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Nothing more to learn in the study of economics

Backup: 4:04 PM Calif. time Tuesday 22 November 22

Steven Bailey

8:22 AM 22.11.22



World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe





Gary Gevisser
It sounds to me that you are giving everyone notice that you feel the effects of your brain dying.8:44 AMGary Gevisser
If I was in your shoes Steven Bailey I would do everything in my power to live forever; the prospects of the life hereafter too horrific to contemplate.

8:46 AM


Errol Graham Musk
Kimberly Baldwin
Shaun Tomson 1977 World Surfing Champion + fellow student of economics at the University of Natal – Kwazulu, South Africa.

8:47 AM

Gary Gevisser
Steven Bailey, not everyone in the world would know, at least not yet, that for good reason you describe yourself as “lame” which you felt wouldn’t bother your brain as much as telling it the way it is “spineless”.

The fact that spineless people find comfort in others who are spineless is best explained “Misery loves company”.

8:55 AM

Gary Gevisser
Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk don’t voice publicly that people are only on social media to feel good about themselves because they are mostly, if not exclusively, surrounded by trash and their unhealthy bodies not exactly helping overcome their low self esteem.

A person with low self esteem can barely get up in the morning let alone be in search of truth.

Rather they prefer to get the dirt on others while protesting that the dirt bags they are protecting are not all bad.

9 AM

Gary Gevisser
The bad human ego which does help keep us alive as it forces us still to eat and drink even if we are killing ourselves with poison intake, is as genius as General Relativity that has the answer to everything including the discovery of mathematics which hasn’t prevented mankind, the oxymoron of all time from destroying its habit; all because the weak human wants to be liked by the people they can’t stop wanting to get the goods on.

9:06 AM Edited

Laetitia Musiker
Micha-el Frame
Brad Awerbuch
Sean O’Gorman
Angel Noise
Sofiaan Fraval close intimate of Elon Musk

9:18 AM

Harold Joffe
Len Brenner
Lynne Karen Bentel
Tracy Tomson younger sister of Shaun Tomson

9:20 AM

Steve Wesner
Alan Yudelman
Mikhail Bakunin
Walt Zink
Karen Krok ex daughter in law of my former long time client, South African multibillionaire industrialist-philanthropist Solly Krok also sticking on social media because he doesn’t want to rely on anyone else to tell him what I have to say.

9:26 AM

Christina Moritsch-Krall
Captain Paul Watson
Paul Blackbeard
James Stillwell
James Panacea

Please share:


1) facebook messaging between Dan Kelly and Gary Gevisser

2) Not to fool with



9:52 AM

Romain Vegans Baye
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Awakening


Rip Esselstyn participant in Knives Over Forks + son of cardiologist surgeon Dr Caldwell Esselstyn MD who has proven that most all heart disease can not only be prevented but reversed by a healthy vegan No SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) diet.

So when you look at people who are vegan and they carry the same fat, ugly weight as savage carnivores you can safely assume they do not adhere to the No SOS.

Fat incubates the cancers which doesn’t prevent the stupid gene from infiltrating the brain.

People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid ~ MDG

You are also the company you keep.

Stay away from stupid people who are notorious time stealers and energy vampires.

Genius Revolution at work…/status/1595131225660063745…

Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes (VEGAN/LOW FAT/OIL FREE)
Leah Green
Anthony Barker
Serenity Poirier
Thomas Chiang

11:47 AM

Romain Vegans Baye
Gary GevisserGary Gevisser thank you too much 1f970.png 1f970.png

My dear vegan friend 1f970.png1f331.png1f331.png1f331.png

12:41 PM

Romain Vegans Baye
Gary GevisserGary Gevisser so true 270d.png

12:42 PM


Gary Gevisser
Imagine yourself right now, and the time is 11:48 AM Calif. time, being very bright, athletic Shaun Tomson who has some 19K followers on facebook.

