Stop nonsense No Fly Zone
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: Stop nonsense No Fly Zone
Date: March 8, 2022 at 4:31:22 PM PST
Cc: rest; Academy of Ideas <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, Devin Standard <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Alumni of RAND Corporation” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, Professor Ray Monk – fb friend <>, Professor Oliver Lazar <>, Garry Kasporov <>,, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Gary Elliot <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, “Gary Malino – immediate past President & Chief Operating Officer Realty Income – NY Stock Exchange symbol O – Malino who is no longer a FB friend worked with GG back in 1980-1.” <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in management friendly; i. e. shareholder hostile takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, “Stephen Cohen – Codiam Inc.” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – former CEO of Jonathan Beare, and Director of Oppenheimers’ Uranium One Corporation used by President Putin to purchase 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves during the Obama-Biden Administration.” <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>
Subject: Stop nonsense No Fly Zone
Date: March 8, 2022 at 4:31:22 PM PST
Cc: rest; Academy of Ideas <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, Devin Standard <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Alumni of RAND Corporation” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, Professor Ray Monk – fb friend <>, Professor Oliver Lazar <>, Garry Kasporov <>,, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Gary Elliot <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, “Gary Malino – immediate past President & Chief Operating Officer Realty Income – NY Stock Exchange symbol O – Malino who is no longer a FB friend worked with GG back in 1980-1.” <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in management friendly; i. e. shareholder hostile takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, “Stephen Cohen – Codiam Inc.” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – former CEO of Jonathan Beare, and Director of Oppenheimers’ Uranium One Corporation used by President Putin to purchase 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves during the Obama-Biden Administration.” <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>
Janet, do you have any thoughts on my response to your writings on fb friend, Robert Sprenger’s wall which I took a screenshot earlier?
Again my writings, “Robert Sprenger, do you see General Smuts’ use of overwhelming military force as racist against the striking white mine workers, or do you have a different opinion?”
In my follow up to Mr. Sprenger, who I haven’t communicated with previously, I included the following:
What do you do?Do you have any formal schooling after high school?How old are you?You show you are following my writings as do 99.999% of my fb friends, and that would include Elon Musk’s father Errol.A great many others who are not my fb friends, including immediate family members, also follow, but they too are silent, because they know I speak the truth.You would need to know as much as Harry Oppenheimer to know as much as me and Oppenheimer has been dead going on 22 years during which time I have continued learning about the human condition.I will be 65 in 11 days.Harry’s son Nicholas doesn’t have quite the knowledge that his father imparted to me during my year long orientation into “war machine” SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben-SA Reserve Bank which began soon after I immigrated to the United States on 17 March 1978, one week shy of my 21st birthday…Im also writing to others at the same time communicating with you.
He has yet to respond.
Janet, at this very moment, 3:51 PM Calif. time, you might not see as clearly as me the timing of the crushing blows being delivered to the Ukrainians by puppet Putin, and Joe Biden about to sign an Executive Order on regulating cryptocurrency – CLICK HERE – while hundreds of trillions of cryptos have already been laundered from offshore and spread globally, raising prices and creating panic-fear, making a complete farce of the entire world’s economic system and us being a caring creation.
We are simply numerous and loud.
It is not possible to put the genie back in the bottle.
That doesn’t stop committees from being formed who will rubber stamp all the untraceable Cryptocurrency transactions, and the banks, starting with the Central Banks who are behind nonsense Cryptos, will go back to business as usual creating the next global crisis, all the while the earth dies a slow death from all the construction to house the growing populations of automatons.
This is more than an advanced alien specie creating a simulation.
Our imaginations are easily able to see that this is far more ingenious, [for] which it is not possible to create a video game.
It is all too real.
It is of course not lost on Putin that President Biden has the closest money ties to former Ukrainian puppet, murderous thug, Yanukovych, who Putin might reinstall should his military might prevail.
Memory is very important to consciousness-conscience.
There is a reason why you haven’t come across a human suffering from dementia exhibiting a conscience.
A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
It is also unforgivable to murder the mind of a good person who gets in the way of your gross misdeeds – CLICK HERE.
