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The stress could kill him or the lack of sunlight

From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: The stress could kill him or the lack of sunlight -: Suitable launchpad – Take the money and run – The pondering one – For as long as it takes -: Speak to your psychologist and avoid the other Dr telling you that you are too fat. unhealthy to fast – Re: They’re coming in record numbers
Date: September 28, 2024 at 5:02:03 PM PDT
To: “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel <>, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin – Executive Director Chabad <>, South African Solly Krok – Backer of Chabad <>, “” <>, ChaBAD sic Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken <>, “Israel Defense Force [IDF]” <>, “Israel Air Force [IAF]” <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs <>, “Threatening President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>
Cc: Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <>, Economist Professor Peter St Onge – Pusher of Cryptos <>, Peter Thiel <>, South African Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>,” <bnetanyahu@KNESSET.GOV.IL>


Title: The stress could kill him or the lack of sunlight
How secure can he be? He must be feeling his mortality.
“Supreme Leader”, what a name; “I’m so important”.


On Sep 28, 2024, at 4:38 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote: Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin  – Executive Director Chabad, South African Solly Krok  – Backer of Chabad,, ChaBAD sic Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken, “Israel Defense Force [IDF], “Israel Air Force [IAF]”, IAF Lt. Colonel, Tomer Tene, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Threatening President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official
Title: Suitable launchpad
If he dies, it changes a lot of things. Who will replace him?
With Biden sidelined, and Harris not knowing her way around anything other than fast food restaurants, Blinken, who feels his worn out looks, must have a say; unless he knows better than to argue with MIMI’s [Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence] choice.
One can’t expect MIMI, with desperate Iran and its proxies on Israel’s borders, easily within striking range of a nuclear tipped projectile that could be borrowed from its trading partners and still be smuggled into either the Sinai, Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Afghanistan, North Korean, Lebanon and elsewhere with a suitable launchpad, to leave it all in God’s hands. That is simply not Jewish thinking; at least not the thinking of Jewish people who know their modern history.
Bear in mind this Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a religious leader whose decisions are based on his interpretation of the Koran, but that doesn’t mean his second in command hasn’t already been vetted with a visual of what his residence will look like were he to act stupid, making all of MIMI’s recent gains, for nought.
What else is there for Unit 8200 to focus on?
[Word count 204]
On Sep 28, 2024, at 5:55 AM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
Maybe it will dismantle them for a while, and that will intimidate them into taking the money and run.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2024, at 6:02 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:

1. The pondering one
UK at the UN 🇬🇧.png🇺🇳.png
Sep 24, 2:20 PM PST
Russia is trying to return us to a world of the past.
A world of imperialism.
A world of redrawing borders by force.
A world without the @UN Charter.
We cannot allow that to happen.
@DavidLammy in the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.
Gary Gevisser‘s Response:
Sep 25, 5:12 PM
Title: The pondering one
Borders have always been drawn by force.
It has been war forever.
What planet are you living on?
Does it matter that people don’t think, yet everyone will swear up and down they are conscious and worldly, so long as they are literate in one human language and brainwashed people buy their books and tune into their podcasts, more chance of being invited to a celebrity party and have more material for their next book?
Given how the religious have so much more time on their hands because they appear to be in constant communion with God, saying the same repetitive stuff, sticking to one religious book, not having to go anywhere else for answers or questions on how to broaden their horizons, and consequently less preoccupied with making money, simply relying on Wall Street to be charitable, and Big Government the referee, you would expect them to be on the forefront of the material world disconnects; unless they are hypocrites, and therefore if God exists, one would expect the Creator to not only be omnipresent 24/7, no days off for the Sabbath, but to be harsh and burden them with obvious lack of intelligence evidenced by their hypocrisy; which happens to the case.
So, it turns out that they are in fact much more directly involved in Wall Street shenanigans.
With the evidence irrefutable they are hypocrites, and should not be relied on for anything, other than to deceive, that leaves the rest of the world to figure out how best to resolve the calamity of the false borders, fostering desired outcomes of continuous political, economical and social upheaval, along with the unmistakable extinction of wildlife ever since the world went officially off The Gold Standard on August 15, 1971 which bred a new class of middle class people without any blue blood lineage; namely, the billionaires.
Nor is it possible to reverse that calamity because it would mean all the Wall Street billionaires who came into existence over the course of the past 53 years, 1 month and 10 days, would have to return their wealth and those whose political campaigns they have funded, would need to make restitution to all those harmed.
Again, that isn’t going to happen in the remaining lifetime of this solar system.
That leaves each of us to ponder our future.
Why hold on to life when your body is dying and your mind is full of not doing the right thing, other than you fear death?
It is a horrific dilemma that only gets worse with the passage of time.
So we are just left to despair over bad choices that no one, including the clergy want to fix.
The end result is that the wicked have enough sense to realize that their nightmare is today and scared never to wake up!
This past Monday I spoke about “Border lines” and raised the question, “where did you expect the Jews to go after the Holocaust?”.
With all the criticism of the Jewish people who have been at the center of all the oil wars since the formation of the Jewish State Israel on May 14, 1948, why isn’t Netanyahu, and the fake religious who pull his strings as well as their opposition, assuming they are genuine, not made this point to the United Nations Assembly who throughout Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] strictly enforced the arms boycott of the fledgling Jewish State which only came into existence 3 years and 6 days after Nazi Germany officially surrendered; and nor did the boycott really apply to the 5 Arab armies who invaded the following day, and never once complaining about a shortage of weapons and munitions?
Okay, when Mein Kampf was published, Hitler was not the puppet in power, but once he began concentrating Jewish people out of their homes and businesses, no one opened their borders which would have been nice before the Holocaust began; and which again Hitler spoke openly about he was going to do, and why he was very quickly sponsored.
So it is left to me to ask the question, where did you expect the Jews to go after The Holocaust, and would they be safe in Israel with the arms boycott?
What evidence is there that the world hasn’t become more anti-Semitic, and the Jewish people constitute 0.2% of the world population now 8 billion?
Once we answer that question which could be put as a question on Twitter-X-Facebook-CNN-Fox-New Heights with Jason & Travis Kelce, we get to the question of why us Jewish people are not the first to question how it was possible for Germany, who was defeated in World War I, burdened with unimaginably harsh reparations as well as prohibited by the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty which had all the leaders of the victorious Allies signing, from ever again building a threatening army?
Well since that question has never been addressed by either academia or the governments, it stands to reason that the Nazis were most successful after the Final Solution was cut short by the Allied victory, to infiltrate our Jewish institutions, political, secular and religious to the point that we were silenced.
Maybe one of these days we will have an honest debate on a show like Gutfeld and it will go viral; but in the meantime we each get to contemplate what exactly our worst nightmare can be once we take our last breath; and it sure won’t take much for our Creator, who easily pulled off through metamorphosis, turning not just one, but every ugly, sluggish caterpillar into the most beautiful, lightweight, elegant flyer, butterfly who takes our breath away, to make all the selfish grasshoppers, and who show great indifference towards each other.
[Word count 964]

2. For as long as it takes

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський
Sep 22
Scranton, Pennsylvania. I visited a plant that manufactures 155 mm artillery shells. Now, for our warriors who are defending not only our country, not only Ukraine, the plant will be ramping up production.
I began my visit to the United States by expressing my gratitude to all the employees at the plant and by reaching agreements to expand cooperation between Pennsylvania and our Zaporizhzhia.
It is in places like this where you can truly feel that the democratic world can prevail. Thanks to people like these—in Ukraine, in America, and in all partner countries—who work tirelessly to ensure that life is protected.
Gary Gevissers response:
Sep 25, 11:40 AM PST
Title: For as long as it takes
It sure is a positive for Putin to continue his massacre now that you have trashed Trump.
Remember, it was Biden-Harris who denied you an adequate air defense on February 24, 2022, “For as long as it takes”.
You shouldn’t be trusting Kamala. You have no clue what she is doing. She is a real puppet. You see Pinocchio, I see Kamala.
What are you doing saying anything about American politics; keep your ego in check; you have enough enemies.
[Word count 80]
On Sep 25, 2024, at 10:34 AM, gary gevisser <> wrote:

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Begin forwarded message:

From: gary gevisser <>
Date: September 25, 2024 at 9:51:25 AM PDT
Cc: rest; Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken <>, Derrick Beare <>, “Professor Ray Monk – Author of Robert Oppenheimer, A Life Inside the Center fb friend” <>, Geoffrey “Stagnant Wimp” Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Richard Poplak – Award winning journalist-filmmaker & FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Gordon Torr Kill Yourself & Count to 10 Gordon Torr – author <>, Neil Gevisser <>, Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <>, Melvin Gevisser – “Best to Ignore” <>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <>, “Michelle Smith – South African journalist and rape victim in longstanding dispute with Homosexual Mark Gevisser,  the \”favored son\” of German-American \”male heir\” David Gevisser.” <>, “Mark Gevisser – Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser \”male heir\” of American-German monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at Roman Catholic Church, St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey” <>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <>, David Levy <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and \”bosom buddy\” of Roger W. Robinson aka \”Our Man Roger\” who joined the National Security Council in March 1982, same year Simon & Schuster published The Diamond Invention book.” <>, Dr laura – Do the right thing <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland  (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, charles ivie <>, “Rep. Maria Salazar” <>, “Pascal Nahon – Parisian Osteopath who rented my mother’s bachelor apartment in Netanya, Israel before he was forced to vacate because malice driven fraudster guardian Ayala Weisel Esq. put it on the market.” <>, Mark Blumberg – friend of Israel President Iasaac Herzog <>, “Threatening President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>, Devin Standard <>, “Professor of History Richard Overy – Author of Why it’s too late to stop World War 3, published June 22, 2024, 5 AM Calif. time” <>, Kelley Barks – Professor Coleman Barks’ daughter In law screening his calls/messages <>, “Professor, Author Marcia Bartusiak – Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony” <>, Debbie Patton Kingsriter – Granddaughter of General Patton <>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <>, Taylor Swift <>, Travis Kelce <>, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD chait” <>, “Dr. Louann Brizendine MD – author of The Female Brain.” <>, “Dr. Paul \”Bozo the Clown\” Teirstein MD Teirstein” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, Dr Dean Ornish <>, “Psychiatrist Nutritionist Dr. Neal Barnard MD” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Alumni of RAND Corporation” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, “John Francis Clauser, PhD – 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics” <>, Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, Steven Klugman c/o Stan Kessel – Protagonist of AVOIDANCE <>, Kim Foxon – Kwazulu-Natal University Alumni/Ebandla Campaign <>, Kim Foxon – Kwazulu-Natal University Alumni/Ebandla Campaign <>, Edward Lucas – British historian-economist London School of Economics <>, John Malin – British English historian-economist <>, “Gary Malino – partnered with Gary Gevisser installing Wang computer at McMillin. Competent Malino, with encouragement from Gary Gevisser, went on to strike it rich on Wall Street.” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in \”management friendly\”; i.e. \”shareholder hostile\” takeovers – based in Austin, Texas.” <>, “Mathematician Dr. Kevin Duffy Phd – University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa” <>, “Actor Sean Penn c/o Lauren Bentley, Donor Relations Manager, CORE Community Organized Relief Effort” <>,, Professor Oliver Lazar <>, “Twisted Mind-Tordu Michael Awerbuch – Proud Apartheid Regime soldier + salesman for Made In USA Inc. controlled by officials of the Apartheid Regime” <>, “Tony Leon – Former head of the South African Democratic Alliance Party. Tony’s most truthful words, \”Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa\”.” <>, Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel <>
Subject: Speak to your psychologist and avoid the other Dr telling you that you are too fat. unhealthy to fast – Re: They’re coming in record numbers


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On Sep 25, 2024, at 8:54 AM, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin <> wrote:

By the Grace of G‑d

22 Elul, 5784
September 25, 2024

Dear Friend,

Rosh Hashanah (“Head of the New Year”) is just about a week away! (Oct. 2-4)

Very soon, we will hear the heart-stirring blasts of the Shofar on both days of Rosh Hashanah.