11:49 AM

Gary Gevisser
Let’s say Shaun, now in his 67th year was like most on social member unhappy in his love relationship and looking for a youngish girl of 25 like Angel Noise who moments ago blocked me on fb messaging as well as unfriended me, which doesn’t change our fb mutual friend count of 15


Adele Dauncey
60 mutual friends

Andy Enotera
26 mutual friends

April Kauffman
103 mutual friends

Bhavyata Bhoonderowa
38 mutual friends

Bon Vegans
48 mutual friends

Brendan Keyes
56 mutual friends

Dexio TheVegan
128 mutual friends

Hesham Hashish
67 mutual friends

Hulya V Johnson
78 mutual friends

Ileana Dell
12 mutual friends

Rachel Benn
70 mutual friends

Rolf Helbig
15 mutual friends

Sarah Elizabeth Koraly
27 mutual friends

Serenity Poirier
19 mutual friends

Thomas Chiang
93 mutual friends


you would expect Shaun to try and learn as much as possible about Angel the moment he set eyes on her.

11:57 AM

Gary Gevisser
Where would you expect Shaun to find out everything about Angel were she to propose a date and also makes it clear that they wouldn’t be going dutch; meaning that she would pick up the tab but not the tip, should it be greater than twice the cost of the meal?

The answer of course is right here.

11:59 AM

Gary Gevisser
Notice that Angel Noise has not untagged herself, but the same cannot be said of Sean O’Gorman.

Let’s look quickly at my dialogue with Sean O’ Gorman who also blocked me on fb messaging and unfriended me:


Mon 11:11 AM
You [Gary Gevisser] sent

Hello, are you fb friends with Dan Kelly?

Mon 1:09 PM
Sean O’Gorman

Hello, yes. Why ?

1:10 PM
You sent

He began censoring me when things weren’t going his way.

Below is a backup of his wall as well as his and my messaging on fb messaging:

1) facebook messaging between Dan Kelly and Gary Gevisser

2) Not to fool with

Between Monday 1:10 PM and now, the time is 12:04 PM Tuesday, we can safely assume that Sean O’Gorman didn’t take a SpaceX shuttle to the far side of Mars and along the way dropped off a handful of Starlink satellites which if the government wanted wouldn’t cost the US Government or any government a penny or for that matter the taxpayer citizens of each country.

12:07 PM

Gary Gevisser
If you notice there are no economists, including the best schooled economists such as my fb friend Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who can argue the facts, starting with the absolute reality that the most rigged market in the world is the minerals market that directly impacts all currency trading, all public corporations whose shares are trading on the world’s stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and the even more important Johannesburg Stock Exchange, which in turn fully impact the rest of society including all those yet to be discovered ancient tribes in the ever fast depleting rain forests because our human toxicity spreads through the air where there are no border check posts.

Moreover, it has been this inescapable quagmire, hazardous situation, mind-boggling delusional, dissonance of dissonance since the turn of the last century following the completion of the Great White Fleet circumnavigation of the earth on 22 February 1909, having begun 434 days prior, 16 December 1907.

While it may not dawn on any of you that at the time of the departure of the Great White Fleet made up of 16 battleships whose hulls were painted stark white, making a striking impression when coming off the horizon even if you are sitting quietly all alone on the beach of German Southwest Africa, now called Namibia, minding your own business and thinking how great life is, the sun on your dark skin illuminating your mind of the peaceful surroundings, abundance of fruit like the ingenious pomegranate, so exotic and you think a little deeper that it has similarity with corn, and how everything connects up, there was the mass extermination of the Herero and Nama tribes of German South West Africa.

12:27 PM

Gary Gevisser

In fact, the Herero and Namaqua genocide had begun 3 years before, in 1904, the same year the victors of the 8 Allied Nation Invasion of China (1900)to quell the Boxer Rebellion seeking democracy for the hardworking peasants sent several thousand captured peasants as indentured laborers to work the South African gold mines, a total of 64,000 by 1910 which is more than all the innocent victims of 9/11 terrorist attack, and the population of the world back then was under 2 billion and it is now past 8 billion, just in case you had forgotten.

12:32 PM

Gary Gevisser
So of course there couldn’t have been that many members of of the Herero and Namaqua tribe just frolicking on the beaches of German South West Africa.