We shouldn’t kid ourselves that we are a caring people when refusing to look at who is the Kingpin behind those calling the shots.
who made not only a killing with the former bloodthirsty Yanukovych regime – Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom CLICK HERE – but had his father, Vice President Biden use the military and economic might of the United States to get Yanukovych to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor who was tightening the noose around Hunter Biden’s neck.
Three points to consider bringing up when giving your lecture tour:
First, the SA Oppenheimers’ South African Reserve Bank was formed in 1921 the year before the Rand Rebellion.
Second, General Smuts, the best friend us Jewish people have had since King Cyrus of Persia, lost the 1924 election to the National Party who embraced Hitler but through shrewd maneuvering as well as luck on his side, Smuts edged them out when Hitler invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, but only to emerge victorious right after World War II which decimated half of European Jewry, in the 26 May 1948 South African General Election; and for the next 46 uninterrupted years the National Party-Apartheid Regime removed all of the SA Oppenheimers’ future opposition including the yet to be defeated Jews of South Africa; and their deafening silence since speaks volumes of the wealth they accumulated and spread globally.
Us Jewish people know better than anyone else:
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Three, brave Zelenskyy, more than being Jewish, which he doesn’t attempt to hide, shows clearly he is independent thinking, criticizing as forcefully as he can Biden, NATO and pitiful Israel Prime Minister Bennett all refusing to institute the no-fly-zone.
Why do you think there is silence over the airwaves about Bennett-Mossad-Kidon assassination unit, having a once in a lifetime opportunity to decapitate Putin this past Shabbat?
There is always the threat of nuclear with Putin, and the world is plunged into chaos anyway, which of course suits all those who profit from one war after the next and in the interim to sell security enhancements, and counter security enhancements, ad-infinitum.
You couldn’t predict such ugliness of the highest order.
Surely Elon Musk knows that it is ridiculous to have a mission to save humanity by making us an interplanetary travel species which defy all physics.
But nor does he want to lose his mind, so he feels the need to keep busy.
That may change.
If anyone can be moved with logic, it is Elon Musk.
Slow, protracted snuffing out of Zelensky and his youthful fighters of all ages will keep all future generations in line.
Even this Maria Baronovad – CLICK HERE – doesn’t see Putin going nuclear; quite the opposite in fact.
Putin knows like Nicholas Oppenheimer
where all the skeletons of the politician actors and their Hollywood counterparts are buried. The embrace of Cyrptos says everything.
How simple a question for the western media to ask Putin his opinion of Nicholas Oppenheimer and why he waited 759 odd days before releasing the photo of himself and Oppenheimer taken in mineral rich South Africa, 5 September 2006, less than 4 months before Putin met with bad actor Yanukovych.
13 years, 5 months and 5 days have elapsed since Putin had the Kremlin release the photo of photos on 3 October 2008, one month before Senator Barack Obama became President elect, and not a whimper anywhere.
It was obviously very important for Putin to wait all that time before releasing it; and having no fear that anyone in the media would question.
Yes, I will spell it out.
Putin obviously knew that such an important meeting with Uranium King Oppenheimer whose father and grandfather Sir Ernest Oppenheimer should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg for orchestrating World War II and the death of 6 million innocent and defenseless Jewish people, would get everyone’s attention given how the Oppenheimers have always shied away from meeting publicly with heads of state, let alone a pariah such as Putin with the most horrific past, [moreover] have Oppenheimer singing Putin’s praises about the strong ties between the German-South African Oppenheimers stretching back decades.
Second, they would all freeze once viewing the photo.
We can understand President Obama most quiet all this time including when handing over in October 2010 to President Putin 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves.
But the rest of you?
Bear in mind, it all begs the question of why would Putin invade the Ukraine when he has the goods on everyone, unless he was drugged or fed bad intelligence?
That is only for Putin to figure out.
The bigger question is how can you live with yourself having no soul?
How can you bring defenseless children into such a cruel world whose green space is all but depleted and the people manipulating your thoughts crying out on highway electronic billboards, “Clip your seatbelt, save lives and a fine … Wear your mask, save your family a visit to your funeral” [sic]?
They predicated that GAS [Gomorra & Sodom], whoever wrote the original story; Quantum Mechanics.
Never bet, however, against totally unpredictable GoDNAture.
It has always been about the money, and the “little officials” protecting their future nest-eggs.
No competition means stop nonsense.
[Word count 1491]