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Steven Bailey ~ fatally flawed

Avi Valdés-Müñoz

shared a memory — with

Steven Bailey


19 others


3 Years Ago

Jenny Chung

is feeling excited with

Steven Bailey


19 others


New paradigm!! Whose in?
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Dean G Sigurdson and 1 other


  • Steven Bailey

    , do you agree that you need intellect to have morals?

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    • Solly Krok

      , Solly, I would like for you to pay attention to Bailey and Stoney R. Harmon with whom I share 77 Fb friends.

      Solly as you know there are not many multibillionaires such as yourself who are on Facebook looking to raise money for charity to help the poor.
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    • Gary Gevisser

      I would agree.

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    • Rodney Smith

      , Rod being more than a university schooled economist, I would also like for you who like

      Solly Krok

      has worked closely with me to pay attention to what caused Stoney R. Harmon to hit the censorship button but I have a backup.

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    • Tomer Tene

      , Tomer as a Lt Colonel in the brutally strong Israel Air Force who are following the military-peace plan I suggested in October 2000, October 18th to be precise which was my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser’s 77th birthday, and it was my father’s wingman in SAAF Squadron 11, Captain Syd Cohen, the only other Jewish F B Pilot of Squadron 11, who went on to lead Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1949) plus you are also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer, I would also like you to see the circus playing of those waking up to how they been conned and can’t wait to support the bully.

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    • Steven Bailey

      are you happy that I made a backup before Stoney R. Harmon removed the disturbing truths?

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    • Janice Lipman
      Brad Awerbuch
      Steven Kofsky
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    • Cinda Eatock
      Harold Schenk
      Harold Joffe
      Alan Yudelman
      Alan Kantor
      David Weil
      Micha-el Frame
      Austin Michael Faure
      Michael B Bradamore
      Martine Alter
      Lynne Karen Bentel
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    • Steven Bailey

      , I note that you didn’t answer my question from yesterday at 12:12 PM California time, “Are you happy …?”

      In the communications on Stoney R. Harmon’s wall yesterday before he played censor, not wanting the world to see the very revealing discourse amongst us, you made mention of your strong “dislike” of the GDP economic index.
      In your conversations with the head honcho of The Venus Project, Roxanne Meadows who I never asked you to call to set up a phone-call between her and me because that is NOT what I wanted and which you perfectly understood, did you mention your misgivings about the GDP?
      I’m a little older than you and I also attended university, graduated and tutored first year business-economics students and I made it my business to pay the most careful attention to what was spoken by both students and staff lecturers concerning the GDP.
      Not once did I hear a single negative word about the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) index.
      In the course of the past 42 years, I have not stopped listening.
      I have also asked hundreds of economists and students of economics still studying at university if there has been any changes.
      The answer is of course there hasn’t been otherwise the entire economic system would unravel in the next instant.
      But I have a very limited view unlike say a President or President elect or a Roxanne Meadows who with one broadcasted speech, even a Tweet could reach billions in a matter of minutes.
      Would you say that if everyone is keeping the information to themselves when not otherwise attempting to dilute the systemic flaws of the GDP, could that be strong evidence that there is a huge problem with the GDP?
      Do you consider the flaws fatal?
      Did you learn about these fatal flaws from me or someone else; and if so can you name that individual or was it a movie like Zeitgeist?
      In your own words can you describe exactly why it is that you have a problem with the GDP?
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    • A. No I am not happy about Stoney’s decision to delete anything and Yes I’m glad you keep backups.
      B. No I did not mention GDP as being the problem, instead pointing her at TDI book.
      C. “strong (edit) evidence”. I don’t think many people realize the flaws in it.
      D. “…flaws fatal?” Fatal to who? The “owners”?
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    • D. (cont.) No. They designed it to serve them. Fatal to the rest of society? As well as our habitat?
      Yes !!
      E. Zeitgeist shows light on the Monetary System but makes little mention of GDP being the cause.
      E. Yes, I learned of these fatal flaws from you. I have learned a great deal from you.
      F. “The Problem…”
      1. It does not consider the quality of EVERY single life on the planet, not just people, but to the microbial level. It Only counts the money.
      2. GDP cares even less about the destruction of the environment or the animals that stand in the way of Profits to (edit) forever increase GDP.
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    • Steven Bailey

      , so you agree the flaws are fatal to a democratic society.