That was merely to provide you with the necessary imagery for a stifled imagination which is not limited to university graduates because the rest of you also have clearly stunted mental faculties.

12:36 PM

Gary Gevisser
The Great White Fleet never made it to German South West Africa or for that matter South Africa which is a little south as well as east, the tip of the African continent for those who have never looked at a world map.

12:38 PM

3:37 PM

Gary Gevisser
It is now 12:39 PM Calif. time and in other time zones the time is different, some ahead and some behind.

Let’s assume something different for Shaun Tomson and that is he is very happy in his love relationship, not in the least bit lonely, other than wishing he knew more about real estate investing before getting friendly with The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow with whom I share 11 odd mutual facebook friends:


Andy Cohen
Partner at ProRelevant Marketing Solutions

Arlene Nola Kagan
2 mutual friends

Brad Awerbuch
Owner-operator at Atlas Export Agencies

Brian Van Rheede
32 mutual friends

Dan Tollman
4 mutual friends

Debra Shirken Sartori
3 mutual friends

Gregory Cohen
64 mutual friends

Justice Ofosu Adzaku
San Diego State University

Micha-el Frame
7 mutual friends

Rod Margo
222 mutual friends

Yaron Frame
2 mutual friends

12:42 PM

Gary Gevisser
To be clear 1977 World Surfing Champion Shaun Tomson has known realtor Jeffrey Essakow since possibly even before we all attended Carmel College high school in Durban, but that doesn’t mean Essakow, with strong money ties to terrorist financier Marc Rich who I exposed fully in my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following Rich’s treason pardon by outgoing President Bill Clinton from the De Beers-Rhodes Class of ’68, would have known Shaun’s father Ernie Tomson, a world class swimmer, as well as my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser





Gary Gevisser
As I have previously expressed, Ernie Tomson was a tailgunner on a high altitude bomber who every so often came low when they were sitting ducks; meaning all the crew, starting with the tailgunner were very brave airmen, but they were not fighter bomber pilots or anything close.

12:57 PM

Gary Gevisser
Every kid who volunteered for service during World War II wanted to be a fighter pilot, but only 1 in a 100 passed the physical and aptitude tests before stepping foot into a cockpit, and then only 10% of those earned their fighter pilot wings, and only the very top 1% went on to fighter bomber training.

The only thing to compensate for the disappointment of not earning fighter bomber pilot wings was knowing what awaited a fighter bomber pilot on arrival at the target zone.

Jealousy is a human trait that has been around since man began to walk upright because it is there with the apes and chimpanzees whose DNA we most resemble, although of course we can easily see that the dumbest ant is smarter than the smartest human because it is only the human specie that is programmed to defeat itself.

1:04 PM


Gary Gevisser
But jealousy in battle is really not a good thing.

1:05 PM

Gary Gevisser
Those designing the aptitude tests quickly elminated the weak of mind; those who failed to show humility.

1:06 PM

Gary Gevisser
Of course once wearing fighter pilot wings, the best looking women were drawn to those wings as well as what got them on to the jackets.


Gary Gevisser
If you notice my father is not wearing his wings on the day he and my most attractive mother Zena were married, 10 October 1948 when Israel’s first war of survival was far from over, and nor has it ended.

1:09 PM

Gary Gevisser
It only ends when the last of us Jewish people opposing tyranny dies; and nor should we be concerned if I am currently the only Jewish person remaining with spine.

1:10 PM

Gary Gevisser
Bear in mind, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor Jeffrey Essakow, is on a fast track to multibillionaire status following his and his friends and family winning a $3.6 billion government contract to redevelop the shoreline of downtown San Diego and that will make him even more friends amongst real estate agents like Tracy Tomson always wanting to curry favor with those rich and powerful, no different to the rest of toxic society.

1:11 PM

Gary Gevisser
It is now 1:12 PM, and those currently sleeping here on the west coast of the United States or in different time zones can always catch up.