The Shofar’s cry…

…proclaims G‑d as King of the world;
…evokes G-d’s giving us the Torah on Mt. Sinai amid the shofar’s blast;
…awakens our slumbering souls from complacency;
…echoes the cries of the prophets, urging us to return to G‑d;
…heralds the “great shofar” sound upon the imminent arrival of Moshiach — to call together the Jewish people scattered across the world.

There is another cry we hear at during this season — a plea from millions seeking timeless inspiration, wisdom, and guidance.

Today, I am asking you for help because they’re turning to us with questions like:

  • The world is so scary. How can I be calm while not forgetting about those who are suffering?
  • How can I better connect with our ancient prayers?
  • Is there anything I can do for the hostages? I feel so helpless.
  • Is Rosh Hashanah only for Jews?
  • Do you have a prayerbook with the special Rosh Hashanah services?
  • My doctor advised me not to fast this Yom Kippur. How can I do the service properly?

As our brothers and sisters in Israel experience tremendous miracles in the face of enemy threats, they, along with people everywhere, are seeking meaning and understanding, comfort, and strength.

Our global community is asking: “What’s an appropriate response to seeing miracles?” “What does it mean to be Jewish today?” and “How can I connect with my people, my Judaism, and with my G-d?”

You can help them. Right now.

Because just as the Shofar lifts up our souls to a new year, we each have the ability to uplift the spirits of so many people worldwide who are searching for connection and belonging.

Please join our High Holidays campaign by giving generously to keep operating at full throttle — with the multi-faceted and multi-lingual staff and technology necessary to be there for all who turn to us, 24 hours a day.

You’ll help people find answers and inspiration. You’ll help them approach the High Holidays joyfully. You may even brighten someone’s whole life!

Please give here:

If you’d like to send a check, please do so here:
Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!

It will only take a minute or two. But the impact you’ll have will be beyond measure.

We cannot do it without you. Our teams cannot keep up with these needs on our own. But together with you, we can.

You can help by giving generously today:

The world needs this critical lifeline. And you can sustain it for them.

The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would often expound on how each of our good deeds, and even our thoughts, has the power to tip the balance and transform the entire world. Especially during this time leading up to Rosh Hashanah.

Your kind, caring act can transform the world!

This year, as the holiness of Rosh Hashanah flows directly into the holiness of Shabbat, we are reminded of the unity and strength that comes from learning and community.

This special conjunction signifies a year filled with peace, unity, and renewed strength. Together, we look inside the Torah and to each other for strength and resolve. People seek this more than ever before.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you. I think you understand the critical importance of Please help amplify G‑d’s all-new blessings for this coming year by contributing now.

May the New Year open new channels of blessing for tranquility and spiritual growth for you and yours. May you be granted a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year for you and all of G‑d’s children. May we all speedily merit a world healed and transformed!

And may our brothers and sisters in the Land of Israel be strong, safe and successful, and may they experience G-d’s immense miracles fully and transformatively!

On behalf of the entire Team,

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director

P.S. Many communities begin reciting the special Selichot prayers for Divine mercy late at night this Saturday night (Sept. 28). Go here to learn a fascinating lesson about these prayers from the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.

P.P.S Even a small amount—shared with a full heart—can affect global transformation! Your gift will help make this an unprecedented year of growth for people everywhere. Donate online here. (Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!)

If you would prefer not to receive any more emails about this High Holiday campaign, please go here to tell us.

Our mailing address is: · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213