      In your own words can you describe why the GDP is fatal to society as well as the planet?
      Why do you think it is missing from the literature of The Venus Project and Zeitgeist?
      Have you found it in the literature of the Pope, Green Peace, Doctors Without Borders, Sea Shepherd, Amnesty International, Snowden, Assange, Bob Dylan’s poetry?
      If not how long do you give them before determining they have been corrupted?
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    • Gary Gevisser
      Because a dead whale is worth $1million but a Live whale is worth $0. Same goes for a forest or a mountain holding gold or lithium.
      The only politician I’ve Ever seen question GDP is Andrew Yang.
      How long…? I don’t know that answer.
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    • Steven Bailey

      , I have never explained the fatal flaws of the GDP in such a way that it makes no sense, and yet you say you learned about the flaws from me.

      I think you don’t want to explain it clearly because you like to confuse.
      Why would you want to give The Venus Project-Roxanne Meadows a way out when not writing to her as you had said you would?
      I will ask it again, why if you think it is a fatal flaw for human society and the environment we share with other creatures and plant-tree life, would Roxanne Meadows-TVP keep the fatal flaws of the GDP that govern life here on earth out of their literature?
      Do you ever get the sense that you are a sneaky person?
      Do you remember why you referred to yourself in writing as “lame”?
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    • Steven Bailey

      , let’s speed up this important conversation which impacts multibillionaires as it does homeless people sleeping on cement sidewalks and those in refugee camps dying out when not being converted into terrorists.

      Explain how the GDP translates into “a dead whale worth $1 million but a Live whale is worth $0”?
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    • Gary Gevisser
      “Like to confuse.” No.
      From what I gather, GDP is a trick by the self proclaimed “owners” of the resources to distract from the rape of nature happening under the peoples noses.
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    • Steven Bailey

      why can’t you write in simple English how the GDP achieves the designation, “fatally flawed for human society as well as the planet”?

      How can you agree it is “fatally flawed” but you can’t explain in what way that is?
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    • Steven Bailey

      , your first point just earlier, that you don’t “like to confuse”.

      Weren’t you being confusing when leading me to believe that you were going to send Roxanne Meadows-TVP an email that you had crafted, instead you decided to call Meadows and knowing that would neutralize the goal the email would create; namely, a digital thread which would prove fatal to TVP once the masses woke up?
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    • Steven Bailey

      , as you know I have yet to post up here the backup of our conversations on Stoney R Harmon’s wall which he recognized had proved embarrassing and that one step closer to the masses being freed.

      That will come, if like everything it is meant to be.
      Steven Bailey, you know how easy it would have been for you to email Meadows the very short, simple but truth provoking words which you came up with and you shared with me:
      Have you heard of or read The Diamond Invention book?
      Steven Bailey, you know that Meadows had 3 choices; 1) ignore, 2) respond yes or 3) respond no
      It is hard to say how many innocent including the planet suffering now would have had their suffering end or diminished, but we do know that beginning to put each and every corrupt organization on the spot, and see what they are made of.
      So yes, Steven Bailey you are not the only person who carries guilt.
      The silent are your friend as much as you are their friend and you all hate each other because you all perfectly understand the loser game you are playing.
      TVP is a huge global organization and you would expect the people who have stolen the world’s resources to give TVP a free pass.
      As you know the business of corrupt government is to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root.
      Steven Bailey, you and everyone who purposely do a poor job in explaining both the GDP and The Diamond Invention book, know that the German-South African Oppenheimer who have been corrupting grass roots organizations going back to the turn of the last century don’t hide their identity in The Diamond Invention book.
      We are closing the loop.
      Steven Bailey, you also haven’t forgotten that it was not only Meadows who you decided to give a break but you also didn’t send an email to Nick Oppenheimer which you had also crafted:
      How do you explain GDP not being the scam of all scams after reading TDI book?
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    • Steven Bailey, you need to calm your mind down by going back to writing to both individuals even though you know you might trigger an unstoppable avalanche that does no harm to the environment because it could stop all the wars in their track, and with everyone listening they wouldn’t be fighting with each other and playing right into the hands of the warmongers.
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  • Des Lindberg
    Dennis Mulligan
    Martine Alter
    Dean G Sigurdson

    – Venus Project

    Louise Venter
    Jenny Arenstein – Friedman


    Jenny Feinstein
    Barry van der Westhuizen

    – Director at Blue Max

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  • Ann Nurock

    Partner Gray advertising

    Kimberly Miller
    Larry Shain

    – rabbi

    Rav Moshe Silberhaft
    Rephael Mendel Perkel
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