1:12 PM

Gary Gevisser
There is rumour circulating the main stream media that Mark Zuckerberg is thinking of resigning which is something I would seriously contemplate if I was in his shoes, unless like Putin Zuckerberg is seeking an “off-ramp” which will be much easier than Putin whose easiest off-ramp that I can see is suicide because to admit now to his people that he is the same puppet as the rest of the world’s puppet politicians simply wouldn’t fly.

1:16 PM

Gary Gevisser
My father Bernie was well-prepared as any Allied Fighter Pilot to anticipate the welcoming back to South Africa by the jealous, and therefore knowing better than to talk about his escapades, no less so his miraculous 71 dive bombing missions over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, but in keeping quiet it still didn’t prevent his one uncle, Louis Sher, the brother of his mother Katie Sher Gevisser [c.1895 – 8 June 1945] from lunging at my father with a large kitchen knife as soon as the nutcase Louis Sher, the grandfather of my fb friend, billionaire realtor Ira Rapp who doesn’t allow me to tag him, laid eyes on my father who he blamed for his sister contracting cancer of the stomach from worrying to death about my dad; and of course, both my grandmother Katie and grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890 – 24 February 1970] the co-founder of the multinational trading congolmerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910 – 1970] knew that it was going to take a miracle for my father to survive.

1:26 PM


3:54 PM

Gary Gevisser
Nor did my cousin Ira Rapp have to work very hard when inheriting his billionaire real estate status, the same with his father Michael Rapp who I believe is still alive.

There is nothing genius about real estate investing once you get through the economics lecture dealing with the German-South African Oppenheimers’ mining-banking empire.

I would bet that even low IQ people like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor Jeffrey Essakow and Angel Noise with whom I still share the same 15 odd mutual fb friends haven’t forgotten me mentioning “… the even more important Johannesburg Stock Exchange” which had the Oppenheimers’ 2 drilling corporations De Beers and Anglo American Corporation controlling 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the remaining 15% should have alerted the conscious that there was nothing more to learn in the study of economics.

1:36 PM

Gary Gevisser
It is now 1:36 PM, and it was just brought to my attention that my post, “Two faced specie” which I first placed up on Twitter and where it remains…/status/1594747189674262535…

has been removed from my fb wall.

There is no organization, institution which promotes more violence than the SA Oppenheimers and their affiliates.

This is first of all common sense which if you don’t have then it is certainly not an attribute you like about yourself no matter how much money-land wealth you have accumulated either by inheritance and/or by knowing the right people with money.

The fact that I happen to have first-hand experience of the power and reach of the SA Oppenheimer-German South West Africa-IG Farben-Auschwitz dynasty is of course most disturbing to all my destractors which include all those contributing and relishing the grave injustice that is being done to my mother Zena over in Israel,

and that of course would include most all of my fb friends, espeically my Jewish South African fb friends like the miserable Micha-el Frame with whom I share 7 odd mutual fb friends in common:

Arlene Nola Kagan
2 mutual friends

Dan Tollman
4 mutual friends

Gidon Frame
8 mutual friends

Graham Bell
3 mutual friends

Issy Fisher
7 mutual friends

Martine Margoles
52 mutual friends

Nadine Fels Frame
5 mutual friends

Our Carmel College Hebrew high school teacher Issy Fisher is dead, so in fact there are 6 mutual fb friends, and I wouldn’t trust any of them as far as I can throw them.

1:46 PM

Gary Gevisser

It is now 1:47 PM and we have established that neither myself nor Shaun Tomson is a bot as well as he may or may not be in a loving relationship but he certainly is promoting his public motivational speaking.

You are now back in his shoes imagining getting up before a “crow” [sic] of people some 8 billion glued in like the rest of you.

What will most likely go through your mind is, “Will someone bring up, ‘How do you fairly price either the cost of a hooker or prime residential and commercial property in a place like Beverly Hills California when the primary raw war minerals market is price fixed by the world’s number one price fixer SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-News Corp-BASF-Monsanto-Deutsche Bank-Dogecoin; second, what do you think of Gary Gevisser who keeps bringing up your name?’.”

1:52 PM

Gary Gevisser
Back up 4 PM – Nothing more to learn in the study of economics.

4:01 PM
