Surely there is one of you, not so ugly?

Lily Bashe That’s what we need, a strong opposition. Otherwise we are in trouble as a country.

Gary Gevisser Bradley Goodson, you along with Lily Bashe and Arthur van Vuuren as well as “old timer” Fb friends of mine are not really quiet; quite the opposite in fact given how deafening silences speak the most volume.

You are all playing voyeur which tv and radio promote.

So what happened?

Do you think the current sample size is statistically not large enough of those just watching including a bunches more of my fb friends which keep growing?

This growth when you look carefully where it is coming from will not be lost on Mark Zuckerberg given my “advanced knowledge” of the Diamond Invention Game DIG which his most trusted advisor Don Graham who sold his inherited The Washington Post to falling apart Bezos, is a significant visible cog, and which you realize quickly when clicking on the hyperlink at the bottom of chapter 18 of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, aptly titled THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY which details the gun-money-power of my immediate family’s strategic partner, German American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) who ousted our former strategic partner, the Rothschilds in 1956 the same year as the Suez Crisis.

Now that previous paragraph should not be too long even for those of you with a lifetime poison meat-milk-liquified meat diet unless your body-mind is fully cancer ridden and you are all but in a comatose state in which case you are already blind and unlikely to be able to hold your handheld.

The purpose of this interruption to your deafening silence which can’t be pleasant given how you are all so used to talking is for everyone to notice the Yellow Shirts protestors in Europe, particularly in France have now turned violently on one another and this gives the media more film footage without the media explaining how the ruling elite led by the German South African Oppenheimer family and their enterprises including their Brenthurst Foundation charity now with 4 star General Richard Myers, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff now in their ranks, first tested out in mineral rich South Africa during the Apartheid Regime the reaction of the common herd white South African to backing both their Apartheid Regime and all the political opposition parties and people showing they were as dead emotionally as a dead rat.

Playing stupid voyeur was not the case during the Dark Ages when action counted for everything, either proving yourself in producing food on the irrigated farmlands or artisanship in producing beautiful works of arts for the royalty and nobility who could afford the luxuries including slaves by first and continuously proving themselves on the battlefields and this merit driven surviving well past the renaissance period and perfectly understood by Napoleon until he started getting fat in the belly, and more than a quarter century after Napoleon’s death bounty hunters in the United States got rich from government handouts when scalping and decapitating Native American Indians all the way through the American Civil War, 25 cents for a scalp and $5 for a severed head, at the same time US Admiral Perry received a $25,000 bonus from the US Congress when getting the unarmed and defenseless Japanese merchant fleet to surrender all of Japan without anyone in power giving much thought to updating the US Declaration of Independence some 84 years before where native Americans were simply designated very near the start, “All men are created equal…” as “savages”.

So who wants to talk about how their Sunday is going so far?
